ALBAT REGISTER. JrVMrauii glister. V. S. OIHrlM Paper for ttrrg.!. FRIDAY, SEFfKMBER 20, 1872. Greeley Mill Hunk Monk. UPPLEMENT TO TIIK STOKV OP THE III UK. From a thousand platforms on the Pacific Slope will lie told tlnrinjr the present campaign the anecdote of Hor ace Greeley's rule tVom Caron to Vlacerville. and as often as it is told the bush-whacking orators of Democ racy will deduct from the threadbare story the pointless moral of " Keep your seat, Horace, and we'll gel you through on time ' whereat toe rabble will applaud lustily, they know not wherefore. We are not disposed to steal Democratic thunder, ot to rob any oratorical pauper ot his scanty stock in trade; hut we are compelled to use the anecdote in question i:i or der to render an account of an inter view with Greeley generally intelligi ble. By so doing, we trust that it will not be considered that we have want only encroached upon the prerogatives of Democratic stump orators. We give THE STOltY AS TOLD BY MARK TWAIX As one of the exaspetatiiig incidents of his overland trip. From the time lie left the Platte, be says, until he ar--ived at Carson, every stranger whom ne encountered assured him that he ouul tell him a mo-t laughable thing it' he would like to listen to it, and iroceeded with the narrative that Ireeley went over the mail once, and ilien he was leaving Carson City he old tlie driver. Hank Monk, that hi had an engagement to lecture in l'lae rville, and was very anxious to go dirough quick. Hank cracked bis whip and started off at an awful pace, i'he coach bounced up and down in such a terrific way that it jolted the buttons all off of Horace's coat, and finally , -I n iT 11 is HEAD CLEAN" TllltOtr.lI THE HOOF Of the stage, and then he yelled to Hank and begged him to go easier -slid he wasn't m as much of a hurry as he was awhile ago. But Hank said, Keep your seat, Horace, and I'll get von there on time." and von bet he did, too, what was left of him. The -iory became one of the standard leg ends of the Sierra Nevada, and was cited as a happy Illustration of plon cr humor. Hank Monk felt himself immortalized by it, and (Ireeley might liave gracefully accepted the bottler idvcntnre as a narrative in which bis name should live long after the world liad forgotten what he knew about .arming. HORACE'S ORATTTCDE. In the Fall of 1800 we met Hank look at Reno, as we Were about leav ug for the East. With the recollce ion of that ride fresh in Ms memory, ml a sentiment of fellowship toward ' is UlNtrion passenger, until whom be had passed hand in hand into litera ire and tame. Hank requested its to ill upon Greeley and tell him that. In icmory of their celebrated mountain de, he wished him to procure a pass nt would enable him to viit his riends in the East, We. accepted the .isslon cheerfully, believing it would dy be necessary to mention to (irec y the name of Hank Monk to have lie request accorded. We met the liilosopher at the Astor House, and :iefly delivered our message. Tlie ply was concise and emphatic !itt) AITUECIATION OF A (tOOD-NATClt-Eli JOSE. ''Damn him! that fellow has done lie more harm than any man in Arn ica!'' We protested our ignorance f any injury. " But there was not damned word of truth In the whole :ory IV rejoined Greeley. We began recoil before the benevolent aspect iid belligerent language of the great .litor and deferentially represented lint though the anecdote might lack unewhat of inundation it was never theless a good story, and had no : uibt contributed In a degree to his iioriety and popularity, and that we onsldered it would he only a cotirt- olM and generous act on his part to 'oinply with Monk's request, i "THE I It DttUKKKR scocMilll l." I Replied the philosopher, "1 would - c him stay there and rot before I ' vould take the tir-t step to procure liun a pass to conic East." By this rime Greeley bad become swelled up like a toad, and blscong tdedcouiiton ance threatened an aj, ; It- We saw that to pursue the subject wis onlv to precipitate the stroke, ami. not Wkhihg to have his blond upon ! our hands, we withdrew a bystatsler ! i cmarking that Hank Monk must '. a i mlglity poor sjiecl men of humanity If ie was not a bigger and better man ban Horace Greeley snowed himself o be. In telling the story