youm" v. ALBANY, OREGON. XOYKMBKR 1, 1871. NO. 9. it ri l'l.ism i) KVI i:v i lltlMV, fjy COldL. V.i clevis, i:i maisTEE BxriiBiifOB, CJarn r K itji nW V-'ivw Si--t. TERMS IN A!' year linili 1)4.. . . le copies.. AJiVERTIHINt Tronskmi a I ANCK. ..Three tlcillitr. ..Two dollars. . .Tun cents. IATK. iter square Of leu Hiii" M'l'H('lll. tlseiti "ill ICVillrf, .Miii'iir or less, His; inscnion . it insertion ft, I.W adver Inserted (in the mo-t IM'SINKSS I'.UiriS. JOHN COftt fliER, I? A N K I N (j AM) Exchange Office, AI.1IAS Y, OSiMJOV Having r ore. I ink, i iiru nrrnnr in in a 'hc wr ill iiv. .1 tic WORK. jneh'O I new Ij i nr Is, n '' Ui : j "I 111 CXO "Hi' . Stfl& of ()! i bcr. fit1., wo inds ui print' let- manner, ami imy per win in over before oifored in this tor suoscriptions, lUXJISTKK : Ay?Afa for Ml Iii'BS!tor. rim iiiiKiwln'' wnfWithst' MM authorized ,, receive ii'i 1 receipt iifMnif. ot.. ffrth illnini Smith, lucTisb'.irg. I. . TiMUUn. Hiirrt!ntK peter Hume, Brownsville. W. 1!. Kirk, Brownsville. .1. R. In i'H'. Ma, T. II. Reynold. Ha'em. I.. P. fisher. San Kiuticlseo, li. P. Porter, sh Fletcher Web ciia.v Stolcel cherf Sl'WWT TO k at shin. interest allowed on thuodenolts in coin. Exchange on Pnrtluii'l, Sun Eninrisco, ami New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections inudi mill promptly remitted. Holers to II. W. Corhelt, Heni'v Falling, W, s. Utid, Ranking hours from S A. M. to I P. II. Albany, Feb. l. M718iv8 john schmp;er, llK.U.KK IX j I PsShltlnn. , itncnn Vista, Incksonville. Polk Co r.i'siNKss uAitns. .,, H. SCITiitlXt. Ji V. DoLI'lI. mrvm.iA. & dolph, Altomt'JK ji! CoimMlors ' UUlMTOslXilIANl-KyANI)l'(X-iii a I, tlMec over the ol'l Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OBEOON. .1 'oisrle uttou 'Lltler. Those who do not Know me limy, perhaps believe the following story. Those who do know mo will not. Mill, it D quite true: Reginald was a pleasant old gentle n mi i. xvitli a line sen! of humor, lie had eonsldejuWe proKTt;v, and lived on Wiinlili'dnni ( hiiiiiioik lie had one lieiuitiDil ijniijfliter hut that is not to ilie point. One afternoon ns old Hugiuultl was reading hooks in u (Inruig-ruorn, It was ainumiieed to lltm that a eoumion man desired t'Seak with him. I lie jive orders that the uommon man should he admitted. And adinit j ted the eonniinn man was. j lie was a very eoillinow man. indeed. A tall, shunhlinor, ill-hiokinir HjJ. low, with an Irresolute liwmier ami shrinking eye. He was dressed as eogtentioiigew aredressod, when fol lowing thetr calling. "What is your pleasure, good sir?" said old lli'ginald. "Ueg panlon, juv"iior. said the common man. "I hojn you wiHi't be hard on me." "Not at all replied 9d Bejrliinltl. 'I'm I'm a liurglar," said the eonunon man, Indeed!" said RegbiaM. "Will you take a chair." i liank yon, kinillv. cut nor, hut I I inlloe, Iv-t front ' , Portlanil, unigoit. TTAS.H-ST OPKXKl) IIISXEW GKtX'KR ! IX estobltshuient on corner o! hllsv orth and First sereots, with a t'li'sb stx'k of I (iriM'eries. Provisions. Oiindics, Ciirnrs. To j Iweeo, Ac, lo which lie invites tlie atten tion of our eilizens. In connection with he store he M ill keep n liakery, mid will iihvnys liuveon liand lull supply of Iresh bread, crackers, Ac. .1. e. H,WKM AtMFBil'M mill ('umwelOT " I S.ll.II'lTOIJS IN I1A.M f.l II 1,. KUNX. i3t I"'IJ.V, at I,ii w. t 'all and see me. Ko'ii'iiary l'Wlvl John SCUMKKlt. i I'll,,,, iintni-v nu'llitil. Alluti'.V. Oregon i,leclloiisnna eouvejiuicefi pi-oiuptly at- teii led to. 1 w. . .boxes, n. n., HOMEOPATiHC PHYSICIAN. OmCB ON FIUST STKKKT. ONtdoor wes of hroaialbln, in Rurkharfs two h orv brick un ntulM, over tiro. Tnrroirs nri itiMiii-.Nci. First honvei4toftno Jig liotist cbnivh, Al'iaiiy.or. I16v4 d. m. josrs, n. PHYSICiaN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, OUKUOX. iVh'ii i: sot 'i ll sun-; mijmi miilm stulrs. in .1 M. Item I'lHldcnci! si'i'iv' I siivet, Ciirtwrllit wnrohouse MILLINERY. DRESS MAKING, nam:' v ( iiili;rz:x FURNISHING HOUSE ! 