The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 20, 1872, Supplement, Image 9

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GENERAL NATl RE- Xll. 133.
AN ACT niakinir aimroiniatious for sundry
civil expenses ol die government for Hie
fiscal mi endiud June llilrlleth. eighteen
hundredand seven tv-threc, aud for other
Be it adaeted b'i the iSmateand Borne
of of the United tiUUes
of Amenea in uongress tutetlmed,
That the following sums be, anil the same
are hereby, appropriate.!, lor the objects here
inafter cxnresscd. for the iliscnl year on Hue
June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and seven-
ly-mree, viz :
-For salaries ol two superintendents of the
life-saving stations on the coast of Long
isianu aim acw jersey, lu one ttionsiinu live
nurKireu dollars, itiree thousand dol
lars : and for one superintendent on the coast
or cape cod ami or lUo
llsland, one thousand dollar
.For fify-lour keepers of staiinus, at two
,iiimiren aonars e.icii, ten ihonsawl eight
hundred dollars.
For jay oforewa of experlencad surf-men
at such stations and for such periods as the
Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary-anil
proper, seventy-nine 'thousand live
hundred and twenty dollars.
For compensation of seventeen keepers nf
stations, at two hundred dollars each, three
thousand four hundred dollars.
For contingencies of life-saving stations on
thevoast of the United States, llftcen thou
sand dollars.
For the establishment of life-saving stations
on the coast of Capo Cod; and of lliojk island,
Rhode Island, ilfty thousand dol'ars: Pro
vided, Thrt all life-saving stations hereafter
erected shall be erected under the supervi
sion of two captains of the revenue service, to
be designated by the Secretary of the Treasn
ry, mm to no muter tin uirectiou.
- m
Thirty-four captains, one hundred and one
lieutenants, ami sixiy-threc cngineiirs and
llots employed, three nun li ed a d sixty-one
thousand three hundred dollars.
For rations for officers: Thlrtr-four ca)i-
wiup, uuu iiuimiei .mil one nciueiiailin,
dxty-threc engineers and iiilots, twenty-live
thousand live hundred and elglitv-ihree dol
lars and forty cents.
For pay of crews: nine hundred aid fortv
two petty officers, seamen, cooks, stewards,
toys, coal-passers, and firemen, two hundred
and eighty-four thousand two hundred and
ninety-two dot Inr.
For rail ins for crews: Nine Inn die land
iforty-two petty officers, seamen, cooks, stew
ards, boys, coal-passers, and ttreioeiytluce
huddredand torty-ionr thousand seven liuii
daed and seventy-two rations, at thirty-four
cents, Including liquor equivalent, one' hun
dred and seventeen thousand two hundred
and twenty-two dollars and forty-clgiil
Fyr fuel for thirty-six vessels, repairs and
outfits for same, ship-chandlery and engin
eers' stores lbr same, traveling exdotisus of
officers traveling on duty under ortterifrom
the Treasury department, commutation of
quarters, and contingent expeuses. imsluillng
wharfage, towage, do,:kagc, freight, adver
tising, surveys, and so forth, and mlsuclanc
mis eqpenses which cannot lie Included under
special lieads, two hundred and ninety thou
sand dollars.
For supplying deficiency in the fund lbr
the relief of sick and disabled seamen, one
hundred and twcntv-tlve thousand dol ars:
Provided, That no part of tills sum shall be
used to supiKirt any sick or disabled seamen
entitled to bo received into a marine hospital,
by contract at the lowest bidder, except when,
in the judgement of the Secretary of the Treas
ury, the acceptance of the lowest proposal
will, for ollter reasons, equally secure the
proper caro and treatment f marine pn
. ticnts.
For paper, engraving, printing, express
charges, and other expenses of making and
Issuing the national currency, one hundred
thousand dollars.
TERKEITINU. For expenses In detecting and bringing to
trial and punishment persons engaged In
counterfeiting treasury notes, bonds, and oth
er securities of the United States, and for de
tecting other frauds upon the government, one
hundred and tweuty-iive thousand dollars.
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to
pay to Warrington Sominers a sum sufficient
to make his salary, from Octotor first eigh
teen hundred and sixty-eight, to June first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, that of a
fourth-class clerk in the Fifth Auditor's 01
iloc, one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary.
For folding documents and material for the
same, eight thousand dollars.
For labor, eight thousand dollars
For miscellaneous Hems, eight thousand
dollars; furniture and repairs, five hundred
dollars: for fuel, oil, and cotton wasie, for
heating apparatus, one thousand dollars for
the current fiscal year.
For the eqpeusos of the Joint Select Com
mittee on alleged oui rages in the Southern
States, the sura of ope thousand four hundred
and sixty-three dollars aud twenty-live cents,
aaid sum to be carried for the puapose to Ihe
contingent liind of the Senate.
