gJfgisltfc j ITIll.tSIIKl) F.VKKY I KIllAV, By COLL. VAN CLEVE, IN JtEGISTES BUILDINGS, Corner Fi rry nud M SlrnU. TKUMS One year.,,..,... Six months.. Single copra IS ADVANCE. Three dollars. ...... .Two.lo'.lars. Ten wnls. ADVEUTISLXU RATES, . Transient ndveritWtiMnt. per s,pinre of M-n ttm or lo, rt Insertion 13 ; each itoinent toi-(e l w " HU:ml Mrtut. sHzLSb . ' ... . S" ' .v.C'? , , i i , i .JOB WORK, n-ivlic' received new typeStovk of '!- arc orcniired lo i-MitlOOW1rtn.- iheapcr Hum eYWt 0tQ& la till ley. As!'"11 '' llu' K'1""" n. follow in;; gotiiknnen are an' horiaed o twcl ' c Mil rielpl &W .lM.-rI,tU.u,. iSwrtWn-t. etc;; flf, Rw' IHrara Smllli. Kams'tnrtf- .-,'. Tom;)"''. Hnrflburj. Peter Ifnme. IS.W""1'0-; ' Writ. Klr!i4"oiifvm!. .1. li. Irvine. Mo. T II. Reynolds, Salem, l. p Fisher, -mh Fwnrisen. li v Porter. SIu-WV ' ., FVc'hcr f W. IK B-n-tin Vista, Polk f " CllUS. XlCkeTI, Jacksonville, Susies lauds. i - ,. Il.MtTCItl l.I.. '' " ssan siKM. & OttLPH, AttornSt in" Bt lMV" . i . a V . I t I 1.-1 1 V A 1 1 1t t . K - H tor- in ii-linii O.'.Ur over uui m i lto:n rnmt st'nvt, Portlanil,0.-;n. Ivt i.t.POWV.W.. 1..H.IN.N. Attorney nnd tonnsctow t tmw, 1 Kit II . ITOHS IN CHAXCKltY L. A Vllnn KM pUMm Alliny,On"-'oii. C.ltionHuil txmvcyniwBi! pnmiittiy at- tinJf l to. 1 K, it. at,Y.Ni u. N, 11. lit .MI'UltKY. Notary jblii-. CBAXOK & - IirMI'BHEl , Utorucj anil CountK-llvrit nl lt. Al.r.ASY.OKKC.ON. OlHiw I" fiwrlult '"ick, uy '.lr jv4 SETISTRY. OtO. . HA V, I. I. K., MKf Al.Ii WOKK IN Tllr. line of Iii itpnu iwloti to tin Meit, IkM mi'! ajiptw nl niotliotl, lna.HillintiL ain.nt licil for tli patotoXlri'tkm of JoctUjJfAsiln'it wi..iih.r lltlcllltOll Uivcil tOtllClVIU- tlon of Clilltlnsw' timln. UentalomtanltatloiiH mil mmltwton raEf. Ctorgw moderate, siil'laction Kuanuilivl In ci ary 'M :i! '", 0"11''' jwlcWimBiciSHHiiimii" of lti ttoikuiun- OKKKK- In Pan-Mi Brick B!o;, nn Hairs. jlan IV. fti. JO.DEK, M. O., HOMEOrATKIS FHTSI3XAN. OrriCK ON KtlWT STREET, ONE door wesl of BroaiJalblH, In Bnrkhartv two lory brick inp stairs', over (ico. Tnrit ll's torc. BESton-NOE- First lionscwostol tlie MetboAtot chnrcli, AlhaHy.Or. ilSvt liEFFEL & WYEBS' .SI'HEUICAL FLUMES, And Ueneral Mill Marlilnrrjr. J. F . BACKEXSTO, Ascnt, Atlaiiy, Oregon. . a. min ts. w. a. mVixlccii. M, 1)1 BOIS & CO., 1TAVEOX HASH AMI fONSTAXTI.Y 1 1 reoel ring n large stock of Urorcrl" nnd I'rovlHioiM, WofKl.tiit't willow witre. to'mcco, tjlgnrs, tonfiwtlttiH'ry',- Vitnkt hotkitis. Mot, etc., wtioic-iiV nn'il retail, at lowest rates. opposite It. '. Hill & sun's di n;,' store, Albany, Oretton. ' )vt 'ALB A BOOKSTOBE. EKtitlillilinl in isri-i. S-tf-K. A. Frwlnml, DEAI.EK IX EVeRV VARIETT OF mlsccPitncons hooks, wliool books. blank iiooks, stntiomiry. Books iin;iorlcd to onier in wiori not ice. Albany, llt.;. 3, 170. TlKXlAii. X AM l'REPARKn TO DO ALL KINDS I of turning: keepon hand and intiko to orlerntwhlJi'-lwttiHiied chairs, c dte tl' HMNOnt Hosiery. Jemtrson, ore con. Braneb shon near ''Magnnlia Mills," AIIkuiv, where orders for ebnirs, turning, Ac., can lie left. JOII X M. M K I7.I.ER. n, Ana. a. w V BATH HOUSE. tftnE USUERSIONEII WOlI.lt RE I siisetfiillfliiform tlieelllahof Altmny unit vicinity that he has taken charge of this eslieBt, nnO-iiy keeping clean tooitawm iyW slriet atientlort to Ml IMsoX)ioctatoiilt all those who may fa Mr him with thvir isUn.iuiu.'