0"2S storehonse. south ol tlie 37v4 IIMIK (?NDKK(SEII HAS OPKNFH A I new stock of mUlinerv soods, triin- imilKX, ladies' and children's furnishln(f ftoods, of nil kinds, of the latest and most fashionable styles, w hich she offers to the ladies of Allnihy and surrounding country at I he low est rates. In t he Drees Making Department satisfaction. Charge 0 i . w . ii.vrftas, m. I)., Al RAN V. oltKliON. KI'ICK INK l'HOi; BAST OF TI.I.l'. mi Fli'sl street. i.'.'si leneo At Mv. A. HacKiemiin s. i;-t UIM. W. UlUf, t). U. Ik, IMIKS ALL WOK h IN TIIK line nt his piofession in the til met hod. Anaesllietieaitents used tor i lie painless extraction ol iiesirea. Pai'ih' ulti'inlon iflveu to the regu lation of I'hlitlren'sU'eth. Itonta! consultations an I esimlnntloiig KKKK. (Miarges iiiodewte. Hatlsiaclloti ."lanniteed in evervcuse, tVlllftt hlsoftlee un I examine six'oinieu , if his worKUUUi- tiWlCK In Pai i ish Ri'ick Bioek. tin stairs. IW-HM LEITEL e MYERS' WatorWheels SPUBBICAL FLUMES, ikI Ueiiernl Mill Mnrhliier)-. ,1. K 11ACKKNSTO, Agent. 51 vi) Albany, Oregon. K, s. m in is. W. II. M'CULLOC'H. x. s. ?v Bis & Co., AVE ON R.NI AND CONSTANTLY receiv Inga targe stock of (iniMi s null ProvlNloiiN, M'ood an 1 willow ware, tolmeco, cigars, i o'il'eetloac.. Yankee notions, etc., etc., wholesale rt'nl retail, nt lowesl rates, uiiixisite it. c. Hill A Sou's drug store, ! Al'iuny, Ore.jton. $lv4 A LB AX itmm STORE. LMtllbllMdeil in IN36. 1 guarantee en I hi liberal. My determination lielnff to give satisfac tion" in style ami qualify of work and prices, 1 ask a share of public patronage. Call ar More Opposite A. Carothers & Co., First street, Albany, Oregon. Sirs. h. i. godlby, friT Agent for Mrs. Curpenler'u Ch.k- BKATKI) IIHIK! MoilKl.. TURXIXO Nov. 4, 714 TURA'I.XCL W?m mm SI f AM PKKPARKIl TO IK! AI. I. KINDS 1 of turning; keen on hand and make to nrder rawhldtylKjtfomed chairs. Ac. Sllon near the Mills ami Hosiery. Jefferson, Oris Rrm. Rraneli shop aear ''Magnolia Mills." Ailmnv, where orders for chairs, turning, Ac ea'n lie left. JOHN M. MKTZLKK. .Jefferson, Aug. 2, IS72 KKliON A CALIFORNIA UAILIIOAD J Coinimny, Laud Depart inei in. Pori land Oregon, April r, 1171. Notice is horoby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be j tnsiiinteii luralnsi any alio evury ni'mon ; who ttvpnsei uim any Railrniid hand, J by enttlngan 1 reinoving tlmliertherefrinu i before the sinuo is Rol'tiHTol tlicCinupa I ny AND PAID FIK. All vaciint ljmd In odd numbered seis : tions. whether surveyed or uusurveyed, with in a distance of thirty miles from the , line of the road, lickings to the Cnmany. I. it. MOORKS, ;Bv4tf ljmd Agent. E. A. Erceland, n BALER IN KVF:hy VARIETY OF miscellaneous bookv, sclusil books, liiaak books, Stationery. Hooks imported to order at slmrt notice. Allianv. Dec. :i, W7U. ERAXUEIX IflARUET, ALRAXV, OREGON, .1. H. 1IRHK., t : Proyrlelor, AGAIN, AT TUB OLD PLACE ON Front striHt'. nroimses to furnish all wlioii'iply with all kinds of MEATS, at the lowest market rates. By strict attention to business be hones to give general satis laulion toitll who mav favor lihu with n ealL MTHIghcst. innrket nrtee nnld for If'OIILTUY. J. B. flE"Bf aKv JOB "WflLCiOJW. HAVING Pl ItCIIASED THE INTER est of G. V. Young ill tile Deliver) RUMiiictuN, lam prciicircd to do any and all kinds of jobs, on short notice and with iiulck dis patch. Terms reasonable. Packages (( llvered to any part of the city, lmk out fnrthe