Ok 4 I ALBANY REO INTER. ton j&fjtftor, BUSINESS CARDS. NEW TO-DAY. JOB PRINTING. TO THE FARMERS A 1 - A. C. LAYTON, URAL Bit IN Stall hav ,been introduced Into the Aiiegnauv nver. Philadelphia is to have a $2,000,000 bridge over the IsdlliylkilL - ' m i . " A colony of Communists, 1,500 strong, is establish! in Iowa. ; Senator Trumbull Icis written a let ter declining to continue Chairman of the Judiciarv Committee. The Female College at Jacksonville, III., belonging to tlie Methodist church, burned on the night of the 18th. Judge Brady of New York, has set the 2d day of the December term for the trial of Stokes for the murder of Fisk. Grant's official majority in Connecti cut is 4,786. A characteristic incident is related of Beu Wade, ot Ohio, when he was sent out by President Grant as one of tlie Commissioners in 1803 to inspect the Pacific road. He was disgusted at the sight of the alkaline formations, and despaired of Us redemption, when a resident bystander reminded him that it would be a nice place to live in if It only had plenty of water and good society. "I don't doubt it." was the blurt retort and hell would be a good place to live in, too, if it had the same advantages." The Earthquake Crop INCREAS ING. Tliere is said to be a steady in crease through the centuries in the number of earthquakes. According to the best autlwrities. in the fourth century there were 1; in the firth. 25 ; in the sixth, 31 ; in the seventh, 10 ; in the eighth, It ; in the ninth. 3tf; in tile tenth. 17 : in the eleventh. 51 ; in the twelth. 68 ; in the thirteenth. 55; iu the fourteenth, 68; in the fif teenth, 41 ; in the sixteenth. 110: in the seventeenth, ISO ; iu the eighteenth. 680 ; in the nineteenth, 925. Badly Mixed. 'What's the matter. Bob r" Sam, who am I f" "Why, you are yourself, Bob Harri H)ti, ain't you!"' "No, far from it." -Why, what's the matter?" 'Weil, sir, I'm so mixed up I don't Know who lam." "Don't take ft so hard at lieart." "I ain't ; I'm taking it iu my hand kerchief." Well, sir, what's the matter?" Why, i am married." Married? ha! ha! ha! why, sir, vou should be happy." -Yes, but I ain't." "Why. all married men are stippoi 4 to be nappy." "Yes, but how many are so?" "Well, sir, as I said before, don't take it so hard tell us all about it." "Well, Sam. I'll tell you how it is. Yon see. I married a widder, and this wldderhad a daughter." "Oh, yes! I see how it is. You have been making love to this daughter." No, worse than that. You see, my Cither was a widower, and he married this daughter, so that make my lather my son-in-law. don't it? Well, don't you see how I am mixed up? -Well, sir, isttat all?" "No, I only wish it was. Don't you see, my step-daughter is my stej) mother, ain't she? Well, theii, her mother 1' my erawhiiother. ain't slie? Well. I am married to her, ain't I? So that makes me my own graudfath- ! er, dbtsn'tit?" I Not Generally Known. Martin i Van Buren is tlie only man who held j the oflices of President, Vice President. Minister to Kngliiud, (iovernor of his ! own Suite, and member of both houses ot Coujyw. Thomtis II. Benton is the only man who held a seat ill the United .States Senate for thirty consecutive years. The only instance of father aud sou in the United States Senate, ;tt the sattie. time, is that of Hon. Henry Dodge. Senator from Wisconsin, bud his ai, Augustus 0. Dodge, Senator from. Iowa. General .lames Shields is the only man who ever represented two States in the United States Senate. At one time he wa Settotor from llilnols, and subsequently Senator from Minneso ta. JohnQnincy Adams held position under the Government during every administration from that of Washing ton to that of Polkduring which he died. He tad been Mini-ter to Kn gland, member of brtth houses of Con gress, Secreterj' of State aud President of the United States. He du-d while a member of the Hon otKepreseuta tivea.. The' only instance where three brothers occupied seats In the lower house at the game time, waa when ElihnlL Wasilburne represented the First Itrtet of IIHudls. Israel Wash- , Oie Third District in Mslnc, mi Cihralbder C. WastbUrne, the I of Wisconsin. Groceries, FrOViSiOIIS, Et(, ALBANY, OREGON. w,tt sTRlVETOKKBPTiiKBKsr TV ,f mth i, my Hn-:tml ll : Ik-l . I eHUrihf mtm. (lull and nee w 1A j ! At Xorlli Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., AUK STILL KELL1NU DRY GOODS, (LOTH IK, j BOUTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, UUM EK1HK, NOTIONS, irrc, etc, ' of which they keep on hand a fill! stock, j and are able to sell at lowest rates, as I usnal. for 'nili or Produce. i Will also be able to buy and sell Grains 1 of all kinds, or attend to storing r for- I warding It at their Warehouse in Halsey. I Give us a trial. KIRK, HI M K & 00. J. It. MITCHKLL. J, K. DOLPH . MITCHELL A DOLPH, Attorney nud Counselor t 1mm, 01 JC1TOR8 IX CHANCERY AND PROL IX tors In a Imiraltv. Ofttoe over the old post olllce, Front ftreet, Portland, Oregon. Iv4 J. ( POWELL. L. FL1NN. IHIWELL & FLIKN, Attorney nnd Counselor at Law, i N'D SOLICITOKS'rS CHAUCER Y L. , Flinn notary public), Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at- tended to. W. ii. JOKES, X. ., HOMEOPATHIC PHTSI3IAN. UdASY. OHBUOS. 