(1 ALBANY REGISTER. LOCAL MATTERS, tatk or msm wstty. Hps In the coontr Grant. r.u. Albany J J Lebanon... " Santtem " IIa8bUTg...,. J Scio Brownovilte Halsey ' U'aterlbo Center Franklin Butte 31 Orleans W Brush Creek " Syracuse I Sweet Home ' Grant's majority In Linn county, NINETY-THREE. Election Dat. Peace reigned in Albany on Tuesday. There was no . . ' . . . excitement visible tolhe naked eye. Very little electioneering was done ; no loud talking iudnlged in, and the . usual bluster and brag was entirely missed. Wo quarrels, no drunkenness all calm and serene. Very little betting was indnbjed In. It was a still, ;il most breaelcsi day not a leaf stirred, Sec Ami so we bid farewell to the 5th ot Hovember, 1872. On Tciwday 'Night. On Tuesday night next the Goad Tern plar's of this city, at their HaH, will offer a magni ficent entertainment to our citizens, all for the wwM sum of fifty cents each admission. The exciting and thrilling drama, eittttted. "Ten Night's in a Bar Room "vill firs t be given, to be . followed by tongs iu character, all to conclude with a s'ide-splitting farce. Of course, fQjose of our people who do not wish-to enjoy a rational evening's entertainment will not go. but to those who d, an opportunity is liere offered to grt very ls.rge amount of the above mentiencd article for a small amount of cash. We think we can safely . promise all who do attend perfect sat- j istkxton. Tf the hall Isn't crowded we shall miss our guess. A Bargain. Mrs. II. D. Godley be- ine compelled to a chauge of climate by poor health, offers ber entire stock i of millinery goods, with the goodwill of the establishment, to a cash custom er at a positive bargain. The business in her hands has grown to a first class investment, and the successful pur chaser will receive a splendid business. The offer will stand open but a few days. Apply at once. Good News. It Is reported that a fleet of sailing vessels are now en route j for the Padflccoastin ballast, in search I of charters. If this prove true, to-; gether with the report that tlie wheat j croi) of Emrfand alone is 85,000,000 bushels deficient, it is not at all im probable that an advance in the price of wheat will soon be announced in San Francisco. Whether Oregon will benefit by this advance, or how great tlio arivntiiw will he ilerwiuls .-lltm'i-r h- B , . cr iinnn the number of vessels to arrive. -- r - We are hopeful that our farmers will reap some benefit, and the sooner the better. On the Twenty-second. In a few days we shall be in receipt of several tine engravings of Oregon scenery, among them a large engraving of Albany. Several of these, together with tlie engraving of this city, will appear In the Register of the 22d in two weeks. Parties wishing extra copies to send to friends East should leave their orders during the early part of next week, so that we may print a sufficient number to meet the demand. Single copies, neatly done up in wrappers, 12i cents each ; ten copies, 1. Huge Spuds. A sack of huge pota toes, presented to us last week by Mr. Richard H. Wright, have won univer sal admiration from every one who has visited our office since their advent. They certainly "knock the hose" from anything in the potato line that we have seen in this county. A SekMOK. On the " ingathering of is real." will be delivered by Catha rine Sbertz, at the Court Home in this city, on Sunday afternoon next, at three o'clock. All invited. Com Dockkt. Following is the report of the business transacted by Linn County Clreolt Court up to Thursday noon : State of Oregon r. William McFad- den ; rae. sentenced to Penitentiary vs. A. L. Cannon i nwliremenr ror pin. H. L. Ruddvs. C. M. Lee et al; sheriff sale confirmed. James H. Stewart vs. E. A. Abby ; settled and dismissed. Peter Houck vs. Samuel Esllck; dismissed at cost of deft. 0. P. S. Hummer vs. Sarah Plum mer; divorce granted to plfT- W. S. Klkins vs. Valarwis Coryell et al ; dismissed at cost of pi ft'. J. M. Coffelt et al vs. W. Joslln ; settled. Nancy A. Sulllns vs. Wm. L. Sul llas divorce ; divorce to plff. James Shields. Treasurer, vs. J. B. Sprenger ; judgement ft plff. C. M.Cartwright vs. W. R. MeC'ord; judgment for plff. Elizabeth Chenoweth vs. J. B. Sprenger gudgnient for plff. Lnther Klkins vs John A. Ambler ! et nl : jluigIe,,t for plff. i a Cowan & Co. vs. John A. Ambler; judgment for plff. 4 L'l. ....... id 1 V. Flurrv vs. J. W. Mack et ai judgment tor plff". J. E. Gilmore vs. J. R. Ralston appeal ; dismissed. Cllicia Robinett vs. Illram Smith administrator ; dismissed at cost of plff. W. M. Ketohmn vs. Win. Gearliart et al ; slierlff sale confirmed. State of Oregon vs. Wm. Davidson; linn! ftlOO. State of Oregon vs. t'linrles Lutz ; not guilty. State of Oregon vs. N. Siraous? fined 50. State of Oregon vs. N. Simons; dismissed. State of Oregon vs. N. Simons selling liquor to a minor ; fined $100. State of Oregou vs. J. Z. Crouse ; not guiltv. State of Oregon vs. Henry Meyer ; dismissed. State of Oregon vs. Simons; dls inisstHl State of Oregon vs. Samuel Mans field ; continued. State of Oregon vs. Samuel Mans field ; continued. State of Oreeon vs. Samuel Mans field ; continued. Query. Judge Sbattuck, in his, speeeh at the Court House last week, asserted that "the prospects of the ! j Democratic party for winning the j election ou the 5th of November were never brighter, " whereupou everybody laughed. The Judge looked blank, scratched his ear, and asked "what are you laughing at ."' Wonder If he has found yet, to a "dead moral certainty," an answer to his query. Mutation. Our haudsome friend. Dr. T. W. Harris, having taken to himself a " rib," knows how it is him self, and is better qualified to adminis- ter lotions and poultices to those that need tbem than ever. He can be found at his office over Turrell's store, or at his residence on Third street. west of the M. E. Church Pork. The accommodating pro prietor of tlie Franklin Meat Market, on First street. Mr. J. R. Herren, wishes to purchase unlimited quanti ties of pork, for which he will pay I he market price. Those who have pork to sell and want the cali tor it, should call at once at the Frank lin Market. To Come. We liave now in the engraver's hands, soon to be completed, views of Harrisbnrg, Brownsville, Corvallis, Yaqnlna Bay, Roseburg, etc., etc. Those wishing extra copies of the Registers containing any of these views, should order at once the number of copies wished. Perambulators. For a full stock of the latest and jrayest in Perambula- j ton, go to Chas. Mealey's Furniture Warehouse, corner Broodalbln ami First streets, where you can buy any- j thing in the line of furniture, etc., j eitlier Eastern or home manufacture, clieaper than the cheapest. 10w4 Skxtekckd. Last Wednesday Judge Bonham sentenced McFaddeu, (found ! guilty of rape committed on his own daughter aged twelve years, last week), to hard labor iii the penitentiary for tlie term of his natural life. Gone to 'Frisco. On Thursday Miss Alice Griffin left her borne iu this city for San Francbco, where she proposes to complete her education. Her absence will probably extend over a period of three yean. Moke Tuxsgbai'ITV. Prof. Pru tu rner Is having put up a line of wire from the depot to the College and from thence to the office on first street. Ibis line is to accommodate all stu dents of the College wlio wish to leam telegraphy under his tutilage. TiuWWN (it. Two Grant tickets were tlirowu out of ore of the polls In this city, because they had been, with out doubt, Accidentally folded together. If the mistake liad not been made Grant would have had 77 votes instead of 75 in this precinct. . . Slight Increase. In June there was 2D4 voti's polled in this city. On last Tuesday there was 502 votes polled over and above the ballot thrown out, and there were quite a number of both political parties who did not vote. Personal. Rev. Wm. Monteitli, of Nez Perm Reservation, (I. T.), re tMrned on a visit to friends in this city on Wednesday, in splendid health. Chas. Cartwright. Esq.. ami family, propose leaving ns iu a few days to reside, at least during tlie Winter, at Salem. We are sorry to lose Charley, coz he's a brick. Removed. Mr. A. C. Layton hag removed his grocery store from corner of Broatlalbin and First streets to Milt. Beach's store-room, on south side of First, between Broadalbin and Ferry streets, .vhere lie lias opened out in gorgeous style. For fresh groceries, vegetables, etc., call at Laytou's. Double Rates. The election re turns have lengthened out Democratic faces so enormously long and hatchety, that Joe Webber says he thinks of charging the owners double price nest week for shaving. He will have to latlier with a full sized paint-brush and shave with a scythe. slim. iocai matters have not re ceived full attention this week, owing to the fact that an imjiortant election transpired in this county and State on Tuesday, and the greater portion of our time has, been taken up "going for" telegraphic dispatches. Next week we shall rcsnme the "thread of our story." Thanks. We are Indebted to Mrs. (.'. M. Striker, Artist, of Corvallis. tor several fine views in and around that beautiful little city, which we intend having engraved forjlie lieneflt of the readers of the Register. A '"Sage" Conclusion. The wild geese ami ducks were slowly winging their flight South last Thursday, dole fully crying "chap-quack,"' "chap quack." They seemed to be hunting tlie Sage of Cliappaqua. Ok THECanal. A. B. Morris, Esq now has thirty-five hands, fourteen scrapers and three lumber wagons en gaged in his contract on the A. & S, Canal, besides hands rafting lumber down the Saatlam. Bio Stock.