ALBANY REGISTER. 8 Ikag tpttt. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, By COLL. VAN CLEVK, Iff REGISTER BUILDINGS, Cortrr JVrry and Fird Mnttt. TKUMS IS AUVANCK. Oao year Three dollar. 8U month. Two dollars. Single copter Ten ceiita. ADVKRTLIN(. RATES. Tmnxtent advertiiwinontB, per sqiiare of ten lines or lews first Insertion 2; each mibaoqnent Insertion II. Unjer alver tisement Inserted on the inoet Wicrai terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of col ored inks, cards, a trordon jobber, etc, we kraprepared to execute all Rind of prlnt Init in a Detter tnonncr, and fifty per cent hoaper than ever before offered in this oty. Areata Car the Betster. The following srentlemen are authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, ad vertWnK, etc., for the Keulstkk : Hiram Smith, Harrtslrarft. O. P. Toiupkins, Harrlsburg. Peter Hmne, Brownsville. W. R. Kirk, Brownsville. J. It. Irvine, Scto. T. H. Reynolds, Salem. L. p. risW, aao Francisco. D. p. Porter, 8hedd. Station. Fletcher ft Wells. Bncna Vista, Polk Co Chas. Nkskcll, Jacksonville. HIViOROtN. Who is the shortest roan men tioned in the bible? Knee-high-miali. There is one kritter in tliis world whose troubles yu can't console, and that is a settin' hen. A tourist who was asked in what part ot Switzerland he felt the heat most, be replied "When I was go ing to Berne." "I that marble?" inquired a gentleman, pointing to a bust of Kentucky's gret statesman. " Xo, sir; that's Clay," quietly replied the dealer. A German, lately married, says: "Id vas yonst so easy as a needle eood vafk out mit camel's eye as to get der behiudt vord mit a voom aus." "Tommy, you're a pig," said a father to his little boy ; "now do you know what a pig is, Tommy ?" "Yes, pa; a pig's a hog's little boy." An orator, getting warmed with his subject, exclaimed : " 7'here is not a man, woman, or child in the home, who has arrived at the age ot fifty years, but what has felt this truth thundering through their minds for centuries." A young man who ran away from a pleasant home, five years ago, was recently heard of, in New York. His father went there to bring him, but the youth would not return. He had been elected a com mon councilman, and seemed to glory in his shame. A colored gentleman went to con sult one of the conscientious lawyers, and after stating his case, said, "Now, Mr. I know you'r a law yer, but I wish you would please, sir, jigs tell me de truth 'bout dat matter.' u3Iadam," said a very polite trav eler to a testy old hind lady, "if I see proper to help myself to this milk, is there any impropriety in it ?" "I don't know what you mean ; but if you mean to insinuate that there is anything nasty iu the milk, I'll give you to understand that you have struck the wrong house. There ain't a first hair in it, for as soon as Dor othy Ana told me that the cat was drowned iu the milk, I went straight and strained it over." It is needless to ray that the young man fainted. In Arkansas, K'der Knapp, while baptizing converts at a revival meet ing, advancing with a wiry, sharp- 2d chap into the water, lie asked ie usual question, whether there was any reason why the ordinance of baptism should not tie adminis tered. After a pause, a tall, powerful-looking chap, with an eye like a blaze, who was leaning on a loi g ride, and quietly looking on, re marked : "Elder, I don't want to interfere in this yere business any, but I want to say that that is an old sinner you hare got hold of, and I know that one dip won't do him any good. If you want to get the sin out of him, you'll have to anchor him out in the deep water overnight. ()n a woman with red hair, who wrote peotry : Unfortunate woman; how sad is your lot! Your ring- lets are red, but your poems are not A Chicago girl with her clothes all a blaze was skinned out of her outside apparel so quickly by her lover that site was not singed. So much tor keeping a spry young man about the house. At Chicago recently a lady at church was seen to bow her head as if iu pious thought. She suddenly rait-ed and leaned back against the seat, whenanexplsiou occurred that shook the building. She had press ed too heavily on an air-cushion bustle. This is no romance, but the stern fact. "What's that?" said a teacher, pointing out the letter X to a little ragged urchin. "Daddy s name. "No, no, ray boy." "Yes, it is; I've seen him write it a good many times." Love letter ink is the latest sty le of writing fluid, so called because in four weeks it disappears, and the letters cannot lie used in breach of promise cases before the courts. 