ALBANY REGISTER. 8 BUSINESS CARDS. A. . C. L A Y T O X , DKALKIt IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. WILL 8TRIVR TO KEEP THE BEST ul gU in my tine, and sell at the to ( Ih'iiig rahf. (Ml ami ire me. 15 At Xorth Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., AKK STIU. SELIdliU MY MD8, CLOTHING, BOOT, SHOES, HARDWARE, UR4HERIEH, XOTIOSS, Kit'., ETC., of which thev keen on hand a full stock, nml lire able' to sell at lowrat rules, as usual, for ( null or Prodnee. Will also lie able to hnv and sell drains of all kinds, or attend to storing Ml wiirdlnsltat their Warehouse in Halscy. liive us a trial. KIRK, HUME CO. jT w7ba!jwIn, Attorn) mill Counselor hi WILL PRACTICE IS ALL THE Courts in the 4d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Sunreme, Court of Oregon, and in the 0. 8. lllstrlctand Circuit Courts. omen-In Parrlsh hrick, (upstairs), in odioc occupied by the late S. H. Cmiior, First street, Allmny, Oregon. to.5v6 i It. MITCHELL. 1' DOLPH. MITCHELL & DOLPH, Attorney and Counselors at Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY AND PKOC , torslnaduitnillv. Ofltoe over the old post offlw, Front street. Portland, Oregon. Ivt J. C. IHlWELX. L- raWK. POWELL & FLIVN, Attorney an Counselor at Law, i Nl SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY (L. A Flinn notarv public), Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyance promptly at tended to. 1 W. . JOXES, M. ., HOMEOPATHIC PHTSI3IAN. AI.HAM V, OREUOSI. lflv i. . jonkS. hUmm hill. JONES A HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE -SOUTH SIDE FIRST STREET. iHMtalrm In J. M. Beach's store-house. S7vt T. M . HARRIS, M. D., IMiysiciuii and Surgeon, ALBANY. OREGON. OFFICE -OVER TUHRELLW sTORK, First street. Residence-Third-st., one door went of Methodist church. 37-4 DENTISTRY. UKO. W. URAT, D. D. ., IKIES ALL WORK IK TM& Hue of his profession in ine Mrsl, fcJf and most apprw- .1 .....limit i lu.tlcii.'cnts iwhI for tile iiainlcss extraction of teeth, if desired. ' . . I .I-.... 1 1 1 1 hi ri'Tii- Particular ancmum !'"" " lation of Children's teeth Dental consultations and exam hint ons kkkk. Charges moderate. Mbta" Kuaranteed In every case. CaUat htsofflce and examine sjicciuiens ol his woikinan- "'tl&VlCE In Parrih Brick Block, up stairs. J!?" LEFFEL & WIEKS' WaterWlaeels SPHKRICAL FLUMES, And Urneral Mill Hachlnery. J. F. IIACKENSTO. Agent, Mvj Allwny, Oregon. N. S. DIBOI W. H. H'l'l I.LUCU. X. S. DL ROIS & CO., HVVEON HAN It AND CONSTANTLY receiving a large stock of lru eerie nnd Provision. Wood and willow ware, tolmeco, cigars, onfectionerv, Ynnkec notions, etc., etc., w holesale and retail, at lowest rates. opposite H. C. Hill A Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. S8V4 ILBAW BOOSi STORE. Established In ISM. E. A. Frccland, DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF miscellaneous hooks, school liooks, blank iKMtks, stationery. Books imported o order at short notice. , Albany, Doc. 5,1870. TIlC Eye! Tlie Ear! DR. T. L. .OLDEN, Oculist anil Aurlst, Albany, Oregon. I vlt. tiOI.DE IS A -?ar3S' 1 son of the noted M old opthaluiie dtK'tor, A s. L !. H v nas imd . merience in trtatlng . ' ... .1 1 .-iiKtolMI tit BS; subejd,and Itacla cTmrt lei t of alvlng entire satisl.ution to thoee who .nay fim,mmmM' T. FORTIWER, She clc3l, Or eon Mannfiieturer of and deivler in HARNESS & SADDLES A (tooa Artlele tor a fair I'rlee. Particular attention paid to Rw aibimi. Wiedd, Nov.,7H5vSy WATCHES JEWELRY. PACIFIC WATCHES, MANUFACTURED AND ADJUSTED especially for the Paclllc Coast hy the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz : Pacific, California and San Francisco WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommend them to the public, as possessing more good qualities for the price than any other Watch In the market. We also Keep all other brands of Elgin, Waltham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Diamond Spectacles. all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices. m rs list s., Albany, Ob. 