ALBANY REGISTER. 8 SEWING MACHINES. Vk to! "into Lvon California has 800.83(5 foi-eifja-born citizens to 335.303 natives. Seattle cast SiW votes tit tlx' recent election, being an increase of 134 over two years ago. About $4,000 changed hand at Walla Walla on the election result. The Oiv )(" speak- of a loan of & it i ( uu i i ..... , 1 1 ;.. r,.i I in flint i ill- . ,.H ... ... .. . . .... . - - thcTottier (lav. on one years rime. r.-. ... Hie Taylor Slroet M. 15. Church Stntoman ny the resignation Sunday School, began to distribute ! " a.uier, inmnii Agent ar n- from a new library ot 4-'i volume ro " V v; V'i ' ... , il. ,.1,11,1, l.Kt Unnil-u- savs t Hi i ciikiuciicoi, aim iimvarijui 10 tlilsil Qregouiwi, The linked States DistrictConrt has I seven inilictments before it tor selling i liquor to Indians, Put Smith, the owner ol "Pathfind er." the celebrated trotter, has refused $1,000 for him. TlieCorvallis firemen are to liave a ball on the 27th inst. Dr. .1. 11. Havlev John R. Bon has been appointed his State. bus bought the City Hotel property iu Gprvaliis, and i ington. Coinnilssioner of Deeds for th to reside at St. Louis. Missouri. Micheal Donahue 'vho was sentenced to tlie penitentiary iu Idaho for five years by Judge Hollister for an assault with intent to kill Joseph Atkinson, last .fyll, has been pardoned by Gov. Bennett on the recommendation of numerous citizens. FOME1UX NEWS. SEWING MACHINE is beyond itieat Ion more perfect for AH Kinds of Work, than any other machine in USB, It I" a cnmhinuiion of Week before last the little daughter of Mrs. Jasper who resides at Union, Union County, was so badly scalded, as to cause death to supervene. The colored citizens ot Portland have determined to jubilate and have a grand torch light procession over the election of Grant. Oysters are being raised from artifi cial lieds at Tillamook Kay. The Colored men of Portland are intending to form a military ny. The deaf mute school in Salem has i twenty pupils, says the Statesman. MeFadden, in the Penitentiary front is reported as Hon. Mr. Lewis, the newly appoint ed Associate District Judge iu Mon tana, has arrived at his post and open ed Court at Bozcinnu City on the 4th inst Go?, Orover has re-annointed James A. Smith and B. V. Goodwin, of Port- A young lady iu Salem boasts that ! lai d as Notaries Public, and tolled a Miupliclly, IliimMUf' A Economy, very lcst imported mnMnfa"'irc 1 of the steel. The HNKLE & LYON Vlf.TOR Is uneqnaletl (brqnletneaaanii ease of run nlii!, sotf-jotttnjj needle, perfect shuttle, It operation lsposttive, enabling It to Itnn Over S 'Hins nnil Turn Corners nit lion t cli&aglnK (.he tension, length of stitch, orstoppfnsj the motion of the ma chine. Will sew any kin t of material cut with straight and 'use u,e, WITHOUT HASTING. entirely oreventtna the fulness of either side, fj has a more perfect fee than any other machine. Takes all t he stretch from the iroojs, oiwratinj? with equal faculty on the. heaviest aswclfnstho lightest febrlc. leaving n seam allien on si tes, beaut I tally, s! ron ,-an '. elastic : is espec ially adapted to the dhc willed wants of per dozen in Famttv s ewmu;, and Is so simple In Its const ruction Unit it can be Used with alacrUy by the most Inex perience 1. 1 tlii county for incest, I likely to die. Eggs were 00 cent Portland last week. Walla Walla count? a special tax to build a new Court House and Jail. Father Harmon lias recently orgnu i"d a Lodsre of (nod Templars at Snmiiierville. and at the Cove, in lii ion county. Mr. Dray claim- to have had his pocket picked of $110, at La Grande, week before last. The St(it?AM;ii says: A famous horse man of this State gives it as bis opinion that the 'Epizootics'' will get to Oregon after awhile. In that case will it not be well for some of our Dem ocratic war horses to have carer Only think ot Helm. Gates. Nemiith, etc., witli the "Epizootics.