. J laving bsretofotn. ttrriod on nothing but JOSKPII WEBBES. So ' ' HISINKSS (JARDS. JOHN CONNER, B A N K I N (1 Exchange Office AUiAJiv, ;:a;r. rvKNWIF RECEIVED Vfft!U$NS I f t-Tn-'.-k lit si:flit. Intl'WMl allowed oil tiinedctHtsits in colli. Exchange on Portland, S;in rvancuieo, and New York, for sale at lowest ml. ColSfeoflcHiH Hindi and pi'OinlWj Ivihitt&L Refers to II. W. Corbel. Henry Fullliw, W. s. Udd. Bunking hours from s A. M. lo i P. si. Albany, Fe!. l. laXMSva ni. FURNISHING HOUSE! fprir. v&Ktmstiv ijas'opkxkm a I in y tt ikk tif mliiIiHry ti.H.'I:, frtui mltiKs Ui.th--. nml cliit'IttinV fnniinlvins KikvIm, r,t nil kin.l". of Hi" bii.-st ini'l mixt fmliloiinlitd styles, wliifli hc otTi-m to tii In Ih'-tot Al'iain ami siii'wtnuling country ut ihu' lowest nuos. in the I (sparantfe cnttra Itixmu. Sii'.i:fnei',:i. Charei My (1icmtltiatlnn licitist to iv? sa' i.-fnr-t ion in atyia and iiality of work anil price, I n-'k iv share of unliltu i atrouasc. t'a.'lui ioiv Ojip.-.site A. Caroth3rs & Co., First slwut, Albany. Onston, Man. ii. i'. oontuv. OAKcnt for Mrs. Car)ifinWr't( t'tXE BKATr.o llltKSS M. Hi I.. Nov. t,71-9vt MAKBLK WUKKii. leteii in Slonumculs, Obcliskx, Tombs, Head ami Foul SlonjMt, . EifcttifJ in ralifnrnla, Vcrmniit Ma.-lile. anil Italian 8A1.EM, OREfiOX. IIRAM'M WV AT AI.KASV. C IT AHKET, flKST hTMEET,AI.KAXl,OHlXJX, J. I, HARRIS, l'ROl'BIKTOIt, XJ& ENHEAVOl! M KEEP OX- stnntly on hand li full supply of Al.l. K1X1W or MEA li, Which will be or ttte eery tent fttiallty. The hlgbil nuirket price iiaid for ueoves, hoifsand slap. fliird door wet el Ferry, on south side of First street. .1. L. IIAliUIS. All)iiny,Jec.J"i, lS71-rvt . . J. W. Van Bon Bcrsfi M. D., U'OK DOtToa, SALEM : : : OP.EGON. MY lone rxnertuiUW in disease ennsl bv WoltMS, cannot hi- simel by any pliyslclan In Kuroiai or the I'nltwl State, 'oilice rwrnis, Nns. 3 and 8K, occr the Post oinee. ei?- t'onsnliaiiims mid examinations iwoi7cof rtntenS Albany ColUfifttte . !lluto, ALIIAXY, MWUON. fpfllS 1SSTITI THIN WILL REOPKS OS 1 Monday, September t. 17I, witlincorp of tenctiors cnbable and mniest. lustirne lion will be thorough and pmotlcul, ttnd the sysiein of order tmattt'tiBbiSed. For pur tlcniars address R. K. WAUUKN. A. St., P.'i "iden! ; Or.Rcv. K. ll.tiKAIiV. n. H., Albany. TUc Eyes! The Ears ! K. T. L. GOLDE.t, Oenltst nnd AurKt Albtiit', iir-erai. DR. aOLDKS son of tlie old oiithalmlc ti s. t . (in Hen. Dr, (iolllcn hits bad experience in tri n'liig the v tiiaiaw -i.. i.- i--. 10 which thce.eimtlM.raresniiJi'ct.an I foots eonftdentoi giving enllro wt IStiict ion lo t host who may place tbeutsdvos under his care, S " April is, ;;. MB. E.O. SMITH. 