The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 15, 1872, Supplement, Image 9

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    Binn I,
rje A bb dW W"" 1
fi nu ntmmat Port-
.1, rr-rt-j atttiMM at America
ithe General Postoffict of the Uni
ted Alsfloom oj orratw imH
I rostofftoe of the United States
ST-n-Wl noon thetxd-
Abticlb I.
ailed mates.
into IB, a --- bv 1
Ode shall the
should am Hse to abuses or cause detriment
to the poita! revenue.
, money-order shall Include a fractional
18 to be paid in
.andhl. and
Any person in the CnlteaKtmrfom destttna
ta retntt to the United States a sum of money
wuniu eneaame limits, may mtiiuho any
nsoaeyssrder office or the raw nuns
As soon as any such Hat shall have reached
the Slew YorhesBoe aad beeai TeTtfted. tats
oehce shall make out inland asoaey-orders in
1st vor of the payees tor she asaeaaat spaaldiiil
tn theBat, aad shall proas at ly Ike ward them
to the payees or to the laying oOce, in
tormto with the rogulatfons existing is the
of money-
Thettat forwarded to the I
shall be accompanied by the
ef advfcse of the ordere entei
Uatted Kiagpom
relative 1
e letters
f advice of the orders entered therein, to
Settled In.
rn aruHe vl ansr oomparuon
. the BOvloaa shall be despatched to
sea drawn upon, aner tae letters la
the orders posted for deliveTy.
of which each omce of
aufhaaae oontmanlcates with the other, shall
na aocoruuig w umj rorm a
The lists despatched from each
snail ne numoerea c
dm with No. I. at the
lyear.aad theeatries Ala la
I Bave consecutiv
Beta from the United
era, a
duplksste shall be sent, watch duplicate
after being verloed at the British offl
returaed & Xew Tork.
Shoald any lint fall to ha received. In dne
CArTlsasT infOrrTJQatLlOtl tfl SJassm 1
without delay a duplicate of the
of exscbange shall promptly
esBaanrakmte to "the other the correction of
any tssspie error which U may ttiscov.
r In the
of the lists. When the Hats shall
IrreguiarKSes which the neeiving esBee
not be able to roc ill v. that office shall
Jv for an explanation from the ilea Hatch
ing office ; and this explanation shall be af
forded without delay.
Abttoub XL
CupHcate orders tliall only be Issued by
y with tl
or to be estal
In that country.
At the close of each quarter three copies of
by the office at London, exhibiting the bal
ance found due on the exchanges of ortler
dailna the quarter: whlchbatanoe, af or
1,11 uue oy toe kj nuu
at an acuonnt. one of the
two postal administrations shall ascertain
that U owes the other a balance exceeding
one thousand rounds sterllns. the Indebted
a IminiotratioD shall prohmtly remit the ap
proximate amount of such balance to the
credit of the other. This account.' aad the
letters which accompany such intermediate
remittances, snail ue in aoconmnce wun tne
rearm C, D and K, annex ed to Una conven
Until the two aeneral nostofflces shall oon-
sent to an alteration, it is agreed thai, in all
matters of account relative to money-orders
which shall result from the execution of the
present convention, the pound sterling of
unN imtBin snail ne owsmvreu aa equiva
lent to four dollars and eighty-six cents of the
goto com ui tne u nsen states.
Bach exchange office shall certify Ui
to the Other lu amounts designated in
nominations of the money both of 1
Its orders
the de-
country at the rate of
n tne satis ei gpia
convention. This
at the recssring
office of exchange.
for awaney-ee
oy the tnblkv if not In 1
shall ha
1 to the nearest practicable eq
Arttolb XVX
The valee, la gotd coin of the United States
ef deposits in neper money mads la that conn
try for payment la ttsaat Brltaia, abali be de
Joraanodat the exchaaaaoaVe of New York
the ear of recelnt at that office of:
ef such detxwUa. On the other band, the
. iat United States Taster cwxaneir. at
y-oraers ueruaea in tne lists s
snt omce 01 1 iiiauun so tee ea-
iim, anau sa
l (also afNew Tstklta
thanrexanai est sold on the day of
aetof such Hits.
Orders which shall not have been paid
within twlvelenflarasihsrjYnthemoalh
or leans man aocomo vow, ana tan sums e
2S' aforSrtoTha 'SnUl
officeahall, therefore, enter to. the credit of
the uanea states ta too quarterly acoooat ail
BnaMslin entered in the Hats mcelvarf
from lbs United States -which remain unpaid
at the end or the period specified.
