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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1872)
Osf. w "it VOLUME V. !, nwi kvi i:v fUttdVi j VAX CLEVIS, IK 1EC.ISTE?. EUIODIWOC, Corn,r r rtu .' Knt V.t. TERMS IS ADVANCJ5. vcir Throe .lnltars. six uWtdYs Tni) dollar. iiuif wii!i'.V.. I'.'..'. Ton cents. vDVEH'ttslN'tl RATE I'liux .'lit advert tsotueniit, per square "f unc or i,.;S Insertion j ' HwitwM Insertion II, laapr tth.;i. I'wmenis btsurtiul on the tutwi nucmi le. JOB WORK. eh e I now lie, SvOCK of 0OI" i.i i'nv. o o.. wo m'v nivm'v 1 m extvoteah kinase; win:; Ina In fattier manner, an 1 -t:y . "."' oUounur iluw ,-. hetore "I in this i-S fit JOT i ' '. Mr. Tito fnfov i'i Bii-lmien are authorize. in fflccivr hi. V receipt foe sntisertpttons, .... BU'.,th-OwRRHwri i lUnuu Sllil h, llareislmm. ii. l. Toitiyiktn, HaiTiHimin. ivier Hnnic, Bfownsyble. w. i:. Kirk, Browtwvlllo. ,), It. U'vi-ie, Solo. T. II. Revnol'ts, satom. I, i'. Ki-ln-o. Ami Fnmeisoo, n I'. Porter. She I IVStation. pirfuhe.- Well. Bacon VWn. 1 . I'll i, X'U'ko I, .inek-ons il!o. 'SIN I- t Alt! , .M;r i:.i.i.. .i.x.u ii'll. HITCH ELL ft !V.ll'iL AttarncyM tt 'oimii-lors nt taw, i'(jj I lT IKMN ' HAN'TKV ASDI'ROj S ,1-- .11 :i, O.M00 liver the , I ,.,' ijitWe, b'runl Mivoi. Portland, Ofefjon, 0 ,ri",i,. wjh POWELL & ? 3,JX', ttorn y ,,, ' 01m lr nt l,n- 1 Mi SOUIlTOHf' IN CHAN! KR 1- t'linn noliirv pnlillei, Allwny, irejrmi. , .iiliH'tlonmind convoywioea iwour.wij lendudio. 1 ti. E8, M. !., . Vr'Kii E US vasac STREET. OXEj I. ; . ..1 Broil UU'iln, In BiiilstWf r-KlCE ox EIRST Ti:KET. t)NE.,.iH.f 1 . .. i.iitit.. In IliiiHdtart's urn . . ..rvio-i.-k minmhK,wW IH10. TMrwlls o v liwttuMit'K Etrm bon-H! triut oune ileili'o l i-t oUurt'lt. AUwny.Or. rairsiciAN amd simztQN. AMJAXV, ORE ION. IKKICE SOI TII SIDE KIKST STREET. ) n-s.:tilrs In J. M. Bwteli,s!tilthoui. .,rt(mrtt S'oo'i'l "tivet, snn'.lt Wtw Cartwt'igbl mnnwlHitWBi "'' f. W. IIARBIS, n. !.. ;:J j h'5jn ::al SiH'tfeoH, ALBANY. OtlBOON, 1 PKICE ONE DOOR EAST OF TEI.E y) iffinilt " li. e, tin It'll'! strutM. Itusiilont At Mr. A. Uuektemiw s. "- V. tJH.l V. . ! N.i Ikies am. work in i hk y Sks, line of iii- iroftsloii In 1 no M 1 .', ; tl ami m ' njitrw OTfly Anaewi'oHo wtont nJ for , , ; 3m, ox' rtwiUm 01 ioe. li. 11 lostro I. I'.n'tii -i r artoivlon (tlvoit 10 Mm 1!H 1 Inn ot '-'oi'.'- ootit. .... " iknttalPOltitllfattoiii; an I ox:ini':;:t-'.'in (.'iinraps nto lerato. saiiwiii.i .iiu'aiiioo 1 in .Mtyr.r ;: ;-;;';:; iin)oxiimlnolH"il!titol hU '"' 'm'K In Ptirvlsl, Uriels """Ij :.f:i'TEL & NYEHIC WnterWneeis sI'lilUUCAL PLUMBS. u,-iHrnl Ml" Mmliluory. j, r. BACKKN8T0, Agout, Alhany, Oregon, v s inVMS. W.1I.KWIM1I. X. ... or Btis & CO., , VEO-. HAND AND CONSTANTLY X n ' .. uu terse stock of ti.oe ti it I'wvteloiM, ,' ,,1 HlI Mill'IW WWV, to'nllMI, OiXUrV, onorv. Yankee noimns, etc., etc., uhnhUllo lowwil rotes. I', '. "I" Son's tint? sore, Albany. o,-.,'on. LBA VV BOOK STOttE. Kxtiilillslied In 130. H. li, Prccland, i vKl BR IN EVERY VARIETY OF ) ,, H. M. ionns iHWk. BOUOOI book, iriiitli ; iMKikf sUltlonery, Books imiKii tcd iooe.lornHl'nri nofloe. AlbiW.v,Dw.. . ,I. V. i ; ! BcrK M ini nucroB, ,AI.;M . : OKKGON. If V Ion" oxiK't'lnnee I" Uisoastw eaiisen M bv WORMS, iwnnot rorMMOd Jfc Htl'S. Willi" ""'"IV n.wl ihe Post otmt"- ss7 ''""" '":."';. , "a,.ibmiioii'' 4 'htirf. vttoi'K' nrsiNKss uAitns. torn CONNER, B A N K I N G- AND Exchange Omoe, nEIDHlTS REC151VKD Sl'lUECT TO cbeok ni slith. !mwenl iU'.