The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 24, 1873, Page 7, Image 7

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IT. S. Offlrlnl Pnper for Orrffon.
An Improved KyKtcni.
Among tlic different systems of
voting now in vogue in the differ
ent States ot the Union, several
features of the Massachusetts
tetu are worth' or considering, i
This provides for two sets of
.lodges, One of these receive the i
ballots and determine the qualifica-1
t ion of voters, the other set count;
the ballots every hour during the
voting, and uote the number for j
each candidate at each count. Thus,
this system not only gratifies the!
imnatienee. so characteristic of our
i , -.? ;j
jieopletoget the election news as
speedily as possible, but it also pre
vents ballot-box stuffing, so often
committed ill our cities after the
polls have been closed. It obviates
the necessity and fatigue of count
ing the votes after night, the results
being all summed up immediately,
or very soon after the last vote is
-east, and the polls closed It strikes
us the adoption of something like
this, would be a very good improve
ment to incorporate into our sys
tem. Reiuovnl of Hlsmnrrli.
. letter from London to '. 'ew
York says the retirement of Bis
marck from the Prussian Cabinet is
due to a difference between him and
the Emperor on the church ques
tion. The Kaiser weakened on Ilis
marck's course toward the Catho
lics, and declined further to follow
him. King William owes his pres
ent exalted position to the superior
statesmanship and extraordinary di
plomatic genius of Prince Von Bis
marck. He it was who projected
tne plans and conducted the meas
ures which resulted in the' unifica
tion ot the German people, and in
the establishment of the German
Empire, To his wonderful genius
and skill, more than all else, may
justly be attributed the present
strength, power and glory of the
German ieople. His offending must
be great indeed, to justify Kmperor
William in removing him from the
Kisition of Prime Minister. Ho
lias been the power behind the
throne, the chief agent of its glori
fication. With that power re
moved its strength may diminish,
and its glory wane.
The right.
The battle of last Friday with
the Modocs would indicate that
they me not to be wiped out so
soon as was supposed and hoped.
The Indians occupy a peninsula
which is protected on three
Bid by Tule Lake. Their position
on the open side is a lava bed, cov
ered with rocKs and rent with deep
vha iiis and rugged places, which
afford numerous hiding places to
the wary foe. where he can pick off
an approaching enemy unseen. The
losses sustained by our troops indi
cate the bravery with which they
fought. The number of Indians en
gaged is in excess of what was tip.
posed. More troops have been sent
forward, and more yet may be re
quired ; for the news ot the defeat
of our troops, will doubtless induce
other Indians to join Jack's band.
Having gone thus far, nothing short
ot whipping the Indians will secure
permanent peace.
A right with thr JMocn.
The folWiug dispatch is from
Gen. Frank Wheaton, commanding
the forces against the Modocs, ad
dressed to (Jen. Canby :
We attacked the Modocs on the
17th inst. with about 400 good
men, 225 of them Regulars. We
fought the Indians through the lava
lieds to their stronghold, which is in
the center of miles of? rocky fissures,
caves, crevices, gorges and ravines,
some of them 100 feet in depth.
The Modocs were scarcely ex
posed at all to our irsistei it attacks
hey left one ledge to gain another
equally secure. One ot our men
si n
was wounded twice during the day,
but he did not see an Indian al
though we were under tire from 8
o'clock A. M. until dark. No troops
. , , ,. , , s.i
con a nave rougiit newer man an
did in the attack; advancing
.1 11 nil
promptly ana cneertuiiy against an
'.seen enemy, over ine most rug
ged com try imaginable. It was
utterly impossible to accomplish
more than to make a forced recon
noisance, developing the Modocs'
strength and position. As near as
possible it is estimated that 150 In
dians opposed the troops. The Pitt
river Indians are lielieved to be with
Our loss in killed and wounded
is about 40. Two officers, Bvt. Col.
David Perry, Company F, 1st Cav
alry was wounded in the left shoul
der, and John G. Kyle, 1st Caval
ry, Company G, was wounded
in the left arm, not seriously.