On the other hand, the United the close of each month. IransmB to
he British office, for entry In the oaartariy
auuoant. a detailed rtateassnt of all orders
iaslnded in the lists despatched from the lat-
, which, under this article,
Hennynient of orders to remitter Shalt not
tmS& until an authorisation for anah re
payment shall first hare been obtained by the
oonwry of issue fr -m the aneatry where sack
ot tae
to the
to thenmmur i tow nede.
Asttmi XtXe
"ftiei' ffilahsj atteytV4 fldph fffnfTV TH ffffi
mm MEBHto
sterling when
sued W the u
irV-i.-. tSs ' Vi rr-r, ""Us shall have the same
Ztr Jot ohyya., or
. rwt thaw rates simui.
Mrt nr a nennv or cent.
The serrieeof the postal rncawyerder ays-
SSSm the pert of Uie Catted
. ABTWias VI. . .
TTgtAsXsasa. ICVajs-ewirianav
1 J. "-
to'tSmS JFxin&S mates, 'aad-litis own
"The receavinstnaster in either country
shall, in aoocrAhoe with the rales estahtlahed
hy ale postal adaahuattaaas, notiiV erery
erery sssch payment to the eiaratihlngea
egn nhiWT
The pnoi master of New Tork, upon receipt
not InsBecttopoataae. ssslt
By every mail the emhaaae afloa of each
country shall seatdte She iishaaan aOee of
imiai airnnii 1 minnsii lit nr sums iai
red alaoe the
these m
i ntuBDers, those la the
Klhgdntn commencing
proper vanucsnon, unai
States omce, no paai at uaan j nut u uue
by the BrUlxh office, it shall bo paid at New
patching ana receiving
oavsneon osmpnanea ops
by Article XUI. of this
conversion shall be uhacke
tlnlenoTarder of the country on wfcieb the
IhieHnl iostoffiee In each use any abet'
1 ailarlssg to adopt any addtttsssat rates (IT
The present convention abajl taaaeffbataa
fas arst liar of October next, aad shelf an-
1 lome nntn twelve rooms sser at
at which one ef the
11 have notified to the other)
Done in dnplkirte aad signed ta
the thirtieth day of J
ae thirtieth dav at Jan. h the Tear o
the year of ear
ired end seventy
Derd one thousand (kkt hundred and r
aa. aad in Wt
oh twenty mtiiilh
ahYii!?i niji Mi
''Her Majy
7 lutmln iirmth
of the United States to be affixed.
B A 1, . V. S. GRANT.
Beoretsry of State.
July 27, 1871.
uspjto etqsaouay
jvai Suuaonof tn prd
'anas jo jsai aj prsj
)uemj;d Jo sang
Xaaottt nsituQ ur j tmoury
Villi! a, 11 m
pw?tGfi inaepio jo anrsA
nSmoai 10
Utrp no pi8 no uratmsuj
LaK ft tdmoax jo osaa
Xoaaiituj ssnms pa
j-toal lapxo jo inaounf
s;qvid ajtaq 0000
haapio -gyio 8trttuwt aaBO
-jarpso irotSjio jo i5a
japjo rsmSuo jo aeqnrjijg
J9WO pmoQeu
hissnt jo jaqroiui foauBQ
Sib: I have examined thlr list of ra
the year or oar Lorci on
undred and ssvanty-one.
ef th? DnUedStale.
Partniaittr General.
slve. for soma received In the United State for payment in the United Kingdom, amounting
In the aggregate to I , and which is to be paid to the net amount of
The said Bet was found to be correct, with the following exceptions :
I am, fir, your obedient servant.
Mohby-Ordbb K xch asoe
He; jgpjo-amoq jojagnrnjn
, -AVmaxrao jaded
8 ' ut japjo jo enrsA
pto3 SOTOS
tomraa ui JopfoioeureA
j-rea uj paAmoai
-eai jo 9oTj
'saXsd oib jo
a . W
jmseraaj Jo
jspjo isntSfjo
uom Tsrrttijo jo
-jepio feuonjaa
jwat jo jeqatnu jusiittQ
Stamp of Nrw Totk Qfrae.
8Mt: Ibavettbe honor to Iran
I tOTOtl
wealth, in
duplicate, list containing a de
sat of the .am received In the
m since kit Ua - " ttAst
No. for orders yble In Groat Britain
and Ireland, amounting in the aggregate
Be pleased to examine, complete and return
to me the original copy of this Hat, ww h your
acknowledgement of its receipt indorsed
I am, respectfullT,
Tour obedient servant,
Pnsf matai, Mew York.