7b many persons this invention will be invaluable. 7he clergy and other good citi zens of Omaha are preaching and praying against Potter, the lottery manager at that point, as being the most consummate swindler his line of tricks affords. Gambetta is an Israelite. SASH FACTORY. BUILDERS, ATTENTION' ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOK FACTORY. 8. It. ALTHOV8E. 1. P. BACKKNSTO. W. KKTVHUM. ALTIIOISE A CO., Lyon Street, on the BJver Bank, ALBANY, ORKIrON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are I rcMivd to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, Saab, Blinds, and Holdings, Such ss ('HOWS, PAX EI., BAKU ft MEtTIOS MOLD, Of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOK FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, And All oeh.rklndH of Building Material. L80: PREPARED TO DO MILL work, furnish shaker fans, zIkuii shakers, suction funs, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street (on the river Imnkj. next below Marklmin's warehouse. ALTHOl'SE ft CO. AJiauiy, Feb. In, 148U-U LEBANON CARDS. JANES L. t'OWAIY, iSoncMMr of ft. Cowan ft Co.) Lebanon, Oregon, Dealer hi GENERAL MERCHANDISE! WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A full slock of Hi; If litJUDB, UKOCKRIKS, HARDWARE, SOOTS ft snoES, all for sale at the Lowest Prices for Vaih or I'r n ii u e e. e" All tK'rsons owing A. Cowan ft Co., can settle by calling on me at Lebanon. ttvt JAMES L. COWAX. V. . MAIL ! Tri-Wcckly Stage Line ! THE rXliKTiSltiXiSD is now running a tri-w'kly slaw from Lebanon to Al Inny, carrying ibe V. 8. Mails, leaving I x' anon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday inuniiog, and reliirnlng, 'leave Albany nt 2 o'clock I. M. of said days. Passengers enllr I for in any part of the i-lty. All orders should lie left al (he St. Charles Ho:el. Albany, for passengers or freight for Lebanon. Packages and Ilglu freight punctually delivered ot kiw rates. All tmlne en trusted to me will Iteprompl ly at tended to. W. B. DONACA. Lebanon, Feb. in, 7-yuxt DBV GOODS, ETC. ! p, HARPER & CO. "I1TE UVA LEAVE TO CALL THE AT- VI tentionofthepnbilctoourlaixeand well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1 consisting of the latest and most fashion able styles of DRESS GOODS ! Lit Kt OM.AKN, SHAWM, LAtKS, KXIIHOIDKKY j nrt So,ion In the Gentlemen's Department we offer the latest styles In CLOTHING. the best in IX libit WEAK, the noma est TIES and SCARFS, the nicest tiLOVES and CAl'NTLETS, and the "ion" In BOOTS ft SHOKS, while our MI.K HATN are all the rage. We keep constantly sortment of on band a full a-- SHOT Gt-TTCT&t, SHirT-FOlTHKS, tiTX-TlHES, POWDER, FLASKS, SHOT-KELTS. POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, in fa-t, everything In the hunter's line. Our Mirrors & Picture Frames embrace all sizes and styles. Iu the line ni GROOERI 3E3 S , Crockery, CSlasawurc, Fruit Jars, POCKET TABLE CITLERT, Kails, Tobacco, Domestic Goods, A WOOD & WILLOW WARE. our stork is full and complete. tar CALL AND EXAMINE OOOD8. jfi Foster- Bulletins;, First St.. AUmnjr P. C. HARPER & CO. MARBLE WORKS. MO.VROE & STAICiER, Dealer in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs. Head and Foot Stone, . Executed in California, Vermont Marble. and llaliai SALEM, ORKUON. Kit A 34 If KHOP AT AI.BAXY. $1, REWAED FOB AN Incurable Case! X DR. LE RIC MAC'S GOLDEN BALSAM I After ten yesra trial on this Cout hu proven ita.dII.1o only rurative in a rcrann rues of dueuea pmnoonccd by medical jtuctiOon an m innirablo. Or.LsBichao's GOLDEN BALSAM ki caret Chancres drat ani second s'oRes, Sores on .thu Igs or IJody; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, fcc. (Vjppcr-col ind Bl' tihes, Syphilitic CtUrrh, Diseas-id B,-nlp, and an primary forms of thj dUtaksi kawu a Syphilis. Frice, $5 per bot tle, or two f Jt t). Dr. LeBichan! GCLIEN BALSAM Ko.2 ci.' Tertiary, Merenrisl, Syt hiUU Rhctima tlsm, Pains la the Don s, r ki f the Kfi k, Tl, rented 8ro Tlimst, Byi hilitic l.h, Limp sad Omtractcd Oirda, main t-f the Liitbs, and endicttes alt dlarax. Irra tin -tt m, whether caused by tadis'-rcti. u er tfcnw cf laenurv lcaTlngthe litoc.t r:iteia; uc.i uy. Prico, $ 3 pur botth", or tw. for 13. Dr.LsKM GOLDEN SPAKIEH AH- tiduto, for the Coro of Oonnorhc . Gleet, Irrl tatiO'i, Oravel, and r.U I'r.i.try -r (linita) dlmtrrangunwnts. Price, $2.C0 ht Vn tllc. Dr. Le Bhh:n'i GOLDEH 5PAM5R IK- Jortion, a . sn l tnjertio-. f,r severe eesrs ot d inaiirhiBvtnJUiainf tnrj Gket, Slrk'tiins, n:l t!l dbeasesof fh.( kldneya snd Waddir. lTlJO,$l.jOpilWttl.'. Also Ajiatf-rD3. 