For defraying the expenses of the courts
of the United Stales, including the District of
Columbia; for jurors and wituesses, and ex
penses of suits lu which the United States are
concerned, of prosecutions for offense com
mitted against Hie United Stales; or the safe
keeping of prisoners ; and for the expenses
which may be Incurred in tho enforcement of
the act, relative lo tho right of citizens to
vote, of February twenty-eighth, eighteen
hundred aud seventy-one, or any acts amend
atory thereof or supplementary thereto, three
million two hundred thonsand dollars; of
which sum two hundded thousand dollars
shall be available for the expense Incurred
during the present fiscal year, the said act
toing hereby supplemented and amended so
as to further provide as follows; "That when
ever, In any county or parish, In anv con
gressional district, there stall lie ten citizens
thereof of good standing who, prior to any
registration of voters roi'An election for Rep
resentatives in Congress, or prior to any elec
tion at which a representative In Congress is
to be voted for, shall make known, In writing,
to the Judge of tho circuit court of the Uni
ted States for tbe district wherein such coun
ty or parish Is situate, their desire to have
said registration or election both guarded
and scrutinized, It shall be the duty of the
said judge of the circuit court, within not less
than ten days prior to aaid registration or
election, as the case may to, to open the said
oonrt, when so opened by said jiidge, shall
proceed lo appoint aud commission , trom day
to day, and from time to lime, and under the
band of the said Judge, and under the seal of
aid court, for such election district or voting
product in said congressional district, as stall
In the manner herein prescribed, bave been
applied lor and to revoke, change, or renew
aaid apiointment from time to time, two cltl
lens, residents of saw election district orro
ting precinct in laid county or parish, who
jhiirbe of different pnlltkial parties, ami able
(oread and write Hie Kng'lsh la-.vjuagp, and
I who shall to known and de-mtatod as super
visors of c'iv. Ion : ami the .-ai l court, when
opened Irr the sH Judges ,v rexuired herein,
kha'l, sheVefrom and iheroofter and uptnnnn
liMlwllnir the day f-'lori-.g ibc diy of itu
elwltoa, 1. s'.wa -s rmu for tle'ransr.c'inn ol
b'l-liii" mt irr Ihli.v' : art !e pawevs and
j.trisdtelto.1 l,.t'ny granted and omrtVrreil
shall be exercisers well In vacation lis in
term lime; and a judge, sitting af chambers,
shall lave the same powers and jurisdiction,
Including the power of keeping order an 1 ol
punishing anv contempt of his authority, as
when elttiuglu the court: Provided. That no
compensation shall Ik allowed to the super
visors herein authorized to be appointed, ex
cept those appointed indies or tonus of
twenty thousand or more inhabitants. And
no person shall be appointed under this act as
supervisor of ellNllon who Is not ntlho time
oi ms appointment ouaullel voter or t lie
county, parish, election-district, or voting
precent lor which lie is appointed. Ann no
person shall be Sbpoinlijd deputy marshal
under the act of which this is amendatory,
wlio is not a ualllied vnlerat the time of Ms
apisiintmeuu in the county, pa.dsh, district, or
precinct In which his mines are to no per-
formed. And section thirteen ot the act of
which this is an amendment stall be ot
suited to authorize and require the circuit
eon rl a of the United S ales In said section
mentioned to name and appoint, as soon as
may no after the paswtge of this act, I tie com
missloiiers provi ted for in said section, in
111 eases In which such appointments have
not a head v been made In conformity there
with. And I he third section ol the act to
which this is ai amendment shall to taken
and constrnedto authorize each of the judges
of the circuit courts of the United Slates to
designate o ic or more of the indgos of the
district courts within his circuit todlscnnrge
the duties arising under this act or the act to
which this is an amendment. And the words
"any person,, in sec'ion four of the act of
May thlrty-flrst, eighteen hundred and seven
ty, shall be he'd to include any officeror other
person having powers or duties of an official
character under this actor the actio which
this Is an amendment: Provided, That uo'h
inglnthis secllon shall be construed as lo
authorize the appointment of any marshals
or deputy iwushals in addition to those here
tofore authorised bylaw: Pod pi ovl led fur
ther. Tint tliestiporrlsorsltercln provided for
shall have no power or authority to make
arrests or to perform o'lier du ies than to be
In the Immellate presence of Ihe olllcers
holding the election, and to witness all their
proceedings, including Ihe counting of the
voles ami the making of a return thereof.
And so much of said sum herein appropri
ated as may to necessary for said supple
mental and amendatory provisions Is hereby
appropriated from and alter the passage of
this act.
For ihe supimrtand maintenance of convicts
transferred from the District of Columbia,
ten thousand dollars.
For the conineiisaltnn of swial counsel
and other legal services, and lor Incidental
expenses in taking testimony, fees of witnes
ses and of commissioners in relation lo claims
totoru the ml ted American ami British claims
commission, fwenty-flvc thousand, dollars.
For defraying the expenses of defending
'aims miner tne convention wiin siexieo oi
Itinrlli .Illlv fflirlonati htinilriitlam! wl vlv.i'iirht
"TRbo exSel under the direction of the
Attornev I ,esit leu tlmo-nnil dollars-
For payment of the doccssary expenses In
curred In defending suits against the Secre
tary of the Treasury, or Ids agent, for the
selsureof captured or abandoned properly;
arid for theexaroiiuition of witness lu c'aims
against the Unite 1 State" pending In anv De
ptirlmrnt; and for the defence ol the United
States In th i Court of Claim1, to to expended
under the direction of the Attorney General.
Ihirty thousand dollars, no part of which
shall be paid to attorneys or counsellors at
law for professional services, for appearing
and assisting in the trial of causes iu the
Snprama, circuit, or district courts of Ihe
United S.ih'cs, or Conn of Claims ; and that
the Attornev lieneral make report to Con-
cress at the end of the fiscal year of the man
ner of Ihe expenditure of this fund, and to
whom ami for what purpose paid.
For this sum. or so much thcraof as may be
necessary, to be expended under the direc
tion of ilic Attorney 'General In the detection
and nrov,n'-lon of crimes against Ihe United
States, flftv thousand dollars.
Forexpenses to to incurred in Ihe prosecu
tion and collection of e'alms due the United
States lo po disbursed under the direct I in of
ine Attorney uenerai, tweniy-nvc rnoiiano
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to
collect ruptured aud abandoned property
United States, and to collect, procure, and
preserve all vouchers, lutpers, records, and
evi lence, and to take te stimony as to claims
against Ihe Unfed State, to topald only upon
Ihe clrlincate of Ihe commissioners of claims,
one hundred and fitly thousand dollars.
For continuing the collodion of statistics of
mines and mining, lo lie laid before Congress,
to to expended under the direction of the
Secretary of the Treasury, llilcen thousund
For the continuation of Ihe geo!ngiel sur
vey of the Territories of the United Stales by
Professor F. V. Harden, under tho direction
of the Secretary ol the Interior, during the
fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy-throe, elxjy-llve thou
sannd dollary.
For completing the suryoy of tho Colorado
of Ihe West and its tributaries bv Professor
J.W.Powell, under the direction of Smith
sonian institution, twenty thousand dollars.
For continuing the inquiry into the causes
of the decrease of the fond-fishes of the coast
and the lakes oi Ihe United States, Ave thou
sand dollars. k
For the Introduction of shad lnlo the wa
ters or the Pacific States tho Gull states, and
oi the Mississippi valley, and of salmon,
while fish, and other useful food-fishes, into
the waler8of the United States to which they
are tost adapted, fifteen thousand dollars,
to to expended undor the direction of Un
united States commissioner offish and fish
eries. To enable the Superintendent of the Caul
Survey to cause astronomical observations to
i made ai one m tne highest points on the
line ol the Pacific railroad, two thousand dol
lars. renablc the Secretary of the Treasury to
ly Tnoiuas nonamson balance due him lor
services as constructing superintendent of the
iwiieiciiiuii , uiiiiuiiig at noise i ity, ioaho,
two hundred aud forty dollars and Ml' con
To enable the Secreiary of the Treasury to
repay C. M. Lockwood, late null contractor,
the amount of line paid ou (lie order of ihe
Postmaster General, butafierward remitted
bylhat officer, four hundred and savenfc
soven dollars and llfty-six cents.