1E.TJST, HAS LOCATED IX AI Imny.and is now rca Iv mLgalA io wnii on i in- iiliizniisof At- nftfWl iianyaiillviclniiy.witliBiiew I U U iilvenlloii in dental work. It consists in siipimrling tlie plate to the monl h a ll bout covering tlie-whnks (WN heretofore. Thmiij wlshlsg artlttclnl (wth are retttnat e l to call and exmniue for themselves. Also, plates niendcd, whether iwrtially liroken ordlvi led. Teet h, extnaited with out imln. Oflcc over Tui'rell,tore. All work warranted., , ?v4 Faper-haiiKtns, FalrcMlnlnir, Bevomtlni;, Ac. F. M. WADSWORTH will give prompt attention to all orders for I'm,,, - .ii.ia.itK, ..aiiviiiiniiig, intsiraimg, iui.. in t hi city or vicinity. All work executed In the labs style, in the U'st ninner,and at lowest living rate, enirdcr left at Furniture Warrronm of Ohaa. Muahty will rooalMpnioiptapwtlon, iovt BUStNKSS cards; At Xorlii Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., ARK jjltlM. KEI.UKO . dry mm, CLOTRIXG, IlOOTN, Sir 4H-i, HARDWARE, pi, uamiaurcH, xotjox, km mt'., of which they koup on bant n f ill stock, itiiijH'i! able. to win tit few-, at rules, a mttal, for Cnsii r frudnrc. Will nha he shin to biiy mi l sell ijniins of nil kinds, albtattcmj to s:,i-lng or for warding it ntyhelr Warehouse in llaleev. Si.u usajrtta KIKK, lU'ME A (.1)." FKAXKLIM MAifiKE-r, ALBVXr, OKKtidX, I, J. II. liCHIHtX, t'. s l'roirl, for liMN, AT TUB OHi PI.ACK OX i'V Kuml taii't, mi;xM'i to funiiuli h'I Who :i)(iy willi all kinilnof MEATS, lit I ho lowi'Mt ttwi-kxt ntiw. By strict Btumiion to liitsltnaw lie Iiojk". toiivc Krtipj itl. fhutlon i o nil who i:my feor liim wlfli n call. (fcS lliitlKfSt nuiiKftt tirii-c iiiiil tor JWLTIIV. .1. 1(. IIKIiliiiN. i nli'lvl I ESEIS.iV Ms Bllffl youth of Albany, Man NEAR THE HAILROAD $ r MoniriT Tut; ateksitrix af ALB L persons lie irini; ;o jpftMK iVirft iron to flill itntl 1'Miin'nn" 'my s.oi'k, wlilch it eotmimedoi lite Mtrijnn and bentofBicmon in the S;ut. consist inir of appfo, vcur cncrivcs, p.nins, prutit, jtni"iyii.ii;'k!H'f- rli's. ciii'aci s mi I iiw8. 'AHy'ii:'S anl wlilui walnut, KinriWt wainii!, liKkory. )khii, ml ' "I, Imnuir lotmsfv ImekltrlRi and n niiin cr of o'lter varirtlmif irce III! 1 IMIIltStlHI Illlllll'ltlllStomclliloil.ulI of wli.cn anioucnnl at low ra t'erc I nt low mtp. IIKXItV W. SifrTI.KMIRK. ,Ll'. il I Hoc. 17, IffliM WM. PEfTE ERS, .UnwAttntKEK or f Carriages & Wagons. or '. r DesirrlpttoB, ALBANY, ORE0 MAXIFACTURES TO and all styles of ORDER AN'V 1j ;;;:;:-:! ., Carrfagcs, Hai'ko, Ac. nt lis reasonable rates ns the use of goo I nialurial and iirs:-c!nss work will Jua . fjc'iiirin;; neatly anjexpeditionsly done at low rate. Hliop on Ferry ls'twiTii First nnd Second stri'.'ts. WM. 1'E't'ERs. Albany, May Id, 13TMI B. VAX ALEVE'S GalTanic AMominal Sajmorlcr -AKD-- ' '"' l'TEIII'E HEUVIATOn. T M1E MKRI TniS 1XSTRVMKXT ly in the sutimirt it consist nri irivcs to the nil. laud spine. The Ml is broad, sapported nvurt lie shoulder. udcrs iassiag mm pro aetAgeneratlngtialvunk' Plates, which u pu'iisini curreni. The llcgulalor is also Galvanic; its Cttp ' and XozulcsHruiuudenf Sliver i HsSteui.ot ' Copper and .inc. is hollow, thnMnJoctlou may be thrown through it,nrintotIinneeJ of the I tems. It can Ik so regulated by ' itsthiimti-sc.i'ewasto moot any inal-post- i tiou of the I terns, mid is uneipiallc I