'gSTRciwirlng a specialty, and satisfac tion guaranteed. Bvfl NENSPAPORIAL. Christian Messenger IS A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. Will bo sent to anv address, nntll Janunry 1st, 1874. for TWO DOLLARS. Address. WELLS DM'RY, Publisher, Monmouth, Oregon. I3inl MEDICINES. TRY THE MOUNTAIN BALM COEGH MIXTURE. W. H. PAUKKIf. OF JACKSONHLLE, OREtiON, HAS discovered a remedy, comixisod of the Ext met from Mountain Itnlm, which grows in Jackson Countv. and other Vegetable Ingredients, w hich" lias enabled him to furnish the afflicted with a purely vege table n perfectly harmless, and yet the ot Powerlul Lung Heiucdy evor discovered. It Is (rood for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis, and Is an Ayue Preventive, Hlood Purifier, In vlyorator and Appetiser, and is noted for nil Nervous and Bilious alls. Many letters might be adduced to show wliaf the medicine lias done (if nec essnrvl, but try a bottle, and it will recom mend itself wherever introduced. For sale at all Allwny Drug Stores, and bv all dealers in patent medicines. 'Prepared by ' W. H. PARKER, l.lniS Independence, Oregon. Tin? slanilitrfl remedy for CotrliN, In Ituensa, Tkrutl, iri'7'ff Vuunh, Croup, LHeer OmuUiitil. Hnwhitix.lVfiiiVH nf Hi - fMHfp,mn every affection of the Throat. Lungs nnd ("best, including Co.n Sl'MPfiuK, Wlatar'a llalNnni or Wild 4'lierry doca not drv up a Cough, but loosens it, elennses the lungs, and allavs Irritation, thus r mtmnp ihrtwrn-uf tTiecniniilnint. None irenuine nnless signed I. Ritts. Preimrcd bv Sktii W. Fowi-r ft Sons, Bos ton. sold bv Rkdinhton. Hohtbttkh A Ci ., Sun Francisco, and by dealers gm erttlly. IWjy IT lannOTIMBMMMMIIMlMM NURSKRV. Friill Trcen, Oraiie Vine, Ac. THE UNDEIISHiNED INVITES THE attention of the p ibllc to hlsliirgeaud complete slock of APPLE. PEAR, PLUM. CHERRY and other TREES. Also, (IRAPE VI ES -best In the State; oinniiiental Trees, Slmibs, Plants, Cur rants, tisislM'rrl s. Strawberries, Roses, I 'ablins nnd IlnlUt which will lie sold as low as llrst-class stock can te n Horde I. Nov.Wv4 J. A. MILLABI). h siH Shi PACIFIC COAST Mm, The Baptl'ti of Polk count have had a successful protracted meeting at Dallas. A British Columbia paper says a large number of settlers are coming into Semlahmoo valley on the extreme northern verge of Washington Terri tory. Governor Bennett, of Idaho, has gone on a visit to the Eastern States. Sunday fishing with dip-nets is in vogue at the Oregon City falls. It is stated that never before was there so large a proportion of silver paid into the State Treasury for State taxes, as has been received tills year. This, of course, indicates a great scarc ity of gold everywhere, and. ergo, a scarcity of money in general. Wash Turk, Jiving oil the Upper Payette, Idaho, committed suicide re cently by shooting himself with a shotgun. It is reported that Judge B. F. DM nison was robbed at the U. S. Hotel at Seattle, recently, of his valise con taining sonie five or six hundred dol lars in currency, and upwards of two thousand dollars worth of notes and other papers. No clue had been ob tained to indicate the perpetrator. Mr. George Wist, of Seattle, who died last week, left an estate ot about $15,000 in value, $9,00(1 of which con sists of a life insurant. He left a will, bequeathing $5,000 to Mrs. Wist, of Port Madison, from whom he ob tained a divorce sonic two years since, and the residue to his two brothers and a sister. ' There were thirteen men in the San Francisco jail on the 17th inst., under indictments for murder. The epizootic has made its appear ance at Elko, Nevada. The Corvallls Gazelle reports whoop ing cough quite prevalent among the juveniles in that place, and a few cases ol measles. Wheat was lielng rapidly shipped trom Corvallis last week. Night carousiiigs in Corvallis lately, prompts the Gazette to inquire, "Where is the City Marshal ?" The Gnsftte announces the arrival of fifty stand of arms and some two thousand rounds of ammunition at Cotvallls, directed to the county Judge of that county, intended for the pro tection of the citizens against hostile Indian demonstrations on the border. Seventy-four persons had joined the M. E. Church at Salem up to the 18th inst. The laws passed by the last Legisla ture have been printed by the State Printer, ami are now ready tor distri bution. Portland police are not allowed to smoke or take a drink when on duty. The Bvlktin contain an account of a man passing by tlw name of J. S. Allen, who has succeeded in bilking more than a score of persons there, during the past year. He represented himself as an agent of a large lumber company in Cincinnati, out here for tlie purpose of selecting land upon which to erect an extensive cooerage establishment, etc. After contracting numerous debts by borrow ing, board ing and so on, he suddenly left. Washington Territory lias 157 jieda gogues. Meacham Is said to be w orking hope fully tor his reinstatement as Indian Sueriuteuilent. Slater has introduced a bill to sell timber hmd lo actual settlers whose lauds coutain a small quantity of tim ber. The pints