The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 29, 1872, Page 7, Image 7

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Itetann Party.
Tm?tty I MrfgaJi. v i'4TV v'.
The overwhelming defeat of the late
Liberal party, seeim not to have di
spirited It entirely, ranch less killed
it. It bus life enough lea to begin to )ng implement. Hundreds of thous
ralk about gathering up Its broken i ;,nd Of dollars are sent nut of the State
forces foT afresh campaign. It still
assumes to lie the party of 'Teforni."
ind it efforts at reorganization will
lie exerted on that line.
Tt will he well in such an effort, to
forecast with prudential care. To be
over haty. U never wle. Looking
before leaping may save the humilia
tion and peril of lighting in a ditch.
Experience lesson arc safe to ponder.
They are good to guide by. A reform
party mnt l wM before It can live
comfortably and flourish. A party
cannot be formed and maintained
successfully on trifling Issues, neither
van it subsist on passion alone. Some
thing more than abuse something
more than hatred and malice and
jealousy must prevail. The party In
Kwer must be guilty of some conspic
uous error, or giant wrong, before a
reform party can maintain its assump
tion. The must be specified clearly
that people may see them. Opiosi
tion for its own sake, under the ntme
of "reform." is 'imply a humbug.
The position of the Liberals in the
late campaign was not In opposition
to the rrtnciiJf of the Republican
party, but In opposition to President
Grant . They were not arrayed against
the Republican party for any great
mffi which it had done for many of
the Republican leaders among the
Liberals, in fact the principal leaders,
assisted by pen and tongue H framing,
passing ami carrying into effect almost
if not quite every leading measure of
the party they were pitted against It
because they desired to get rid of a
President, whom their selfishness
could not control, nor tnelr venality
corrupt. With the hlgtwwundltig
name of "Reformers," a lot of thwart
ed politicians, chronic grumblers, pro
fessional fault finders, sore-heads,
bullions and scabs of the. most rotten
character, lead off and conducted a
political campaign, with nothing upon
which to base its claim to so high a
character, except personal giimnccs
a ml animosities. Their platform prin
ciple were the same substantially as
Those of tlte Republican party, and ;
hence their pretention to reformers j
imtli InenisVtent and tale. No i
Mtoh party will ever succeed where
riic people are intelligent and virtuous.
Personal grievances will never be en
,lnrsnl iii lieu of nrlnclples. The
moral reliction ot trying 1 0 palm off ,
nwsoual orievatNW as national aims- i
ii aihlm the nernctra-1
Hons, will ever subject the perpcira-
tors to odium. This lesson tnesc 1,10-1 -w . . ag mi
rals slioukl ponder well before tlicy : "'n. A careful seanh woukl most chfctilm pp,e t0 petltiott Its restora
orpmte another campaign. 1 "kely find Mm ln some small beer tlon.
j establishment, endeavoring to drown j Tlie widow tJt Peter Cartwright was
. ( hh libations of lager at the i his companion for sixty-three years.
tire M ri'CM Cltjr. j
Tlie news of the destruction of the
Oregon City Woolen Mills by fire on
the nieruliie of the S3d Ui?U simpesed
to the work of an tucauflftry. wui
be r-grettd by all. 'llie fewness of
such maiaifectorhijj establishments In
Oregon, and tlie Important Infinence
iin' lir in developing me resources
. .. . r
f llil
leui iiwin nii " - w i
t.Ain Mber iMwrises.
ll,. tlu HIo MMIIK id :
1 1 iui., Miisiimed liiclntHrsr Hie !
'.''f !T, l
-ul.-tantta fowiatleu, ortginany i-c
l(SUl(; TnachltattW0,000; the
wool and goods In the mill, atawt
$S0.ttl. These are the reported tosses,
m ered by an Insurance of over 1100,
KK). The amount of wool used per
annum by the mill was 800,000 pounds,
producing seme 40,000 yards ,ht
month of tsaj4wew, tweeds, flannels,
blanket, yarns, ''he mill em
ployed about ISO hands at an expanse
ofofi,(prwnth, The repu
tation of (lie goods, was not Inferior
Co the best milk ln the country. We
are ptaased to leant lint these mills
WWitoMlMUt. "
Uok tm Haar mtrmta.
