. s ALBANY REGISTER. rr, sB 5 IO Kcvenl'Ii Bleaninl BewHW. WKPSKSDAY. Sep. 18, ' Senate was oxmo1 w ith prayer by Rev. J. I.. Parrtoh. it w antmnmsmi that V. T- White hud been appointed Enrollment Clerk, ami W. A. Ilol brook Enjrrosslng Clerk. Senate Bill '.. relating to elections, was ordered flrlnted. S. B. 10. to provide for a wagon road from Jackson to Grant and Baker counties, took the same course. Mr. Baldwin introduced a bill to appropriate $10,000 to construct a wagon road in Grant and Baker counties. Mr. Wester introduced a bill relating to assessors : also, to amend the act relating to rights of married women. Mr. llanua. a Ml) to amend the act creating the offloa of Register of Lands at Ta Ornnde. Mr. Bald win introduced S. J. R. (. submitting amendments to Stat Constitution. Provides the Governor's salary to he ftMOO; Sec. of State. $2,000: Chief Justice of Supreme Court, $3. WO ; As sociate Judges, ?:i.(XiO; numbers ot tlie Legislature ." per day and $3 tor every 20 miles traveled in going to and returning from each session j tlie j presiding; officer of each branch of the I Legislature to receive $7 per day : that I tlie State debt shall not exceed $260,- j 000. except in case of war m invasion, j Ordered printed and made special or- j der for the 28th inf. Tlie House joint j resolution relieving fudge MeArthur from the duty of, holding court In Grant county tHs fall, came from the I Hon-, and the Semite paed it. In j the afternoon it was announced that ! II. K. nanna had been appointed Clerk of the Judiciary Committee. A aiotion to admit Mr. Mosber, ex-Sena-ror from Douglas county, was lo-t. A bill was Introduced for the relief of Baker county. Senate adjoin net House opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Wood, of Dayton. A resolution in respect to ;he memory ot lion. !. Rader. deceased inenilier of the last House of Repre;enta!ives, was Intro duced by Mason, and passed. The following bills were introduced! to rejfulate holding of courts ; to in corporate I-afayette ; to regulate trials lor divorce ; to rejieiil sections of the civil code : to provide for bounties on scalps on wild animals ; to provide for mechanics' and iaooren' liens; to a.uend the act regulating criminal and civil procedures in Justice's courts : to incorporate Ro-eburg. All pased fo tlieir second reading. Mr. 'rawford gave notice of a rule to provide that nothing -houid lie printed without a necial oilier -i i ilefl to carry then tor want of a two-third vote. Mr. Burbank offered the following: ,'olvW, That tlie Committee on Pui lic Buildings is hereby instructed to proceed with the. investigation of the books and account and ct'ieiHes of tlie Commissioner:? on Penitentiary Building and report to the House at as early a day a- practicable, and that the Committee lie empowered to employ a cierk. Adopted. A joint .resolution relating to coni plaiuts Against Steam Tug Astoria, and empowering Committee on Com. merce to Investigate, was adopted. A joint memorial asking aid from Con gress to remove obstructions trom Tua latin river. wa referred, Two btuv dretl copies of the mechanics' and !a Iwreis lieu bill were ordered printed. The joint resolution reSeiiHHng the action ot the la t Legislature as relat ing to tlie 14th and l."th amendments wic adopted by a vote of ;W to 15. House agi'etnl hereafter to meet at 10 A. M. ami 1:30 P. M. THUiMuv. Sep. l.i. After prayer in the Senate by Rev. Mr. Wood, of Daypm. Mr. Webster presented a petition from ' loo enmity, asking for internal improvements. A report on mileage was presented. Tlie following disposition ws uwde nf the Governor's message: That orti(Ni relating to apportionment to n meei committee; State Geologist, to com mittee on Mining; State luxation, to committee on Ways and Means; State Lands, to committee on Public Lai.ds; itotnl of School I,and Commissioners, Public Instruction ; Agricultural ( ol lege. Mute and Blind School?, to com mittee on Education. Hon. .lames II. Slater and Hou. H. W. Corliett. were Invited to seats within tlie liar ot the Hen,!!,.. TM, bill asking for a remittance ot'f'HH. 314 State tax was read a second time and referred. The joint resolution ot the House relating to complaints