of tlie I'lacerville ride, will lienmcratic ora- ors append this sequel llhistrative of 'he overbearing and Illiberal nature of ireeley Y In endeavoring to popular ly their candidate by associating his -. ;iue with that of our representative stage-driver, will they give Greeley's opinion and treatment of him f Hank Monk still handles the whip and reins, ! but we fancy he has more friends on tills coast than Horace Greeley, though the latter is running for President. An American Item Done In French, It is known that tlie railroad from San Francisco to New York passes through the reservations of several tribes of Indians, who iuvarable re gard the locomotives as terrible mon sters by the Mauitou to exterminate the red man. Several times already the Indians have attempted to throw the trains off the track. In these enterprises they were led by one of the fiercest of their chiefs, ft Cherokee USOIed Nana, and surnamed Mocking Bird. All their attempts having failed. Nana resolved to change lu tactics. Accordingly, on the 2d ot dune last, be concealed himself near the railroad. I and with extraordinary activity bound ed upon the fool board of train No. t!7. I from San Francisco to New York. He I then slipped along the train until In reached the locomotive, where he klll I ed the fireman with a blow of his torn ! ahawk, st ibblng the engineer with bis knife, and after scalping them, jump ed on the tender, brandishing the scalps and howling out a savage war song. The settlers .".long the line became terrified as they saw the train, which now dashed alone at a fearful speed, driven by t'n; ferocious engineer. Tlie passengers all cried out lor help. The situation was extremely perilous : in fact, they were running into tlie jaws of death. Finally an officer of the navy, Hen ry Pierce, determined to sacrifice him self to save his fellow passengers. Armed with a large dirk knife, lie ran along tbo foot-board of the train, and jumped Upon the engine. The chief Uttered a war cry and brandished his tomahawk, and a hand-to-hand strug gle was commenced over the bodies ot the engineer and the fireman. The passengers put their heads out of the Wimlows,aud with an anxiety that may easily be imagined, tried to sec the light. In about a minute Fierce fell mortallv wounded under Mocking Bird's terrible blows, who. in the twinkling of an eye. scalped him. But white he was triumphantly waving the scalp of his victim in the air. Pierce, who was still living, had sufficient strength to jump up and mime hla knife ii) the Indians breast. killing him instantly. He then crawl ed to the valve handle, shut off the steam, and the train stopped. The passengers ran to the assistance of this brave officer, but it was too late ; he died two hours afterwards. ro:tEn;x sews. Rinderpest continues to spread in the provinces of England, The report from Paris of tlie engage ment of Miss Nellie Grant, is pro nounced take, 'iTc gentlemen connected with the Board of Arbitration have gone to Berne. Prince Albrech. Commander of the Austrian army, aged 55 yean is dead. The volcano Matinaloa, Hawaii, is again in active eruption. Tlie Specta cle is said to be magnificent. Eleven of the Narbonne, France, rioters have been convicted and sen tenced to terms of imprisonment from four to fifteen months, and fined from 20U to 400 francs. Gladstone defines tlie term "enter prise" to mean, in America, newspa pers stealing the account of a treaty. Royal engineers from Toronto. Can ada, have left for IVmbina, where they expect to meet the American party appointed to determine the-Mli paral el boundary between Canada and the United States from Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. The work will occupy three or four years, it is thought, A great laud slide occurred near Fraga Arragon, Spain, on the banks of the river I 'llicn Hen. the other day. The waters being forced from their course, inundated the country around the town, carrying away the bridge, and a barge containing forty men, women and children taken from flood ed lionses, was swamped, and all drowned but three. Many other lives were lost, ami damage to property was very great. An Arkansas local solilooutees thus: "fonie of our exchanges are publish- j Ing as a curious Item a statement to i the