VOLUME V. ALBANY, OREGON. JANUARY 17, 1873. NO. 20. The Coquetted rate, I ilo remember It. 'I was sncli fiicp A.llnliln would liivvc loved Indwell nnon Rut oh ! ilio touches of Ids neneil never Could print her perfect Ixxuity." "Turn on the light and poke the grate, so that the hie may bum cheerily. There is so mneh gloom i,i mv heart to-night. I wish at least mv stwiv w apitear eneer.ui. i nai will do, Thomas." And my man shuts the door has tily, and hurries to the servants' hall, whore the fellow will doubt less be liaDDV enough among his companions, little heeding or caring about his masters moon I attended two funerals to-day. A very unusual thing 'or me, as I habitually abstain from such gath eruiirs. save when a relative or a very near friend claims the last sad attention. The lirst was a gorgeous affair, too much so, I thought, for the cir cumstances which called tlie con. course together. Too much pomp, a dearth of genuine sorrow. Too many gilded turnouts and liveried coach and fuotmen. Too mneh ob sequiousness on the art of some, too much haughtiiifss in others. Nothing but hollownf ss and unre ality, nothing but mockery in that palace ol death, though it did rear its elegant proportions on Madison avenue, with its possessor with mill ions at his command. Khoda Hurt was dead at the age of t wenty-eight years ; but it was dirticult to realize it when gaz ing at her ImdyJRs it lay rob 'd it its costly trappings. She looked as if she was scarcely sixteen. The old smi e half haughty, half relenting was still upon her lips. That perfect beauty which had sent dozens of noble fellows reeling to destruction, lingered over the face, as if death hesitated to mar so be witchi g a creation. All the old fascinations seemed to lie present. aud were it not the lustrous eyes were closed, ami the low tones of her voice were stilled torevermore, one might have thought her dream ing. Aly next sad visit was to a short, narrow street down town, within a stone's throw of the bustle and tur moil of the bushiess portion of the city. ' I'was a mean looking edi. floe, inhabited by needy literary drudges, and weary, disappointed women, who are destined to labor uureoompensed until tlie icy linger of death is laid uwnthe hearts who have planned and hoped and tailed. iJmrk Kufbrd's body lay await i g interment. Seven friends stood ready to follow It to tlie grave. There was no pomp hero, .lust enough respectability to make one sonsible that he was mingling with men of culture, who had to battle hard lor the bare privilegs of liv ing. 1 could not avoid tlie rellec tioii whether life was worth the struggle. fearful reckoning. When they threw stead, with a blue, eartrfen jug be her into the. vortex of pride and side it. Adda short bench, and you nave uie entire ranutnre ot tue apartment. UI am about to make a request of you, ' he Iwgan, exhibiting some confusion, "and need scarcely say to you that I would like you to con sider it confidential." I bowed again, and he proceed, ed : "Tlie party to whom you belong contains a lady that awakens a sin. fashion she was pure and good When she died there was arceiy a man who would have cared to call her wife.' Her lite was a giddy whirl. Van ity and heartlesstiess she early k new. Day and night she was per. nutted to dash forward into rash ionable follies, while no warning finger was raised to arrest her mad career. She could have married a score gular interest m my raind." ot times. Men with titles, men with the fame of generations clinging to their names, wished to wed her. Statesmen and warriors hail done homage at her feet, and a crowned king had pronounced her beauty unsurpassed, deigning at a court re- cention to make her an omect ot i 9 special attention. And 'lark I Word, what of htm Generous, wealthy and full of hope, he seora2d to promise a worthy tu. ture. His family were good bet ter than John Hurt's, if pedigree is worth anything. Bnfurd wan sing ularly free from all vices when he He might have said "heart," but that would not have wen proper, considering the garb he wore. " VV on Id you do me Uie favor to write her address distinctly ?" Here he produced a card, on which I inscribed Khoda Hurt's ad- dress. Hegazed at it intently, and then added "Mademoiselle is very like one I have frequently seeu iu my dreams." I smiled, as 1 replied : "I perceive a monk's habit can not bar his heart jlgainst. beauty." He colored to the very ears. "You miake me,"-he answered; As i looked upon the wan raee of the dead man my thoughts leaed lackwar! a dozen years to the lime when t lark Hutord was wealthy and courted. In those days he fol lowed Khoda Hurt half over Jin rope, at times reveiiug in bliss, at others plunged in sorrow, accord ing to the moods in which he found the girl he adored. met Khoda Hurt, hut when he part- " 'tis not mademoiselle's loveliness ed from her well, let the curtain that awakens my. interest it is fall there. simply her resemblance to a face It was one of those joyous days that for ten years his haunted my when one feels as if he had taken a dreams. I never saw1 the original new lease of life, that the Hurts, autil yesterday." ' Hutord and myself started from Poor Brother Adolphe ! Better Piedmont to ascend the Pennine far had he dreamed on than met his Alps, intending to visit St. Her- vision in earthly griisc. nard. The road to this spot has The next day we lelt the hospice been so often described that it has and I have a distinct recollection of become threadbare, and I there- getting a glimpse of a