DRUGS, KTC. WATCHES .JEWELRY. MJSINESS CARDS. ST0VKM ANDTINWAHK. OLD S7CVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. cook, parlor and box, STOVES! of the best patterns. ALSO : TIN, RHIICT IEON AND COP PER WAKE, nd the nsnal assortment of furnishtmv good to be obtained In a tin store. Repairs neatly anl promptly executed, on reasonable terms. Short rcokonlmr make taBfrtaiil, FRONT STREET, ALBANY. Deo.S, INSJti-l HAKDWAUH. W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholesale mid Retail Dealer In flHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Farners' & Mechanics' Tools, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK and EMI HUBS, HICKORY & OAK SPOKES, HICKORY AXI.EK, Hardwood Lumber, Bent Elms, Nlwffci, Poles, Ac., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which are now offered to the pub lic allow rotes. As we make the business i Viiwialtv, we can and will keep a better us'ortmerif'. at tower prices, than any housoln this city. W. H. KUHN CO., Montcith tire-proof brick, First street. Albany, June 14, 18741v4 DRUGS. A. CAItOTHERS & CO., Dealers in CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, DYES, ULASS, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, KOTION8 PERfTMERV, and Toilet Hoods. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and i Matly Roc- lpe A. CABOTHERS A CO. Albauy, Oregon-4v5 n Wf4 oi tR o) aid .9 " u 0 3-5 tt THE CINCINNATI 0AILY EVENING STA'i ha tho largest circulation by over 5,000 of any aftenioon paper in the State of Jhio. Papcrhanglng, Colcemlnln;;, Decorating;, &e. Is M. WADSWORTH will (rive prompt 1 . attention to all orders for Paper hanging, Calccmintng, Decorating. Ac. In thlscttv or vicinity. All work executed In toe latest stylo, in thebest manner.and at lowest II ving rates. BarOnler left at Furniture Warerooms ofChas. Mcaley will receive prompt attention . KM E5 a n lllif 'g SSkilS "wis8. 5 358 til , i, .n-H s -.21 JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND Exchange Office, AI.KANY, OREOON. DKPOS1TS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time donoslts in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sain at kiwest rates. Collections mad and nromptly remitted. Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-Mv8 Something New In Dentistry. DR. E. O. SMITH, DENTIST, HAS LOCATED IN ALBA nv, ami has the new in vention In plate work, which ........i.,.. i j. ........ ;... ,...1,1. in the mouth without covering me wuoie roof, as heretofore. It gives t be wearer the wearer the free use of the tongue to the roof of the month in talking and tasting. It is the Smith Purvlne patent. Teeth extracted without )ain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. fcjjrOKl'-H'K-Flrst street, east of Connor's Bank (up stairs), Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALRANY, OREOON, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, tit t v.wrtRAVOR TO KEEP CON- I stuntly on band a full supply of ALL KINDS OF MEATS, Wliich will be. of tho very liest quality. The highest market prioe paid for beeves, bogs and sheep. Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First street. J. L. I1ARKIS. Albany, Dec. 15, 1871-15v4 w i m PLOW tik InsprOTed V for 18 72, - with JOKES Plow Bottoms, Is the best AN PI4W in the world. It is simple, strornr and dnrnble, and does Its work effectually. Dont fall to see it before buying. Price, S75. Soldonly by TREAD VELL A CO., Nan Frnurisro. Send for circulars. nw JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HA8 JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco. Ac, to which he invites tho atten tion of onr citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakerv. and will alwavs have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. gT Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16-24v4 TURNING - - TURNING. 09 s 1 w c B i Si I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS of turning ; keep on hand and mnke to order rawhldc-nottomed chairs, Sv. Shop near the Mills and Hosiery. Jefferson. Ore gon. Branch shop near "Magnolia Mills," Albanv, where orders for chairs, turning, Ac., can le left. JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. 2, W7 KTotloe. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Coinpany.LandDopnrtment.Portlnnd Oregon, April 5, 187i. -Notice Is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be Instituted against any and every ierson who trespasses upon any Railroad Land, bvcuttingandremovlngtimliertherefroin before the same is BOUGHT of t heComiia nyAND PAID FOR. All vacant Lahd In odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or unsnrveyed, within n distance of thirty mtlos from the line of the road, belongs to the Company. I. R. MOORES, 33v4tf Land Agent. JOB WAG-ON. HAVING PURCHASED THE INTER est of G. W. Youn(t In the Delivery Business, I nm prerwrcl to do any and all kinds of lobs, on short notice and with quick dis patch. Terms reasonable. Packages de llvered to any pnrt of the city. (S8T Look out for the BAY TEAM and JOB WAGON. inv4 A. N. ARNOLD. 1 LANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, ETC., I mi hand -latest ttvlM-ttnd tor sale low, at this Office. . Si m H - 1 11 m IIIMWI II III 1 iHarder In Albauy HA8NKVER YKTBEEN KNOWN, AND no threatening of It at present. Death 1 Is a thing wWoh sometime must tiemll every son and daughter of the human fam ily ; "and yet, At the Mid-day, Of vour life, If disease lays his vile hands upon yon, there Is still "a balm in Gllead," by which vou may lie restored to perfect hiialt b, ancl prolong your days toa miracu lous extent. How 1 By calling on R. C. HIIA & SON, With a prescription, where you can have it compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, iiaints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated Ink Weed Remedy, Or. Oregon Rhenmnf io Cnro ; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc. Spencc's Positive and Negative Powders kept In stock. Also agents for the Home shuttle Sewlmr Maelilne, One of the most useful pieces of household furniture extant. Call and OTBmM. B, C. HILL & SON. Albany, June 10, 7MOv3 GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to I). W. Fftkofleld), Pnrrish's New Building, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pure, and of tho best quality. . Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 18&Wtf FOUNDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALRANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery. WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Particular attention id to repairing all kinds of machinery. 4lv3 .SiOVKS, ETtJ. M. M. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. H. M'FARLa'nd A CO.,) Opposlto the hotel, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, IIOl'SE. FTRNISIII NM HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. URUEST STOCK IN THE VAIXET. Lowest Prioe Every e. Rcpnirtng Properly Done. 40vl PACIFIC WATCHES, MAKCFACTVKED AND ADJUSTED especially for the Paclllc Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz : Pacific, California and San Francisco WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommend them to the public, as possessing more good qualit les for the price than any other watch In the market. We also keen all other brands of Elgin, Waltham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Diamond Spectacles, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices. TITCS BROS., Albany, Ob. CSTRepalrlng a specialty, and satisfac tion guaranteed. 15 v3 NKWSrAI'ORlAL. Christian Messenger IS A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. Will Ix) sent to any address, until January 1st, 1874, for TWO DOLLARS. Address, WELLS DfilTtY, Publisher, 15ml Monmouth, Oregon. MEDICINES. TRY THE MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH MIXTURE. W. H. PARKER, OF JACKSONVILLE, OREOON. HA8 discovered a remedy, composed of the Extinct from Mountain Balm, which grows in Jackson County, and other Vegetable ingredients, which has enabled him to furnish tho afflicted with a purely vege table a perfectly harmless, and yet the Mont Powerful Lung Remedy over discovered. It Is good for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis, and is an Ague Preventive, Blood Purifier, In vlgorator and Appetiser, and is noted for all Nervons and Bilious ails. Many letters might be adduced to show what the medicine has done iif nec essary), but try a bottle, and it Will recom mend Itself wherever Introduced. For sale at all Albany Drug Stores, and bv all dealers in patent medicines. Prepared by W. H. PARKER, 15mS Independence, Oregon. The standard remedy for Coogtis, In- Alien Kit, gov Tkmnt, Whtxyitig Ctmgh, Oroij), lAvcr Oanplmnt, BrnnehUUi, Blertlhig of the tm(M, and every affection of the Throat. Lungs and Chest, Including Con- Sl'MPTIOK. Wftoir'n Balaam of Wild Chernr does not. dry up a Cough, but loosens if, cleanses the lungs, and nllnys Irritation, thus removing theeatueof the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. butts,. rrepared nv nfth w. fowlf. wins, bos ton. Sold by Kkdington, Hostkttkb Co., San Francisco, and by.dealers gen erally. Mv5y NURrVKRY. Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, dee. THE UNDERSIGNED INVITES THE at tention of the p mltc to his large and cotnplcto stock of APPLE. PEAK, PLUM. CHERRY and other TREES, Also, (iRAPK VI K8-best in the State; Ornamental Tree!", Shrubs, Manta, Cur rant. Gooseherrlts, Strawl)errle, Rosea, .1 T,..H.c wltt..h ..'ill hA Anil, AQ I low ft nrst-ckw stock can be affbrded. NOV. 15-liv4 J. A. MILLARD. ca BuhJntUM Anillnu a V flflf r tlietr names are informed that thelrsnbscrlptlon expires with that numlier.aiid they are in- viieu 10 renew 11, jerais-ra porniiuwii, Iniulvnnce; sixmonths,; three months, L Plain Eflninnce by TrnMiftil Jane. Which I wish to repeat. And my language h plain, That in ways of deceit, And in tricks that are Vain, The "Oirl of the Period" is lively, Which the same I would rise to e plain. Lilly White was her name, Ana 1 need not deny. In regard to the same. What the name might imply 1 But her cheeks were provokingly rosy, And bewitctilngiy penciled her eye. 'Twas In Lent, third week. With most penitent skies, Which it might be Inferred, Lilly White was likewise ; Yet she humbugged Johannes, my lover, Tn a way I shall always desplse Which we had a small game Called by some hide and seek ; "I' was flirtation. The same She thought sinful and weak ; But she smiled as she ogled Johannes. With a smile that was saintly and meek. Yet the game It advanced, In a way I detest, And my sorrow enhanced At the state of John's vest, Which heaved llkea wave of the ocean. When the same has a turbulent breast. But the tricks that are played By the girl of the P., And the progress she made, Was alarming to see, Till she twirledon Iter left hand fore finger What Johannes had promised to me. Then I looked up at John, nut ne looKca not at me ; And I rose with a groan And said, What do I see? We are rained by harmless flirtation, And 1 went for the girl of the P. In the scene that ensued, John, amazed, did not speak; For the floor was bestrewed, In the height of my pliMle, With the "cards" Lilly White had been playing In the game she thought "sinful and weak." Of whose "exquisite charms" I laid bare in a trice, "Paddings," "paniers" and "forms" Of most cunning device ; Audi here fell with her tresses so airy. What is frequent in hair rats and mice. Which is why I repeat, And my language is plain, That in ways of deceit, And in tricks that are vain, The "Girl of the Period" is lively, widen the same l am tree to main tain. W. ASHENHEIM, Commission Merchant, and dealer in all kinds Of GAME, POULTRY. FISH A DAIRY PRO DUCE, Washington Market, Portland, Or. . . ) Stall 18 Central Market, BUAjtcHES So. 115 First street. rPnnalffnmnntu iv.uruvtfnll V flAllpilci and returns promptly mado. 14m3 tKtndh)A per day. Agents wanted! All ulDpAU classes of working people, of her sex, voting or old, make more mon ey nt work for us in their spare moments, or all the t tine, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address G. Stlnson ft Co., Portland, Maine. llyl Pork! Pork! I WANT ALL THE GOOD POBKICAN get delivered in AIIny,for which I will pay the highest price In CASH that the market will afford. J. R. HERREN. Albany, Nov. 8, 1878. WILSON A BROTHER, Importers and dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Can now supply all orders in their line. Also, Just received IB voices of G-IiASS, 8x10 to 10x16 Inclusive. H. B. Cor. Cnlllbrni A Ornnim M., SAN FRANCISCO. 3m Notice to Stockholder of B. C. M. Company. NOTICE K HEREBY GIVEN, THAT theaggregnteof unpaid assessments duo on a large ixirtlon of the capital stock of the Beaver Coal Mining Company, amounts to One dollar and fifty cents on each share; and that said stock orsomuch thereof as will liquidate the assessments thereon, will bo sold to the highest bidder, at the Company's office. In Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, at 12 o'clock M., Saturday, January 4fh. W7S, "? sold assessment! shall hove been paid. mmu p w BAU,ARD, President, L. L. Ballakd, Secretaryt December 2d, 1872-Uw4