The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 11, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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September, kept by J. T. Smith :
Poisoned. An. Marshal lost a val
uable Uog last Saturday. Somebody
has thrown poison around loose, and
Ans' dog gobbled up some of it Sev
eral other dogs, we learn, were served
Wkathf.k Bwoni) -For the month of tne mnw 11 placing ntcat.
; bread, or any thing else eatable, con-
! taiuiug poison, lor the purpose of de-1
I st roving animal life, is a dangerous
i business, and parties guilty of it are
' amenable to the law, and should be
made suffer the penalty of its violation.
Some people seem borii for no other
purpose titan to commit little coward
ly acts like poisoning dogs and cats.
'Scat! Meow!
! Hon. J. II. Mitchell, Oregon's new
unlay evening, October 19th one
week from to-morrow. Tlie citizens
oi Linn and adjoining counties are In
vited to he present awl listen to one of
sco. Mom. N. OTt. Tmp. Wihr. Wd.
1 M 4 60 j nw
1 44 SI ej n
i : n m i
4 5J h
j M 64 l
4) M "
T 4 74 fit) l e n
I M 74 66 'I e n
41 74 70 e n
to 0 81 80 7S e n
11 H SB S4 74 c n
11 fll S4 70 74 a n
It SB 76 70 6 c n
14 46 77 71 6 c n
li 46 76 fll 61 V n
tfl 41) 71 c n
IT 47 76 69 C u
11 W 8 78 c n
11 4t 8u 64 6 c n
JO 40 70 67 57 c n
1 St 60 56 tw s
SI 51 54 58 54 sw s
it 49 54 51 M sh s
54 54 65 SO a1 c n
ii SB 68 63 55 Cl s frost
45 6S ('si V c n
7 58 70 60 IS c mist
48 71 87 81 o n
19 48 78 71 65 0 n
30 45 71 70 81 el nw
.4 ; lowest on t new, .;. iiiguest temper
ature during the month on the 16th, 89;
lowest on the 14th, 54. (Hear da, vs. 19;
clondv, 6: showery, 5. Wind north 10
day, south 7, northwest 3.
Albany & Saktiam ("asai.. Some
day? ago Superintendent Jason Wheel
er, commenced operations on the Ca
nal, and is now vigorously prosecuting
the work. We believe the heavy work
commences a short distance below the
mill of Elkins Bros., and for some dis
tance the cutting will be sixteen feet,
the average for thirty-six hundred feet
being about ten feet. The contract
tor digging this thirty-six hundred
teet has been let to Mr. A. B. Morris,
for about 7,0)0. This will bring the
Canal out on to the prairie, and finish
es all the deep cutting, with one or
two exceptions, on the entire line to
this city. The Canal where excava
ted is to be twenty-two feet wide on
the bottom ; where tlumed it is to lie
twenty teet wide in the clear. Mr.
Morris has tl.irty-five hand now em
ployed on the work, and will have fif
teen or twenty wagons next week.
so that the Canal will he shoved right
along ' with 1 all '-neatness and dis
patch." '
Poutkjai.. One of the most inter
esting, entertaining ami pointed (J rant
and Wilson speeches we have had the
pleasure of listening to. was delivered
at the Court House in this city, on
Wednesday evening last, by Hon.
Thomas W. Bennett Governor of Ida
ho Territory. The audience was large
for this place, and that his audience
appreciated the many splendid points
made by the speaker, was attested by
the frequent and long continued ap
plause with which they were greeted.
The equal of Oov. Bennett as a speak
er is bard to find, and wherever lie ap
pears beforethe people of Oregon the
effect will be for good. Give him a
full house wherever he goes.