BAY TEAM and JOB WAHON. i0v4 A. N. ARNOLD. FURS ! FURS ! FURS! THE HIGHEST PRICKS PAH) IK CASH for all kinds of FI RS, bv BLAIN. YOL'.VG A CO, Albany. Feb. , -7Htf had rather .stand." said he And he did stand. So far there is nothing very incredi hle in my story. But, it gets more remarkable hs it goes ou. "How do you nke jo profession?" said old Keginaid. "Well, guv'tibr." said the ooinmon man. -I don't like it noways, and that's it." "That's what?" "That's why I'm here. I Mongto a gang of twelve wot's working these purtiijut now. We eraek cribs by turns. It's my turn to-night." And the burglar wept like a child. "This. I presume, Ls Keinorse," said old Reginald. ' "No. guv'nor, it ain't remorse, it's , punk." said the burglar, i "The same thing," aid Reginald, j "It ain't the beiiig i4 burglar that I object to ; It's the havfug to commit burglaries. I like the credit of it, sir : t's the danger I object to." "I see." "Now, by the laws of our gang. We're bound to crack cribs in turn ; that is to say. one of us cracks the crib, while the other eleven stop outside and give the office. " "I thought burglars always worked in twos or threes?" said old Reginald. "P'raps I might to know best, "sug gested the burglar. "Perhaps voil are right. Indeed. I am sure you ought. W hat crib do you propose to crack to-night ?" "This here one." "Mine?" "Yourii." "Oh .'" and old Reginald prepared to ring the bell, "Please don't do tlmt. guv'nor. You ain't a goin' to give me into ciis- HHIV i ""I think I bad better." "No, no, guv'nor. don't do that. Listen tome tirst. 1 ain't going to Hurt you. it s my turn to crack your crib tO-lligut. Xow, will von help me?" "I haully see my way." said old Reginald, thought fully. "8(111, if I can be of any use" ' "Look here, gnv'tior. each member of our gang is bound to get (illy pounds worth of swag trom each crib he cracks : ii ue (ton t lie s snot. .Now I set) a handsome salver and collee pot and cream jug as came 111 here. Wot might he the value of that handsome silver salver mid collee pot?" "The cream jug is electro. The cof fee pot, with sugar basin and salver, may be worth live and forty pounds." "That is near enough. I'll take 'em Here is a tliinsvfor fifty iiukl." And he hMidcd old Reginald a bank note for the amount. "Still I don't quite understand " "I want you. guv'nor, tolie sogood as to leave your bed room window open to-night, and plain that salver and them silver traps where I can get 'em. I shall have cracked my crib, liagged my swag, and made myself sale until my turn comes round again." "Certaluly," said old Reginald, holding up the note to the light. "But let me ak how can you afford to pay so handsomely tor your depredation?" "There area dozen onus, sir. Kadi on us cracks a crib once in three months, and each swags at least fifty jioimds worth often more, but at least tliat. List quarter tlie twelve cribs cracked brought us in eleven hun dred pounds that s ninety odd pound apiece. When my turn comes 1 imy a fair price for tlie fifty iiouutls worth to the good. And forty jamnds to the quarter is one hundred and sixtv (iniimls a year. And I lives on it. Sometime it's more now and then it's less, hut whatever it Is I lives on it." And the honest fellow tooka receipt lor the note and departed. Old Reginald was as good as his word. He left bs bed room window open and placed the salver there, and at i o'clock in re morning the honest burglar came and found it. M) tar all was simple and straight forward enough. Hut now comes the curious and Incredible part of my story, The fifty pound note was part ol j the proceeds of a previous burglary. ! The number of the note was known, i ami traeeii to old JteginaM. who had to account for its being in his