For contingent exiwnses of the office ol the
socrelary of ihe Territory of Wyoming, one
thousand live hundred dollars.
To ennblethe Secretary of the Interior to
pay only the reasonable exponses heretofore
incurred for raving road-way and curb
ing and paving sidewalks "in front of
the property of the United Statos in the Dis
trict of Columbia, one hundred and niaotv
two thousand six hundred and twenty dol
lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
and all railroads are hereby prohibited on
the i street aud K street fronts of Farragui.
Scott, and Franklin squares ; and no further
street railroads shall be lalddown in ihe city
of Washington without the consent of Con
gress. To pay tho board of public works of tbe
District of Columbia the proportion of the
eost properly imsahlo bytqe United Slates
government for tho filling of the canal from
Seventh street west to Seventeenth street
west, and of the cast of the intercepting sewer
along the canal asllolning the proierty of the
United Stales government, said work being
uuder the direction of the board of public
works, sixty-eight thousand three hundred
ami sixty-five dollars, or so much thereof as
mav to necessary: Provided, That all pay
ments made under this and the proceeding
appropriation shall be made only upon vouch
ers approved by the olllcer In charge of the
public buildings and grounds of the District ;
and no portion of Ihe money herewith apuro
prlatod stall to used by the board of public
works tor any other purposo whatever than
the purpose that is named In the said two last
paragraphs. And the land made by tho till
ing up of the said canal is herbv declared to
be the property of the United States. And
Ami the alail apiiropriailous shall not to
construed to create or Imply anv obligation
on Ihe part of the United States, in any
rasnect whs! fiver In fiifiiT.
For payment of the messengers of the
respective States for conrevlngtotbe seat of
government the votes of the ehv.tnra of said
States for President and Vlce-Prcsldenl of
tne umtea states, twonty-nre thousand doi-
For construction of revenue vessel ina, -
cordaive with recommendation of the special
iinmlsio;. approved by ihe Seero'ary ol the
iVta-iir, two hundred thousand dollars.
For furniture and repairs of ilu stone ior
pulilic lul'.dlngs under ihe control of the
frca urv l epar BiecS, one h nslre I and lit. i
K- rf in', IMlit; nul e". and mlsc 'a-ir.
ins l,, in forji ill i i Inii illijp ltp4ur il: cak-i-'.l
of the Tre'isnrv Ite; nrtiuci t, two bUE
ilrol and-lwent-tlvc thousand dollars.
For heating apioratus for public Inilldlugs
uiidei'the control of the TToasury Hepart
meut, fevcnt.v-llve thousand dollars.
Km- vaults, sales, and locks, ror public
buildings under the control of the Treasury
Department, one btiudred thousand dollars. '
For phntngrai thing, engraving, and priming
plans of pnh lc buildings under control of the
Treasury Department, live thousand dol
lars. For pay of custodians ami jarltors of public
bidldlugs, under Ihe control of the Treasury
Deartht?nt, ore hundred aud twentv-Uve
thousand dollars.
For rejmirsand preservation of all pub'ie
hnikllngs under the control of the Treasury
DegNirtnienl, Iwo hundred thousand rio
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to
pay to theoltv oft harlesiown, Massachusetts,
the expense Incurred by sal I city in cniblng
and paving the sidewalks and streeis adjacent
In the navy-yaril, one thousand six houtired
Tov Charles W. Sealon for the relin-
quisnmeac oi an claim against me united
states fi r the use at Ihe ninth or any subse
quent census, of his Invention of a tallying
machine, lor wmeii lottor-mtenls were allow
ed by Ihe llinletl Slates Paient-Ofllce, Febru
ary seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sev
enty-two, fifteen thousand dollars.
For earning out the provirsioiis of ihe act
lor Ihe better urotec.Hon of the lives of uasscu-
gerson vessels propelle I In whole or in iiart
in sieam ana oi tne nets nnienun'.orr ineroa
the followhrg sums, viz:
For salaries of sieambnat lnsiMviors: Pay
ment of sa larles ofamiervisuw Inspector iron
eral, supervising Inspectors, local Inspectors,
assis am nipis-iors, am carrKB, one iiunure
and sixty-live Iholtsau i four buudrsd do
Contingent exiiensesflfs'eamhhal Iiisim
service: lixpeiises nlinsinmicnts, slaionerv
meetings of board Af supervising Insiiectors,
mileasre of suivM-vlslniriiisril.'.tors. at oneMiou.
sand dollars each, and olher miscellaneous
etipensce, ninety-one thousand dolla
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to
pay under existing laws contractors lor
earning the malls ior services rendered prior
to July first, eighteen Imndrc 1 and sixty
Dine, thirteen lour hundred aiid
sixteen d iPavs
To pay Edward R. Ferguson his salary a
supervising Inspector of steamboats, from
Maiv.n mini, eighteen niiniirecl and seventy
one, to May twenty-second, eighteen hundred
anil sevemy-onc, tour nunnreii ami twenty
cWht dollars a.-irliltv-seven cents.
For loss and expense involved In Ihe re
coinage of gold coins in the treasury which
are below sinunavii weight, under such regu-
la'linis as I h Secretary of Hie Trfiisnri- nviv
prescribe, one hundred and Urty thousand
Todejrav, under the dlreclioh of Iho Sec
retary of Treasury, the expenses of redeem
ing ami reissuing ttiu minor coinage ot the
Unite 1 States, twenty thousand dollars, pur
suant to lac act ol March third, eighteen
hundred hundred and seventy-one, as much of
me same as may be necessary to be avaitab e
for expenses incurred curing the present fisc
al year.
To eoable ihe Secretary of ihe N'avv to un
to the officer and crew of the United Stated
-teiun.'r hearsarge. for Hie destruction of the
rebel cruiser Alabama, under the precisions
of an act entitled "An ad for Hie relief of the
olllcers and crew oi'the United States steamer
Kesrsnrge, ' approved April seventeenth
elgliUsen hundred awl scvenly-iwo. one hun
dred and sixty I hnnsand seven hundred seven-
ty-twounnacs a nit sixty-two cents.