Beautiful UTwq days' ride, over j "majmial ai on mm iai..
a fairmountaln , (Jold U3?4. Legal tenders 87MSXe.
sSera'af t e'r j ',V ,rttest ,rom Sa" gives
health and ' no encouragement as to an carlv nil-
wkttt W W,e 1"'kt,s '" Mv, rl'"01 sti"
hills" thcCas t'm K"4"'- ftswtioM higher than lor
Bide rouge. the mine M'riod last year, there is not
V 1'. in uo we ml M shipping enough to carry oil" ourur-
H ' ?..!.. . plus wheat, and the urlces tor freight
eretl to their ; ' shipping at present ottering is too
topswlthdense , high to enable shipper to iay any
forests of H r : (vani-e. It hasbt stated to
and other titn- ...... , ,
Iht, are to lie j m "K" BUMn larger amounts of wheat
found great ! have changed hands at Me than could
lakes of clear : lie obtained when prices ruled 5c high
cold, sweet w-,ie fti(!iert f , ,f , f
water, in whose
that urices will rule still lower, nm-
liinbid dentlis disports the siieckled
U. S. Senator, will sjieak on the pollt-, tro tt in countless numbers. Here is I
ical issues of the dav, at the Court the hunter's paradise, in mMltlon to , A ' tte reports re, Liu-ope m 0
t- i .v.. ,tr ith., . tn luscious trout, the noble deer I a larger deficit than for Kl. until
House In the city of Albany, on Sat-1 g ew j . .
everv stream ; and if -heavier" game ,1,.,.. ,v.i..i.t . . ' .
Is demanded, black and brew.ibw I '"f mtw in hriit present grain
are to be found for the hunting, and j prices are not likely to Improve here,
even the griiralv. tlie most terrible of ! Portland prices give wheat at ifl 40
all wild beasts, is soiiietimes encotint- 1 deliwred ; Oats (1 251 SSVIOOtt:
ered. Our artist has irlveii us a scene. 1 , , , .
htdiea are especially requested to at- just at tlie peeii o day. on tlie banks ! W ,,oz cniiKeiis .
oi n nine lake, miiiiom khui 0111 innn viMig m mhuwi-h,
tlie sun's bright ravs by towering 1
rocks ami forpsr shad... i "fctM only .Me. anl X. nn.1111. Plo-
(11 a jolly company each one ntu to
ask aipiestiou ; it it was answered, he
paid a forfeit; or if he could not an
swer it hiuMitlt, he paid a forfeit.
I'at's tUKMttbu was. -How the litt:e
groiiml s iiirrel digs his bole without
showing any dirt about the entrance!"
When all gave it lip, Pat sakL "wire,
do you see. he liegins at the otli r cud
of tlie hole." One of til rest uxciaiui
ihI. But how does he gt;t there .'"
"All." said 1',-it, -that's tin question
can you answer it voui'elf?'
STt) i i:
1 ,. W Aiih
Beautiful. We are indebted to J.
Lartham & Co.. of Boston, publishers
and dealers In engravings, chromos,
etc., for two beautiful engravings, en
titletl "Tlie Cherub'' and "Raphael's
Clierub." Two handsomer pictures
could hardly be conceived, and we
shall have them framed, and hanging
from the walls of our castle, they shall
gladden our eyes and cheer our heart
as we travel through tlie journey of
Personal. Mrs. Brenner, of
Brownsville, who m been visiting
friends in this city, left for her home
on Wednesday.
las. Elkins and family, and Ed.
Freeland and family start for Ochoco,
Ina few days. Ed. expects to return
hi March.
Eph. McFariand and family, visit
ing friends here during the Fair, start
ed for their new home on Tuesday,
having changed their residence from
Seattle to Walla Walla.
Gov. Bennett, of Idaho, cal'ed on
Wednesday. Tlie Governor served
through the late war, by his ability
and gallantry rising from a line officer
to that of a General. He commanded
a brigade before Vicksburg, saw rough
service all through the war, and being
brought into intimate relations with
Grant can speak from personal knowl
edge of our chief standard-hearer in
this campaign. He is for Grant first,
last and ail the time.
W. H. Reed and family Mart for
Waitsburg. W. T.. next Weduesday.
- -
Brown and Reid heard prom.