16v4 D. n. jo six . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. OmCE-SOlTTH SIDE FIRST STREET, iip-stairs. in J. M. Beach's store-house. Residence --Second street, south ot the CartwrigUt warehouse. 3' V T. W. HARRIS, M ., Physician and Surgeon, j ALBANY, oREUox. OFFICE -OVER Tl'RRELL'9 STORE, i First street. Residence- Third-st., I one door west of Methodist church. 37-4 DENTISTRY. GEO. W. URAY, l. D. IMtES ALL WORK IN THE line of his profession in the lilies:, H it mid most ajrpwr J method. Aimestheticasrents used for thepainlessexiraetioii oPtecth, if desired. Particular attention given to the regu lation of Children's teeth. 1 Dental consultations and examinations ! fkek. Charges moderate. Satisfaction i guaranteed in everv case. Call at his office and examine specimens of his vvorkman- ofnCRIn Purrish Brick Block, up stairs. J7J-I8V4 LEFFEL A MI-ERS' WaterWlieels SPHERICAL PLUMBS, And Weneral Bill Wnehlnery. .J. F. BACKENSTO, Agent, :d Allnny, Oregon. K, S. 1)1 Bills. W. II. M'lXLI.OClt s, or sjois &, co., AVE ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY 1 receiving a large stis K ot Oroeeriew nnd '1'rovltfonn. Wood and wWow wan', tohaeco, cigars, confoctkmerv, Yankee notions, otc., etc., wholesale and retail, at lowest rates. Opixwlte U. C. Hill A -Son's dru? store, , Albany, Oregon, 33v4 j ALBA.T BOOK STOKE. KittauliNiicd in SS.10. E. A. Frccland, I EALKH IN E VICKY VARIETY OF If miscellaneous lxjks, school Ijooks. ; lilunk hooks, stationery- Books imported to order at short notice. Albany. Dec. 3, UJ70. j GO TO TURBELL'3 FOB ( JESTS' I toothing and (ierifs Famishing (JfHiN of all utnerlljtlons. He has also a large stock ol D v' LlotWftg, Hats, Wiirw. etc., which lie is celling very low. 43-t The Ejrea! TJie Ear ! IB. T. L. (ilUMBlK, Oeullat mid AurNt. Albnuy, Oreiron. DR. GOLDEN IS A son of the noted old optbalmic doctor, 8. C. Widen. Dr. Golden 1ms had experience in treating tne various otseusw io wliich the eye and wrare subject, and feels contldent of giving entire satlsOu-tinn to those w ho tiuiy pla themselves nnderhis cure. April IS, IS. Fruit Treca, CJrape Vlnca, Ac. rpiIK ITNDERSIGNEI) INVITES THE 1 attention of the p thlic io his large and complete stock of APPLE. PEAR. PLUM. CHERRY and other TREKS. Also. GRAPE VI J58 best In the State; Ornamental Trees, Bhrnbs. PtsntA, Cnr nutts, Goosetmrrii s Strawlwrrle, Rosea, Dahlias and Bulls whieb will be sold as Ijw m first-clM rtock can be mTorded. Hot. M-ttrt X A. MUX ABB, PER CENT SAVED I5Y lU YINtJ MW GOODS -OF- KLINE & CO., ALBANY, OREGON. aTtLSt Reoeived M entire new toek of the Most Fasiiionable &oods of tlie Season -81X11 A- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, 300TS, SHOES, CAPS, HATS, ULANM, CROCKERY HARDWARE. and China Su'vin Dreot (ooi, MARY slEI ART NT RIPEN, I'OPMX Iil'ETREH, M'OK II PLAIUN, TAMIS CLOTH , STRIPED, PLAID, und kMIIIU SHAWLS, M'ARFS, WOOLEN Hl ES t.RANT A A 35 CHAMPION HATS, and n large wlork ol' FANCY GOODS! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, A House FurniahinK ooli, ALL OP WHICH IS OFFERED AT. ''!: LOWEST PHI C BS. HraMt., nUolaln Foot OSirc LINN & BENTON COUNTIES. TIM ISDEHNIOSED W I i.i hi:- x i stx'cl ful I van nonnce t hat have en- UreiV reino lele landrenovat icir large. I commodious and substantial Warehouse, tlmt tlii-v tin estivii''thened and ntlded to the same. creeled new works entire - that they now have two A No. 1 Cleaner, with large Elevators complete: have put in new Roller and Engine, and are now preured to take in and handle Wlioat db Oats very rapidly and conveniently. Having abundant storage facilities in ' Portland, parties desiring to store grain ! with us need have no tears that our ware ; house hero will In? overloaded. We would also call the attention of the Dinners to the fact that our belittle 1".' shipping to a Foreign Market are Very complete, and that they willtindit to their advantage to call at oiir office for further j information as to our facilities and terms ! of storage. C. B. COMSTOCK & CO., W. 8, NKWm