The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 18, 1872, Page 2, Image 2

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seventh IlleunlM Nfmlon.
Senate oiened with prayer by Rev.
A. F. n ailer. An invitation to visit
Willamette University was accepted.
A iietition from Coos Co. asking for
assistance to build a railroad from
oos ISay to CotjuiUe river. was refer
red to Railroad Committee. Several
standing committees made reXHla.
Tlie Joint Speolal Committee to in
vestigate tlie books, etc.. of tlie Peni
tentiary, made tlie following reort :
T'i th? IIOH'itvVe 1'irsiili-iil 'On' SriiHtr
i tlf Lcgislati r . UmnmUf i lh- St 'In
i f OregiiH :
Ve. the undersigned, yourCominit-
tee on Public Building, jointly with
the same Committee on tlie part of tlie
House, in accordance with the Joint
Resolution requiring us to examine !
the accounts of the l'eniteutiary Btlild-1
ing Commission and also those of the
Superintendent of the same, lieg leave !
to make tlie following report.
The Committee having secured tlie
services of Mr. II. M. DeFmnoit?
'resident of tlie Commercial College)
of Portland, a competent hook-keeper. 1
as elerk. proceeded to give the books, i
expenditures and accounts ot the Com-
mission and Superintendent a thorough
and complete examination. Tlie re-,
Kirt of Mr. Iter' ranee on the correct
ness of the vouchers issued and the re-
ceipts for neuiev expended, agreeing i
with the hooks kept, is hciewith an
nexed. Your Couiraittee haw personally !
examined, first, the outlay aiajexpen-1
diture of tlie 5j.iO.ow appropriated ,n
the last Legislative Assembly for the
construction of pemiaueut Peniten
tlary buildings, and find they have
lieeu characteii.ed by earelulness ami
exactness. Secondly, that the Sup
erintendent of the l'eniteutiary has
funilslied, as per pHuted reports, ma
terials, ejish and convict lahor to the
amount of 58,015 ;W. all of which has
lieen appropriately and advantageous- salaries as follows : Governor. $2,500
ly exiended. ! er annum. State S-eretary and Treus-
' Your Committee ha- particularly urer. ?! 000, Supreme and Circuit J ntl
examiiidl all the outstanding indchtcd- j aa, .(100 each. It provides for tlie
ness ot the Building Commission, i election of these Judges in distinct cla
which we Bud to be the sum of 151,- ses. All public buildings must lie at the
87S 03, as per age 12H of tlie printed , Mate Capital unless otherwise onlered
report, for which tliere has been issued : y law. Public printing to be let to
vouchers Xo. 1 to 45. inclusive. Tlie 1 the lowest responsible bidder. Provides
priirs paid for each article of merchaii-
(I'm-or labor lias !een the subject of
critical examination, and we find them ,
i,i lie the owest market rates tor tlie
ouallty of good- purclaised or ialxir
performed, and that the pnrcha-es
have lieen made with a view to saving 1
to tlie State as much as possible. That
a large portion of the same articles
could not be purchased to-day without
a material advance upon the prices;
These outstanding vouchers we
would reMrt perfectly correct In each '
and every item of the amount charged
and wouid recommend their payment,
together with noh legal interest as
would be due thereon laid State W ar-1
rautsbeen Issued Instead of vouchers !
anil that such appropriate legislation
he hid as may be necessary to effect !
this purpose.
We have also examined, in the same
maimer, tlie books, pipers and ac
counts of the Superintendent of the
Penitentiary and bad that voucher- j
anil receipts are duly filed, and all the j
exienUltnrus have beeu made eeou.v-,
micidly and with due regard itiie
interests of the state, 'lint the deli-
ictiicy in this department ainoiints to
$18,047 25, as pi-r page 4. printed re-1
xirt. which amount we recommeiid to
lie paid.
A. w. Patterson, 1!. S. Stralm and
J. W, Cowles, ('ommittee ou pirt fj
the Seiuite.
