The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 29, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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Is beyond iiuestlon more perfect for
All Kinds of Work,
tlm:i any other mnclilno tn use. Tt is a
combination of
.simplicity, DuraliHHy X Economy,
mnnufnctm-ed of the very best Imported
I uneiiiuileil for quietness and easeofrnn
nintf, self-act tins! needle, perfect shuttle.
Its operation is positive, enaliling It to
Hun Over Nenms and Turn Corners
without Changing the tension, length of
stitch, or mopping the motion of the liiu
chlnc. Will sew any kind of material cut
with straight and bins elite,
entirely preventing the fulness of cither
side, ft has a more perfect feed than any
other machine. Tnkes all the stretch from
the goods, operating wlth.equal fnaUity on
the heaviest as well as the lightest fabric,
leaving a seam alike on lmtb sides, beauti
fullv smooth, strong and elastic; is espec
ially adapted to the divcrsitled wants of
1 Family Sewing,
and is so simple In Its i-onstrnction that it
can be used with utacrOy by the most lnex
ItertenemL 3 specinlly Minuted to Tailoring and
leather Work !
u will ham. fell. tuck, irnther and sew
iixn a Iwid at the same time, which obvl
ulcs the tedious necessity of basting. It
will do anv kind of work done on asewing
machine, "with Icsscliangingand adjusting
t ban any other machine ever presented to
the public. It will
or WOOLKS iitJODS, in a manner far su
perior to any other machine.
l'arties wishing to purchase a inaehlne
are invited to call at the Register liuikling
on comer of First and Kerry streets, Alba
ny, Oregon, and examine the
For circulars, Ac, address,
J. AKWKTII, Ajrt..
Allny, Oregou.
840 and
Shuttle Sewing Machine
With Table and Treadle Complete.
s:ltch alike on both sides of the cloth, and
cannot be nnraveled. '
UT3,000 it Itches a minute, without noise,
IgT skipping of stitches, or breaking of
Ural Introduced in Jane, 170.
iVented In the United States and all the
principal countries of Europe.
MACHINE Is sold for fM less than any
other tlrst class sewing ma bine, and is
guaranteed to le built In a more snlmmn
tinl manner, tn have less working tuns,
run at a greater speed, to make less noise,
to lie more beautifully Itnlshed, to miss htss
stitches, and do a greater variety and lief
lenmalll vof work than nnv maeidne made
in the United States, either hUjh or low,
price. All of lt working parts are made
of the best refined steel, every part made
to a gauge and Intorchnngmnle, It uses
needles, thread, silk and linen of any site,
and works with ciiual facility on tho tiitok
t woolens or t bluest muslin. It will hem
fell, tuck, braid, cord, ruffle, bind, philt,
lutlt, stitch, soam, gainer. hemstitch and
embroider In the most perfect and beauti
ful inannner. No skill required to "set" a
nee lk, as every needle Is to Made that it
Wm possible to put one in and get It wrong.
vr machine Is warranted for Ave year.
n I
La Grande precinct In Union coun
ty, Is the banner product of the State.
It went unanimously tor Grant and
Rev.I.D. Driver, during his late
trip to Eastern Oregon, collected t42
31 for the American Bible Society,
(232 lor tjie Oregou Bible Society,
traveling 500 miles and preaching 18
times in twenty-two days.
Bqxtrier says the Nortlieru Pa-
road OoniDauv will nave tneir
the sixty-five miles of eomple-
tu ashingtnn i erritory on
the market sooiu as it is being survey
ed anil platted with that purpose in
The f'l'iint say the laying of the
new cable wire from San Juan to Lo
pez Island completed 01) the Kith
inst. and the first through message
was seat on that day.
The Idaho SMcnnan of Hie 18th says:
"The driver from Owyhee brings news
of the robbery of Wells Fargo &Co's
express office in Silver City on Wed
nesday night. He says they made an
entrance under the floor by digging
away the dirt, and pryed up tlie floor
and stole the box which had been pnt
up for this place. There was $600 in
coin that Charley llager, stage agent,
was sending over to this place, and
how much more he did not he
came away early In the morning.
Washington Territory is shipping
cattle, sneep ami nay to victoria in
considerable Quantities, $3,140 worth
of these articles were landed by one
vessel making two trips last week.
