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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1873)
tag U jfeto. V. H. Offlplnl Pnper fr Oregon. FRIDAY, JANUARY, 24, 1873. Uive Va the Pontal Tl"ijrphy. , . . Uepostanelegraphnuestmn w iress of the country. Like all questions bearing upon the business interests of the nation, it is full of importance. Every person who de sires exemption from the present monopoly espionage, partiality and excessive charges, is interested in the solution of this question. The telegraphs of the country are prin cipally under tl control of three companies : The Franklin, Wes- ' tern Uuion and Atlantic Pacific. These are powerful monopolies, absolutely controling the business and social telegraphy of tlw coun try. Every Government transac tion passes under the scrutiny of their numerous agents; every com mercial and business correspondence is brought to their inspection. These they are not slow to take advantage of for speculating purposes. It is said a set of favored stock gamblers, operating in Wall street, New York, have access to every message of political, commercial and social ' ' .. . . . intercourse I Ins gives to these unscrupulous men a power over the political and financial interests of the nation, which cannot be other wise than detrimental to them. The iovernmeut should own these lines. The objection that it would be placing a dangerous power in the control of the Government, is met by the practical tact, that postal matters in the hands of the Gov ernment have resulted in nothing worse than benefit, uniform and steady and increasing, to the whole people. This system is now in opera tion in England, and succeeding admirably. Here, as there, it would secure secrecy, as well as prompt, safe and correct delivery of mes sages ; it would be done for lower and uniform charges ; it would sub sidize no newspapers, but admit all to its favors on an equal footing. Like letter and paper postage, the price of transmission would he fixed by law, and open to all alike. The people demand this The people have no objection for the Govern ment to exercise the Constitutional powers, of making and enforcing law ; of coining money and issuing greenbacks; of declaring war and making treaties; of controlling pos tal affairs, etc. 7'hese and all other power possessed, are proper ly located in tlte Government; and to lodge the exclusive power of managing the telegraphy of the country in the hands of the Govern ment, would be no more dangerous to the liberties of the people than to leave it in the bands of a Hoard of unscrupulousstockgamblers. Press es throughout the country, so strenu ously opposed to the proposed change, have been subsidized by b?ing granted special rates and immunities. This is the secret of their opposition. They cry out lie cause they are bought ; because it pays, though it enslaves them. Lot the Government have control, and fair and honest enterprise will then be open to all newspapers alike ; the people will be free in a measure from a ring espionage ; rates will be cheaper, transmissions will be surer and more prompt, and the country will be safer from having got rid of an unscrupulous monopoly. Let us have it. Hon. rhnrlew Sutuorr. We have recently read in one of our exchanges a very extravagant and fulsome laudation of Charles Stunner. His wisdom, and genius, and patriotism, and lirmness, and purity, and eloquence, are represwnt- ed asunequaled. In the estimation Wm Ic-u Snmner is the lu- miliary of tlic political solar system, brilliant, clear, without even a spot upon his shining disk, while his co temporaries are all planets, opaque, dark as Krebus, especially so if they opwse him. The recent heart-disease illness of the distinguished statesman, the sympathetic out growth of a spinal trouble which j has been a thorn in his flesh tor years, becomes the subject to this critic of much attempted pathos. ! Those who have seen proper to re fuse to follow, and who have criti dised in plain language the felfish and destructive policy which Sum ner's rule-or-ruin spirit lead him to pursue, are denominated a "yelling mob," ''profligate politicians," etc, and his recent dangerous illness is thought to be principally the result of their denunciations and blows. Sumner, the sup)osed great shining orb of unapproachable luminous ness. the inhaler and exhaler of un- liarallplpd vnlnmpsnt'divii.p afflatus . ... the mortal approximation nearest to divinity, is set forth by this fulsome admirer, as a martyr to the injus tice, abuse and cruelty of a deprav ed public sentiment, all being prof ligate who in the least doubt his perfection. Greatness in its best estate is uot inseparable from mis take, or folly, neither is virture from inconsistency ; and Sumner is cer tainly no exception to either. The old maxim says, "None but a fool is always right," and Sumner is not that tool. He may come up to the description which says : "The truly great seek to gain the approbation of God, and their own conscience" but in the effort much egotism, van ity, dictation and selfishness stick out like horns. A petted child will estimate all opposition as abuse; and a man, well pleased with him self, sees but little to admire outside of himself, iiis faults and vanities aud inconsistencies become virtues, and opposition to them, persecution. Failing to control President Grant in tilling certain foreign offices, the vanity of this wonderful statesman was touched ; his arrogant pride was probed, and actuated by a burn ing desire to be revenged on Grant, ami allay the pangs of thwarted ambition, he tared his arm in op position to the party which had so long honored him, and sought by affiliation in spirit at least with the enemy, to hurl it from power, and