The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 22, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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The Republicans of the city ol
Albany are requested to meet in Con
vention. ;it the Court House. on Satur
day evening. November 30th, 1S72.
for the purpose of putting in nomina
tioti candidates for the offices of
and six C'ouneilmeii. to serve tlic city
during the coming year. By resolu- ;
tion. all parties who voted for Grant
at the late Presidential lection, are
invited to participate in the Conven
ttOB. Bv order of
Vinegar Works. At the upper
end of Kirst street, in ehe proximity
to Magnolia Flouring Mills, in a two
story frame building. Mr. W, J. llil- ,
tabidel, something over a year ago. j
commenced the tBauuJaeturc ot pure 1
eitlur vinegar. By a close study and j
strict adherence to known facts in the ,
science of chemistry, and aided by j
what Mr. II. calls an neetiiier." an
invention ofhis own, requiring months
of study, he has succeeded In making
U fine an article ot pore cider vinegar ;
as was ever manufactured ; and when
8 say pure cider vinegar, we mean
an article that is made from the Juice
of the apple, without the aid ot any
drug wliatever. There are a thousand
gallons or more ot splendid vinegar at
the factory now ready for market, and
from ten to fifteen thousand gallons of
eider almost ready for "business." As ;
this is a home enterprise, we hojie oar
eitizeus will extend to it a lilieral pat- j
ronage, as we are satisfied they can
not get a better article, and the price
is the same at which inferior articles ;
are sold ; and by patronizing a home
institution they retain an continue In
circulation in our midst that amount of
money that would otherwise go to
foster some bloated outside monopoly, i
Contradicted. Tlie paragraph
printed in the Register last week, to
tlie effect that the demand for wheat in
San Francisco was greater than the
supply, and that an early and consid
erable advance in tlie price might
be expected In consequence, is all
knocked hi tlie bead by a Portland
paper, which pronounces tlie item
"bosh," unreliable, etc. It was ul-
ways thus. Some people can't bear to
see others happy. Naturally of a
cross-grained disposition, tliey delight j
in nothing more than to make other
K.-oplc miserable. "There never was j
a rose without its thorn," as Smeltzer j
used to say. We only wish the con-1
trary kus has invested all his surplus
change in a bet on Missouri, even up j
-that's all.
A Chance. Any lady securing
fifty subscribers for the REGISTER,
sending names and money to this
office, will receive for tier trouble a
splendid "Victor" Sewing Machine for
her trouble. The machine
will be '
delivered to her at this office, or care
fully packed and shipped to any ad- '
dress she may select. The Finkle &
Lyon Victor sewing machine is one of j
the very best manufactured. For forty
subscribers a Home Shuttle machine
will be given. Any lady wishing to i
earn a sewing jitndiirie on such easy
terms, by applying to this office, will
bo furnished with extra copies of the
paper, illustrated circulars, etc. free of
charge. Here is a chance to get a
u-efnl and ornamental article with
very little trouble.
DEEP Snow. Messrs. Chas. Mealev,
Farrel and others, who arrived from a
tiift weeks hunt in the mountains n
few days since, reKrt the snow five
feet deep in the Cascades, and still
storming when they left. They report
deer as being very plentiful. While
at Buck Mountain tliey lieard a minor ' '""g" weather work was smpen
that Abe Hnckleinan was in the momv iM 0,1 Saiithtm Canal on Tlmr-i-
talns beyond Flli Luke, with a band
01 "- j proving, however, Mr. Morris com- j edition of superior work, for which
Return Them.--Parties Imvii.g In I menced work W on Wednesday, ! he has gained an enviable reputation,
their possession any book or books Bnd t,iat ue w i" mtlime. rain or ' From present appearances thanks
beJonglug to Albany Collegiate Instl-1 u"tU u,e vvork is H'dslied. as he giving tables will not be graeed by a
tute Libiary. are requested to hand I las secured a full complement of "wet great many turkeys, at, least in this
Thanksgiving A union service
will be held on the day appointed for
national thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov.
28th, in the Congregational Church Of
this city, at 11 o'clock A. M. Sermon
by Rev. S. (1. Irvine. "It is a good
thing to give thanks unto the Lord."
There will be no service at. the Con
gregational Church on Sunday next.
Convention. See the call of Re
publican Central Committee for a con
vention of the citizens ot this city, on
Saturday evening. November 30th. at
the Court Route, for the purpose ot
putting in nomination candidates for
the various city offices there eni'inerat-
ed. A
hill attendance of citizens is
The Funeral of Miss Libbie
Woodward will take place In the M.