In I Wt'eting liny form of female disease. Price, tii. l'ntentc l August 1,1. Ifll, by W. S. Vanl'Icvc, UBatralia, Illinois, Territory litr Nnle, or will receive Uoj ally for lUHniif.H'lure. For Siatc or Territorial rights to man it. fiii-tnti' nnd sell on tln lNHic t 'oast, apply tot'OLL, 'A.X t'LKVE, Albany, 'pregpm. isarotioo. OREGON M.IFiiBXIA RAII.ItOMt t'oiujiatiy, I and Depni lment, Portland Ore-run. April ,:. lS.4.Xotice is hcre'iv irlycn, that a vlKoroim prosecution will Ih liisl hated against any and every persoti w ho tr,--iM-si s uiin any llniinmd Ijuul, by enttluganilrcimtvlnetlmber'.hcrofeont Iteforethcsaiuo is Ittii. (llll'of lliet oni' ii ny AND l'All) FOR. All vacual Land In odd nuinlsired wss Hons, whethc survcvisl or iiicuirvi -v.-1; within u distance of thin y miles from iluf line of the road, bclones to tho Onupaitv. 1. it. Mooi!i:s, " SJvltJ Land Agent. hot 1341 ( oracr Front and Salitta Sis., rOSTLAMO, OREGON. TbLs new enil elegant hole!, with New Furniture Throughout, l now OI'EX TO THE ri'BUf. 11 til ttia for the neeomnMHlallou vf Unttala. FREE (X1ACII TO THE IIOVSE. Come it ad gco Us. ot.!,7MT' 8WU0,,M' rn)- i m . m muni AL - "SteBW. A CAIJFOUMA SKErciI. The Mm was it. Sacramento i,...i it-? wkii'y-iwo years aoo, awl fan Fra.wci was in l.er iutaiicy. i (utei cHwd liati jgstltcrtHl on tlie street awl -'the eontreof attrae. timi was a y. fellow, who t-tooil -With a tew spaper in las Land, rav- ing aneiirMtK. "Wuk'K rim !! u'..if" wm Wilt was W 4aWM "iu it! n.r man. r;feb(Wiel WoPy for - tliiit was bfe-tiaitK?. mattw etiott"! ai.tltwgli it'll be: tor wime ftidts tlm young .whelps that print tljk jiaiJ -y ha gone aw' published somctliin' Iwut ma O.i'llflx 'em! TheyM Itetter never ha Itooji born ! .Itey'd bsttcrgitan kl!i tl;emselvea a-tor ten minutes j it 11 be an easier death fur 'em." Wolt'w a iwtfil le.K.rad.., vv!io,itw.s .taid, iiad killed more limn twenty' men, atitf Txit fcw knew liim who did not fra'im. He -i l. -i-y- 7 " 4', ........ nearly aheSiysTb ba,a lyuuz ;.. .;..!..; ... .....i r,!.n W wtlB . . ... ' MRfewPBiaTi,' i . . i I ... 1 JjiVJ' ' Lm - ". icri'ibn ii.c iieacc, oi me tieigliborhot'd daily with riotous conduct. If there was any law in t..vt. .In,-. It ..... l l i I aoainst tt4, chairmen., and in the fit 1 1 coiiseioiisness tj at they werc fenreil they 4im mm much as! they nIeS. The newspaper which had given leadly oiictise fay Wolf was a Httlo ! iSitv Hi ii id anntWlR( DUilUIII" Oil ' ' , t ";r I I I- . the tame street Uh tUM 1" I have mentioned, aiat only a rods distant, It was nublished bv r.JJ'V-, ' vu luiuig K.-ir ui, i 111 li Ik Ni, .ys tbr they only eigldeen aud twentyyirsold.rsrctivelv med L&l and'ffi, f he taper aud its youUtfid proprietors were already welMjfwwu in the city of.hifHuwisca, Thftarticle WfiS hiA excited the wiith of tlie ntfiati Wolf was i utaV. .. v . ni .. i spired that ho never dreamed of re- tTSN tte two young men, and nd Mirt cnlar yUoned him , , fts ( , oy iiatee, ciiaractcnxmff mm us a "b listering Wllv.'' It was the u'Ml""!1!3 RSrr uuv uniiti iron . xtnio, jwiort; leaving his hontQ lie had acquired a fair