STOVP.S ANDT1NWAKK. DRUGS. KTC. WATCHES JEWELRY. OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. cook, parlor and box, stoves: Of the best patterns. ALSO ! TIN, HHKET IRON ANDCOP PEII WARE. nd 111' usual assortment of furntshinp voods u ) obtained In a tin store. Repairs neatly ami promptly exwntcd, nu reasonable terms. Miort r oekonlngN nmke long Irlemls, FRONT 8TREET, ALBANY. Dee. 5, 188M W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholemle and Retail Dealers in WIKLt ANO HEAVY HARDWARE, Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, .! and EM Hl'IW, HICKORY A OAK SPOKES, j HICKORY AXLES, j Hardwood Lumber, : Ilcnt Rim, SliafU, Poles, A-., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Ml of which are now offered to the pub lie at low rate. A we make the businc ss .p"allv, we can and will keep a better tHtSt. at lower price ttou any house in thia city. W. H. KUHN CO., Monteith Are-proof brick, First street, .njany, June H, 187441V DKUGS. A. CAROTHERS & CO., -Dealers i- 4 11 i:ni AM, OILS, FAINTS, DYES, ULASS, IAJU ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDICWiES, VINE CUTLERY, C1GAB8, TOBACCO, MOTIONS PERTIIRERY, and Toilet Uooda. Particular rare and promptness itiven 1-hyfflm? prescriptions and Family Rec ipes, A. CAROTnERS CO. Albany, Oregon-tvs o .a fa X 11 HP 10k 3 coir u i r . c r.fclfe 3 iSifw 3& THE CINCINNATI DAILY KYKJIIBK4 STAR ha the largest clrenlatlon by over 5,000 of any afternoon paper in the State of Ohio. Paper-bungintf, Caitnitnlng, Dceoratliiff, &o. y M. WAWsWtlRTH will fttvc prompt rj . attention to all orders for lan 'lanlntt, OatewnlnmR, DecnratlnR, &e In thlscltv or vNnlty. All work e.wnted in the littoft style. In the best manner, and at lowest riving rates. Ms-Orders left at Furniture Wateroomsof Ci.llealev will rcoulve prompt attsntloa. HAIUAVAHB.-1, 2 im GO x BUSINESS OARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, ORfXMKS. Deposits received subject to; cheek at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits In com. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, Mid New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections ma li and promptly remitted, j Refers to 11. W. Corbctt, Henry Failing, W. S. Ijidd. Hanking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albanv, Fo!. 1, 187l-'22v3 Sonietbing cu in Dentistry, OK. E. O. SMITH, HOI 1ST, HASI.tXUTEDIX ALBA ny, and lias the new in vention in plate work,wlileh .Itj In Inai.i'tltifr ti'j'tli in tbe mouth without covering the whole r(H)f, as heretofore. It gi ves the wearer the wearer the free list? of the tongue to the roof of the month In talking and tasting. It is the Smith & Purvine patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. iiaTOKKU'K-First street, east of Conner Hank (up stairs), Allmny, Oregon. 7vt CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OlIIvUOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, lini-I' KNDKAVOR TO KEEP 0OK sinnti on hand a full supply of AM KISTDS Of MEATS, Which will 1m of the very host quality. The hisihest market price paid for leevcs, hORsandsheop. Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First street. J. 1- HARRIS. Alluiy, Doe, 15, lSTl-ljvt 9 GANG PLOW k, Iujprovea V for 1 S72, . with JONES Plow BottomH, is the best uAMi l'l,0 in the world. It is Impl. . Htrorni and durable, and does Its work effectually. Don't fail to see it before buying. raf 873. Sold only by TREARfc'EIA &t., ftaa Emnetaco. Send for circulars. 9am JOHN SCHMEER, DEALKK Ui Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY. OREGON1. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW 6B0CEB establlshuient on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Orocerles, Provisions, Candies, Cljtars, To lsieco, c, to whieh he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bnken . and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac C3T Coll and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. Fobruary UWIv4 TURNING - TURNING. i if M r M PREPARED TO I0 AM. KINDS 1 of turninir; keep on hand and make to order rawhide-bottomed cluiirs. Ac. Shop near the Mills and Hosiery. Jefferson, ro ton. Branch shop near ''Maxnolla Mills," Albanv, where orders for chairs, turninir, Ac.imbeleft. JOHN M.METZI.KR. Jefferson, Amt.2, lH JTotloe. OltEllON A CAI.IFOIINIA RAILROAD Compnn v, Land I (opnrtment. Port land Omon. April -5, 18W. Notice Is hereby irlven, that a vbrorons prosecution will be bistitnted aaliist any and every wnon who trespasses U)Kn any Railroad Land, by cuttlngnud vemovlnit t IntlsT therefrom befOW the same Ls BOl'OUTot the Coui)m nv AND PAID FOR. 