The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 23, 1872, Supplement, Image 9

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(tiKNititAt. s.m'itjE X( . 7l.i
AN At T h amend an act entitle 1 " An act In
establish and to protect national cemeteries,''
approved February t we. .iv-secmid. eighteen
bundle I iinil sixty-seven. '
Beit fin -I'd htj the SeMIt and ItoutfJ
Rrprtniitiicivtt of the United Stute-i oj
Amenci in V aiynn assembled :
Thai I ho So iro ary of War lshcrcby author
lioil in select the superintendents of the na
tional comet cries from meritorious ami i met
worthy sot tilers, either commissioned officers,
or enlisted men of the volunteer or regit nr
Arm', who hnve lioon honorably mustered out
or discharged from the acrvicu'of the United
Suites- ami who may have been disable ! lor
active Held service in the line of dutv.
Sec. !. Tliat the superintendents of the tin
tlonal oomoieiTes shall rc'cii e fur their cotn
pensolloii from sixiy dollars In seventy-five
dollars pgr m.iuh, according to tie extent
and Importance of the com. levies to which
they may be rcsiotivuly assigned, to be de
termine I by the serutarj of War; an I they
"hull also be fuml-hod m hi. .planers and foe!,
as now provided at the several cemeteries.
Sec. il. That all Hots Olid parts of aols in
consistent with the provision of this act are
hereby tcjiea e l.
Approvo-i, May is ls;j.
IlK.VKKAL SATfUK- -Nll.71.;
AN' Ai'T in prohibli the roteiillnoof lo'dleri'
discharges by claim. -agents ami n'tprnovs,
;? ft
Sritute unit fault "
Iff I' Hl'tnl StlllVH Oj
nst. wttedf
Rtprteenlntivet "j
America in Cmiinx
That any claim-agent, allnniey, or other
illeetion of
person to
.get in the co. loci ion ol r aims h-r
pay, bounty, ienslon, or other allowance for
any soldier, sailor, or marine or fur any
commissioned officer of the military or naval
forces, r w ho may have been a soldier, sail
or, marine, or olllcor of the regular or volun
teer fores of the Cited Mates, and honora
bly discharge I, who shall retain, without the
consent of i be ow ner or owners thereof, or
shall r-fo-o in deliver or aecounl for the
same 11)1011 demand duly made by the owner
or owners thereof, or by their agent or attor
ney, the discharge-papers or lan l-wanant of
.V i mrim or'c! m
It ; !
Srf SiiSKrUT
any such soldier, colli r, or
iuiioni',1 omeer, wind, m.
in Ins hands tor toe purpose of collating -aid
claims, shad be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, ati: I .-ball, upon conviction, lie pun
ished by line not exceeding live hundred dol
lars, or by not exceeding tlx
mouths, or lioih, at the discretion of the court,
and shah thereafter he debarred from prose
outing any such claim in tiy executive depart
ment ot the government.
Approved, May SI, s?j.
AN ACT In estabHsh an a Mlllonal land-district
in lite Territory of Dakota.
ReUttUlBted ky (tie Semite nitdSvwit f
Repretmeatitet Of t'm t.'nileit Stales n'
Amerien iii VoHureH um uilleil ,
That there be, and hereby Is, established in
the Territory of Dakota, an additional land
district, to lie bounded and described, ns fol
lows, ami known as the Dakota land district,
viz: Beginning at a point mi the north lunkof
the Missouri river, at the intersection of the
line bet wogn ranges rtftv-twonwl tlfl)-lhreei
thence north, along said' rauge-line, to the forty-sixth
parallel of north Inliludei thenc
west, along said iaral!el, to the line between
ranges fifty-seven and lllty-elght,' thence
south, along said range-line, to the JUlssonrl
river ; thence easterly, along tlto norfli bank
of said stream, to the p'ac of beginning.
Sin'. 2. That the land-office for said district
shall bo located at Yankton, the 'capital ol'
said Territory ; anil the Prcsldont of the Unit
ed States is hereby aulhorized io appoint a
register and receiver for said land-oflfce, who
shall rcctdi o the same salary and lie governed
by the same regnlatlqns as 'are provlilcl by
law for the rrglsters and the rivelvors of the
other land-offlcoS in said Territory.
Approved, May SI, 1874.