That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to
appropriated tor the purnpsenf cnnstrucliuga
inieiimalic into, operated bv hollow snheres
m otherwise, from the Capitol, along North
Capitol street, in me uovernmenr urinling
office. Iir the transmission of books, uack
ages, hie, to to oxpcndeii under the direction
oi ihe Secreiary or the Interior, and the work
to bo none muter the supervision of the
architect i t the I apltol extension.
To enable (lie Secreiary of (he Navy to re
imburse ihe funeral expenses of the late
Ailuni'iil David (. raringuf, two thousand
dollars, I one iani to ins widow.
Treasury building, Washington, DistrVtof
l oiunnu'i: ror annual repairs and improve
ments, iiiienn tnousnnii iiouars : lor improve
ments and rojmlrsof healing apparatus, nine
thousand dollars.
For emit in nation of the construction of the
building lor a custom-house at Charleston,
South tarollna, one hundred thnusanddollars.
For continuation ol the construction of the
building lor pnsi-orooe and court-house at
Columbia, South Carolina, fifty thousand
For paving, grading, and fencing Iheajv
preaches to t lie utillding for the custom-house
at Macblas, Maine, two thousand dollars.
For continuation of ibc. cons: ruction of Ihe
building tor a custom-house at .New Orleans,
Louisiana, three hundred thousand dollars.
Forconlinnaiionor the c instruction of ihe
building lor a post-onice and cnurl-housc at
Omaha, Nebraska, one hundred thousand
For continuation of the exten.-lon of the
building for court-house ami postoflice at
Baltimore Maryland, II ity thousand dollai.
For continuation hf ihe construction of the
building for the Department of State, Wash
inglon, District of Columbia, eight hundred
llioiisaml dollars : For Ihe east wins; ol'iho
State, War, und Navy LHqarlmenta four hun
dred thousand dollars: Provided, That all
appropnai ions lor public buildings under t lie
Treasury Deiiartmenl shall hereafter lie
available Immediately upon approval of the
act s containing such appropriat Ions.
Tocominencctlie erection of a building at
Cincinnati, Ohio, foriheiuvoinmoilalianof ihe
United States courts, custom-house. Unite!
Stales deimeiiory, post-office, Internal revenue
and pension officers, and for the purchase at
imlvale sale, or by condemnation, of ground
lor a silo Ihcreiur, tho entire cost of comple
tion ol which building Is herepy limited to
two million two hundred and lift v thousand
doHars, (inclusive of tbe cost of 'the site of
the, same,) seven hundred thousand dollars;
anil Ihe act of March twelve, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-two, authorizing the pur
chase of a site therefor, Is hereby so amended
as to limit (he cost of the site to a sum not
exceeding live hundred thousand dollars.
To commence the erection of a building at
Hartford Connecticut, for Iho accommoda
tion of the custom-house, post-office, pension
office, United staiescirciili ami district conots,
and internal-revenue offices, one hundred
thousand dollars. V
To comnionce the erection of a fire-proof
building at Albany New York, for the aeeom
moda ion of the custon-linuse, post-ofrice,
United Status circuit and district courts, and
Internal-revenue offices, one hundred thou
sand dollars.
For paving, grading, and fencing the ap
proaches lo the new custom. house and court
house building at Ogdcnsbiirg' Nov York,
three thousand dollars.
For the erection of an addition lo the bul Id.
tog at Indianapolis, belonging to the Unllesi
rxanNh ior me iiinner accommodation or the
United States courts, iiosl-ofiice, local land
offices, and internal revenue ami pension
offices, one hundred thousand dollars; and
sums hereby appropriated fortheconstructlon
of nubile buildings shall lie available imme
diately npon the approval of thisact, and tbe
naiances oi appropriations ior the current
fiscal year for the construction ol public
buildings tinder tho control of the Treasury
Department, which may remain unexpended
at ihe close of the current fiscal year, are
herepy re-appropriated for Ihe fiscal year
ending June thirtieth, elgeteen hundred and
For necessary fhrmture and outfit for the
post-office and sub-treasury building at Bos
ton, and ror preparing lite approaches thereto,
fifir thousand dollars, tote paid out of the
appropjlatloii already made.
To purchase additional ground adjoining
the site of the building occupied for the pur
pose of United States douit-honsc and post-
uwe, joouisvu, i? ucuusin, eleven inousatKl
For machinery and apparatus lbr the new
branch-mint bnllding-at San Francifco, Cali
fornia, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
Burnt Coat uarhol1 light-station: Fniwo
IwaamvUghta, in serve a a rni ge on the coast
i f Maine, ten thousand linrars. and any bal
aiice r.f ihe .iioiroitrlai' in of ten thouK-ind
ttoTars IMade b act ol M ircii Ihlnl elgilfen
liii': :i'o.l anil screotj "i,. (Htt may imtaii:
l i i n' in n un .Imie ihl'-.i.i !i, i ti'li ren bun
For, il stcim log- ignal on Scguin islaml,
Ihe mouth oi the hennctov rivoi
coast of aRtlne. live thousand dollars.
For light-house at Wood-End, Provlue
town liaruor, .uassnc'inscrts, iiiiccn inousti
For rc-eslali'ishing and setting i.p t
small lieason-lights in the harbor of Newbury
port, the il i: ol' one of which has been was!
cl by a storni. ten thousand dollars.
For steam fog-signal at Beaver-Tntl llgh
station, on Ihe coast of Rhode Island, llv
thousand dollars.
For erecting a portable beacon at Bullock
ixiini, on tire east sine oi rroviuence live
lihode Is and. out: thousand dollars.
For fog-lsdl for Newport harbor llgbt-sla
tlon. Rhisle Is'and. eiahl liundre I dollars.
For oslabltPlnneut n steam f"g-slgna! at
feint .iiiiiiiii nam-station, consi oi i.tux
Island, flv.i ihousin.l dollars.
For completing the light-house a: Long
Reach tar. Gardiner bay, Long Island soon
according to ihe o-lglnnl design, twenly Ihon
sand 1 10 ars.
For protecting Ihe silo for the WoeK Islam
lighl-sinlloii, Rhode Island, one thoiisa
oil' it numirao no :ars.
For a light-house and steam fog-signal at
tho southerly end of ftlocklev island, en
trance to Long Island sound, seventy-Bye
thousand dollars.