Whitman county. W. T., lying be
tween the Snake and Columbia rivers.
is beiuc rapidly settled. It already
contains between 2,000 and 3,000 in-
A course ef lectures will be deliver
ed in Boise City the coming winter.
Judge Whitson will open the course
ou the first Wednesday in December.
Stylish bifgglos and spirited horses
are increasing in Oljfnipia.
Oknipia has a club called the -'Merry
Bachelors." A man is expelled
for no offense except getting married.
Suof was seven indies deep in Brit
ish Columbia last Week.
Coal is being taken out of Douglas
nit. B. C, at the late of 150 to 200
; tons a day.
An Indian woman was kidnapped
from Victoria week before last while
intoxicated. She was taken aboard a
t J reek vessel bound for China. Her
tribal relatives are indignant.
Extensive flies were burned in tlie
San Gabriel, Cal., mountains, last
Laura D. Fair, advertised to lecture
in Sau Francisco ou the night of tlie
21st inst., on "Wolves," did not do
so. She was intimidated by the threat
ening crowds which gathered in front
of tlie Hall, and her resilience.
The public schools in Portland close
tiielr second quarter on the 6th of De
cember. Up to the 2'2d inst.. 05 arrests, State
and City, Were made in Portland.
The Virtue quart, mill in Baker
county is reported as running on very
rich rock.
Father Mesplie. formerly of the Dal
les, has been appointed Chaplain in
tlie array.
A broken leg is tlie result of the fall
of .lames Butler's horse near Eugene
the Otherday. It was, fames' leg.
Mr. Hand is now sole proprietor of
tlie Dalles MimnUtiwrr.
Km met Williams, 'one of the. prints
in tlie Salem KMemmm of lice, cut a
long fearful gash in his right wrist and
forearm, last Thursday evening, by
falling on the blades liekmgiug to tin !
iiia?rs of a power press. So says the
James Carroll, of Multnomah couu-
tv, lias sent to the Insane Asy
A reporter has discovered that "De-;
fective Acoustics," is what is (he mat
with the Multnomah court horte.
Seventy-two thousand pounds ot
jKirk were received from wagons at
St. Joe week la-fere hist.
Tlie rejwirt that Oregon Military
Koad Company ins sold its land grant,
is denied by Dr. Biiylvy.
Oakland contains two hotels, three
stori-s a drug store, blacksmith siiop,
market and many private residence,
mid others are constantly being erect
ed. The Portland correspondent of tlie
Corvallis Uwlin says tlimt hi tlie onler
of the ludepeudent'CluuujiUHifi. of tine
Bed Cross, as gotten p y Odrsel.
Tavlor. there is a tlegree ealhsl "Tl;
Suiilime Degree ef the Heroes of Mes
sonotamla. '"wliich is a rrdseraMe tarce.
full of intolerant and sectarian bigot-1
ry, wiicuiateti w injure tue ennse oi
tetntieranre In the country, and pro
mote hate and everything uncharitable
and. michrlstlauj no right-minded,
lamest man or woman, having any
love or regard for republican govern
ment, can ever iuS, tile dblhjitlous
conUlnetHu It.""
Travel Is rerpoteiCrt;ishig w tlie
Oregon Ceinral WW.
Divine service Is held In the Insane
Asylum every Sunday , by various
I'ortianu pastors alternately.
Tlie U, S. Marshal has seized Stein
er 4. Kallaghan's lirewery, at Port
land, bankrupts.
T. M. Heed, of CarvnTHs, who fell
into a well some weeks ago, is out
again nearly well.
A man named Michael Cashel fell
from the steamer Fmenie Troupe on
i nnrsuay or last week while It was
opposite Columbia City on Its wav to
Portland, and was drowned. He 'was
imuAH,,Ut,H. . .,4
John G. Campbell of Oregon City.
one of tlie pioneer of the State, died
at his residence on Thursday of last
week. He came to this State in 1S43.
Summer Hanxhmsf, a half breed
Indian. wh shot aiid killed by a white
man named Ytflnn. at Kelsay's Point,
Tillamook, a few davs since.
The incorporators ol kjam'fotlitt
Printing and Publishing Company,'
are J. N. Dolph, 0. N. Denny and H
Gen. McCouaha. Bembllcan Candi
date lor prosecuting Attorney for tlie
Tluttl Judicial District iirwastitngton
territory. Is elected by a large majori
Tlie friends of Laura D. Fair have
advised her to leave the efty of San
t rancisco.
