8T0VKK ANliTlNWARK. VMRD8. DRUQ8, KTC. PUNOS0GAWS. Ptjltftft. OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Pettier fli RANGES. COOK, l'AKLOlt AND ROX, STOVES! Of the best patterns. ALM t TIN, KHKET IRON ARB OP PER WAKK. And Ike usual assortment of fnrnlshln good l l obtained in a tin More. Renalrs neatly end promptly executed, on reasonable term. Mhirl reckonings mnko lor, gfrl cads, FRONT STREET, ALBANT. lloc.,liW HARDWAUK. W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Iealerin MM ELF ARB HEAVY HARDWARE, Farmers' & Mechanics' Twls, UMLBF.RV HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, 0AU and EI.R Hl'BS, HICKORY & OAK SPOKES, HHUURT ASMS, Hardwood Lumber, Bent Maw, FaJee, A., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which arc now offered to the pub & at few rates. As we make the business i cMry! we can and ,iwlimmt. at lower price., than any house in this city. W. H. KL'HN ft 00., Montelth lire-proof brick, First street. Albany, June 14, 187-41v4 DRUGS. A. MOTHERS A CO., -Dealers ln- 4-HF.XHALtt, OILS PAIRTR, BYRE, ULAi, LAMPS, ETC, All tlie popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINK Cl'TLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PEBFBHEEY, aud Toilet tKwKh. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions nnilFamlly Itec- i,,C A. CAROTHKRS ft CO. Albany, Oroiron-4v E ill nil THE CINCINNATI BAIL EVRN1RO WAR lias the lamest circulation ."verS,"f any afternoon paper la Utf Bate OUo. Paper-hanging, CalceRilnlng. leroratfnR, Yc. Fit. WAMWOKTH wflVlriTe prompt . attention o all .i.-iers tor Peper tfamling. Deeoratmg,ftc.. in this city or Alport WWOted ra!ve prompt atweoou. wv 03 188 IP!1! iilll as fill .? W( Pi I w I flil pill zimt JOHN CONNER, RANKING ASP Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREUOR. 0EPO81TH BECEIVED BCBJECT TO check at sight. , Interest allowed o time deposit In coin. Exclinmre on Portland, Han Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collection madi and promptly rem tted. Refers to II. W. Corlxilt, Henry- Falling, W. S. Lndd. Hanking hours from A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. l,W71-ttv8 Something Kew Id Dentistry DR. E. O. SMITH, DENTIST, HAS LOCATED IS ALBA ny and Ins the new In vention in plate work.whlch In tlio mom n wuiiout wTwran m w roof.ua heretofore. It gi vest h wearer the wearer the free use of thelongue to the roofoflhcuiouthiu talking and tustmg. It is the Hmlth ft Purvlne patent Teeth extracted without patn. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. irtT omtK-Firsf street, east of Conner's Bank (up stairs), Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, PIBRT STREET, ALBANY, OBEOOR, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, IlflLL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON V stantly orrhand a full supply of ALL KIBB OP MEATS, Whleli will be of the very bert quality. The hlifliest market price paid for beeves, hows and sheep. '., . , Thir,l door xst of Ferry, on south side of First street. J. L. IIAHKI8. Alliany, Dee. 13, 1871-l.1v h 3 m plow m b s n ir . n,n with JOSEN now Bottoms, Is the best OARO PIDW in the world. It is simple, wttvna; and durable, and rtoes Ita wrk effectually. Don't fail to see It before buying. Priee, 75. Sold only by TREAD WELL & tO., Nan Francisco. Send for circulars. Hm8 JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS N EW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stork of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Ciaars, To Uicoo, Ac, to which he Invite the atten tion of our elticens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakerv. and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. tT Call and sec me. JOHN SCHMEER. February lfrv4 TURNING TURNING. I AM PREPARED TO DO AM. KINDS of turning; keep on hand and make to order rawhide-bottomed chairs, Ac. shop near the Mill and Hosiery, Jcflbrson, Ore gon. Branoh shop near "Magnolia Mills," Albany, where orders for chairs, turning, Ac, can le left. JOHN M. MKTZI.RR. Jefferson, Ang.L Uff KTotioe. ORE! JON ft CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company. Land Department. Portland Oregon, April .1, 1ST. -Notice Is hereby given, t hut a vigorous prosecution will lie Instituted against any and every person who trespasses upon any Railroad Land, 1 y cut tlngand removing t im tier therefrom Iwfore the same Is BOUGHT of the Compa ny AND PAID FOR. "All vacant Land In odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or nnsttrvoyed, within a distance of thirty miles from t he line of the road, belongs to the Company. C R. MOORRP, ,"Sv4tf I-and Agent. JOS WACJrOKT. HAVING PI RCHASKD THE INTER estof U. W. Young In the Delivery BoalneM, I urn pretred to do any and all kinds of khs, on short notion anowitbmiok dle- ered to anypart of the city. fLook otrt fW IbeBAT TRAM and JOBWAGOR. A. K. ARNOLD. tLARK DRW MCAqJ ETC., Iff lb'.'j m Murder In Albuny