tk ' ' . volume v. ALI.YY. OREGON. XcVKMBKR 32, 1X72 NO. 12. mii BEECHEY'S DREAM And its Terrible Reality. A Til- o? saec tfS 2CHim. In the ngfl383, Hill Bcechey, n ve known Oovcrnmeiit contractor rt ixl a California pioneer, resided at a place r:ilcrl Lewlston. in Idaho Terri tory, when; he kept a tavern and owned a stage line. Lewlstou was then ill'' Crtlw-nl of Haho. and was lieautlfoily situated upon the junction of Clearwater and Snake rivers, and upon the reservation of tin1 Jfenperee liidl-m. flvebmidreo odd mile from Portland. Oregon. This reservation is surrounded by lofty mountain, and - one ortho nio-t ctWmtuz countries to be met with in the far-off West. Ivirly in the mouth of August, 1803, one moron Hill Beechc f, wiiiie ill ni" nreaiuasi. said tn Id- wife : t leav us today, and I have U-eu dreaming about him all niirht. Hi' lias srnt some ffood men wit!) him. however, and if they keep together Ik- may get tnrougn an ngm. What with tite Italians ami highway men, a mm carries his life in his hand in these bnrts. BeMy Califor nia was never h ill so had as Idaho is to-day. By the war. the vlgilanfees Iniug up eleven desperadoes at Ban nack city last month, but there are lots f them left." " are say." replied Sftl. Pieeehey: "am here lire several candidates tor the gallows about here, if I'm not much mistaken, ran see three men now." she added, "who are destined for no good end." Mrs. Beechc y glanced towards a pile of lumber, just across the street from ih" tavern.' upon Which were sitting three Indolent and desperate roughs, named Howard, Romaine and Lowry. i Mini Humane, I nr.i-t SMy. was ill very likely appear'mgyonng man until he not in with Howard and l.owry. I'hey do say that Chris. Lowry and line, Howard have both served terms! in Ivistern penitentiaries. You've ! heard that havn't you t Why. what's till matter. Hill?'' said his wife ; ; "yon don't appear well." 'Oh. nothing particular." replied; the landlord, "except I wa s thinking: about Magrnder. He figured in all j my dreams last night, my dear, and it ; troubles me mors than a little. I'll Cell you: I dreamed tha!, Magrnder j was killed and robbed, and that How- .inland Lowry were the men who did j it. 1 -aw them kill him with an ax. A snow storm was prevailing at the time, and Magrnder was sitting sniok lug at a Hre. I never In my life saw j anything real that seemed so life-like. ) 1 saw Chris. l.owry creep up behind , Magrnder and dispatch him with an j tix." You ought to tell Magrnder," re marked Mr. Bcechey : "I would." "Lord, no ! that would make me the laughing stock of the reservation. I (reams are hut the pastimes of sleep, nt anv rate, and with me they always amounted to nothing. But at Hie same time. 1 " Halloo, in them Heeehev .'" eiacu- lated Magrnder. who had just rode up j to the door of the tavern. "Hallow, voni-self!" shouted Mr. i Bcechey, appearing at the door, and signaling tiie trader to enter. Mr. Magruder dismounted and went into the tavern, after having directed his pack train forward. Lloyd Magrnder was a successful trader of Klk City. Idaho, and was at this time on his way to the new min ing region in the ucighlxirhood of Vir ginia City, wltliflbout $25,000 worth of goods. He was born and raised and grew up to manhood In Montgomery county, Maryland, in which section many of bis old friends now reside. After a halt hour's talk with Bcechey nt the expiration of which the Litter presented hi in with a splendid Henry rifle. Mr. Magrnder examined lift pis tols, mounted hi animal, and started for Beaverhead, lour hundred miles .away, taking what is known as the N'c.pere lull', which lief over the mountains and nits OlTsome seventeen miles in the first hundred. The next day Howard. Romaine. and l.owry were joined by an old trapper named Bill I'age, a miner named Bob Zaehary, and three others. Doc. Howard, who was one of the most intelligent as well as one of the liest educated men in the Territory, and who vas generally looked upon as a leader In all matter by his asso ciates and oihers in that neighborhood proposed that the whole parte should start for the Virginia City mines. "I think." said Howard, "that we had better make tlie Lewlstoii people he lieve we are going West, and them if we do make anything we won't 1 robbed of It by our creditors." This of course was agreed to, and be eight men started little before j dark tha' day. taking the Ui't'gou road, sind (lisnp j pen rtng from Lewbtou :u I an opposite direction fr'm 1 the N'ezperec trail. That night they eamp : ed upon the Oregon roait, I and Doc Howard stand his plan of movement, a- j agreed upon by him !:' ! and Lowry. as foltoo s : "Now, hoys, j'il n.' i yon what we'll do. Re inember. we arc all lend I up. We are good me , ! hut we are broke. ! are willing to work. ' nt 1 we can't get it. IVecan't ! starve. God never , t, aided that any of h!s ' creatures should stufe. I 0-mOrrOW we M ill pro-" over to the Beaverhi road, and the next day we will overtake 1.1 yd Magrnder and join Ifitn. We are all well mom W and well armnl, and M i grnder n il! do (lie Wl i thing if we get tin- m ' ail right) Jle'Il give ii ; all we am eat. ami If. he does as well aMie in'i n late to. iie'll give i: . a t'njfli start. Be4de. rin mines in Virginia City arl the richest in the lerritory. and this . . Ix-st ehaiiee we shall ever have to go there. v are sure tn get there, vo 1 know : and if we ii"ii'i like the prospects, con found it. why we know the road back, don't we? Magrnder is Well fixed, my good fellows. Iietween you and I. anil T think he will do the right thing by us when we get to Virginia. At any rate We get our grub free for a mouth or two. just to accompany him ; that's better than starving at Lewlston, and having every body watch yon a though you were a thief or an escaped conv ct. Conic wiiat may. I'll never return to Lewlstoii ; 111 Ik- bunged if 1 do." "I'll lx hanged if I do," shouted Kouialiie. "And I'll be hanged if I do." shout ed Chris. Lowry. "I'm with you. Doe, ti:i death. How's that Mm :;" "I'll never leave you, Chris." re plied Romahie, "and you know what kind of stu't' Howard's made of; why I'd almost go to the devil with him. 1 swear I would." "Well. Bill, what do you say?" asked Howard, addressing I'age, "you will go anywhure that you win get your grub regular, won't you T "That's what's the matter with I'age." said the trapper. "And van Bob?" he remarked to Zachary: "you and your friends arc all agreed of course? "Why, ves." said Zaeharv : we started with the crowd, and we're go- mg io suck w n so ioiii; us rveryuniiK is all right. I've known Llyod Ma-: gruder ever since lie has been in Idaho. Iie'll treat me Well, you bet your life: j and all ofu as far as that is concerned; I why certainly we're agreed, of course. ! The third day out they overtook I Magrnder. and accompanied him as far as Raiinnek City, where Bob Zaehary and his three friends got n job of work. They at once withdraw j from the party, bade Magruder and , III Companion good bye. and the lat- i ter proeeeled to irginlu City togeth er, arriving in a few day alter. As soon as Magrnder pitched his tent a large crowd assembled from the mines and n trade commenced which (inly ceased upon the sale of tla last article of goods. This occurred in September. 113. During his stay in Virginia. Howard and Lowry had assisted Magruder in the store: Page attended to the stock, and Bomahie run the culinary department. Karly In k!tober, "to'r having real ized about thirty thousand dollars In return tor hl goods, and sixty odd Hrst class mules. Magruder signified Id Intentk n of departing for Lewis, ton. and so informed Howard, Ro manic. Page and Lo'vry. Now, li'iys, what are you going to do ? Are yon going Into the mines at once, or do you want to return to' l.ew'hton?" said Magruder one even ing at the fable. "If you say so," he resumed, "I'll -w you all back, witha clean bundled hi your pockets. I'm going to take a drove of mules along, and want some help, at any rate. Itc sides the mountains-are full of Indians and robbers, and a gang of good, brave fellows, well mounted ami well armed, is the most desired kind of companion ship. Sav the word, anil we re on in fortv-eiiilit hour, to a minute. How ! latitat. Doc?" j "I'm agreed. I never yet left a friend wlien I could be of any service to him ; and I gnis wo'II all go, jfyr's ' " - i iiiawmnn " ......s l 1 "'"IwMil Mi laHHlHl jjErUlb th t's concerned. We cjih think tin thing over to-night, and let you know in the morning." said Howard. "All right." rejoined Magrnder. ! "by the way. I forgot to mention that we'll make a pretty strong crowd. Charlie Allen, who you all know, and who lias been up here trading since spring, and Bill Philips an old friend of in inc. are going to join us: and then there are two good boys broth ers from Boonevftle. Missouri I can't think of their names who have got a little dust and'.Wan't tngo along : I, rather invited them. In fart ; for the more the merrier, you know, especial- j ly when the country is ovemn with redskins and road agents." After supper that night, and while Page was corralling his stock. How aril. Lowry andlSomalne loitered out of camp, and canvassed tlie feasibility : of future operation'. They sat down together near the spring, and Howard opened the conversation : I