1.SriCHftTJ'flCCirEH ?ILL3 for S i i;:c 1 V. -r.J ai t Em!s- Ions. IanTit -n Wend t'l :n:JMii'ii.'i":fn m 'Ivit-iroat.o.i I il exert. !v. !i;e-s. r'n . f , i-rb'tf'o. T. i rr-oinlri', 0' i.ri: s Taui.-.m is .' it a,i (ftftf '1 : J" W'tS (in t ipt ct price, t:. 'n niidieinrs p !i hint t : :i p.rt of tho rotmtry, hv i xtmn ftnaiV ir ty V" ktd i!D,i Itvu from obner- vitoa. . iu, j ..c on,, C. F IiTTTAnm CO WUolosal- aud RttKiJ jv.wist uml Cii rdsts. u If. r r. r'.y Hntisoiuo N I'ATKVT MKDICINK. Vinegar Bitten are not a rile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whisky, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, tailed "Tonics," "Appetizers," -nesiorere,'- v., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made Iroui the native root and herbs or California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Ule-glTlng Principle, a Terfect Renovator and Invlgor ator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the Mood to a healthy condition, enriching It. refreshing and In vigorating both mind and body. They arc easy of administration, prompt, in their ac tion, certain in their results, safe and reli able in all forms of disease. No Person cum take these Bit ters according to directions,- and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints It has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad vertisement For f emnle Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an Influence that marked improvement Is goon perceptible For Inflammatory mid Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billons, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Klieum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoioraiions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, or whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find Its Impurities bunting tbrouga the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or gores ; cleanse It when you find It obstructed anc Elngglsh la the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin. Tape and other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed, hays a distinguished physiologist: There Is scarcely an Individual on the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the pres ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminltics, wlU free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Diseases.--Persons en gaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters. Gold-beaters and Miners, as theyadvance In life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walkib's Vinboab Brr TKRs twice week. Billons, Remittent a ad Inter mittent Fever, which are so prevalent iu tne vaueys oi our grew rivers inrougn out the United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are in variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in fluence upon these various organs. Is essen tially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. 1. Walkxh's V ink oar Hitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as In all other constitu tional Diseases, Waleir's Vincgar Bit ticks have shown their great curative pow ers in the most obstinate and Intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vine gar Hitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the Inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the infected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vineuah Brr tkrs are the best safo-guard In cases of erup tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, aud soothing properties protect the humors or the fauces. Their Sedative prop erties allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, cither from Inflamma tion, wind, co(lc, cramps, etc. Direct ions. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one aud one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef-steak, unit ton chop, veni son, roost beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable Ingredients, and contain no spirit. R. ii. Mcdonald Co., Druggists A Gen. Agu., San Fraucbco, Oal., scor. Washington and Charlton Sts., S,T. SOLD BY ALL DRCGCISTS & DEALERS. R. itf J fl'RKS TOE WORST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY M1HDTB8. NOT ONE HOUR AUr rradluf thU tJtrtliWaiit mj mit 4 BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF B A curb for every pain. IlwMUMlntaatU THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY TtUt IniUntly ik tlciM tM most umKUttu flat, a I lay. , and aires CoaiMtioos, Wlsftihtr oi lit iDflMlUAUOll. 