The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 15, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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In beyond question more perfect for
All Kinds of Work,
than any other machine In use. It is a
combination of
simplicity, Durability ic Economy,
manufactured of the very best Imported
steel, The
I uuequalcd for quietness and enseof run
nlnir, self-setting needle, perfect shuttle.
Its operation is positive, enabling it to
Hnu Over Meant anil Turn Corners
without changing the tension, length of
st itch, or stopping the motion of tlie ma
chine. Will sew any kind of material cut
with straight and bias edge,
entirely preventing the fulness of either
side, ft lias a more perfect feed than any
other machine. Takes all the stretch from
t he goods, onerat ing wit h equal facility on
the heaviest as well as the lightest fabric,
leaving a seam alike on Inith shies, beaut I
fully smooth, strong and ehV ilc; is espec
ially adapted to the diversiued wants of
Family Sewing,
and is so slninle in its construction that It
can be used with alatrUy by the most Ine.v
Imperially adapted to tailoring and
Leather Work !
It will hem, fell, tuck, gather and sew
upon a band at the same lime, which obvi
ates the tedious necessity of hasting. It
will do any kind of work done on a sew ing
machine, with lessehanglugand adjusting
i ban any other machine ever presented to
the public. It will
or WOOLKX O0I8. in a manner tor su
perior to any other machine.
Parties wishing to purchase a machine
are Invited to call at the Register Ruildlng
on corner of first and Ferry- streets, Alba
ny, Oregon, and examine the
Kor circulars, Ac, address,
J. lAK.YsHOHTK, .!..
Albany, Oregon.
840 and $45.
Shuttle Sewing Machine,
With Table and Treadle Complete.
Stitch alike on both sides of the cloth, and i
cannot lie unraveled.
tUFXOM stitches a minute, without noise, j
(ST skipping of stitches, or blinking of
rinrt Introduced in June, 1N70.
1'atented In the Tnited States and all the
prlnci'ui I countries of Kurope.
MACHINE Is sold for fVi less than any
other first class sewing machine, and is
guaranteed to lie built in a more substan
tial manner, to have less working parts,
ran at a greater speed, to make less noise,
to he more beautifully finished, to miss less
stitches, and doa greater variety and let
tur quality of work than anv machine made
In the United States, either high or low
price. All of It working parts are made
of the lies! refined steel, every part made
to a gauge and Interchangeable, It uses
needles, thread, silk and linen of any size,
and works with equal facility on the thick
est woolens or thinest muslin. It will hem
fell, tnck, braid, cord, raffle, bind, plait,
quilt, stitch, seam, gather, hem-stitch and
embroider In the most perfect and hoantt
fnl manuner. No skill required to "set " a
noodle, everj- needle Is so made that It
Is Impossible to put one In and get it wrong.
Every machine to warranted for Ave yean.
Call at Register Building and see It.
J. FAHN8W0RTH, Agent, Albany, Oregon.
What Happened to a Wood Little Boy.
There lived once a plantier
With a son, his only luv, .
To whom, upon his birthday,
A bran new nx lie guv.
This farmer had n gardi-ing,
All filled with appel trees,
Which for the city iwir-ki-et
He was try ing for to rai-ese.
The son he takes the hatchi-et
Quite jolly and jocund,
And, going to the appel trees.
He chops them to the gr'nnd.
The farmer called Ids ser-vi-ents,
And ranged them in a row :
"Now who hits chopped my appel
And killed them root and bo?'1
The servants statu! aina-zled.
All drawn up in a line ;
There comes a running up to him
Ills young and hopeful sc'n.
"I cannot tell a He. poppar,"
This truthful hoy began.
"Twas I who chopped your appel
'Twits I, your little San."
Now. who yon s'posethis buffer was
And who his filial kin t
It was the Immortal Bushrod.
And the late G. Washingtlii.
Now whoso takes a hatchi-et.
And appel trees cuts down.
If he lives long enough, will he
A great and pious noun.
Democrats have all got the bone
Di-rlng the month of October the
County Clerk of Multnomah county
issued 24 marriage licenses.
Fanners of Washington county are
all busy plowing and putting Ingrain.