We are indebted to (Jeu. John
Ross for the gallant co-operation of
the Oregon Volunteers.
('apt. J. A. Fairchilds brought
28 brave California volunteer rifle
men who joined in time to partici
pate in the attack.
.. 11.11 II.- I! ' 1 '"
About sixty thousand people
were present at Chiselhurst on the
day of the funeral of Napoleon.
One of the persons who came from
France to attend thefuneral brought
some soil dug from the garden of the
Tuilleries, which he strewed over
the coffin after it had lieen deposit
ed in the sacristy ot the chapel.
Many French spies were present
while the services were taking
place. Ah the Prince Imperial was
returning from the chapel he was
saluted by the cry of "Vive la Em
peror." The Prince replied, "The
Emperor is dead. Vive la France."
This reply of the Prince shows a
nice discernment in adapting wrds
to circumstances, which will oper
ate strongly in his favor. Tact, like
brass, is a wonderful agent in the
race of success.
The mills of the gods may grind
slowly, but they grind. Frank P
Blair left the Republican party a
few years ago to become a 1 )emo
cratic Senator from Missouri, and
now a Democratic Legislative cau
cus for the same position elect
Lewis V. Rogy, of St. Louis. We
are glad Rlair is beaten. He be
longs to a class of politicians whose
honesty and patriotism concentrate
in the benefit and glorification of
self entirely.
4 i
Illinois Nenfttorahln.
The two Houses of the Illinois
Legislature ballotted tor tTnited
Mates Senator on the morning of
the 21st inst., with the following re
sult : Senate Oglesby, 82 ; Trum
bull, 16 ; Coalbangh, 2. House
Oglesby, 88 ; Trumbull, 6. The
two houses were to meet In joint
sesion the next day to declare the '
result. So vak 7rumbnll.
The Republican caucus of the
Missouri Legislature on the night
of the 18th inst., nominated Hon.
John B. Henderson for the TTnited
States Senate; also unanimously
passed a lesolution recommending
him to President Grant tor a cabi
net position, iu case .changes are
loVd lyttos.
Another distinguished man of let
ters, in the person of Sir E Bulwer
Lytton, of England, is dead. He
graduated at Trinity Hall, Cam
bridge, in 1825, and at once ap
peared as an author. As a writer of
novels he achieved brilliant success.
He was the author of Pelham, or
the Adventures of a Gentleman
The Disowned; Devereux; Paul
Clifford ; Eugene Aram ; The Last
Days of Pompeii ; Rienzi the Last
ot'tlie Horaa Tribunals, and many
.11 Jl I - a. ; 1 I
! otnei ciassio ana iiisionoiioeis. ne
a'so contributed to poetic and dra
matic literature. Of the latter,
The Lady of Lyons; Richelieu ;
,1 Ar.,., ,.i,, i. . iio
i atai -uuircjr, ic w
j sides these, he was the lauthor of
voluminous critical articles and es-
says in the "Quarterly ," "Edin
burgh," " Westminister," and "For
eign Quarterly Review." I lis nov-
els are not only read in England,
but in France, Germany, this coun
try, and elsewhere. He was raised
to the peerage in 1866, as Lord Lyt
ton. As a parliamentary speaker,
he ranked among the most finished
It will be gratifying to Republi
cans to know that with the removal
of Lyman Trumbull from the Sen
ate, the last of the Andrew John
son Republicans will have departed.
A more treacherous and selfish tac
tion of unprincipled demagogues,
never occupied Government office.
The fight with the Modocs last
Friday resulted in killing fourteen
and wounding twenty-three of the
troops. Our forces were compelled
to retire, leaviig their dead on the
Gen. Grant's policy in the Ala
bama and Louisiana matters is
thought to be right by enemies as
well as by friends. Alexander H. Ste
vens has lately commended it.
The Merchants' Rank, Lancaster,
Pa., has been robbed of $46,000 in
bonds. Two thieves engaged the
cashier in conversation while the
third stole the bonds.