HAS NEVER VET BEEN KNOWN, AND no threatening of it at present. Dentil Is a thins which sometime must liclall everv son and daughtcrof the human fam ily; and yet, At the Mld-dit j , Of your life, if disease lays bis -vile hands upon you, there Is rtill "a balm In (illead," by which von may lie restored to perfect health, and prolong your days lo a miracu lous extent. Hqw 1 By calling on R. C. HILL SON, With a prescription, where you can have it compounded bv one experienced In that, particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, oil, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the OtekralfR U)k Weed Remedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne k Sons' medicines, etc. Spenee's Positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents for the Rmm KfcntUe Newtac Machine, One of the most nsefnl pieces of household furniture extant OUI and examine. R. C. HILL A SON, Albany, June l,71-40vS GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), ParrkOVa New RnJIdlne, Flrat Nret, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer m If DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pure, and of the liest quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, UstMltf FOUNDRY. ALRANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Maiifaetares Steam Engines, Floor nod Row Mill Machin ery, AVOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And aU kinds of IRON ARB BRASS CARTIROR. Particular attention paid t" repairing all kinds of machinery. 'vl lOVKS, ETC. M. M. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. H. M'FARLAND A CO.,) Opposite the hotels, Albany, Orefoo, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pump, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Wwe, HOUSE FTRNMHISfU HABBWABB, TIb, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. LABORRT ItNK THE VAUUET. Lowest Price Bwy Tlt. e1 BALLET, DAVIS & CO.'i (SSLBBSATEB PSAWOt Take the Highest Rank. HAUUET, BATH A CO. PIANO have been selected by the Executive Committee of the World's AabUee a the Beat Planoa. No other Piano will be tised. Frana Bexia.elt The greatest living Pianist, who was la Boston, attending the Jubilee, aayt : " The Hal let, Bavia Vo, Hmm excels, la every particular, Mil other Call and examine and see for yourselve, or stmd for Price List and Circulars. W. K. BADGER, Sole Agent, at Snow ft Hoos' Art Gallery, 71 First street, Portland. REV. J. W. ROOK, PREKIOISO EI" der of the Methodist Church, San Francisco, says : "In my optnion.Oearaje Wood A Vo.'n OrM" nave no equal for richness and sweetness of tone, with great power. I am familiar with all the most prominent Organs in the market, have owned four different kinds, and un hesitatingly say I prefer those of George Woods to any other." Send for Price List and Circulars for the finest Organ in the world. W. K. BADGER, Sole Agent, at Snow A Boos' Art Gallery, 78 First street, Portland, Or. August !Mlv4iu4 SEWING MACHINES. A BIO VICTORY I Fob ibb Mew- "Wilson Underfeed Sewing Machine ! IT WILL BRLtaHT L friends of the BB W THE MARY To know that in the stubborn contest for suncrioritv in samrtlesofworic.it the Northern Ohio Fair, their favorite carried off the two great premiums Medal for liest six specimens mac) work, and the Diploma for best cmbi crv. As the meat competition was In tl two classes, it wiu oe seen inat t lie wit son's victory 1 complete. Wo knew tufa son's victory is complete. Wo knew thto woatt ae so ; it coumi not iw otherwise. attue New Wilson Is the best Family Sewing Machine now manufactured-capable tor doing the best work on any kind of goofs, under all circumstances. This award of the highest premium should and will silence the talk of that large class of tewing machine men who have made this machine the object of their special enmity, simply because It is a msd crate priced machine anp undersells their expensive ones. Go and see the Premium New Wilson Sewing Machine, the best in the woifd, now on exhibition at Snow A Hoos Art Gallery, 78 First street, Portland, Oregon, and remember you can bny this premiam maenme ior sw. 69" Agents wanted. MINER ft PEARSON. July 18, 7Wfl BLACKSMITHING I i a -AND-- Ceneral Repair Shop.' HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HE turned to Albany, aud taken his bid mon corner of Ellsworth and Second streets, announces hi readiness to attend to all kind of BLACKSMITHING. MUX A MACHINE FORG'NG, KTC. Also, has on hind and for sale, the COQUIIXARD WAGON, Strayer Farce-teed GRAIN DRILL. TAR RtOUNB, aad ether PLOWS WOOD'S RBXPBS MOWER, which ht rill sen on the most reasonable tenns. BOMB SRORIIVG- -All rennd,$2: Kesetnaf , . OIVE ROB A CALX. ft 11 wnrlr rnitmatari tA mn ,1l lilaafclifa prompt attention, and be exeonted In the nest possiuic manner, wn u gooa mnwrBii. . snare OI fiuiilie imnnioe IB smniTO. Swiond treet, opposite Plcree's Ferry. IW I. www. Albany Collegiate lastltRte, ALBANY, OREGON. rpHIS