possess ion. .Vow the twelve burglars had. in tlie meantime, been arrested by the police (this is also incredible,) and were con demned to penal servitude for life. So old Reginald had no hesitation in stilting tlie facts as 1 have recited them. No one believed him. as no one will me. And the honest burglar, having discovered tlie whole thing, coffee pot, salver, and all. the commonest electro. was so shocked at old RirlnW' dishonesty that not only did he decline ' to corroborate his story, hut actually, and I think very properly, identified him as an accomplice. And old Reginald was also senten ced to eiml servitude, and he and the honest burglar worked for many years together on the same works, and had many opportunities of talking the mat ter over from It .social, moral and po litical point of view. Ill HOHOITS. Husbands and their Wives. Some husbands never leave home in the morning without kissing their wives and bidding them "good-bye," In the tones of unwearied love, and whether it he policy or fact, it lias all the effect of fact, and those homes are generally pleasant ones, provided al ways, that the wives ore appreciative, and welcome the discipline in a kind ly spirit. We know an old gentleman who lived with his wife over till ir years, and never left home without tho j kiss and the "good-bye." Some hus bands will leave home without saying anything at all. hut turn round at the I 1...., ....I... ..i i.isi mini oi ouservai o am wave an adieu. Some never say a word, rising from tlie breakfast table and going out with a heartless disregard of those left Delilnu. lheir wives seek sympathy elsewhere. Some husbands never leave home without some unkind look or won), thinking that such a course will keep things straight In their absence. Then, on returning, some husbands come home pleasant and happy, un soured by the world ; some sulky and surly with Its disappointments, are called away every evening floze away m sjieechless stupidity, un til bed-time. -Depend upon it." says Dr. Spoouer. " that home is the happiest Where kindness, and interest, and politeness, and attention are the rule on the part of husbands." To-morrow, today will be yester day. . "Kxtending your shop front Into the newspaper," is the latest definition Ibr advertisement. A lady 105 years old. in Kansas, has entered a claim under the "Homestead Act." "I would not lie a pig." sings a Dutch poet, "lor then I could not eat It." An editor, who has been soliciting "short articles" from the subscribers of his paper, lately received a baby's un dergarment, somewhat dilapidated, but short enough, doubtless, to meet all requirements. Miss Stevens, a beautiful blonde preacher, is creating a profound relig ious sensation in Georgia. She is Bald to make all the masculines feel like embracing her doctrines. Speaking of the danger of catching small-pox by handling greenbacks, a country editor congratulates himself that he's safe enough. Mrs. Partington has been reading the health officers' weekly reports, and thinks "total" must be an awful ma lignant disease, since as many die of it as of till the rest put together. At a trades' meeting tho following toast was given: "The Drlnter he lietits the farmer with his Hoe, theear penter with his rule, tle mason in set ting up columns; lie surpasses tho lawyer ami doctor in attending cases, and beats the parson In the manage ment of the devil." Tlie most polished man in Belfast, Me., just now Is a drv goods merchant whose wife undertook to bathe him all over with balsam for the rheumatism. After the job was well done she look ed at the label of tlie bottle ami found it was furniture polish she had been using. An Old Law. If a law which it was found necessary to put in force in