William Dar-t. Robt. (irant. A. II. 1
Burbank. Coumilttee on juirt of the i
The following bills iverelntrodncel:
To provide for defraying the exjcnes
of Coniniis-ioiier- In Ceuteuidal Kx
Msition. providnl they do not exceed
ll.UUOa year; Inappropriate proiwda
of tlw sale of the tide and swamp
lamlsin Coos County for county pnr
(Mxes ; to amend an act regulating tlie
salaries iif officers In certain counties.
'Jlie following bills were (iaMil : 8.
B. relating to tlie taxullooof foreign
iiicori)ratious ; S. B. relating to the
appointment or a Board of t sHiiiul
siouersof Immigration; S. B.auilwri
iug the Mayor of Portlaml to act as
Police Jinlge during the absence of
-aid officer. Tlie bill granting State
aid to Agricultural Society was lost.
II. B. repealing the Portland Police j
Bill passed to itstiuni reauuig. iniiie
afternoon a jietitlon for a wagon road
in TlllauKsik county, and one to in
corporate McMiunville were presented;
also one asking for an appropriation
for a college at Umatilla. A me-agc
was received from tlte Governor in re-
gard to swamp lands. UK) copier
..nlntul ..roiled. A rillllllXT of I l(lS(
bills were read the first time. H." B.
No 21. providing for tlie approprla-
tinn of Kioo.000 for tlie erection of
State Capitol building, was adopted. KitiuAV, Oct 11. survey and disposal of certain salt
20 to-2, Houltaud Tolen voting against Rev. T. A, Wood offered prayer in lands : a bill to provide for the con
tbe bill. Senate adjourned. tlie Senate. The S. B. providing for structimi of a wagon road from Sum-
House npeiicd with prayer by Rev.
P. S. Knight. An invitation was ac
cepted to visit the University. A
number of bills were passed to their
third reading, and referral. Bills
passed : One to proteil incoriioratcd
towns; in am hh na-n iiikt , iij;oii
Road Co. in the ctinstructionof a wag
on road in Tillamook Co. ; to aid hi
building a bridge across the t'mpipia.
In the afternoon, the bill granting
aid to the Jackson, (irant and Baker
county Wagon Road, passed by a vote
of 43 to 3. The bill providing for the j
appointment of a State Geologist was I
lost, by a vote ot i3 to 23. The follow
ing hills were pissed : !u lating to the
sate of Agricultural College lands: S.
B. relatiw to the ineororalion of
churches, etc. A bill to incorporate
the city of Dallas, and a bill to regu
late action by or against private ineor
porutious were Introduced. Adjourn
ed. Thursday, Oct. 10. !
Senate opened with prayer by Rev.
Father (loeus. Various committees
reH)rted. ottering amendments and
recommendations, An invitation was
accepted to witness the rendition of
Macbeth" at Heed's 0cra House
that evening, .Mr. Dolph gave notice
of a hill to prevent State and Munici
pal officer from using deadly weapons :
iiKit each other, and to detail a suffi
cient number of 1'orilaud police to
preserve order in Salem during the I
session of the Legislature. The fol
lowing hills weri; introducitl : To
protect homestead property from
forced sale in certain cases : (Referred
to select committee Patterson, lloult
and Crystal.1 a bill to amend the law
relating to streets and alleys ; to pro
vide for construction of wagon road '
from Washington county to Astoria : !
to amend the code of civil procedure.
They all passed to second reading. S. i
15. .'111. amending an act providing tor ;
a steamboat canal at Willamette Falls,
and a bill granting the State Printer i
$100 for tlie publication of tlie laws
passed ; also, the Portland Police hill
pissed, 17 to 5. 11. B. Xo. lis, author
izing the purchase of ltxi Deady's Re
ports was lost, 12 to 10.
S. J. R. Xo. i. as reiMirtetl hack by
the Judiciary Committee was read by
sections and adopted. This hill fixes
for Special session of Legislature and
fixes the pay of mcmlierfu attendance
at 5 iier diem, and officers", with a ,
ndleaim of &l for everv 20 miles ot
travel. Xo trener.ll session of this
body shall exceed '."0 davs. and no Committee bit Apportionment bill, re
special session 40 days. ' j ported the bill Imek with ametalmeiits
The ivMiits of the Committee on as follows: To give Multnomah 3
Printing, and the special Committee Senators; Benton and Polk one Sena
appointed toexaniiiie the Penitentiary ijor jointly in addition to one each:
accounts were accepted. ' j' Jackson 3 Representatives; Clatsop 1;
The Committee on Ways ami Means ; (irant 1. The amendments wercadop-
wa- instructed to report an appropria
tion hill. House bill to protect min
ing claims; to lticororate Jackson-1
ville; relating to trespass by cattle,
and regulating fences in I'matiHa
county, Kissed the senate. Adjourn
ed. Rev. Mr. Bowersox oeiiwl lloiw
with prayer. House acixptedau in
vitation to attend the theater. The !
