VOLVMK V gMtMnnmixi rcllUM'.-.li EVEETf FHIH.VV. iJy XILIu VAX CILKVE, IN SS.1I3TER EUIIiDISOS, Cwnr f. tr.t) asrt Ftrd tS'.enl. TKKMS IN" ADVANCI'.. , v"i- TftraS dollars. SlYai.mlhs Two dollttW. mm (I. copies Ten tent, ADVBKT1SIXU BATK8. TaBWleBl a1verilments. WW square of ib thus or less, innurtlon tJ;;nrn n3i inserted oil the wort terulS. JOB WoHK. iliivlm receive 1 lH'W 15 IV. ok of col ,vihiks,Vai"Ka tioi-,loii jo 'H!r,e;t- . wi' uiii nnwVt'4 m execute ah kinds ol prtot i, ' 1 iwttnr manner, anil lilly ME rent city. i , i . - r H H.-BlHlil-. The follo'vinat fjtmfltiini are tlnthnrizotl , :,wi i an receipt for subwrivHOn?, u l-cY'lsl-i", ttC, fttt the ttEOtsffiEBi Ifimoi'anilUi.IUtrrWiuwc. o. I'. Tompkins, HiwrtbiM Peter fttitae, Brownsville. W.R. Kir!:, BMwnwJU. .1. n. lr.rio. siio. T. li. Revnolds, Salem. L 6 t'l-U 'V. sen fwnMKn. p' l. Porter. Khe-MNMtttJon. Pletvher & WelK 8 lima "i i "Ik 0 Chili Slekell, .factesonvlHe. Hl'SlNKSN UAllPS. ., it. anv'HFM.. MITCHELL & litJUHi, Attorney iuil OMtwwIwrs t !" , .ULlCl'fOlUSiSWIANt'-KRV AM) l'UOC- r low in 11 ualriitty. ik ww m m post oftkm, front -uwt, OTtiud,tmon. ! : ; I.. ft IMCUm I.. H.1NN. jtELL MSOH'IH V 'icnr nt !iilv"' i 1 KUJOmWS iS CHAXt'KBY (!.. , Flten oahirv pnWoJ, Albany, imw. 1 oiiwfttnstnd wmvwyamw iwowpuy it umivdtn. IIOMEOPATi. T WbEtAN. VTICK 1 IX FIRST HtRBEf, OXK door O wi" h 01 BroailnlbUi, to Btwkhart'stwo s nrvhriri: 'unsttiif-, over (kio. iurait s w'ora. RKsuHawjs Kipth'nwHt.tiho vtoilwiw t'S)wU, AitHwy,Or. tiv rarSICIAN AND SCSCrEON. ALBANY, OBX- OmCK-wtTn si hk ku;t STBKRT, n-vstrtirsin.i . M. Beiwh' rtwrtjtht vifwhoe. Pyit!lu Mid Sraju, ALBANY, UBKOUN. 0 Kirs tlU0f. KtH:uv- iimv., iloor wi'-l of Me lio tttl I'HUWh. ) UEO. Vft JKAY, DOKS AM. WOUK IN THIS j&b. line of ais professton In the IXjUtl? Ana- UetU-awntsnsr-'i for ifu''iwliilMextn;ei I011 of nvih.lt ic'-". IVrTtvuiur Httentlon urlven 10 the re ,11- ! 1 (-, n-.ilt.uio..s an l exainlnaflons vim (:.,! moviemte. t mm Ma i eSKOltic qqfmt ot his woikman- "oKKICK la Vanish Brick Block. 'U) s:airs. . glJflf LEFFEL & MVEKS' -"jvr&t or WHz5& SL'ilKRICAL FLUMES; Anl i.iertl Mill Mcliliiy. J. F.BACKEXSTO, Asswai. -,U3 AlliiJ',Orouon. N, B. Btlfcti M't'l LL,K11. s, m Ba co.. S T WKOX HAS f) AXf CONSTAXTU' I 1 rM-utviit a tae stock of Uwitlis nl I'rovtatoiw, s,..l awl willow ware, toiwoeo, ultfiirs, ...nlecrlonerv, Yankee me ions, e, ., etc, wlinlesnleiei 1 retail. at hwe-c ones. IVno.ltclI. C Illll H N.ii-s.lroj's oro, Ai'smy, wtvijon, ALBANY BdOii fS'TOBE. OUnMfsH.'d In K. A. lYcelaml. ivKAf.BB IX KVKBY VAB1KTY W I ) misoelliineoiis ImkiIss. school books, riuak !iiiks. stationery. lVmks lumorWU notttott! short untUf. Alliany, IHic. 3, lain. FKAKKMN MARKET, AI.BAXt, OBlCtitlX, t. n HI KIIO.N. 1 s I'wnrleter, tam, AT THK Ol.n BLACK ON A Knnit street. iHtinoses to turnwli all fhoa" ly With fl khelsof MKATMltthe hnslness he ho,ajs to klra Wiwrnl stti tonlina'oal! who may fcvm Winj f tl mi. aa-Hiaiiei"- ,V"' WULTHY, J. Jl. llBBOX. n5v4 I A ADVETI KE IX WAMUXOTOX. BY l'ltAXCl? C. LOXfl. H.ive yon ever Vlrfted Out-iit Jlow? , T'nle. von are a resilient of Wash-, liiftfon, 1. ('., I will wager hesvj'ocltls I tli it yon have not ; for' but few, even j among the oM citizens, know the pre- loc 'lity of the plate In qne'-tion A ro v of rickety frame buildings In ft J nart of the. citv known as Hooker Division was clirl-tenetl by our soldiers during the war Cat-'l'nil Row; but why it was thus designated 110 one has attempted to explain. My friend ( 'ad Wooster pointed out the titan to me from the dome of the Capitol a abort time since, and at the saiiie time he related the following ad venture as having occurred there. IT was in the winter of lSOi. when Grant's armv was inventing Peters burg, Ya., that. I left City Point on the fames, to make niv tirt visit to the Federal Capital. At that time I was a member of the Sanitary Commission and in my possession was a considera ble sum of money, principally belong ing to soldiers who had lately been paid off, and had entrusted as much of their hard-earned treiwire as they C! m'd spare to my keeping to forward to friends at houn On board the steamer was