'All varnnt Ijmd in odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or irrtsnrveyed, within a distance of thirty nUb' from the line of the road, lclonK toTWompany. jjvltf ' "ln0A)rent. JOB -yKTACa-Olff. HAmR PURCHASED THF3 INTER' est of (. W. Yonng in the Delivery Butnc(w, I am preiwreit to do any and all kinds of lobs, on short notice and with quick dis patch. Terms nwmnnblc. Pacfcaecs de livered to any of the c t y. Look out for the BAY TEAM and JOB WA1 ON . j()V4 A, N. ARNOLD. BLANK DKF.D8, MORTtlAGES, KTC., on hand Intert stylea -and for sate low, at thla office. 1 1 1 1 ' .i i m 1 Murder in Albany HASNKVKR YET BEEN KNOWN. AND no threatenlnir of It at present. Death Is a thins which sometime must lwfiill every son and duiijrbterof the human fam ily : and yet, At the MUi-da j , Of your life, if diseast! lays his vile hands upon yon, there is still "a lwlmin (.Read, bv which yon may be restored to perfect health, and prolotut your days to a miracu lous extent. By calling on R. . HILL & SON, With a prescription, where you can have it coinponimeu uy one caiikihmitou ui i particular line. Also, constantly on band a L'ood assortment of fresh drnjis, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, dls, dye st uffs, trusses, etc. Airen ts for t be t'elebrated link Weed Remedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc. Speiicc Positive and Negative Powders kent in stock. Also asents for tbe Home Shuttle Scwintf .Vitelline, One of flic most useful pieces of household rarnwure Bxnuu, v.nmiu 1 AU""."; . It. C. HILL A SON Alliany, June 10, 71-40r8 GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), Pari-tenti New Rnlldlmr, Flrat Street, ALBANY, ORKGON. Dealer in I)1U'GSAXI)IEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com ponaded. AlUmy, iK't. 17. 1868-titf FOUNDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A.F.CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, ORKGON, Manufactores Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Maehln- en, Mr00D WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AS RRASN ASTISMJN. Pnrttcnliiratfention paid toivpalnnar all kinds of machinery' 41x11 STOVES, ETC. M. M. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. H. M'FARLANl) A CO.,) 0poslte the liotcls. Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force anil Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow ware, IIOl'NK rtrRSIKHIJiO HARDWARE, Tin, Cooper and Sheet Iron , Ware. LAMiKST NTtM'K IH THE TAMJ5Y. Lowest Price Every Time. BepairlnR Properly Done vi PACIFIC WATCHES, " A X 1 FA(Tl'REI) AM) ADJUSTED I'm. e;ieeially for the Pacific oast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Ehjln, Illinois, viz: Pacitte, California and San Franelseo W.i'M'H, and wo most confidently rec ommend them to the public, as possessing; more xootl qmallticn for the price than any other Watch in the market. We also keep all other brands of Elffln, Walt ham and Hiriaa Watehea, (Mocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Liamond Spectacles, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices, xrrrs iiros., Albany, Ob. 8Rcpalrlnir a apeeiaity, and satisfac tion guaranteed. Uv5 NEVVSPAl'ORIAL Christian Messenger IS A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. Will be sent to any address, until January lat, 1874, for TWO DOLLARS. Address, WELLS HRI RV, Publisher, 15ml Monmouth, Oregon. MEDICINES. TRY THE MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH MIXTURE. W. H. PARKER. OK JACKSONVILLE, OREtiOX, HAS discovered a remedy, composed of tbe Extract from Mountain llalm.whlch grows in Jackson County, and other Vegetable ingredient, which has enabled him to furnish the afflicted with a purely vege table a perfectly harmless, and yet the Moat Powerful Lung Remedy ever discovered. It is good for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis, and Is an Affile Preventive, Blood I'liriflt-r, In vigormtor and Appetiser, and is noted for all Nervous and Hillous ails. Many letters might be adduced to show what tlie medicine lias done (if neo cssarvl. but try a tiottlc, and it will recom mend itself wfiorever Introduced. Kor sale at all Allmny Drug Stores, and by nil dealers in patent medicines. Prepared by W. H. PARKER, 13U13 inuejieiiuenTO, wnon. Tin. nmtnivl remndv for Comrha. Ill- Oueuiii, Hin Throat, Whooping Oniffh, (:,,utJtini UtTtichitiK.liU'rilhui of li' Lvifa and every affection of t lie throat. Lungs and Chest, incinding Con- SfMlTION. . . . .. u ii.