destroy it. The people, plainly see ing the motive by which he was ac tuated, and much preferring to 866 him, with all his vanity, go under, rather than the party and its prin ciples, left him to an ignominious failure. Thwarted in his revenge ful measures at every point, like a headstrong, peevish child, he frets himself sick, and this journal would have it that he is a martyr! A man is said to have drowned by making a bridge of his own shad ow. In this sense is Snmner a mar tyr, though he is only politically drowned. Narcissus is said to have pined away aud died because he could not kiss and embrace himself, having seen a reflection of himself in the water and fallen in love with it. Sumner is on the pine, bnt not yet dead. We do not with him dead. We honor him for what he has done, and hope he may live long enough to see the error of his way, and do his first works over again. Hut we have no patience with maudlin attempts at pathos over his physical ami political con dition, the lat at least being entire ly the result of his own folly. . The Ml U limlniiK. The following from the Statesman, in regard to the affairs at the Siletz Agency, will be read with interest : In a conversation with General Palmer a day or two since, we learned several interesting particu lars concerning the domestic affairs and management of the Indians, which exhibit something of the general line of reform attempted among them. Gen. Palmer has or ganized a sort of jrillHAL SYSTEM Among the Indians, by which they are enabled and encouraged to set tle their own differences. For some time he has held weekly councils with the head men of the tribes, for the purpose of establishing a code of procedure, and determining more definitely what practices among the Indians shail be held lawful or un lawful. Among other things agreed upon as unlawful, is the practice of putting away wives at pleasure and taking new ones. The other day an offense of this kind was tried by the Indian court, and the offender being found guilty was sentenced to pay a fine of $40, and to put away iiis new wife and take back the old one. THE IX 111 AX t'OrRT Consists of five chiefs elected by the Indians. Proceedings before it are commenced by a complaint to the Agent who judges whether it is of sufficient importance to be worth a trial. If so, he convenes the court, presides at the opening, lays the case before them, and then leaves them to try it, taking care that the proceedings are orderly and regular. The Agent reserves the right to set aside a verdict. There is also a court of appeals, consisting of seven chiefs or head men drawn by lot from the whole number. Parties aggrieved by the judgment of the court below lve the right to take the matter before this court of ap peals in case where the Agent de clines to set aside a verdict. The Indians have a Sheriff who executes the orders of these courts. General Palmer says the Indians are greatly pleased with this judicial system, and he finds that by its adoption, his authority is greatly supported by the most influential men of the several tribes, all controversies are settled more entirely to the satisfac tion of all the parties concerned. Proceedings iu the courts are gen erally conducted with gravity and decorum. An English paper has the follow ing pen-sketch of Von Moltke, the great German General : While going to church I noticed near me the new uniform of a Gen eral officer some one who impress ed me at first as the youngest, blandest and slenderest General officer I ever saw and I tried to divine how promotion could have been so rapid in an array where everything is regular. I looked again, and the quick, elastic step, the slender, almost womanly waist, contrasted strangely with his rank, which I noticed to be that of a full General. On looking into his face I was still more surprised to recog nize General Von Moltke. We continued on to the chapel door to gether. He is a man of few words, of a singularly youthful expression of countenance and eye; and al though one knows he is 70 years of age, and heavy time-lines mark his face, it is hard to shake off the idea that he is a boy. He has a light and nearly transparent complexion, a clear blue eye, flaxen hair, white eyebrows, aud no beard. .. . - ' " Columbus, Ohio, had something like an earthquake last Saturday night. Professional Peculiar ks. A Texas paper has been studying what it ca'ls professional peculiari ties, or the tendency of a man to identify himself with his business, and gives some interesting results. A Now York lawyer is instanced who, in his zeal to use old Weller's pet legal weapon, an alibi, roared, "Wo can prove that at the very time we are accused of perpetrating this dreadful deed we were serving out a term of imprisonment in the Tombs for larceny." In "Pellmm" the same trait is noticed in the fash ionable tai'or, who remarked to his customer, "We are a little narrow here ; wo must be padded there," w, wnile an equally fashionable j boot-maker says, "We have a bun ion on the great, and we also have a corn on the little, toe." The queerest fish, however, is an under taker, lie is called in a hurry, and his coffin happens to be little short. "We will settle," he cries, "during the night so as to fit the coffin ; it is astonishing how we settle some times ; we have been known to set tle three inches in a single night !" The same man was given to dally ing lovingly with his subjects, and was proud when they look well. Once he said, "Don t we look nat ural ? This neckcloth needs a little fixing, and we'll do." And another time, "Will our friends be kind enought to take a Pst look at us?" And on still another occasion, on receiving a body from a distance, he said : "Here we are, eleven days from New Orleans and sweet as a nut !" "KissMk, MAM.tA."