The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 24, 1873, Page 2, Image 2

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llMII. AJtD (tmiHWIAI..
Gokl In New York fluctuating : last
quotations 118l.
Legal Tenders, 8S89e.
Wheat In Liverpool Average, 12s
MG12s M : Chib. 12s IM6IS1 Id.
From the IMIetiu we learn that tlie
British ship WhiUingHm was towed to
Astoria on Wednesday, to receive
auoe of cargo. The Bumiomta liad
(ommeiHwl loading wheat, ami the
F'Hr .VwWWm would he ready for
tlie reception of outward cargo on
Thursday or Friday.
Telegrams from San Francisco in
relation to the markets are meagre and
iinsatlstactory. We can but give the
quotations ns sent by tlie Associated
Flour Quiet ; extra, $5 7;f 25.
Wheat-hoicc shipping. t2 07 ;
small lots dull at 1332 05 f 100 lbs.
In Portland prices continue to fluc
tuate, but the general average price of
wheat seems to be $1 70 f cental.
Oats continue in good demand at
1 531 60 ? cental. Barley is a
scarce article in the market, and is
iiuoted at 1 40(81 45? cental. Feed
-Middlings. 13033 50 f ton: bran,
16318 do. Flour Best brands quot
ed at $5 50, while common range from
$3 75(34 75 ? bbl, large shipments
lieing made to San Francisco, where
Oregon brands stand higher than any
other, and are quoted at $5 75Ca 25 f
Mil. Butter Ordinary, slow sale at
l820c; fair country, 2530e; fancy
Iniiy in demand at 42345c f lb. Egs
The supply exceeding the demand,
prices are 2(X32jc f dozen. Fruit
Apples in good supply at5(X75f box;
pears scarce, at 11 50 f box. Po
tatoesFull supply, at 35f37l2c f
bushel delivered In the city. Poultry
and Game Scarce at good figures;
chickens. 4 50S5 50; geese. $10;
mallard ducks, 2 50: small do. U 50:
pheasants. $1 50; quails. $1 502 f
down: turkevs, lot- ? lb. Hav
'timothy firm at R8fl8; wild. $S11
ftnn. Hides (Jreen salt. 7 l ,e: green,
6e : dry. 16 ; dry salted. V.,c ? lb.
Since our last report, our farmers
have assembled in their several dis
tricts, and organized Clubs, associating
themselves together not only tor the
interchange of ideas on tlie liest modes
of farming, etc, but tor mutual aid
and protection. So far as reported to
us. these Chilis, some lour or lire in
iiumlier. embracing among their mem-l-ers
the most experienced and wealthy
fanners in the county, have resolv
ed with hardly a dissenting voice, to
erect their own warehouses in which
to store their grain. There is. we be
lieve, a proposition on foot for the sev
eral Clnbs In tlie county to unite in tlie
erection of a mammoth warehouse and
wharf at Astoria, ground liavingheen
Mlered them at that point on the most
advantageous terms. The completion
of the Locks and Canal at falls of tlie
Willamette, will enable tliem to ship
grain direct to Astoria, thus saving im
mense sums heretofore paid for lifer
age. etc. Our formers have gone to
work with an apparent tie termination
f making themselves maters ot the
situation placing themselves in a sit
uation to demand ami receive the high
est attainable price for their product
for the future. Whatever is intended
to benefit the (arming community will
conduce to the general welfare, and
we ate at all times willing to aid. with
all tlie power we may possess, the fur
therance of such objects. Plan" for
tlie attainment of desired ends should
he thoroughly and completely canvass
ed and tally matured, so that when the
actual work is commenced there will
lie no lingering doubts or questions of
feasibility to retard the vigorous pros
ecution to a successful issue. We shall
refer to this matter as often as occasion
may require.
Albany markets remain In statu qtto.
We quote:
Wheat We have heard of no tales
in excess of H0c f bushel, and there
fore quote at that figure.
Oats Nominally 46c f bushel.
Egg 20e f dozen.
Butter -25c f ft. for best quality.
Meats-Beef, 4 js5e? ft. net; pork,
6c do.
Weather cloudy but pleasant. Busi
ness Mill dull. Money a shade easier.
A paragraph!! has puzzled us again.
He asks: "Why do women always
carry their pocketbooks as though they
considered them on exhibition?"
Ttiik Postposep. The time for
drawing, in the Omaha Oitt Enter
prise, lias been (lostponed to March
31st. 1873. as we are informed by cir
cular from tlie office ot Mr. J. M. Pat-tee.
Monoc Lkcttre. Sam. Colver.
Esq.. lectured at the Court House In
this city on Tuesday night ; also, at
Good Templar's Hal), on same even
ing. Sam made one ot his cliaracter
istic sjieeches. we learn, no doubt mak
ing the hair flv.