Sheriff Allen Parker received a tele
gram on Wednesday, from the Deputy
Sheriff of Marion county, stating that
two foot-pads, answering the descrip
tion of Brown and Reid, robbed a man
on tlie highway. Polk county, on last
Tuesday. Xo particulars.
mwr Clothlnjr Slotv, Is selling mvor.llmrtn
Agricultural. Our first iwrents j n,irl Times, tie has n larw and well e-
wcre agrlcul- 1 ,1wm winier (.'kniilng,
' tnrislsHt leat 1 eneappr man any House in
they ran agar- j ,h(' '"' Give him a call before you pur-
1 in n 111 ir,
den. Adam, it
seems, was not
satisfied with
the legitimate
results follow
ing the close at
tention to Ids
a rdeu, but
erated disast
rously to him.
He was turned
out of the gar
den, and tliere-
after was compelled to live by tlie
sweat of Ms brow a thin tliet for one
brought up In such affluence, and sur
rounded bv sa manv fig leaves. After
From mum. to xe
WILSON Strait Senile Underfe.-! Sewing
.Machine Is the BEST MACHINE for all
khi'ts of work on ImiMi heavv mi l iluht
sewing. It runs easy and Is tuple: aehlld
can use It. It Is nc er out of order, and Is
garden, out ! uwsn kkauv eon bi'mmni!
tlirotlgh the ill- i I' has lately taken the premium at ;he
thuoiiv of Vxp i t"'al Nor'iiern imio state Ealr for host
iiiieiivx ui wto work done on tlie ground. Don't tall to
went into ail , hoc the New Wilson Machine, and romem
apple specula- i her that FIITY Dol.l.AIlS now Imvs the
lion, which op- , '.,l',,n ' wM. ( all j
tail dealers in general merchandise, First
street, Albany.
Dealer In
Of theliest putt ems.
And the usual assortment of fornslilii(i
goods to he ohtahied in u tin store.
Repairs neatly and promptly executed,
on misonahle terms.
Hhort rrekunlngn mnke loag frlendn.
Doe. S, lSi-l
A. Wlll KI.I lt,
iiiiEDD, ri:;o'i,
Aent forthe sale of the celebrated BAIN
Adam had been coniiatlled to give up , waook. ,i .n tini. nt icmn i tt.
the ranch, he tried poeWy, his first AI jfACHINKRY.
couplet reading thusiy :
"By Adam's fall.
Hi; ltt it all."
But poetry not proving his firrt, he
sailed into the-stock bustiies, in which
lie siicceeded. over average. But we
liavn't tune nor space to devote to tlie
flirfber hlstorV of Adam. Tlie above
Consignments solicited.
TOWN LOTS, In the town of Shedd, tor
' . .
Hollow ay 'd Oitmkkt. -Tlw astontsh
Ine rapidity with which tlil prerotlon
extinguishes pain, reduces external in-
nainmauOO, neais sores, removes eruptions
eil4mtvlng"is a Mlssourian s idea of W tumors, and cures rlienmnt ism, uives
Poniilian aftitr If was fi.nil in boundless popularity. Sold M Maiden
1 aradise arter It . w.i It.nceii in. lUne.N.Y'. Price, M cents per jmt. Ask
'h'liL. " ,or now ,yle the M ta counterfeited.
CinCTs.-The Oreat Consolidated : 3-4
Kuropeaii Jfew York and San Fran- jr" Jtr
cisco Circus and Hippodrome, coin- 1 "AWUiB.
binlng the greatest talent on the coast. 1 .On the Oth lust., at tlie residence of
w ill iierfni! In this citv on Tltesdav. ! 'e orme, ny Jtev. . u. Irvine, n m.
the 22d inst. Dr. Haskell, a member
of the art preservative, and a perfect
bt ick in his own right, is the general
agent, a conclusive evidence that the
show is first-clas. Ad. next week.
