The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 11, 1872, Page 2, Image 2

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Mhn ftfljistet,
tkrvnth Hleuntal ftcatfaa.
TmrRSiuT, Oct. 3.
I'rayer w offered In the Senate by
Kev. Mr. Medbury.ot' Portland. After
a number of bills were reported back
by committees, ami appropriately dis
posed of. the tallowing bill were in
troduced : S. B. No. 42, for tlie relief
of Lane county ; S. B. Xo. 43. to pre
scribe punishment for Injuring rail
roads. The following bills were passed:
To change the mode of voting from
rira rnc to ballot ; to locate the State
University at Kugenc City ; to repeal
the act to prevent frauds in elections.
The bill to amend the law regulating
ferries was indefinitely ostponed.
The Senate concurred with the House
in the memorial asking Congress to
;ipropriate funds to remove obstruc
tions hi the Yamhill river. The com
mittee on printing reported that they
had appointed Urban E. Hick as ex
pert, and D. W. Craig as Clerk. Sen
ate adjourned.
House opened with prayer by Rev.
Addison -lones, late of University of
Chicago. A bill relating to instruc
' tion in common schools, and a bill to
amend an act to regulate the jurisdic-1
tion of justice's of the peace. The
bill to grant aid to the Portland. Dal
les and Salt Lake Railroad was read a
third time, and the question on its
passage was postponed until evening,
and Col. Chapman was invited to ad
dress them on the subject. The two
bills to provide for the construction of
a wagon road to Tillamook, were
mode the special order for Saturday :
also, the bill to purchase theMeaeham
wagon road was disposed of the same
way. At the evening session, Col.
VY. W. Chapman addressed the House
on the subject of the Portland, Dalles
and Salt Lake Railroad, after which
the consideration of Hie bill was post
poned. A communication was - re
ceived from Portland inviting the
liouse to attand tiw Mitchell ratifica
tion at Portland Saturday night. Ad
journed. Friday. Oct. 4.
Prayer was offered in the Senate by
Rev. A. Jones, of Mayneld, Cal. Mf.
Myers, from the Committee on Wavs
a, id Means, submitted the following
We the Committee on Ways and
Means, in accordance with S. R. Xo.
11, find on examination tlie existing
unpaid debt of the State which re
quires legislative appropriation to lie
is follows :
yi.t. Uenentl Fund, warcunts t7,7tl t
" Agricultural " " m W
Arc's, on hand for stm. of noor. . . Lit! U
Out. ronvi.ris warrants... &31!) 00
Anli. flled lor uoiivDViiiK
convicts to the Punt
tonlianr 1,500 (W
Alii. Wed for expi uses of Peni
tentiary ia,ir?7 ;j
Uu'.stanitinx Penitentiary Fund
warrants ln.iTi H
" Incidental " " 00
Accounts filed for incidental ex.
pwwes 4.iV 00
Penitentiary Bulldim? r,,m
Outstanding; Penitentiary Build
ing Fund warnta; S.W !
Insane Fund warrants Si,77
Aowrantson flle foroonvevlng In-
sane to Asylum and kwplni; w W
" " public priming
(exclusive of interest) 937 00
Outstanding Printing Fuiul war
rants (exclusive of Interest i 3.JI- 31
" warrants disallowed by
invefltixaliiiK commission.. 3,128 00
Tot il amount of existing un-
'Middeht 17',.C39 M)
i;.niuive of Interest due on the same and
no, let computed.
.The bonded debt of tlie Stnle, m per
Treasurer's report, is all providid for and
requires no further legislation.
The Committee found it difficult to
-.nmpute the amount of appropriations
asfced for, and they did not report on
that bead. The bill to appoint a m
,'mtoslonerof Immigration was referred
to the Joint Committee on Immigra
tion. The following bills were Intro
duced ; A bill to authorize the State
Treasurer to convert currency in the
Treasury into coin, and to redeem the
Canal and Iek bonds ; to amend the
act regulating the public printing
allowing tlie State Printer 101) for
publishing the laws' of each' Legisla
ture in some' newspaper in the State ;
to change the time of meeting of tlie
Legislature to the 1st Monday in De
cember. Bills were read a second
time and referred, and some amended.