--"Kiss me, mamma, before I sleep." 'How simple a boon, and yet how smith ing to the supplicant is that soft, gentle kiss! The little head sinks contentedly on the pillow, for all is peace and happiness within. The bright eyes close and the rosy lip is reveling in the bright and sunny dream of innocence. Yes, kiss it, mamma, tor that good night kiss will linger in memory when the giver lies mouldering iu the grave. The memory of a gentle mother's kiss has cheered many a lonely wanderer's pilgrimage, and has been the beacon light to illuminate his desolate heart; for remember life has many a stormy billow to cross, many a rugged path to climb, with thorns to pierce, and we know not what is in store for the little one so sweetly slumbering, with no marring care to disturb its peaceful dreams. The parched and fevered lips will become dewey again as recollection bears to the snfferer'sJ couch a mothers love a mother s kiss. Then kiss your little ones ere they sleep ; there is a magic power in that kiss which will endure to the end of life. Origtx ok Pai-ar Money. The Count de Tendil la, while be sieged by the Moors in the fortress of Alharabra, was destitute of gold and silver wherewith to buy his sol diers, who began to murmur, the necessaries ot life from the country people. In this dilemma, says the historian, what does this most sa gacious commander ? He takes a number of little morsels of paper, on which he inscribed variou sums, large and small, and signs them with his own hand and name. "These he gave to the soldiery in earnest of their pay. How, will you say, are soldiers to be paid with little scraps of paper ? Even so, and well paid too, for the good Count issued a proclamation order ing the inhabitants to take these morsels of paper for the full amount ! thereon subscribed, promising to re- oeem tnem, at a tuture day, m sil ver and gold. Thus, by subtile and miraculous alchemy, did this cava lier turn worthless paper into pre cious gold, and his late impoverish ed army abound iu money." The liirtorian adds : "lhe C ount de Teudilla redeemed his promises like a royal knight, and this miracle, as it appeared in the eyes of Agapida, is the first instance on record of pa per money, which has since spread throughout the civilized world the most unbounded opulence." Hie San Francisco Mint has twenty-six ladies employed. I'hCb Vtetj. Pat was an idle bov. One day he was suddenly called up and the question propounded by the peda gogue : "How many Godsare there?" Pat was not a distinguished the ologian, but quickiy answered : "Three, sir.'' "Take your seat," thundered the master, "and it you don't answer in five minutes, 1 will welt you." ' The probationary passed, Mid Fat, taking the floor, hesitating'' stated the number to lie "five, sir." He received the promised welt ing, and returned to his seat ten ! minutes tor consideration. Ten minutes up, Fat was up too, ai d satisfied that he had not fixed the number sufficiently high before, shouted out : "There's ten, sir." He saw the ferule descending, and breaking for the door, he clear ed a five-railed fence and ran like a quarter-horse across the meadow Panting with exhaustion, he met a lad with a look of one in pursuit ot knowledge under difficulties, lie asked : "Where are yon going ?" "To school, yonder," was the re ply. "How many Gods are there? "( ne," answered the boy. "Well, you'd better not go there. You'll have a good time with your one God. 1 just left there with ten, and that wasn't enough to save me the darndest licking you ever heard of." HI .ttOItUl'tt. lhe early bird can secure the worm without any trouble by buy ing a few chestnuts of any street dealer. Hobby was saying his prayers at his mother's knees : "Give us this day our daily bread," when he broke off, saying: "Mamma, I know Why we pray to God every day for bread ; it is so that we may have it fresh " There are two reasons why some people never mind their own busi ness. One is they havu't any busi ness, and the second is that they iave no mind. A sailor, looking serious in a Boston chapel, was asked if he felt any change. "Not a cent," said .lack. A western editor says of a cotem- porary that "he has his ears under such perfect control that he can fan himself with them." "Have yon seen my blackfaced antelope ?" inquired the keeeper of a menagerie "No," said the vis itor, "who did your black-faced aunt elope with ?" A western paper tags an item briefly thus "Airs. John 15agg8,of Omaha, has left Mr. John haggs, taking the money bags, and leaving John to hold the little empty Haggs" A witty son ot St. Patrick was in charge ot a ferry boat. A lady pas senger, being frightened by the waves asked him, "Are people ever lost by this boat ?" He gave her the very encouraging reply, "Not often, ma'am ; we generally find them after by dragging the river. Mrs. iS'tanton is lecturing on the "Coming Girl." The St. Louis Times wants to know, you know, how does she know what it will be?" Another paper suggests that it slie expects such an addition she had better be at home making np a supply of small clothes rather than be traveling over the country brag ging about the expectation. It is inelegant to ask your sweet heart if she is "hot ." It is much prettier to say: "Euphonsia, dar ling, does the excessive closeness of the atmosphere cause a perspirative affection to overcome the angelic phisicalissimns?" Such being the case the fair one must not say : "You bet, old boss!" but she may gasp a little gnsp, and softly silibate; ''Alphonso, dearest, your solicitude for comfort has led you to divine the exact nature of my present situ, ation." After this the blamed fools may do as they please. We can't be giving advice all the time.