PATENT MKDK'INK. rxrwOAHBMD KVBY FRIDAY, ! P. C. HARPER & CO. Bi COLL, iasi clpte, IH RESI8TEE lUILDIlfOB, j m, LBAVK CALL THR AT. rafe-lgr j GENERAL :" MERCHANDISE .DVEBTW'(i RATES. Transient vcrtit iitKj'r swre of ,,,!,( the tatci, ,nti m0t fashion ten or.Ieflwt nrtl . h 4Mert1wof utweqtient insertion 1. largw "vrr ; DRE88 GOODS! JOB WORK. Having received new type. ntock of ool- "J,, . . ored inkt cards, a (Sonton . 1V etc. we . LA E iOLIjAljt, are prepared to execute all kinds of print- rJ . tog In a tetter manner, and ttlty per cent V WBROIDKBT ihenper than ever oftVred In this iimii city. Amenta tWUienwtotfr. and Kaney Notions. In the Tlie following geiitleuten are anthorlied .Vrrttl'Hr jfientlcmen's Department Hiram Smith. HarrMmt. O. P. Tmunkln, Harrtrdmrg. ; we omjr hc tateat MyUjt , cLOTHINtJ, Peter HumeBrownsvllte. ; tm,bet tn I XDERWEAR. tlie nohbl W. R. Kirk, Brownsville. m TIES au(. M-Anu the nicest i- 2- lu flWVK.VplAraTLKTS i. n ncj uipi. and tne "ion in nmr U P. rir,Sanmnj. SHOES, while onr 1. 1'. Porter. 8hedd" Station. i NILK MATS fletoher Write, Buena Vtota, Polk Co "iiJaU tbernge- Chas. NlckeU, Jackson vllle. i SIfSffSfSSSt I u keep constantly on hand a full aa BUSINESS UAftDS. sortmentof WM. PETERS, MAMTFACrCJint OF Carriages A Wagons, k ALBANY, OBECSOX. MANUFACTURE TO ORDER AXY and all styles of Wwrons, rrlRHe, Hack, 4c at as TuasonaMe rates as the use of good material and flrrt-oiaas work will Jus- 1TOOU IBaUHUalMivi aa--i-. j - - - " Repairing neatly and exnedlttonsJy done "stopnbeenFandd street. M. PETKBS. Albany, May 19, 1WM8 DR. YANCLEVEf W AHioiiaal Supporter -AMB rraaME uulatoa. THE MERIT OF TMW INSTRUMENT ooastrt princrnally In the sntnsirt It tirtstotheabdoinenaadsplm, Theiwlt Is broad, siunwrtad by Msnendcrs tsawtng ov.rtfte shoulders, and kept In shape by rtfUiMwrallnK IBUvaak- Plates, which give a nteafuit imrrent. The Eegulator is also tialvnnic: Its Cup a4S,izstes are mate of Silver: itstem,of i '.owner and Zinc, la hat low. that injections loay br hrownlhrotsghlt.orlntoUMneck of tAr U turns. oan fo ragatetud by I'sthaiolKScrewaato meet any maJ-nnSI-tloa Of the tfterus, and Is Unoqaatlud In 7SSSS6S& TiMdifBaw'' taw ftet, aw will nailva BHOT-POtCHES, (il'N-Tl'BKS, POWDER, FLASKS, SHOT-BELTS. POWDER, SHOT. CAPS, In fret, everything In the hauler's line. Onr Mirrors & Picture Frames embrace all size and style. In the line of ; Crocker)-, OlaMwarc, ITUHJttM, POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY, Sails, Tobacco, Domestic Uoodn, 4k WOOD & WILLOW WABB, our stock is foil and complete. Kg- CaLL .VXD EXAMINE GOODS. Jf P. C. HARPER & CO. MARBLE WORKS. ' HONBOE TTsTAICER, I Dealers in i MMumfuts Obelisks, Ttak, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in ( allf .rula, Vermont ut Italian MarMa. SALEM, OBEUOS. BRASS M WHOP AT ALBAS Y. ilk REWARD FOB AS f Iiearible Case! XDB. LE E1CHATP8 GOLDEN BALSAM! AftT tea yesn trial on this Coast has provm UseSths fly tarattrs taacatstoetoss of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers as incurs bis. Sr.LsBickiu'i GOLDEH BALSAVle.1 cans Chancres tnt sad ssoond ssjss, iores on the Legs or Body; Son cars, Eyes, Boss. Ktj; oore man, wn, aw, ., 1 Blotches, ByphlUtie Cstsrrh. p, sad sit primary loms of the ins Syphilis, Pries, is per hot- wpper-anono THiMrd tLmln. dlscass known as tie. or two fur W. gr.L3Bi:ka'iCUIItlUl81lli.2 cures Tertiarr. Mercurial. BrDhiUtic tlim. Pains in the Bones, Back of las ltd. II, oersted Sore Throat, Syphilitic Bash, Lumps sad Contracted Cords, WOhess of the Limbs, sad orsdlcstas all dlaeaes firm tbesystrm, whstasr caused by Indiscretion or stmsr of mereuw lcaring ths blood mire and heal by. Price, $3 per bottlo, or twv lor f'J. D, L; Min't G3L0E1 SPAHISH IN- tlJtote, tor the Cars ot ffoanorbaes.. Otett, Irri tatto'i, (tesvel, and sU Crlntry tt Genital uisunogementa. Pries, ItM per bottle. Dr. Ls lita'i COLDEH SPA8I5I IH- ltiaii, a wwh aal lnjerticr. trsewrecssr ol ajaaorhfei.Inntrvrjirtcfy Obt.8haVrenii. -ni til at- of the Kkhwys sad Btedder. i'rto ., $Lr4 psr bMl: Mm Awatsf-rDl 13 F ICEAC8 dCLDES ?TTJJ f a-mlasl VesIrsM. KlrlA IWs ' Ijb. Ims5 'a y.tuil t'.l i .m m trlslrc fr n Xsrnrtatieu sad wteeolts abass. yrtn.fJ if