effect that a bor-e in Iowa pulled! the ping out of the btinghole of a bar- j rel for the purpose of sinking his i thirst. Wo do not "do anything ex traordinary In the occurrence. Now. ; if the horse had pulled the barrel out ! of the bnughole and slaked Its thirst j with the plug, or if the barrel had pull- ! cd tlie oungiiote out ot the pitig anu slaked its thirst with the horse, or if the plug had pulled the horse out of the barrel and slaked its thirst with the bnnghole, or if the btinghole had pulled the thirst out of the horse and slaked the plug with the barrel, or if the bar rel bad pulled the horse out of the bnnghole and plugged its thirst with a slake, it might be worth while to make some fuss over It." PACIFIC I OAST SEWS. Street bootblacks arc now In Satan, Indian women peddle oysters from house to house in Olympla. Northern Idaho crops have lieen badly damaged by rains lately. Clackamas farmers are having their wheat cbopjied into feed for hos". i'he new Court House at HlHsboro Is nearly finished. Oorvallis is still anxious to have the State University. Tlie State Fair promises to be nu merously attended. The Willamette river at Portland is within a few feet -f low watermark. There is much travel between Plltll phrey's and Olympla. In San Francisco on fha llth Inst., out of 680 jurors examined to sit in the Fair case, only one was accepted. Rev. Mr. ('hitman is to be installed teacher at the Chehalis Reservation. He is latelv from the Fast. The lands of Washington Territory, ! taken as a whole, are more valuable i than those of New York or Ni w Jer i "' Lands along tb" river bottoms In the I Sound country, are being taken up by j settlers. ! At Yakima Cltv wheat commands a 1 dollar a bushel ; 'oats and barley, sev enty five cents. Several prominent Mormons were in : California last week attending the S State Fair. A "dish washer" of San Francico is reported to have fallen heir to $8,- (KKUiUO. The Missionary collections by the preachers of the Iregon Methodist Conference lor last vear. aggregated $1,184 24. P. M. Denny. F.sq.. of Portland. ! was admitted to the bar by the Su preme Court on Wednesday of last : week. Wm. McMillan, a small boy of Port land, broke his arm by falling trom an apple tree lust week, i The dredger was engaged in clearing j out obstructions at the mouth of the j Willamette last week. The Book Depository provided by 1 the late General Conference of the M. E. Church to tie set up lit Portland, will not be established this year. Mrs. Edith O'Gorman, the "Escap ed Nun." will visit this Mate soon, j and visit I lie principal towns. A little son of Dr. Henderson, of St. Helens, was very badly scalded on Wednesday by the upsetting of a cup of hot coffee. Foiir jurors had been obtained in the Fair case, Sail Francisco, up to the 12th Inst. Owens River Valley, Oil., has been visited by sharp shocks of earthquake recently. The JfnMrprtsssays that it is reliably informed that Gen. Joseph Lane will shortly take the stump forGrceley and Brown. The Willamette University opened Monday before last with flattering pros pects. So also the Monmouth Col lege. It is rumored that the Union Pacific Railroad Company is negotiating for the control of the Utah Southern, with the intention to push the work to the extreme southern part of Utah. Fortlie position ot a student in the U. S. Naval Academy, for the Terri tory of Washington, Charles Ovorholt zer. of Walla Walla, was selected. Mis. S. E. May, of Salt Lake City, in a letter to a lady friend, informs her that at a recent election in Utah Territory, she and Mrs. Governor Woods cast their llr.-t ballots. On Wednesday night of last week, at a Republican gathering which was addressed by Corbett, Mitchell, Meach am, Gazley and Caples. a Grant Clubj of two hundred names was organized. A Mlssotlrtan, who stole a kiss from a pretty girl, was flnetl by a magis trate, horsewhipped by her brother, hurried into the brain lever by bis wile. The clergyman also alluded to the affair in a sermon, the local editor took sides with the clergyman and re viewed the case iu print, and the po tato bug ate up every blade of the male-factor's wheat crop. Ills told of a young gentleman whom a maiden likwl but father didn't that at a reasonable (?) hour the old gent mildly intimated that the time tor retiring had arrived. "I think you are correct, my dear sir," answered nineteenth century, modestly, "we have been wailing over an hour for you to put yourself in your little bed." Father retired thoughtfully. They tell of a sharp Yankee down on Cape Cod, who being told by the , . .