rr. ft N. offlrlnl Paper lor Oregon. 'nilDAY. Alia ST 30, 1S7J. A IHarvvlHnm RewMe. WOMB AS's PI WI.OVS V U I. YT STONE WOl M IN- i'rUn l.Y A l'lIlWMT- vm mm, 1,200 rn fkom we rak, Majnr.'obn B, Steward vd.o live? ha his firm mar the north Lllse of Stone Mountain. Atlanta, t ovinia, thought he liewvl the voice of a itmn 11 illitrtSS on the steep dm ih the mountain. VlMiii ooklllH ll WfSnW the head of a ID!UI. and saw liiin wav ing liis haml for sueeor. 'Hie man .nlletl to the Major for a tliink of w a ter, ami Mul lh.it lie had but little mon ev. hut he wooltl give It all to be taken trom the place he wa. '06 Major ! Will Wis not hoaxing him The man replied that In- waa in tMJMH. rautiouiiii the man to keep quiet, tlic gentleman prueeetlcd at ot:iv to town and obtained wWahf. The new spread like wild-fire over town, and every heart ran out in au piWtfbrthe condition of fl unfor tunate, one. Those who went to the rMUw made 'tJuttline"toget their. Ven wen' fwatfotietl at the Daw on tlie frteiiiN in the room, shook m henfl a nortliside to signal tk' party Oil top if s);ii. tliing .eciiliai ly good bad been at wliat time to defend. ! done, took up his white, anti jii iteil mearuui the row to a eeuar tree tlniily iinli 'dded between two massive roeks two gentlemen made the leril .mis dt si eni t seeure tin' man. About three hmulivd feet from the. top of tlie mountain thev eame to him. Ho was irtno iii a milch, or water eourse. furrowed out of lift' rock by rains. iWuifivit was iammesl into a erevuv ami the other bent under hi body. He was hugging tlie rock ehmdv, while one hand w as grasped in the nu the collar of his iit. A small tablet ofrock. two or three f.-ct long and a foot or so w ide, was all that w as between him and a fall of some twelve hundred feet to the ground. Had be moved two or three leet to the right or lett, he would have been precipitated to the bottom, twelve hundred teet, anil duly a horrible mass would have Urn found to tell t!ie ta'e. lie had laid there from FrHlayeven i:i' late until Saturday evening. His in : i. es am siit entigs wen' inieii-e Hi- teet wen' volleu. laeewtett and ; Mi-tered hy the hot rock-: tin- I ;hiii tnir nil Uiou nun u.- nvn-e-i i i i ' "i the most excrnciafmg thirst and proilueing Olmoit entire bimiiness. tieath sc.- iiwl to stare him hi tlie lace on all sides. Return without friendly oldlieeould not. He was afraid to move either to the right or left, or get up, for that terrible fall was beneath him. Without succor he must die a lingering, torturing death of thir.-t and starvation. In adjusting Ihe rope several rock were in the w av. ami fearing that the nme might dUwttge tliein and bring ilieuidown on the unfortunate m m. thev w ere n moved and throw n off In lien a dinvtion as not to snake on Ihe i,ot occupied by tlie man. With a crashing uolse thev rolled to the brow 'if tlie precipice oil a Ihw with him. and then piling d dow n that terrible distance, burying themselves in the ' .11 til at the MM. Beaching the place, the rope was tiisl arouiid the man and lie was con ducted to ajdace of safety. l'ion reaching the summit, the resulted man was so thirsty that lie would h.i ve enii tled a bucket of wiiter at ope or two draughts had he Urn suffered In do so. lie was carried to a nelgbborllig store and eared for. On Kwlav evening the man allmlcl to. reputed" to be a Mr. M.S arty of VUla Kiea. t.'uroH county, went to the top of Btiuie