-, The Oreyonlnn says : An ohl gen tleman named Wiusiow. who lives in Oregon but was on a visit to Washing ton Territory, walked sixty miles to reach a voting place where he could cast a ballot for Grant. The foundaries of Portland tire j doing a good business. she has rejected feu neitrimonial otters w ithin the past three .months, savsthe j StihMU)i. I Jacob II. Bmighmtm. of Howell's j Prairie, while gMherliis; apples in his : orchard last Mo, .day. ti-11 from a tree I and sustained very serious injuries. I fWfit S'om! ', n,n , U the name of i a paper to Ik started at srcilaconm by i Julius Dickens. compa-; mock in tne taxinia section is re- ; . jiortcd very fat, and the grass very , nig"' The Olytnpia ('nn-in says "so fat are our cattle up here that ve use I cow's tails for stri ct lamps and pur- poses of illumination." The old oil house at the lighthou e ' ! at l ape l)SM))ointmeiit, in vt ailing-, under uac A I ton Territory, is to lie torn away and I two stories hltrh. commission to K. a. Strahan. of Cor vallis, endowing him with the same power. An Episcopal Church is to be built at Deer Lodge, Montana, to be called "St. . lames. r' after a church at Bata via. New York, which has contributed si .000 to build it. It is to be a memo ri d ot Rev. Morelle Fowler, formerly Rector 61 St. James. Batavia, more latterly a missionary to Montana, who, about two years since, together with bis wife and three children, perished on the Hndon Kiver Railroad. Sa- the Olympla Cmtr4: "A genticman jud up from the Cbebalis fieerVafmn informs us that the late Improvements instituted there by Cen eral Milmv for the itidhins are well large School hiaise. o v ' 1 r....f i . i,..i has voted for U new and larger one erected at once . ! hib- l,, .."1.,., i, ., . iq7(i The (fraud jury at Olympla has in- j and two shops, each 1 ;". '. feel . (re:i- iticteii i in. Kirlanil tor Hie crime or ( era 1 jiurov r. a practical man 11 Fifteen vessels are reported 01. their Utpceiiili? iidiiitel o THiioHiiKHud ; way from forelgu parts to Oregon. Lentiier Work! ! .las. II. Slater has gone to Wash- ,, ... , . , ., . inguni to draw his per diem and mile It will hem. lei!, (nek, anther and sew , upon a pwid at 1 he same mo, wb cb ohvi-1 students one-half at whom are board- uies the tedious 1 necessity ot Iwstlng. It Oretrnn Cltv ha employed a night win 1111 any Kino 01 woi-k 1011c on ascw utj , ,..utl,i,' ..... Mi. mtttl l,aa,.l,iv.riiiir,iiiiliUi,sllnir 1 Wdtinm.lll. murder, committed in the killing of a 1 man named Campbell, last .summer." I A Frenchman, named Hilar, of San Kr.iuci-co. atteuaiiMl suicide the other day by shooting hlme!f through the hand and cutting his throat. He did not succeed. Circuit OOlirt in Polk county, is in session this neck. lbedriiind Jury n Jackson county recommend a new court house, jail, sheriff and clerk's office. II. M. Spencer is President of the Young Men's Secret Debating Society at Dallas. About fifty buildings have been erected in Baker City during the past season. . The county court of Jackson comity, Ir.s appointed J. S. Howard, survey or ot Jackson countv. vice B. F. Myer. who failed to qualify. Wells. Fargo & Co., have closed their office in Lafayette and opened an office in St. Joe, appointing Judge Watts their agent. Pacific University lias about 130 Than liny oilier machine I be public. It will ever pre sen let to untuu i'inw itiriLiN or WUOLKN" GGDPS. Innnmnnor fiir su IKirtor io any oilier machine. Parties wishing to nnrchasc a machine ere in vtie. 1 o call ul i be Register Building on corner of first and Kerry streets, Alba ny, Oregon, and examine the FIKKLE & LTfON. r'or clrenlars, Sc., address, J. FAU..UORl'II, AfftM A loan v, Oregon. 04O OiXUdL $45. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW THE BANNER Shuttle Sewing Machine, Willi Table ami TreiMllP mi)ctc si.iteli alike on both sides of t lie cloth, and cannot IX) unraveled. ir3,iKifl stitches a minute, without noise, isjr sklnpinaot stitches, or breaking of 5" Hi rend. I lri iiitrodueed Iu June, 1HTO. Hon. H. (t. Struve has entered upon his duties as Secretary of Washington Territory. ! Wood in Walla Walla sells at $.) to $!! per cord. i The ladies of Corvallls are preparing a lieautilul nag to lie presented to Hie firemen of that place. The following is the official vote of Jackson countv : Greeley, 570 ; Grant, 520; OVonnrlb. Josephine county gives Grant a ma jority of 15. The Eiitni'prhc says the had weather of the last few days has seriously Inter fered with the works on (lie Locks and Canal at Oregon City. Tlie settlers on San Juan Island are preparing for a grand jubilee when tlie Island is handed over to tlie Amer icans. Among other