tell you what it is." said he. de termhiedly. "this is to Is- more than a ! preliminary affair. Sow tin' first thing to be considered is Magrnder's money. J lie's got at least $2.1.000, and that , must be taken from him at any cost. I'd rather not kill him : hut that may i be incidental to tlie object to be attain- j j ed. The next thing is concert of ac action. Now. I plcdjrc vou mv word. I'll undertake tlh! management of the entire alt'air if you'll stand by and asist me in every way you can." "I'm with you. Doe." replied Low ry. "right from tlie wonl go. I'll rather rob than kill, to he sure : but at the same time. I'll do a much bloody work as anybody, if it is nec essary, and so will Romanic I've proved him on such occasions; while hi! is it little light waisted on blowing a fellows brains out. he mm help bury him, and take his regular 'divey' like a mail. Why, I educated Jim lh-! limine he wouldn't have made a first class horse thief if he hadn't met Chris. ! l.owry. You sec. Doc., he Served a regulay apprenticeship under liieamll Charlie Aines-.lim did. but let him speak for himself." "Weil, Jim ?" asked Howard. "I'm In." replied ihn. "I told you so." said Chris. "But yon nil st do the actual niur-j tiering, if there's any to be done, for j I can t knock a man in the head, like ' j Chris., j it as though he wis a steer." : aimed Jtomaiue ; "but Cm with you ; w hatever you do. and I'll perform my i part so long a It is not striking the fatal blow. Don't think I'm hacking j a hit. Doc., for Chri-.. will tell yon j for we've been tlmr that I will do my j paw. I'll draw any man on if some-1 body will dtstmtch him. Remember j that I don't want to shirk Ilic respon- j sibllity. that k if Magruder must lie ! killed, I'm In favor of it, and I'll do! my part and stick to you like a man." j "That's the way to talk, Jim," said Chris. "You merely want a second ! fiddle -don't you ?"' "That's right, then, so fur." le- j marked Howard. "We three under- j fund each other perfectly well, and will stick by each other till death." M'm ned to that." said Lown. "iait I very much prefer ymi wouldn't touch upon that topic. It would shake my 4tlH!Iveiies a little, if I aw a .... I .1 i . . ..!.!.. f ang of vidian after us with a rope, think under such rfrcttmstaimi. I might bid you a respectful ndieo. That reminds me of Tom Walker. They had him up hi Denver for .stealing a a mule, but couldn't (put prove it on him. But the vigilance thought molt of his room than they did of its coin ptmy. so they put him on the hurri cane deck of nil old windless horsoand told hint he might have fifteen minutes to leave town. Tom (gifted around and saw ten or twelve law and order men with ropes hi their hands and taking a farewell chew of nigger-toe he said: Weiillemeii. I'm much oblig ed to yon. but if this little nulmfle don't buck, I onlv want the.' and awayheweutasifati-i-haiii;iierhad Awn him a start. J.ut what were you going to remark. Doc?" "I was going to say that Page had better In kept in the dark. While he is too big a coward to blow on ik he might let it out in some way, and then the jig would be up." "That 'a precisely what I wsis going to suggest," slid Romanic. "For that's concerned. " added Lowry. "it may be necessary to Mai him along with Magrialer. hi under take to drown him in the spring to night if we didn't need him. Yon -co J)oe, hi' knows evcrv tmil in the eoiin- try, and it a storm of snow shomd ( cruder never will get to I.cwision with ; come on we'd never get out in the i J, t anv rale. The world must sup world. The best w ay is to let him port IK 'is mv text, mid I'm going to know nothing of tlie affair whatever mVe a few pounds of that dust if I until the nigfii of the action, unci then I stretch for it." w e can deal with him as if he were a -That's the way to talk." said How child. I don't kdleve liiil Page ever j ami. -And what do vou sav, Jim?' killed a man in his lie : bill I'll bet ; be added, addressing "liiinscif to lto you lie dies with III boots on, never- i nmii.c. theless." "MvCod!" replhsl i he latter, "it It was thai they sliouhl .r( ins to me lobe too hhxKly : but PI! till aconuiauy Magruder, Allen, and I he u-overned bv vou and Chris." Philips. and the two Botaievllle boys ;h fir us Bamiack City, at which place they would have another cousultatln :. It was aiinnged that l.owry and lio malne slionltTexhibita lawlianey about returning to Lewlstoii. w inch opposi tion they knew would 1 c overeonie by Miigrudcr. Awl o it was ; for. on being informed by Howard that iln-y had inside up their minds to go into the diggings. Magruder went to them, promised m give then; two hundred dollars