Tile importance of establishing man
ufactories in Oregon I lieeomhig more
; iiml more apparent with the lapse of
Tlie jwbffcittou of the State to
nfefVif UnnaeMloiL Water
! privileges, are atainifcwitatid eonteii
iU(Ht.lBl artlel(ot wear and .bonse
! boM use, machinery, implements
use4lHttte trade ami In tawbtnidry,
must he hail. As It U now the are
argely imported from oilier State?.
Kspeettlly Is this tlie case with farm-
every year for tlie purchase of these, j of nmiitiouaI work, after the Canal is
which. Increased by Uie targe amounts pj any &niomt of the finest
sent for otlier manufactured articles, i kim 0number cm bebreuglittlu-ough
eyery year drain largely the moey ,f tmn the liea(l,vateI.s of the sa.
coffers offhe State, and a great scar- j t,am rfty of A,tauy.
cifyandi-on-espon(Uiigpres.snrearethe j At pKiXut tllere are thirty-eight
results. If tliese articles were mauu-1 mn md eightee nt wo,.k 0
factnres in the Stiite, an increased pop. , tle CmM A 1)Rrt,es who lmTe 'vl,
illation of skilled workmen would not ! ltet t))e works R)eak Mglliy of the
only follow, lait the money expended ( inamK)r ,f w)li(jn condor ig uo
for tliese articles wotdd be retained in j thc WOfk Am()g tle pr0UJmeDt
the liome channels of circulation, aud - gme,, wl0 wve WVored ns with
such financial pressures as we are now j , ,t , few (UvSt we may
xperienclng would not so frequently
transpire. How would this work In
Linn county ? We know not now
mm I annually dent off by the fann
ers of Liun for agricultural Imple
ments alone, but suppose it must be
quite large. Say $150,000 are so sent
off every year. The building of es-
tabllshmeuts tare for the purpose of
mannfactnrlngtliese ImplemenU would jehange ,ltl)e pi8n, whereby twenty
retain in the county at least two-thirds hatlAr&1 yards 1))0re of airf are
of that amount, or 100.000. In the j to excavate(l) entirely dispensing
home circulation-retain it In Linn j w(th fluminR. xhUwlll make a par
TOimty. It would roinire one-third t,0 ot the f0.1y.flve feet wide
probably, certainly not more thau
tliat, to imrctmse raw material, not to
be obtained in the .State, necessary to
lie ned in the construction, of the Im
plements; tart the remaining two
thirds would be expended aud kept in
circulation at home. Anyone with
half an eye can see how benefi
cial this wonkl tie to every interest. It
would Increase the population by
drawing skilled workmen; render
more thrifty ami enterprising every
department of bnalness, ami give
greater permanence and Independence
to financial interests generally. Take
away the few manufactories from Al
bany, tlie steam mills, ft;., and how
soon would Its Influence be felt upon
the general financial interests and
8 , j, i-;
prosperity of our little city. Increrse .
their number, offer every akl and en-
conragement commensurate with pru-;
denos to multiply their number, and j
with their establishment will come a
proportional Increase of money, popu
lation and prosperity.
! A eotemporary says : "By the way. I
where Is our old friend, CarlSchurxl1" ,
He wants Carl
to come forward and 1
sliow his teeth.
... 1. -
h may ueprew s,c-
.V oonje.1tired that Carl is some wliere !
,WT" r"- "K"
too sordid mean to die, and we think ;
rate of two glasses for five cents, with 1 An Towa clergvman has four boys.
mnrmuLtmi. The yomigest Ts named Doxology.
sour crout thrown In. because hels the last of the hlms.
j Blhop Simpson thinks that at no
It Is expected that the administration ' previous period lias so much been ac
wlll ftvor the plan of placing the tel-' complislieil In so short a time as dur-
egraphs of the country under the con
trol of the Postofflce OejMrtmeut, as
is the case In England. This will re
duce the cost of telegraphing very ma-
firlallv a well as render the ral.
- ' 7," Z..Z.
"""" ' 1 ...-.., 1
Xll.; limn ,, 11, liuuitld.