thing an ox will be roasted whole no reflection, of course, upon John Bull. According to the Dttptfs'i, Seattle will take the premium for wickedness. Sin, iu its most revolting forms, stalks rampant through the streets in oieu j day. ami decency and good order are i apparently forgotten. The comities of Jefferson, King, j Kitsap and Thurston, hi our sister Ter-' ritorv. are reporuii a uuvuig given n i trs. Snow on the mountains about Jack sonville, causes the elk to visit the val Wed qualified to umiiagn the Indian Department, being Imtli firmer and mechanic. He is said to have more man mu parents tor luve in me chanical Implements which arc of his ; own iiiveiition." ! Klickitat county gave Garfleide a ; majority of seventy-five. An alti nsitiim between Ben. Davis and Jim Combs at the polls in Silver i City on election day, resulted in Davis I receiving a bullet in the leg and Combs I getting a blow over the head with a j six-siiooter. A wagon load of apples left on the j street in Olympla while the owner i went to "take suthin." was tasted j din ing his absence to the extent of ! two bushels ami a half. ! In a saloon at Silver City. L T.. on ; the 8th lust.. Billy Btinis shot and j severely wouuik'd a man mimed Dan i Copeland. Mr. Pilbean. of Vaqtlina Bay. dur ing the season just closed, caught be tween three and four thousand salmon. He cauglit over lhree tons in one night. The season is only of three weeks duration. The committee appointed tA exam ine sites tor the State University have i been tendered the tree donation of ten leys for food, and wary huntsmen pop j acres of land bv Hon. J. H. 1). Hen them over. j der.son, being a tract situated on tin Mrs. Aitrelia Johnson, a colored wo-' extension of FJeyenth street, east of man living near the stage road between I corporation limits oi ivngene. ami Jacksonville and Yreka, blew down I will recommend to the stockholders the chimney ot" a kemscue lamp last that that place be selected Saturday; the lamp blew back again. I Snow was reported abotjt two feet and Amelia passed in her checks. deep at Tillamook last week, and still Near Elko. Nevada, E. Garnet a few days ago blew his brains out with a revolver. At Los Angeles. Cab, a young Ger man woman attempted self murder by jumping from a steamer; but u boat was lowered and she was saved. The Orefpmian has this : Mr. G. W. Betts, who resides in Bcavcrtoii. seven miles from Portland, has twin daugh ters, 14 years of age in January, l.s2. They were born within a half minute of each other, and at birth there was Just one half pound difference in their weight, and has never been more since; to use the expression Of their rather,, i they always weigh iu the same notch. ' Thev have the same height, color ot i snowing. Sunday More last the snow at Dal las had fallen to a depth of from ten to fifteen inches. Iu the Blue Moun tains and Grand Ronde valley it was reported to have fallen to a depth of ! from four to five feet The late heavy rains occasioned sev- i eral laud slides to occur, one near ! Jakiaud, another near Roseburg, on the railroad. The late M'.rmon Conference at Official journals of Berlin, Germany, continue .to iuUiuate that, the Kmperor will secure a majority in theLpper House of the Diet bv appointing a sufficient number ot Lite Peers, if nec essary, to carry the Reform Bill. The Royal Geographical Society of London, has sent a letter of thanks to James Gordon Bennett for the part he took in the discovery of Dr. Living stone, and voted Stanley a Vtetora medal of 183. A severe raid and snowstorm visited Hamburg. Ger.. for several days, flooding the country. King Amadeus, of Spain, was con fined to the palate on the 14th by ill ness. The Pensall coal mine in Stafford shire, Eng.. ignited on tlie Hth inst. Eleven miners were rescued, but twenty-two were still in the inlnevanA there was no hojie of theirbelngsaved. Baring Brothers, Drcxel. Morgan & Co.. London, Instructed their Ameri can agents to contribute to tlie Boston sufferers. The Prussian Government intends to use American paper for Its bank notes hereafter. Heavy gales on the British coast on the 12tli inst. caused the wreck of many vessels. Fifty lives were knowu to be lost. The same gale on the Prussian, coast caused twelve vessels to sink in the harbor at