and spi'dftotlons for tlie new college building to be erected tit Forest Grove have been finished, says the (h egmi),. According to these the building will be 105 feet long and 70 feet wide. The building w ill be three stories with a mansard rtwf. The first story will be 18. the second 17. the third from 12 to 14 feet clear. There will lie 10 recitation rooms In the first and second stories, including a lai-ge chapel 55x40 feet. The third will-contain library, cabinet, etc. It will lie surmounted bv a neat tower. It will be built principally of wood. On the 5th begins the Chinese New Year. Tlie dlptlwrla Is prevalent in Colis valley, Douglaa county. Some deaths among children are reported. A petitiou is In circulation asking j for a weekly mail service lietweeu Btt gene City ami Ochoco, aero1 tlio McKenzle route. An ordinan; is talked of at Ktigene City, requiring every resident to keep a ladder standing by his house and two buckets of water ou the roof. A firm in Lane county is going into hop raising on a large scale. it Is stated that at least thiee thous and Chinese are engaged iu the boot and shoe manufactory in San Francis co. Not over four hundred white men are in factories. Mr. Packard's son, of Canyenville, aged about seven, tell from the window of a saw mill on to some rocks, on Friday last, fracturiug his skull so t hat i some of his brains escaped. His life was despaired of. A donation party is to be held in ; Portland on the 24th inst., for tlie benefit of Mrs. Dunuiway. The German papers in San Francis co have secured the city printing, be ing the lowest bidders. A California journal shows that a crop of Alfalfa yields from $100 to $114 per acre, one-halt of which is profit. A colored girl named Elizabeth Cut tli, lately eloped with a white man named George Williams. The father of the girl pursued them to San Fran cisco, and with the aid of tlie jiolice, got the girl antl returned to Benecia. Williams was not found. A man named Thomas Henrv burg larized the North Star saloon at Salem on Wednesday night of last week. He was arrested. Flour at WTalla Walla Is quoted at $3 50 per barrel. Baldwin, who absconded from Walla Walla leaving Ids creditors unpaid, lias been captured at Silver City. Idaho. $1,400 was found sowed up hi the lin ing of bis boot. The printers of Salem have called a meeting for the 23d of January, to take into consideration the proposition of making contributions toward erect ing a statue of Horace Greeley. A movement is on foot to erect new University buildings at Forest Grove. Oregon is one of only seven States that raised, the last season, an average of over 100 bushels of potatoes to the acre. W. H. L. Barues. of San Francisco, received $52,000 for his services in contesting the will of Horace Greeley. Several cases of horse disease were reported at Oakland. Cat,, Jan. 18th. There were 59 deaths iu San Fran cisco last week. Oakland has a five cent bar-room. Santa Barbara. Cal., needs farm la borers, and is willing to pay them liberally. Two men of Santa liosa, Cal., have plunged into a law suit about a dozen eggs. Sitka, the capital of Alaska, is bank nipt. She contracted a debt of $150. with only 70 cents in the treasury to pay it with. A California paper says: "All of the staff of the Governor of Oregon have gone to hunt the Modoc. They will hunt until they get afraid of find ing them, and then tliey'll go back home." Sawtelle's house, burned by the In dians at Siletz. was insured for a small amount, but not enough to cover the loss. It was a valuable structure and well finished, nnd contained a library ot miscellaneous hooks that cost not much less than a thousand dollars, be sides other valuables that . w ere de stroyed. The Rock Point Marion county Farmers' Club, has killed 7(1 wolves in the last three years. The Treasurer of the Club thinks that sheep are more freiuently destroyed hy wolves than by dogs. Says the I'lmmteakt: "The Hoard of Engineers appointed to ascertain tlie necessary improvements for the Pacific coast, have reported that no further appropriation was needed for tlie Umpqua. t ecause tlw rapidity of tlie current prevents successful com jK'tillon with the railroad. If they liad said a lack of energy, the report would have fieen correct." A great religions revival is reported to have takeii place on the Warm Spring Reservation, and there are now some two hundred professed Christians. In Salt Lake City it is thought that Brlgham Young will never s an other summer above ground. In that event 37 widows will mourn and 117 children will be fittiierless. The