AN ACT rooking Appropriations for the naval
service for the year ending June thlitv,
eighteen hundred and seventy-three, arid
for other purposes.
or H ewieicn 01 vie aeniin anil linusc
of Ripreifthitwti of the Untied State of
America in tong'em uititmb'ed,
That the following sums be, and tbcy aro
hereby, approprialeil, to he paid out of anv
money in the ireusurv not otherwise appro,
printed, forlhe naval service of the govern,
mem for the tear ending June ihlriieln. eigh
teen hundred and seventy-three, and lor
other purposes:
For piy of commissioned and warrant offi
cers at sea, on shore, on ieclal service, and
of those on the re'lred list and unlmploved,
and for mileage an I transportation of officers
travelling under orders, and for nay of the
inur-offlccrs.. seamen, ordinary senium,
landsmen, arid bovs, including ineu of I he
engineer's force, eighl ihousand live litlUrtrad
alien, at an overage pay of three hundred dol
lars each per aniium, six million two hundred
and tll'iy thousand dollars.
For contingent' expenses of the Nnvv De
partment, one hundred thousand dollar's.
For foreign and local pilotage" and towage
of ships of war, lift y thousand dollars.
For services and materials In correcting
comiiasses on hoard ship, and for myusling
and testing compasses on shore, three thous
and dollars.
For ami astronomical instruments,
nautical hooks, maps, charts, and sailing di
rections, and repairs of nauiktal Instruments
for ships of war, ten thousand dollars.
For books for libraries for shi nfwnr
three thousand dollars.
For navy signals and apparatus, namely,
signal-lights, lanterns, and rockets, Including
running lights, drawings, and engravings for
signal-books, six Ihousand dollars.
For compass-lutings. Including binnacles,
fripodi, and other appemlages or ship's com
passes, to lie made In the navy-vards, Ave
thousand dollars.
For togs and other appliances for measur
ing the snip's way, leads and othev applian
ces for sounding, throe thousand dollars.
For lanterns and lamps, and their appenda
ges, for genera I nseou board ship, including
those for the onbln, ward-room, and steerage,
tor tho holds ami splrlt-room, for decks and
quartermaster's use, six Ihousand dollars.
For bunting and other materials for flags
ami making and repairing flags of all kinds,
live Ihousand Ave bum lied dollars.
For oil for ships of warolher than that used
for tho Kngineer department, candles when
used as a substitute fir oil in binnacles, running-lights,
Uir chimneys and wick and snap
ned in Navigation department, thirty-live
thousand dollars.
For stationery lor commanders and navi
gators of vessels of war, four thousand dol
lars. For musical Instruments, and music for
vessels of war, one ihousand dollars.
For stewing signals and Indicators, and for
speaking-tubes and gongs, for signal commu
nication on hoard vessels of war, two thous
and live hundred dollars.
Civil establishment: For pay of writers
and laborers, and for purposes incidental to
the support of the civil establishment under
this bureau at the several navy-yards, twelvo
thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Bureau of
Navigation: Freight and transportation of
navigation materials; instruments, books,
and stores ; isistage and telegraphing on pub
lic business; advertising for proposals; packing-boxes
and materials ; blank books, form?,
, I stationer) . navigation offlvlC'i six thou
nnd dollars. . - . 1
I'jr dmwIng.eitgitHng, ami printing and
ph"!' - i hographihg charts, olecirotypiug and
cotre. li goal p e i". preparing am! puli'isl.-
H a; i-gitlTcvH
.tllio "lii rlivilriviapljc ,
n ilultisaini AroH Icn - :
ll I' nu l.oi. sovc
die I i. a -
s.irveyingp. liftjottt
U y ihoitsand
For makllTir charts. ftv.'iHv (tutrix!, oil dol
-For fuel, lights, and office furniture; care
ofbr.i'dtng iinil other labor; . piiTvlMsc of
books for library, drawing materials, and
other stationery ; postage, freight, ami other
contingent expenses, seven thousand dollars.
I'm rent and renal r of buililiui!. two thoiis-
i and eight hiiudre.l dollars.
i I'lif nvimnaos ,0 Kmin Ml ....u-,.
namelv :
rr y of one clerk, one thousand eight
hun tied dollars,
(or thiee osslstenl observers, four thousand
live IHijHlreil dollars.