education, jo that lie could at leas ctlit a newspaper in those early Kf; atit fte possessed, bc sitles, fiflial countge and daring which may be natural in the first place, avid which ara more thor- oughly (eyloped by expaqiro to dangers and hardships. lonng Kavnes was quite a difterent kind of person ia poiut of eouiage, being an unusually tiiaojwus nature. To return to die scene on acra mcntoftieet. ifliltiiig himself up into his very woiit mood and his best wasbad ewfflgR, rMvai knows --Wi U ro Uiejplfsir to atoms and started;: tor the publication office I !e was followed by a curious rab. blc, most of whom were elated with the piwpect of a murder though tlm jujiine present who wouldiBijpntoiiftt rated with the evil-Iicaiteti mail Iiad they u r . ... . . t M ! t t. "Je4 you watch," sa.d Vo p, as ,.ni,ii.i..J:it ,. ..,', : ho re?ched tlie-door, "it ye want to see the'r bloody carcasses timible out-o'i tjiefti, IMvili bok)i:g. I tioii't tpetirt much time on sic.i fel'ers." 'ft wasi4kiiiteiition of tlie eriiel-heatted man icua!ly to cut i!ie4f1,roiiis o4tle t'fC'yjslt joitrri alists audlhroW thcirboilici. out of j tlie window, fo;t .mUtictkin ot tt.c cmwu amrifw! turtik-r exalta tion of his alfeadjr fearf'ulnapjii. So,-' tlie moti on Ihe iii-let' aaeted the issue with feverish exjiectatioii, as Wolf, tlonrishiuginV knPe and re volver, entered tlie rudd (nunc buiidingand ntslied upstairs. All uncollciolls.oi'. their danurr. tie two yotiiig;cdi'rris,w-ere busily pursuing th'tr usual work in their trimiiive ofilce. 1 If they had heaitl "a aofce without they had id ix attention to jt, stippting it was merdy a. jm; row such as tlie? a'ero steusttmied t nJmiJim sitting at a md tanla writing, and KWftrfflW ut.-vraiig. mg some papers m IhemU. They heard tic clatter of lieavy boots on the stairs, bat rarnmi m was some rough miner ouming tin to snbswib fitr Mia ppr, or, ier. I Imjts, to two a liiwyfi wlio occnpitxl a couple of rooms on tLetwiie floor; for tlie biiiklintr was only a two- ! sU"-v ?f f k1 tioor was atUrnevtlioir rooms beimr k a ie r IS; : i7 n11 rn: m J)' a,"a,T0 ,,a!1. i tliatwas reacheti by t!ie thglit ot staiw alludetl to. "Ali-lta ! I've ttot vo, my vontis; imps!" exclaimc the dirailo . r: j ,?"'8 nu . ... t ty R"crtj;iiui inm AiMlturn- .i""- 11,0 mmmi which facet! Hit door and extended IH iHi i room, he wa iialura'ly J "A'ou oowrthtty bully!" he r,--...jcuiirkv or . VVol?s veil-' pealed eoiitempttionsly, " Don't, . 1 ' " "' I Votl dare to move! I can "mend a gcance, "Ve-yttttntj devils!" he hissed, scowling like a madman, 'iYe'll never write nor print notkiu' more 'built me I" 1 leaf he flonrished his knife and revolver above his head. "I've got a sure thing mi lmth of" i Wf Saying this he hiuked about j him, with a carelttl scrutiny, to tax; that there was no means of escape fiir the otnet youth at the table who, of course, would not d.ire to jump over Hie counter ami try ; to I t... i i .'' .:t'": ; ! ! ft lUiniPr ft! til Kin-. !ii turn nt l;m.f i r - v ISIWV. .1..1 1,-l'iiiaii I M' T" ,e f.W W 1 K' . counter and seized Ivaynes by the Iia:r. H llcli WilS llllliir llli.'lte V verv long. foiling the territietl young man's locks armind the great coarse Un I lh ldt 4 a, d' u,f h,a revolver upoi. - IT 7 8l,Prc!IC"M0,, that h s yt)itthm adyeiary woukl snatch it up and use it on him, as ho might have clone had lie powessieil the . n . a L't. I?