INSTrTI'TION WILL REOPEN ON Monday, septemner 4, 1871, wit h acorp of teachers canaoie ana earnest, instruc tion will be thorough and practieal, and the svstcm of order nnsiirpaased. Forpsr t km ku address R. R. waiuuw.a. M., Presioeai: Or, Rev R. R. HRART, D. D., Albany. S3T tahsarttsmtamiwaa X after their namcsare Informed ebatftdrsaperiptior, exptrw with tRat Masher, sad they are in- vlted to Terms IS oer annum 1 in advance; six month, Hi three months, OhbWI RfB) Yaaff Bral The 8i Imit Dmoer k ahthority for this little story. "Ed." is a brakeman employed ori Hie Chicago, Alton arid St Loiil RaU road. He was married only a few weeks ago. Ills wife lias been wear ing a piece of red flannel round bet neck for the last ten dayi and com plaining of a wry neck. This U bow it came to pass : "Ed." bad lint been doiiiir extra duty, taking a sick friend's train In addition to Tils own, and so bad not been In bed for forty-eight boars. As a matter of course, he was nearly won! out, and as soon as bis supper had been eaten, lie went to bed, to sleep, per haps to dream. He waa soon locked In the arms of Morpheus, and Mary, and dreaming. Again his foot was oil his native platform, and be heard the win ning toot of the whistle for brakes. The shadowy train bore him swiftly on; the telegraph posts fleeted past quicker and quicker ; the whole coon try fled by like a panorama mounted on sheet-lightning rollers, in hi dream lie beard for off another roar, and swinging out by the railings he saw another train coming at lightning speed around the curve. Both trains were crowded with passengers; In an other moment they would rash together and from the piles of ruin a ot agony would shiver to the tingling stars from the Hps of the flMltmdand dying. Toe engineer bad seen their danger, for at that moment, in bis dream, be heard the whistle calling for brakes sound loud and and earthly. With the strength of desperation be gripped the brake and turned ft down. There was a yell of pain, and '' Ed." woke to And himself sitting op fn bed and holding his wife by the ears, hav ing almost twisted off bar bead. That's how "Ed's" wife came to' wear a piece of red flannel round ber throat and complain ot a wry neck. Rough oh 'Em. Ok! Jones ha been playing a sharp game on tlie mos quito. You see, he Bad a mosquito net on his bed, but the persevering in sects used to get inside In the daytime, and when old Jones sought his couch to court the drowsy god, they used to make sweet music for him and let his blood out. and old Jones, you undo - I stand, couldn't stand It at all. But he is. You see, he goes to bed aud leave the net about half open, and then the mosquito, thinking they lave got a toft thing, swarm In and begin to buza. When he thinks they are all Inside, old Jones quietly slips out and closes up the net tight, and tliere lie has them. And then he makes up a uke bed on the floor, and lays there and kicks tip his old heels, and laughs at those poor, swindled mosquitos, and those inosqnltos tear around In that net, and break their necks against the bars trying to get out, and they hold indignation meetings, and protest, and ail that. . Why, the inoequltos in that room look like living skeletons, and still old Jones Is heartless enough to keep right on fooling these poor in sects, aud laughing at them. h "The Smiths. "-John Smith main John Smith is not very high sounding It does not suggest aristoc racy; it Is not the name of any herd in die-away novels ; and yet it u good, strong and honest. Transferred to other languages It seems to climb the ladder of respectability. Thus in Latin It Is Johannes Smltfain ; the Ital ian smooths It offinto Giovanni Smith; the Spaniard render it Juan Smtthus; the Dutch adopt is as Hans Schmidt ; tlie Fli nch flatten It out Into Jean Sweet, and the Russian sneezes and barks Jotitotf Smittowlskl. When John Smith gets into the tea trade hi Canton he becomes Jovan Sublimit ; if he clambers about Mount Hecla, the Icelanders say be is Jahu Smithsoc: If he trades an ong the TUsnaroras be be comes Ton Qua 8ml ttla ; in Poland he is known ns Ivan Schmlttlwelskie ; should he Wander among the Welsh mountains they talk of JlnotiSchmlddi when lie (roes to Mexico he la hnnkMl asSontliPSmltti; If of classic turn he lingers among Greek ruing, lie turns to 'Ion Smlktou ; and in Turkey he is utterly disguised is Yoe Seet 'i n ' A San Fancisco pjier is put out of benevolence by a little fun a his ex pense, ami says: "We regard the atrocious correspondent as an internal flend, a falseongued midnight mon ster, a red-handed assassin, a thief, a he school mann. a fraud, a ghost, and an unpleasant person! We esteem him a pea-green demon of the steam -big pit, with a cotton-wood tall, eyes in his sides, and a cork neck, studded with hot door-knobs! If there Is any thing worse than this, we think him Row York city Pvsa million of dollars a year for gas. Ought to M enlightened.