At Reduced Rates. Wheeler &
Co.. at Shedd, are selling Winter
goods of all kinds at reduced rates to
make room tor a large Spring stock.
Call and see.
Rumored. It is rumored on the
street that the opposition steamboat
company intend erecting h new wharf
in this city ami at Salem tor their pur
poses. This is rendered necessary by
the fact that tlie old company has con
trol of all the other wharves at the
points mentioned.
The following is taken from tlie
Oregmiinu of the 14th inst: "In the
course of the interesting remarks made
by .fudge Bonham in the Supreme
Court on last Saturday, upon the death
of the late Mr. Cranor, he said that the
latter had often said to him that the
liest guide a Christian man could take
for his conduct in this world was to be
found in tlie following stanza from
Pope's universal prayer :
"What conscience dictates to In? done,
Or warns nie not to (to,
Tlii teach me more than hell to shim,
That more than heaven pursue."
The Corvallis Gteefte of last week
has this: "Mr. Jack Allphin, of
"Chop House" notoriety, with his fam
ily, came up on the Alice last Wed
nesday, and has leased the old Eagle
Hotel. Mr. A. informs us that he is
out of the whisky business, at the re
quest and desire of his family, and in
tends to stay out. He will keep a
first-class Restaurant or Chop House.
Meals at all hours, day or night. Cor
vallis greatly needs jtist such an insti
tution as this, and we bespeak for Mr.
A. a liberal patronage.
Hom.oway's Ointment. Tlie pene
trative and healing action of this po
tent salve is a marvel throughout the
world. Nothing else should be relied
on in scrofula, cancer, salt rheum,
erysipelas, and external injuries. Sold
78 Maiden Lane. N. Y. Price. 25
cents per pot Ask for new style ; the
old is counterfeited.
Save Yoru Doctor's Bills.
When Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry will cure coughs, colds, bleed
ing at tlie lungs, and arrest the fell de
stroyer. Consumption, it does more
than most physicianscan do. A single
trial will satisfy the incredulous. 22
A fire at the residence of the late
Edwin Forrest, in Philadelphia, de
stroyed a portion ot iiia library,
consuming nearly all of his valua
ble Shakespearian collection, in
cluding the famous original folio
published in 1623, and valued at
5,000 The tire did not extend
beyond the library.
'! lie uprightness which is occa
sioned by a malignant boil, is not
sought after i.ear as much as tlie
other kind. However, some men
would not consent to be upright
very long, but for one of 'em.
A special telegram to the Chicago
Timt x says that the verdict in the
Stokes' case was a surprise to no
one in the crowded court, more
than to the prisoner himself. He
was ashy pale, and fainted ; but
the fact of his tainting was not
known but to four or five persons.
Onslow and Whalley, Eng., have
been fined 100 each tor publicly
accusing Sir John Duke Coleridge
of conspiring to deprive the Tien
borne claimant of his rights.
J. J. Moulton, Postmaster at Mo
bile, is reported defaulter for $30,
000, which, it is said, however, has
all been recovered. The assistants
have all been arrested for embezzle
ment Hight Hon. Stephen Lushington,
Q. C, England, died on the 20th.
John Wise, the balloon man, is
constructing a large air vessel in
which he proposes to sail across the
Latest t'w.
An Olympla paper reports a case of
: the epizooty In one of the stables at
i that place, t
j Receut discoveries of silver In (Jrand
j Maud District Colorado, are attract
! ing considerable attention.
Mount Hood is reported to have
' smoked last Supday.
Money Is reported easier in Portland
I now than forniohths past,
j Seagulls are reported plentiful about
! Portland.
j A lady filled the pulpit in the East
j Portland M. E. Church last Sunday, j
The Hull?' in says Sam Colver's pro-1
posed lecture in that city on "The
Rise, Progress and Incidents of the
Modoc War. in Poetry and Prose.''
etc., ilid not come off, there being but
two iersous present beside the Mldin
I reporter.
Game is reported unusually abund-!
; ant in Pass Creek Canyon. At Com
! stock's Mill, a station on the Oregon ,
and California Railroad, hundreds of j
deer may be obtained daily, says '-
Four companies of U. S. troops left
San Francisco on tlie 21st tor the thea-
tre of the Modoc war. Thev number
about 300 men.
It is thought that the squaws living
with white men in the vicinity of
I.inkville, keep Capt. Jack thoroughly
posted as to every movement of the
The epizootic is reported to have
made its appearance at Corinne on the
Boise City observes the Sunday law.
Gov. Bennett, of Idaho, vetoed the
bill abolishing tlie city Government of
Boise City, and the city still lives.
Brighton has ordered a car load of
scabs to vaccinate his family.
At the election over in Tillamook, a
scooed out pumpkin was used for a !