- t'! ; terror and pain Now say yer prayers. t ii yer," he hissetl, "you'vo gut a ootl- nfimsseti, : i , ,.!, l. jestwhile I'll take !. m -J i . i I ff&WS shiooth ; then I'll cut yer throat an' throw yer out the winder. D yu hear thaff" the terror his name everyw&re in- will was not to lie tteught of Had Darrell possesmi no more nerve ' than Kavmesthere can be no doubt tliey would both have been murder ed theu and theie, in exact attcord auce with Wolt's programme. "Time P' lie said, griialii g his teeth in ah eestaey of rage, and i drawing Ivayoe's white face closer to his own repulsive couutenance, "Tliey are a waitiu' to see your carcass drap down into the street," Here he flourislied his knife and j selected his mark. "The right ear first. Watch how clean and smooth I'd take it off. I won't even touch a hair." Kaynes howled fbr mercy "0, don't P' the poor fe low shrieked, trembling with terror. "O doiiH Mr. Wolf. I didn't write that, upon my soul !" and he whined like a school-boy. . ' "None o' yer lyiu f said Wolf, ferociously. Ye both wrote it, d- n ve; and ye'll both pay for it." llero lie described circles with his Hashing knife, having apparently wwuiibcu iia- w iiinmsiiittcii in in; j ? . , , esid. "Here goes; -look, out w hen I was reatly ti deKcnd- "One two" 'n , lie stopped atd .--;:..--, ,lle lad . not obwwl the iimvcfttc-iits of Dar reH "during tho last fcir sx,tmis, ami just as he was upon the iiohd ot clipping off Kayne's car in the volislidi manner he hail drcntited irrani, he found the muzzle of a rillc thrust almost into hjsfaee. It was a loaded riilu which, luck ily, a friend of Damdi's had ktft in his keening that very morning, wWle he went out to make some purchases. It had stiwd in a cont- ) of th natni near his table, and Darrell had seised it, cocked it ami rVfelcd it with such dexterity 'that he; liad Wolf covered licfbrc he had 1.m rvi his inoveiiieiiLs ; and lie tood motionless as a statue his osdI eye glancing over the sights, attd a steady finger on tlie trigger. "You ureal bu'ly ,' ho said. "drop that knife nistnhtlvj JVUhI, pM.thim a CQUuyTy wV'.Mj shoot 'sfpiixrels only through tho - I can hit any luir of votir hd that you will mention at yanls. lrop tliatknift-"' Tlie niilian was fairly paralyzed, lie released his grip on poor K'aynes, who sank fainting njton the floor, and his munleroiia kuiit tell on the counter. 8o uuexpeetetl was this bold attitude of iWrelr he would have been if a dozen of the roughest men in Calttornia had assailed him. There stood . the boyish editor, motionless a the wall, and ttto muzzle of the rifle did not move the breadth of a hair. Darrell held tlie tlesiierado's li!e in bis hands iml'et throoglt your eye-ball with out toiuhitig the white. Don't move an eighth of an inch or I'll do it, and throw your lilthy eareaf out of the window." Woltglanccdat his revolver, ly insi noon the counter within two feet of his eyes, but he did not vctj- 1 tun? to reach for it. "Dare to touch that revolver, or so mnoh as to look at it again," said Darrell, "ami I'll make a red picture tijsin ihe wall behind you. l oil blustering, bragging knave ! 