A severe storm was prevailing at
salt I-nke City. I tin. On the 23d inst
It was feared it would impede travel.
One of the leading San , Francisco
firms, hi comparing their books with
wharfinger account rtjpntly. found
tiiey Had paid iski.uou of which only
$5,000 reached the public treasury,
The Vancouver paer is informed
th:it the price of rattle hi ttmatilta lias
reoently been materially reduced
j owing to importations of Texan rattle.
One man lias (1,000 head In tue oouuty
and another lias an immense baud oil
the way. Which will winter in Utah
ami come on through in the spring.
McFadden's majority In Washing
ton Territory as f ir as lieard from h
Tlie body of W. H. Trainer was
found the otherday near Lone Moun
tain, Cal. Had sliot himself.
A horrible act was committed at
Sau Kafael, Cal., but a few nights
since. A young man about 22 years
of age, a painter by trade, entered the
residence of one of the most respected
citizens of the place during the absence
of tlie parents and outraged and crip
pled tlieir daughter not yet.flvu years
ot age It was not found, out until
next morning when tlie little girl's
mother discovered the fact. Tlie girl
tlien informed her mother of the Dar-
tlculars. The affair lias caused great
excitement and it is hoped the fiend
will be lynched. He has been arrested
and is guarded in the town prison. He
pleaded gmlty to the vtorge when ar
rested and examined and is held to
answer bell ire the grand jury. Groups
of men are talking of tlie affair on tin
streets and threats are made to lynch
the prisoner to save trouble and time
of trying Mm.
The leading ftapers of California are
opposed to the calling ot an extra ses
sion of the Legislature.
A little sou of S. D. Pope in Oregon
Cltv was badly hirrned with jwvder
last Friday. Disfigurement for life is
feared, and maybe tlie loss of his eye
sight. A man named Dolau lias been ar
rested at Oregon City on suspicion of
having set the woolen mill on fire.
John F. Coleman, eugineer in the
Yellow Jacket mine, tHK., recently
drew 20.000111 the Oinalm lottery,
Several Iron-ore claims have been
located hear Nevada City.
CorvaUls College is to have an or
gan. It is said a pedagogue at Kugene Is
trying to teach his pupils tliat money
sixMitfor newsuaiiers Is thrown away.
lie ought to be- shot with an iufirdoo
of common sense for la; Is evideutty a
tull-bollicd Mint.
11. G. Hew ha become sole tiro
prietoroftlie lic.ntm pitmmt having
purchased th interest of Geo. F. Mc
Claue. There are twenty-seven patients in
tlie Territorial Insane AylnmatSleil
iieooin. 10 nuiles ami 8 females. Shire
August. 10. Is71. iiinefeen patients
have been received; 5 have been cured
and 4 improved ami discharged ; one
lias escajied and three have died.
Travel from the N. P. K. R. terml
nns to01ympla Is much greater than
w la'fore known. The stages of
Coggan ft Co. make fgrfnd time and
are wowdetl every trip.
Asi aid and well known eitwen of
Wbitlh(r's Island was found tlead at his
1111141. u the 18th at which time it
was aupixtsed he had been dead two
days. N 0 marks ot violence were dU
coverwl. KOov. Salomon, of Otympla, was
serepatled on his return from Califor
nia. te his home that week.
Winter lias commenced iUttftah with
consUerabie vigor. In the vWnity of
tlie . hmma luiu.tlre,. is. oA feet.
Business is
land. -M
Thert -wcre sfrly tealh ln San
Pmiintjiwv rl it sain v 1nm aaL
In Washington mmty the growing '
wneat cjsop uefer looked better at tois
season of the year than at present.
Tl amount ,sqwu U Ifeom oue-fourtJ i
to one-third greater this season titan
last, and still the farmers are busy
plowing and sowing j and sttonld this
favorable weather continue ten days
longer, Washington county will have
an enormous wheat crop the coming
There is a colored man living hi
Seattle, W. T.. wlro has a history that
would serve as the foundation for a
romantic tale. His name is Clark
li vis. He was born a slave of George
McLean, of Logan county. Ky.. and,
after his marriage he and his wife he
came the property of Beecher Davis of
the same Bounty. In 1863. by per
mission of Us master, Clark Davis
went, to California, since which time
lie has not seen his family. He has
succeeded in finding his wife and one
son. but three other sons are missing,
and he is very anxious to find them.