For wages id' one Instrument maker, one
nweengur, three watchmen, and one mr:er;
f. r keeping grounds in order and reialvsio
buildings, for fie1, light, and olHcc furniture:
ami for stationery, purchase i t books lor
library, uhemicalnr batteries, postage, atid
fftight, ajul nil other cnntlngeni expenses,
till r teen thottstupl live litindreil dollars.
Fore lopulatioo lor the theory and tables
of the moon, two thousand dollar's.
For titling up transit-circle room, and emm
pfeling its armngemeut, one thousand two
nundrotl dollars.
Fur tr.insci Iblug astroiionilcAl ob$ervailbns
tipm sheets for puhllcallon, one tlionsaiid two
hundred dollars.
For ereel Ion of lower and dome or the
t ew nfiactiug lo!e'OptJ, ten Ihousand dol
lars. For payment, in part, for the great refiacl
Ingteleseopu uow In I lie course of co.istric
llon, ten thru-and dullari.
For exjieuses of Nautical Almanac:
For pay ol computet and clerk for com
pi pig and preparing for publication the
Atneil'ltu F.plumeris and the Nautical Al
manac, twenty thousand dollars.
For preparing elements and tables of new
planets discovered by American astronomers,
lliree thousand dol ars.
For rent, fool, labor, ataltonerv, !h'xi.!u.
expresses, aid miscellnt us t ems, one
IliOnsail I live liitudre'idol iti's,
Bl'HEAt,' OK ( IttllN AM :.
For one thousand twohllnihud and lif.y
ban e's ot gunpowder, tiventi-livc thousand
Fur fuel and materials necessary in carry
ing on Hie mechanical branches o the Old
ran e ileiiaiMiienl at the nuvy-yanls and sta
tions, one hundred thousand diil'ars.
For labor at it I the navv-vurds, Ihrite
luinilred tbousainl dollars: 1'rorflod, Thai
lahiieis .-ball be employed in the several
navy-yards by the proper ofllcers in cl.aige
with nfeieiice to .-kill and efficiency, arid
without regard to other considerations.
To enubo the Secretary of the Navvto
nrrv on til- exiierim'-uts town ids .-oni eislnLr
'"(';' "'"-l'-l'"'e guns into rilie.i guns, wi;l
8 v"'' "' "1,l;lin 8 eomblna Ion gun im.-e.-s.
'"Kllieqwall lesof both smoodi-bore and rifle,
I'm tv thousand dollar
For repairs to ordinance building.-, magazine-,
gulls-parks, machinery, -aial oilier
necessaries of the like character, .forty-seven
thousand si x hundred and one dollars'.
For miscellaneous items, six ihousand one
hundred and fifty dollars.
Fir exierlnieiils in ordinance, twenty
Iho'isaud dollars.
Forlhe gun-iark at the navv-vurd at Pen
Facoln, eight thousand eight hundred and
eighty-six dollars.
For the shot rarkat I'onsaeola, live thous
and seven huinlre l and sixtv dollars.
I' 1 1 1 ... --' . r-
! f "i uv Mwit-iiuuav at 111 1. iu.igflizici .il ren
TK'iila. twenlv-three thousand (Cvru hundred
I and eighty-five dollars.
For railroad tothe shell-house at I'ensac.o'n,
one Ihrutsnm! and ninety-six dollars.
F'or the railroad tothe magazine, six Ihoutj
ard three hnmlred and ninety--ight dollars.
For gnu-skids and eho'-bed at navv-vanl,
Mare Island, len thousand dollars.
For reservoir and pipe at magazine fifteen
thousand dollars.
For new car and railroad track at maga
zine, woe thousand fire hundred dollars.
Forlhe torpedo corps; For the purpose
and manufacture of gnn-isiwder, t i ro-ghcer-ine,
and gun-cotton, iwc.vo thousand dollars.
Forpnrcha-c and mamifaclure of electri
cal iMchlncivgalvaiiiatattciies, and Insulated
wire, twenty-lour ihousand dollars.
For purcl'iiiiie of cojiier, iron, wnoil, ami
other-ma erl.ils necessary for the manufacture
of toiiislees, and for work on the same,
twenty seven thousand dollars.
For ci nstriictioa if torpedo-boats, pur
chased coirea-work or jnilks, and contingent
e.ienses, iniin-nvc inousnnii dot tars,
for additional buildings, and machine-shop
am! additional quarter?, twenty live thousand
doPare. . . .