a burly. carroty-headed man of by no means 1 whatever it might he. banished stum pleasing appearance, who introduced j ber from my pillow. Pcrlfap it was himself to me as a Mr. Simpson. Sut- the muttered nnversatiou of the men lcr to some New Jersey regiment, and ! below stairs that disturbed hie, for I although far from being a congenial; ,Vas directly above them, and could companion, his quaint anecdotes, and mr their voice without being able to exploits in smuggling tolmeeo and ; comprehend their words. I wondered vhikv through the lines in defiance j as 1 lay in a suite ol nervous unrest, of vigilant provQt-mrshnls served, in . whether Simpson knew of the money a measure, to winie a,v ine icuious monutonv of the voyage. .Tu-t, before reaching Washington a j furious storm broke upon us, and we i effected a landing at the I'ighth street j wharf at eleven o'eiock in the night in the midst of a l)!indiiigtenipeMtOf rain : and sleet, and I knew no iHitMUf Where ; to seek for shelter from tllty than it I had leen suddenly tmnslatal to Peklu. I sav. Mister, said myptuerac- flirihitaMce whom I had imagilM lost in the crowd and darkness, UT say, where are. you going to camp to- night.'' 'That is a conundrum which I must give up." I answered. "However. I can see ft street car at a little distance, and I presume U will carry me to some place of shelter." Ahem ves, it will take you some where, but not within a mile of a ho tel," he returned ; and if it did. little good it would do you. Congress is in session and the town is chock full of visitors, officers on leave, discharged soldiers gamblers, pickpockets, and cut-throats of all descriptions. Ten to one. Mister, if you can secure ft bed up town." "Then wliat is to be done?" 1 in quired shuddering in the icy blast, "Mister, it ain't for me to say what, you Shall do ; you do as you please, but I'll tell you What I'm agoin' to do myself. A ' friend of mine keeps a place near here ; a sort o' respectable restaurant, and although lie doli't make a practice of tikin' in ledgers he al ways accommodates me. His conven iences aren't much to speak on. but they are clean, however, and resecta ble! and that suits me." "Do you think that I can secure a cup of tea and a bed for the night?" I inquired, anxious to e'eape from the blinding fury ot the storm. "As for 1 lie tea." returned my friend. "1 can answer yes. fur that's hi- busi ness ; meals at all hours, you know, but fr the lied (vltt ;ay. However, if you're wiiliu'. il will do no harm to Inquire. 'Any port In a storm," say the psalmist;1' end without further delay, he led ine a short way up the street, and into.! dingy eating saloon I and bar room, the entrance to which ; was ornamented and illuminated with i a battered tin lantern, with a red glass j globe that I had mistaken for a street i car. On one side of the door I noticed ' a gorgeous inscription m red letters ! on white ground : j RKSTAVItAST BY W. PLYMPTOX, Mr, Plyiuptnu, the gentlemanly proprietor, was at his post among the j liettles ami beer-kegs, and he was cn ! gaged at the moment In fitly ing up his bar. Owing to the lateness of the , hour he was alone with the exception i of a lialf-iuebriated cavalry sergeant, j who with bleared eyes, dirty-yellow chevrons, and unsteady legs, leaned imiinst the counter In the attitude of a professional bummer. t ne Mill." said 111 v friend, as we entered, "here's me, and Mr. Ytoostcr of tlie Sanitary Commission, ami we are both half-starved and half-frozen, j and want some supper and a bed." I The man addressed as BUI, had a ! villainous face, I thought, as he looked first at me, then at Mr. Simpson, as 1 much as to say, "what is hi the wind, ALBANY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 8, 1872. 