James Cunningham, of San Fran
cisco, shot himself with a pistol on the
6th. No reason would he give for the
Hon. H. W. Corbett sailed on the
8th In the John L. Stephen for San
Francisco on his way to Washington.
Congress convenes at Washington
on the first Monday of December.
Corvallis precinct gave one vote for
O'Conor. That ought to be framed. ,
Rev. J. B. Emery has been appoint-!
ed pastor of the M. E. Church South, j
in Corvallis.
The building for the Agricultural
Implement Manufacturing Works, at I
isaiem, is nnisneu.
Ten Inmates were added to the pen
itentiary last week. Four of tliem
were Chinamen.
'One-eyed Mary." a dusky maiden
of Yaqtihia Bay, influenced by jeal
ousy, by her own act. started for the
happy hunting grounds, last week.
H. K. Woodward fell dead of heart
disease on the streets of Olympiaou
the afternoon ot the 7th Inst.
Ira Ward. Sr., an old resident of
Washington Territory, died at Turn
water on the Gth Inst.
Mr. Guun, editor of the Olympta
Tmnxript, is recovering from tin at
tack of paralysis.
It began snowing at Silver City.
Idaho, on tlie 26 till, and continued
for three days and nights, covering the
ground to a dept h of four inches.
A new stage line has lieen establish
ed between Mountain City, Idaho, and
Klko. Nevada.
A fiiv occurred In Portland on the
evening of Oct. 7th in tlie second story
of the building occupied by tlie dry
goods store of L. Baum. After con
siderable exertion tlie firemen put It
out. The damage by fire and water
will reach from five to six thousand
Tlie Oregnnian says Mount Hood lias
been smoking again.
The city prisoners of Portland are
employed to scrape the crosswalks.
Two hundred ami forty pupils have
attended tlie Oregon City Seminary
during the past quarter.
Wheat and oats at Baker City bring
1 60 ier hundred pounds.
The Corvallis Gazelle says since tlie
late rains, farmers are busily engaged
in preparing the ground for sowing,
and putting in foil imps.
The a-orks at the copper mine in
Baker county have made one very suc
cessful run. One more run and they
will close up for the winter.
The Governor has commissioned the
following militia officers to be assign
ed to duty on the staff of Brig. Gen.
M. V. Brown : Ed. Cahalin, of Port
land, Assistant Adjutant General,
with rank of Major; P. C. Harper, ot
Albany, and Chas. Newell, of Port
land, ' Alds-de-Cainp. with rank of
The total damage by the late lire at
Dallas amounted to $.000.
"Schichagough. Illlnoyse." was on j
a letter dropped into the postotllce at 1
Goose Lake lately.
Two ami one-half Inches of rain fell
at RntshuM durlni? the month of Oe-1
s 0
Empire City, Coos county. Is soon
to have a regular weekly paper.
Prof. Rogers, of Coos county, is
getting up a new kind of Geography.
It is said to possess great merit.
Information is wanted of James W.
Smith, who moved to Oregon in 1852.
S, J, Foster. Haddam. Kansas, would
be glad to hear from him.
Tlie Statmnim says : "Anything to
i , -i u. I... . i.......... ....,., ....... i. ,. it
ileal urraiii. wis ik:icii pi,, iihimibu
I the dead heals of both Mlitieal ar
J ties."
Baker City is reported improving
in an unprecedented degree, in the
! record of inland towns.
TIk) taxable value of proiterty in
' East Portland, mluus Indebtedness, is
i Edith O'Gormnn had au overtlow
! ing house at Portland, on the occasion
! ofiier tlrst lecture.
It Is conjectured tliat insanity will
become prevalent In Halsey, now that
a brass hand Is being started fliere.
The telegraph line Is in operation
to St. Joe on the Yamhill.
Frank E. Hodgkin has resigned his
ldtlon as local reporter on the Salem
The Divorce fever Is breaking out
iu Yamhill c anity. As yet only six
have been attacked.
The Vancouver llegMn: was sus
pended last week to determine Its fu
ture course.
Tlie tire-alarm telegraph Is to be in
troduced In to Sacramento.
Wesley Graves will eater to the
tastes ot all who are guests of tbe
Chemeketa Hotel.
Hail. thunder anMghtaSiig visited
naietti last Saturday.