S. J. R. No. l, wits moved to amend
ao as to report back bill abolishing
the office of State Printer, and author
ising the authorities to let out' tlie
public printing by contract, whtch was
adopted. iave was granted to the
immittee to examine toe Locks until
the Senate meets next week, Senate
Rev. Addison Jones, of Cai opened
the House with prayer, Mr. Martin
from the Committee on Elections, pre
sented a report on the Clackamas
county contested case, with a resolu
tion declaring tlie setting members en
titled to the seats. Mr. Clow present
ed a minority report and resolution hi
favor of the contestants, and asking
that they be allowed to appear by at
torney at 7 'o'clock this evening to
argue' their case, which was lost by
a vote of 20 yeas to 24 nays. The
resolution of Martin was then passed
by a vote of 30 to 15. Tlie bill to en
franchise women., utter reports for and
against were read, was indefinitely
postponed. The bill to grant aid to
the Portland. Dalles and Salt Lake
Railroad was passed bv a vote of 28
to 18. One thousand copies of the
Governor's message were ordered
printed. Adjourned to 7 P. M., at
which time the act regulating ami
defining lawful fences in Wasco and
Umatilla counties, and providing
against trespass was passed unanimous
ly. Nothing else definite was done.
Saturday. Ott. 5.
Professor Jo. Kinery offered prayer
In the Senate. A petition was pre
sented asking for revision of the liquor
laws. A hill presented to enable the
people of Union countv to change
their county seat. The bill for tlie or
ganization of the Agricultural College
was reported back with a recommen
dation that it pass. A bill passed its
second reading to encourage Immigra
tion. It provides for the appointment
of C. H. Lewis. VV. S. Ladilaud Phil
lip Wasscrman, of Multnomah, Henry
Klippel, of Jackson, and Rev. Theo.
C'oudoii, of Wasco, as a Board of ln ion Xccessary traveling ex
penses are alone allotted, the Board to
meet within thirty days from the pas
sago of tlie bill at Portland, and or
ganize. They are to have an office in
I he city, are to collect statistics, of the
soil, etc., and disseminate information
as they think proper. The bill asks
an appropriation of $20,000 in semi
annual payments providing always
the State will pay an additional sum
of not exceeding $5,000 per annum.
Requires proper securities from the
officer". A bill was introduced for re-di-trictiug
the State into Senatorial
and Representative districts, and fix
ing the numbers of eac in the Legis
lature. The bill provides. That 011
and after June 4th. 1874. tlie Senate
shall consist of thirty members, and
the House of Representatives of sixty
members. The ratio of apportion
ment shall be one Senator for every
three thousand and twenty-five white
population, and every fraction thereof
exceeding one-nan. 1 lie ratio 01 ap
portionment of tlie State Into Repre
sentative districts shall be one Repre
sentative for every one thousand five
hundred and fifteen white population,
or fraction thereof exceeding one-halt.
Section 3. Marion county shall
constitute tlie first Senatorial district
and .-hall be untitled to three Senators;
Mini, the 2d, with three Senators;
Lane 3d. with 2 Senators; Douglas
4th. with 2 Senators ; Coos ami Curry
5th. with I Senator; Josephine 6th. 1
Senator ; Jackson 7th, 1 Senator ; Ben
ton 8lh. 1 Senator; Polk 9th, 1 Sena
tor ; Yamhill loth. 2 Senators ; Clack
amas lltlu 2 .vnators; Multnomah !
12'h, 4 Senators; Washington 13th, 1
Senator : Clatsop, Columbia and Tilla
mook 14th. 1 Senator ; Wasco 15th, 1
Senator; Umatilla 10th, 1 Senator;
Union 17th, 1 Senator; Baker 18th, 1
Senator; Grant l'.hh, 1 Senator.
The muuiier or Kepreseutatlves to
be appointed at the following ratio :
Marion, six; Linn, six; Lane, four;
l)ouglas, four; Coos and Curry, one;
(kw. one ; Josephine, one ; Jacksou.
two; Benton, two; Polk, three;
Yamhill, three; Clackamas, four;
Multnomah, seven : Wa-hington. three;
Clatsop, one ; Clatsop and Tillamook,
one; Columbia, one; Wasco, two;
Umatilla, two; Union, two; Baker,
two ; Grant, two.