K. Church, at 3 o'clock P. St., on next
Sabbath, Nov. '24. The music will be
conducted by Prof. Warren and his
school, for Which aecconnt the time
has been changed from 11 A. M., to 3
P. M.
Portland Ad. Mr. W. Ashen
heim. commission merchant and dealer
in all kinds ot game, poultry, etc..
Portland, presents his card in this
issue, and asks the patronage of our
people. Men who hang out their sign
in a newspaper will do to "tie" to
Balm. Nathan Baum throws him
self in sight this week, with a fine
stock of boot", shoes, clothing, etc.
Having good business sense he seeks
the true channel of wealth by advertis-
ing what he has for sale, and inviting
the people to call anil see him.
Query Answered. the local of
the StiAttnnan asks: "Who knows
what to do with his nose this kind of
weather?" We would kindly suggest
to him that he heighten the color of
his. just the least mite, and it will
then make a very good sign over a
gin mill!
Perambulators. For a full stoc
of the latest and gayest in Perambula
tors, go to Chas. Mealey's Furniture
Warehouse, corner Broodalbin and
First streets where you can buy any
thing in tlie line of furniture, etc.,
either Eastern or home manufacture,
cheaper than the cheapest. 10w4
A. C. Institute. First term closes
Friday. November 20th. Examina
tion of classes begins on Monday
morning, November 27th. All friends
of education are cordially invited to
be present. The patrons of tlie Insti
tute nrecertalnly7?r. The second
term begins on Monday. December
2d. All who expect to attend during
the Winter, should be present at the
opening, that they may be properly
Beautiful. We saw at the gallery
of Mr. Paxton, on Thursday, one of
the handsomest pictures the likeness
of a little child of one of our promi
nent citizens-that we ever saw any
where, '1 picture is perfect, seem
ingly Impossible to be improved iimii.
As a photographer, Mr. Paxton has
feWoquals anywhere, and In- never
was neuer prcpareo io execute ni:e
work than at the present.
Shedd. This promising village,
named in honor of one of the sterling
farmers of Linn county, now contains
a large warehouse, two stores, black
smith shop, harness shop, church and
several dwellings, and affords a good
and convenient market for the pro
duce ot one of the finest fanning
regions in Oregon.
Boots and Shoes.-n. Baitru has
just received a large and new stock of
the best kind of BOOTS and Shoes,
and Will sell them, with his large stock
of Clothing, cheaper than any other
house in the city. Give him a call lie
fore you purchase elsewhere, and you
will save money. 9tf
W()(K ON THE CANAL. OwillJJ to
l,tt.v of last week. Tlie weather im-
Fire Loss ffiOO. About halt past
ten o'clock on Monday morning, a fire
,vas discovered in the residence ot Mr.
W. R. Cannon, on northwest corner
ot Second and Broodalbin streets. In
a few minutes ofter the alarm was
givefl, our Ouesters were on the ground,
ami soon had two MtfSHjM playing on
the the. The furniture etc., wis ail
removed from the building in good
time, but in such a careless manner as
to materially interfere with it- future
usefulness, the lire was won put out.
the whole premises being deluged with
water. It is estimated that the repairs
j to that building will cost between livt
j and six hundred dollars.
Aimthtr On Tuesday evening our
citizens were startled by the cry of
" fire ! " The alarm was caused from
the breaking or explosion of a coal oil
lamp in the kitchen ot the St. Charles
Hotel. No great damage was sustain
ed, we believe, beyound a big scare.
Edith O'Qorman. This lady lec
tured at Parrish Hall in this city, on
Monday and Tuesday evenings,-to full
houses. She is one of the best wo
men orators we ever listened to. She
claims to have been a Sister ot Charity,
to have lived in a nunnerv for several
years, and is therefore fully competent
to tell of the inner workings of such
institutions. So far as her experience
goes, she seems to have "'soured " on
Catholicism, and wherever she goes,
she makes Rome howl " by the "re
flections " she casts upon nunneries,
etc., under Catholic rule. She lectur-
ej at Eugene on
she is a talented
Wednesday night,
little woman, and
creates a sensation wherever she goes
SCARCITY OF Feed. From state
ments made to the Statesman, and from
other quarters, it is believed there is a
great scarcity of feed for cattle all
through Eastern Oregon. Snow is re
ported as having fallen ill
valley and the ranges beyond ; that the
weather is unusually cold and grass
short. If these reports prove true,
and the winter prove a bard one. the
cattle interest will suffer very largely.