The Citizens of tlie Dalles are enjoy
ing a temperance revival. May they
not have to do their first works over.
John Gordan, who killed Bowles at
Oregon City last spring has been sen
tenced to one years Imprisonment In
the Penitentiary.
It is lu contemplation to build a
mammoth warehouse at Portland,
the dimensions of which will be 310
by 80 feet and will require 600,000,000
feet ot lumber to complete.
From the Ongmiw we leam that
a man living in Portland, charged
with Incest committed with his daugh
ter 14 years or age, has been arrestee,
Counterfeit postage stamps are cir
culating, says a California paper.
It Is said that an up country widow
Is on the trail of the editor, who when
she advertised for an agent made her
say a gent.
Rev. Dr. Hill, is canvassing tlie
State for aid for the McMlnnvllle Col
The German Lutheran 8oclety ot
Sacramento are to build a flue church
"Where, oh where can our lost Jas
per W. be." Is anxiously asked by
Portland journal.
1 lie New lork Inhvm claims to
have 900 copies in circulation in this
Two hundred and twenty-five Chi
nese took passage for Hong Kong on
Doara uie nark forward recently.
The net profits of the Cable City
mines In Montana during the past sea
son were over twenty-seven thousand
Chehallscountv.W. T..gave McFad
den 02 votes anil uarneide u.
Sixty head of fat hogs were shipped
from Olympla for victoria on the luth
Capt. Cleudennln. an old and well
known resident of Puget Sound, died
of consumption on the lUtu lust
The steamer OhehaUs has been char
tered by the Government to carry
freight, consisting of goods for tlie
Indians at tlie different reservations
on the Sound.
Tlie State Library lias received an
other volume of Patent Office reports.
The Olympians are engaged in plant
ing and setting out fruit, trees.
The sloop Shark, of Seabeck, with
two men in her, went ashore on Point
Ringold last Thursday at 9 o'clock
When tlie boat struck the beach the
shock knocked one of the men into
the surf but he was saved, the other
man clung to the wreck and was res
cued also.
California lias $31. 000,000 invested
in wine culture.
Horace Greeley does not Intend to
be " provoked to an indulgence in per
sodalities " any more. In other won!
he has gone out of the sublime liar
Gen. Geo.G. Jleadedied ot Typhoid
Judge Onsteln's speech on dogs, de
livered in the Legislature Is going the
rounds of tlie hasteru press
At Port Townsend one day last
week, In a drunken row growing out
ot an old grudge, one gambler named
John unall. known as I'oker-iack
stabbed another, named John Thomp
son, killing him.
Four nistol shots were found thronjrh
the rear windows of the Council Jham-
her at Portland lat Sunday, supposed
to have been fired by Chinese.
1 The lire companies of Portland
turned out the other day to extinguish
a tire In a frying pan.
Mr. Anthony Trolloie. the celebrat
ed English novelist, arrived at San
Francisco, a few days ago from tlie
Sandwich Islands, where lie had been
Tlie horse disease was reported In
Salt Like City on the 12th lust.
McFadden's majority In Washing.
ton Territory was sot on me i.itn.
Snow storms were of dally and
nightly occurrence In the mountain
cities of Colorado, mi tlie 10th.
Colorado lias taken the diamond
fever, and raves about rich discoveries.
Recent geological surveys of tlie
new Territories of the far West have
revealed tlie important feet that the
known coal depo-its of tlie Rocky
Mountain region extend over an area
of upward of two hundred and fitly
thousand square miles, in strata vary
ing from five to thirty-five feet In
Some o'te attempted to assassinate
Dr. C. V. Calhoun, ot PortTownscnd,
last week, by firing at him through
tlie window while he was conversing
with a few gentlemen lu his office.
A search for the perpetrator was un
successful on account of tlie darkness.
Baa. McMillan was elected Mayor
of Victoria, on last Saturday, by 20
It is stated that a real diamond field
has been discovered near Hart Creek
B. C. A large stone found there Is to
be sent to 'Frisco to determine it
The total expenses of the election
In San FrancissfcW 8,521.
Senator Corbett was in San Francis-
A passenger on Hie John I. Stephen
ami a girl sixteen yean of age were
arrested In San Francisco on the 12th.
