g" ALBANY Jil-XJISTKR. j ; 1 ; 1 ; softly, "wliat is I Addrei r orr. xew to-day. niin, v.,K . column. PiAfcnnf a vc A. r. WHKEI.kR I I "KteV I said the matter." She started violently, and then laughed through iter tears. "I hurt my iinger with a thorn and it made me cry." "Let me extract the thorn," I said, putting my arm around her waist, "And I came back to say that I was tired of "make believe" love, and wanted to play love in earnest ; will vou ?" "Why I suppose I could uly " "Only what Kate?" "Why, about the grand flirta tion !" "We wiil end it in a grand wed ding" 1 said. "i guess that will be a good idea," fcate answered from my shoulder. I said good-by again and went to see Fred. "By the way, Ben," he said, now you are going, . I think I shall pro pose to Kate and settle matters." "f wouldn't, Fred," said 1 ; "for she is going to marry me !'' It was rather abrupt, but Fred got over it, and his uncle really came from India ami gave him a handsome fortune, and he married my pretty sister and is very happy FIHAJK1AI, AXD ('OMMKWIAIi. Gold in New York, still remains at Legal Tenders, $f)98$fc Wheat in Liverpool Averaee, l2s 412$ 2d ; Club, 12s 6d13s 3d. Exchange on Sau Francisco per cent, premium ; on New York, l ' f cent. On the 18th ult., the great grain ren ters of America had the following :i mounts in store: The stock of grain in the Chicago Klevators on Satitnlav was 6, 243. all bit, including 1,413,370 bu wheat ; 3, 122,844 bu com: 4.104,879 bu oats; 246.101 bu rye; and 324.523 bu barley. The supply of grain at the principal (toints of accumulation in the United Suites and Canada, on the 18th inst. vim 20,469,043 bo, embracing 1,757, 210 bu wheat. 9.223.S14 bucorn, 3,667. r27 bu oats 1.811,902 bu barley. The New York city warehouses con tains 969.000 bu wheat : 5.040.000 bu com, 1,1 52.000 bu oats ; 41,000 bu rve ; 506,000 bu barley. Four vessels are expected to arrive at Portland witbin sis weeks for car of wheat. They will take away iwtween 150,000 ami 160,000 bnsliels, and these cargoes will have to be pur i based. Otlier vessels are also report ed on the way to the same port, with wnat trutn we cannot say, but hope t he report may prove true. Tin; amount ot wheat still in the bauds of the producers in the Willam ette Valley, is estimated at 400.000 iHMwft. It is stated that there is sufficient ton age in. and to arrive, at the port of Sau Francisco to carry away all the -urplus wheHt long before the new rrop is harvested. It is asserted that it takes a vessel longer to cross the Columbia river bar, 0 whig to the bad pilotage system there, 1 hau 7t does to make the trip from I lonolulu to the bar. Were it not for this fact, it is believed there would be no difficulty in obtaining sufficient ton age to transport all the surplus grain of the State to market before the new crop is ready for harvest. San Francisco markets are not flat tering. We quote : Flo!ir-485 f bbl. Wheat Jommoii, 1 70 ; fair. 1 85; good milling. $1 '.) i f 100 Bn. Oats Sales of Oregon at $2 20 ; ex treme of the market, 2 2 25 f 1 00 tts. ERST Oregon, 30c jp dozen. Portland dailies quote wheat dull, -hippera ottering hut $1 60 f cental. Albany markets quiet at following rates : W'lieat Buyers ottering 70c f bush el. Outside rates 75c. Oats 40tt45cf bushel. Butter 1525c f lb., as to quality. Eggs-20c?doaen. Fruit Dried apples, 6c; plums, iscflb. Pork Sides, 11c; hams, 12c; shoul ders, 8c f lb. Lard In 10 lb. cans, f 1 25; in kecs, 10c fib. 6 Cmckens-t2 5C3 f dozen. The committee appointed at a meet ing of farmers In Salem on the 25th of January, to prepare an address to the farmers of the State, met on Monday, Feb. 3d, and Mr. T. W. Davenport uot being present, Mr. T. L. Davidson was chosen to All the vacancy. After due deliberation, the committee united In the following ADDRESS. Frlloir Ftirtrtrrit of (heimti : The undersigned were appointed a committee at the Farmers' Meeting in Salem, .Ian. 25th. to address you through the papers of the State, upon the subject ot organization tor the pro tection of our mutual interests and for shipping purposes. We regret our inability to do justice to so great a trust, out ttie past year s experience In respect to our commer cial relations lias satisfied us that the hope of Oregon depends upon the or ganization ot the tillers of the soil. If we want the country prosperous, the waste places redeemed, the solitudes