purp'e dress f re spare tlie reader. glide pasta door of the corridor as Heboid us then, at the hospice in I happened topassby, the mouth of June. The weather Two weeks more, and we were was pleasant, when one considers enjoying ourselves ia Turin. Clark that we, were more than eight Hutord had learned his fate. He thousand feet above the sea level. ' bore up better than f expected he It was the day following our arrival would, but withal, be. was suffering that, in company with Khoda hurt great mental anxiety. He came to and Kufbrd, we were looking about me and unberthened his heart. It the bui'ding when we met a young distressed me to see his anguish, monk of the Saint Augustine order, By this time I knew the woman who had lately arrived there to re place one of his brethren premature ly worn out in his work ot human ity. He was scarcely more than nineteen years old, and was remark- who had givet. him so much misery. When I undertook to reason with him and try and persuade him that Khoda Hurt was a heartless flirt, he wou'd not listen to me. "Not a word against her," here- plied ; "it may be as you suspect, but to me she must ever be sacred. I cannot liear to hear iter associated with anything that is not good and true." Slowly and wearily she raised lier A little later and Clark Buford eves until they met tlie young monk's went to his own country. After when, as quick as lightning, one ot his departure 1 would have follow- those electric dashes she knew so ed htm, but John Burt made me ably handsome. When I glanced at Khoda Hurt's face I read the thoughts that were passing through her heart as it they had been con tained in a printed page before my the door steps. I stood still to ob serve what occurred, when the man caught sight of me. He remained irresolute for a moment and then accosted me : "Surely I am not mistaken ! " he exclaimed, holding out his hand. "Is it possible that I see Brother Adolphe?" ? Ah, bah!" he cried, "Adolphe Vitry ; that is all; never mind the brother. I suppose you saw that villain remove me from the door? Well, I shall have revenge, but not on him. You see a rained man be fore you, monsieur." "Come with me," I said ; "I would fain speak with you,'' and I took him to my house. When we were seated I brought out a bottle of wine, and watted until he tiad half emptied it, when I said, "Why did you leave the hospice? And why did you not speak to me when I met yon in Turin ?" "Monsieur," he replied, "I am the most unhappy man on earth, and ought to lie accursed, for l vio lated my vows and ran away from a self-imposed duty to follow that which I should not have dared eveu meditate. Do you know she laugh ed at me when I p'eaded my vows; for I did plead, as Heaven is my judge, I did. Well, I suppose she found me willing to listen to her words, and fool enough to worship Iter beauty. It will not, therefore, be wonderful to you if I state, in answer to your interrogatories, that I left the hospice because 1 was wicked and a fool, and I did not address yon when we met at Turin because I was then a disgraced man, and secresy was very necessary in all my movements. "Let me see," he continued, reflecting. "Mademoisejle has admitted me several times to The Wklnrfaff- A SCK5K IN NKWOASTUK PBJ80N,, DKI.AWAUK LA8HIW TWO CON VICTS. Almost the first word's I heard as I entered the prison yard were: " I hope the Sheriff ' will out that Joe Smith like the- , for a worse ' nigger don't live in the State." " He did it decently last Satur day," rejoined a. defunct specimen of humanity. " No, be didn't," replied a party next to him, " lie only raised the dust on their backs." "What's tlie use in having a well how to discharge, half volup tuous, halt pitying, caused him to pause 1 could discern the shudder that passed over his frame, as his cheek grew a shade paler, ami his eyes fell the stone floor, as be passed on his way. Khoda Hurt smiled as she caught my eye, but she knew 1 had her se cret. lAter in the day, wheu the sun ,s setting, I was standing in the room usually devoted tu postillioiis, watching I'rai cois, our driver, re pair a Krtiou of his harness, when I lelt a finger iaid on my shoulder, and, on turning about confronted Hrother Adojphe. "1 would speak a wont with you," ho said, "it you would excuse I had Hen roaming the plains of i - 32 T- after him corridor. 1 you liave any objection of retiring to my apartment ?" he asked : "lwill scarcely detain you a J moment." 'Certainly not," I replied. " fheij to low me," he rejoined, j A few steps, and I was ushered I into the monk's room. It was a very contracted affair, with walls i ofstonc, ami the light that strug- sympatliiwng w.snan, for lr heart j sled through tlie small window. was jwfc vicious auer an. l think barely enabled one to road when her parents will some day hare a 1 seated beneath it. A i .arrow bed- Lorubardy when chance threw John . ' T Kurt, wife aud daughter, and C ark j "'"y jiuiuio iii my way. Kurt v. as a New York man, well known to the Wall street fraterni ty. He was immensely wealthy aud very popular, for he lavished his m uiey with freedom that bordered upou rashness. Jf Khoda was his only chi d. She might have made a loving and her father's house. Oil the last oc casion she bid medepart me, me," he cried, "who have dishonored myself for Iter sake. Yes, she ab solutely ordered her menials to put me from Uie house. Ah ! we shall have revenge " "I am very much pained to see aud hear all this," I answered, lie shrugged his shoulders "Vou will not be offeuded," 1 continued, "it 1 inquire whether yon have need of anything? Where arc you stopping? Are yon well sup plied with funds ,'" Adolphe Vitry laughed. "Monks do not accumulate much money," he replied. "I scarcely know what it is to handle money." 