(ivo.(1 oittiioile)io!ittn '-11111, i KxolmnKo mi Poiilan t. Fiwiolwo, i ntul Now Vurk, Por snlfliil lowosl 11110. I fbllwl loiw niti li uii'l ironi'iHv iVniillO'li Refers to 11. W. Corlmtt, Hwirv KnlUiiK, : w. . i, ie i'i. Bitntciiitf lii"'i-- froin k A. M. to i'. M. Albany, Foil. 1. 1 v. 1 JOHN SCHMEER, IH:Al,liIt IN Groceries &' Provisions, ALBANY. ()KK0ONT. HAS JtlHT OPENED HIS NEW GROCER nntaliHibuiom on enrnorof KUwortli llllil Kirs! mivetx, witb 11 1IX'1 u'n-k of I Ur) -erie. Pint tsimw, Cumllos, Olnrs. To- I mc.-o. Jtc., to wit k'li ho InvltM nio ntion lioii nt' our oitions. in eonnc 'ion :h ill 1 store liowllikel'n II IMcury, nn I trill nlwtvy haoo on liHtttl n mil Httpi'ily offronh iirea I, cruolcerit, Ao, .,7 ( 'all iini nets 1110. .mux SCHMEER Koiinuiry Ui-i4t i MILLINERY. CRESS MAKING, - A Nil" MDSES' AND CHILREIS' FURNISHING HOUSE! 'pHK rXDEUSKiXED HAS OPENED A I new sioek of inlllbll'r)' ROOils, trim, minus. In IUh' ami ehililrenV hirnWllntj trooiis, of ellkinils, of tbc lutost nntl most I'usllionnl'le styles, whloll site Oltl'W 'o the la-lies of Albany an 1 siirixniitillnjtwultli'y III Ihe lowes; rii'tes. In the Dress Making Department I -.riiainnteo entire sallsfactlon. Chnrtfes liberal, My tlittormhiation bclnst to sivo saMsfne tloii i:i sivlo att'l quality of work ami prices, I nsic a share of itilllc pal ranne. ( 'all ir store Opposite A. Carothers & Co., First siroer, Alfnnv, tlre.'on. Si us. II. V. (iODI.EV. Vtreoi for Mrs. ( 'an en tor's t'M.! D1IATKU DllKSW M. l)KL. Nov. I,7HV4 Tl'KXlXG - TH'MXBXi. f AM PREPARED To DO Al l. KINDS I of tumble! keoiion I111111I ntul niako to I , oi'tltT fttwbitle-ltoHoni" ' elinirs, Ac. sbtei neartho Mllwnnil Hbslt't'y, .lollr 'son. ore- j ! '.'on. li-.n-u-b slum near "J! Mills," Ulmiiv. ttbottt oi' .lot's for eltnlrs, tnrnlnjt, .tie., eaii he left. lOIfN M. METZDER. ! .letforson. An:.-. W7i XiTotioo. ORE! KIN A I'ADIFOIISIA RAILROAD t'ominny. LantlDuiinMntonl, Portlninl , tlixtrfim. April '- l"7'J. No'icc is bmwby irivon, iliat a vlKomns nixwoontlon will ho , ; Instltnteil a'abit any met evert person who li-ospasM's uimn any Rltllroa1! Utntl, by i iittinnnii l emovlnaftliniiprtheivfrotii j bofnrtt 'lie SHttli' iJ Rot liU'rnl ilieConilia- j IIV AX D PAID FOR. "All vacant in obi nttntmired sis-. 1 lltinti. wbt'Mior snrvuyel or tinstii'voytiit, w It bin a itlstimee Of t nifty miles fi-oni the lino of the rott'1. Ix'lontts 10 (he Coinpany. I. R. MOORKS. I ( ifjvftf Uini Agont. 'WAGON. HAVING PI 'RCIIASED THE INTER IM) "! li. W. Yotnifi in the Delivery BiiNfiiCNs lam prepared lotto Any and nil kinds of ohs, on short notice ntel with iinick dls patcb. Terms reusotiable. Piickiikos de i livere 1 10 any part of the city, Look I out for the B A Y TEAM and JOB WAOJ N. I juvf A. N. ARNOLD. FURS! rURS! FURS! rrilE HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN CASH 1 for all kinds of ri l. hy BI.AIN. toVno a oa, '72-aitf " X . C. .(y-v-. ALHAXY, OREGON, OC'l'UBBR IS. 1872. SWEPT (A'piBiARD BY A DETROIT BETORTKH. I WHS (ill tile Old H,'i'jii,V 1 :.