He has ascertained that one. William
Hannibal, ran away before the wav,
and lie hopes he may lie found in the
North. Silas was sent South before
the war, and Peter left home at tlie
time of toe battle of Fort Dorielson.
Any one whovan give any informa
tion respecting either of these men is
requested to write txv the distressed
father, who will paynuyexperHri in
enrird in finding them. The younger
boyi Ilevk is now on his way to the
Pacific coat, to see his t:i titer.. Mrs.
Davis supposing her hnshaml was
dead, re-married, and is now living
nearFdkton, Kv.
. . -i
With (he evacuation by tlie military
of Sau jinan and adjacent islands,
seriolis tremolos are apprehended by
the settlors. Jt is well known Uiat
these Islands contain some ofttie finest
agricultural lands on tlie Hitter coast,
parts of which have been for years
held, occiipied and cultivated by thrif
ty settlers. Owing to the anqmalons
status of the islands, no legal steps
could be taken to perfect title to any
of the siime. consequently the tenure
by which these lands are held by the
squatters, is very frail and slender,
and we are informed tliat numerous
land grabbers are ready to pounce np
on and appropriate to themselves the
fields and homes of these men, who
for years have htdustrimisly pursued
their humble but honest calling under
all the adverse circumstances induced
by military rule, and unprotected try
the civil arm of our Goveruineut. So
says tlie Com.
Paymaster Jco. Mead.,!' S. N..
died at Mare Island, Cal., on tlie 36th
J. B. Oraudall of tlie Cat. Line
Stage Co., Ol.. va killed near Los
Ancele on the 23d. by being thrown
from his coach and kicked by one of
the horses. Ho was a veteran stage
Henry Janin, of San Francisco, has
made 8 report on the diamoud deposits
and pronounces the whole scheme (in
audacious fraud.
The grand jury of Wasco comity
have submitted their final reMirt,
which contains this flattering state
ment : "A stare ot morals more tn-
vorable than lias beeu obtained in the !
country for some time, cheering alike
to the pUlaiitliropist and tax-nyer." j
The Kepubiienu City Convention nt
Salem last Saturday evening made t lie
following nomination: I'or Mavnr.
Dr. 11. Carpenter, for Recorder, C.
8. Woodworth; for Treasurer. A. X. '
Gilbert ; for Marshal. J. A. Baker, j
Fourteen counties In Washington
Territory give McFadden On votes, ;
At the late election in IClikltat coun
ty. W.T., Rockdale and Gohlei'dale
were voted for as tlie comity seat, the
former receiving 78 and the latter 77
At Yakima City, W. T.. wlieat was j
$1 per labliel. oats 75 cents, com 1 '
iier bushel and Ktatoes 50 rents, late-'
Tlie Circuit Court for l.nne comity,. ;
Jmlge Thayer presiding, commeixvil.
last Monday morning with a full
Benton county ofllcial rettwns giWc
Grant 18" majority. ,
l'l... ,!,. 1.. ,,.,.1 I
.. T. I. ". V.',", """ " V"- :
liau at Mirvauis is conipiejsc. uic
building is 24 by 42 feet ; with .19 foot
walls, comprising two
The Olympia TrOum giws Uw ver-
diet itmlmmt lieWwu the baly of
a lMlf-brmlIaiymimIJnieParwtn.
at Smith Bay. audlwdst bath to have
resulteil from a giHHSlKH wound, said
shot being fired, by an Indian boyi
known by tlie,. nmaa of Stickeeii.
twelve years ot'snge, lost week.
Professor Uwtan. the blind music
teacher recently lectured in tlie M. K.
Chureh at; Olympia on music. Tlie
Tribune says his desire is to locate 011
the HmuMlelther at Otympia or Seat
tie. A pctVoter at Olympia liascltoseii
n little, sg, for its playmate, and U
hostile to w lien that comes near.
IHiaJroatriagWwwto ls now preva-
i lentw,! ",1 .'IP f: XI '
co last afro cents pBrcown.
Hie best dogs hi CorvaUls ore being
A roan at Ofyfhpla is alluded to as
very partlcutar ft)r refusing a dish of
pot-pie because lie found a mouse in it.
"Utllblitbe feroaW to the
latest name for bigamy.