-W. H. Kuhn A Co bare received a huge invoice of iron and steel, tools, etc. Beyond all odds the largest and best assortment of hardward ever brought to this city. "How's Missouri ?" Has been the general inquiry since Taesday. Everybody seems to be interested in tlie little matter of her vote. It wa a big conundrum with no one to solve it. Democrats wagered that Missouri would give Greeley a larger majority than Illinois would Grant. The con undrum is not yet solved, but we think Missouri loses. Storm. A storm ot wind and passed over the city last night, didn't it rain, neither .' rain But MARRIED. On Wediiesday, November, , 1872, at the residence of tlie bride's mother in this city, by Dr. E. R. Geary, Mr. Benj. Walling, of Marion county, and Miss Georgia Coniley. Compliments received. The happy pair took tlie noon tmin on same day en route for San Francisco, their future home. May the kludest smiles of for tune wait upon them. At Alexandria, Va., the vote for Grant and Greeley was a tie. Harris, Conservative, in the 7th District, and Hanton, Couseivative, in the 8th Dis trict, are elected to Congress, FOMMEBFIAL. Gold in New York 113. Legal ten- ders WfflOc. Wheat iu Liverpool 12s 8d ; dub, llUnUb 3d. No change to report iu San Francis co markets. Albany markets same as last week. POITLAK. One of the oldest and most popular business firms in the Central Valley, is that of Messrs. Blaln. Young & Co. of this city. Hav ing commenced business in this city years ago, when Albany was in its lufimcy, they have grown with its growth ami prospered with its pros perity. They are known far and wide as honest, fair, liberal and most ac commodatliigdealers. Receiving new invoices by every steamer, they are always up with the times, and never have an old stock to dispose of. For the latest iu clothing, dry goods, etc., go to Blaiu, Young & Co's. - Wheat onlj 35o, and N. Bunin, Pio neer Clot hliiK Wore, Is selling according to Hard Times. He has a law and well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, and Is selling eheaper than any house in the city, (ilve him a call liefore you pur chase elsewhere. St4 Fbom M ai.n k to California. - New WILSON Strait Needle Underfeed Sewing Machine is the REST MACHINE for all kinds of work on both heavy and light sewing. It runs easy and is simple; achlld am nse it. It is never out of order, and Is ALWAYS HEADY KOU 11 L SI N ESS 1 It lias lately taken the premium at the great Northern Ohio State Fair for best work done on the ground. Don't tail to see the New Wilson Machine, and remem ber tliat FIFTY DOLLARS now buys the best Sewing Machine In the world. Call at Wain, Young A Co.'s, wholesale and re tail dealers In general merchandise, First street, Albany. A. WHEELER, ftHEDD, OREGON, Forwarding& Commissiou Mercbaiit. Dealer in Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agent for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Chums, Ac, Ac. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, POHK, BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY. a ft , Hollow ay's Pills and Ointment are tlie only mediciualprepn rations nec- essary iu families. The pills regulate all the internal organs with unerring certainty ; the ointment is a positive antidote to all external diseases. Hold 7S Maiden Lane, N. Y. Price. 25 cents per box or pot. Ask for new style; the old is counterfeited. 8w4 NEW IO.VAY. A BAKtiAIX OFFERED ! Mm. n. o. ini.F v offers for stile her entire slock of MILUNKUY, THIM MINUS, Ac., ., toether with the good will, at a Imrgatn to a cash customer. Falling In-all It is her only reason for desir ing to sell. TO NFXTRK A BABUAM Apply immediately to Tilt. 11. D. GODLEY, First street, Albany. Pork! Pork! Pork! I WAST ALL THKiKKJD PORKICAX m'.t delivered in Allwnv, for which I will pay lhe liMicst price In CASH that the market wliraffonl. J. It. HERREN. Allmny, Nov. 8, 1S72. WILSON & BROTHER, Imporlersaml dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Can now sup; pply all orders in their : elved Invoices of inc.. Also, just recc GrLASS, 8x10 to 10x16 Sii(l!ilv. 3. K. For. FnllftMiilii A Drnmm 9 SAN FRANCISCO. 3m Peoria, nf all kinds and sizes. The lnrjc Ht atorfc ever offered In California, all KEW and Jint rwlved. at low prices. Also, FuHi vntttrn, Harrow. el Snw m, vtt. -Sold by TRKABWKM. A FO., Hnn Frnrh. Acml for price list. WnS FURS! TORS! TORS THE HIGHEST PRICKS PAID IN CASH for all kinds of FtrBM. hv ML A IN, YOt'NO A CO. Allmny, reb.B, 7tV FINANCIAL AND KEW TO-DAY. PER CENT SAVED BY IH YIXt; WW GOODS OF- KLINE & CO.,, AI.K.VSY, ORKUO.V J"xxst Received mi entire new toek of tlie MastFasliioBalile Goods of tiieSeason -SI'CII AS- DRY GOODS, CLCTH.NC, BOOTS, SHOES, raw, II ITS, CROCKERY HARDWARE, Cliina Sntin Drew eU, HABY vm ART KTBJPBN, 1'01M. l.l .MKis, MVttll BEAIBN. TAMBi ('WITH. NTHJFKB, PL.1IB, nml arm:n SHAWLS, M'AHFN, WWUI.K.M KAQI EN tJMANT a?:b FIIAXPM1 Olid ii Inrije Ntork of FANCY GOODS! FAHPETK, (HI. ( LOTUS, A Hotie FurBiMliiBg ooIn ALL OK WHICH IS OFFERED. AT THE LOWEST MARKET P R I o sis. rimMM., tuUolnln Poat Offi