-. :l tfipiiil svliooiit'i 1 I 1 1 1 ir in the limilHtr trnde between liuliiii'n ;iml l&gilMAY. ! wiHiuiite of lier. himI had stuck -liy her so many 't'tsKW that (lie itlt'-'t of ever parting cnmiiany gave nte a twingt' ttiiili'i' my vest. (japtaln Vtiieutinu wnj a jjrttit "I'I tlog, WJtO had reeeivi tl !:- Initiithm on a whaler. ! mailed wild liim lite sea -ous. or nnlil lie toilbtl a "rave in i.ake Kt'le, find 11,) to prlthhi a tetv tlatVfi of his tlt-atli I never lii:etv thai he had 11 tlaue-littti'. wife, sot:, or kin (!' any l.hal in the country. In the tali, when we went Into winter quarter".? as well as llie viissel, the UUStuill always uiiitle for i t'trtiit. hut I tl d not know tvhv. Me never eho-c ,.: vouiiiteer any inionnatinn in I't jill to his do mestic uiittti'i's, and I was not the one to pump lihu. 1 was therefore e'rc-ttlysiii-jiri-edoiie eveulnj;. as ihe Happy liy was lying it a infiMltH'k in Kttt iiifcluan anil 1 sitting on the mil smoking uiy pfpe, to liear a sweet voice ask"! "Is my father on hoard?" 1 peered into the gloom, and 1 saw a lad'.-on the wharf, having a travel ing bag. shawl, basket, fit.. In !mw that she had been traveling. "Aia! w ho i your fatlier?" I asked, jiniiplng off inyseat andg ting fol'wtnil to within a few feet of her. "W hy. excuse me. hut is this not the Happy Day. Captain Valentine :" It is iiiailam," l repliid. "but you are not. Captain Valeiitiue'stlaughier?" "I 'ei'tainly I am. "she replietl.laugh ii:g merrily atllwi thought thai my old captain hadn't as good right as anybody to have a liaiidsoRK' (laughter. ! assisted her over the rail, escorted her to the companion-way. ami then stood had; while, she went down to ihe old man, who was posting hi- books. I hoard a glatl shout, Ins gruff voLo asking ipie-tlons. and in a few minute!! he stuck his head out ami shouted ; "litre! you, matey come down here a minute!" I went tlctwif. a good deal ashamed of my long half, busy whiskers and sit 1 1 or clothes, and the old lyangave mean introduction. He was greatly pleased at heradvent. as I could easily see ; and while he continued his post ing, Jennie, ami I s:tat one side Of the table and talked. Come to see her face under the cabin lamp. I saw that -lie was really handsome, She had very large hazel eyes, which looked st, honest and Innocent that one cott'tl not have helped hut love the lass at lirst. She did not speak very plainly of the errant! that had brought In r aboard, hut as near as I could timlout. she was going w ith us lo Buffalo, and from thence lo some point ill -New York Slate to visit her friends. "Ah .' matey, if ye only had such a wife as Jennie would make ye. what a happy dog ye'd be !'" grow led the oid man. thump ng the table and in dulging in about the only .smile 1 had ever seen him wear. Jennie and 1 were couth tl. and Ihe old man seemed to enjoy ihe joke im mensely. "She !tfllt lit) greenhorn, matey." he continued, glancing admiringly at ihe lair girl. "She sailed with me four years afore ye knew me. an' there hint a man in the fo'catle that can hold the old Happy Day closer lo the wind, or -end herovi ra head sea. better nor this very little girl !" Well, we talked for an hour, and then 1 gave up my berth to the tiiir Jennie and went forward to bunk with the men, It was in September, and the weather was just turning chilly. I had never given a thought to head w inds, black squa lis anil bowl ing gales before ; but somehow, as I turned in that night. worried for fear that our voyage down would be, an ugly one. "Well, we