To the Controller Muaey -order Office,
Mokbt-obdeb OrrtCB,
London, , 187-
era from No.-
- to No. -
-, incln-
Omcx, New Tork.
jo aoujo
jo area.
Account ol the exchange, of Money-orders between the United Kingdom and the
United States during the quarter ended 187.
Date of list,
Numbers of the
a. i.
japjojo saqamjl
nlt jo ewtj
slfl jo soqoinK
i I
rc joetea
wijo JsqauiK
i I
ispio iseuuau
- I
seruo leuolJsu
-aosot jo jaqmaK
ail jo ami 1
-wye JsqamK !
To Cbkcit oy Bbitisb Oyyicb,
l&olls. ICts.
Amount of international
orders the Unit
ed States
One per cent, on amount
of sucn issue -
Amount of void orders of
British issue as per table
lmuint nt international
orders repaid in United
ULingdom as per tame.
Converted into sterling..
United States credits to
be deducted.
Balance to credit of Brit
ish office..-.
Paid on account by the
office of United States...
Balence remaining...
The within account exhibits a total bai-
account exhibits a total bal-
.which, after dedotton of the
sohBt as therein rtsteJ, leaves
pavxsents 00 acooaat aa therein staseil, lea
a balance remaining of. due the.
(ffignajreTO efjareper anennnMBg officer of the
The above talianail of aeonsmt is
with a balance of ..dne the
Andltor of the
tor the
been receipted by special vouchers, the re-
ceipt of the balance -mnMnine ot Is
Date of list
'Total amount
w mtu lis.
Dollars! Cents.
Amount of international
orders issued in the
United Kingdom
One per cent, on amount
01 sucn issue
Amount of void ordere
of U. S. issue, per table.
Amount of international
ordeaa repaid in U. 8. as
per table.
Converted into dollars...
British Cr. to deducted.
Balance to credit United
Iatates office.....
Paid on account by the
omce or ureat Britain....
Balance remaining..
.v i-id.
hereby acknowfcxtgea.
Monbt-Ordeh OmCE,
London , 18T-.
ders which the exchange oSBeetea
trnnmnltted to the New York exchange office
.to 1S7. . . amounting to the
pum or , .equal to f
The hats transmitted by the New
Tork office of the offi
ce during the me period,
amounting to t
Difference ....
On account of which the British
office hss already paid the
followlog sums, viz.:
18 S
18 S
1 S
Difference remaining $
In accordance with the terms of Article
VII. of the convention of. ,a bill of ax
change on New York for $ is herewith
transmitted, the receipt of which you will be
pleased to acknowledge In due form.
To the Postmaster-General of the United
States, Washington. a
No. ..
Washington, D. C, ,18
Sir: The list of international monev-or-ders
which the exchange office of New York
has transmitted to the exchange office of. . . .
from 187. ., amount of the sum
of I .equal to
The lists transmitted by the
exchange office to the
New York office during the
same period, amounting toJS
Difference X
On account of which the Unit
ed States office lias already
paid the following sums:
Difference remaining
In accordance with the terms of Article VII
of the convention of... ,18.., a bill of ex
change on London for is herewith
transmitted, the receipt of which you will be
pleased to acknowledge in duo form.
Superintendent Money-order office.
To the Postmsster-General, Ac., Ac. Ac ,
London, England.
Convention firr the Jteffulation of the Portal
Intercourse between the United State of
America and the Kingdom of Denmark.
The Post Department of the United States
of America and the Danish Post Department
have agreed upon employing the steamers in
regular service between their territories, as
well as the steamers engaged between Ham
burg and Bremen on the one side, and Ameri
can ports on the ether, in order to establish
an Immediate exchange of malls, and hare,
for that purpose, consented to the following
There shalt be an immediate exchange of
correspondence between the Untied States of
America and Denmark by means of the said
steamers, and this correspondence shall em
brace letters, newspapers, book-pockets,
prints of all kinds, (comprising maps, plans,
engravings, drawings, photographs, litho
graphs, and all other like productions of like
prod actions of mechanical processes, sheets
of music, Ac.,) and patterns or samples of
merchandise; and such eorrespoadenee may
be exchanged, whether originating in either of
Se said countries, or originating fit countries
to which these may respectively serve as ln-
The exchange of correspondence shall take
place between the poatoffices to be hereinafter
designated by the two post departments; but
either of the two offices so designated may at
any time he dtscouM n n l , ad others estab
lished by mutual consent. 'r!