against tlie steam tng Astoria, was concurred in. In the afternoon. S. B. 17 was introduced, to regulate taxation upon foreign insurance corporations doing business In tlie State. Also, a bill to regulate tlie traveling and Inci dental expenses of Judges of the Su preme Court, which was referred to Judiciary Committee. Tire House Joint Resolution in regard to the 14th and 16th Amendments was taken up.. and on motion made the special order of Friday. Oct. 4th. A ioint resolu tion that rt committee of both houses he raised to go to Oregon City and examine and report upon Canal and I?H'k;, was passed, and Messrs. Bris tow and Myers were appointed. Mr. Fay introduced a bill providing a spec ial election for State Printer. Novem ber 5th. Iii tlie Howe in the morning. Mr. Patron Introduced a bill to amend the soUlier's bounty ; also, a bill to pro vide for the construction of a capital building, appropriating 100.000. Amendments to rules 20 and 21 were asked to he actiil upon to-morrow. Amendment to rule 43. providing the printing of hills. ec. should not lie done without a direct order from tlie House, was passed 81 to 17. A Mil to amend sec. 35. chap. 14. title 3. Gen eral Laws, was introduced by Simp son ; also, a hilfto provide eriiianent location of State Agriffltlttiral College 100 copies ordered printed, with re port of Commissioners. A bill to regulate fences in Umatilla county was offered. A joint resolution to examine into the State printing, and with power to employ an expert, was passed, 33 to 10. The House concur red in the Senate resolution to visit and examine ( anal and Locks at Ore gon Citv. by committee, and appoint ed Messrs, Powers, Cooper and Wal dron. Adjourned, FitiD.VY, Sep. 20. Rev. Mr. Campbell ottered prayer in the Senate. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Bristow mtil Monday. Brown ot Baker gave notice of a bill to provide for a Deaf Mute School. A number of bills were read and refer red. After dinner Messrs. Brown, of Baker. Hoult and Crystal were appoint ed a select committee on apportion ment. A hill to locate permanently the State University was presented. A message from tlie House announc ing the adoption of the II. J. R. Xo. S. providing for a joint committee on public buildings, was concurred in by Senate : also, announcing theadontion 0f the joint Memorial asking Congrt; for an appropriation to improve Tua- j titan river, was concurred in. Tlie resolution authorizing the committee ou State Printing to employ an ex jert. wis taaen up and discussed, but nothing was done with it. The pre amble was opposed bevanse it charges fraud upon the State Printer. In the House the memorial asking Congress for aid forthe Tualitaii river. Was adopted. Ameiiduient to rule 2(1 was lost; to rule 21 wa adopted. Parts of tlie message wen1 referred. The resolution for a joint committee on Public Buildings was adopted. The following hill was introduced by Cougle, a bill to amend tin; act relat ing to assessment and collection of taxes : Biles, to amend flic act incor porating Cast Portland ; Stoft. to pro teCt incorporated towns ; Simpson, to I proviile for election or Supreme and Circuit Judges in distinct classes ; La Dow. to provide for purchase of cer tain wagon roads in Oregon ; same, for relief of Umatilla county ; Cor win. to aid in the construction of a wagon road from Tillamook to the Willamette valley ; Corwin, toabolish the grand jury system. That part of the Governor's mes sage relating to clerical force in the various State departments, was on motion referred to a special commit tee ot three with instruct ions to exam ine fully the work performed and com pensation allowed by law therefor. .