Senators holding over, representing
districts composed of more thau one
county shall, wlien the district have
lieen changed by this act. he consider
ed Senators of the District created Ivy
tills ail in which they reside.
Tlie bill passed its first reading and
was ordered printed.
A number of bills were read a sec
ond time and appropriately disposed
of. Some bills were received from tlie
House and read first time. 'Hie Mil
for tlie relief of Baker county remis
sion of i 1.1(18 State taxes, was passed.
Also, tlie House bill providing for the
further organization of tlie Agricul
trral College, was passed. A resolu
tion on the Benton cOihity contested
case states that June; 0. 1870, Witham
received 582 votes for State Senator
while Hon. R. S. Straluui received only
550 votes : that tlie former received a
certificate of election, but the latter
now holds tlie seat wrongfully, unjust
ly and without authority ot law. ami
recommends that the matter be refer
red to a seclal committee to examine
Into at tlie earliest opportunity. The
resolution was amended, referring It
to tlie Committee on Elections, to re
jiort next Wedueoday. Senate ad
journed. . House opened with prayer by Rev.
Mr. Doau. A Mil to open and widen
tlie streets of Portland was Introduced.
In Committee ot the Whole Mine
time was spent on the bill to provide
for a rood through Jackson, Grant and
Baker counties, and the Senate bill re
lating to tacorporadofi of religious
societies. The bitter was amended so
as to rxtentf rJw privileges of the act
to married women. The Canal and
Locks Mil, after some consideration,
was postponed until Tuesday. A res
olution was passed requiring tlie Com
mittee on Investigation of the ( anal
and Locks to procure the lst legal
opinion with relation to the validity of
the Maids of that company. The bill
relative to aid to the Trask River Wa
gon Road Company, and the joint res
olution for Stationing a revenue cutler
at tlie bar of the Columbia river, were
reported btck by committee, and adop
ted. Tlie Mil to purchase 100 copies
of Deadys (Code, was reported back,
and passed Si to 5. The bill relating
to Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake
Railroad which was passed, on motion
of Mr. Malkn y, was reconsidered, a ml
its further consideration postponed un
til Wednesday. Adjourned.
Tuesday, Oct. 8.
Senate met at 2 P. M. The S. B.
granting financial aid to the State Ag
ricultural Society was amended by the
insertion of $2,000 in the blank space
left for the amount of tlie appropria
tion. Was to come up for a third
reading on Wednesday. The special
committee- to examine Canal and
Locks made this rejiort, which was
adopted :
Mr. President: Your Committee
to whom was referred the examination
of Canal and Locks at falls of Willam
ette have visited tlie same, and report
that the wjrkls being pushed forward
with great energy towardscompletlou.
Your committee cannot speak in too
great praise of the stone work of the
loeks, as it is ot a very heavy and
durable character ; being buiit of very
large stones, mostly brought from 11
quarry on Clackamas river some ten
miles from tin) canal, though some
small ortioii of the stone work has
been made from a quarry at tlie lower
end ot tlie canal. There are five locks
iu all. each, of which is 210 feet in
length, by 40 feet in width. The lower
one is 40 feet in depth, the second one
is 30 feet- the third one is 20 feet and
the fourth one is 19 feet In depth. The
upper or guard lock 1200 feet above
the fourth ne is also 19 feet deep.
The third and fourth locks are Miilt
partly, and tlie last named almost
wholly of solid masonry, the hollow
quoins beUig supported by counter
forts of solid masonry 12x15 feet at
the top and 10x23 feet on tlie bed
rock. ;
The breast walls are built of very
heavy stones six feet long in the mid
dle of tin- arch and decrease at the hol
low quoins voters I hey rest against tlie
natural walls of tlie canal, or counter
forts to 3 and 4 feet in thickness, and
are of sufficient strength to resist any
pressure of , water when the gates are
closed, however great it may be. The
division or section of the canal between
the fourth mid guard locks lias a solid
foundation built of stone on tlie bed
rock, mid rising to within one foot of
the bottom of the canal, 011 which is
to be built timber work and securely
fastened by iron rod- to the bed rock,
the rods to be inserted two feet deep,
tlie lower end being split and an iron
wed ire inserted securely fastening tlie
same when driven to the bottom of
the bole drilled iu the rock for that
The timber work is to M' faced on
the canal side with tour inch, and on
the river side with three inch plank,
and tlie inside or crib is to be filled
with stoile from the work.