For necessary repairs and eslnb'isliin
steam fog-lgnal at Montatlk llghl-sinlion
Long island, .xew lorn, nine lliousand liv
For oonllnulng Ihe construction of Ihe
liithl-hoiise authorized on Race rock. Fisher
Island sound, New York, in addition to any
ba'aoce that may rcmciii In the treasury June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred ami seventy-two.
oi .ncionnui iijipiopiia'.ino, inriv iiiousaiii
For repairs at Sand's point, Great West
l;av, and Fire Island llgtlt-statlous, slew
" Yo'rk, four thousand six hnndred dollars.
Forercc Ion of a ,igntnd 1' on or
near me end oi u.iri i-ianu, in iong i
SO'iild, New York, llfty thousand dollars.
F ir MtwlMMg tile tower mi l keeper
dwelling' una proper (ate at the Fort iom
kins light-slaUon, Staten Island. New York,
the former she ladna renuiivd bv tlie etnln.
eer department of the army for ox tending Ihe
loriuicaiions, eigni monsann iiouars.
For repairs a: Crown Point llght-sia Ion
Lake Charap'nni. New York, one thousand
live nunnreii ooi.ars.
For a llgln-house on the middle ground lu
(he Hudson river, near the lilly of Hudson,
Nesy York, thlriy-iive tliov-niul doll
Forcomiileling the lawcr and buildlnir ai
Ihe Colchester Beef light-suit hm, Vermont
four thousand five hundred dollars.
For contluuing the Improvements at the
iigii'.-tioiiseued'ii ol s-.ipinies, on siaied Island,
New i oik, ion inousauu iiouars.
For fog-tolls orr Foil Hamilton ami For
Columbus, New York harbor, one lliousand
live hundred dollars.
For rebuilding ilia beacon on Poa Flower
reef, i n Long Ma nd sound, four tlrotniitnd two
hundred donors.
For rebuilding ihe spindle on iho Wha'e
lo aiistic river, innec:iciit, nvc inoiisaui
Eor rcbuindiiig Ihe lieacon on Ihe reef mat
Imroiit from Oysier I'ond isJnt. In Plum cut.
Long Is'and sotiml, New York, five thoiisond
For erecting a llghtvhonee at or near Here
ford Inlet, on ihe seacoast of New Jersev, to
gtiiue cnasiers ariamn uajw ay point, am
into harbor ol refuge, twenty-live thou
sand dollars.
To ro-cstab ih the light-house at I he mouth
ot Mispuiion river, lie aware bay. live thou
and dollars.
Fi.r erection of two ranac-Hirhts for Ihe
CralghlH cheune', leading from Chcspoakc
nay lino rue i nuiusuu river audio Hike tne
place of the Iwo ftgln-honics now at North
point, aiaryianii, lony-nve iiiousamt dollars.
For a small light lo mark Ihe entrance lo
(he anchorage iiisi.leirf Shipping print, Polo
mac river, Virginia, nine lliousand dollars.
For complel fiig tho light-house tower and
u'.iiiiiingsac i.rsue s isianu, .onn t arolina,
III': cen iiHtusnnd dollars.
For rebuilding keeper's dvwlHng,nnd reno
vation and reiali-s at t ape Lookmit llght-sta
lion. North Carolina, live tlion-aml ilnllni-s
For a second-class iiglit, on or near Hun
ting Island, Stan li carouiw, twentv-llve thou
sand dollars ;arul such site as mav to neces
sary for such light shall to selected on lands
now In l ie no-sesMon o he United Siniesliv
the Light-House board, and such site shall be
exempted ivom me operation or anv law
providing for the restrj-nllon to the former
owners oi uiinis soui iiBture,:! taxes.
For completing the building of the first
class Ught-hnusu andoiKeeper's dwelling at
Mint Augustine, Florida, In ndditlon to anv
balance of the l'oriner appropriation that mav
remain unexiiendeil June thirtieth, eighteen
huii'Ued ami seventy-two, twenty Ihoutanil
For completing the erection of Hie iron
light-house structure ou the loundatlon at
Southwest Pass lighi-slatlon, Louisiana,
twenty-live thousand dollars.
For ihe erection ot a light-house on ihn
north side of Presi;ue isle, Erie, Pennsylva
nia, fifteen thousand dollars.
For rebuilding the light-house and kccir's
uneiiiog .il iio'iiiii.ii ugiH-siaiiou, in tne
Detroit river, Michigan, ten thousand dollars,
For completing the llghl-honso at Spectacle
reef, Lake Huron. Michigan, being I lie amount
carried lo the surplus fund lbr a former ap
propriation, seventy lliousand dollars.
For erection of a light on Saint Helena, Is
land. Lake Michigan, to mark Ihe anchorage
to tho harbor ol refuge, fourteen lliousand
For erection of a coast-light at Petite Point
an Sable, lake Michigan, tUrty-ffve lliousand
For orectlon of a keeper's dwelling at Hol
land, Lake Michigan, in place of a former
amount reverted to Ihe treasury, four thous
and dollars.
For erection of a light between While Fish
point and Grand Island harbor, Michigan, for
ty thousand dollars.
' For erection of lights on the northern and
northwestern lakes, on liters belonging to the
United Stales, twenty lliousand dollars.
For continuing the work on ihe depot for
Ihe storage ol oil and other supplies at Detroit,
Michigan iwciitv-flve lliousand dollars.
For establishment ol a light and fog-tgnal
at Point Fennlu, California, twentv thousand
For establishment of a flrst-clnss iW-iimni
at Poiiil Hueueme. California, ten thousand
For erection of a light-honso and fog-signal
lo mark the entrance lo 'the straits of Car
qui nas, California, twenty thousand dollars.
For llrsl-class light and fog-signal at Ple
dras Blancas,, Caiilbrma, seveniv-rtve thou
sand dollars.
For rebulldiug and re-establl-hingthe steam
fog-signal station at Point Rcv,-s. California.
ten thousand dollars.
roreomo.ciing Ihe lrrht-hnnse at TlivlMnr
point, Toxns, ten thousand doliurs.
For the annual iirnnortlon of the , --. .,,.
of Cape Mattel light, on the coast of Morocco,
two hundred and eighty-five dollars, to to
expended by Ihe Secretary of Slate.
That appropriations for Hulit-honso nur.
poses shall to available lbr exnendiiiirprnr
iwo years after acls of legislatures ceding
jurisdiction over sites : Provided, however,
That this section shall not apply to any gen
eral appropriations for light-house purposes:
Aud provided further. That In no case shall
any special appropriation bo available for
more than two years without further provision
of law; and the unexpended balanuna of
appropriations for special works under Ihe
i.igiii-iioiise uouni mane uy me act approved
March third, eighteen hundred and stventy
nne, entitled "An act making appropriations
for sundry civil expenses of the government
for tbe fiscal year ending June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy two, and for
other iurposes," are hereby re-approprlated
v, iuc jimi ukjivii! spemeu.