We hope for the best.
Terrible. Two members of the
Board of Equalization, Curry and
Whiteaker. were in Salem oil Wednes
day, awaiting the arrival of the third
member. ('ol. dates, to commence bus
iness. Thereupon the Statesman pa
thetically remarks : The "ex-Guvs."
have a heavy responsibility resting up
on their shoulders just at present, and
were it not tint tliey are sustained by
a liberal salary, there might be danger
of their sinking beneath the load !
From Fish Lake. Mr. Bart.
Wishard returned from Fish Lake last
Wednesday. He reports that the snow
on the other side of the pass is some
two and a half feet deep. He traveled
through snow for a distance of eigh
teen miles. He was four davs mak
ing the trip, seventy miles.
New Landlord. Rumor has it
that Mr. N S. Pti Bois. grocer ol this
city, is soon to take charge of the St.
Charles Hotel as landlord. Du Hois
knows how to keep a hotel.
Pauaoramlets. -Friend Dn Boise
-till monopolizes his share of rheuma
tism. It is reported that ten thousand
bushels of wheat have been purchased
in this city during the week, for which
from 57 14 t0 per bushel was paid.
A fine assortment of boots and shoes
at Blain Young JfcCo's.
; Mr. J. (iillilan found a new pair of
j boot) on the street on Wednesday.
J The owner can get them by npplyll g
I to him.
Doc. Furnsworth is giving gen.-ml
i satisfaction repairing and putAng in
gnou running ortier an Kinds ot sew
ing machines.
Messrs. Harper it Co. and Blain.
Young A Co. will soon be in receipt
of large invoices of dry goods, direct
from New York. How's that for high.
The fine Instruments lately received
by Dr. Gray, together with new in
voices of material for dental work,
give him enlarged facilities for Che ex-
The extreme dullness that pervades
business circles is caused by the lack
of trade !
There was an attendance of ninety
students during the term ending Nov.
20th. at Albany Collegiate Institute.
Lee Burkhart's new residence is
about completed. If is a handsome as
well as bandy residence.
Navigation above the Dalles, on (lie
Columbia river. Is reported closed for
the season.
of people
Think of it, three million
perished by famine in lVi
The street Railroad in Portland will
be in operation soon, four cars having
Butter solid at 30c per pound.
Eggs, not in liberal supply, com
ma ud 34c per twelve.
A. F. Wheeler has been appointed
agent for this city of the F. F. I. Co.
Bully for he.
Camp meets this evening. Come
Dr. Ballard, of Lebanon, was in the
city on Wednesday.
Prof. Audrey, Edith O'Gorman's
agent, was hauled up before the Re
corder and asked to pay a lecture
license, exacted by the city, of io per
night, on Wednesday. He paid the
bill, amounting in all to 1A but !
grumbled thereat.
Weather has lieen generally pleas
ant during the week cool, sharp
nights, with warm, sunny days.
Mr. William Peters will sunn have
on hand a number of fine side and end
spring hacks, thoroughbraees. etc.,
home manufacture, which he will sell
as low as the lowest,
If you want the latest thing in furs,
warm and handsome, go to Blain,
Young, & Co's.
The O. S. N. Co. refuse to receipt
tor freight on the Columbia river above
the Dalles.
The engraving of this city, expected
to be ready for this issue, is not yet
out of the hands of the engraver. As
soon as it is ready it will appear in the
Register. It is a large work, and
takes time. In the mean time all who
j wish extra copies am send in their
1 orders, accompanied by the cash, and
tliey will be filled as soon as the en
i graving appears. Price lS'.jc per
single copy, or ten copies for$l.
I As soon as full official returns for
i all the counties come in we shall pub
l lish them. Grant carries the State by
a majority of not far from 3.500.
Mrs. J. L. Harris has been prostrat
ed by disease, preventing her from at
tempting to go to the Dalles th first
of the week, as intended, seeking to
benefit her health by the change.
Mrs. Godiey may be prevented from
going to Walla Walla the present
Winter, by the early closing of the
Columbia river, but she is still willing
to sell her fine stock of millinery, etc.,
to a cash customer, at a bargain, and
take the chances.
-The first "culled pusson " on record
Joseph Stoat, of many colors.
Tlie latest wooden wedding Henry
Block and Amanda Board.
