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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. :VKS ANiiTINWAKK. ,0 ,T0VE :pot. JOHN BBIGGS, Dealer in R A N G E S COOK, PARLOR AND g T O V E S of the best pattern. box, ALSO: TIX, NHWBT IllOS AXIK'OP- I VIM WAKE, nd tin1 iisimi assortment of furnishtnfi goo Is to bo obtained in a tin store. Repairs neatly and promptly executed, on reasonable terms. Miort reckonlnK make long friends, FROST STREKT, ALBANY. 5, 138G-1 Dee liAHDVVAHl W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealcrsln SHELF AX HEAVY HARDWARE, Ptrmorv' & Meehankd? Tools, t arnirrs & itm nanus ivwis? IIFIIiDERS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK nnd EEM HI HS, HICKORY A OAK SPOKES, HICKORY AXLES, Hardwood Lumber, Rent Rlins, Shafts, Poles, &r., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which are now offered to the I pwb lic at low rates. As we make the business h specialty, we can ami will keen a better assortment, at lower prices, than any house la this city. W. II. KITHS A ( O., Monteith fire-proof brick, First street. Mliany. June 14,1872-41v4 DRUGS. .EO. F. 8ETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, iSucccssor to D, W. Wakefield), :Pn rriah'M New Building, First Street, ALBANY, OREOON. Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pure, and of the besi. ipialltv. Physicians prescription carefully com ptlUR 1 vl. Albany, Oct. 17, 1888-tf A, CAKOTHERS & CO., Dealers In 4TIKMKIALB, OILS, PAIMTH, OVIX, OIASS LAiHPN, ETC, All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PERFUMERY, and Toilet Uoods. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescription! ahd Family Rec- ,W3' A. CAR0THERS A CO. Alhany, Oreffon-4v5 HUSIJfESS UAltDS. JOHN CONNER, B A N K I N G AND Exchange Office, AW. oim.gon. 1 EPOSIT3 RKCKIVKD SV1UKCT To ! J t ehook at Ufht. Intercut allowed on time deposits in coin. ; (exchange oil lrtlniid, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest lii'es. Collections Hindi and pronmtlv remitted. Refers to n. W. Corliett, Henry Falling, X S. Laid. ftankfn r hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-2-v8 Something vw in 0eiiliMtry. Hit. E. O. SMITH. OEXTIST, HAS LOCATED IN ALBA nv nml tins llip new in. ventton In plate work.whlch u consists in inscetin-r teeth in the month without covering the whole roof, a heretofore. It gives the wearer the wearer the free use of the tongue to the roof of the month in talking anil tasting, li is the smith & Purvinc patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. iyromn:Firxi stive:, east of Conner's i Bank (up stall's), AHiany, Oregon. 7vt j CITY MAR K H T , FIRST STREET, AI.BAST, OBHiOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, J ILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP ( ON- stantiy on nunu u inn supin.v ui AM. KIND Of MEATS, Which will be of the very licst finality. Thi hlKhm Iom.ket M)jct tor bewes, linq n,,fI sheen. Third door west of Fcrrv, on south side of First street. J. L. HARRIS. Albany, Dee, H, MTMSvl JOHN SCHMEER, -DKALEK Ot- Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED IUS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To lmcco, Sc., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep n Bakery, and will always have on hand a lull supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. BST Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February lfl-24v4 TURXIXft - - TIRM1VT. 1 I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS of turnlnir; keep on hand and make to order rawhide-bottomed chairs. Ac. Shop near the Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson, Ore gon. Branch shop near "Magnolia Mills," Allianv, where orders for chairs, taming, Ac,, can be left. JOHN M. MKTZLER. Jefferson, Aug. 2, 1K72 WM. PETERS, MAMtFACTUKEIt OF Carriages & Wagons, Of Kvery lleaeriptlon, ALRAWV, ORECiOlV. MANUFACTURES and all styles of TO ORDER ANY Wajjons, Carriages, Haek, Ac, at as reasonable rates an the use of flood material and first-class work will lus tify. Repairins neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. Shop on Ferrv lietwcen First and Seeond Streets. WM. PETERS. Alhany, May 10, 187 SO V. S. MAIL ! Tri-Wcckl) Stage Line ! THE UNDERSIGNED Is now running a trl-wcckly slinre from Lebanon to Al lianv, carrying the U. 8. Malls, leaving Lebanon every Monday, Wednesday- and Friday mornings, and returning, 'leave Albanv at 2 o'eloek P. M. of said days. Passengers called for in any part" of the ellv. All orders should ho left at the 8t. Charles Hotel, Albany, for passengers or freight for Lclmnon. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All business en trusted to me will lie promptly attended to. W. B. DOKACA. Lebanon. Feb. Ifi, 72-?4v4 mm niiros. Rll Murder In W-K-.r- HASNKVKR YKTIlF.KN KNOWN, AM no threatening of it at present. DMMh Is a (bins which sometime inns befall every son and Jangluerof the luiman fam ily ; and yel . At Haw ?aid-dsij, Of disease lays his vile hands tiixin you, there is si ill "a Mm in Giload," ! winch yon may he restored to perfect health, and prolong your days loa miracu lous extent. How ? By calling on K. C. HILL & SOX, With a prescription, where von can have It compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the , Celebrated lTuk Weed Itemed-, Or. Oregon Rheumatic Cure; Dr. D. Jayne i Sons' medicines, etc. Spence's Positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents for the Home Mi utile Sewing Machine, One of the most useful pieces Of household furniture extant. Call and examine. It. C. HILL & SON. Altianv, June 10, 71-40v3 F0UND11Y. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGOX, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY And all kinds of IKON AXD BRASS CASTINGS. Particular attention paid to repalnn? all kinds of machinery. 41v3 STOVES, ETC. M. M. HARVEY &, CO., (LATE W. II. M'FARLAND A CO.,1 Opposite the hotels. Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES. Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, HOI'KE FI'R'ISlIINa 1IAROWARE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. IAR41FST NTOCK IS THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repnirinir Properly Done. 40v2 KTotioe. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Comranv, Land Deimrtment. Portland Oregon, April 5, ISii.-Xoliee is hereby Kiven, that a vluorous proseeiition will be instituted against any and every person who tiv.spn.ases upon any Railroad Ijind, by euttlnjraml removing limiMTiherefrom before the same Is nOt'OHTof the Compa nv AND PAID FOR. 'All vacant Und In odd numbered sec tions, whether siirvcvcd or unmirvoyed, within a distance of tliirly miles from the line of the road, ljclonijs to the Company, I. R. MOORES, 8iv4tf Land Asrent. W. ASIIEXHEIJI, Commission Merchant, and dealer In all kinds of GAME, POULTRY. FISH DAIRY PRO DUCE. Wmihiiiirfoii Market, Portland, Or. Sinll 18 Central Market. No. 14.1 First street. Branches gjrConslgnmonts respectfully solic ited and returns promptly mado. 12m3 JOB WLGrOBT. HAVING PITRCHASED THE INTER est of a. W. Young in the Delivery Business, lam prepared to doan v and all kinds of lobs, on short notice and with onlck dls natcb. Terms reasonable. Packages de livered to nnv nnrt of the city. 69T Look out for the RAY TEAM and .JOB WAGON. 20v4 A. N. ARNOLD. i Power of Comprehension. It wau raid of T orea:i, we be lieve, lie could tfik; up any given number of lead peucils with out counting A celebrated trap per once jtfi-ural us tliat lie eoatfJ tell liow many balls be bad in bis bullet oucb by plgci j; bis liand on it, and without stopping tucuuiit them, and added : " I can tell the numlier of bullets instantly, with out stopping, as you pronounce a word without apellitlg it " S )iii,liey was aceustomed to takj in tin; sub stance of a book in turning the leaves over continuously, glancing down the pages, llondan, the magician, trained himself to quick ness of perception, when a boy, by running past a shop window at fuil speed, aud then trying to tell what was in it We once saw a man on a canal boat who was amusing himself by going from passe get to passenger and telling almost every one where be had seen him before, on such a train, in such a hotel, in such a street, giving date and place Ui people with whom he had never exchanged a word. This training ot the facu'ties in particular direc tions is carried to a marvellous ex treme by backwoodsmen, trappers, and men who guess the weight of animals. Perhaps the most remark able instances are the markers who leap from log to log at the mouth of a boom, standing on the log, and translating instantly an old mark into a new one, remembering what equivalent to give for each of a hundred marks, aud chopping it upon the log m the time that it floats its length. It is said that Thoreau knew the relative order of flowering of all the plants in the Concord woods, and knew the note of every bird, and a thousand out-of-the-way things besides. Hearth and Home. The Laundry. The sticking ot starched clothes to the smoothing iron is one of the most vexatious things with which the laundress has to contend. This is partly owing to the adulterations in the starch, for which there is no remedy but to obtain a good article. Starch gloss is used more to prevent this sticking than tor the glossy surface which it pretends to give. The latter is rare ly, if ever obtained in perfection without polishing iron and machin ery. So, dear ladies do not waste your time and strength in pursuit of it I learned this from a woman once employed in the laundry of a shirt and collar factory. She said also that the only gloss they used was hard soap. They shavt d it off aud boiled it up in the starch, and she used in her washing a piece as big as a nickel cent to a pint ot starch. She starched her wet clothes in this, dried them, and then if wanted very stir!', dampened them by dipping them into cold starch in which a little soap bad been dis solved, spread them between dry towels, rolled tight, for half an hour, and ironed smooth. I have long used this in various ways and find it always good I prefer white soap. It tne clonics are already stiff, f dampen by merely dipping them in soapy water Care of the iron lias mush to do with success. They should not lie permitted to stand on the stove to receive slops from the cooking When not in use they should lie kept in a dry place. If the face is once rust-eaten it is irretrievably injured. If rusted, however, rub them on emery or brown paper, but not on saltast-iis tends to more rust. Ileeswax may lie used freely at any time, rubbing on the hot face ot the iron, and