Mountain, taking with him a bottle ol whisky. He drank rather freely, and pcrtiaps wa- liglit iwarled. He -t.irtiHl down In search of ihe "iK-vil's Cross-roads." and. HimI dlng the desevnt liecomiug alntipt. be pulled off his lioots. lie lud not nine fir w ben he recollects falling and scrambling. His lots were lonml. with an empty bottle, at the foot of a cedar tne. -nme one l.nt.dii d fe't above where he WW found. llence it i -nniio-.il tliat lie fell and : cramhied together some forty or tifiy ln't. He recollects having his lioots tlieiv. The HKoblHiit n:viimHl aliotit nightfall. It ii tlotthttess one of the mo;t miruir.ous escapes from deatli o:i word. A IJtU Oevll fntu Diro. Ijist Satiml iv evening a -on of John MeCawlev, ten years ol age. living three tulles northeast of Cerro Gordo, cut tlie throat of the rui of a Mr. Mor rison, who i nl-n about ten years of BEETl irapTafroin ul.it I egation is divided, the vote of . he ue ran learn, that the two little hoys ate canuot be cast ant. n therefore started from their homes togetlKirto go I Iot. lo (lie river near by for the purpose of I bathing. VtVr they had proceeded Kansas ( aty rejoices in the posses about half a mile, young Morrison ran i slotl of a precocious four-ycar-old-ter. nd got can ideral.lv ahead of young who. U-uig placed hi a closet by Ins Wefmvlev Mct'awley ottlered him i father, the other tl.iy for thsobedicncc i .1 . ... Il.l ....I nt io .too i.-lliui' him that be would u l ip him if he did not ; but Hie little fellow went aliead. Met 'aw ley then nut in bki lst lielis nui fa-t and shortly overtook hiin-threw him down. and. without saying a word, out a trash in his throat alwut three Inches long, ju-t misdng the jugn.ar M in. wilh a imcket-liiiilc. Afler no did this, he ran home and told his father what he had done. who. in i tn- .,.. will. . ,.. IV li Cnil ithil nee nr iwn others, retmired to the -cene. j , A Clndnuatl bridegroom fainted lien Uicv reached tlie bleeding loy ' away during Uio Ceremony last wwk. Is- was unoaadoM Mid e.aihl not ! and was only reslvwl after bclug vig-siK-ak. lie was earned to his fatlicr's i orously finned by the officiating eler Ikmisc. win-re the wouittl was dtt-stl ! gyman's hoot. He aahl he never felt i.vl)r. Ucl. who thinks that ;l,c,e are, so but twke U'forc -once when he Imiei of his recovery. V, 1 c , MeCaw- j was Mown up at 'i ort Hell. In front icy asked his son why lie dftl K . lie re- i of Petersburg ; ami again, when Ik; plied, "Kase 1 meant to d . It." 'ffcaiss, iot', Uc-s pappa ami mani iin, aiitl -and-aisl if you're a mind ti yon nay Mvas muAKflle: lj.1 I diin't mut:li care." . Rhode Island was struck Vv lighten-, tnirpiised to hear him laugh soon ar lng the other day, and tlie tliuiidetliolt iter. "I was thlnkhig lw I fooleil never crazed any of the adjacent you by keeping my mouth shut," -States. Where Is the niai-sksin w mi beat that for slrjvfhiiUig? Soluble W- il.iinn. A OlljOni liiU'MI.IAlAX 101 YEAIlSOIJ. M AI. 1. It 11 TO A MAID OF 90. Peter ( ox. sgsl 1(1 years, wis mar ried in Brooklyn la-t Sniutiy twnhig to 5"ti-s Lucy tin-en, aped 50. Both .nr. colored, and the iinio;!. tliere is reason to believe, was one entirely ot love. They lir-t met, not long ago. in a grocery, where the sprifli'fv l.ney dealt out cabbage. IVter was Mitt? ten at tirst sight, and made overture at but. Ill Ms own language, "he apologized, and Lucy noeopted Ihe apology." Arrangements were made fur the wedding, and on Sunday even ing the bridal party started from Striker's allev, where Peter had been i living in bachelorhood, for tlie par-on- agcottlie IttV. Mr. MowbrayiWion.il,1, Dullield street OAl.OiilOf .