inhabited, our homes improved, our prospects brightened, and our calling dignified, we must do something to stani,eiear ot tbe rings who nave com bined to steal from us our hard and honest earnings. We need not state to you. now, their acts ; most of yon are familiar with tliein. The question is, Will you tamely submit and let the country go to ruin, or will you rise like men and show yourselves equal to the occasion? Single handed we can do nothing ; or ganized, yon can ship your own sur plus and realize all it will bring in a foreign market, except the cost of transportation, insurance, and com mission. This, we can confidently as sure you, will secure to you a better price for your products than you can iwssibly realize without it. Had such an organization been in existence the present year, it would have saved to Oregon a million of dol lars, enough to have purchased ten of the best ships sailing upon the seas, and in five years enough to export all our surplus and import all our foreign commodities. It may seem an ideal thing to unite the farmers of this Slate in a common bond of union, but look abroad over our country and see the unions of mon eyed men' to carry forward gigantic projects, and which in time will cover our whole country as a net work, more despotic in their power than the great est monarch of earth, grinding the farmers to the dust as the veriest slaves. Moneyed men accumulate millions in a few short years, and yet the farmers ot our land grow poorer every day. Their soil is wearing out. their im provements are going down, and out of abundance they are in want. The great law of nature is, "You must help yourselves." Farmers of Oregon, once more we would say, "Or , II. KAV1I0.NI. POST OFFICE STORK. RAYMOND & WHEELER, j OKA I. Kits IN MISCKLLAXKOCS BOOKS, SCHOOL Book Blank Booka and stationery. Choice Havana t'lgnr c Tobacco. The tergesj stock of tine randies and ( onfectioiiaries ever brought to Albany. Western Union Telegraph CCs oftlce. PIANOS. lioods in our line imported to orde shortest possible notice. .at tg" The only place in town where n real good Cigar can be obtained. am CATCALL AM) SKE.JXQ vS OrrtCR e.Mcf e. w. a am bus, n. ., Pnyslelnn, Nunreon ft Aeeoueneur, ALBAKY, OREtKJN. First street, twnilnnni nt Mealey's Furniture Shop. 10v5 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON", Jf. S. MI HOIK, . Proprietor. BY STRICT ATTENTION' TO THE COM fort and welllieing of all guests of the house, the proprietor hopes to deserve and receive the generous patronuge of a dis criminating public. jsvj The Illinois Penitentiary is now making several thousand dollars per mouth for the A tote clear of all expenses. 7'Ire system of leasing the labor of the convicts for a term of years appears to work admirably. Sachs Bros., are tbe heaviest tax payers in Jackson county. gnmze. and force the speculator and moneyed aristocrat to respect you as human beings, ami not as so many cat tle driven to the shambles for slaughter. Believing that an effective organiza tion for shipping purposes, officered by your own ctiotee, will secure to you good and satisfactory results iu some of the markets of tbe world at ail times, and that yon can secure ti.is ouly through a State Board, whose bus iness it will be to look after the matter, ami also that you need a County Board, we would recommend that when you are assembled iu County Conven tion, each county choose a County Board of officers to consist of a Presi dent, Vice President. Recording Sec retory, Coirespondiiig Secretary, and a Treasurer, and that you send these of ficers to the State convention at Salem called to meet on Thursday the 10th ot April, and with them, one additional delegate for each precinct or club in the county willing to go into the or ganization. We would also recommend perma nent organization in every precinct in the counties, and as you 'will always liave some local questions to settle, such as storing grain and tlie collection of statistics of your surplus, that will lie subject to the order of your State Board, and that tbe precincts meet on March 15th. and the county conven tion. March 28th. Tbe committee have thought it best to change the dales of meeting, to give you time to organize. 