The United States office shall make Its own
arrangements for the dif patch of its mails to
Denmark, and in like manner the office of
Denmark shall make it own arrangements
for the dispatch of its malls to the United
States. The mai Isabel be reciprocally for
warded fay the regular routes of oommnulcsF
t ion hereinbefore mentioned, and each office
shall, at Its own coat, pay the expense of the
Intermediate transportation (i-ea and territo
rial) ef the malls which it dispatches to the
other. It Is also agreed that the cost, either
in whole or in part, of the International ocean
nod territorial transit of the closed mails ex
changed in Isxh directions between the re
ft pecuxe frontiers, shall, upon application of
either office, be Brat defrayed by that one of
the two offices which shall have obtained
from the lntermedutiles the most favorable
pecuniary terms fr such con veyanoe,and any
amount so advanced by one for and on ac
count of the other shall be promptly reim
bursed. ARTICLE IV.
The postage os ordinary letters sent from
the United States to Denmark, or from Den
nark to the United Htates, shall be respect
ively twelve (lx) stilling rigsmoni, or seven
(7) rente for a single letter.
The weight of a single letter shall not ex
ceed mteen grama
For everv letter
exceeding fifteen grammes
there shall be laid a sinsrle rate
01 postage
for every additional lifieengraniroea or frac
tion of fifteen grammes. The weight slated
by the dispatching office shall always be ac
cept ee, except incases of manliest error.
The maximum weight of letters shall be
two nunprea ana mty (:nuj
The prepayment of postage on ordinary let
ters shall be optional. If they shall be for
warded nnnaid. or insufficient! v raid, thev
shall, ta the first place, be charged, besides
the nana! nostasre. with an additional nostaze
of respectively four (41 cents, or six () skll
llng rigsmont, and in the last case, besides
the deficient postage, with similar additional
On all other correspondence In the first jar
ticle mentioned, the rates shall be, for the
mails dispatched, that which the dispatching
office shall adopt, adapted to the convenience
and habits of its interior administration. But
oach office shall give notice to the other of
the rate it adopts and or any subsequent
chnnge thereof. These articles shall he for
warded under regulations of the dispatching
post office, but always including the follow
ing .
1. he postage sliall be prepaid If, how
ever, the postage on the correspondence men
tioned in this article should nt be wholly
prevatd, the said corresponednce shall still be
. rorwardedjto the place of destination; but it
shall. In that case: beside the denclont post
age, be charged with an additional postage,
not exceeding four (4) cents in the United
States, and six (6 skllllng rigsmont in Den
mark. 2. No packet shall contain anything which
shall be closed against Inspection, or any
written communication whatever, except to
state from whom and to whom the packet is
sent, and the number and price placed upon
each pattern or sample of merchandise.
A No packet may exceed two feet in length
or one foot in any other dimension.
A Neither office shall be bound to deliver
any article the importation of which ma v be
prohibited by the laws or regulations of the
country of das l nation. . t
5. The oustom duties that may be chargea
ble in each of the two countries may be 1 evied
for the use of the customs.
Any correspondence mentioned In Article
I. may be registered, and the postage charge
able on such correspondence shall always be
prepaid. Registered correspondence shall,
In addition to the postage, be sulsect to an in
ternational registration fee not exceeding ten
(10) cents in the United States, and eight (8)
"killing rigsmont In Denmark, and this fee
shall always be prepaid. Each office is at
liberty to reduce this lee for the mails it dis
patches. Each department shall use its best
uxertlons for tho safe delivery of registered
correspondence, but is not Ires po risible pecu
niary for the lossjof any such correspondence.
ItBs ftirther agreed that no charge of any
kind, or on any account, otherwise thanjjs
herein expressly provided, shall be levieSbr
col lee ted in the country of destination on the
letters or other correspondence exchanged.
Aa to the correspondedce originating in
one eountry and destined for the other, no
account shall take place, and thus (be post
office of the United Slates shall retain the
whole amount of postage collected In the
United States upon International paid eorree
iiondenue forwarded to Denmark, and upon
international unpaid or insufficiently paid
correspondence received from Donmark: and
In like manner the Danish post office snail re
tain the whole amount of postage collected in
Denmark upon international paid correspon
dence forwarded to the Unuad States, and
noon International unpaid or hnsufficlentlv
laid correspondence received from the Unlt-
ea mates.
However, each ef the two departments
shall be at liberty to claim accounts to be set
tled when it appears that one country tor one
vear these is levied twenty percent more than
the oher. If an account ts claimed, it shall
be regulated on the following basis :
From the total amount of postage and reg
ister fees collected by each office on letters,
added to the total amount of prepaid postages
reyanoe of the mails between the two coun
tries, ana. toe amount ot tne two net sums anau
1 equal divided between the two offices.
