, TV"' ALBANY AK01STKK. oi:'o i.m.ci.vii ni Venth HleauUI KeNtton. WEDNESDAY, Sep. 11th. The Senate convened at the morning hour. On motion Mr. Moody, ol Wasco, and Wltliam. of Benton, con testants for scats, were allowed seals within the hiir. A vote was tlien takt ii tor Chief Clerk, wliiih resulted 89 otl the day previous After a few more ballots rewriting the same way were taken, the Senate adjourned until the next day. The House opened with prayer in the morning by l'ev. Mr. Henderson. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Washburn, of Lane, and Mr. Wil loughby, of Linn. Messrs. Caples, Langell and Cumin were tlien appoint ed a committee to wait upon the Gov emor and inform him of the organiza tion ot the House. At the session in the afternoon. this committee reported having ierformed the work. At this ;inie, the eoininlttee otl Hrtles reported the adoption of the rules ot 1SW. with rule 4.) as amended by the session of I S70. House then adjourned. Till KMi.U, Sep. ljitij. Senate met at 11 o'cloitk A. M., and immediately proceeded td take another ballot, the sixty-lir-t. for Chief Clerk, the remit was as follows : Adams 11 ; Simpson 11. To save the fittigtinof going through so tunny roll callings hi the course of a day. we suppose, it was resolved to vote once at a quarter past leu A. M.. and then Oiiee at a quarter past two I'. M. each day. until a Chief Clerk .should lie elected. The vote in the afternoon was the same as. hi the forenoon. In the House. Re?. Mr. Waller, ol Salem, offered prayer. The contested case from Clackamas county occupied the time of the House during its morn ing and afternoon session, and was 'ILsoscd of by being referred to the standing committee on Elections, as soon as that committee should be ap pointed. The session occupied about Orty minutes each. Friday, Sep. 13th. Semite met as usual. Leave of ab seuce was granted to Mr. Stralian. of licuton. In order to prevent still farther delay in the organization of the Senate, the Republican members withdrew their candidate for clerk, and made no other nomination The following Democrats were then elected: Chief Clerk. C. Simpson; Assistant Clerk. Orlando Packard : Sergeant--arms h. D. Foudray i Doorkeeper. T. It. Allen. The Engrossing and fildl ciarv Committees were authorized to employ necessary clerical aid. and the. President was authorized to appoint a Page. House was iulorweri ot the organization ot the Senate. Messrs. C-ornellus, Myers and Brlstow were appointed a Committee to draft rule.. A committee of two was appointed to act with the House committee to in- torni theGoveruorofthe jiermaiieutor gaiiUiitiou. Martin Calloway waaap iwlutod Pav. Five newspapers were voted to each Senator. Secretary was requested to furnish laws mul journal of 'ii.s ajid 70. J'be clergy were in vited to os n the Senate with prayer, i'hi; committee to wait on the (Jovel- nor, reported tiiat lie would deliver his message At 3 o'clock, ami it was agreed to meet hi joint convention at that hour. Iter. Mr. Marsh of Forest drove, offered prayers in the House. Col. W. W. Chapman was invited to a seat within the bar of tlie Houe. The Speaker announced the following standing committee: Klectiant Messrs. Martin, Corwln, .'ohuson, Stevenson an (.'lew. Warn afi k m Messrs. Simpson, lllrsch.iud Grant. Kthniti.it, Messrs. Collier, Craw ford and Oii-'tein. ,ulMry)tsm. Caples, I 'at ton, Barin, Cranorand fallow. Olniut Messrs. tingle, Ginglei and liiakely. Mtttitntp Affair Messrs. Harrison, Riddle and Andrew-. Ruwh and lliokmi m Messrs. Thorn lury, Walker and Crooks. Sngrommi Mil Messrs. Allen, Pow ers and V right. Enrolled iwu Messrs. West, Coop er and H'aldon. Mian Affairs Mes.rs. Bnrbank, Uusliey and Outran. I I'riidiwi Messrs. Crawford. Gown-! iugand Willoughhy. ! Commerce Messii. Biles, Matlock, I Riley, Hodgkins and Shelton. ' f"' T)Trr(ffii Miwi.QtnglM,dplii i and Curran. Voumim-Mimn. Bushy, Washburn ! and Mason. Fvlerul Motion Messrs. Congle, i Scott and White. Mining Messrs. Langell, Johnson, and Andrews. I'ul.iic Linus Messrs. Hirsch, Burin and Onstelu. hilern'il eiwwiiM Messrs. l"at tou, Simpson and LnIow. 