following bills were introduced and
read: Oneregiilatiugsiilarlesofooiiuty !
Judges muhTreasiirers ; an act to sup
press gambling : relating to Slate mil
tin ; for the relief of Curry county ; to
improve Slate road in Douglas county;
n-piiring the fencing of railroads in
tlie Stale ; to amend an act to prevent
gambling: to regulate clajrges on!
freights and passengers on steamboats
and railroads ; relating to reduction of I
pilotage, etc.. on Columbia: to create
a hoard of county commissioners in I
Tillamook county; toameudan aet to
prevent and punish gambling. S. B.
Xo. 5. for the protection of game and
fish was ptmstx 32 to 10. An effort
to make it apply to Indian Reservn-1
tion. failed. In Committee of the j
Whole on tlie hill relating to common
-(hook one or t wo amendments were
adopted, and tlie bill reported hack
with recommendations tliat it ss. A
bill was introduced authorizing county
courts to levy certain taxes in coun
ties. At 2 !'. M.. the bill relating to com-
mnn schools was passed. Also, the
bill to iippoint a Cominidnner of liu- !
migration. The bill to apisiinta State
Getilogisf was reconsidered, and refer
red to old committee. S. B. Xo. 5. :
rejiealhig certain act preventing Iraiul
in elecUons, was passed, Also, the
bill empowering the Mayor of. Port
land to act as Police Justice in the ab-
tlie latter. I be Ibaise eon-
curreo ill me ameimmeiii iiutue
Senate to Die Police Bill. Tlie bill
changing the time of meetlHgsif tlie
Legislature passed 3!lto0. A num
ber of Senate bills were read first
time. 11. J. Memorial asking Con
gress to aid in the construction of a
Militarv road from Kllensburg to
, i .i i........ i.. i... .i...
Kosebnnr, was adopted. Also, to-aid
hi the crinpletionof the Mhitat tlie
Dalle. Adjournal.
an institution of learning for deaf
mutes was reHrted Iwck by Jmnciarv : cnntllocting witb Const i-
i ii tit n
Lett in the bands ot coninilt-
tee. Various bills weir reiorted liack
by committees withainenduients. Kx
Uovertior Geo, Aliemefhy was tender
ed the courtesies of the bar of tlie
Senate. Tlie vote by which the bill
to provide tor the purchase of 100
copies of Deady's (Hale was lost, was
reconsidered. A bill was introduced
authorizing the appointment of Mrs.
Mary P. Sawtelle as a Commissioner
of Immigration, with a salary of $400
for the first six months, and on proof
lieiug given that SOpersous had moved
to the state, from the Eastern States,
through her efforts, $000 more to lie
paid by tlie State. The following bills
passed : S. i. 40. amending the code
ot civil proeeduie relating to punish
meiit for the destruction of mllroad
property; II. B. 21. for the construc
tion of certain sections of the Port
laud. Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad
with amendments ottered by Commit
tee on Railroads ; S. B. 4.'foi the in
corporation of churches ami religious
and charitable societies. In the after
noon the II. J. I!, approving the I lib
and 15th Amendments to the Consti
tution of the C. S.. was taken up and
lost by a strictly party vote of 11 to 11.
The Resolution promised to rescind
the action of the former Legislature
hostile to them. Senate adjourned,
and visited Willamette I'niversitv.
Prayer in the Mouse by Rev. A. F".
Waller. A message from the Gov
ernor announced that he had signed
thecapitol appropriation bill. 11. B.