For repairs and Incidental nMW, to.
fitting and improving light-houses andbuiki
Ings connected therewith, two hundred thou
sand dollars.
For salaries of seven hundred ihlrte.iwo
llaht-hoiise kecixsr.s ami hirhi-iKjii,on tAM,ura
and their aeslstanie. four huudred and thirty-
miou Miuiiwuu inu iitiuureu ooi iai s,
Forsearaen'a wages, ration 9,repairs,salaries,
supplies, and incidental expenses of twenty
live light vossels and seven relief llght-vi
sels, two hundred ami sixty-one thousand six
hundred aud forty-seven dollars and liiH-
For expenses of raising, cleaning, paint
Ing, repairing, removing, and (supplying n j
es of buoys, spindles, and dav-toacons, ami
for chains, sinkers, and eiinllar ntvfssarles,
Iwo bundled and scvontv-tive thousand dollars.
I'or repairs and Incidental CXeuscs In re-
i newlnt, relltti: g. and iniproviig ii-g-toials
I an-i dli g c:i:;i:(v:c I lUreWi;!.. lillvihon-
- I 'ri ipcia
! F t cm eu.-i's of litl.iiui and ko-ncciiui;
lights ami oilier aids lo navigation, two thou-
.-ailll llllll.'ll S.
For .supplying the liglil-houses and Imacen
Ilghts on the Atlantic, thtft Lake, tuul Pacific
coasts wi:u oi i, wicks, glass chimney?, chamois-skins,
spirit ol wine, whiting, pollshlng
IHiwder, towels brushes, soan. inlnrn. ml
other cleaning materials, and for expenses of
iciHiii-oigauu Keeping in repair illuminating
apparatu- and lnachtnerv, and ol guaging.
iss'i "p. si ,11,-jn'iuiiiiui, uuiivery oi on auu
oilier supplies lbr light-houses, and oilier in
cidenlal necessary expenses tlireo liundrerl
ami iiiiiiysoneiiriusanii seven hundred and
seventeen doitarn.
ror rent oi offlee of mrVoyol' geueral of
j.ouisiai.a, ruei, nooks, siniloiierv, and
other incidental exinnises. iu- iTi,.nsn.i in-o
liuiiihtsl dollars; and lor clerks in his office,
one thousand seven hundred dollm-n
r or rent ol office of surveyor general of
Florida, fuel, liooks. Stationery, and olhcr In-
-lui. own expenses, one lliousand nvc hundred
lollnrs : ami far clerks lri Ms onion iESt
sand seven hundred dollars.
I or rem oi office of surveyor geueral of
Mhllirsola. fuel. Imoks. ,i:n i. ,,,,,1 i...,-
incidental expenses, Iwo lliousand twohnn
dred dollars; and for clerks in his office,
Ihree thousand seven huiid red dollars.
ror rent ot onice or surveyor general of
Dakota Terrltnrv. mi,. I l(U 'Zio.i....,,..,-
and oilier Inclileiual exiK'iises two thousand
dollars ; and fin- clerks in his office, six thou-
anu mice hundred dollars.
For rent nf office of survevor ironeriil of
linnets, fuel, books, stationery, ami ollior lr..
cidcnlal expenses, twoihoiisaiiil dollarsyand
lor clerks in his nlliee, one thousand two
nuiiiireii iioiiiii-.-.
tor rem priiffice rf surveyor general of
.oi.'iii'i i, 'iri, "ii, me. ixsiks, stationery,
itw imr l.lcl (enta! exi-cnsea, tuhiUnusftuil
Inl ats; ami I'lrc'orksln hlsofiicc, tvto ihoi:
and (iiixv hiic'lrcd dolla rs.
For rent of office ol surveyor general ol
New Mexico Terrttory, fuel.biioks.stniioiicry.
ii i (iiiier iiiciueniai expenses, two thousand
iollars: and loi clerks In bis olH.,. I U'll til, ,11.
nand llirce liundred dollar:).
For rent of office of surveyor general of
aiifornla. fuel, Iwoks. stationery, and nttor
incidental exien-es. seven thousand dollars!
and for clerks In his office, fifteen thousand
For rent of office ofsurveior eenmnl r
Idaho Territory, fuel liooks. siatlonci v. and
other Ihcldental exiienses, two thousand five
nndreit dollars: and for clerks in hUftflhyi,
four lliousand dollars.
For rent of office of survevor imnir:il of
v. ...... i., ....! i i ..! "r., ... .
. I.." in, 'I. , ,i,s,iip. Kiuiiooei i, unit oilier
Incidental expenses, three timiisaiid seven
hundred dollars; and for clerks lo his office,
wo inuwNtati iiirce oouuirii dollars.
For rent of office of survevor mineral of
, . .. . .i i i... "i .. :..
vIT!jjim, nie', ihiuk;,, sruuoinuv, anil Oilier IU-
.ideiltal exnenMis. two liiousanii , i, -si .i !
lor clerks in his office, one thousand four bun-
trod dollars.
For rent of. office of surveyor ceneial of
Washington Terntory, fuel, liooks, siationcrj.
mi uuiei im-nietiiai eieuse.s, iwo tnoiisand
ollars: and InrclcrkBlii lii oillco. a,,,,.
Ihoii.-and dollars.
For rent of office of surveyor ircneral nf
v.,. i. i i -....I , v .
,s!-ii?n,t hum moil, iiiui, . suiiionery.
on inner iiici'ieiuai c.Xlilses, IWO Illousallli
ollars; and for clerks in hisoiilco. slxilmn.
sand three hnnilwl dollars.
ror rent ot office ol surveyor general of
Montana Territory, fuel, books, siationcrj',
iiiid oiner inci H'Miat expenses, iwo t hnnsand
ollars; and tor clerks ill Ills office, iwo lliou
sand dollars.