were ready to sw im; out and take a tug next day at noon, anil we dropped down to the bar at the, mouth of the river and took on ihe lialauce of our cargo. We had all dry lumber this time, ami it was all piled ' up Hve or six feet high on deck. W e 1 had hardly finished loading when a gale sprang up, and how it did blow ! W e sent our big anchor down, hut, the 1 Happy Day st mined anil pounded so1 heavily that we at length slipped the 1 cable and got her back' Ulto the river ; j and we ditl not show a sir out for nearlv thirty hours. Having a pre sentiment, perhaps of what was in i store for tlie schooner and her crew, 1 Captain Valentine endeavored to per-1 siiade his daughter to go to Ray City and back to Detroit, where she." could Willie aboard as the vessel passed down. ; She only laughed at him. "Why, father. Unit's all I came for!" j she replied, shaking her saucy head at i him. "1 want to see the big while l eapi jump again, and to feel the' schooner tossing and struggling hi the arms of ihe storm !" We got outside at last, and we had .an ugly run until we picked up a tug a few utiles off Fort Huron. There was a bead wind, with tacking and beating, and -pray jumping halfway to tile topsail yard, The men of the fo'eastlo looked iip.m her a "a i-cg'lar built angel," as one of them expressed it, and as for me. why. she'd got to windward of me the vt rv first, night, and was now driving me on the rocky shore of "over ears in love" every hour. She pulled at the halyards of the big yard with the men, suug"oh hol" as they pulled, and a dozen times a day she would sly back, take Ihe wheel from the man on duty, find would hold the Happy Day so near the conipa-s point for half an hour that tlie men felt ashamed to see the schoon er "yawning" as the w heel was passed over io their care. We bad a better time after the tug took ih. and our n ip down tlnotteh the big rivers was easy enoiigh. The lean at ihe Wheel laid only to steer w ith the tug, and tile rest of ns had nothing (oilo. As we got tlotvu to Detroit It whs about 5! o'clock in ihe afternoon, and the old man called me into the cabin. The sky had a leaden cast, and even a sailor's child could i have told that an ugly storm was breeding. "Matey." commence'! th" old man, j a- I took a seat and drew up lo the I lable, "ye must take good care of Jen- ! nie. ifye don't make her a Somlhus- j baud. I'll come back and haunt ye if I there is such a thing in the book 1" "What do you mean 1" I replied looking sharply into his face to -ce If he hail not taken a glass too much. "I aiut drunk it isn't that," lie re plied, "hut something's going to hap-"-n. The Happy Day t- going In be wrecked, and you ami the girl will be the only one's saved ! Don't dispute it. because I've dreamed it three times over, and I've made all preparations. Ve'll tiud -nine valuable papers in my locker, and I hope that the girl, who seems well pleased with ye, will con sent to sail on the same tack with ye forever !" 