Tlie upper and last section of 1.000
feet in length above the guard lock Is
nearly completed, and is built of tim
bers asjustelcscrihed. and is built of
various sections with different angles
so as to be 011 the bust foundations,
and give tlu: greatest resistance to the
water. Tlie upper portion of which
about 400 feet forms a kind of a basin
at the upper ent'iinee. being iu width
from 130 to 300 feet. The excavation
save the last 100 feet at tlie lower end
of the canal is nearly completed. Tlie
engineer employed on the work seems
confident tint tie will complete all the
work above'tlie fourth lock by the 1st
of November and complete the locks
bv the 1st of January next.
Tlie following bills were introduced:
For the relief of Jesse B. Stump, of
Baker county; to amend an act to
provide a code of civil procedure ; to
protect tlie forced sale of homestead
property ; fb Incorporate McMinnvllle.
The bill authorizing the Governor to
appoint 10.4.. Appicgale a- a Commis
sioner Ot Immigration was passed ;
also, tlie Mil providing tor an election
ill Union county to re-locate the county
seat. A number of House bills were
read and referred. A resolution in
structing the Committee of Elections
to report 00 tlie case of Witham vs.
Stratum tixmori-ow, was lost, 11 to 11.
Senate adjourned.
House met at 2 P. M. A resolution
was passed appointing a committee of
three to Investigate certain charges of
urtDery relative to tne advocacy ot the
Canal and Lock , bill. The bill rela
tive to female suffrage was reconsider
ed, and the amendment allowing them
the privilege of voting on all temper
ance questions was adopted. The bill
was tlien referred to a select commit
tee of three.
The bill providing for tlie incidental
expenses of the Justices of tlie Su
preme Court, was referred to a special
committee. The Canal and Locks
bill was taken from the table and re
ferred to a select committee. Tin?
joint select committee to examine the
Canal and Loeks presenU d a report
which was laid upon the table. In
committee of the Wliole. the House
considered the bill granting bounties
for scalps of certain wild animals.
Amendments wen; made, and bill re
ported back to the Senate A memo
rial relative to the lack of harlwrage
on the Pacific Coast was read ; also, a
bill asking aid from Congress In the
construction of a wagon road and tele
graph line from Portland to Astoria.
The following bills were assed : Bill
relative to the rights of married wo
men hi the possession of property ; S.
B. requiring tlie recording ot patents,
decrees, etc.; H. B. for tlie relief of
Dr. J. C. Hawthorne was made the
special business tor Thursday at 3 P
M. Committees made their reports,
and House adjourned.
At Macon, Ga on the 2d Inst.,
a riot occurred at the polls between
the whites and the blacks resulting iu
tlie killing of one white man and the
wounding of five or six negroes, two
ot whom died. The whites say tlie
negroes originated tlie disturbance,
and the negroes claim that they were
driven from the polls by violence, and
could get no chance to vote. Later in
the day tlw latter refused to vote when
guaranteed protection by the Mayor,
and went to their homes.
N. P. Banks has 'been nominated
for Congress by the Cliappaqnaeks of
the 5tn Congressional District in Mas
sachusetts. Major Reese, nephew of Senator
Sherman, is said to lie a defaulter to
the Government to the amount of $4.
000. Sherman was telegraphed to
abMit it and responded that the Gov
ernment should prosecute him.
Liebcr, the well known publicist of
New York city, died of lieart disease
on the 2d Inst.
The straight out Democratic Con
vention of New York met in Albany
011 the 3d hist... and nominated a full
electoral ticket. Peter Gilsey, John
A. Goodlet and Peter Sprague were
also nominated for Congressmen at
Senator Wilsou addressed the largest
political meeting ever assembled at
Dayton, O., on tlie 3d.
A girl died in two hours from the
bite of a rattlesnake at Williams, Iowa,
The largest Republican demonstra
tion of the campaign was held at In
dianapolis, Intl., on the 3d.
