N .... , - ""WiO A JiiXV. iMitl! IlPflldw ! sash factor v I ' 77r r: IT BUSHED KVERV rpri,, COLL, VAX CLEVE, W REGISTER BUILDINGS, fawfaimil V Strwfc. TERMS-IN ADVANCE. sbfflk;;; ?!l,'n,tore- ADVERTISING RATES, Transient advertisements, uer sounm of ten line or lew. lt 1???. subsequent insertion ilm tisements inrted on the mo BUILDERS, ATTENTION! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR F A C X OR Y. JOB WORK. H)"ln received new tvpe, stock of eoU oredinkH,4rds. (tordonjol)' etc we fi 2 j??w"UTWn4.if print! in a better manner, and tlfiv ner n.nt heaper than ever tolim ofi'lS ttfe Affeato for the Reftiater. , "i"" winagwitleinen are authorlred to receive and receipt for siilwerintim w advertising, etc. for the Rbt1sk: HHwnSmlth, Harrlsburg. 0. P. Tompkins, Han-isbSrg. Peter Hume, Brownsville. V R IT i r L" O i . J. B. Irvine, Scio. T.H. Reynolds, Satan. k sTr' 88,1 Francisco 1). P. Porter. Shedd's Station. 8.H.ALT1KUSE. J. I. BACXENSTO. n. JlKTCIICM. ALTHOl7E & CO., Ib Street, on the Itivcr Ha, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are EUBNISH TO ORDER, oor, sami, Blinds, and muiuuiga, Such as Willi, P. C. HARPER&CO. JIM. LSAV1 TO. CALL THE AT GENERAL MERCHANDISE DRESS GOODS! EAt'EtOEEAns. PATENT MEDICINE. NIIAWIJi, LAt'EJ, EHKHOIDKKY and Fancy Notions. In the Gentlemen's Department R R R Miafs M 'Relief WM. PETERS, ttAJrCFACTUBER or Carriages Of all sites. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, ldlng, And- ASSL St!Ll MILL ' '"ii&t r inns. Tivm,. W offer the latest styles tn CLOTfffXr. the best in PYIiiiAvvid ..'i'JVy'' GLOVES and GAUNTLETS. ami Ulp ",on" u BOOTS & SHOES while oar SIIK MATS are all the rage. VTi) tlafcm 1 1 l ij1, . sortmenTof U " "naa a fu" SHOT C3-XTKTS, aw : 2,-Tr KOIIS. any kind Z n'y a Palley of in.- V. . -ILilHUI I "wuiy, t eb. 10, lim-u f Key Description ALBAXY, OREGON. SHOT-BKLTS, POVfDEB, povndaj, ELASKS, shot. CAPS, MANITACTCBE8 TO ORDER ANT and all stykjs of K AWT Wagon, Carriages, HackH, c, at as reamnaV'.e rates as the ne of poo-! material and flist!ass work wiUju stKi ' "CIWCT;" irst ami Second "ATy.Mayl,1- FTOS! TORS! POHS! Albany. reb.9,IKfV0t'VGC- FATENT GA'lE, Self.Opaiaf and Self-Cloinr GATE. PATENTED BY JOHN DICKASON, Jmie t, I8b7. T" ATE IS SO CONSTBl-ITED That date. In lt rotation to sfe'i?iUfin,,l,e and fasten. ' 10 811,11 Wnd you o Oettiny Out of Tour V.Wole! K Rabingor Lotcliea Sor Pmu, nf fe....