- CUIVAItltC lliev were followed by a proeessi in of co'ioiimI women anil i.OUflor fbtflO ; li ivs. Tlie boys niu about and bent tin ..aiis, p.-.i.ludiig a meIo.lv or 1W- loda.tsoiit.ds.niitatalln-senit.iingtl.e , e as-n- wei : u ir i naieii. i.oev ; givni away hy Ml octogenarian unele. but Peter, who is an orphan, had to do that part of the ivreinonv for him self. Atier the knot was t'etl Ihe groom hwit gmcefitlly over, kissed the timid ami lilushing j,iu-y.and then tlirilhig with a ffhnvfcig e iimtenanee to Ihe slove-piiie. and ma I 'snosc (lis ting - all right, ho:' Stlti KKVF.I. IN SVKK'S fKU.AK. The boW replied in iht afflruiaiive, ; and reforming rank- the party return ed as they i.une, to the basemen) in iStryker's alley. Whera the marriage I supper wui in readiness. Kveiyhody bad a good feed, and in the eveningtiie ! happy couple went iion a wedding ; lour to the lhidge-tiret A. M. K. CbUrch, where they -pent the evening tappniprt Itely. -ingiug with more than usual I'enor. and iv-pondiug at inter nals with nnetnoiw emphasis. Peter could hanlly keep bis seat at times, in 1 liis anxiety to shout "Hallelujah." The services over, calm and contented j they returned to their homo, I hojik i.ncli'mno ikuiiij, at ! 80 1 EH W 1.1 K. 'fills luwie is hi a haseineiit. but it i- a chan businient. The furniture ..f ,.l..iM- a n mint- , , tma,Mi keranc lawn. Peter ntnmii about lite feet liieh, afKl Is sHtu in proportion. II is form is bowed, and his step has lost the elasticity of youth, lie says he win lsiru in the West In dies, in 177 1 . hut what month becoujd not tell. Who his lather was did not trouble him. At an early age lie left the Indies and came to this" country. The llrst K.rl l.e truck was t'hailes ton, a'nd a n.u .d it ho remained for over forty years. There he met Major Caepi- of Brooklyn, by w hom he was emn'ovi"! as a personal attendant, and with whom he passed through the Mexican w ar. Br I lie. Major lie was brought to Brookfyn, and left to shitt f.ir h mself. His" first shift was t, gtryker's alley, where he obtained board for the thbuloHs jiiiceofl 50a week. "And litre," with a merry twinkle in his eye, he added, "I got my first wife. Hie came I row dc first house on the eonwr." She w as drawn at the ripe age ofi;s. With her he lived until eight monthsago, when she died. Peter confessed that exception illicit he taken to the hurry he bad shown in taking another wife; hut lie Wished those who grumbled torcmeni ber tltat the time at his disposal is not s.. great as it once was. Tlie couple seem to have a brigbt luture befoi them. -Y. Y. Sun. . - ... , How A 'VWBSiMXt is ELKCra. - Each State is entitled to a.s many eleisjors of President and Vice Prest- deltas it lias Senators and Hepresent - atives in Congress. In each State the eleilors are chosen hy a plurality vote, That U If there are thiw sets of elect - ors voted for. tlie set having the high - e-t immlicr ol votes h ciioseu. iniiai candidate for President in onler to b sucws-iui, mils nave a majority oi an the electors. Hie elei tonal college, as ...... ..i ... i ... r jit now cou-iiiiiieo. iim-i-o ; sno-fest to trie ticnisfti o! ur nem 'fhercfore 181 are necessary for a L;Tti Modem : clKilce. If