1 laughed at him until I saw he was offended, and I reasoned with hint until I s.nv that argument? were thrown away. Then I went up the companion-way feeling that the old man Wall getting childish, and that, a season more would use him up. The sim bad just dipped lis the ttttf Wist us oil' a mile or two from Ihe mouth of the river. There was only one other vessel, anil we both stood off to the northwest on the sune tack. There was a chilly wind and a vexed sea. and when ihe shadows finally settled ami we sit our signal lights, there was a moaning and groaning which told better than a baronieb r that the old Happy Day would have a rough night of it. I'he strange schoon er was soon out of sight in the dark ness, and then we tvre alone. it was the captain's watch from t ight to twelve, but none of us turned in. The fo'eastlo men talked in whis pers, and seemed to feel thai some calamity was hi baud. Jennie was in the cabin, ami Captain Valentine paced tli" ilfrck and hadn't a word to say to any ofu-. An hour alter dark the gale breezed Up so thai I ordered the topsail taken In. The sea was coming up fast, and before another hour we went in -lays look the other tack. Mild then double-reefed fore and main sail- ami lowered the jibs. The captain did not give a single order, but .left everything tome. An hour before midnight he came up to me anil whispered Iii my ear, though no one w as near : "She'll hold out about two hour, yet utter that, remember what I told von last night about Jennie !" I had -ecu worse storms than this, I nt ;it midnight I began to get ner vous. With one more tack we had all the sea-room we wanted, and then tlie wind suddenly shifted, as it always tines before it comes up suddenly to blow great gtin. It whipped around ami almo-t died out for a moment, and then we heard It coming off the starboard quarter. ' We ,;oi tile mainsail down, look an exira turn of the tail of the tbresheet over the clew, and were waiting when I be storm struck Its, How it blew ! She went over on her beam endsatthe Hist blast, and on rny soul I thought she was done tor. She would never have righted except for the whole deck load sliding off. As the weight wont over, her port bulwarks Were ripped out here anil there, much of the rail carried off. and the shrouds of the mainmast were cut off by Mat lumber like so many pipe-steUH. At last the schooner righted. She fell off until the wind was almost astern, and then site jumped into the black darkness like a frightened deer. The cargo being of dry lumber, I XO. 7. jwammiii iiiml knew that the -chooner would not go down. She would become water-logged, but. would IiHidJ right unless driv en ashore or beaten to pieces. The waves rolled and roared as I neversaw them before or since. It was impos sible to stand tin, and each one of its clung to something, "Don't this make you realize the power of God !" exclaimed a voice in my ear. and Jennie grasjied my arm. I pulled her to me, held tip her bauds so that she could grasp the shrouds of the foremast, and just then heaitl the captain call. He was on tlie starboard side, the men all about him. and I think he wanted to consult nie about cutting away the mast. I started to cross ov er, and just then the schooner weul down, a tremcndoii- wave rushed in over her bow, and every soul of lis except Ihe girl were swept over Ihe rail or through the stoveti bulwark- to leeward. As I went over the rail into bub bling, hissing, roaring sea, I caught a glance of the girl. s.jl(, Bt00d where I bad left lirf. clinging tightly to the shrouds, hair streaming down, the sea dashing over lier a veritable angel of the -lorm ! There vetfi n wall or a shout from each of the men, as we were swept off through the gloom, and