Near the Monterey (Gal.) shore there
lies an immense hell which closely
resembles tlie clam ftarilv. The shell
is sligh' ly open, so that the once ani
mated but now petrified inhabitant
can he plainly seen. This coucholog
ical monster will weigh probabl'
nearly a ton.
It is mrggested that tunny locals
slronld indicate somehow where the
laugh comes In.
During last week fe days in South
ern Oregon were warm and pleasant
and the nights cold and frosty, which
U creating some fear among stock,
raisers of a hard winter on stock on,
account; of the frost killing the grass.
Monte and faro are having quite a
run in Baker City this fall. There
are now five or six heavy moute banks
in tiie city. Black and Bed, Chuek-a-luck.
etc., are also in operation.
Snow was ten Indies deep at Fort
Klamath lost week.
The stages between Baker City and
Umatilla and Boise City, have lately
been delayed ou account of bad trav
eling. The Bedrock T)eipavt of the 30th
says the weather at Baker City tor the
past ten days has been very cold, and
the snow , that had fallen still lays on
the ground, and there is no appearance
of its going off tor some time. This fall
has been an extraordinary one for
Cistern Oregon.
George West was drowned in the
bay at San Francisco lost Friday.
Three heavily-armed men were com
mitting robberies In the neighborhood
of Redding. Cat., last week. They
had already taken $1,000 of money anil
property. Men were after them.
A little daughter of John Murphy at
VaBeja Cal., Wiis burned to death on
tlie 2lst.
A niece of F. I). Cmtl Italian
Consul at San Francisco, was nearly
drowned in a bathing house at North
Beach of that city recently,
A ruby is reported an Its way from
New Mexico to 'Frisco worth $350,
000. Mrs. A. J. Duniway has announced
a course of Sunday evening lectures :it
The rimes says : "One Dr. .1,51.
May. who some time since located at
Ashland, we are Informed, absconded,
leaving behind turn quite a number
of unsettled bills. Tlie last tliat was
lieard of him. he was footing if on the
road to Yreka to' bilk somebody else."
Gold in New York H3)g. Legal ten
ders 88 80c.
Wheat in Liverpool Average, 1.
Mil l is Sd ; dub, 13s 3di:is Od.
Sim Francisco dates show a slight?
advance tn the price of wheat as high ,
s ft 70 f cental baring lieen reachetil
h1 the b,,,k 0, .nUoas bejugaoove
$1 .
I Portland quotat ions rewiMn tlie sjime.
Sfl 40 f 100 tlx.. wiHrno indication ot
ttu early advance.
Albany buyers , an, offering 55u ?
bnsliel fir wheai-au advance of 5c
since our last.
We quote treall roll laitter at 30c.
hV ; egg .'Ho f dozen, against: 48c in.
Sau Fwndsco.
Wool is quoted at 152te f ffi. in .
Sau FntmHrscn markets; oulous. $3 75 .
V 100 K oats, (tl 002 ; patatoes,
Vm 40; dry hides, 1718c ? ft.
.VSnrj( Stokv. There is a cover
ed bridge at Peoria 500 feet above
higl.water mark. A drover recently
attempteil to drive a thnu4ud hecp
across it. W hen alwut Imlf-way over.
the bell wether noticed an opened win
dow, ami. recognizing his destiny,
mane a strike tor giory aua tue grave.
made a strike torg
wtu. i,u ,1,., ,.,ui,i't,
; mat np)rtit.,nteK frifhMcSifMnn.'
j (h Wg nMiim mM mf)
j wirdlnal point of tl compass, he M-.
j tcn-d a plaintive 'Ma-fl."aiidK"HMii(b
iedtohls fate. The ext slieep mid;'
the next fol owed. Im ttittiu? the east.
nre and the remark nf tlie) leader, For
Imurs It ralneti fjieeii. TPJr eiwliile
placid stream was inowisMi with
the lite-blood of ptaribmkV mutton,
ami not until the brkrtall of the last
sheep as It dlmttwyuNill through the
window. vfrtviio4t1r.ttif vdcited':
world, did tho ; iiKmflHceftsev-s.
Lmis Miuoervif
There In aarletldfltectloii of elec
tion fraivis. Hi Lon)t4aii and conse-,
onetit trarlrl'ta State from 0tee
hy vmmt 'torn trttoto says If
Gov, Wwnfrtl,w anr iraou.
hMhtfiWMsreMrn awiipertmr wtwi