JURY. Following is tlie lUt of ju
rors drawn to serve at the Octolier term
at tin; Linn ( Vanity Circuit 0111 1 :
Thomas (iiximaii, Mathew Bryson,
W. Shelton. M. Vernon Frank Shedd,
J, W. (Joon, K. Tunu-r. Jolm Tether
w. 8, Froman. V. P. I login-. Jessie
Irvine, D. T. Craig. C. Cocliran. S. P.
nuiLi.t-liriir OU'i.h Il'lfl l hi I,.t-t,.i-
aZii. V' o A Ftsakcial r'AiLUBE. The re
Iff ft iinninfrhain .1 U i VtmntAii II
7',rT 7 n v. - l T 'lpts at the SUte Fair hut week
fe. Cochran. A. B. Morris, h. Knox, i , . . . . . . ,
! f j 1 in 1.. - 1 I amounted to lost ten dollars Ies than
A. Condra. Jessie Burr. F.N. Daniels, . . ' ., ,
nan enougn to pay me pieniiunis. 11
Nice Work. F. XI. Wadsworth is
now executing some of the nicest paint
ing ever put on wagons and aich in
this burg. Call at his shop and see it.
For Ochoco. A number of teams
and cattle passed through town en
route for the country east of the moun-
H. Miller and Mrs. Rachael Boggs
all of Linn county.
Compliments received. May tlie un
ion prove one of unalloyed happiness.
Mary Alberty, daughter of Richard 1
anil Elvira Reynolds, was born in .
I, Inn county. Oregon, July tL 187U.
and died in Umatilla county, Oregon,
Sept. 10. 1S72, aged 2 years 1 mouth
and 18 days.
Something New in Dentitrj.
DH. E. O. M4IUI, in: TINT,
UV. and lias the new in
vention In plntcwork, which 1
consists in Insertlnu lee'h
in the mouth niihout covering the whole heretofore, it gives the wearer the
wearer t he five use of the tongue to the
roof of the month In talking and tasting.
It is the Smith A PurvlriV patent.
Teeth extracted without puin. Plaies
mended, whether broken or divided. ,
34POfhce- First Street, east of Conner's
Bunk np 9talrs), Alhniry, Oregon. -7v4
Leonidas McFariand, W. Foreu, Alex,
t Jordon, L. Hasbrook, J. P. Hawk
a iid John Claypool.
111. Hon. X. H. Cranor, we are
harry to say. is again very III. his phy
siciau pronouncing liim arHictcd with
the dropsy. He came home on a visit
to his family here last Saturday, and
hi-disease assuming a more seriotis
form, lie is now unable to return to
his seat in the Legislature at Salem,
hi connection with his many friends,
we nope that a speedy recover)' may
be affected In his case, so that we may
not lose fife voice ami vote in tlie State
DON'T Bkijkvk rr. It lias been as
serted in financial circles that Brown
and Reid are the parties who spread
the dog poison last week, but we are
not of those who believe the assertion.
They havn't got down as low as that
Wheeler, at Shedd. lias just replen- tains, oil Wednesday.
ished his stock, and customers will ! m ,Z4nyJ'h LTk. -uw
find a full line of all kinds of goods at ,, . M , ,. , . .
rr " . IW.A, JfcPliersoii, Esti., a daitehter.
lowest rates. Merchaubible produce ! on.. for
of all kinds bought at highest market1 ' J .
rates, as usual. j Fresii. New supply of groceries,
etc.. icr last steamer, at Ltyton's.
The following is told as having re
cently occurred in this city: A lady
from tlie country entered one of our
grocery stores and asked the clerk if lie
wanted to purchase some chickens a
couple of them at tlie same time
throwing a couple of live ones on tlie
counter. The clerk replied that he did,
and as the tied pair showed considera
ble anxiety to be treed from their un
pleasant fix, he asked her if they would
iv there meaning would they lie a
is reported that the Society will borrow
mouey and pay tlie premiums in full.
Sew To-ltat)'.