Stralsaud. While the storm was at its height, a fire broke out among the ware houses and spread rapidly, and was burning at the time the dispatch was sent. Several lives were reported lost, and many Injured. The London Jewish Chronicle says : A society of Atheists has been formed at Venice. They recently sent an ad dress of congratulation to King Victor Emmanuel on the escape ot his son and daughter inlaw from assassination. Oddly enough, forgetting tliey were Atheists, they "thanked Divine Provi dence for the miraculous escape, Ac." The following is from Mexico: Gen. Cabcllos, Military Governor ot Sonora, has announced the pacification of that Stale without bloodshed. Gen. Diaz has surrendered, given his parol, and presented himself at the City of Mexi co. President Lerdo congratulate the country iion the complete restora tion of peace. There is great rejoicing at the capital. Signor Srila, Minister of Finance, of Rome, having addressed an official communication to the Pope guarantee ing payment to His Holiness ot the annuity voted to him by the Italian Parliament, Cardinal Antonelli sent a reply to the Minister Informing him that the Pope declines to receive any annuity. The King of Spain has paralytic rheumatism- The ship Semistiin was wrecked in the North Sea during a terrible gale on Wednesday of last week, audi of her crew perisiied. A dispatch to London from Stral snnd on the Kith inst. reports that 80 vessels were totally wrecked by the late gale. The towii was considerably damaged by the inundation. The fishermen on tlie islands of Clengst, Daroaml Hlddenzol lost all their fish ing smacks and apparatus, and their houses and tents were greatly damag ed. Nearly all the cattle on the is lands were drowned. Wells were flooded from the Sea, and the inhabi tants are suffering for want of fresh water, food and shelter. The Govern ment has dispatched a steamer laden with snpplies to their relief. The island of Kirgen also felt the disaster heavily. Many of its fishing boats Salt Lake City, re-elected Brigiuini j were destroyed. Fields near the coast Voting as Phrophet, and appointed thirteen missionaries for Europe. All houses iu Olympia have tenants. John Burnett has been appointed majority of 175 in favor of holding a for ?sfiu" imiiiii't vtnut wt .t .., i' ,...;. i - k I ,i " . U1. j VmV AUUI IIC V Kfl i iiOdlii'. ; iiiiir tiuu ;uhi ;uc uiin.ii uur; - j as scarcely to be known apart in their I H. C. I'aige has been appointed ! own family. If either one is called or Kedstw of ti.e State Land Office at spoken to by name the nearest one an- j La Grande, by Gov. Graver. I swers, as names make no difference td ! Two hundred and fifty men are j them or tlie family. ' wanted to subscribe flOO each to the Tlie community residing near Van- j t of the State University. The ; couver are very much agitated over tin. ' committee are iu search of them, sudden disappearance of an old man j An independent mass convention at : bv the name of Murray. Efforts to Salem last Saturday nominated A. J. The nurchasers are the Northern Pa ... .. .. . . , .... ...ill.. 1.1 U"ll' Hill 1.1 II' II TOO lire. I'atenteilhl : he United States and aU the ' ' v . ,'.'' ,,,.,.... :,, principal countrteii ofKurope. S"" htt'iU" -NimPatl(" Lom)iinv in- tend tlie water carriage of Puget Sound. 1 hey will also liuilil tir.-t class steamers or tlie .ii'isippi model, and run them between Kalania convention to form a const itol ion the future State of Washington. The British Cuiimid of the Stli hist, has the following: "We understand ... o tJ:.. i... ic......... i thi'ir entire interest iu tlie steamboats i A tire at Salem last Sunday burned liavleatlua the waters of Puget Sound. ' an old wooddied. and gave to the local iind him have proven abortive. The new UANXKII SllfTTI.K SKH lMi M ACHINE Is Hold lor tii less tlnin any other ilrst class sewhet mnehine, and is imarantecdtobeboUtln a more, substan tial manner, io have lcs worklns parts, rim al a (fraa0r Stiwd, to make less noise, to bo iuorBlntifnllyfltilhed,tomlss less l Itches, and do a ui-enter nrle.ty and liet- leninallty of work Mian any inncmne nwdi and Wallula er." on the Columbia riv- of thuSWewmh Ircinendous diarrheal of words. Some thief stole all the coin proceeds of several mouths business from the pronrietor of