1 put my hand iu my pocket ami drew out a roll of notes, which I thrust into his hand. " Thanks, monsieur," he replied ; "perhaps I may repay you sonie day." A few days after I got a note from Monsieur Vitry, informing me that he was going to leave the country. Twelve years had passed away and Clark Hutord was breathing his last, whei a man was observed hovering near the carriage that stood iu front of John Kurt's resi dence. By and by the daughter of the millionaire came tripping down tlie steps. The footman bowed as lie oiened the carriage door. Just as she was in the act of stepping into tlie barouche there came tlie sharp, whip-like report of a pistol, and Khoda Hurt fell forward on her face with a bullet iu her heart. Fleet as a deer hounded away Adolphe Vitry. He did not care to escape, but he desired to gain a shelter ere he concluded the act he meditated The populace screamed as they took him nearly a dozen years , dashed after the murderer, but be (thanks to a powerful constitution) J at length gained a pub'ic house, to kill himself, but he accomplished i Leaping through the doorway he it, ueiemu'icm. sea ten nunseii ni a lame, aim ueiore It was a couple of years oiler our j his hand could be arrested, lie had return tKn Europe, when I was j applied a pistol to his temple aud one evening peiig bj the redcuee shot himself through the brains. His of John Hint, that . I observed a ' .death mo nave bw instantaneous, servant forcibly ejecting a maufrora for lie never moved after he felL promise to continue the. tour with them, stating that it would lie but a tew weeks lo:iger. I have often wished that I had declined. We were ready to leave Turin, when I one day passed a man upon the street whose face I had seen lie fore. I puzzled myself trying to call it to my mind, but it was not until I went to bod, and between my waking and sleeping moments the fact that I had seen Hrother Adolphe liaslied on my mind. He must have deserted his post. JTie thought brought lwiitfui reflections, for it such were the case, he would probably bo arrested and punished. Of imrse be had but one motive, and that was not difficult to com prehend. I kept my eyes on Khoda Hurt, and saw her steal out alone in a very suspicious manner ; but I never spied her waystond he quick ly returned to the lictel. In the meantime Clark Buord had sailed for New York. Once lauded there, tlie wor fellow took the downwaid course very fast. It whipping.post?" said a cold, stern man, who looked for all the world like a country 'squire ; " what's the use of a whipping-poet if you don't make 'em feel it r At this point tlie Sheriff came out of the jail, followed by the keeper, who was leading A 8T0 ITLY-BtntT COLOBED MAN, Who had a coat thrown loosely over his shoulders. The crowct made a gap, and the prisoner was taken to the posd .-fBid his hands fastened iu a pair of iron cuffs above his head The spectators laughed and brutally commented upon tlie unfortunate wretch. The coat Was taken off, and he stood shivering and trembling in the in tense cold, and directly in tlie path of the wind current from the gate. The Sheriff grasped the whip in his right hand, the keeper stood off to the left and folded his amis: the lash was raised and brought down with considerable force across the shoulders of the victim, while the keeper tallied tlie stroke ui s heavy, sonorous voice. THE MAN TREMBLED, And a sharp cry of pain escaped from his lips. The lash had left its mark in several white welts, which quickly tilled with blood. Tlie spectators pushed to obtain a posi tion so as to see the naked back, while the blows fell with irregular time upon the poor wretche s flesh. The paiu seemed to be glowing in. tense, for the man flinched and bent iiis body in and out as if ach thong as it fell upon him cut like a knife. 1 he twentieth stroke, which was the last, was reached; the keeper cried out " All up,'' and the wretch was unloosed ; he picked up his coat and threw it upon his back aud walked off into the jail to snd a year iu a coll, while the crowd sent behind him a brutal laugh, aud complimented the Sheriff upon the decent way in which ho, had done it. THE SKC0NI TO BE I.A8MKP. In a few minutes the keeper brought out the second and last candidate for the lash. His nanu was Joe Smith, a mulatto, about 39 years of age. He had been sen tenced to 20 lashes tor having stolen a set of harness from a Newcastle county farmer, lie was fastened to tlie post by the iron cuffs, the coat was pulled from off his should ers, aud he stood trembling in the freezing cold. Tlie crowd pressed closely around the post, the keeper gave tlie word, the Sheriff raised tlie lash aud brought it down with tremendous force on, tlie "victim's back, who flinched and distorted himself iu a manner PAIXFtXTO BEBOM). The strokes raised large white welts upon tlie tender flesh and as soon as the blow was given a deep red blood spot instantly appeared. The victim suffered terribly and at the fifteenth stroke groaned in an audi, ble tone. "Twenty," tallied tlie keeper in his heavy voice and the horrid work was ended. The arms were re eased, while the back of the vic tim grew as red as a piece of raw meat. He coolly picked up his coat and followed the keeper to his cell to spend the remainder of his