1'rh'ic Hiiiliiny Messrs. l)rst. Bnrbank and Grant. After some resolutions of a joint character were passed, Mr. Rurhnnk was permitted to introduces bill to re peal Hk; litigant law, which was read the first time. A resolution to suspend the rule.- and read it a second time was lost. After provision was made for joint convention to hear the message of His Excellency, the (louse adjourned. In the afternoon, after inviting the Judges and officers of tlie Supreme Court to seats within the bar. and other formal arrangenu uts were gone through with, the Governor delivered his message. Saturday, Sep. nth. The Senate adopted the rules of last session, and one new one providing that no printing shall be done without an express order from the Senate. The officers ot the Senate were, on motion. allowed the same number of newspa napers as allowed to each member. Notice was given that hills would be Introduo d to amend the laws relating to assessments ; relating to productions of evidence : relating to public raids ; to amend the election laws, and to amend section !), ehap'er 83. title 1 general laws. Senators wanting leave ot absence paired oiTas follows: Brown With Baldwin ; Fay with Cornelius. After recelvlnif n invitation to attend Pair at Albany, adjourned. Rev, Mr. Driver offered prayer in the House at the oenhig. House ac cepted an invitation to visit Linn County Fair. A bill to secure labor er's and mechanic's liens, and one to relieve Judge McArthur from tlie duty of holding tne regular term of Circuit Court IbrGrnnt county, this fall, the House w as Informed would be present ed, A joint resolution was passed pro viding for a joint committee to consider the best and most economical meth od of securing care and good treatment to the insane and idiotic ; to consider the propriety of building an Insane Asylum, and report all propositions laid before tlie committee. Messrs. Caples. Lougell and Onstein were ap pointed such committee. A resolution providing that the committee on elec tions jo instructed to proceed with the investigation of the contested casts from Clackamas county, and to reort at 111 A. M. on the following Thurs day, was. after several motions were taken, adjourned until Monday Wtb. MOXDAV, Sep. 16th. The Senate met at 2 o'clock P. M. Mr. lloult absent One hundred copies of the Governor' Message were order ed printed. The bills were introduced by Mr. Baldwin which he gave notice of Saturday, and they were read. A Mil for the protection of churches, re ligious and literary societies; and a bill for the preservation of M and game, were introduced by Mr. IVriph. The President announced the follow ing standing committees : Judiciary Baldwin, Do!ph,Stmban, Tolen, Watson. Ways and Means-My er, Chrystnl. Crawford. Elections Tnlen, Patterson, Moores. Claims Patterson, Stralian, Corne lius. Counties lloult. Moores, Powell. Military Affairs Luellyn, Brown of Baker and Brown of Marion. Commerce Stralian, Dolph, Web ster. Education Crawford, Myers Bris- ! tow. Engrossment Monroe, Powell, To len. Ei.Tolhnm.t Honlt, Bristow, Bald win. Kiwds and Highways Brown of Baker. Brown of Marion. Crawford. Public Earn J Myers, Brown of Biker. Chrystal. Mining- Baldwin, Hannah. Tolen. Printing Stralian. Cornelius. Dolph. The President said he would an nounce to-morrow the Committee on liaiiroads and Pnbllc Buildings. Messrs. Baldwin and Hannah were appointed on the joint committee on mileage. 