Smith Is charged with abducting her
from Portland.
It was snowing at Treks, Cal., on
the 11th Inst.
In Jackson county Greeley gets a
majority of 47 over all-over Grant
In Baker county Greeley's majority
is about 30.
Douglas county gives Grant a ma
jority over all of 250 over Greeley,
In Lane county Grant has received
a majority over all of 208 over Gree
ley 248.
Three Inches of snow fell at the
Dalles last Monday morning.
Tlie first snow of the season fell at
Victoria last Saturday.
By the premature explosion of a
blast, a man named William Barton,
was blown to atoms at the Nanalmo
coal mines, B. C.
In 1800 California produced 17.000
bushels of wheat ; in 1800 she produc
ed (1.000,000 bushels; this year her
production will reach 30,000,000 bush
els. This year California has 618 acres in
hops, yielding 800,000 pounds.
Jim Andrews, on Left Hand, Ne
vada, raised this season from one hun
dred and ninety pounds of seed, one
hundred and forty bushels of barley,
over eighty-four bushels to the acre.
It Is reported that 30,000 cattle are
on their way from Texas to Idaho
Tlie Gentile element Is said to be
Increasing much more rapidly than
the Mormon, at Salt Lake.
The Northern Pacific Railroad is
being snow fenced its entire length.
Good mechanics can make from $7
to 8 per day in Arizona.
Golden City, Colorado, is growing
Miss Edith O 'Gorman had a crowded
house in Salem.
The Oregon Presbytery has appoint
ed Rev. E. R. Geary, D. D.. and Elder
T. M. Reed delegates to the General
Assembly to meet In Baltimore in May
From tbe Oregnuian of Nov. 9th we
take tlie following iu regard to the
Stage Robbers:
'lots morning the four persons tried,
convicted and sentenced iu the United
States District Court for robbing the
stage and mails in Antelope Canyon,
last July, namely: Thompkin.-.
Bramlette, White and Hanson, will
be taken to Salem. In accordance
with the sentence, these men will be
confined in the State Penitentiary for
life. To tlie very last tlie prisoners
assert their luuooenee of tlie crime for
which they are condemned. Bram
lette states that he was taken luto the
woods after his arrest and compelled
to dismount by a revolver being plac
ed at his bead. His arms were then
pinioned, a noose placed around bis
neck, and he drawn three times from
tlie earth ami allowed to hang until
nearly strangulated, under threats
from his captors that they would hang
him until he was dead, unless lie con
fessed to the crime ; that after being
nearly choked to death, had confessed to
the robbery of the stage, ami at the
instance of tlie captors, admitted that
Thompkins. Hanson and White, were
also engaged in tbe robbery ; that
when lie (iiramlette) was allowed to
remount his horse and ride a way from
the spot, he emphatically denied every
statement which he had made in his
confessions. He repeated that it wa
extorted from him under threats of
death, hut that there was not one
word of tlie confession true. Hanson
and White both stated tint they were
innocent of tlie crime. They did not
know, either ot 'hem, the charge on
which they were arrested until taken
to the house. The parties making the
arrest stated all along that It was for
stealing norses. Hanson said tnat one
of tlie principal parties who figured
iu the whole case,, had offered him one
hundred dollars if he would escape,
but that he (Hanson) had refused the
offer. Hanson also stated that be on
ly desired to live long enough to see
tlie whole matter cleared; up, and to
recover his name from, tlie odium
which attached to It by reason of his
complicity iu the matter. He prov
ed to meet his fate like a man, and to
labor laud and faithfully while he was
kept confined ; he laid never yet stolen
anything in his lite, and his con
science was perfectly clear on that
score. All the three prisoners had no
fault to And with either the Judge or
jury. They expressed entire satisfac
tion with the manner In which the
case had been managed from the, eom
mencemeet to the ending; they ha J
had as fair and Impartial a trial as
they could reasoiibly expect under the
circumstances. Considering the heavy
sentence, the prisoners appeared calm
and resigned to their hard hopeless lot.
Each expressed a hope that the mys-
S enshrouding the case would at
be unravelled, and the guilty par
ties brought to condign punishment,
for the grave crime which they were
called upon to suffer. ""