The First Congregational Church,
Chicago, burnt on the J6th. The
building and organ cost $170,000 ;
insurance $100,000. Cause, defec
tive flue.
Jones' dry goods house burnt in
New York city on the 16th. Loss,
$150,000 ; insurance $90,000.
It is stated that Congressmen
consider the Samana scheme im
practicable. The Haytien Minister
thinks it will be a bad speculation.
Dr. Joshua Cavitt, associate edi-
tor of the tndepm&i't, died at
Brooklyn on the 17th inst., of ap-
The report of the finding of a
bottle of strychnine hi the cell late
ly vacated by Stokes is erroneous.
It was mix vomica, which had been
In the House of Representatives
on the 17th., the Postoffice Com-
mittee unanimously authorized
Farnsworth, Chairman, to prepare
a bill to reduce letter postage to
two cents, and to require prepay
ment on all printed matter except
weekly papers circulating in coun
ties where they are printed.
7'he votes for President were :
Grant. 300: Greeley, 3; Gratz
Brown, 18; Hendricks, 42; Jenkins
of Georgia. 2: Davis of Kentucky,
1. 7'he votes for Vice-IVesident
were : Wilson, 300; Gratz Brown,
47 ; Gen. Banks, 1 ; Julian, 5; Cal
quit of Georgia, 5 ; Gov. Palmer,
8; Bramlette of Kentucky, 3;
Groesbeck, 1 ; Mochen of Louisiana,
Grant's popular majority in the
recent election was 759487.
Several cotton failures have oc
curred in Manchester lately.
A Catholic priest of Fort Wayne,
hid., has lust received as a present
from Louis Napoleon, a magnificent
gom ann snver enauce to oe usea
in the Catholic Church. It is en
graved in four colors. The auto
graph ot the Emperor accompanied
it. 7 lie priest was a personal friend
of the Emperor in their early days, in to the tMnte potioti of
The will of S. F. Pike, has been ! the Vriliee Imperial,
admitted to probate m New iork: . , , . e
under date of Nov. 12th, 1866. It ! AMn Deumm,, of tag.
was made at Cincinnati and is to I ,n. nas n pelted with stale
the amount of 83,000,000. He Uggs by his parishoaers.
leave's to his brother, F. M. Pike, ! Recently at a trial ot consider-
W"ri!.1?nertisb!eiiiteimin Rome, where the
of a deot to his brotlier Henry. The
balance of his property goes to his
wife and three daughters.
The counsel for Stokes are press- j which sailed around the heads of
ing for a new trial. They will re- j the audience, attracting their atten
ly much upon the fact that two of tion, giving ample time for the pick
the jurors went outside of Court for pockets to relieve the pockets of
evidence, one having examined the I the audience,
ladies' staircase of the Grand Cen- j (), the 2 500 foreigner8 on tlic
tral Hotel, and the other examined , . ..
a nistl at th cmnsmit.h's to ' Hawaiian Islands, 1,600 are Amer-
whether a four-barreled could lie
distinguished from a six-barreled
pistol. An affidavit will also be
embodied in the bill of exceptions
that before the trial, one ot the ju-
rors said Stokes ought to hang any- j Chiselhurst on the 16th by Empress
how, and that another said if he ! Eugenie and Napoleon IV to 10,
was on the jury he would hang him j 000 soldiers, statesmen and distin-
The smallpox epidemic is creat
ing grave apprehensions in Boston
and vicinity. Three thousand cases
are reported in the city. 7'he per
centage of deaths is much larger
than from all other causes combin
ed. Nearly all burials are in the
night. 7'lie epidemic is said to have
had a serious effect upon the com
mercial interests.
In the Senate on the 17th, Mor
ton made a lengthy and elaborate
argument against the present sys
tem of l'resideutial elections.
The bridges on the Harlem ex
tension, between Chatham and
Nassau, were carried away by the
flood of the 17th.
In the New York Constitutional
Convention on the 17th inst., Op
dyke offered an amendment to the
Constitution providing tor compul
sory education.