'Hie Senate concorred with tlie House on adoption of the resolution to con sider tlie matter of care and treatment of the insane, etc. A message was received Irom the Governor, transmitting his veto of the bill appropriating st.i.lioil tor drainage of school lands in Cnlon county, p.K last session. The Senate took a vote on the bill and it was lost iiuauhnous lv. The Portland subsidy- bill, went the same wav. Brown of Baker cave uotiw of a bill to repeal section i of the act relating to enclosure; n bill relating to Biker county ; to the bound ary of Grant county, A hill for the relief ot Coos county was also given notice of by Mr. Webster. In the House Stephenson and Wat sou were absent. The adoption of the La Dow's resolution in relation to the 'Inckaiuas contested seats came up. A motion to amend, by Mr. Allen, by inserting " the committee to report at as early a timeasposslble," wastabled by a vote of Si to 21. Mr. Matlock of Clackamas appeared during the day, and was sworn in. The following notices were given of bills to be liereafter introduced ; Mr. Biles, a bill to protect game ; Giugles, to amend the act regulating the hold ing of Circuit and Supreme Courts : Simpson, to regulate tlie practice ot medicine; Congte, to amend tlie act creating Board of Pattce Commission ers for Portland ; Bnrbank. to regulate times and places of holding circuit and Supreme Courts; Lnngell, to amend charter of Jacksonville, and to protect mining claims : Caples. to pre vent cruelty to animal j Martin, to repeal the act of Oct. 21 M70, relating to frauds in elections ; Collier, to iu- corpoiate Forest Grove. Mr. Simpson presented a joint reso lution rescinding the action of the Legislature of IStiS and 1S"0 in de claring the non adoption of the lllli and 15th Amendments, w hich was laid over, until Wednesday, and lOQcophs ordered printed. The hill to repeal the Litigant Act was referred to the luifleiury Committee. Biles. Down ing and Clow were appointed on the Joint Couiiuittct Caples presented on Mileage Sir. a petition praying mr a law to puutsti cruelty to animals Thornbiirg was nailed to the Commit tee on Printing. TCKtDAT, Sep. 17th, III the Senate Moores anil Stralian absent. After prayer by Rev. A. r. Waller. Mr. Baldwin gave notice of his intention to present the following bills , biil relating to poll tax ; one tn provide for the locating and con structing ot a road In Grant nwl Baker counties. Baldwin give notice of a joint resolution to amend the Stale Constitution. Webster gavo notice of a bill to define the northern boundary of ( uiry county. The following bills were read : S. 15. 7. to regulate eii-clo-ures ; 9. B. fi, to amend an act de fining the boundaries of Grant county. Refetred to Judiciary Committee, liiils, read a second time and referred to Judiciary : Uelating to introduction of evidence; to regulate interest on contracts ; to protect churches, etc. An invitation tovisi: Penitentiary was received aid accepted. The report of the SeiMte Joint Committee, appointed last Legislature to investigate the acts ot tormer Mate o.'Ikits, was -iiriiintted, and laid on the table. The President annoimceil the following additional Standing Committees: Uailronds i ornelius, llaimah, Tolen. Public Buildings Patterson. Strahan.t'owie-. Incorporations Patterson. Cornelius and Powell. In the afternoon, the House Joint Resolution rescinding the action of tiie Legislature of 'OS and '70 i:i re gard to the Uth and 15th Amendments, was postjKnied until Friday. The House Joint Resolution to appoint a committee to examine tlie books and accounts Cf the Secretary and Treasur er, was agiwed to. Mr. President gave notice of a bill to provide for a wagon road from Jackson to Grant and Baker counties. Committee on Federal Relations Brown of Biker, CrawforJand Moores, were appointed ; also Messrs. Honlt, Hannah and Tolen on Joint Commit tee on Insane. Rev. P. S. Knight