The annual St. Louis Fair opened
on the 3d Inst.
At Lyons, New York, a farmer's
team ran away and killed him. A
relative in the afternoon, driving an
unruly team to town for the purjiose
of procuring a coffin tor tlie deceased,
in crossing the railroad the wagon was
struck by tlie locomotive of a iassing
train, killing tlie two horses, and
throwing tlie locomotive and two or
three cars into a ditch.
Rev. Benjamin R. Hoyt. the oldest
ordained Metliodist minister of New
England, died at his residence at Sa
lem. Mass., 011 the 3d Inst.
Oliver E. Dalton, late of the 2d Col
or lo Battery, choked to death at Ev
ansville, lud., Oct, 3d, on a piece of
The Secretary of the Interior lias
concluded to purchase tl e square of
ground north and south of the capltol.
The front Street Theater. Baltimore,
was struck by lightning on the after
noon of the 7th, during the rehearsal
of the "French Spy." tearing the roof
In fragments, and slightly stunning
Stories of Tweed' flight were again
current on the 8th.
"What a nuisance!" exclaimed a
gentleman at a concert, as a young
fop In front of him kept talking in a
loud voice to a lady at his side. " Hid
you refer to me, sir?" threateningly
demanded tlie fop. " Oh, no ; I meant
the musicians theje. who keep up such
a noise with their Instruments that I
can't hear your conversation," was tlie
stinging reply.
Of the 120 ministers present at the
North Ohio Conference, tlie vote stood
11!) for Grant ami 1 for Greeley.
Gulzot is furnishing fuel for a relig
ions excitement In France.
A woman1 In Llei.z, Germany, be
came so extremely pious that she mur
dered her five children to make angels
of them.
St. Peter's cupola at Rome has gone
into a decline.
A small orange grove at Palatka,
Florida, recently soul for $7,000.
A Michigan man's thirty plum trees
netted him sixty bushels of plums this
The largest watermelon on exhibi
tion at the Pulaski (Tennessee) fruit
exposltlati weighed 112 pounds.
The wild plum crop is immense in
the Missouri valley.
Self-Ofcning and Self-Cloainff
June 4, 1S67,
1 when the vehicle H)ruu(.'lie it tliv
wliivlx on one side iws over n lever wbleli
is eoiincvteu lo the (ale hlnjiclij urc'..
thus oH-iiiiij.r tlie gate before ynn nnd 11
oninx it open. Alter Bnin tlirotmti, the
Damage passes out h similar lever, also
connected with tliejrMte htnav, causing 1 be
Katu, In its rotation, 10 shut hehiml 31m
mid fasten.
No Getting Out of Your Vehicle '
N Raising of Latrhe Nor Pulling
uf Strings,
Kxeept the "ribbons" of your tinni. K
often called
And a
" Dead Open ami Shut."
This Kate is simple m Its construct !ol,
lsitli of iron and wood work.snd not likely
to Bel out of order. If a neat, cheap '-'u'i, may heinr.('.elUht, with I It.
cross ours ot wood and one-fourth Inch
wire, neatly curve t ut the ton. the lower
end hid lit the bottom bar, which is tlie
style of factory uiude irate. The snittw
tire now in practical use in several of the
counties around San Francisco, it ml plenty
of testimoninalscan lit- triven.
HuvliiK purchased the
Riglit for I. in n 0., Oregon,.
Ilns now on hand, and will nianufact uri
the niiove dascrllssQKnfe. Wherever ft han
lieen used it has received the hhrhest en
comiums, as the larae nmnoer of trt.irt
rates from prominent farmers in all run,
of the country, now in my hands, will
Of All Descriptions,
(lu hand and manufactured lo order.
Blaeksmitlilng and Repairing
Done to order at most reasonable rali.
Shop foot of Kerry street, opposite licacb .
Monteith A C'o.'s flonrinu ndlls.
Albany, Oct. 88, HJ7I-8H
.101$ I'KINTLVO.
latest and most Desirable j
Style if
I- undoubtedly
When you wish
Posters, or
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Ball Tickets,
But why particularize, when-it is gen
erally acknowledged that we are
When It comes under the heid of
K m
Car' t'omn Iosco us, oucV'