tliere be three caudWatea I??!,, , '.. for President and neither of them re-I Not V eudell 1 lull, ps nn tlieoio ii'ives a majority ot the electoral col- J liaiul, nor Jeff I)avis on ,!io otlirr, lege, tlieu there' is no choice and the j ),as hop,, a morP dangerous leaelier ckiction goes b. the llou ol Hepre- , , - f , ;, . sentatives. the House iuii-t conlinc 1 " . , . . , their choice to the three highest eundi- wok'h despotism everywhere rests, dates votnl for by the electors. The ' than l as Horace (irccley. If one Representatives vote by states and i shouM search the woritl over for a each State has but one vote. 'I 'he nia- j aj vpe of nnU.t)eTnomcy. lorilc of file KffttA I e .r".ii h .1 1 e:i.l it 1 I . . J I . . J - .... vote. A enil II 'I n to l,f. -'u ec-tii must receive a majority n S'atei. of all the Ifthedel- ."SIMH'H. Itl fir ' of pat'-rua! authority. Instead or cr)- rual authority, instead I inc. nut his w its to work to fret out Calling to his father to come in and ! soe what he hid found, the linstvsmetr i ing paterfamilias walked In, while the j four-year-old sslijiiM-.l out and ouickjy j turned the key. leaving him to sweat : it out. Presently ttM youngster co.ll j ed to liis j,a to know if it was hot In there; nor did he let his father out un , til h replied in the nfltrniatire. j asKeil tfie note eiere w gije mm a timfort;ible bed wilhont gtllns on the pillows. I.tttle Kobbie's mother readied-for ' him with tier liipper Hie other hy. for : purloining Hie raspberry jelly, aial was said Robbie : "ft was hude that hook- vi tbejullh;." i us ABOt'T WOSIKX. I ' Giwgla girls use none hut religions papers for Sunday hustles, All Ik- prizes' at the Wcent oh ' n.eiavment exoreis.-s of the OliUugo llihSh.K)l wen- taken by girls. West I'obit belles have commenced to worry tlie bullous off from the costs of tli.' uuf-heAtletl cnttct T.o ton Whs are ei i'v rewgiib'etl In-tin- beavv boots tln-v wear, ami : their toiukicss tor l.oiLil onions and corn on the cob. A woman In .failm viV. Florida, ; has shipped ihiOeii hundred al'igalor h'desto fit son v. it: i i tlie pit (he ; month:. I A young lady at fop Henoch rc Icel'.tta new divss daily from Sew York, and does not h ilt" cover hcr-ell i w hen in full dre. i Marriat'es are mo-t nimii'h'il- i i the .... ;,. M-uliielt'. So it jI( Kilcit : the tirst man I ii was in the c uiv till ' , ' , f, l().1(;,r(, sklp, wit)l . . , . , ir, at : IVIIa. Itiwn. skipping into the Mug- lloni come" last week. The 1I'w"n's.c'm '.;t'era:"i ing that a negm hi- b en e' ' t d 'oTol the Metltmllst Church, Mi vilav nienlly : - : "Why not a Woman? A Keiitib-ky prtpe says : " The ta ImotH lr. Mry Waiker ppent hir yonthlii) days hi m mut uturmg com pound withartlc llls in BwKfi)rlilge , county." Monognn'h wind p4wr are the la- U t agOuS among young ladies Whose ISithcM can mls"iiHicleutwimltohiiy I tliein. 1'iviieh fans are what they a;v ! termed hy tlie owners. The late-t (eininiue wrn li'i- locati il here Is describes! ty an K.a-ter.i iwper ' as a black-eyed girl, who w ins 1 1.000 I niglitlv. and Ins broken several f ir banks In Sa:i Francisco, i Copper toed fins are sold for the I benefit ol young ladies w ho have no ; one to love, itnil who chew the spilling ( out of any other kind ia one evening when a hop is in progress. A vouug ladv of Illinois ,va reeent i Iv married at tlie age of twelve, and j they're betling on the number iff ilfytireesi she's likely