The Idaho Legislature adjourned on
the 10th Inst.
They have "character parties" in I
San .lose. One of the San Jose editors
was invited, but couldn't go he'd lost '
his character
Numerous garrotcrs and highway- '
men are making things lively for Sac- j
ramento people, and relieving them of
their loose change.
Colorado has Over five hundred miles
of railroad in operation.
The loss ol a pocket-book, contain
ing one dollar and a half, drove a Vir
ginia City man frantic.
The horse disease has made its ap
pearance at the City StaW&s, Portland.
Great preparations are being made
for salmon gshlug on the Columbia
river next season.
The married ladies of Hannibal.
M6., have formed a "Come Home
Husband Club." It is aliout tour feet
long and has a brush on the end ot it
In the interior of Africa woman is 1
considered beautiful only in propor
tion to tier obesity ; and many fragile !
maidens, weighing more than 700 odd, i
actually die front bewitching fatness.
KfndfcOn per clay. Agents wanted! All
ulllAv clashes of working people, of !
either sex, young or old. make more mon-1
py at work for ns In their spare moments, i
or all the time, than at anything else. Pur- j
ticulars tree. Address (i. Stinson ft Co., !
Portland, Maine. llyi i
Importers and dealers in
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc.
Can now supply all orders in their line.
Also, Just receive 1 invoices of
8x10 to 10x16 Inclusive.
X. E. i or. all Torn In Si Dramas Ma.,
A Wagons,
Of Every Description,
and all styles of
Wagons Carriages Hack,
Ac., at as reasonable rotes as the use of
Rood material and flretclnss work will Jus-
Repatrinir neatly and expeditiously done
at low rates.
Shop on Ferry between First and Second
streets. WM, PKTEB8.
Albany, May 10, 1871 89
Hiatal, Yuuuk A Co." Column.
! ef
! i
Take the Higlitxt Rank.
have been selected by the Executive
UtQimittee of the World's Johllc us rite
Kettt I'innoM. No other Piano will m
Fxtaxxz Bondel,
The greatest living Pianist, who ws in
Boston, unending tlio Jubilee, says
M The I'nllet. llnvlK A .s IMiiiio
seels, iu every imrtleulnr, nil oilier
Call and examine and sec forvouiselvcs.
or send for Price List and Ctrcritars.
W. K. BAIMJEB, Sole Awmt,
at Snow ft Boon' Art (tailor',
73 First Strait, Portland.
Rnr. j. w. koos, iriiiixu ki..
der of the .Methodist Clinreb, Soi
Francisco, says : "in my opinion, Ueortre
UmmIs A- eo.'a Orstiim havu no equal
for richness and sweetness of tone, with
great power. Iain familiar with nil the
most prominent ononis in tlie markei,
have owned four different kinds, and un
hesitatingly wyl prefer thost; of (icoiu'e
Woods to any other."
Send for Price List and Circulars for the
finest Organ in the world.
W. K. BAMJKR, Sole Agent,
at Snow ft Koos' Art (iullerv,
7:i First street, Portland, Or.
Angus! SH1v4diO
General oiiuiiiiioii
H Jar4!.X,i LKASE" " HEAl)LE'.s
1 lVrYn' OB t'Oim ABO
f H . " street, on thel.,,k
ot the Hillmnettc river,! am prexuixl lo
in unlimited tiunntities.
The IIheal Market Prlee Faid In
Oiah tor Wheat nud Onto.
Parties wishing to store drain, can make
arrangements to get all the sacks
rates'" St "d "nViXnM loweat
A share of patronage is solicited.
Albany, July 17-v4
General Repair Shop.
fHb iKpRfflGNKn axma re
, '""led to AHwny, and taken ids o.d
shop on comer of Ellsworth and Heuond
streets annoiinces his readiiieHa to attend
to all kinds of
Also, has on hand and for sale, the
Strayor Force-teed
and other PLOWS
which ht " ill sell on the most reasonable
HORSE SHOEING- .All round.$2,
Resetting, $1.
All work entrusted to me will receive
prompt attention, and be executed in tha
iH'St ptMHililn manner, with gixxl mati rhU
A sliare of public patronage to solicited.
6"Shopon corner Ellsworth ami Heeond
strei-ts, opposite Weree's Ferry.
10v F. WOOD.
Need! Need! Nredm
Seeds at
( orner First and Main sts.,Porftand.
SIT Catalogue sent free on application
IfcS The
w-wim, in mi ainus ana sue. XitcMi-v-rat
etoek ever offered in California, all
KKW and Joat received, at lew prices.
Also, 4-iilti valors, Harrows, Need How.
en, ete. foU! by TMEA DWELL it VO..
Haa Fraurlseo. Send for price list. SiuH
pjftff Jones