opened the House with prayet. Mr. Cranor submitted the report of the committee to Investi gate State officers. (Smelling Com mittee's report! which was tabled. An invitation to visit the Penitentiary w as accepted. Bills Introduced and read : By Bnrbank, a bill to provide fortunes and places for holding Circuit and Supreme courts ; Congle, to amend the Portland Ponce Act; Langell. to amend tlie act to protect mining claims ; also, to amend the Jacksonvle charter ; Biles u protect game ; Simpson, to regulate the practice of medicine ; same, to protect medical practitioners; Caples, to relieve Judge McArthur from duty of holding court in Grant county read three times under sus pension of thi! rules, and passed ; Caples, to provide for the construction of the Portland. Dalies and Salt Lake Railroad ; Caples, lo prevent cruelty to animals, Mr. Putton gave notice of n bill to provide lor tlie erevtion of a Capitol building: also, a bill to, amend the soldiers' relief act ; also, to amend the soldier's bounty act ; tingle, to repeal part of act regulating civil and crimi nal proceedings in justices courts; Riddle, to provide for bounties on scalps ot certain wild animals; Cor whi. to grant State aid for a wagon road from Yamhill to Clatsop Plains. Tillamook Hay. etc ; Bushey, to change mode of voting from viva voce to bal lot ; Andrews, to provide for a loan of fcUUXW to Union Academy, Union county. On motion the Speaker appointed Crawford, (Jingles and La How a com mittee to investigate the books and accounts of the Secretary and Treas urer. Crawford was granted leave of absence. House then adjourned. Thiers lately complimented Com mander Wells, of tlie Shenmihak, on the excellent condition of his ship and the discipline of her crew, and ex pressed a hope that friendly relations would always endure between the two Governments. Wells made nu appro priate reply. The Republican club ot Birming ham, Kng Iwve protested against In ei'easltiir tlie loud rates of expenses for the purpose of providing illuminations and banquets In honor of Prince Ar thur, who Is to visit there soon. BtJSlNpS CAKHS. At Xorth Brownsville, KIRK, HUMS & CO., ARK -STII.L WU.U.SU DRY G0C9S GLOTHRG, KMOT, MKS, IIARDWAIU:, (UMH'XWENi NO'tlOSW, Kit'., VK Of which they Iceer-Wl hat! I " tall sleek, and lire able to sell ill Ivwwl imt, iw usual, for iiisl) or !ilurt. Will also tie bte to bay and sen Grains of a" kinds, or attend to storing or for wardlmt It ut ttiutr Warfhon In Buiaey. Uhuusa trial. MI!K, Hi ME CO. WM. PETERS, ICAHCKACrrBKB OK Carriages or Every iMieripUMSi ANY MANTKAi Tl'ltKS unil alfstylesof TO OKI'ES Wagons, CarriAacs. Hstcks, Ae.. lit us rmsoniilile rates as tlie us' of I ,r.u.a niiitnclHl and 'irsl-elii-S wM-k ti ill 1 tlfy. fteiirlnit neatly aa loxpcdltionslydono j , a! low imes. ! Khop on Feity tksfween nrstaiuineeon tr.s'ls. W il i t. ir.li. Albany, May v. itj-:; MAHBLE WORKS. .T1O.1R0K & 'f AII3F.B, tKr.lers la 1 . vk.li I.-. rn..t . KollUaeEtS, ObClbtS, Imth, if t in! unl Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vi raniiit Marble. and Italian SALEM, 01tEOO?f. UR VSCII Wior AT ALBANY. The Eyes! -Fhe BaMj DR. T. L. GOLDEX, Ore list and Anrist. Albany, Oregon, 1M! GOLPKN IS A I soil ot the not fit oei oniliiiltni' M. ('. (Inlilen. ilmtor, Iir. (iol.Ieii lin- liinl (xperte.nee in treating tl... i-uriml, ilisell-es 10 which ih('evetindiriirtisuliJeot,and feels confldeul of giving onllre satiMOetlon to ihos,' wile muv pteee themselves tmder ids mVv. ' April 18,98. (i!t. E. 0. SMITH, IE!T1BT, H AS) I.iil ATKP IN AI- I'aiiv.iiiid is now red iy I'l WOII (-11 111 ' cin'.eii. oi ..I- iiniii ami vli hillv.witlin new Invenilmi In denial work. Ii eons' sts in suppartniK the pline totlie mom h wltboiu eoverinit the wliole roof, ii heretofore, Tliose wislilnc arttllelal teeili