.... . .01
wl,n favor ,rom tfk! masses of ,
tbe 1 Dnt tl P"1" 0WKt of
Itaes. and journals flivomi with nre-'
rial rates, will probably oppose the ,
A. rumor comes from Xew York
tisat Horace Greeley's late indlsposi -
u., Mi MH,t,fi, li timf w. .Mil,
, 1 "''
is effected by It. flie New York
Kxprtu f the 23th Inst, says that the
eMbwoiiu an fnl! of gossip about
"To"? ".". i"-
r of the Trtbuw- Mr. Slnctelr. stated
to the reporter ot that journal that
1'Kuiy 40tHfed tbftt AUaVPfl only
been aer-
n,..- ill -MM m 1 1
Knaitlnm aal-S tar m t'titiKhed,
a fowplele Kuertm.
Kmmasvh.i.e, Nov. 27, 1872.
Mr. Ewtob : Thinking you would
like to bear from this point, and It
would also interest your readers, 1
write to say that we are progressing
finely with the work of digging the
Sautiam Canal, ami (bat the weather,
so far, has been very fcvorable. At
the present writing two-thirds of the
work on hand Is completed. We have
rafted into tlie Canal from the Sautiam
rim. flfty tbollgmid feet of timbers,
and find the Canal a complete success
for this nnrnose. Bv a small amount
I Luther E,kns Esq( Pres,.
dent of the A. S. C. Co., Messrs.
Martin Lnper, J. II. Foster,.!. Wheel
er. Bnrkhart. and the reporter of
The Wat, San Francisco, California.
Always glad to see you, gentlemen ;
call often.
Tlie Directors of tlie Canal Company
, v wit1, a & jaa made
to ,M, tweuty teet on the bottom.
We have just got ready to haul out
the last stump, then hurrah for tlie
early completion ot the Canal to the
prairie. M. B. A.
Grant's majority In South Carolina
was 49,350.
Stanley arrived In New York on the
20th Inst His reception was to take
place at toe Lotus Clttb last Friday
At a meeting In New York city on
the 0th Inst, to further the objects of
the Industrial Exhibition. Gen. De-
vine presided and stated tint ground
hnri Wn uiiivliased for the nronoscd
edifice in the city at a cost of $1,700,-
, , '
Tlie President on tlie 20th appoiuted
a w Fglrnmn Po8tmaster of Phlhv
delphia, rice Bingham, resigned,
-fhe railway line between ?w York
and Galveston, Texas, via St. Louis
win oe completed uy January.
Thc Commissioner of Public Works.
of Xew York, sav It Wl take H3.500.
000 to give that city an adequate sup
ply ot water.
Win. P. Ross has been elected chief
of the Cherokee nation.
The new jf . k. Church eilifice build
ing at Salem puzzles the local of the
Statmrvm to Know wnetner It is to oe
a church wttn a root on it, or an si.
R f . . , h d
p,, Synod ln itg late
session In uuouque. passeu a resom-
tion denouncing thc action ot tin
... abofcWni death pen
ing tlie last ten years,
The ITiilversallst Conference has
decided to build a denominational
church in Washington, at a cost ot
150.000, to be open to every race and
Two-thinls of the business portion
. . fllll.
waiena. nenrv cuiiiikj, iinnw
UlTnp, the morninff of the 21st
in- Twenty plnces of business were
destroyed. f.oU from $3,000,000 to
At wesrneid. mass., n um wui.
i Alhert Smith, actuated bv Jealousy,
i fired seven shots at one Sackettand
Miss Uotes. probably fatally wounding
; M fl . . lt
I The National Board of Underwriters,
whlcli met In New York recently
iadonta a report iwmmendlngAe
: adoption of the tariff ot 1800 and 1W.
"WIC1 h
over50watlestWrty per
,xnt, be adaea to the present rates,
and not leas ttau fifty par cent In
places where the population is In ex.
eof fjO.000. tta&altonwinimoiir
ly reaolvetl to charge an advance ot
fifty per cent. 0 ill mm r ptwf
iMnaard rootV
Tbe SMexmim, Jfercwy and Farther,
fit Salem, are all now printed under
one roof. Let us nave peace."
Boston had her first snow storm ot
the season on the night of the 22d.
Wm. M. Tweed was in the Comp
troller's office. New York, the otlier
day. the first visit since Connolly re
signed. He was examining vouchers
to be used against him In pending
Mr. Maynard, of Tennessee, is re
ported a au avowed candidate for tbe
Speakership of tlie next Ifoltse of
Tlie report of the Comptroller of
the Currency reviews at length the
working of the National Banking sys
tem since its inauguration. Of the
whole amount in circulation appro
priated bv Congress $342,000,000 lias
been issued. A balance of $11000,
000 Is promised ro associations that
have taken preliminary steps toward
organizing National Banks.