apiece, ami finally, as he thought, pur-uadetl fhcni io accom pany him to Lewlstoii. which caused a good deal of rejoicing hi lliu camp. In due time tlie party reached Ban naek City and wont Into camp with the agreement that tin y should remain there three davs. Ju-i as thev arrived a large party was iK-partlng for Lew- i i . ton. to one of whom Magruder Iih j tru-ted a letter It) his wlfi in vvhldl he j wrote that ho had sold out Ids stock with liertect snctvs.. and wonTI have j ilanuack City with a strong crowd hi : tirtiw day, "lk-re, hooliiojjndl. I "my wile will tell that all over town ; and it tnere ix; any man agents wiitcti- , lug my movements I'll throw -them off their truard and arrive at Lewisfon before they get out." A lew "hours after his arrival at Baiuiidk City Howaol mKBobZach arjJfflTliis throe friends, who had re mained at that place since their arn- teir arrl-1 val. As soon a tliey met Zaclry, wlio knew rtiat there must be some- j thing In tlie wind, accosted Howard, 1 vltli ( "Well, Doc., what's up, eh? Ma grnder w ell fixed ? all hands loaded with dust, or would like to be? or mean to he say ? Can't fool one of the boys, you know. Doc How many of yon are there?" "Nine in all." replied Howard. "N'ine in all. who are thev?" There's Magrnder. old Bill Phil lins. Charlie Allen, Chris, and Jim. and myself, and there's a couple of Missouri Boy along I don't know much about them they've got two or three thousand dollars in dust apiece, I believe." "How much did Magrnder make up there." "Oh he done mighty well. He'sgot about 25. (Kit) in dust, and as fine a band of mules as yon ever put eye on." "How's old man Phillips fixed." "Well, 1 guess he's got three or four thousand dollars."' "And CharHe Allen!" "Charlie's busted. 1 guess he haint got an ounce in the world. Some of the boys overhauled him at bis camp, you know, a tew months ago, and cleaned him dead didu't leave him enough for a ooektaU." "Pshaw!" "Sure." v. ho were the party" "I don't know. l' think it wa i harlie. Ames and his gang. They've been doing a ripping business all through here, and are now at Washoe.1' Well, to court down to dots. What do yop propose to do with the rty yon ve got In tow? To lie brief. Hob. we propose to relieve Magrnder of all he's got, get off to the river, make for Portland, ai d take the first steamer for San Francisco. We are going to meet to morrow iiirit for final arrangements, and you're invited. I'll tell Homaiue and Lowry that I've met you, and that you are In." I'll Is: there." All the necessary arrangement liad been made on tin- night of the 13th of October, for an early start to Lewis ton on the following morning. Ami while Magruder, Allen. Phillips, ami the two Missouri law were asleep, and Page was oil' with his slock, and Howard and llomanim' were mi guard, th" latter was joined by Bob Zaehary and Chris, Lowry. I he lire was stirred up. a? it was a h,ii(.r lHjt jjwhfc and the shiverlmr desperadoes not near cadi other, and prepared their plan of action. "To commence with." said How ard, "and to be brief and to the point we've got to klii Magruder. Allen. Phillips, ami the two Missouriiins. I have been scheming in my own mind unceasingly, and I can arrive at no other plan." "I have no objection to that, if It is acceptable lo tlie others," said Lowry; I have no morescropW a'tottt killing a man than I have a calf, if it is abso lutely necessary. We may as well have his money as iiiivIhhIv else. Ma- i And you, Bob?" interrogated ; Howard. : "I can't join von." said Zaehary. 1 -lint yon "Won't stand in the way," said i Xiiehary. "1 tlmt whatymi were going i to say, "Doc.?" i "YiV h(. replied. "Doc. Howard, tin re honor among i thieves. I will not -iautl in your way, j you know ; ami you know very weli i I will not attempt to frustrate you, i either ; and. however the thing may i terminate, here's my linnd. I know I no more about it than the lathe un I bos'ii." j "But why won't you join us ?" ak- crt noma sine, trcmbliiu; frem land lo foot at the bare recital of Howard' murderous Itblli. .-Yos. whv won't vou join us?" ndtenttwl Lowry, "maybe you tan p,pose soaue other modi'." ...y,. m nwtl t(, propositions," re- nmrun Howard; ofcmre 1 amhear- lih favor tffc h,?st plan tluit can -mted." w' tkc Magnuler and tie j,jm 0 tree? asketl Zaehary. "les, yes,' isaid Komalne. "And wlnt would you do with the other four?" Howard inquired. "You've got to kill tlwra," aaid Lowry, mvi Magimler. too. if we i had only one man to deal with we lnut t e him to a tree, but in this .tiSir sd,IM,bodv has act to be hurt. jv Hiwmsts Itself to iue a be- ng the Mirestaiitl safeat." (XlNTUtVKO W Mtt'BTU PAOK.