then all was till except the da-h of the waves and ihe howl of the gale. I wasswimmlng bravely, though knowing that death would -non drag me down whensome i hiug struck mo. ,'t was a piece of the rail i I clutched it fiercely, and after several trials succeeded in pulling my seif upon ii. How cold the water was! 1 shivered like one with the ague, and I tell sncli a numbness that I feared I should lie swept away. I was sweep ing along mouutltiga wave or covered Under a white cap. anil growing more and more benumbed, when I heard ihe shiver of canvass such a liang'ng as it makes w hen a hip goes in stays and ihe wind is brisk. Next moment there came a hall, "Ho! ho-o-o-o ! Ho.' ho-o-o-o!" Frightened as I was. f recognized it as Jennie's voice. I could not answer back. I was so full of water, and so cold and numb. Xext moment 1 heard the swash of the Happy Day. and sin came right down on me. her chains striking the rail within a foot of me. As the tloat was ' orne dow n. I made a grand effort, ami ! caught one of the chains and fw!ted a leg over it. Next moment I went thirty feet high (so it seemed; as the H'hoduer rose on tile wave, bill I clung first, and in a few minutes climbed in overthebow. Tie vessel was shipping -eas every mo ment or two. Lilt 1 crept forward to the sampsou post, found a jib halyard and la-bed mysell tiist. I could not see the girl, but every three or four minutes for ihe nexl hour I beard her hailing to the lo-t mariners, and felt ftie motion as she put the schooner on the other lack. H-e was beating the vessel up and don ti ;:, tlnd them. For two hours she did this, and then the storm began to abate. As the seas slopped coming over. I erep aft and gave la va great shock. She bad not seen me. and believed that all Were dead. Together we worked the ve-sel to and fro until din light, ami then wi ll. id to give up all hopes. Not one of the six men who went overboard with tiie wave had escaped his fate. I. the seventh, was there to tell her how (Hod's provide.,, e had preserved me through her heroism. When certain that the others " en. dead, I laid our course fur Toledo-, the vessel a wreck, and we finally arrived there. What I have io!d you happened a good many yian ago. and the wife there in the km ei busy at her needle as I write, is the storm angel who saved me from a grave In Lake T'l'le. -'iv-.v (tie h'ri'hil. Monkeys as Police Detectives. A remarkable -.lory eoines from lioiubav, which suggests the proprietA of employing monkey s as detectives. A Madras man h iking a journey took w ith lilmsoaie monet and jewel-, and a pet monkey. He was waylaid, rob bed, murdered and buried by a party ot assassin,. Tlie monkey witnessed the w hole affair fro-..; a tree top : and as soon as the villains hail departed, he went to I lie nearest police officer'.' station, atbatted his attention hy his sighs and groans, and finally led him to the grave of his master. He then enabled the officer to recover the stol en property from '.he place Where it had been concealed, ami then ent to the bazaar and picked out the murder ers one by one, mitil secured. They confessed the crime, and are held foV trial. A new capital of tlie State of Texas ! is'to be selected and a lively contest for the choice is going on between Austin, Houston. Waco. Bryan, 11 c.i rue, Dallas, and probably twice as many more. mm its--. i