then rubbing the iron thoroughly on cloth or brown jper. Some laun dresses always do this before put ting an iron to the starched surface. Home and Health, Diphtheria is a very troublesome and dangerous disease. A very easy remedy has lieen found for it that will effect a siieedy relief. Take a common tobacco pipe, place a live coal in the bowl, drop a little tar upon the coal, draw the smoke into the mouth, aud discharge it through the nostrils. Dr. Livingstone's age is 60. IiKllnn Tradition of the Orljft" of .Snlmoii. I Ulien (.'liareya made all tliinjr Mint I have breath, he fir-t made the Ishes In ' the liij; water, then I lie animals on the green laud, and the last of all. The j Man. But Chareyn did not, Jet the filie- come up the Klamath, and thiw : the Cahrocs had not. enough food, ami i were sore a -hungered. There were salmon in the big water many and ! very tine to eat hut no Indian could ( catch them in the big water, and i Chareya had made a great flsh-dain at j the mouth of the Klamath, and closed it fast, and giving the key to two hags to Keep, so that the salmon could not go up the river. And the lings kept the key that Chareva had given them, and watched It day nnd night, without sleeping, so that no Indian could come near It. Then the Cahrois were sore distressed in those dnvs for lack of food, and many died, and their chil dren cried to them lieranse tliev had no meat. But the eogntg befriended the Cahroos, and helped them, and took it on liiiii to bring the salmon up the Klamath. First, he went to an alder tree and gnawed off a piece of bark; tor tlie Iiark of the alder, after it is taken off. presently turns out ml and looks like salmon." He took the piece ot alder bark in his teeth, and journ eyed far down the Klamath, until he aime to the mouth of it, nt the bis water. Then he rapped at the door of the old hags' cabin, and, when they opened It lie Raid, Ahjnqvn," for he was very polite. And they did not wonder to hear the rajMe speak, for all of the animals could speak In those days. They did not suspect the edjpie, and so asked him to come into their cabin and sit by the Are. This he did : and after warming himself awhile, he commenced nibbling the piece of alder bark. One of the old hags, seeing this, said to the other, "See. he lias some salmon!" So they were deceived ami thrown off their guard ; and presently one of them rose, took down the key, and went to get some salmon to cook for themselves. Thus the coote saw where the key was kept ; but it was too high for him to reach it. The hags cooked some snlmqn for supper and ate it, hut they gave the coyote note. So he stayed In the cabin all night with the hags, pretending tc he asleep, but he was thinking how to get the key. He could think of no plan at all ; but. in the morning one of the hags took down Ihe key, and started to get some salmon again, and then the coyote hap pened to think of a way as quick as a flash. He jumped up and darted un der the hag which threw her down, and caused her to fling the key a long way off. The coyote quickly seized it in his teetli, and ran and opened the flsh-dam liefore the hags could catch him. Thus the salmon were allowed to go up the Klamath, and the Oahrocs had plenty of food. From Orer laml Monthly. Practical SoggcNtinits. The rain that falls on Hie roof of a barn will water Ihe cattle, inside. A smart woman with dry wood and soft water close at hatid, has her work half done. Green wood cannot be burned It is better to dry it by the heat of the sum mer tain, than in' the stove. Neighlwrhoods should combine and buy together a good portable horse iower. and then have their wood piles cut up with comfort and dispatch. Good house carpenters are very par ticular to have nice sharp tools. This Is half the secret of their close work and popularity. Many farmers would accomplish more and easier by better tools. Farmers soon run down that sell all their bay. Mr. Mechi. the great Eng lish filmier, prefers that his products should go to market on the toot. Those who house their carts and wagons in Kobln Hood's barn, all out of doors, are often seen traveling to the blacksmith and wheel right shops for repairs. The hubs of the wheels are made ot elm, which Is a poor tim ber to hear exposure. A harness kept well oiled is easier for the animal, is stronger, and don't wear out half so fast as one allowed to go year in and year out without . care. Clean the harness with a sponge and castile soap. Apply the oil witli an old paint brush. A long tin pan saves the drip. Every fanner who has paths to make about his premises, or the school house should own a good snow-plow. It is but little work to make one that, with a good horse before it. will do the work of twenty men. A bill is pending before the legisla ture of Indiana providing that, when ever an accused person is acquitted upon tlie plea of temporary insanity, ttie Court shall commit him to the lu natic asylum for the same number of years that he would have been con fined in the State's Prison had he been convicted, in cases of murder, this would be for life. This will, it it be comes the law, put an end to that kind of insanity which lasts only long enough to commit murder. HM The late Edwin Forrest left dia monds to the value of 10.000. Fred. Douglas talks of going to Ku rope to li ve. take .