'ott are a cuwitrd at heart a dt- i M ?re 8 at lT Disable cur ! You came tin heift. mnnlw lu-.i inm ....,.... t:m thought it an easy task, and now you are ak and trembing with tear. I would kit you in your tracks, but that I don't want yotir dirty blood on my hands. Go now. 'l urn instantly 1 and revolver t 'I urn instantly. Leave your kniro where they are. 1'il Keep litem, do iluwn to your friends on the street and tell them that a boy whipped you disarmed yott, and kicked you down stairs. Do as I tell you. If you hesitato you will never see the set." Wolf, trembling from head to toot, glanced once more at his re volver, but did nut dara to raise his hand. His face was pule and his lips were dry. "Do yon hcante?" derruwled DafreUj sternly. f ' "Yes, yes, don't shoot," tail Wolf, turning about, as command ed, lie was thoroughly cowed. "Do not turu your ugly face thi way again," said Darrell, or you will pav for it with your li'l. Move P Tamer than a whipieil cur, tlie ruffian walked toward the door, and Darrell, springing over the counter, was a', his heels in an in stant. Don't look back, or I'll kill you.".;-B ' -.--. Meekly olieying the imperative, orders of the "youth, Wolf moved; slowly out of the room into the corridor. "He careful : don't let that ana go off," Wolf stammered, as In- reached the head of the stairs, At this moment the clamors of the impatient en wd below arow with terrible distinctness, and on shrill voice was heard to say "Hurry up, Wolf, why don't you throw them tellers out V Exasperated beyoml measure, he was on the poiut of turning back at the risk of his life ; for after all his bradgadocio how could he face those below, disarmed awl chased out of tlie building by tho puny boys ho had intended so terribly to chastise? Hut Darrell was after him, and with one vigorous kick sei.t him bounding down the wooden stairs, with a thundering clatter, and hil ling over the doorsill, the de'eatcl bully actually tumbled out upon the street before he Could recover his equilibrium. "Hello! how's this? What's tip V" asked a dozen voices at once, as the dnadnl man reappeared in this undignified sLajv, without hav ing sei.t any corpse down Irom ti window. "Why, I simply kicked him down stairs that's what's the matter," responded the boyish voice of Dar rell at the tup; "and if he comes up here again I won't let him off so easy. jo not heatraiu ot turn ; I took all his weapons from him." Wolf struggled to his feet, rub bing his head, ami tresenling such a ludicrous aptearauce that he was greeted with loud jeers and. bursts of laughter. So cmupleieiy laid lie tumbled from his tufty eauaenoe ia tfse eyes of those who either adriirv ettorred a , bdjd murih, tinii they who an riouf M Would uave dreaded to oneud hint bp vois m look, now reg&wled has siy with exiittem jrt -tsugtwd at and deriM him, tWludtlou8thpata