John W. Forney has beeen sued for
libel, claiming i0,000, bv Col. W.
Penn, clerk to Third Auditor Brad
ford. Thc President was at work on his
measage on the '21st Inst.
P. H. Watson. President of the new
Erie Railroad, has begun suit in New
York against Jay Gould for wrongful
ly taking to Ids own use, while in con
trol of the road, 9,800,000 in money,
belonging to the shareholders. Gould
gave nail 011 tlie 22d Inst
At the reception of II. M. Stanley
by the Lotus Cluli. New York, speeches
were made bv Mayor Hall, Messrs.
Reid. and Dr.' Bellows.
Another fire broke out In a printing
establishment nt Boston on the 20th
lust. A general fire alarm was sound
ed, and the fire department of Chelsea
and Charleston were called upon, the
fire was soon brought under control
Tbe Attorney General has decided
against tlie application of Barney
Woods, murderer of VV m. (. heeseman,
for commutation of sentence of death.
He will liaug on the 28th hist.
Gen. Butler writes to a friend that
he is 110 candidate for the Senate
against Bout well, preferring to become
Governor first.
Stokes in his coming trial will be
defended by new counsels, his former
1 . 1 1
Having reurcu.
Maree who attempted to assassinate
ex-Alderman McMullen, ot I'hlliuiei
nliia. was sentenced to six vears and
nine mouths imprisonment, and a tine
of f 100.
Grant's official majority in New
York State is 53,096.
The proiiosed railroad tunnel to be
excavated in St. Louis will run up
Washington Avenue to 6th street,
curve thence to 8th and Locust streets,
and then follow eighth street to Clarke
Avenue. It vill be constructed by
excavating a tunnel forty-eight feet
wide and from twenty to twenty- even
feet deep. Only one block will be
opened at a time.
Tlie New York authorities have
failed to discover tlie counterfeiters ol
the U. P. Income bonds. There liave
been paid I SO coupons, purporting to
lie from $10,000 bonds.
Nearlv 300 Italians were at Castle
Garden. N. Y.. on the 22(1 Inst, who
had been defrauded ot all their money
by a baud of immigrant swindlers. It
appears they were induced to leave
home by stories ot advantages await
ing thm In Buenos Arms. They
were told in Marseilles that a vessel
would be at New York to take them
to Rio. aud arrived here on Wednes
day to find that they had been robbed.
The authorities have informed the
Italian Embassador at Washington.
General Cluseret lias turned up in
Geneva, where he Is living in retire
ment. He escaped from Paris In dis
guise. Advices from Chickasaw Nation
says the Legislature of the Nation,
which has adjourned, passed a resolu
tion requesting President 'Grant to
carry Into effect that partol the treaty
of 1800 between the United States,
Choctaws and Chtckasaws, which pro
vides that when Indians desire It, lamb
heretofore held in common may be
divided among individual members of
Everything was reported quiet hi
Lafayette county. Mo., on the 22d Inst.
Two colored men were killed on the
21st, ami fifteen others wounded by a
train from' Philadelphia being run
into, while standing oh the track near
Wilmington, by tbe New York and
Washington train.
Governor Leslie, ot Kentuckey, Is
Sumrintendent of a Baptist Sunday
School at Frankfort.
President Grant lias seut a fine gold
chronometer to Captain Leebere, for
Iiavlng saved the crew of the Ameri
can ship Wy man. struck by lightning
on tlie Atlantic, In 1870. The presen
tation took place at Antwerp on the
21st ult.
Phil Sheridan thinks the heat way
to gH rid of the Indians la for the
Government to famish them all the
Whiskey they ask for.
Mrs. Jones ot Cambria, Wisconsin,
frightened at seeing her little
vhed on ton of a newly erected
III that she fell back dead.
Among the propositions presented
In the Constitutional Convention at
Harrison rg. Peiin., on the fist was
one increashig the term of office of
Governor to four years, extending, fhe
term of State Senators to four ywr.
and of Representatives to two year,
with a biennial session of the Legisla
ture. Official returns from Virginia give
Grant 93,408 ; Greeley. 91,655. Buch
anan county's vote will probably be
thrown out on account of informality.