The deficient and additional postages men
tioned in Article VL shall not be included in
the account between the two offices, bat, un
shared, shall belong to the office, fay which
iney axe oouecteu.
The two nost departments shall establish.
liv agreement, and In conformity with the ar
rangements in force at the time, the condi
tions unon which the two offices mav reanect-
Ively exchange in open mails the correspond
ence originating in or destined to other for
eign countries to which they may reciprocally
serve as Intermediaries. It Is alwe onder-
stood, auwetei .mat sncn corresuuiaianea ahai I
only be charged with the American-Danish
rate, I
. auansanted bv the poatasn
stage uue
iue to for-
agn countries, or roa outer exterior service.
poeasUas IF&ZZSZnTSZ.
ages chargeable on the ssane. bo reouiafed on
the baelar mentioned in te preceding article;
is ty"!"tTic!e-1yrtor "r
aoominwp rorasramraiea. ooon charge for
usidcarreapondence to, and for unpaid cor-
irujD. I sin islam i rnamn
summarily entered on the re
spective setter urns to tne credit of the coun
try through v. men tne same is mrwrroed.
The post ,nfll..-e of the United States sfaxll be
through tne Danish territory, exubaared In
either direction, to and from Swedes and Nor
way, for a payment of four skllllng rigsmont
per thirty jSti) grammes net weight of Tetters,
and two-thirds skllllng rigsmont per forty
10) grammes Bet weight of prints, patterns,
and samples of merchandise. Correspond
ence exempt from post age, letters which can
not oe delivered, aa wen as money orders,
shall not be charged with any transit rate.
Rt iprooally, the United States office giants
to the office of Denmark the privilege or tran
sit of the closed mat Is exchanged in either di
rection between the tatter and any country
to which the former may serve aa intermedi
ary, by its usual means of transportation,
whether on sea or laud, aad the terms of tran
sit shall be agreed upon when the exercise of
the privilege is required.
The postal accounts between the two offices
annll be stated and transmitted quarterly,
and verified as speedily as possible, and the
balance found due shall be paid in the coin of
ties creditor country.
The rate for the conversion of the money of
the two countries shall be one dollar for one
agsdale r, eighty-five skllllng riganont. The
tlvto offices shall, however, always beat liber
ty to agree upon another rate for the con
version. ABTICLE XUL
Any ordinarp correspondence wrongly ad
dressed, or wrongU sent, shall without delay
and registered correspondence of all kinds,
as well aa ordinary letters not deliverable for
any other cause than the aforesaid, .within
the issue of every month, be mutually return
ed at the expense of the originating office. All
other correspondence which cannot be de
livcred shall remain at the disposition of the
receiving office.
If any returned correspondence shall be
charged with postage debited the office of des
tination, the said correspondence shall be re
turned for the amount of postage which was
orlglnall changed by the dispatching office.
When, in any port of either country, a clos
ed mail Is transferrep from one vessel tn an
other, without any expense to the office of the
country where the transfer is made, such
transrea shall not be subject to any postal
charge by one office against the other.
Official communicotlon between the two of
fices shall not be theorcasion of any accounts
on either side.
The two offices shall by mutual consent, es
tablish the detailed regulations which the car
rying into execution of the articles included
in this convention may revulre.
The present convention shall be carried in
to effect on the day on which the two offices
shall agree, and shall continue in force until
one of the two contracting parties shall have
announced to the other, within the issue of a
calendar year, ite intention to terminate it.
The present convention is to be ratified ,and
the ratigcattons are to be exchanged as soon
as possible.
Done at Copenhagen, In duplicate original,
this 71 h day of November, 1871, aad rt Wash
ington this 1st day of December, 187 1.
I hereby approve the aforegoing convention
and it testimony thereof I have caused the
seal of the United States to be affixed.
By the President :
Hamilton Fish, ,
Secretary of State.
WasvGtok, rjecomberll, 1871.
We, Chris tain the Ninth, by the grace of
God King 01 Denmark, the Vandals and Got he
Duke of Slesvig, Ho I stein, Stormaru, Ittt
marsb, Lauenborg. and Olden borg, have mos t
gracioul i deigned, on our part, to ratify the
foregoing convention by our signature.
Done at our Capital and residence, Copen
hagen, on the 20th of March, 1872.
Under our hand and royal 1
esty's name.
1, In htsMsJ-
Prince Royal,
Countersigned ;
O. D. BoeaKNORN-LxiiN.
Detailed Regulations avrangee between the
Pasl-offlce Department ofthe United Statee
of America and the Pod-office Depart
ment of Denmark, or the execntUm of the
Postal Conzention signed at Washington
the 1st day of Deeember, 1871, and at Co
penhagen the 7th day ef November, 1871.