itV, Agent. Albany. Aug. '.'tt-"lvt. GEOIHA TUHREL KEEPS A LARGE stock of Assorted Merchandise to suit the market, it would be to the in - tcrest of everybody to give him an early call. 43-4. Oregon Woodeu Ware MauTg. Co., MAST KAl TV RHUS OK BUCKETS, TLBS, PAILS, W o o cl e n-W are Works at Oregon Clly, Oregon. IT tIE OHIXitiV WOODEN WARE omnuny, having re- centlv comolete l their Works at Oregon , City with the most approved machinery, embracing the newest tterns and latest intents, imported at great cost from Mas ! sHclmsetts, the ESTABLISHMENT, in all ! its appointments, will compare favorably i with any other in tlie Tnitcd htutes. The Cominnv are prepared to rill all or- ders lor CKDAlt. MAPLK and ASH BITK- ETS, TUBS, BITTER FIRKINS, SALMON KITS, WASHBOARDS, Shuttle Bobbins, Broom-bandies, Ac., Ac. Particular attention is called to our ASH PAILS and BITTER FIRKINS an article far superior to any heretofore in market, as causing no unpleasant taste or smell to the con tents. From our superior facilities we are en abled to supply the trade on the moat ad vantageous icrms, and by prompt atten tion and excellent workmanship will merit success in our line. Healers are requested to examine our wares before purchasing elsewhere. tir' Address all communications to 1. O, BILES, Ajre.it, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE. - Any Ruekets or Tuls manu factured by us, which do nntglvecnmplete satisfaction it rettirnei, win ne rcpiuecii : by new one. ; ."HM-3m without charge for freight. J. I). BILES, Agent. XR DRESS (iilODS. GLOVES. TRIM , goto Tunvll's, A tilings. Hosiery, First street. ctr PEOPLE FURNISHING SHOULD CALL and see Turrell's large stock of Car pets, Oil-cloths, Blinds. Rugs, etc., which nc Is selling very cheap. 4:1-4 "I O TO TURRELL'S FOR HARDWARE VI lAQin. LaiiiiH-himncys, et He has the Goods to suit ynu. 43-1 A. B. MORRIS, Ciencral ConiuiiNMion AXD FORWAKDIM MfiKCHAST. HA V I X li large LEASED R. CHEADLE'S W A. 11 12 H t VIS K BUY, HEM, STORE OK FORWARD at foot of Broudiuhln street, mi the bank of the Willamette river, I am prepared io store WHEAT or OATS, j in unlimited quantities ! Tlie Hitches! Market Price Paid in Cnan for Wheat mid Oats. Parties wishing to store Grain, can make arrangements to get all the sacks needed, Grain stored and forwarded at lowest rates. A share of patronage is solicited. A. B. MORRIS. Albany, July 17-48v GEORGE TIIRRELL PAV8 THE HIGH est price for all kind of Country Pro duce. Remember the address, Turrell's, First street.. 4M THE ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AXD PAST POWER AXD UWli P II E S S E S, Latest aud most Desirable Styles of Printing Material, Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOB When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels Bui why particularize, when it is gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IT When it comes under the he 'd of &5" Come to see us, onct PATENT liA'i'E, E.i! Sclf-Opcniagr and Self-Cloain? GATE. PATENTED BY JOHN DICK.S)N. June 4, 1867. PHE GATE IS SO COSSTRCCTED That when the vehicle atmronehes It th wheels on one side siss over a lever which is connected to the gate hinge by a rod . thus opening the gate before you and fast -cuing it open. After iroimr thrnmrh. the carriage passes over a similar lever. iils connected it h I he gale hinge, lausing tin- icuic, in irs ruiauon, io sunt ix'nind vou und fasten. No Getting Out of Your Vehicle ! No Raising of Latches Nor Pulling of Strings, Except the "riblons"of your team. It i often culled THE "LAZY MAN'S r.ATi:.' Printing CD And a "Dead Opn and .mini." This gate is simple m ltimnstrnctloti, both of Iron and wood work, and not likely to get out of order. If a neat, cheap gate is desired, It may lie made light, with three cross lairs ot wood and one-fourth inch wire, neatly curved at the top, the lower end hid In the bottom liar, which is the style of a factory made gate. The gates are now In practical use In several of the counties nwhnd Sun Francisco, and plenty of testimonliialscan be given. THOMAS J. 3AFF0RD, Having purchased the Rifftit for Linn Co., Oregon, Has now on hand, and will manufacture the above described gate. Wherever It has been used it has received the highest en comiuins, as the large number of eertin cntcs from prominent farmers In all rt of the country, now in mv hands, will testify. CARRIAGE?AN0WA4;O. Of All Descriptions, On hand and manufactured to order. Blacktmlthing and Repairing Done to order at moat reasonable rates. Shop foot of Ferry street, opposite Beach , Monteith A Co.'s flouring mills. THOMAS J, SAFTORD, Albany,jOt.l8,lWMv