to make. beiriiiuiiig her niatrhuoi.til career so c;irly. I An Idaho woman was onlirei1 I y a 1 physician to take three ounces ofbran- :dv'adiv. ami knowing that sixteen ; drachm make an ounce, has patiently been taking fori ) -eight drinks a day , CoffevvillciKau.) woman Velug re fitsed a drink, prcuwletl to shy paving : -tones at the liar. The Marshal Inter fering, slia shot him In Ihe hip. He in Mum put ft hall III her knob, kill ing her iu:tantly. ' There are nineteen young ladies ru Newport whohaveliieil forsix seasons irist to sccore hnsliandi, and the way lie is scnitinizeil when he arrives at , bis n'soit is awful. If he be of inotlesl I and retiring dispo-ition. i A Mlmipsota girl, while eitjorltig the mazv (lance, planted one of her feet against her partner's near ear. i with the explanatory remark. "I dmi't beast much on beauty, but I'm ' h 1 on style." ' A lively Iloosier maiden wept when -lie rtrfd how Longfellow had cut his '. iasfeni so as to ruin him tor life. Sin was do fond of his poetry. sSe said, as i slie Wtd tlie pearfy tear drop-i fnnn licr.jjosc. ! A -eventy-live-ycar old French hal let girl manipulates tier an gadded I calves w itli a sprym-ss that makes her younger COlllJianiOiis sea-MCK mm oi- I lieartcii.il. Age win louu inc um gin , j down, however, Young ladles of tint warm, hrnu n 1 color tlwt so pleases .Ion piin Miller ;aw Ir..I.Ivingstone. ate tlw favorites t watering places. A skil fu, eo or 1 art.t tt find all he wa . U t. do m 1 transforiiung tlie pale cold b.anties &) iAwU " i 1 Won't bb Uktom ii.i:i. The ; ri,-,, jMe (Dcm.) will not lie .. , t ,', c recoiic W totbempport ol (.ree ree- Icv. The tollowmg lrom a recent XXP rxnrcsf(?PS its view-, wbtdi wc i 1 . . ... hn ... .n . iut. hlul n lif.llor fem llini ov .-v .. ........ . ....v. vm,,i. this man has ever lioen in nolit- ic.il i'kas. 'Hie sclclion of the most distinctive n-presentauve, ehauiinon and tiarent ot tlie w-mi- ckitii system of anti-Democratic cjovcrnment uiiilcr which the coun ty suffers, as one who can be ex pected to inaugurate the opposite system, seems a good deal illogical and a!.-iird. It is as if, in order to get rid of the creature, one diouM take in exchange the creator. The teachings of (Jrecley have male tirant tlic o.iii frcshiciit lie is; therefore, in onler to Lr ,t rid of Grant, let us lake Greeley! As is suggcsletl iy Mr. Fonrnoy, the principle upon which it is proposed to do this absurd thing must be tliafiho hair of the oil 4og is better for the bite than the haw of his pup" The forgeries of Kobort Atwood ofl.oui-virc sum up nearly IiaTI'a million dollars. 1 ho snffercrs In-j elude his relatives and most inti-1 mate friends. AtcVicker's i;ev tliefttre in Clii e&o, mm on tnc sue of the old Delivery Bunineiw, one destroyed by the great (rfiJiamprinrdioitoy aim aU kii.tis of wa unfilled on Tliur-ikv ui-rbt It ' ob.oa -liorl notice mnl with nulek ill--was opeiwi on i nuixiaj uyit, ( nvb. Term reaswatale, PacWs dt-. is the llrst place of amusement livenni to nnvtmrt or the ettv. truk opehH hi the burnt dirt I 'Xl't "R' I,AV TKAM r'.utNou' - eotemporary. describing a fasli- lovable party, speaks ot a gallant who " hi civl to a lady, "and tdhfc her apart." It Is not a very lltflhtt'.t WrjWfl there is very little left ot her ailer- wanK " 1 ' . " , , ' ' ea.np-i .run;; noa-cu HI It IH M'l'l ll'l'll Ult.Tim IW.MIt Vlir year, .mring whli'h time he h id never . giVi'ii Ins