A dispatch from Albany, N. Y.,
Jan. 18th, represents a great freshet
It is stated that a new horse dis
ease is prevalent in New York City, i
.geou can u spina, uwuuig us.
11 IS moiiiit w IK an wu;iimui ui
MiVliifran has nut a State Canitnl
under contract for the sum of ei,. qe occurred at Soonquhure, In
144,037 20. It is to be of sand-; QI. resulted in killing fit-
stone, and a creditable affair for teen hundred persons, in that town
Michigan. alone.
Matilda Heron was placed in j Madame Catacazy not long since
Park Hospital, New York, recently, purchased a large portion of Eu
for treatment for dementia. j genie's wardrobe.
7'he purchase of Samana Bay j The Turkish Government has
and Peninsula was made iu Decern- j suea the London Times for libel in
ber. 7'he capital stock of the new , ,. , . .
crtAftAnnnn publishing a communication, alleged
company is $20,000,000. .1 II. r , Z, , ,., ...
Stockwell is President 10 te slKI,ed bv 1,10 Turkish Minis-
The prosecuting counsel in the ter in jUudon, containing untrue
Stokes' case thought ii would be statements with reference to the ti
very difficult to get a stay of pro- nances of the Government,
ceedings, and a new trial would be The number of emigrants who
,mr'1 10 Set ! left Bremen tor the United States
The wife of Knoch Jackson, col- ast year wag 80,000; emigration
oreu, nvmg near i.iwe isock, Arte.,
and another woman, killed him with
a drag-pin last Saturday, and threw
his body into a fire. 7'hev reported
that he was drunk and fell in while j that he will leave Italy if the latter
asleep. Both women were put in declares his marriage with Countess
jail. j Morflori as illegal.
At Shelby, Ky., on the 19th a The Right Hon, Edward Bulwer
desperado named Billy Wilson kill- Lytton, Baron, the well known
ed his fourth victim, James Wil- KugMi author died in Loodon ou
ln a the 18th.
Ilartranft was maugurated Gov- Workmen .
ernorof Pennsylvania, at Hams- tl , . w .
burg on the 21st. Ae military;11 m',,s throughout Wales,
and civil display were very fine. n8ve 8tnK-
7'he Minister of the Cuban Re- A lar nuMb were
public to London, now in New at Chiselhurst on the 19th inst to
York, reports the English people hear preached the funeral sermon
unanimous for Cuban independence, over Napoleon.
7'he legislative joint session of Baptiste Wrothsley Noel, the
Wisconsin re-nominated T. O. Howe well known English theologian, is
U. S. Senator on the 21t. 1 dead,
I The Shah, ot rersia, is to leave
The Shah, of Persia, is to
. Teheran next April on a Eurojieai
It is stated that Prince Napoleon
is opposed to the views of the ex-
Emperor and extreme Bonapartists
Court-room was crowded, the pick-
; pockets let loose a trained bird.
icans, who own nearly all the im
portant commercial and planting
interests of the islands.
A grand reception was given at
i guished Frenchmen. The Empress
and son passed through the rooms,
filled with people, all in the deepest
mourning, and gave their hands to
be kissed. Imperialists expect the
speedy restoration of the Empire,
and with it the Empress as regent.
Reports from the north of Spain
represent Carlist insurgents as act
ing with terrible cruelty toward in
habitants who refuse to join their
ranks. Murder and mutilation are
reported. Hundreds of young men
were forced into the ranks.
Bonaparte's address is prohibited
from circulation among the French
troops in the barracks.
The Roman Senate has approved
the bill forbidding theological in
struction in the public schools.
The Pope told some visitors on
,the 16th inst, that the bodies of
the Apostles Philip and James had
been discovered the Wednesday be
fore in the Church of the Apostles.
7'he Romish church is never at a
loS8 tor sensations of that kind, and
ler people take t,em ,
A late dispatch from Bombay to
London states that a terrible earth-
;fix)m Hamburg, 79,000.
Wnce Humburt has declared to
the father of King Victor Emanuel