-I it ii . Ii.r ! hn t liij,- v. i.iir J ... 1 1 n trifle over half an ounce, and therefore ! required another stamp, with his ien kntfe cut off the corners of the envel ope, and thus reduced its weight to the single stamp standard. Dr Greeley lias been done in sugar by an enterprising confectioner, and now every little shaver iu the country goes in for licking him. EASTER M:VS. The cost of living is on the increase in our cities. Tlie President arrived hi Washing ton on the 11th hist. The corn crop of Illinois is reported the finest ever known. The Exposition at Cincinnati was ! m Pewo,w 011 tlle llth ius There is reason to believe that the amount by the Geneva tribunal is$15,- IKKUHI0. Tim tobacco crop for this year in Missouri is estimated at 80,000 bog heads. The corn crop in the Southwestern Sttes this year Is estimated sufficient for the next two years. Nine lives were lost by the wreck ing of the schooner Withy (Jtaltam off Prince Edward's Island. The Maine election has more than ever satisfied the President with the political situation. Commodore Vanderbllt's income is said to amount to the enormous sum of 112.000 a day. or 14,000,000 a year. At Marietta. Wis., on the llth. Win. Maxwell shot Walter Foster dead, in a dispute about a livery bill. Morton Eastburti, Bishop of Dloceso of Massachusetts, died on the 12th at Boston. M. II. LlchetlSteln, a heavy real es tate operator of New York, commit ted suicide on the 12th, by hanging. Secretary Morean states that at an interview with Charles O'Conor, that gentleman said he had consented to ac cept the Louisville nomination, Heavy rains prevailed throughout the northwest last week. Considera ble damage was dime to wheat in stack and stocks in some localities. Daniel Gibson, of North Adams, Mass., who murdered bis wife last spring, has been sentenced to be hang ed. Peter Hayacinth says in a letter de fending bis marriage, that marriage and priesthood are by no means an tagonistic; that his step lias not been Inconsiderate or hasty. Unll'erty. the murderer of policeman O'Mcra, of Chicago, hasbecu adjudged guilty of murder In the first degree, the jury king out but fifteen min utes. ; The President has issued a procla mation abolishing all duties on im ports trom aaiKin in Japanese vessels, so long as Japan preserves a similar rule iii relation to exports to that coun try from the United States. A man and his four boys verelately ! capsized on a bargf near Wheeling. Western i r-riiii.-i. arid tha father kept bis four sons up until they were res cued, and then fell back and was drowned. T. H. Walker, for Governor, John Walruf. for Lt. Governor, J. J. Was ky. for Secretary of State. S. A. Biggs, W. R. Langton and Gen. Robt. Mitch ell for Congressmen, is the Liberal Democratic ticket to be beat iu Kan sas. . Loiiisvilie. Ky.. was crowded with visitors on the llth Insf., to the Peace Reunion . People from all sections of tin. cooiitiM' u',.f. Onnrtiitf in liont ! m Aom -Mwm "the grounds. . Stands t.cro erected in favorable places tor speakers. An itnineut ; had been prepared. i'iilrh one hundred and fifty sheep barbecue bullocks, and fifty ! nogs were to dc served up 1 had been employed and i Fifty eooks lie hundred ' wallers failed. The effort to get (ireeley, Jones assumes, on coming borne to dinner, tlie air of un outraged husband. "Why is it. Mrs. Jones. tlHtt von ride through Waif street in the very e!!iip age I am struggling to maintain for von at high charge, mil cut your hus band?" Mrs. Jones reassures him. "You certainly would not have your wife, from a live thousand dollar ba rouche, Ikiw to a man who is at work for his living?" L. B. Drew, formerly Of Sacramen to, who bad friend bv w; Ills arm pinched by a y of a joke about IS from the effects of t months since I which a cancer was developed, died ! at San Francisco on the 7th fust. His arm was amputated in September. 