The offices for the exchange of the mails
shall be: On the part of the United States, (li
New York; (2) Chicago. On the part of Ken
mark: tl; Copenhagen. (21 the travelling of
fice between Korsoer aad Kiel.
The exchange offices of New York and Chi
cago shall make up closed mails for tho ex
change offices of (1) Copenhagen, (2) the trav
el Hug office between Korsoer and Keil; and
these Danish exchange offices shall make up
closed malie for New York and Chicago.
Abticlb II.
Bach mall excbancwl between the two ad
ministrations shall bea.vompauied with a letter-bill,
showing the postage-, Ac accruing
to each office upon the dhmreat kinus of cor
respondence. The form of this letler-btU
shall follow the models A and B. hereto an
nexed, and shall, consecutively, be numbered
by the despatching office during each calen
dar year.
The receiving office shall acknowledge its
receipt by the next di-patch.
Abticlk UI.
The exchange offices shall divide the cor
respondence which t hey dispatch into a suita
ble number of separate packages, according
to the letter-bill. Bach of . bese packages
shall bear the proper e.kiueiie and number
corresponding to tne letter un.
Abticlk IV.
When more than a sineic rate Is chanreublc
upon any any letter or other article, iho i.u-
inoer 01 ratrs to vvnicn it is smoect misii no
indicated by the disratchteg office by a fig
ure in the npper left hand corner of the ad
dress. ' ARTICLE V.
Registered corresnondence shall be des-
orilied in a register-, il , billowing jhe models
c auu A', uereto annexed.
All registered letters shall be en veloned it
aether in a strone ouwr. secureiv lastened.
and the packet inscribed with the words "Reg
istered" or "Becoromanderet" and placed in
tne man.
The blhnk In the letter-bill for expressing
the number of registered articles hai) be fill
ed by letters and figures expressing the num
ber. In case no registeren ail Icles are sent, the
proper blank ofthe letter-bill shall be filled
witn uie woru liuni or nil,"
The registered letters disnatched shall he
acknowledged immediately by the receiving
office. If the verification by the receiving of
fice shall disclose an error of anv kind in the
regis, er Hat, it shall also be by tho first mail
notified the dispatching office.
All letters exchanged between the two offi
ces shall indicate by stamp or writing there
on, tne omce oi tne origin, ana tne unpaid tet
ters so exchanged shall also be stamped with
the name ofthe dispatch! ng office of exchange.
Correspondence fully paid to destination
shall be stamped "Pail all," in the United
States, and "Pranko" in Denmark.
Beetatered articles shall be stamued "Resr-
htered," in the United States, and "Recora-
manuere" in Denmarx. correspondence in
sufficiently paid shall be stamped "Insuffici
ently paid, 'r in tho United States, and "Utii
sraekkellna frankeret" in Denmark, and the
amount of the deficient postage expressed tn
ugures on tne tace.
Correspondence dispatched by the direct
line between the respective countries shall be
stamped "Direct service," or "service direct.'
When service disnatched via Germany, in
shall be stamped to indicate German transit.
The two prat departments are mutually to
furnish each other with Hats stating the for
eumcotintrtcn to which the lorelmi Dostase.
and amounts thereof, must absolutely prenrld
or can oy leit unpaid; ana until sucn u
are furnished neither country Is to mall to the
other any correspondence for foreign coun
tries in transit through the country to which
the mail ta sent. , .. ,
suce lists shall also indicate the foreign
countries with which registered correspond
ence may be exchanged in the open imaiUi be
tween tne respective racw
tions thereof
The respective exchange offices shall mark
in red Ink' in the upper left band corner of
the aactress of prepatn letters ihuiui
in the open rnall, the amount of the postage
pbe for exterior service t o the oocotry thro
ugh which the same are forwarded, and In the
same manner, but ia black Ink, seafi mark
offiupon the unpaid letters sent id transit.
Letters originating or desttned forjarehrn
countries, seat in the oten rsas is through, the
United States or throtaeh, P"fi&lS&
Mih uminsnnlelentlv laid, shall be trane-
wfiued as whollv unpaid, and nd account tax
b. mi srim In Istrxu ons of the
ainpovt prepaid; but betters and other cor-
mark, respectively, on 'W
and International pofK
paid, shall, when forwarded through the
BBtttoef either condtrp to the other, lie As
fibred in tbJ other country of destination
free ot charge.
tnauy returned as not, "'SSiTiLzZam,
t try a au-- y -yr-.
laary lettors. m w.