-Hid the amount (Mid on Account there of, and report to the House whether any Legislation Is required in regard thereto, fatton, Collier and Sheltou appointed. SATt llDAY, Sep. 23. Rev. L L. Powell opened the Sen ate witlj prayer. The bill to provide a road through Jack-on. Grant and Baker counties was reported back with amendments; also. S. JJ. No. 1, in re ference to public roads. Tlie Joint Committee on Public ftuDUuiga was instructed to examine the books and papers of the Knperluteudaut of the penitentiary. Senate hills ,o. 13. it. 15 and I';. w-re reiu a second time and referred. S. B. Xo. 1. relating to ptiblie muds, was referred to com mittee of the whole. Bill relating to the appointment of an expert to ex amine the state Piintincr was mnita the ipedal order of Thursday follow lug. The Prebletitappoinkd Messrs, I IMph and Tolen joint committee on! iuunigritlon The House havimr<.l ed to concur in relation to appointing a committee on apportionment, the Senate appointed Cornelius and Myers u coiner v, nil me House committee upon the subject of tlie difference lie- ! tweeu them. Fifty joint rules were inwrco primeii ior UH! use 01 tlie Senate. Adjourned until Monday. Rev. P. S. Knight opened the lloiise with pmyer. A motion to adjourn until Monday was lost. The bill for regulating ferrfeswas onleredengrossed ami to be read a third time ou Mon day ; also, tlie bill for changing the times and places for holding courts in the Fourth District. The House con curred in the S. L R.. directing the Committee On Public Buildings to ex amine books, etc of the Superintend ent of the Penitentiary. A resolution by Mr. I.a Dow directing the Com mittee, on Elections to report to the House nil paper anil evidence pertain ing t the Clackamas county contested seats, was laid on the table. A joint resolution directing the Secretary of State to pay (he mileage of the mem bers to and from their places of resi dence, passed Unanimously. The Committee on Judiciary was empow ered to employ a clerk. A bill to in corporate Forest Grove, and one for tlie relief of Umatilla county the lat ter providing for tlie remittance oi &!5,KX) line the State and appropriat ing Sfo.OtiO tor the benefit of the school fund, were introduced. Mr. Cougle was granted leave of absence, A mo tion to adjourn until Monday was Inst, In tlie afternoon Messrs. Allen ami Johnson Were absent. The bill pro viding for a State Capitol building was read a second time, and referred ; also, the bill relative to volunteer bounties; also, the bill providing for the election of Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, and the hill making an appro priatloii foi Itosebnrg. The bill regu-1 fating the times and places ol holding ; Circuit and County courts came up for a third reading, and was referred to a : special committee, consisting of Glu gles, Clow and Cables. A bill author-! izing the State to loan certain parties , $10,000 tor the purpose of building an Academy ai La Grande was Introduced, , and Kissed to a second reading. A. J. B. was ottered in-tructing the Ju diciary- Committee to report whether in tlieir opinion any legislation could be made to regulate the tariff charged on freight and passengers by corpor ations now navigating the Columbia river, and if the committee think such legislation constitutional, it be directed to report a bill for that pur pose, Adjourned. Moxdav, Sep. 23. Senate met at 2 P. M. Several com mittees to whom bills had been refer red reported tiiein b.u k. with recom mendations. The following bills were introduced: Mr. BrKfow, to amend an act to prevent frauds in elections; Mr. Watson, to dispose of the title lands in Oregon ; Mr. Dolph, to pro vide for a record of patents; decrees. conveyances, etc.; Web-ter to regulate civil ami criminal procedure m jus tice's courts, 'file bill to locate tin State University at Eugene was read a second time, and referred ; Senate bill IS, to pay $1,000 per annum for the traveling and incidental expenses ot Supreme Judges, was passed, A message from the House announcing the adoption of the H. J. R. in rela tion to mileage of members, was re ferred to Judiciary Committee, A message was received from the Gov ernor announcing that be had signed the bill to relieve Judge" MeArthur from holding court in Grant comity for 1872. Adjourned. In tlie afternoon tlie House opened with prayer by Rev. A. F. Waller. Quite a muni erof bills were reported back from committees. A joint reso lution to reprint 200 copies of tlie laws of 1K and provide each member a copy, was referred to select committee Andrews. Patton and Corwin. Va rious hills jiast to a second reading. 