2- relating bet lie election ot Supreme
and Circuit Justices indistinct classes,
was passed Httto II. The bill pro
viding for liens of mechanics and
others alter adopting amendments was
passed to third reading. A resolution
was pi-sed limiting sieakcrsfo 15 min
utes. In the afternoon II. B. 70. to
secure the wages of laborers; and II.
B. 115. substitute tor II. II. 45. to se
cure mechanic' liens, were passed.
( onimiitee on I lainis reported against
tlie bill for relief of Coos county. Com
mittee on Ways and Means reported
in favor of S. It. 58. to encourage im
migration. After visiting tlie Willa
mette University, the House resumed
I its session, and passed the bill provid
ing for the incorporation of ecclesias
tical societies, etc. : received report
I from committees, and pending the
i consideration of tlie bill to mist; the
salaries of Supremo Judges, adjourned.
Sati khay. Oct. 12.
Senate opened with prayer by Rev.
; R. R. Burnett. A resolution that tlie
: Senate and House go into joint Con
i veution at 12 M. for the election of
Capitol Commissioners, .vas laid on
the table. Reports from committees
were received and bills referred. Tlie
tetl and the hill eiwossed. Tlie Sen
ate Bill authorizing the Secretary of
State to employ an additional clerk,
was passed. Bill were read a second
time, after which. Senate adjourned.
Rev. Mr. Burnett, of McMiunville.
offered prayer in the House. The hill
to provide for tlie compensation, etc.,
of Judges of the Supreme Court, pa--ed.
33 to 13. Also, the hill relating to
the employment of bailiffs of tlie Su
preme Court. The Canal and Link
bill was reported back by committee
with amendment, providing for the
lease of the works by the State for the
term of twelve years, at a yearly rent
al of $50,000. aiid at the final payment
the State to receive the title. The bill
was made the special order for Tues
day. Bills were read a second time
and referred. The select committee
on State Printing reported a hill defin
ing the duties and fixing the compeii
salioii of State Printer. The bills to
allow women to vote on ipiestlons re
lating to sale ol Intoxicating liquors
was defeated by a vote of 21 to 22. A
resolution vas paj-ed instructing the
Capitol Commissioners to locate the
State House on w bat, is known as ( 'ap
iiol Block, in Salem.
At 1:30 P. M. Ik- J. R. relating to
amendments to the Stale Constitution
regarding the election law, was adop
ted, (Jnife a number of bills were
read a second rime, and appropriately
disposed of. These bills were intro
duced :
By Mr. Simpson, a bill to provide
for t lie incorporation of the Willamette
and Yaipiina Bay Railroad Co. ; by
1' tfon. to confirm title to certain
lauds sold by School Laud Commls-sio.ier-;
same, to amend the law of
1 Ji incorionitliig Salem ; Burbank.
to provide for deaf mutes; a bill to
provide for tin? pnrclmse of 250 copies
of Oregon Reports; to provide for
common schools taught in Gentian
language; a resolution praying for a
mail mute in Jack-on county, adopted;
a bill to quiet .title to certain lands held
by sellers ; a bill to prevent tlie spread
of contagious diseases ; a bill to pro
vide for a financial examiner for each
countr in the State ; a bill to regulate
the ineasurenieiitof Imnberln the logs;
a ouiro provide ior tne retier ot UOV.
,Abernethy; a bill to provide for the
a bill
to regulate ton roau
I'he House concurred in S. J. R. to
; appoint time Commissioners to the
1 World' I')XH)silion to Vienna,
j The House Adjourned.
1 Monday. Oct. 14.
Senate met at 2 P. M. Much of the
; session was devoted to business of an
iiutiiii-lied nature, of hut little Interest,
i The bill to appoint Cell. Applegate a
I Commissioner of Immigration was re-
turned from the House with ainend
i incuts which the Setnte refused to
! concur in. The Senate agreed to the
House amendment lo the lull to give
i the bulge additional salary, Anin
, vltation to viit the Deaf Mute School
; of the city wa received and an-epted.
The House joint. resolution asking for ;
! a mail route in -lack-on county, wa i
! adopted. A communication wa re-!
reived from the Governor announcing
i hi approval of the hill making an ap-
propriation to build a capltol.
j Senate adjourned.