-w rai H( Jtcept the rtbbons" of 5 onr team. ft b THE LA2V MAH'ti GATE," And a 4'Dead Open and SJHI." are now in praelhal ff wvemi o" THOMAS J. SAFFCftD, Httring purchased the iZEBANON CARDS: " JAJHE8 COWAJV, (Successor of A Cowan r , Lebanon, Oregon, Dealer in fjrvpnn tlEiKlll.i)lSE! Wa1-8 ON HAND A DRVGOOr.S. OKOCKRIES. DAKinVARE, - SHOES, orVPrieesfor Ca.k t'-i- All r,.J . : ? " """WA- nran ft Co.. Srt " " S?Jg? Lebanon. ' JAME8 L. COWAN. " IT 41 m ri"1 . .u HI, J Tri-Weeklj Stage Line Infrct, erything i the htmterVHno, Mirrors Picture Frames embrace all sizes and styles, fa the line of Crocker-, toiassnrnre, Fruit .BW P0CKET& TIBtE CilTLERI, 'Tobacco, EfoniCKtle o;!,;, & Vlaemr Bitters are not a vile Fancy and sweetened to please the taste Sited iSi- h .,he tlpplcr 011 to arunkenncss and ruin, bat.are a true Medicine, mTde Irom the native roola and herbs of CaUfornlaT free from all AlcohoUc Stimulants. TheTaro the Great Blood Purlfler ajJTufcK Principle, a Perfect Renovator and SKr ator of the System, carrying off all poisonous i-r.r' v ulun reiresn mt and in rigoratlni; both mind and body, tier are easy of aJralnlstratlon, prompt in their m i,061 ln wwl. safe ind reu able In all forms of Mtuman Person can take the nit. tew according to directloM. Tud remain 'MttWft provided their bonea aTno PS b ! Poison or other means sfSJSftoa gBS: a v?Bir S Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Puinit BtaHtjuHUBHfe,. of the TuPm the region of the Kidneys, anda handre SSSM? W"8- the 0 womanhood, or the turaT o?l5e, these Toifc JSSSSf'V 10 ,lec"ie,1 so uSJthat a marked ImDrovenumt ia SSJSJK?' CUES THE WABOT Miara lams . INI0MOnTOTVllTTMIgUTJ NOT ONE HOUR UltUnnn . . Dwijui mi a fain RAOWAY'S READY 'RELIEF U A CURE TOR BVKRY PAW. it vu tb am wt ii TBE ONLY PAIN REMEDY IN FROM ONB TO TWENTY MI M PTES. RADWAYr8 REAOY RELIEF Will. AFFORD INSTANT EARS INFLAMMATION OK THE WDNETS infummaWffL" buddm' or nmoAT, tfflff ZSr)SS' HmK, cJSB'V HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE TJUUUI' IWLl"N COLD CHILLS. AO"' MATBM, Jft1 tt. KEADr RELIEF It sSaVEEsaaiis SmNTrcW ! U INTERNAL PAINS, " M. f EVEH AND AGUE- HEALTH! fiEADTT!! beautit1!lm?S51rr Br. HADWAY S MJI1 JiWPJ Sbanon"v .nd- V!,S-Vi Eriday mor An .,nrf 3lln?M(Ja5 ad AllWraTi ov !S""'W tatve freight for Leinon f' f0r or d.KSSS'? "? ftt-taM nnct,Mliv tel-anon. Feb. i, 72-24 'A0- DB. VANCLETE'S ffalYaiic AMoiaiiial Seuuorter WOOD & WILLOW WARE, onr stock is fnl and complete. ra- CALL AND EXAMINE (JOOBS. j?