1 woroter?" Mr. Plympton aren't in the habit of takiug ii) strangers, he said ; didn't encourage it ; left it to Iieetwd hotels ; still lie was willing to do a friend a favor, eprcifttly -ue!i a lriend as the sutler ; and it was set tled that we should have supper and beds. After eating what the landlord de nominated 'a cold snaek.'and drink jng a cup of the rankest, bitterest and vilest tea 1 ever encountered, 1 was shown up to mv room, leaving Mr. Simpson and the host in a close con versation over a bowl of hot Scotch punch, and the warlike sergeant with the bleared eyes, in delightful dreams, if one might judge of their nature by his mellifluous snoring--. The room assigiietTiBe was a com fortless place enough and devoid of carpet or furniture save a backless chain a washbowl and pitcher, and a triangnlur fragment of a broken mir ror fastened to the caieincnt by two phis ; but as I listened to the angry roar of the tempest without, i was thankful for the shelter. I went to bed. but from some cause which 1 must leave physiologists to explain, 1 could not -,sieep. I was fearfully weary and drowsy, still sleep would not embrace me. Some spon taneitv of perception foreshadowed danger, some intuitive admonition, or ciirrieu in mv porrniaiiieau, aun though I had seen not bing to alarm me. 1 could not avoid wishing it were nut in my custody. What could those low and subdued muttering mean which reached my ears in the lull ot the storm ? At last my curiosity was raised to such a pitch that 1 quietly arose and groped! about in the darkness to find some crack or crevice through which I might peer into the apartment bekw, and 1 was 1 not many moments hi finding what 1 desired. ' A knot in one of the tloor- nlanks had become loosened by shrink ing, and I cautiously removed it, ami beucatll me I saw my ill-favored land I lord. Mr. Simpson, and the blear-eyed ; sergeant: the latter apparently asleep, j -Hawkey, you're a regular trump." I Plympton was saying, "it was a big l thing to rope in this Sanitary Cotumis ; slon fellow. Hang me if it wasn't." I "Hush, not so loud,'" said the other, i "he may not be asleep." ! "Not asleep !" exclaimed Plympton. "If he ever wakes up. Hawkey, it will i be when the lih are nibbling him at the bottom of the Potomac. Why I ! put morphine enough in bis tea to : make him sleep till doomsday, if yon i don't want to be ft cannibal don't eat i any cattish chowder for the next ; week," and the villian laughed at the j joke. I ' it seemed tliat my companion's I name was not Simpson hut Hawkey. and he replied as if reassured : "All right. Bill, all right. I suppose there's no hnrrv, so let's take another drink, and thcii we'll get shut of that fellow. I tell you, there's a pile of green-hacks in that portmanteau of hi-n'n." "At the mention ot another drink the blear eyed sergeant pricked up his ears and muttered with maudlin thick ness ot speech : 'OmaHy, ccrually. cernally, less habanurer whN glassky. I'm dryer'n a fish." "Don't drink no more, you Sykes," said Plympton, you're drunk now, man. Eat something." "Ohnme inner drink." persisted the sergeant, "gimme a ham lager and a beer sandwich. I've got work to do. hain't 1?" say, hain't 1?" and he felt the edge of a keenly-whetted sabre bayonet on the bible before biro. -Who but tue's going to dump the sack into the river with a stone tied to it. eh ? Who but me's going to cut hi cussed wind-pipe if lie wakes up, eh ? Gimme iinrer drink. I say?" I was stricken mute with horror as I knelt on the chill, liare lloor of the chamber, and for a moment the sense of the Impending danger so bewilder ed me that 1 could neither think nor move. The sell was transient, how ever, for I qnlcklv rose, and. although quite unarmed, resolved to defend my life and tiie monev In my charge to tlie but But what eouui a singie, uuan 1- ed man aeeomnllsh asralttst three burly : assassins i I hniriedlr dressed myself ! and to affect an escape through a I window was 111 v first thought, but 111 that. 1 was disappointed ; me wmmwi was a trap, and had no window. My only liope seemed daslied to the earth. Almost at the same moment that I made the disoovery, I heard them pre paring to ascend the stairs. I seized my portmanteau, and stood close by the door; hoping to steal by them ill the gloom when they should enter. It was a moment of terrible anxiety to me, and the stairs creaked and groan ed under their weight, as if ringing my death knell. The creaking ceased. The suspense of the moment was fearful, and my very heart seemed to cease its pulsations as I listened : "Youfel's