. (L, rrlstered articles so return
ed, and the aggregSe amount reclaimed there
on Irom tbc TUatatCbing office, which state
ment shall be verified and acknowledged aa
early as practicable.
.m-. . . . .;. ." ., ,ii . i .lit ,WTMS.
ids expense fn. nanni o
pondence vrbi, h h is been transmitted by ei-
.hill Ka - , . .4 . . i. j -. . . . BUM! "WBBWJ
.lAiuitcu w buv uensuenfis office ats
or1S'S"5S i!Tvrbe
original amount charged for transit, upon a
No charge will be made bo either adminis
"""LV?"" ?"Mpndeee re
turned aa not deliverable.
L'i?TVaK0?denx wrongly addressed or
t sbafl be returned without delay by
frit.00Trot ordlngly7in the col
onmjofvertflcauon, the original entries ef the
iSi1. ""rH. M rTespoodence.
35r',e of alike nature addressed to per
Pn whO-bSTe uoeeged their residence shall
ILm i J K. ,orwsd . charged with tae fate
that would have been paid at the first desun
fffPoIf JeiH!5Bd for the amouet. If any, or
iginally chorged against the receiving office.
Tbe dlsDatcblnfi mrhmn ai .k. 1 1
on the letter-bills to the InunsMisi. .
change offices the exact number of single rate
of letters nr va h, i r i .1 J . V . . . -
weight of the other correspondence, whicn
shall be dlspatceed in closed malls.
It Is understood that the recounts between
the two offices shall be established onthe tre
sneetive letter-bills IB the proper money of
the dispatching office; but the International
postages on the unpaid or insufficient! v mud
letters shall be computed In the money ofthe
receiving country. Ia entering the fbreion
cearges on the 1 outer bill In the money of i&e
disprtcnlng office, the cent of the United
States and 1 4-5 sail ling of Denmark shall be
taken as equivalents.
The quarterly accounts shall be prepared
dy the respective postal administrations, and
and shall be based anon the acknowledgment
ot receipt. A recapitulation of these acoouata
showina the definitive results alike for the
$?tttJ?naUL.b11 1X1 prepared in the
United Spues office, and shall be transmitted
with the accounts on which ills baaed, for the
examination of the post office of denmark.
It is understood that so long as no accounts
re kept between the poet office departments
kept b
be two
lUHintrlAS At Ihs tnlapnaitn..! . -
ages ob the correspondence exchanged be
tween them, so much of the proceeding arti
cles as relates to tee preparation and adjust
ment of the postal accounts shall not be tak
en to include or compromise the international
postages In such adjustment.
abali bear ran
........ ui r l . ....
. iud w kvwuuiik Mien nosuurea
iged by mutual agreement when
ice shall claim accounts of the
viihumi uutvwsti cutira accounts OI toe
Uitemationai postages, to be kept and settled
as provided tn article IX. of the conventfoe.
" " " pwutge. or outer tax tor
exterior service accruing to, or reclaimed by
either pepartment as well as any sum or sums
adjanced by one country tor and on account
of tee other, shall, nevertheless, be stated
and settled quarterly in the manner therein
before prescribed.
These detailed regulations abali be ratified
on the port of the United States by the Post-master-Generol,
and on the part of Denmark
by the Royrl Director-General of Posts.
..Done at Copenhagen, in duplicate original,
this 7th day of -NovemtKsr, 1871, and at Wash
ington this 1st day ot December, 1871.
Postmaster General.
United States and the German Empire.
Respecting Consuls and Trade-Marks.
siONED Dtrxaan 11, 1871: kxchasobd
Alril 39, 1872 : LROCLAIMEU
JCNB 1, 1872.
Whereas a Convention between the United
Slates of America and the German Empire,
relating to the rights, privileges, inannnlllse,
andlduTies of Consols, and to the Protection
of t rade-Marks, was signed at Berlin on the
eleventh day of December, in tho ydar ef our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy
one, by their respective Plenipotentiaries ;
And whereas a Protocol thereto aas signed
by the (aid Plenipotentiaries on the twenty
ninth day of April last; which Convention
and Protocol, in the English aad German
languages, are, word for word, as follows:
Toe President of the United States ef
America, and HIS Majesty the Emperor of
Germany. King of Prussia, in tlie name of
the Gentian Empire, led by the wish to define
the rights, privileges. Immunities, and duties
ef the respective Consular Agents, have
agreed upon the conclusion of a Consular
Convention, and for that purpose have ap
pointed their Plenipotentiaries, namely:
The President nt the United States of
America, George Bancroft, Envoy Extraor
dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from
the said States, near His Majesty the Emperor
of Germany ; His Majesty the Bmpercc of
Germany, King of Hrussia, Bernard Konir,
in in v y uotdiciiior ox Lienuou, wno nave
tureed to aud signed the I
owing articles:
Each of the Contracting parties agrees to
receive from the other Consuls General, Con
suls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents, in
a I it ports, cities, and places, except those
where it may not be convenient to recrgnlae
s toll officers. This reservation, however,
stall not apply to one of the Contracting
Parties without alto applying to every other
The Consuls General, Consuls. Vfne-Con-stt's.