are inipiex el lo eaii and examine tor themselves. Also, piatm mended, whether parllally broken ordtvlled, Tenth, extracted with oat pain, odlce o.ec 'iunidl's store All Work warranted. Tvt Pape?hanginjjt, L'l',m3n3ng, Decorating, ike. T.i M. WAP8W0BTH win trlva prompt . nticiillon to ull orders for Paper 'wvniiln.'r, Cfdeornlniiitf, larora' itnr, Ac in tilts ell or vieini'v. All work oxneuted In the liitest stylo, in the best manner, and nl lowes ib rates, ESTOrdwrs left at Kit "ii i in re Warereonis nfCliaa. Uoaley w III reoeivo prompt attention, iuv4 FUAMil.lX WtXlUiET, ALIIANV, OREGON, J. 11. 1IMIKO.V. Proprietor, A QA1 il Fn MS, AT TIIK HI. I) PI. ACK ON roa; stfreet, prorioses to laniiai tilt whoatmly Wltll all kinds ol'MK LSntlhe loives, iimrkei rales. By stricl attention to business he bones to alve L'eneinl sntis- fftotlon mull who may favor blm with u cull. CVT Highest nnirkel Brlee nnid for l'dl l.TIIV. J. it. tJKBBOK. nJBvt CITY MA R KE T , FIIWT K'intLT, AIJ3A.1T, OKMM, J. L. HARRfS, I'KOPRIKTOK, w TIM, KNIIKAVlIK Til KEEP COS- rfuiitlyon hand a full iii)ily of All, KIMS Ol' HKATO, Which will l of the very Imst ( The liiitliest nuirket price jwid for beeves, hoi;s mid sheep. Thin! door west of Ferry, on south lde of First street. J. L. hakkis. Alhsuy, Deo, Li, is7i-v.v4 Albany Collogiutc Inatitutc, AI.llAW, OREUOX. 'pins in'stiti:tiox wm REOPBN on 1 Monday, September 1, 1S71, withauonw of teachers capable and earneat. iiwtrne. tlon will l: tlionmali and piaetiral, and tlie Hvsiem of order unsurpasscil. For par tienlars address K. K. WAIiKKN, A. M-, President; Or, ltov. K. K. UKAU V, U. D Albany. PATi.XT GA'FK K1"C Eclf-Ojerinr; Stlf-Clus-Jti a a t ii PATENTED tiv June JOHN DICKASUll. 4, In.;. 'ptlh I TK 18 SO ' :'' i!(vTKI'lli ilif ul'iei-' niierei -i:.-. i; i ho 1 M hen I ilP- w beefs ill one si is eimne, led to llni- opening tt inermevurwkk'ii e btairii n u I'O ', e.n' ,ei tin J lie-;-oiny intnittffi, tbs 'imtlttr lover,'11 lii L;e.iHllsn;,Mt;.' ee'.rn: ii opefl Ar earri sue e,i.-es (-,-i- j ennnwtej wiili theanl yaie. in its rotation, to an ! fusfeu. l.'hin!.l yon J-fo Ocilinj Out of Ycm Vc-b.oU' No Kaislngof 1 .iiielies Ur.r t-ufllm Mtriug, Exeeptihe rtilon" of yeur ;ea:. ti w ofn-ii eulUv.l TK!: "liAZY MH' GATE,' And a "Wp.'td Open and HbaV This ':ti!e i sbnnle in 1,'feonsirucileii, ImhIi of Iron Ami wood worfe ,unO not !:lf !t to irei nitt of oilier, If a iiprI, etiwili ct is (leHlreit.lt imi be ina'te llirhl, villi tfci'W I cross Inn's ot Ktxyl unit ono-tbtirth lnt-b I wire, neatly earve'l nl flie iop,tbe lower ! en I iii-l In the iKitlom lar. which ! Ui' I style of ii Ric'loi'v iuad iate. Tho are new in practical nse (n serersl el :h eoinitlesaronnd San FianelHco, andfilMly ol teliinmiina.sean Uexven. imim J. SAFFORD, tutVloK purchased the Right iiir Mna Co., OrcjOli, Ilns now on hand, and will manufuMm theatxvcdeti(irlijedute. Whereverti r liecn lined it inis idved the hlRhest n eomluins, t& the i;c-:e Ttuuiiier of eertifl cuteifroin prominent fhrment in li rn of the country, now in my hand, will testify. CARRMCiEftAXOWAClOXS, Of All Descrirtlouo, On band nnd tnanufuctnred to erdr Illarksmithing and Strf-slrfsf Ione to order at IDOPt muMmtblfl rate. shop foot of Ferry street, onposlte Brack. Montrith A ( n.'s fiouriim nitll. THOMAS J. MArri-BH. Albany, Oct. , Is71-vl JOB PBI-VTINC. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITU NKW A XI) I AST POWER A.3 HANP P 11 E S S E S. Latest and moat liesirabla tj Jen or Printing Material h iindouhtedly TIIE SHEBANG TO 00 FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards. Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels- Bui why particularize, when it is jren erally acknowledged lliat u ar ON IT When it comes under the hed of ( Jil t . l GST Come tosoeui, ouott mm 'MnmiaaNteiMktic