In the House' the Senate joint reo
I luflon relating to the appointment of
I Commissioners to attend the World's
F.xpositiou at Vienna, was concurred
In. The following bills were passed j
To provide for manner of contesting
elections for members of the Legisla
ture; to provide for the keeping by i
! county clerk of records of plat and
I field note of If, S. Survey : to pro
! vide for the sale of Agricultural Col
j lege land, etc. ; a homestead bill : to j
j provide for paying claim for appro-1
hen-ion of fugitives from jiltiee: to
provide for the appointment of a Slate
Geologist; to provide for common
schools taught in tlie German Ian-,
guage: lo confirm title to certain
land sold by School Land Commis
sioners; to provide for bounties on i
scalps of wild animals.
House adjourned.
Ti Kstuv. Oct. 15.
Prayer in the Senate by Rev. Thos,
A. Wood. A J. R. was' passed that
the Legislature adjourn at midnight
on Saturday. A. J. R. was also (Hiss
ed that no hills lie introduced in either
Houe after 10 A. M. on Thursday.
Also these joint Resolutions were
offered : hie praying Congress to re
move the Indians on reservations in
Oregon so that the same can be thrown
open for settlement, and a resolution
that no Senator lie permitted to speak
more than five minutes on any one
subject. T1k' latter passed, the tenner
made the special order to-morrow.
The following hills were passed : S. B.
25, providing for tlie sale of tide and
overflowed lands on Oregon sea const ;
relating to the reapportionment of the
State Info Senatorial and Representa
tive districts; bill regulating fees of
officers in certain enmities : tor the re
lief of Lane county: providing for
inlying tlie expenses of the Commis
sioners to the Centennial Celebration
at Philadelphia. A number of hills
were reported back by committees and
appropriately disposed of. In the af
ternoon II. B. 7S to protect the wages
of labor, was Indefinitely postponed;
also lull relating to divorces and man
ner of granting them. These hills
were passed : S. B. 117 to amend an aet
; organizing Josephine county and an-
nex'uig a portion of Jackson to said
i county; to incorporate the town of
; McMinuville. The rules weresuspen
ded and 11. B. HO, providing for the
1 purchase of Deady's Reports was
passed. In Committee of the Whole
i tltti Senate among oilier things report
i ed hack the bill relative to the election
of a State Printer witli favorable con
sideration. A joint memorial was in
! troduced asking Congress to grant tlie
! privilege of building a bridge aero
the Willamette riverat Kugeiie. After
I hearing report of the II. J. Committee
on Commerce. Senate adjourned.
House met a usual. Pravcr by
I Rev. Mr. Woods, of Salem. The fol
I lowhnr bills were introduced : a hill to
organize Saiitlain county ; regulating
ferries; amending general laws on
roads. A re-oluflon instructing the
Committee on Kdueatiou to reports.
B. 20. providing tor a state University
was presented. A bill amending tlie
general law in reference to pilotage:
anda bill to legalize nvi triage of a
certain class ot persons ; to purchase a
patent brick machine, with State right
of sale ; to appropriate money for the
I education if the blind of the State: to
regulate bonds of county and precinct
officer in counties of less population
I ban 3.000; lo regulate corporations,
were severally introduced. The reso
lution was offered tendering the ueof
I he hall to Prof. Rlttail, who wished
to aiklress the Legislature ou the edu
cation ot the blind. The bill fixing
the fees for official acts of county offi
cers and salaries of other officers, wa
passed. Tlie bill to remedy the evils
resulting from the sale of Intoxicating
liquors, came up and was relerred to a
sis'iial committee. A message from
the Onvemor announced that he had
signed the bill contracting for the con
struction of the Portland, Dalles and
Salt Lake Railroad, The hill regulat
ing the duties of State Printer, defin
ing the manner in which journals and
documents shall bo printed, and the
compensation to be received, WM
passed. The bill changing the boun
daries of Curry county, and the bill
providing tlie manner of commencing
suit against corporations, were pissed.
In the afternoon the House proceeded
to the consideration of tlie amend-
mervllle to the Blue Mountains
in-lit lo the Locks and Canal bill..
Mr. Simpson moved to adopt the tirt
amendment, striking out 10 year and
inserting 12 therefor, after considerable'
discussion the amendment was adop
ted by a vole ol 34 to 14. Adjourned.