For rout of office of surveyor general of
tan Territory, i le1, boots, srationerv.
and olher incidental exiwnses, one thousand
ight hundred dollars; and for clerks in his
onice, seven hundred dollars.
ior rent ol office ot surveyor nenera of
U-,-,,mli,,F'r.,.r'ovi. i'iw.I I...1.1.U
".-.IS ..V, Ml, I , .
an I other incidental exiicnsos, iwo thousand
venunureii iiouars; ami lor clerks in his
ffice, iwo thonsand dollars; iii.d for aile-
dency lu Hie appropriation lor clerks fol
io fiscal vcar cmiii ir June thirtieth, ehrhteen
hundred and seveiuy-two, seven liuudied
t or rent of office ot survevor general of Ar
izona Territory, file1, books, stationery and
other Incidental exiienses, two thousand live
hundred dollars: and for clerks iu his nfll.-o.
one thousand dollars.
For rent of office of Ihe Assistal Treasurer
of the United States at St Louis, Missouri,
Ihree lliousand live hundred dollars.
For surveying the public lands In Louisann,
rales not exceeding leu dollars ucr linear
mile for township and eight dollars for section
lines, eighteen thoiisnmrdollnrs
For surveying Hie public lands In Florida,
at rales not exceeding ten dollars tor linear
mile for standard, seven doUhi-.sfortownsliin.
and six dollars for secllon lines, elghleen
thousand dollars.
For surveying llio public lands in Mimieso
. nt rales not exceeding fourteen dollars
ier linear mile for standard lines, twelve
ollars lor township, and en dollnrsrbr sec
ars tor townsian, urn
lines, seventy-live th
ftueand dollars.
For surveying Die public lands In Dakota
Territory, at rates not exceeding len dollars
at linear nine lorstanaaru lines seven dol
are for township, and six dollars lor section
lies, sixiy tiiousatiit dollars.
For surveying Ihe public lands In Montana.
Territory, at rales nut exceeding fifteen dol
lars per linear nine ior siaiHianl lines, twelve
iollars ior township, ami ten dollars for sec
ion lines, tin v thousand dollars.
For surveying Ihe public lands in Nebras
ka, nt rales not exceeding twelve dellarsper
linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars
for township, and six dollars for section lines,
sixty thousand dollars.
r or surveying tne puiiuc lands in Kansas,
rates not execo limr ten dollar ner linear
mile for standard lln is. seven dollars for town
ship, and six dollars for section lines, seventy
thousand dollars.
For surveying Hie public lands In Colorado
Territory, at rales not exceeding fifteen dol
lars per linear nine ior standard lines, twelve
dollars for lowhship, and ten dollars for sec
tion lines, fifty thousand dollars.
For sroVoylnir Ihe imblie lands In Idaho
Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dol
lars per linear mile for sinndanl lines, twelve
otinrs ior cownsnip, and ten dollars for .sec
tion lines, thirty thousand J ollars.
ForsurvevinE Ihe public lands in New
Mexico Territory, nt rates not exceeding fif
teen dollars ior linear mile for staiidaiil
line, twelve dollars for townshln. and inn
dollars for secllon lines twenty thonsand
For surrcviiur Ihe nubile lands in Arizona
Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dol
lars per linear mile tor standard lines, twelve
dollars for townshln. and ten dollars fur sec
tion lines, fifteen thousand dollars.
For survej tug the public lands In California,
rales not exceeding llftcen dollars ner
linear mile lbr slamlard lines, fourteen dol
lars for township, a nd twelve dollars for sec
tion lines, sixiv thousand dollars: Provided.
That the Commissioner of tbe General I-aml
Office, in his discretion, may hereafter au
thorize public, lands iu said State, and also In
Washington Territory, densely covered with
lurwi, or line unuurgrowin, lo oe surveyed
at aiurmcnlcd rales, not exceedlnir els-bleen
dollars per Hi ear mile forstnndardiiarallels.
Ixtecn dollars fir town shin, and fourteen
dollars for section lines.
tor surveying ihe public lands in Oregon,
al a rale not exceeding llfieen dollars iier
linear utile for slamlard Hues, fourteen dol
lars for township, and twelve dollars for sec
tion lines, fifty thmirand dollars.
For surveying (he public lands lu Oregon,
situated west of the Cascade mountains,
densely covered with forests of teick under
growth, at rates not exceeding sixteen dollars
per linear mile for township and section lines,
twenty thousvnd dollars.
For .sui'vevinrr the mm ho lands in Washing
ton Territory, at a rate not exceeding fifteen
dollars per linear mllo tor standard lines,
fourteen dollars for townshln. and twelve
dollars for section lines, seventy thousand
For stirvcvitiL' I ho uubl c binds in Utah
Territory, at ralos not exceeding fifteen
dollars per linear "mile for standard lines,
twelve dollars for township, and tendoHars
for section lines, sixteen thousand dollars.
For surveying Ihe public lands in Nevada,
rates not exceeding fifteen dollars ner
linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars
for township, and ton dollars for section lines.
fifty thousand dollars.
For surveying the public lands In Wyom
ing Torrttorr, at rates not exceeding title
dollars per linear mllo fbrstimlard, (welre
dollars tor fownhij), and ten dollars for sec
tion Imps, forty lliouiind dollars.
For fianpleiitig ihe sm-vcv ofllie Fort
i initio! military le crvaiion. ami marklngihe
iiooi., tiii'i ii.e on ess alio mis a n.aiv mwi
therein, Iwo ihoitmnd dollars, or so' much
thereof as may lie necessary.
For survey of the eastern boundary of Cali
fornia, at rates not exceeding fifiv dollars
tor linear mile, for Ihat part ortne bonndafr
lying north of the Initial imlnt In Lake Blgler,
estimated to to two hnnitred and ten miles,
and sovcnio-five dollars per mile for that nurt
included totwecn said initial point andlbe
Colorado river, estimated lo be four hundred
and ton miles, rortv-ono thousand two hun
dred and flfty dollars: Provided, That all
Ihe foregoing appropriations for surveys of
public lands (hat are within tbe limits of the
railroad land-grants shall tocondttloAal npon
the comyllai-cc of -al 1 companies or parties in
micros! with (he requirements of the twenty
first section or ihe act of July second, eight
een hundred and slxty-Ibur, entitled "An
act In amend an Rat toa'id in the construction
of a railroad and Iclegrapb line from the Mis
souri river lo (he Pacific Ocean, and to secure
to tho government the nse ofllie same for
lioslnl. miliiary, and other purposes,', ap
proved July first, I'lgblccnhuiidrcdanri sixty.
iwo, Slatntes, volVnie thlitcen, page three
hundred and sixty-five.
For survey oi' die southern boumlarv of
Wyoming Terrliorv, al a rate not exceeding
sixty dollars wn- linear mile, estimated dls
lance three hundred and serenlv miles,
twenty-two thousand two hundred dollars.