$ Foster s Bulldliir, First St., Albany P. C. HARPER & CO. MARBLE WOBh'S. MOSStOE STAICER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Fool Stone, EieemeJ ln t-aiitornla, Vermont and Italian "Ml Die. SALEM, OREGON. BmxCH MIOP AT AI.BANY. SrYSr.JL,eT5iu,8ea8e of the Blood, Liver beeL2nd B"""ier- ,hes'! B'ers taw cals hfvmSSL Buch " arc cataev mated Blood, which is generally gped by derangement of the digestive ASBte"mMB $K ffa'- to", Carbuncics, Ring Toni and Blaeales 0 " 1 Wttera- One bo le Tn sJch a" MtWaWlS s Pgglsh in the veins ; cleitS TitwtaS in K.Ll0Z ftf"na wl tell Voi? when SffofSSSS1. excmpt nTThe'pres: ence 01 worms. It is not unon Ui hm,,- n V, r? monsters of disease. lSrrth.,?SeK'ra' oWDcaters an Sjta&aBS Brazos. Rinf:ru.i ni; ."". ' HAS MADE THE MOOT "" that"13 T8wr WONDERFUL MEDICWE7 Evefy Dfty an Increase in Flet and Weight i Seen and Felt meHMTBWOPlIFIBl, Emy drop at th SARSAPARILLIAV """i1oUm thnafk lb. Blood s TirL Snnos" Obcluq. v.ana lew (Uti' UM trill r,-. telSS- " "-fo sic IU potest power to euro Him. I",1U I a ... " - v pNit cure for ' i KIDNEY AND Br.Afir.Bi E-y -i wi -rLm?, IHgai for Linn Co., Oregon, 3t?Jl''u' wir1(.nt &nii rx in I ,rf 01 the countrr. 1. "i" testify, ' - BIS, win 1BRL4CCS AX WAGOSS, Of all Deecripti0Bj )n hand and nmnnfectiired to order. BlaekwaJtbliig and Meaalrlag AnMa2 J alWaH -AB- rrE81JE R BO I'M TOR. r ?.1. c,wii i iho IIS " current 'do its onp opiraMd Zinc. U hed W th,".t ?2''.n"of or int rterru r. .iT.rrJ' . """""le iiucfc rr" my fonu of ft.mt,. "'" in rnwi ... '"aw. a Tt73 Tti titaw.. GOLDEM BALSAM! Ut.Uikhnh fi.1I nFM D 1 1 r 1 u l. 1 SuLBinhin'i fi;ii nen DM cm . a tisin. i.'.'.r. r' i'"iic Mawbmv irirV'" "n- It'kOf the; K I. Et whether k'iy ('r'm Jll'T Price, p-aihMr,l,- U,lih'- Of.L? Bl.'Wt fili rim cnimrrt in MhT " ""J'i-" or.ii'u All- . v i v ' Mr Loiua. uf. LO fiX n'l (jniPrH VCiKirn ir : .1 1.1 men in- varTabped T,Jln wngernentiofrf?iSrm. eitenBIV dt- mont, a DonmiJv In their treat- Ue'VrpreLl STKS oar BrrreaaM thiPil?.-Wau"'s Vine- me digestive organs " "U,UU!' 01 Tit a TOI, TA . mmwrt MtMDttU. , y Jcwween. Br. HADWAY S nwi rVBDITI Mi, I -4ftVtt Ja, Bores, EinoT?heRviffe(S,m,9'D ul" etc., etc. fn ttass L .Skl?d EW . - j ifuiiif inir tn. ni fcr sale. win ttoyait, at. -.1. - " 7 "w ritrhts m - , .. "Jii ;i l liiniLll Ifl" al all u ,, ', "' tens, !l1 Itm'i ..-''-l . ..ut ir N ! v.... . . . r1 !:1!.r Wis- . 9 "w.iawiih ?Hhe inflammaaTSf effected. ' a Pmaneat care Is pronle,,"!, Native Wattfas23e: huinonoraScef ITi25KMeet rties aiiay-jvflwprop- stoBuiluid towelH. mtLm onelf Waeiffi?0 one and HOLLOWAY'S ErtrrMajlisii?!! Rfsife rpr; H CAX7TIOK-. I'M Iir.fc, : ;! .y W i 1, . . I , . HrW M'Jl,-,, twrj." nlM4(!!; If 7 :' "' a itijb, wftii ',, v rvi'" '"fin-ft. uw. si .. . i.t. nnl O :-i',mt wilk 1 am i lm h j i.ui.,, uk. (uiiiu -l -jiBinAji,rl