1 lie clnhs already organized n tbe State an; specially recommended to take an active iit in this matter. All the editors of the State are cor dially invited to aid this enterprise as much as their good will will penult by publishing this appeal for a farmers' union, or extracts from It. VP. BUBCKHAKT, Wit. RUBLE. T. L. DAVIDSON, Committee. Salem, Feb. 4, 1873. Great Bargains! GEORGE TURRELL WILL SELL HIS Large & Extensive Stock of llV n it VT JT A A XT jv I) 11 f IV I IT 0 H O I D S D W R E cfeo., tfcc, efco., at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CASH. He begs to call attention to his large stock of MEMS' & BOYS' CLOTHING which lie is determined tn sell in-,.p 1 1,., ever. Please call ana examine before pnr ehaslng elsewhere. i&r Remember the address UEOBtJB TCRRELL, Fiwt-St., Albany. CTHUrliest nrlre innki (- ' J. F. McCOY, DEAUKH II AND Saies4 ! 'HAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING i his nmnerous friends and acquaint ances that ne has on hand a large snpply of Saddle Harness, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. At nailer's eld stood, rtnUU., ALBANY, OIIEGON. dec4d4m6 8 V 9 ! K 0 (f H 0 0 Twenty-two thousand five hun dred and thirty-four rag-pickers prowl the streets ot Paris twice in twenty-four hours. They till on an average, 48,000 or 50,000 basketsa day. The average value of each basket is thirty ceuts; so that $60, 000 are daily found iu the leavings ot Pans, FLAX SEED! FLAX SEED ! Good Clean Seed rurnlsncd Farmers for Sowing. Highest Cash Price Paid on all contracts made prior to Janu nry 1st. 1878. Famiem have choice of seed Recording to date of con! ract. Printed in structions regarding the preparation of soil, amount to the acre, average yield, Ac., Ac, furnished to all anpllcnnts. WKSTLAKK A SIMPSON. Albany, Dec. , 72-14 mi Sole Agents roundrymen, Blarkanlth and C'nr rtoffe jVnkei-M. SELECTED OLD COMPANY'S LEIIKiH (,'oul ; Jackson Creek, Cask and Hulk CumlHTlandCoal ; Hard and Soft Pig Iron. Being a specialty, tbe above are selected with great care for interior consumers. J. If. DOYLE, 413 and 415 Paciflcstreet. and 420 East street, wharf. Iietwccn Jackson and Pacific. San Francisco. i$v6 J ! f i 1 !S. 96 1 5 S1A V" "ssicsJL. 3D? i I" 8 CD $ GO l CD" HALLET, DAVIS & CELEBRATED PIANOS Take the Highest Rank. H B H 9 i l ave been Heleeted by tho Kxeeuiivr !. . ,; " "i s jubiiet. as tbe I Sed. PiM,m' So 0,lu,r Pteno will JPrtms Bendel, The Krentest livlns Pianist, who was in BOstonJ attemllnfr die Jiibhw Sllj8w,w ln ..l.'SiL"',"""61' n",!' I'laiii. VSmSiP Very ",rMf'"'. " OH "r Call and examine mid see for voumhIvb or send tor Price List and cireuiZ . k. UADliEtt, SuleABent in mk A Hoos'Art fiallery, it tm street, Portland. R ORGANS. CD 53" nana m o?tonneS Kreat power. I am KmllSr wtth th ass? W, k. Ba!)(JEI, SolcAaent, HtSiiowAR,K'Art(iilleiV. A. B. MORRIS, f-encial Coiuuiiisjioii AMD mWAIDUG HUCHAHT. WAREHOUSE Bl'V, MUX sTORE OB lUUU lnn WHEAT or OATS, in unlimited quantities. The Hivbct fonkvt Price pW , sh for Wheat and Oats. M2teic.- stored and forwarded at lowest rates A share of patronajre Is solicited. ... , , A. B. MORRIS. Albany.Jnly 17-4tiv4 BLACKSMITHING ! -AND-- Ceneral Repair Shop. 'THE t.XDERSKJXEl) HAVING RE JL TWd ,0 Albany, and taken his oi l snonon corner t' i'n.....i ' . BLACKSMITHINO. MILL A MACHIN E foi;"m;, etc. Also, has on hand and for sale, the COQUILLARD WAGON, Strayer rrcc-lecd GRAIN STAR MOLINE, and other PLOWS WOOD'S RE- PER & MOWER, which lit vill sell on the most reasonable lemis. HORSE SHOEING All round. $2 Resetting $1. GIVE ME A CAM,. All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and lie executed In the licsj iiossible manner, with (food material A share of public patronage is solicited. BssTMiopon corner Kllswortli and Second streets, opposite Pierce's Ferry. 10v r. wtxiD. IliKSH FIELD, FLOWER HARDEN -M. Seeds! Heeds I Seeds Seeds n't HACHENY STEMME. Corner First and Main sts., Portland. 6JT Catalogue sent free on application " tVlLSOK A BROTHER, Importers and dealers ln Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Can now supply all orders In their line. Also, Just received invoices of aiiAss, SxlO.to 10x16 Ineluslve. n. K. or. Cnllfitrnln ft Drmnui Ms.. AS FRAX CISCO. 3m 4fc'itnsa9fl'r(l8'- Agents wanted! All fflulUqpv el(tss's of workttiK nople, of either sex, yoima or old, make more mon ey at work for us In their spare moments, or all the time, t han at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address U. Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine. Uyi