Dead. The witeofDr. W.O.Jones
departed 'his life, after a prolonged
lllnes, on Thursday of last week. The
f une nl took place from tlie Presbyte
rian church on the Saturday following. 1 few moments on the counter until lie
.1.1 ... 1 i .1 ....
: mum aueiiu 10 ineiii. iiy mere .
Ca i.i. Mr. Chris. Bridgeturmer an- j indignantly asked the old lady ; "of
. . . - I irmniA finr rlliunfa avwvatrit-u
tioiuuvs that he has annointed Mr. A. -. -
B. Morris as his agent to transact bus
iness in his name during bis absence
in Washington Territory.
Bmick. Any amount of brick can
he obtained at our brick yards, at a
much teas figure than they have been
selling for for two or three years.
To RosEBUtXL The trade of the O.
A C. Railroad Is finished as for as
Dot Goods A large and varied
stock, at P. C, Harper & Co's,
! won't lay nowhere !"
During the great ratification meet
ing in Brooklyu, N. Y., on the 7th
Inst., by tlie failing of the platform on
tihich the speakers were, two boys
were (rushed todeath, and three others
The quality of the whisky consumed
by a Democratic editor may easily be
judged from the style of his editorials.
When he swills down a large quantity
ota cheap article of lightning he is apt
to assume a laughable and lordly air
of codfish respectability, and denounce
his nelglibors a liars, thieves and
llurgulns In Furniture.
THE I'NDKHSKiNLI) offers at private
sale all the (urn it tire, hvdding, carpets,
etc., etc., used In and about the St. Charles
Hotel, at low figure, on the most reason
ahie terms. Will sell nil to one person, or
In lot of 1HI an I upwards, on short time
with approved note. Apply at St. Cliarlos
Hotel, Albany, Oregon, to
Oct. 4, 1S7MW4 It. BRENNKK.
Xotleo.-Dnrlng m v alncnce from Linn
county, A. B. MORRIS is herehy author
ized to act as my agent, n-eci ving and pay
in ' out for me. and transact imr
such other business for me as may lie re
quired before my return.
October 11, 1874wt
VJi CtothlngandOent's Furnlshlnglioods
of all descriptions. He has also a large
Mtoek of Boys' Clothing, Hats, Shirts, etc.,
which be Is selling very low. 434
Shedd, Oregon,
Manufacturer of and dealer in
A Oo4l ArttHo r m Vntr frier.
Particular at tention paid to Bkpaiuino.
Shedd, August tMOntf
on hand- latesrt styles -and for aale
low. at this office.
Groceries, Provisions, Etc.,
of ooodt in mn Une, and tell at the lm-
For sale by ull druggists.
n4 Prlre, SO 4'rnta per Box. . lm
Piiper-liaiiffiiig, .'Hlreuilnint:,
Deforutiug, Ac.
I.v M. WAHSWOKTII will give prompr
. . attention to nl! orders for I'aper
hnnging. Culeenilniiig, Decorating. Ac.. In
this city or vk-iniiy. All work executed
in the latest style, In the la-st manner, ami
at lowest living rales. CSfiOrdcrs left tit
Furniture Warensmis of Chit. Men Icy will
receive prompt attention. 0v I
A. Cffeimi KRK & CO.,
Iiealers in
f'IlK1ll'AI. OII.4, 1 A I. "!, DTIM,
All the popular
vonoNfs penri'MKKV,
aiiSl Toilet 4Joo4tM.
Particular line and promptness given
Phyaiciatis' jirescriptions ami Family Reo
Allmny, Orwgon4vi
-ale to the general pnblir, at his placa
on First street (late milliner)' store of Mrs.
KriUgefimucr,) all the latest and most re
Also, keeps an hand machine needles,
oil, etc. Repairing of machines done to
order. Call and see.
Sept.6, lSTMiu'l
stunt ly on hand a fall supply of
Which will be of the very host quality
The highest market price paid for beeves.
hogs and sheep.
Third door west of Fern-, on south sld
of First street. J. L. HARRIS,
Albany, Dec U.IWl-JBv,