or Consular Agents shall be recipro
cal! v received and recognized, on the pre
sentation of their commissions, in the forma
established fin their resiejtive countries.
Tne r.eoussaiy exequatur tor the exercise of
their functions shall be furnished to them
free of charge, and, on the exhibition of this
instrument, " "v sltall be admitted at once,
a.ip without difficulty , by the territorial an
ttvrltics. Federal State, or communal. Judi
cial, or exocu'lve, ofthe ports, cities, end
p aces of i heir residence and district, to the
e jovmuul of the prerrgatives reciprocal. y
g anted . The ( iovernmeut that furnishes t he
i- vcimttur reserves the Tight to withdraw
the same on a s.atement ofthe reasons for
which it has thought proper to do so.
Article HL
The respective Consuls General, Consuls,
Nlee-Consu's. or Consular Agents, as well as
their chancellors and secretaries, shall enjoy
In the two countries ait privileges, exemp
timic .-nd immunities which have been
grim ed or mav in future be granted, to the
a cents of the same rank of the 4aoat snored
nation. Consular officers, not being citizens
of the country where they are accredited,
shall enjoy, in the country of their residence,
personal immunity from arrest or imprison
ment except in the case of crimes, exemption
from military UlliUngs and contributions,
from military service of every sort, and other
public duties, and from all direct or personal
or sumptuary taxes, duties, ami contribution,
whether Federal, Statu or municipal. If,
however, the said consular officers are or be
come owners of property in the country in
which they reside, or engage ia commerce,
thev shall be subject to the same taxes and
imposts, and to the same jurisdiction, as olti-
sens of the country, pronerty-hildeiT. or
;ns or
merchants. But under no circumstances
shall their official Income be subject to any
lax. Consular officers who engage in com
merce shall not plead their consular privil
eges to avoid their commercial liabilities.
onsular officers of either character shall not
in nne event be interfered with in the exer
cise of their official functions, further than is
indispensable for the administration of the
lawsfof the country.
Consuls General, consuls, Vke-Consnis,
and Consular Agents may place over the
outer door of their offices, or of their dwell
ings, the anna of their nation, with the prop
er inscription Indicative of their office. And
they may also hoist the flag of their country
on their consular edifice, except in places
where a legation of their eountry ia estab
lished. They mav also hoist their flag on board any
vessel em proved by them tn port for the dis
charge of their duty.
Article v.
Tfae consular archives shall be at all I
inviolable, and under no pretence whatever
shall the local authorities be allowed to aa.
amine or setae the papers forming part of
them. When, however, a consular officer le
engaged In ether Business- tne papers
lating to the consulate shall be kept In as
t sep-
arate enclosure.
The offices and dwellings of Consoles mlsd
who are not citizens of the country of their
residence shall be at all times Inviolable. The
local authorities shall not, except in the oaae
of the pursuit for cruxes, under any pi U ait
invade them. In no case shall they examine
or seize the papers there deposited. In no
event shall those offices or dwellings 1
as places of asylum.
In the event of the death, prevention.
absence of Consols General. Consols, Vice-
,-ellors o
Consular Agents, their obaa-
ter may nave orev.ousiy oeen bus mown so
the respective authorities ka Germany aa ia
the United States, may temporarily exeruse
their functions, and, while thus acting, they
shall eaioy ail tae righta, prerogatives, and
immunities granted by this convention to the
Consuls General and Consuls may, with the
approbation of their mspeuim Gevemnnnta,
appoint Tfca-ConsalB and Consular Agents in
the citie, ports and places within their con
sular Jurisdiction, These officer any fan cit
izens of Germany, ofthe United States, or
any other coon try. They shall be furnished
with a commission byjhs Consul wbo ap
points tbem ami under whose orders they are
to. act, or by the Government of the country
which be represents. Tbsy shall enjoy the
privileges stipulated for consular ofOcars to
this convention, aobtont to the exceptions
specified tn Article DX
' Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consnla.