the Tualitan Hotel at Hillslairo, on last Sunday night. C. W. Liudsev. brakesinau oil the Monroe tor Mayor. Win. Crump for Marshal, Mr. Johns for Treasurer and John V. Booth for Recorder. The IMlslih has this : A bottle of arnica should la- iu everv family. It is ri cniunieod' d bv physicians, and is i . .... .... i. i . utruiy iiscriu meiiicme. it is one in I he few medicines that meet the re quirements demanded of them you may rely upon it. disused in cases of bna-e.. swellings and deep sores. line were flooded. The loss of life, both ui the Islands cud mainland is very great. John Bright will resume his seat in the Kuglish Parliament during the coming session. Advices front Denmark to the 18th slum that the wreck and ruin caused by the hurricanes are enormous. The damage in the Island of Plaster, known as the garden of Denmark, will exceed one million rix dollars. The Neatest Si icide Yet. The latest novelty iu suicides comes from C'cavelaiid, Ohio, where an individual who had drawn a blank in a lottery, went to his death after the following unique and elaborate fashion : lie Hist produced a loaded revolver and connected it with clock-work so that it should Ire tired off at a certain time lie tlien got into bed. and. alter plac ing the pistol behind hfe. ear, took a dose M chloroform. Under the iiiflu- O. & i '. Kaliroad was severely injured : Xothin" i's it. eiinil iu sprained joints j ence of the narcotic he then went to I..... 'I1,,..,.-.!.,,- I... lbiiii.r l.-ii. ..-I.-. fi Otf till' , , "I . i. . I. . Lll I 1 . !.. t tl... .vlira.i tln.a ll.A ..luU' last ruesdav by being knocked on rue i ; ,H1ken limbs. Sinntlv wash The Corvallls f.'ce'e ha; the folhw- j car as the train was passing Canby. Lj 1(.u.tx aflfecteti, IKmiI ists ' highly lug 1 A. H. McCoiiuell has mtit the j He, was taken tothe H, K. Hospital. ' leooiumend it ; it is applied for tlie saloon business, and was last Monday j m anwt Invincibles." (colored. : r,Hithache outside on the tiice and on in Hie uni il siatiw,eliher iukii or low I limy nisraiieu laimnini or iue iuv 110-, 0f Purl land, celebrated the recent tie-1 the nins; it will relieve tlie pain and Si the h." 'rX.dsn'evcrvMr;'n;ade I te, , We !lre W? "W,1. "W- I publican victory last Tuesilayevening. mm the swelling. It will not cure to ,anc am i i n i J V, i m . ;rtl do . ! t li ti' s I and have no uonb he w I make a pop- . t01vll MI I toothache ; the forceiw alone will needles tbren I, silk ami linen of any size, ular and successful hotel keeper as lie , . ...,.,,,.,, sfln,,. ...n .tMinctlv ! do that where the case is a regular one and works with ennal lacilit von the tiilci ent woolens r thlnesi muslin. It will hem fell, mek, braid, cord, raffle, bind, plnlt, inilt, Mlteh, HQRin, wither, hem-sliteh and embrnUnr fu the most, perfect and beauti ful nmimner. No skill reijnlred to "set" a needle, as every needle Is so mado that it Is impossible to putone inand itet It wronjr. Kvery machine Is warranted for Ave years. ( U at Keftlster BnlldhiK and see It. 4, f ARN8W0KTH, Agent, 'OV.tJ, Alfrwiy, OrtKon, nl.Hl.res an cut re "chainre of luis...- : v 1 -''r"'"'- ,". """"-.V-' SScSssto von Mac-thisis one bold WU various on iue step towanl the Gmsl Templar Lixlgc. J h i,,st" h'1 m ami a brighter, happierltte. Weshall The reported discovery ot diamonds take great pleasure iu advertising for ! In Utah h pronoimied a hnnmug by you now. and will prove by our acts, the Nut LakeyW". ot exmrsure of the nerve, iuflamma- lion and paiu. j Tlie Seikttle Council has passed laws I against gambling. The MatemmtH says the daughter of The- office of American Consul at m. Lanirnc.f while playing around not you. but your that we ' tons of coal to San Francisco diving me n.He .uonuu,. ... mm. yi fjverpooj. Eng., Is mm have been Kwrrbig afiil; tlw ast. ' the llrst ten momjp of AH year.. aiibrokf bcr right arm. year. ' ... sleep, At the given time the clock work pressed the trigger, discharging the pistoi aim landing cue, simnuerer inio eternity. This device H an ac cession to the plain self-shootiis and hangings of ordinary suicide, and, on iis mechanical merits, seems neater, if not quieter, tlian the guillotine. . : ' Eigldi en years ago, the place where OmaVa now' stands was a piece ofnn louchcsl prairie. 20,000 is now l$e on.