-u iiKiaiun r Wild berry does not dry up a ( 'ough. but loosens it , cleanses tne mngs, nnu anajs uiuhiiihi. thus rtiimring tlv ttnnr tit thowmplaint. None genuine unless signeu i. nira. it 1 1.,- Ctrll W ITliWl.I.' Kjink tlw ton. sold by Rkdikhtok. IIostkttkk A Co., San Francisco, and ny mwers gen erally. NUKSKHY. Fruit Tree, Grape Vines, dsc. THE UNDERSIGNED INVITK8 THE attention of t he p bilc to ills large and complete atock of APPLE. PEAR. PLUM. (II ERR Y and other TREKS. Also, (iRAPE VI KS -lxt in the State: Ornamental Trees, Shrulia, riants, Cui rants, tiooaeberrk s, Strawfierrles, Rosea, Dahlias and Uulbf which will be sold as low as tlrst-elassttw can be aflbrded. Nov. Mlv4 J. A. MILLARD, tiT Subscribers finding an X after their names are informed that thelrsnlwrlption expires with that niimber.and they are in vited to renew it. Terms- per annum, in advance; six months. ; three months, 0. The Beard Healthy. There are more indneemeirts for wearing the beard than tbe mere Improvement of a man's personal appearance, and tbe enltlvntion of an akl to everyday di plomacy of life. The hair of the mon taclie does irot only absorb tbe mois ture mid miasma of the fogs, but it strains tiie air from dust,and tbe cot ofonr great smoky cftte. It acts also, in the most scientific manner, by take ing the heat from the warm breath as it leaves the cheat, and supplying it to the cool air taken in. It is not only a respirator, bnt with a beard ent're we are supplied with a comforter M well, and those are never left at home, like the umbrella, and all such appliances, when they are wanted. Moffatt and Livingstone, tlie explorers, and many otla?r travelers, say thai at night no wrapper can equal tlie lieard. A remarkable fact is, too, that tlie beard like the hair of tlie head, protects against tlie beat ot the sun, as tbe tbatcfi does the ice-bouse, but, more than this, it becomes moist with per spiration, and then, by evaporation, cools the skin. A man who accepts thi protection of nature may face the rudest storms and tbe lantlest win t sr. He may go from the hottest room Into the coolest air without dread, and we verilv believe he might sleep in a morass with impunity; at least his chance of escaping t he terrible fever would lie better than his beardless companions. A Father's Advice to a Bride. Said a young husband whose business speculations were unsuccessful, "My wife's silver tea-set, the bridal gift of a rich uncle, doomed me to financial ruin. It involved a hundred unexpect-, ed expenses, which. In trying to meet, have made me the bankrupt that I fun." His experience Is the experience of many others, who, less wise, do not, know what is tbe goblin ot tlie house, working its destruction. A sagacious father of great wealth exceedingly mortified his daughter by ordering it to be printed on her wedding cards, "No presents except tlrose adapted to an income of $1,000." Said lie, "You must not expect to begin life in tlie style I am able, by many years of la W, to indulge ; and 1 kuow of notlt ing which will tempt you to try it more than the well-intentioned but pernicious girts' of rich friends." Such advice to a daughter was timely. If other parents would follow the same plan, many young men would be spar ed years of Incessaut toil and anxiety ; they would not find themselves on the downward road, because their wives had worn all of their salary, or ex pended It on the appointments of tin; house. Tla; fate of tbe poor man who found a linchpln.and felt himself oblig to make a carriage to fit it, is the fate of the husband who finds his bride in losse-ssion of gold and silver valuables, and no large income to support tbe owner's gold and silver style. W. ABHENHEIM, Commission Merchant. and dealer in all kinds of GAME, POULTRY, FISH A DAIRY PR DUCS, Washing-ton Market, Portland, Or. I s Stall 18 Central Market. No. 144 First street. KltANeilKS CsgrConsigimients respectfully solicitiHl and returns promptly mado. WOTS per day. Agenta wanted! AH tFlUqp"" classes ot worKing iieopie. oi en her sex, young or oiu, make more mon ey at work for us tn their spare moment . or all the time, than at anythlug else. Par ticulars free. Address (j. Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine. llji Pork! Pork! I WAST ALL THE HOOD PORK I CAN get delivered in Allmny, for which I will inr the hiirhest nrice in CASH that the market will afford. Allmny, Xov. 8, 1872. WILSON & BROTHER, importers and dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc, Can now snpnly all orders in their line. Also, just received Invoices of SxIO to 1014 Incluxlve. Si. E. Cor. CallDMiiin A Drnmsn Mm.. SAN FRANCISCO. 3m Notice to Stockholder of II. M. Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAI the ajwerate of unpaid assessment!? due on a lafe portion of the capital stock of the Beaver Coal Mining Company nmonnts to one dollar and tlfty cents on each share ; and that said stock orsomneh thereof as will liquidate the assessments thereon, will be sold tothe librheat bidder, at the Company's office, in IiCbanon, Linn county, Oretton. at 18 o'clock M, Saturday. January 4th. 1878. unless said aneessnients shall have lxcn paid. D. W. BALLARD, President. L. h. BAIAAHD, Secretary. December id, 187frltwt