If such be the case, Grant's majority
will be 1,778.
It Is generally conceded that Texas
Democrat have electeu all trie candi
dates for Congress, find a majority in
both brandies ot the Legislature.
A Baltimore paper" ot' November
7th says !
Augustus Wilsdn, a while man. at
tempted to ravish a colored girl on
Sunday evening, near Porter a Post
Office, Carroll colhity. Md. The girl's
father. Washington Valentine, was
attracted by her cries aud came to her
assistance, when Wilson knocked him
down and stamped and beat him to
death. The murderer Juts been secured!
This is a Michigan marriage notice :
" Married on Thursday October 18.
Mr. Frank Modrow and Miss Matilda
Hummel, both of Three Oaks. Saw
yer keeps a stock of coffins On hand."
A Virginia girl recently had her
garter taken off by a stroke ot light
ning. Chicago claims to have gained 50.
000 in population during the past sum
mer. The business men of Philadelphia
have nearly raised 1100.000 for the
family of Gen. Meade.
The light created by the Boston fire,
was seen nt sea, ninety miles from the
shore, and even at Portland, Maine,
which is over one hundred miles' 'dis
A Virginia City ring;ie getting up
a corner In fuel. Consumers propose
to break it by Importing Rocky Moun
tain coal In large quantities.
Thirty thousand feet of fire ho
was destroyed In the Boston conflagra
tion. One firm In Boston removed one
million dollars worth of goods from
their store on the night of the fire.
Groton. Mass., where Hon. Ceo. S.
Boutwell began political life as a
Democratic Representative, Is now the
banner town ot Massachusetts Repub
licanism and on Tuesday the 5th 111st.
did not give a single vote for thc
Democratic candidate for Governor.
A large number of thieves went
from New York to Boston, for the pur
pose of robbing the sufferers by lhe
fire, but (hey were excluded from the
burnt district, and dispersed themselves
in the suburban towns, where they
caused much trouble, in Boston. 75,-.
000 worth of proierty was taken from
thieves, ami over 200 of tbe rascals
Ninety comities In Kentucky give
Grant 78,828 votes. Greelev 80,253,
O'Conor 1.061. This is a Republican
gain of 1.125, aud a Democratic loss
of 25,154.
At the election for U. S. Senator by
tlie Indiana Legislature on the 26: h
lust., the vote stood : Senate Morton.
27 ; J. I). Williams iDcm.. . 21. llou-e
-Morton, 54; Williams, 41. Mor
ton's majority on joint ballot, 10.
Hon. R. B. Washbnrue. IT. S. Min
ister to France, was given a dinner at
the Fremont House, Chicago, last
Tuesday night by personal friends.
The guests included Gov. Oglesby.
Senator Logan and otlterdistiigtilshed
gentlemen. The dinner was entirely
informal. Washbnrue replied to a
toast in k tew remarks. 'IV. only
political discussion Was the denial ot
the report that he w&s a candidate for
I nited Hates Senator.
The horse disease is spreading
among farmers horses in Iowa ami
Estimate of appropriations for tin
next fiscal yeaf are completed. Those
for Hie Navy Department are smaller
than last year, as are also those for the
Indian Bureau, which are cut down
from a fourth to a halt million dollar-.
There Is & slight Increase made In the
Legislative, JiHllciary and Executive
Appropriation Bill rendered necessary
by tlie Increase in the number ol mem
bers of tlie House under tlie new Ap
portionment Act ami enlargement of
tlie Cath appointments hi the MUli
tary anil Naval Academies. All
things considered, the aggregate of
appropriations will be the same a
IV President, it is understood, was
moved to pardon Major Hodge by the
belief that Hodge was drawn Into the
defalcation by the Intrigue of others
rather than by any premeditated in
tention of his own to defraud the
Government. His frank acknowledg
ment oT tbe crime, and voluntarily
making all preparation in his power
by surrendering Ms private property,
in which his wife luaUted in joining
him with her own individual property,
excited for Mm and his family the
greatest sympathy.
Paymaster Hodge who was sentenced
to ten years imprisonment on charge
of embezzlement. Is pat cloned by the