1 lie following hnls wire introduced: To amend the law relating to the du ties, compensation, etc.. of the State Treasurer ; to aineud the act regulat ing fees ; to protect out-door religious worship ; to authorize the loan of $10. 000 to create two academies In Uma tilla county. .Notices 0f a number ot bills having been given, the House ad journed. TriMi.vv. Sep. 24. Senate opened with prayer bv Rev. S. c. Adams. A number of bills were reported back by Committees. Mr. Watson introduced S. li. Xo. 2.". to provide for the sale of tide and over flowed lands; a No, a bill to amend the act to provide for the construction of (lie (.'anal and Locks at Willamette Fall; Mr. Stratum, a bill to authorize the Supreme Court fo appoint one or more bailiffs roles suspended and the bill passed. The bill to provide tor (be construction of a wagon road from Jackson through Grant and Baker counties, was passed. 25.000 is ap propriated for if. The bill to define IsMindarii's of (Innit county was pass ed. At 12 o'clock the Senate proceed ed to ballot for U. S. Senator : Mr. Cornelius nominated John II. Mitchell. Mr. Bristow nominated II. W. Cor liett. Mr. Hoult noniinati'd ex-Governor Wliiteaker. Mr. Brown of Baker, nominated J. If. Slater. Mr. Myers nominated J. W. Nes mlth. The roll ieiiig called the vote stood as follows : For Mitchell Messrs. Brown, of Marion. Cornelius. Cowles, Dolph, Hamiali, Moores, Powell and Watson . For Corliett Messrs. Bristow, Crys tal and Webster-3. For Slater-Messrs. Baldwin and Liciiailen a. For Whiteaker-Messrs. Ilou't,Mon- foe, Patterson and Stratum I. ! For Xesmitli Messrs. Crawford, Myers and President Fay 3. There being no choice the Senate adjourned till 2 P. M. In the afternoon th prlate $li,000 for mill bill to appro ge of members passed. In the House in the momlnff Mr. Burbank w as called to the chair, it was moved to vote for 1'. S. Senator at 12 A. M. The bill to purchase the Meacham, Canyon and Bine Mountain agon road, ou second reading was referred to a select committee of three -Messrs. Cooper, LaDnu and Thornbnry. The select com mittee to whom was ii ferred the bill to provide aid for the Portland, Dalles and Sail Lake Railroad, report ed it kick withameudmeutvaiKl rec ommended its passage. The amend ments were adopted, and thi' bill was ordered engrossed and printed. The resolution to vote for V. S. Senator at 12 M. was reconsidered, and the hour 3 P. M. selected. The bill to amend tlie charter of Jacksonville; to amend the act relating to the holding of prop erty by aliens; to incorporate the town oi' Forest Grove, were- severally passed. At 3 o'clock P. M. the House pro ceeded to vote for U. s. Senator, the same persons having been put in nom ination, as in the Senate. The follow ing is the vote : For Mitchell Messrs. Biles. Bushy, Barln, Crawford, Corwin, Cooper, Cougle, Caples. Darst, Downing, F.n gie. (i ingles. Harrison. Hirsch, John son. Langell, Matlock, Martin, Pow ers, Patton. Simpson, Thornbury, Walker. Washburn and Speaker Mal low 25. For Corbett Messrs. Allen. Bur bank. Collier, Riley, Riddle. Stotland West-7, For Slater Messrs. Andrews. Blnke iy, Cninor. Cumin, LaDow, Onsteln, Stephenson. Sheltou and Wright 9. For Wliiteaker Messrs. Crooks, Mason and VVillonghby 3. For Xeamitll Messrs, Clow, Grant, llodgkiu-, Wnldroii and White 5. Wvuvpsniv Sen "l.Y . . ......... ..... In tlie Senate the following bills were introduced : Mr. Bristow, to amend the act to prevent fraud lu elec tions; Hannah, fo amend the act to appoint a Register of State Lands at La Grande 100 copies ordered print ed j Cornelius, fo designate the Pacific University at Forest Grove, as the state Uuiversity appropriates $10,000 100 copies ordered printed. S. B. N'n. 5, to protect fish and rame. was read a third time and passed. At 12 o'clock the Senate proceeded to the Hail of the House, and voted for U. S. Senator. Fay presiding, as follows: For Mitchell Brown of Marion, Hannah, Moores, Powell, Watson, Biles, Earin, Bush v. Crawford, of Clackamas. Corwin. Cooper, Congle, Caples, Darst, Downing, Fugle. (Sin gles, Harrison. Hirsch. Johnson. Lan gell, Matlock. Martin. Powers, Patton. Simpson, Thornbnry, Washburn, Cor nelius, Cowles, Dolph, and Speaker Malloiy-32. For Corbett Bristow, Crystal, Web ster. Allen, Burbank. Collier. Riley, Riddle. Stott, West, Walker 