wiic a i ro s wont or look. ; lie omittod to ted hit hearers tlwl Ik' daivd i:ot d i the o:n,' uo? Ihe Otlltr. bhi' Kathor. rui yon say BikW aid to Irs little girl ! what : F-tl.it:-it ihere'j a -Ofeourie I ei.i ; what waa lie said hi re's a kiss ami foliar. WILLI AH DAVIDSON, UK.VL KSTATK I1KALKU, o. ill Front Street. Porllnml. Or RKAt, BSTAf K hi tliisCITViui'l KsT I'OKTb.VN I'. I" I lie most 'lesim'ile IihiiH tles. .imsls'Pe,' of InTS. HA!;F l!l,i Kfi, nnj lUAlC'KS, IliU sbSanil STUBKSi ai. IMl'ltOVKO KAliMs.iuel valua'llu lin en!' Ivn e l I, AM S.iomie'J in Al.l. lairlsel Il l ATK for SALE. URAIi KSTATK, an t oilier nropcrtv. nnreli isc i fitriwresrsiMunH mtlitstJlTV net ihm-::lMm Ihe s't'ATK :m:l TKItlft-TtiKI'.-. wIMi 'T'ea eais- nil 1 on the most AI'V VX , AlilMt S TKltMS. If.it'-l-.s mil STIrtlKS n-v. I.dANs NKliOTI TKi.iii-l'I.AIMSl'IF M.I. I I-.-SliilPTlllNS I'ftoMl'TbY I'Ol.l.KlTKP: iiMj, general l-TNANi'IAbnn-l AliKNCV BfSt?rKsis I minweteil. Soft) OWN- KiFKICK. In all the CI a lie- S'l'ATK. v. Ill ii f KAMI I'RiH'KHTV ;une In llw above ml- :ni I frj .tre-s. ami tlie A. Willi. I. lit, ;:i2, OBECOK, Ml in, in li Ui u I'ii mil A :en- forthnsnieof wAtli'w.aii'liiiiklii'.l At. SIAt'lHSKIU". .nU.imteilBAPi AiilUOt'l.Tlit- l'( 'l-IJIll 1. HVN I. Ts. hi I lie tow a of 'he. MRS. H. D. GODLSY, riHvr mnr.KT, .tt.a.vxv, KVtl'uATKS KN iiifss lit 1 corning i make room will IfKH 1 In Se ll Hi Cost for Thirty EJ;,ys: II t entire sfoMi of Iillinery (ools! riHisiiiii x of DOXMETS, BAT) U.OWKIN, HJ5J fUUTW, KMBKOIIIKKII-Ji, JACOXEBS, UAIIRKD SUfSMXH, aii't a asHety of dtlier good to lie fonml in a FIrat Class Hilliiit-ry Store. .' Please call 'i t rsmtie. JilJy IM'iinl M'.W Ul-KVV. PIANOS. IIALLCT, DWIS & CO.'s CELEDHATD riANOS Take titc Cllglu-iit Run.i. w AM.ET, DAVIS A VO.H PIOS havclH-cii scleefv I hy I lie hxeeiiine . CoiiiiiiilUH' ol Hie Worlil - Junilee h- the i Brut fiano. No oilier I'iitno will he ll-C'l. Pranz Bendol, The noi urealcst llvlna hi, ftiteiit1lni tl 'lonlst, who was JuliUw, iys : ."l'.p linllot. Dftvlu A- C'A.'V PIllllO ! exert. In etcry ai liriilar, nil other " Call an t examine an I sec for yourselves, el for I'l iec 1. 1st una rii-eiiliirs. W, Iv. IIAlKiKK, So'c Aircnt, at Snow Itixis' Art liiillerv, 7:i yirst s; reel, l'orl licet. ORGANS. R' RV. J. W. KIMIH, PKIMIUMI i:f ill - of the Meilm li-t I lllireli, -.ill rmiK'lSi'O.savs : "In iiivniiim.Seow i VmmI A- '. OrKRii have no e iml I for lithneMi and swielnemi of loiw. wllli . prreal jiower. I am ihnilllar w'tli all ihe i most limmlnent orjnuis in IIim inarkot, ImvenSrneil four Ml.rei-ent MatKand on-lie-lmtbalysiy I prefer thoitc ol tfeorge Woo Is tunny otlier." s , ,. a xomthm for n finest oan in tin wmi.i. Vi. K. BAWKK. Sole A' ut HitowA Roos' At: ti 7.! Ktrsl -iivet. portl August 23-j 1 v ttn i etlt, illerv. Hid, Or, j dYEJI ri7Ti j JOHN SCHMELR, j . , IN , GrOfCrieS & PrOVisiOIIS, ALBANY, ORL'COX. HA JCST OPKSED IltSNKW fJBOCKTi MtaldMlinenl OH corner of lillstroi'lh antl Kli-a -ire is, with ti fresti stork of tir,M-erte". l'i-o Isloll-, I'iuhIIi-h, Cigars, To fniOOO. Ac., to whieli h; invito., the nltcil tlon of OOt elii;:en.