Fire on Monday, at the residence of
W. R. Cannon ; on Tuesday, at St.
Charles Hotel.
Edith O'Goriuaii had good houses
on Monday and Tuesday nights.
The Masonic fraternity having rent
ed Parrish Hall, there is now no pub
lic hall to be obtained for entertain
ments in this city.
Onr huntists are having a good time
killing ducks, geese, pheasants, etc.
Geese and ducks are said to be very
To hk Closed. Mr. A. B. Paxton,
detiiriiig to take a little recreation,
after a long and busy Summer, will be
absent from the city, after the 30th
inst., to the 9th or 10th of December,
during which time the gallery will lie
closed. I'iw2
miedd, mi:.o.
Forwarding & Commission Mercbant.
Dealer in MerchaiKllse and Produce. A
good assortment of all kind of ioodn al
ways in store ut lowest market rates.
Agent for sale of Wagons,. raiu Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac.
Albany, Nov. 21. 1872
At a meeting of the (acuity and'
students of tin; Albany CoH( gtata I n
st itute, tlie following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Whereas, It has pleased ihe
Almighty Disposer of Events to re
move Dy death our respected and be
loved preceptress in music. Miss Lib
bie Woodward, therefore,
AWoiW, That in thi severe and
unexpected loss to afflicted relatives
: aim menus ami to tin- in-1 in it ion we
I recognize the hand of a father who
I alfiieteth wisely and for the good of
i his children.
Mw, lhat we cherish for our
young, amiable, and beloved teacher,
the most attectiouate and respectful
fittolml, That we lender our sym
pathy and condolence to her respected
father and his family, and commend
them to the divine consolation, w hich
were the eoujkletm of the departed
from early life and in her last moments,
, That a copy ol these reso
lutions be sent to the tilHiuted family,
and that they be published in the
papers of this city, and in the Salem
SUttusiiiun and Utiriatiaii Advocate.
n tun.
In this city, Nov.. 1(1. at the resi
dence of John Barrows, Esq .4 of tv
pliold fever, after an illness of one
month, .Mis- Libbie Woodward, eldest
daughter of Rev. L. T. Woodward, of
New To-Day.
Commission Merchant,
and dealer In all kinds of
M't'E. Wnkblngton Market, Portland, Or.
Stall is central Market.
No. M3 Ftrsi street.
NTCoMignmonts respectfully solicited
ana retains promptly mado, limit.
notion Xotieo,
tlie annual election for iliu city ol
AlwMiy 111 Linn county, Oregon, will be
i.-Moti Monday, the M Bay of 1 e ember,
Kit, ft lUe tourt House Ingaidefty.forthe
election ol the following officers, to-wlt :
one Mayor, one Recorder, one Marshall,
one IrciisiircranU s;s Aldermen
J- K.
atutuy, .ov. u, Ittfi
Hogs! Hogs! Hogs!
IDressocl Hogs,
ny wfKTtAKE mstmn
Albany, Nov, 1 18732
JtFltfiJAVclassesofworkliia people
either dcx, young or old, wake more nion
ey a work lor us in (heir spare moments,
or all the time, I ban ut anyihhifrelse Par'
Port hind. Maine.
lh I
MRS. H. n. t;oi.! Y OFFERS FOR
her entire stnuk Of MILLtNUnv
"UMMING8, 4c., Ac, toxelher w ith the
poo l wlU, nt u hara1n to a cash eustomer
railing health Is her only reason for destis
nix 10 sell,
Apply immediutely to
MRS, Bi. . t.ODLEV,
Flint Htr; et, Albnny.
Pork! Pork! Pork!
i ifw iMverotl in Aliiiy,for which I
il! pay the MtthMt m.(r f, ( 'ASH thai
the murket will atrord. UI
Albany, Nov. 8, m J' "KRRKS-
Imirorters and dialers in
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc.
SlIO t 10xl IllcllUifVlv
X. E. ror. CalUbraln & Drumm Ntn
i-rvrin, 01 all minis and sizes. The tar:'
rrwf lLr om,r;'1 !l' Glriilu, Jn
U.W and jimt r elvel, at, low nrlees
Also, lUvatorii.HamWa. PHiltoS
erm,j.te. S,,M by tREADWEIJ, &o.,
NMitranchco, feml foi' price list. 9m
FURS! FURS ! 1081!
I ffl Hi "U
them hi at once.
weather" hands.
1 prairie.
Albany, Fjb,,7jw