stnn' liere." muttered a thick ami husky voice, "while I go in and tickje his ribs a little." "The next moment the door was pushed open. It had no lock and the sergeant passed me in the Cimmerian darkness. Suddenly an idea thrilled me like an electric-shock there was a possibility of escaping ! Plympton and llawiey were standing at the top of the sia'irs, and I could distinctly hear their heavy breathing, .and with the courage which is horn of terror and despair,.. I suddenly sprang upon the man nearest me, and hurled him head long down the stairway, and in his descent, he struck his comrade, and with a stunning crash both fell to the bottom. So unexpected was my attack, both men were off their guard, A terrible death struggle immediately ensued in the darkness each thinking himself at tacked bv his intended victim ; and they hacked and mangled each other witnineir knives, as they cursed and writhed in the combat. I sprang over tliem just in time to escape the (all ot tlie sergeant, who had missed his foothold hi hastening to the assistance of his companions. To ojien the door and fly from the plape was the work of a moment. Escorted by a brace of policemen, I soon returned to tlie place. We found Plympton dead, the knife of his friend having pierced his heart ; while Haw key was in a dying condition, being literallv covered "with ghastlv wounds. Tlie blear-eyed .sergeant was placidly : slumbering' at the foot of the stairs, with one arm artectloiiately embracing the newelposf, and I doubt if he knew whether he went to the station-house in a corporation coach or a wheelbar row ; but it is fair to presume that he wilt become thoroughly awakeued.be fore his sentence of twenty years at hard labor in the Albany Penitentiary hits expired. "But how did you escape from the poison ?" I inquired. "Oh, very easily, indeed," he re plied with a laugh, "I blush to ac knowledge it, but at that time I was a confirmed opium-eater, and. perni cious as the habit certainly is, it saved my life at Cat-Tail llow." 1 1 i . CfLMlXATKt) CUKKK. A sharp Yankee went into a country f$tore Down East, and thus accosted the pro prietor : "Squire, do you trade?" Considerable." wathe reply. I mean, do you dicker?" "Some ; what yer got to dicker?" "A egg." "What yer want for a egg?" "Guess I'd like a darnin needle." The required needle was dickered for tlie egg, and tlie Yankee was going away, wlien he returned and j said : "Squire, do you treat ?" "Waal, I don't mind if I do," re plied the storekeupejr. They repaired to an adjacent tavern, j and the usual Bourbon was pr ninced. j "Hold on." said the Yankee, "my j chest's weak, and I never take whisky without a egg In In." The generous shopkeeper handed j him the dickered egg. hut Without i asking him for his needle again. The J Yankee broke the shell on the edgo of j the glass, when he exclaimed: "Ucewilikius! this egg's got twoj yolks ! Guess yer orter gin me another ilarnln' needle, Squire!' . AUTAifSciroot.noY'sCoMi'osniox. The following winposjtlon was re centlv written bv a Utah schoolboy. . A Bull Is a big aniniil and lives hap-1 pv hut tlie man who owns him don't j always do so. My father has a texas j Cow and gists drunk and larrups moth-1 er. UOOU nuns come irom .jmnwui ' su does Grat Brown. A man wot ulut got no Missouri bull Is out of luck ami is a Greeley man. The bulls of Ba shan was good bulls cause 1 learned them in Sunday School they must have come from Missouri because Lib erty Is in Missouri and bulls has a good deal of Liberty. Tlie liest bull wot got the premium at tlie State fair was a Texlcan Steer lots of bull peo ple were awful mad cause their bulls wasnt Texlcan Steers. Johiiuy Thompsnu said his father ought to have hail the first prlaj teacher said he oughtn't to catem he didn't have a texican Cow. Setting Bull is an lu- . A committee of investigation report that the new jail in St. Louis cost the county $li;0j&!nore than it 0 lgbt. NO. 10. Agriculture m a Fraud. The basest fraud of earth is agricul ture. The deadliest imus fatwu that ever flittered to beguile, and dazzled to betray, is agriculture. I speak with feeling on this subject, for I've lieeti glittered and beguiled