1 Lwift, Stoma uStottMs.,1, or ttMr (Usui, or "mmi, ly mm p)UCtMft, , IN FROM ON it tu twii auauTU. No Miter bow Walnut.. r xcrociaUinf tka part lb RHEUMATIC, Btd-rittoa, futiira, triUd, Nwroai. Neuralgic, or jroslntd with dims IUV luflbr, RADWAY'S READY , RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT-EASE. INFLAMMATION Of THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNU8, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS. ASUE CHILLS. ThaarfUattfeaf Ika READY RELICT la IS aartat parta Wa tka pais or dlStall; aailla will afford aaaa aaS comfort. Twaaia draaa ra half a aaaaalar at w.ktoill taafaw xaaaarta earcRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, SICE HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Tmalara ikaiia alwaja carry a aatua af RjtaV waj'a Me4 Metier arlio ami. A ft w drop. In, water will afereal itokaaaa or palaa from rhaaga of walar. ii. a btUai tfcaa Fnaca Braad; a Bitten ai a MmalaU. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUEcarea' far tftjr atala. There f eel a rnudlal aftat la late world that will can Fare' aa Arat, an all other Malarleaa, Milan, Scarlet, Tvpb..d, Tallow, and etker revere (aided hr RAD WAY'S PILLS) ao kk aa RADWAVS READY RELIEF. Fifty ereV far toula. Sold V) Prig. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHTCLEAR SEIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO AU Dr. RADWAY'S Burnt HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES: 80 (JUICE. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Sean and Felt. Ertrjr Self of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT raaamaalralu ihroawh lha Blood, Sweat, Uriae, aad othae fluid" and juice of lha IT item the rlfor al lib, lie II retain (he waalaa al lha hady with w aad ad aaalarlal. Scroiala, SyahilU, Coaunaptlea, Glaa. deJat limn,' Clean in the Threes, Mouth, T amort. Node. In the Olaadiasd ether parte of On intern, See Eyaa,Straaeaa Dtechargoe from iti Ean, aad the went hrav. al Shia, EnpUoas, Feeer Sam, Scald Head, lUaf-Waraa, Salt tUeen, Eryilpelae, Aeaa, Black Spate, Warn la the FUah, Taraon, Caaiin l laa Womb, aad all oahialef aad paiafal dierharfea, Nlfhl Sweata, Leaa W Spina, aad all watte, of lha Ufa ariacrplt, an wllhla the oaeeUia raaga of Ihlt wow dae at Modara ChaeaMry, aetl a few dan' ate will eeee a a aanoa eauaf U be allhat of lhaaa fotatt tl dtetaaw Ha poteat power te tan lhaaa. If lha aatteat, daily taatatlae ndacod ay Ut wattea aad aeadt to aeiaaahar lhaaa wattea, aud rapaln the aaaw wMh Mw tartalawtda Baa healthy hfaed id tkle lha SARSAPARIIJJAN will aad don u Not only doat the S.aaar. aiLutn Raaoa, ttr tstal all kaowa itaatdlal agaata la the ean of Chraadr, Scrofaloat, Caattitatloatu, aad Skin dlitetei; hal H k the oaiy potltira aaee be KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary aad Waaah dliniw, Gnrtl, Diaottet, Dropty, SUfaaga af Water, lattiallaoaca af Wee, Bnehl'i DV teat, Aloaminarta, aad la ail aaaaa when then an krfcUaal daeeelte, ar lha walar b tklck, cloady, aiatd tteantt Ilka Ik wklte ofaa en, or Ihrtadt like wktte tllk, ar Ikon It a aoreid, dark, aUloot appoaraaea, aad white baaedaal dtp tela, aad whea then It a prick- lae, barauif teaaalloa wkoa ptaaiim water, and pain Id tka Saaall 2 ik. Back and aloof iki Lecat. Prict, ti.on. WORMS. The aoJr kaowa aad an Eeatedy be WORMS- PIN, TAPE, etc. Tumor of 12 Year' Growth Cured by Madumy'i Ketotwnt. Dr. RADWAY'S Meet FoiiuTe Fills, perttctly teeloleae, altfaaUy coated with twtet fan, porrt, regulate, atari ry, elaaaae, aad rtnawlhea. Red waft Pllli, be the can of all dlrerden of lha Su mach , Lin, BeWlU, Kidotyt, Bladder, Nerroot Dinate., Headache, CoavBaeawea, CotlWraou, MleYtlioa, Dyt mpota, Wloaeaeu. Mlloat Ferer, USainrnaUoa of the, Pllei, and all Denngemenlt of the Internal Ykcora. Warranted to tStet a potltira can. Purely Vagtekhcoalrdalna aw aerecary, nlatnlt, m delav A fewdon. of RADWAY'S PILU wUI bee the it item baa ell the tW, -eauwd diiorden. Prico, W cnupor koa. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ FALSE AND TRUE." Sead OH letter item-, lo RADWAY A CO., No. It Warm Street, New York. labnaallea worth Itlailtb will a. tool HOUOWAY'S Erery laa ills m PnysiciaiL CAUTION". '! .-.-'.nwl tm nOTiTeOWATtf ' ITI !. n-i I iilK'i'MKXT liri tcmptel i'irin,!iM.'l latr m louuuutcifnt thesavalu- rt a lei ')'! '(fl I1 "puli Ir and oureelven, ie"l 11 :i w " i'rmla llntk," aotuLat- .- an i : Hi '-ii 1 of a serpent, with I -i- i ;,, , j,, viiirtt. Kveryboiof gen- '.'-.. It'll I'ILI.1 illlil OfeTMBNT Will .. :.. i :, ,.u it ; none sre genuina n f " i' r. Trietors, .. -'fewTotk, CIIANK k miKIH.MIl, Sun I-'miicino, Cui. 311 olv Agiintat tor tlic I'aiiiic Uiust. tv R. R.