1371, and lie bad submitted to two ' subseqnenl operations without relief. Death resulted from the effects of this foolish practical joke, lie was a na tiveof Plymouth. New Hampshire, and leaves a widow and five children. Candy eaten will not find the fol lowing very agreeable reading: In teresting but unpleasant revelations have been lately made concerning the adulteration of Candy in New York. Terra alba, verdigris, red lead, ambo line and fusil oil are among the ingre dients employed. Some of them act violent poisons in the system. General Tom Thumb went for a sail recently in Brigiwrt. Conn., when the boat capsized and nearly drowned the little general. Three thousand men arc employed on the great Mississippi biidgo at St. Lottla. PIANOS ORGANS. PIANOS. IIALLET, DAVIS & C0. CELEBRATED PIANOS Tuko the Highest Rank. HAM.ET, AVI .". O.-S FIAXOft have been selected by the K.ccutiv Committee of the World's Jubilee us ih llcl I'luuoM. No other Piano will t used. JT' ZBericlel, The (jreatewt llvlntr Piuntat, who whs Is Boston, ftttottUng tlw Jublieo, Buys. : 4 Th Fn'U't, vN A VoS Plum rxc: N, In every piirUmlitr, all other PltlliOlt" Call :nnl (.xaniine and ice forynnrwlvei. or hoikI for Virion 1AM mul ciivu'ltirs. X. K. BAJUdEB, S!e AifiuiU ftlfSnow A K(nm Art tlallery, 73 First strict, I'tirtlaivL RET. J. W. ROOS, I'KIMillVI Iter of tlie Meihodist C!n:tvh, .Sin l-'rancl.seo. unysi: "In niynpinioa.Heoric HimhIn A' I'o.'n OrgmtN have no e'pail for richness and sweetness of lone, wiili nival power. 1 inn rmnlllur with nil Mm most proiniuoat Organs in the market, have mi ned four different kinds, unci nn liesineiicl)' say I prefer tbose of UeOrgt W eeds in any other." Send for Price MhI and Circulars for xh QnestOnran tn tlie world. W. K. II.UHiKIt, Sole Atfent, lit Snow ,v lions' Art (rilllery, 73 First street. Portland, Or. August Jg.5lv4nid .NKVvTXu MACHINK8. A HIU VII TORY ! Fob tiik Hew Wilson Indfrfeed Sewing Machine J T Wil l. DC I K. II I friends of the TIIE HiAXr Wilson Improyed Sewing MacMse. To know that In the Btnbborn wwitesl fm--uperiorily ill siunplesof llieuivat Northern Ohio Fair, tliiir fnvorlte hat carried off the two gnw premiums ih 'ii'iiii iur uwi si. sjM'enncns nuu-lnne work, nnd the Diploma for iM-st embroid- i erv. Atlie L'renl eiimnel ition i :w in tli..y twn classes, it wijl be seen that Hie Wil son's victory Is complete. We knew Ibis Would Ik' so; ii could not lie otherwise. Their i no tiilklnu down the fact Hint Ilia New Wilson is the best Futility Sewinx Machine now iiiatiutactured capulile ol doing the lust work on any kind of goods, under nil olrcnmstaiicos. This Bwnnl of the hlithcst premium should and will Silence the talk of tlwt larffe eluss of sewlnjt miiehliio men who luive mode, tills inschlne theobjeet of their speciai enmity, simply laieanse lt is u mKt Crate priced machine Blip undersells their exncaslvBoncR. (lq and see the PrenillUll New Wilson Bewtag Machine, the best In the world, now on exhibition at Snow ft Boos An (taller)', 7:l Klrnt street, Portland, Orpmn. and rentomber you can buy this prcuduu machine for fi. 6ijr Agents wanted. MINES & PEAIISON. Julv IS. 7J4'i BLACKSMITHING ! -AXD- General Repair Shop. TIIK UNDKBSIOSKIl HAViNi; liK turneil to Allniny, ami taken Ins old Sliopon corner of KliSWorth and Second streets, announces his readiness to attend to all kindsol' BLACKSMITHLVO. MILL A MAC I UN Ii FOBU'.NG, ETC, Also, lias on band and for sale, tbt COQUILLARD WAGON, Straycr Forcc-tced CEAIN CRUZ., STAR MOUHE, and other FLOWS WOOD'S R HZ PER & MOWER, Which ht "rill sell on the most reasonable terms. HORSE SHOEING- -All rcnnd.$3s Resetting, $1. GIVE ii:: v ill.. AH wota entrusted to me wilt receive prompt attention, and be nxecoted In tint U's; pnMfhls inunner. with wiod material A bareof public patronage is solicited. BSSTShopon cornrr Ellsworth and 8ocon1 stn-ets, oniKisile 1'icn.c's i'errv. lovl F. WOOD. Fruit Tree, rac Vltim, &v. rriIK I'NIIKIMCNKli INVITES TIIR A nttnntlon of the p bilc 10 his large anil complete slock of APPLE, PEAK. PLUM. CHEIUfT and other TREE. Also, fill APE VI ES -best in th KliUo ; Orimnientnl Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Cur rants, (ionselierrb s, Strawberries, Kowk. JJiihliasiiud Itulbf which will be sold srf low as llrsl-cluss stotik can bo nll'ordcd. Nov. 2M3v4 J. A. M tLLAUB.