b .ttle. Tas gMialns Omit Baiaus Is ut tip onlr i.i roariil Wttlrs. (i r ir rf ptt. iWd ssedHnn V.1 bi s.tit t i II p-irt ct lbs e-water, br eaawnr raw . -w'Tasii4saJ toes hum vWr- vsiluB. a: Asatit, m on 3IOXEY CAN NOT BUY IT, FOR BIGHT IS PRICELESS! JRMM Ike Diamond pectncli will BMmierve Sat WE SOW OFFER A tiLASS TO Tllh pabltc which IS pronounced by the , most eelelirated opticians of the world to be the roost perfect, natural, ariliielul help i to the human eye ever known. They arc ground under, onr own supervision, ut our own nmnufactorv, in New Haven, and an- t so constructed that the wire or center of i tlte tens comes directly in mint of the, eye, producing a ('LEAK AX I) disti srr tiwv As in the natural, henlthy sight, and pre venting nil unpleasant sensations, sncli as glimmering and wavering of sight, dixist neas, etc.. peciilliir to all others In use. These glasses are uuuiufaotured f nun mi nute crystal pebbles melted together, and derive thcirname."l)lnmonil,,'on aoeonnl of their hardncssand brilliancy. They arc mounted in the tinest manner, at onr own manufactory. In all styles of gold, silver, steel, rubber, and sliell frames, of the liest iiuality. Their durability can not lie mir passcd, and their finish is such as will suit the most fastldions. None gennlne unless lieariugonr trade-mark, - stamped on every frame. For sale by the principal opticians and Jewelers, t nnmgnout i nc country, juann factuml IivJ. E. Siiencer A Co., practical opticians. Sew York. For sale only by TONS BROTHERS. Dealers in watches, ciM'ks, Jewelry, silver ware, etc., A!lny, Oregon. Entered aconrdbif to act of Cougrcss, tu the year ISBD, bv J. E. Sjiemur Co.. iu the clerk's oHk of the District Court of the I'ultcd States, for the Southern Dlstric' ol Sew York. 30v3 SASH K.('TO!(Y. BUILDERS. ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY . M. H. ALTIIorsi:. 1. V. KU Kl-fTo. W. KKKUI . ALTUOC8E 4 CO., Lyass Street, ou tfce River Bank, ALBAS Y, OKKtJON. Keep an hand a full assortment, ami are proured to FL'RSISH TO ORDER, Boon, Saak, Blinds, and Molding, Such as ( ROWS, WASfX, BASD A ME4TIOS MOLD, Of all riws. WLVDOW AND DOOR l'RAMKS, Flooring, Siding, And All etksnr hlatshof Hnlldluar flittcrUI. ALSO: PREPARED Ttl DO MILL work, furnish shaker fans, algzag shakers, suction mns, driving pulleys oi ! any kind, at our factory on Lvon streot ,on the river bank), next below Mnrkhnm's ! warehouse. ALTHOTSE A Co. j Albany, Feb. 10, ltsKMI LEBANON" CAUDA. IkMES L. OWAi, (Successor of A. 'owan .. Co.) Lebanon, Ort'jfon, -Di.'er In mini mimmm WILL KEEP ALWAYS OS HAND A rull stock of DRY JOOI . UROCERIKS, HAltl 1VAIIK. It. H I S A SIIOKC, all for sale at the Iiwest Prices tot I'nth or Pr n a it i' Pi ' (jig- All ts-rsons owing . Cowa" A Co.. can settle by culling on at Le1 vm. Jjvl JAMK I.. COW AN. r. a, is tii, i Trt-Woekl itK- Une ! rpHE I'NDERtflOSED Is now rminliiga 1 trvweokiy atagw froiii Le'suion o .'.I latny, rrta e f. S Mai., having Uhaaon eWary Monday, Weitnesdax ami Friday aags, atid rotBrwtrtg. leavt cliv. AUorAarwaBanMIhe left at the at Chartea Hofal, Alhaay. tar laMavatger. or SfMnmt' ftetent . wnetntilh Sat low rates. All httstnew en- Vinegar Bitter, are not art Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, WalUy, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced , and sweetened to please the taste, called " Tonic," "Appetltters," "Restorers," c. that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, tree Bom all Alcoholic Stlmtuants. They are toe Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and larigor ator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring tie blood to a healthy condition, enriching It. refreshing and la riat rating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their ac tion, certain In their results, safe and reli able In all forms of disease. Ma Person cam take taesas Alt ters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain In t he Shoulders, Coughs. Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, temunmatkm of the Langs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints k has no equal, and one bottle wltt prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad vertisement. Par Female Complaints, la young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of lift, these Tonic Bitten display so decided an Influence that a marked improvement to soon seroepttDlc Par Inlaws amatory anal Chromic BheansaUaaa and Boot, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Sidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful Such Diseases are csased by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive fOr'Hklm Btaomaao, Kruptions, Tet ter, Halt Rheum. Blotches. Spots, Pimples, pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald-Bead, Bore Eye, erysipelas. Itch, Scarfs, Dtocotetattone of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out f the system in a short time by the use of tarn Bitters, one bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of theiv curative effects. Cleanse two Vitiated BlooA when ever you And Its Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when you find It obstructed an. sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when It 1 foul; your feelings win ten you when. Keep tie blood puny, and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape and other Worms, lurking la the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says s distinguished physiologist: There k scarcely an Individual oo the face of the earth whose body to exempt from the pre, eneeof worms. It to ant upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, bui upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. So system of medicine, no vermifuges, no antheuainUIca, wlU tree the system trout worms like these Bitters, mechanical Diseases.-Persons en gaged la Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Wauis's VikeoaB Bit ters twice a week. nilloaa, MteaaltteBt and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prevalent to the valleys of oar gnat rivers through out the United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bruos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Ssvsunah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so daring sea sons of unusual neat and dryness, are In variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of lie stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. la their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful In fluence upon these various organs. Is essen tially necessary. There to no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. I. Walebb'h Vine oab Bitters, an they will speedily remove tile dark-colored viscid matter with whim the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Dicers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck, Ooltre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Aiftcttons, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc in these, as In all other constitu tional Diseases, WaLlia'a Yinboab Hit ters have shown their great curative pow ers in the most obstinate and intractable Dr. Walker California Vine- gar mttora act ou all these cases in a sliullar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, anfl By resolving away the effects of the Inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure to effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. WiuiB's Vikbuab Bit tkiw are the iwrf safe-guard in cases of erup tions and malignant fevers. Ttieir balsamic, healing, anil soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop ertire allay pain to the nervous eyststn, stomach aad bowels, either from infiamms- , colic, crunps, etc. Bant aarasasl tTOTImWanewT - Tf rr wTr uoa, wind fcyHLsach slbeefetl WW, VOtflt iNMHa BBS A rtoLdoap firiBBi tbbv bid MnttCBfla of MWi m "lif ma THE WK8T FAPW nnoKonioTwuTi Mjaram. NOT ONE HOUR ABw msl fth Swrtlissnl i my s. BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF It A CUBS FOB IYKBI PAIN, UwwlMBntmSh TEE ONLY PATH REMEDY TM munllj Hop. ttw BKWIurac)Uof flM,illJ lilMiinit'T-T Mi wm Cmmkw, mmuw t u Luun, kvi Bowi, m Ska (tuSi f flfMU, bjt seuasi IH rKOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. N MUm tow Ttl.i uowMbw UN Mia Ik. RHEUMATIC, BM-MW, mm, Nnnlsk, pmHnud nA Umm mv tutor. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION Of THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TUB BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OK THE BOWELS C0NSBST1OM OF THE LUMOS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART, HYSTERICS. CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, BEUBAUJ1A, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Tlw .pplinKot. A th. KEAOV RELIEF to h fHor put, wton tlw Mb or dlSkulty uBk IU BofS mm J comfort. Twil dtopf io toll ImnblM of wUr will hw momtoUcorvC RAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, BICE HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COlic. WIND I.N f HE BOWELS, nd dl INTERNAL PAINS. Tnnlm Iboold olwoyi an told, of limit -way's Keadj Bslhrf wRB " wpta woler will MMt (IckaMi of pobu Mm ctug, of wiHi. II B tottn Uiu Vmcix Bnod; ot BilWO a uUoulaui. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AHCE nnd for Say Mala. Tarn I1 HI a naMStol ami U U)lt world laat will can F.vr ad Aim, aad all ottor Malarlan, BUIom. Scarltl. TvploW, Yallow, aad ottor Fovnn laldad by RAD' WAY'S PILLS) io qakk u RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Hay caU wr tool.. Sold by Diat,UU, HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE Or FLESH AMP WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTUTUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Br. RADWAY'S topaiie RBSolveit HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES : SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT Xwary Day an Increase in Flesh had Weight is Seen and Felt. THEfiBIATBLOOD PIRiriEB. Inry drop of Ito 8ARSAPARILUAN BESOLV BMT MMaaakaalM throaak tto Blood, Swaat, CrtM, aad Mtor SuldiaodjalcMof tto lyUom Ito rbjor tl lib, for II papain ttowaataa of Ito body wilt ew ait MaMaatUrhd. Serofaaa, SypalUa, Caaauaattoa, Glai dalar l'i r . Clnn hi Ito Tkroal, Moaik, Taaaara. NadM la tto Olaada aad ottor porta of Uatyalawi, Sara atyavStrataou DtaatargM froao tto Eari, aad tto wont bra of SUa dlaaaam, EnatkH, raw Bona, Srald Hat, Baat-Warw., Bait Rtoaa, Eryalp.Ua, AoM. Black Spata, Wanaa la tto Haaa, Tatoora, Caaam la tat Womb, aad alt wtaktolag and falafal dlataarp.. Nkrat S nan, Loat of Spam, aad all waatoa of tto Uh arlattplt, art altkla tto tarotl.t roat of ute wm dttof Miltn tVaaltwy.aad a hw day,' bm wfU atort to aay ptraoa aalag It far allatr of lattt brau of dlataao Bl potoat aowtr to cart tbraa. Mali la atrtatlx ttoM waatoa, aai mSrt tkt' wltk atw anttrlal maat Beta toaltky kfaad aad tklt atoSARSAPARILUAN wBlaadaMaattan. Sat oaly aoM tto Saaaaraaiu ia Baaoa.tirt nnl allkaowa rttnodlal tfawla la tto (art of Ckrooit, SortlaliM, Caaallaltoatl, aad SUa ataaaan; tot II a Ito aaly aattdTt can Bar KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Crtaarj aad Womb a nam, Orattl, Dtatotaa, Dropaj , aad Womb dRa i at Waaar, tact taiaiuaiU. ad Hiatocaoi btwt, avant a int la all tattt wton (ton an trlitliil tojaaHa. at tto waaar t. tkkk, etoady, uUtd wtaktilimn Ma, tto wkltt of aa ta, w tanaO Ilk. wkSt Sla, tt ibart S a atattod, data, aBltM aaltttaa.t. aad wktta ttaatoil atontlta, aad wtoa ttonV a arlok laa. kanlag atatattea wtoa aaataf want, aad pala la SaBaaUai-tto Baal aad alaiar ItoLataa rrkt, !.. WORMS. Tto oaly kaewa Bad tan Rantdy ht WORMS -P!K, TAPE, tit. Tumor of 12 Year ' Growth Cured eg Mmdmqf't HetotttnU Sr. RADWAY'S PuTfBEt Pinal Pi, wttt pa, fthaa. Ra.1 tkt Stomach, VjllMljl, ctaH A tow dint of RADWAY'S FILLS will Ina tto ryaata from all tto atotl alH dbardon. Prist, "beB AlStL AaDUE'load ooa low atomp to BADWAY a CO., No. Warm Slrttl, twTart. BtBisiillis wont ttoaaaaaa wUI to aaal HOLLO WAY'S 2 Erery Mai HU owa P-Ttt. OAX7TI03ST. rfOF. iianmrndwrnsnd for HOLLOWAT'it 1 I'lLLS atn.1 MINTMENT Uns tempted sntaHneiplvd lairiies tooountetfolt these vnlu. 4.44 Mahtmn, I ii oro-r u ttroreet rue pun is and I w htv iHaU t new " Trsala Mark.' issf a KeypliMit eirels of a twrptat, with iHt.rMlnthiraaiiw. Kvaaofen uinx lJuuWAf' I'lLLS aad (JtstMatrr will have Invle mark on if, aotts are geaulos jrlttttiu' , ft fSBallf Al. I r4a T W, tun aiiaai rem c. r fkrwi oo. sjkjr swt Rrittl Ikamnsts saw W MlVslml traatdiBMWnbwiiajiIUi Ctesaoatebt w3i W Lebanon. Fab. W. TMtv't OLD BY ALL pllCtjOUW l tola AgMig far taa I w.Ym Wi Vt , s W . . . s i