For survey of western boundary of Kansas.
nt a rate not exceeding forty dollars per
linear mile, estimated distance two hviidred
len miles, light llioiisaml four hundred dol
lars. ' . ' -
For survey or the northern boundary of
Nebraska, at aioie not exceeding forty" dol
lars per linear mile, the estimated distance
toing two hundred and tweity miles, eight
I la -ii -ami eight hundred dollars.
For commotion of sorvcY now tolinr eve.
cute 1 between the ninety-sixth and iilnety
(iglith meridian of west longitude, -Indian
icrniory, mneiy-eigiii lliousand dollars.
For ll c .lonilnuaiioii of the spstem if land
maps of ibc Committee on Public Lands, oh
dcr Ihe dlrcctlmi of ihe clerk of the House,
five hlin lic I dollari-.
For survey of tho uorlbcrn boundary of
Nevada, at a rale no! to exceed fifty duilar
por linear mile, fifteen thousand live hundred
For constructing theconncctod mam of Ihe
public lands In Ihe Statei and Territories,
mid procuring an engravisi coiper-plale
Ihcreuf, to be iurlected by adding, from year
to y. ar, tho farther surveys ttat may be
made, three thousand dollars.
: I 'ii Ti f 'swP'-n:-'
Fur salaries anil cmnmlssions of registers
of land-offices and receivers of pnblkj mon
eys at eight. v-nne laud-eiiiies, four hundred
and filly-one Ihiiiisahd fvvo hundred dollrrs.
For tncldenlal expenses nf the land offices
llfty lliousand one hundred and seventy-live
For exircnscsol'deiiosltiupnioneys received
from sales of public kinds, thirteen thousand
For expense alraody Incurred under in
structions of Ihe Secretary of ihe Interior for
suppressing depredations on the publk; lim
lier, aud Ior expenses yet to be incurred dur
ing Ihe fiscal years ending June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two. arid Jnne
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eveuly
ihroe, on the same account, ton thousand dollar.
To provide lor ihe plates of an Official (a
zettc of the Patent Office abstracts ot the
drawings of isitents Issued, forty tiiousand
dollars, to to expanded under the direction
of the Commlsnlooor of Patcius.
For deficiency In contingent fund, caused
by carrying into effiect the Joint resflnllon of
January eleventh, elghleen hundred and
seventy-one, requiring Ihe Coiunii -mm-i oi
Pati uls to keup un hand for salo copies oi all
siie, itlctrioiis and drawings nf patents, len
thousand dollars.
That forty thousand dollars of the appro
printtnn for lithographing, engraving, ami so
iorih, lor the public printing during the fiscal
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-three, be, and Hie same are
hereby, transferred to tiro appropriation for
the Patent office, for photo-II Uiogrnplng,
printing, and paper for drawings orpatcnta
authorized by ihe joint resolution approved
January eleventh, eighteen hundred and
acveiily-onc, entitled "Joint resolution pro
viding for publishing siocuications aud draw
pigs of Paient Office,"
For salaries and other necessary expenses
oi'the Metropolitan police for the District of
Columbia, two hundred and seven thousand
eight UnWOd and ninety dollars : Provided,
That a further sum, amounting to one hun
dred and three thousand nine hundred and
forty live dollars, shall be iiald lo defray the
expenses of the said Mctrojioliiaii police 'force
by Ihe cities of .Washington aud Ueorgetown,
and ihe county of Washington, beyond tbe
limits of said cities, In the District of Colum
bia, In (lie proportion corresponding to the
number of privates alloted severally lo snid
precincts ; and Iho corporate authorities of
said cities, and proper authorities of the Dis
trict of Columbia, are hereby authorized ond
required lo levy a sieclal lax, not exceeding
nne-:hirdot'onc ier centum, which stall be
sKvrallv deposited once in each week, as
such collections are made, lo be appropriated
and expended for said purpose only, for the
service of the fiscal year ending Juno thirti
eth, eighteen hundred ami seventy-three.
For the support, clothing, medical and
moral treatment of the insane of Ibe army
andnavy, rovemuvcuttcr, ami volunteer ser
vice, whomayhavc become insane since their
entry into the service of the United States,
and of the indigent Insane of the District
of Columbia, in the Government INspilal
for I lie Insane, including five hundred dollars
for liooks, stationery, and incidental expen
ses, one hundred and twcuty-llre thousand
For the erection, furnisliiug, and titling up
of an extension of tho hospilal mitlcienl to
necommodatc fifty-four patients of I he excited
c ass, thirty-seven ihoiisiind eight hundred
For purchasing and selling four heating
tollers, six thousand dollars.
For the purchase by the Secretary of the
Interior for the agricultural and economical
uses of I he hosiatar. twoutv.vitno anil fortv-
one hundredi lis acres of land and Its appur
tenance", including cost of survey, examina
tion of title, and conveyance to the United
States, ten thousand dollars.
For the sumiort of ihe institution, (Deluding
salaries and Incidental exienses, the nialn
talnance nf (he Iwneilclarles of tne United
Sialcs, and five kun Ire 1 dollars fc r liooks and
Illustrative apparatus, forty-eight thousand
For continuing the work on the inclosiirc.
improvement, and grading of the grounds of
tbe institution, six thousand dollars.
To provide for payments due and on pud on
July first, eighteen hundred and seventy
two, on the purchase by the institution of the
estate known as Kcnall ireon, seventy thou
sand dollars: Provided, Ttat before tbeex
licndlture of any part of this appropriation,
bv proper deeds or conveyance, lo be approv
ed by the Attorney General of tho United
States, all the real estate now owned by tho
said Columbia institution for the Deaf and
Dumb stall be vested in tho United States as
trustee, fur tbe sole use and purposo provided
lu the act entitled " An act to Incorporate the
Columbia Institution for the Instruction of
Ihe Deaf,'Dumb, and Blind," approved Feb
ruary sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven, and tbe several acta amendatory
thereof; Provided, That, whenever Con
gress shall so determine, any part of said
estate may be sold.andso much of the pro
ceeds therof as stall be needful for the par
pose shall be applied to reimburse the United
States for tbe expenditure herein provUled.
TIES. For the support,of the sOoitunbla Hospital
for Women and Lying-in Asylum, over and
above the probable amount which will be
received from pay-patients, eighteen thon
sand three hundred dollars. ; i f ' "
For purchase of (to building bow occupied
by ran hospital, w ith forty thousand foot of