11. For Slater Baldwin. Brown of Ba ker. Liciiailen, Myers. Andrews. Blakely, Cnrran, LaDow, Onstein, Sheltou. Wright 11. For N'esmith Crawford, ol Linn, Clow, Uodgkins, White 4. For Whiteaker Hoult, Patterson, Stratum. Crooks 4. For Prim Tolen. Crannr. Grant. Mason. Stephenson. Waldon. Wil loughbv and President Fay S. For Gates Monroe. The convention adjourned by a vote of 38 to 33 ; the Democrats and Cor bett men voting for the adjournment. In the afternoon, a petition was pre sented from citizens of Union county praying for a change of Hie county seat from La Grande fo Union. Tlie II. J, R. in relation to Indian hostili ties was received, read and adopted. After various bills were amended, and other routine business Attended to. Senate adjourned. Rev. Mr. Stewart offered prayer in tlie House. A remonstrance from the citizens of Lafayette was presented against granting it charter of incorpo ration tor said town. A petition for aid in the construction of a free wagon road across Blue Mountains, was pre setlted. A petition in relation to tem perance legislation was presented. Mr. bttrinuk gave notice of a bill relating to Incorporations; Caples, relating to the Agricultural School Lands; also, to the appointment of a State Geolo gist. The following hills were- intro duced : By Mr. Corwin. a bill to amend the statute relating to certain privileges of citizens ; Mr. Martin, to amend the law regulating the appointment of road supervisors ; Mr. Johnson, a joint resolution relating to Indian hostilities in the State ot Oregon adopted ; Darst, a bill ainendingtne act relating to taking up estrays ; La Dow, a bin on the same suhjeet; Mr. Patton, a bill authorizing the Secretary to sell certain copies of the Code at $3 per copy. Reports of committees consumed the greater part of the afternoon. A bill was introduced by Cogle. lor the relief of Dr. J. C. Hawthorn, and Sve notice of a bill to supply Port id with water. Adjourned. T tlA'l K. KI'c Sclf-Opoaing auti Sc'f-Oiostutf G A T E . PATENTED BV JUItN DH'KAtuM, June t, IItT. 'j KE liATK IS so IXiysTBt'CTED That I wliei! Hie vehicle it!l)M1WCbC !t I lit wlmets on oiia si le ociir a le et a'bleti Is eonnecte'l to tlie iiae Idaire ny a Hul, t tins meninx tlu- xwle maViin on innl ftiSt enimt li open. After .ofiia ihw ".di, .lie otiiTMtte paissos ever n similar lever, h.ni eontieelO'l with i liejwte hlnw, ini.-hi.' : ho tfiile, in its rotation, to slim ln hind yen nil 1 l'ttslen. No Getting Out of Ycur Vehicle Raiting uf J.hSc lies Nor Palilntf Of Strings, Except the -rili'ions" ot' your tem. onen called THK "LAZY IHAK'H GATB.' And ii "?ntf Open assd fii2tt g This sii'e is stnuile in Itseotistrnctlot, belli ot iron nnil wen ) v. i)rk,lili(1 not likeiy t o got out nf order, li a neat, cheap i '- isdesiivi.il may lie made llaht.wl h three cross liars ot wood and one-fotu'lh inh wire, neatly curve 1 ut the too, I lie lower end hid i it 'In1 bottom bar, willed in the style of a fnetory made j;iitc. The are now in pilictKUl use in several of iho counties around Mm K unci-co, and plenty of testiinonhialscun be given, THOMAS J. SAFFOKD, Having purchased the nigSit for iinti '., Oregon, Has now on Imnd. nnd will lnaniifartnra Hie above li'seri'ic 1 'ii'e. Wheivvei i! hat been used it lias iveelvedthe lilahesl en eomiions, as tlie liire ninuber of terlifl eates froiii proiiiUieul fanners In id! earts of the country, new iii my ban li, will testify. CARKSAGES AVE) WAftOffB, Of All Descriptions, On lmnd and nianufncttired to rmlar. niacsmithiig mm Uvpuiring Pone to order ;if most ivtiHonable infe. Sliop foot of Kern- street. opposite Bench. Monteith ,t ( o.v flourlti? mills. THOMAS J. SAtTnRD. Albany, x-t.?s, tsn-nvi .1011 I'll! X TING. TECS ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AXI) PAST POWEH AI IIAV'D P R E 8 S E 8, Litest and most Desirable Styles or Printing Material, Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR iVhen yon wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Biii Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, why particularize, when it is men erally ucknowledred that we arc ON IT When it comes under the henl of AT Piktkg G"0'ome to m-e n, otict sp