Ill view of the late election returns.
London journal foresee the election
of (Inuit. The v."". says: "We
cannot regret the result." AV"ssays!
"Greeley's rase Is now a forlorn hope
and will' certainly lull," The 1'iml
says the Liberal Republican move
ment is a failure beyond redemption,
The remains of file late KingCharles
IV. of Sweden, have lieen buried at
Stockholm, beneath Kiddersholin
Prince Napoleon lias received notice
from the French Government, llwit he
will not be allowed to visit or reside
in France.
Mr. Ueiitwlck, M. P.. In a public
speech in London on the Oth iu-t..
denounced the settlement of flic ,1"
tutimi question as a dishonor to l ing
laud, it was absurd thai a rulesboual
he made and held to hind Kngiand lo
responsibility for acts committed long
More the rule had any exi-telice.
The Czarovich Alexander has gone
to Vienna at the invitation of Kmpcr
or Francis Joseph.
The Sultan of Turkey ha conferred
the order of Osiuaiil on ilie (irand
Duke. .Nicholas of Russia.
It is estimated that three millions of
inhabitants have died from famine in
Telegraph dispatche on the subject
Of indirect claim, cost the British
Government if400,000.
Prince Napoleon and Princess
Clothilde. hi Paris ou the I (Mil, receiv
ed notice to lea w France. Tlie Prince
refused to quit his native land, in-i-t-iug
ou his rights as a citizen, and de
claring that he would only yield to
lone. The Princes- was equally de
termined. On the 11th. Prince Napoleon yield
ed and left Pari.
Six hundred and eighty more Com
munist were sent from Paris in trans
(Mirts for ienal colonics, last week.
The experiment ol driving ostriches
before light buggies has been success
fully tried in Paris.
It cost ijai5.n(H) to rewiir the Stras
bourg cathedral after the bombard
ment during the franco-Prussian war.
An Knglisli church i to lie creeled
at Cairo, and the Khedive ol KgJ'pl
lias offered a site for the purpose.
The cheap edition of Carlisle's
work-, now in course of publication,
is having a remarkable sale, both in
F.nglaud and this country.
Officers hi the Austrian army are
prohibited wearing beards more than
one inch long.
PATJSYl (i.MK, h i.
Self-Opening and Srlf-CIosing
(i A T E .
Jnne i. ISW.
hen the chicle aii'inmclic- it I li-
wheelson one side idmh overs leverwhieh
is connected id I lie umc Iiiiikv My ii rod,
thus opening llie irntc iHioie ; mi ni'iil ni-i-enlnx
it open. .Vier Knlnu through, tlu
earrfnjte im-sc- over n similar lever, also
connected with Ihegn'.e hill ve, cnnsinic I lie
unte, in it- rotation, to shut iK'llInU mii
mill fasten,
No Getting Out of Your Vehicle!
Mo Utilising ol Latches Nor Pullllltf
of Strings,
Except the "ribbons" of yonr tram. It m
often called
And a OiH'ii mid Shut."
This gate Is nlmple in llneonstnirtion.
both of Iron and winuI work, and not likelv
to get out of order. If u neat, cheap mite maybe made Hsthi. villi three
cross hunt ot wood mid ono-fourth inch
wire, neatly curved at the ton, the lower
end hid In the bottom ha r. which is tho
style of a factnrv made Kale. The (rates
are now in practical ne in several of the
countlminroimd sin Emnetseo, anil plenty
of lesifmontnithi can ! iflven,
Having purchased the
Right for IJiiii Co., Oregon,
Has now on hand, an will mHminvtiire
the above itiMPrlhft'tjmtli. Whcrever'.t tin
been used It has received the highest en
comiums, as the large number ol ceitill
CHtesfroni protlllmmt fanners In all parts
of the country, now In HIV hand, will
Of All rjeacriptiom,
On hand and ininiitfnrtiui'd to order,
IIIurkHiiiUlilug mid Hepairiu;
Hone to oilier at inotit rensoniilile rules.
Shop fool of Kerry slreot.oppoiillc llenrh,
Monteiih A Co.'h tloiirlng mills. '
Album , Oct. tH, I871-SV4