-. in coaneotlpa v.i.h iltealofQliewillkeep A ftaket-y. atel wlllitlua- have on linm ,L lull Htpnt) of froth li.nj!,cra!kcrs,c C; ' C'ftB all',! r:e ine. JOHN WI1MKKR, IMli I JOB WAGON. TT.WfM; FTT.f'nAHETl Tin; tXTIB- 1 AI e 0(6. w. liKii.tr in tilt) "ECONOMY IS WEALTH. riME I s IVT ONE "ST. " SAVI3 SrOU3Et T ! m E , m Accumulate xkt e a n. t xa: , i;v im fun vrit DRY (i I1AKDWARE, i GROCERIES,! GROCERIES! ITOTIOITS.IpRovi.sioxs! llllllllfig 1 ClMICKEltY, HATS, PILLS, LINIMENT, PAINTS, OILS, IN 3PJLOT I ALMOST ASVrillSi, VOL' MAY IUVK CX:CASJUM TO CSK, i I UNDER ONE ROOF. READY PAT, AXD PROMPT PAYING SHORT-TIME CUSTOMERS, Wff.I. KlVfl, AS UKRKTOFORE, stoke or Tin: Mrmrsiikh, i Lt all Timos, A Oood Awortmenl of tbo BEST GOODS -at tbo-- LOWEST PRICES ! JL.Tj.Hm kinds 0F- i Merchantable Troduc? BOUGHT. A. WHE12LER. Bbodd, Oregon, April 5,1872-31 jOROCERIES AINTID provisions; WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL l'iK"KKKIIisTAimiUl'.M.IIIVST. ALBANY, CRECCN, A. G. Liajrton. Proprietor. 1 riAVK Af.WVVS IN and complete supply of ITI 1KB A lUf.t, STAPLE & FANCY Tobacco & Cigars, Whieti I ii;i si ll fur cash a- liiwiuthn t,ove-i.s-'i-lmne lor all kinds ul mer elmiitkMo COUNTRY PRODlf B ! K u I will instaro a Into qtmntUy ul ISA!J HALT, wlileh 1 will -ell . hi U'AiTcil ill ht 1 liaii ever bcfix lis RwrkcVi tfSTexteiui niecwtnl Invl allon lealUfifl t-t'l etle iii I Ids mid lioinin.". . 'J t-i"eoi,in;lcs. Id (nil ami c.am-9q Krlm unaltfymnt prleesjajj Civ of KIWl.-, us 1 fcL-j BTeonftileiif of nivf t-iralillilj lou'lvc' .s-a C.-iJtliornif hjf -J trir salis-ia t--.nio.i3 t-sy ii. f -a 6-JJioij A. C LAYTOS. BLACKSMITH ING ! - ASH General Repair Shop. lrPIIl: CSDEKWtNKn ItAVtXi! RH ; l luniivt to Albany, ami taken liW iirt ' -hop mi corner of Kii-worlti unit Sw,iut I siivcl-. iiiiiiotiuec-hi-re;; lii.ess n ullenl lull!! kinjsol llf.Ai KSMITII1VI fOltG MIt.f. A Mi, ETC. MAIUINH A l-i i. lias on band and for sale, tbo COQUILLAP.D WAGON, Straycr Torcc-lced GRAIN nniLL, STAR MOUNB, and other TLOWS WOOD'S RE. PER & HS0WER, wbleb be vlll sell on the mint ivasonub'9 terms. HORSE SHOEING- -All rensd,$2 Reletting', $1. UIVK N: A t'AIX, All work etitmstetl to me w ill rei.srlT prompt attcnf Ion, iukI Im execnttxl In tlm l'st sslhle manner, with Root! llllltcrtftl. A shai f public pal ininiii bt solicited. CiS 'SllOpoU ecl'lier K ' streef-, oiino-lle fierec i luvl tswortliandSeeoail ' Kerrv. V. woon. A IIIU TICl'IIRY 1 KoU TIIK New Wilson Underfeed Sewing Machine ! TT H f I I. Id I K !D : TIIK MAST friends of the N K W Wilson Improvca Sewing; Macnine, I To know Hint In the stubborn entet for i superlorlt' in milesof wwltiattbeKiTiU I Ni.i1l.ern Ohio Kiiir, their Invorlle bu ! carried off tlie two iireaitnuw Ui ' Meilnl for he.-t bIx sh'cIiiiciii niiielibio ' work, and the Diploma for l"t cinliroid- eiy. Ast lie tfreai eomii li ion w won i ne- tWOCUvWOfsil will Ik- HTii that the Wil son's victory IS conipjnfe. We knew tbi would ! So; li could not Iwotnertrlw?. There I- no Itilktnif down Ihe ftict lliaf tin. New Wilson Is I'"' best liin.il' fcwlni? MTaohhie now inaunfneturt.d capable of doing tlie Ih -i wort on any kind WBwibS inwli.r nil KlnmnisfnlMiiH. ! Tills award of the litJtlnwl piTinlnm sboiild and i.ill silence Ihe lalk of Unit. ! lare efcoK of sewbex luarblnd men win. have made flits nwelifnetlieot of tlieli i., i in. jiimilv hceniHc it iHH mod- erale pi lccd liiaelilnu'uiip pn 'ursells llieir expensive ones. , ..... (Jo and bw the Po mlinii New Wilson Sewlni? Mtichlne. tlui lwt In the world, now on exhlldtton nt Snow & ItoosArt (iullery, TH Klrst street, I'oiliniid, Oivjnm, and n nieiiiher yon can lwy this premliiw nilielltlie ") H MIN Ell JtrEARSoH- July 13, 1i-W