and daz zled and destroyed by this arch de ceiver. She has made me a thousand prom ises and broken every one of them. She has premised me summer squash es, and the worms have eaten them ; winter squashes and the bugs have de voured them. She has promised me cherries, and the cnrculto has stung them, and they contain living things, uncomely to tlie taste. She has promised me strawberries, and the young chickens have devoured them, and the eve cannot see them. She has promised tomatoes, and the old hens have encompassed them, and the hands caiiiiot reach them. No wonder Cain killed bis brother. He was a tiller of the ground. The wonder is that he didn't kill his Cither and then weep because he hadn't a grandfather to kill. No doubt his Early Kose potatoes, for which he had paid Allan) $7 a barrel, had Ihicii cut down by bugs, from the headwaters of the Euphrates. Ills Pennsylvania wheat had been winter-killed, and wasn't worth cutting. His Norway oats had gone to straw, and would not yield live pecks per acre, aud his black Swinish watermelons had been stolen by boys who tore up the vines, broke down his patent picket fence and wrote scurrilous doggerel all over Ms hack gate. No wonder he felt mad when lie saw Abel whistling along with ids fine French merinoes, worth $s a head and wool going up every day. No wonder he wanted to kill somebody, and thought he'd practice on Abel. And Noah's getting drunk was not at all surprising. He had become a husbandman, lie bad thrown away magnificent opiiortunities. He miglit iiave had a monoioly of any protes siou or business. Had lie studied med icine there would not have been another within a thousand miles to call him "quack" ; and every family would have bought a Iwtt'.e of "Noah's Compound Kxtract of (Jopher Wood and Anti-Deluge Syrup." As a poli tician, be might have carried his own ward solid, and controlled two-thirds of the delegates in every convention. As a lawyer he would have been retain ed in every case tried at tlie Ararat Quarter Sessions, or the old xrk High Court of Admtrallty. But he threw away all these advan tages and took to Agriculture. For ft long time the ground was so wet he could rale nothing but sweet nag aud bull rushes, and these at hist became a drug in the market. What wonder that when at last he did get half a peck of grapes that were not. stung to death by .fapbet's honey bees, he should have made wine and drowned his sor rowi in a "flying howl." The fact is agriculture would demor alize a saint. I was almost a saint when I went into it. I'm at war with every thing. I fight myself out ol bed at four o'clock, when niy better nature tells me to lie still until seven. I fight myself into the garden to work like ft brute, when reason and instinct tell me to stay in the house iftid enjoy my self like a" man. I fight the pigs, the chickens, the moles, the birds, the bugs, the worms everything In which is tlie breath of life, l" tight the docks, the burdocks, the mnllens, the thistles, the grapes, the weeds the roots the whole vegetable kingdom. 1 tight the frost, the heat, the rain, the hail in short I tight the universe, and get whipped in every battle, I have 110 , more admiration to waste on the father of George Washington for forgiving the destruction of his cherry tree. A cherry tree Is only a cureuiio nursery Mid the grandfather of his country knew it. I have half ft doaen cherry trees, ami the day my young George Washington is six years old, I'll give hhii a hatchet and tell him to down with every cherry tree on tlie place. " A curiosity from tlie marine world Is now to he seen la the shop of a chemist. In bresdeii. It U the skele ton of a giant sea-spider, hi an ex ceedingly good state of preservation. The body which is a quarter of a yard long, rests upon eight long legs which, when stretched out, cover with the body, the space of a yard. Crab-like claws, or long arms with joints, rise above the head, aud give to the whole a ghastly appearance. Dr. Stlllman, who testifleoTto Mrs. Knlr'8 Insanity, was asked If he hid ever read Stobel on Insanity. He said lie Imd, and was then told that there, was 110 such author. ,;:., .;--. t Tims,..