the seventeenth century in Knglatid were to he resumed to-day it would cause an Immense downfall to chig nous. It was as follows : All wo men, of whatever age. rank, proles- ' sion, or degree, whether virgins, ! wives and widows, that shall, from j and after this date, impose upon, se duce, and betray into matrimony any of His Majesty's male subjects by seems, paiius. cosmetics, washes, arti ficial teeth, false hair. Spanish woo!, i iron stays, laxips, high heeled shoes. . or bolstered hips, shall incur the pen-' attics of tlie laws in force against I witch-craft and the like, ami the inar ri ige. Hsin conviction, shall stand nrll j ami void. A Qckkis Revenge Once upon a time some resident upon the line of an i Kastern road took Umbrage at his i treatment by the officers In the matter I ot a slain cow or an over-charge on I freight. Thereafter he persisted in 1 refusing to buy a ticket at the ticket- j office, and invariably paid his fare on i tlie train, a proceeding which involved Mi extra ten cents on each occasion, j As he was almost a dally passenger, j this proceeding excited the conductor, i wlio one day said. Why don't von I buy your ticket at tlie office ? It would ! save you money, and me a deal of trouble." " I dare say. " said tlie lias-' senger, looking up dryly ; "but I've got a spite against this company, and i rve uiKen an outn tliat they'll never see a cent ot my money ! " A gmve-digger, walking in the streets of Windsor, tho other day, chanced to turn, and noticed two doc tors walking behind him. He stopped till they passed, and then followed ou behind them. "And why this?" said they. "I know my place In this pro cession, " said lie. The man who owns the little farm in Vermont on which Horace Greeley whs raised, offers to sell for tlie mod est sum ot 4.000. the old pine stump trom which JI. (!. used to get torches to rent) by at night. Here is a chance for speculation. . The best definition of scandal ever given, according to Arthur Helps, was tliat of the little girl who described it thus: "Nobody does nothing, and everybody goo on telling it every where." This is better than diction ary. A Tttitsvllle wile placed a toy snake Some ! in lier husband's hoot, and then could some i hardly get breakfast because of her snickering at his performances when he first discovered it. He first looked into the mirror, and then went and threw his demijohn of rye whisky in the mill-race. He drank thirteen cups of coffee at breakfast, and for sveral days afterward astonished his children, by going to bed at nine o'clock each night. A schoolmaster on heinir asked what i snog (tor I have neen Honorary i was meant bv tlie word fortification, brought up), and 1 gets forty pounds answered "Two tweiiUflcadons. A practical man visited a peniten tiary to see it he could gather facts to ue in a temperance lecture which he was preparing. 'My friend," said lie to the first prisoner whom he address ed, did whisky, or ardent spirits of any kind, have anything to do with bring ing you here ?' 'Y ou bet they did, olfl boss.' -How so?' "Why the judge and jury that tried me were all drunk.' They seem to be converting people very thoroughly at Waterburv. Conn. The Amertam says; "Of the five lady converts baptized by tlie Rev. BaileV on Sunday, three were gentlemen." ' An Irish editor says he can see no earthly reason why women should not be allowed to become medical men. An Irish advertisement: "If the gentleman who keeps a shoe store with a red head, will return the um brella of a young lady with the Ivory handle, he will hear something to her advantage," Nan Frniidace. l)T AN EASTERN VISITOR, Fleas, Urceae, band, Grand, Gold, ' Girls, Curls, Frogs, Horse, WW), Champagne. Insane, .Stocks,