Coal Company at Seattle, are now taking out one hundred and thirty tons of coal dally. At this rate there would be about twenty-five thiniaud dollars a mouth brought Into the Ter ritory by thi- one mine. A Methodist Church South was or ganized last Sunday in Salem by Rev. Dr. Duwne. The congregation expect to build a house of worship early in the spring. Olympta claims to have experienced an earthquake shock on Thursday of last week. It is stated that if the salmon fisher ies of Alaska were properly developed, she would become one of the richest possessions of the United States. Tlie Montanian of Virginia City, Montana Territory, publishes the fol lowing, and vouches for it as a genuine advertisement, the insertion of which was paid for by Dr. Chough Yec, a Chinese physician of that city : "Wang Gye owes Dr. Chough Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars. He cannot pay it. So according to the Chinese law, be left his woman, Sin Gim, in Dr. Cheugh Yee's possession as collateral, until tlie money is paid. All right. By and by, all same yesterday, Sin Gim stole Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars from Dr. Chengh Yee, and ran away. Now then all Chinamen take notice that if you keep Sin Gim, you must pay me Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars, all same Wang Gye. "DR. CHEUGH YEE." Cod fish are represented as enor mously abundant on the coast of Alas ka. The game law goes into effect on the 31st. Roseburg has wood and chicken thieves. The Roseburg Pantograph says Jack Williams, of Looking Glass, while on his way to Jacksonville with a load of freight met with an accident which broke three of his ribs. Recovery wa doubtful : also Mr. J. J. Crawford and partner, Mr. David Thompson, of that county, in nine days killed four nun tliers, three bears and two lynxes. In the year ending Jan. 1st, they killed sixty-one animals of these species. The new warehouse being construct ed in Portland is 310 feet long and SO feet wide, two stories high. A track will be run through the center of the first floor, also one along the upper side of the building. On the river side a platform twelve feet wide will In laid running the whole length of Un building. Some 000,000 feet of lum ber will be used in the building, and tlie cost will be about $20,000, says the Oretfinian. Mr. H. D. Green, of Portland, is going to have a trout pond constructed . A child ten years of age has been Insane, and sent to the asylum by the authorities of Lane county. It is said that during tlie month of May last no less than 250,000 bion were killed south of tlie Kansas Paci fic Railroad, for their hides alone. Tlie Commissioner of Pensions has decided that the Oregon Volunteers who served under Captain Jesse Walk er and Captain Nathan Olney. in 1854. are entitled to land warrants'. Another case of small-pox is report ed in Baker countv, near Prltchard' Bridge. Tlie salary of the Superintendent of Schools in Union county lias been at $.'100 per annum. i Col. Joe Meek, of Oregon, visited the locality on the headwaters of the Yellowstone, now known as tlie Na tional Park, iu the year 1829, and claims to have been the first white man who ever traversed that then al most unknown region. A Methodist church will soon he erected at Snohomish citv, W. T. It is thought if Gen. Crook Is left alone, he will soon end the Apache troubles. Jacksonville pays one dollar per bushel for wheat. A patent for a new ehurn'has been granted to James W. F. Howe, ot Douglas comity. The Times is litigant organ lor Jackson and Josephine counties. Jacksonville hoodlums go round drumming on people's windows ot nights. Roads are almrst impassable from Jacksonville to the Motloe country. Only ox teams or pack trains are used. The Oly mpia Courier says : " Cur rent reH-.rt say tlmt heavy financial embarrassments have overtaken one of the largest milling firms of tlte Sound in consequence of Comnv funds having been appropriated to private uses hy one ot the San Fran cisco partners, it is supposed, ibrstock SMTlllaflOIH. Wedding cards In Denver, Colorado, consist of a jack of diamonds and queen of hearts, with tlie contracting parties names thereon ; if tlie bride' mother is living the ten of elubs is in cluded. Tlie total population of all the Ter ritories according to the Census Re port was in 1870. 441730, being com iiosed of 380,249 whites, 44,903 col ored 7,075 attd 4.503 hidtans. The estimate of the Indian population seems to us to be remarkably small. Tlie brick jail iu Olynipia has htwn turned into a boot and shoe facttiry.