For labor, inc .oiling one uheniisl at two
tlioiisaud, one foreman machinist at one thous
and live liundti' I a nil si xl j -live dollars, and
two e'erks aVme thousand seven hnudrod
dollars each, twenty-nno thousand and sixiv
llve dollars,
t'ivilestablisliment: For piv.of tho SUnCi
Intendonts and the civil establishment of iho
several navy yards timh'r this bureau, which
shall Include one siorevlerk o ordnance at
the Philadelphia, navv-vanl, til tho salary of
one Ihousand four hiiridreir dollars, lin'een
thousand dollars.
Fur contingent expenses of ihe ordnance
service of Ihe navy, one thousand dollars.
For eotiipiuent of vessels: For ooal for
steamers use, Including expenses of trans
portation; storage, labor, hemp, wire, and
other materials jlirthe mnnnfaotnre of rope,
hides, eonlage, canvass, leather: Iron for
Hianul'aclure of cables, alienor, and gallei s;
condensing and boat detaching apparatus;
cables, anchors, furnitprc, hose, Ivike-oven-,
and cooklng-stovos, llfc-raflf, t oaling-appnra-t
is for receiving-ships ; and for the payment
of labor in eipilpping vessels, and manufac
ture of articles in the navy-yards ivrtaliling
to tins bureau, one million live hundred thous
and dollars.
Civil establishment at the navv-vanl, Kit
tery, Maine: For cwk in ounlpmVnt -office,
onethousand four hundred dollars; for store
clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; for
the time-clerk, nine hundred dollars ; in all,
three thousand four hundred dollars.
At ihe navy-vat I, Charleslwun, Maauachtt
fettsj F'or snpiMinien lent of rojie-walk, one
thousand nine hundred dollars ; clerk to
same, one thousand iwo Inniilrcd dollars;
clerk In runlpnitMil office," one thousand live
honored dollars: for store-clerk, one thous
and two hundred dollars: (Imo-clerk, one
thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seven
thousand dollars.
At the navy-yard, Washington, District of
Columbia: rorcloriln eipilpinent office, one
llioiisand live bumlred dollars; and for one
store and one lime clerk, oneal one tlmusand
tour hunuieit Hollars, ami one nt onethous
and two hundred dollars: in 'all, four Ihoiif
and one humlivtl dnlbirs.
At the navv-vanl. I'htcldelnliiiL lVnnsvlv!i-
nlo: For e'erk in eiiuiiimeitt Office, one tiiou.
tnd four hundred dollars; lorono store and
one time clerk, at one tlioiisaud tw o hundred
dnllmveaidi ;. In. all, thnje : Miousand taghf
hunth-ed dollars. -'--'.
At 1 he navy yard, Brookljai, New York :
For clerk in equipment office, one ihousand
fivo hundred dollars; and for me store and
one time clerk, at one tbousainl two hundred
dollars each; In all, three ' thousand nine
hundred dollars.
At the navy-yard, Norfolk, Vlrlnla : For
clerk In equipment office, ono thousand tour
hundred del lore : for store-clerk one thousand
one hundred and twenty-live dollars; and for
lime-clerk, nine hundred dollars; In all,
three ihousand four hundred' and twenty-live
At the navy-yanl. Pensaoola, Florida : For
equtiimenl-nffice clerk, one thoudand three
hundred dollars.
At the navy-yard, Mare Island, California :
For clerk in equipment cftloe, onethousand
eight hundred and seventy-flve dollars; foV
slorc-clcrk, ono thousand two hundred dol
lars; In all, Ihrco thousand amlsevenly-llve
For contingent expenses of tho Bureau of
Kqulimient ami Kecrulting, namely: For
freight ami transportation 01 stores, tranior
tation of enlisted men, mileage to honorably
dlschargeil men, printing, advertising, tele
graphing, stationery, apprehension of desert
ers, anil assistance to vessels In distress, ono
hiiudre.l and twenty-live thousand dollars.
For civil establishment at tho nary-yanl,
Kiltery, Maine: For draughtsman ami clerk
lo civil engineer, atone thousand four hun
dred dollars each ; for clerk of pay-rolls and
nu terii j-cle.'k, one tlioiisaud live hundred
do! laV; fir receiver and Inspector of stores,
one thnusflndllvc hundred do' Inrs ; for w riter
to receiver and Inspector of s.ores, one thous
and d illars ; for chief a.v.ii,iltinl.oue (liotr
and eiglit hundred jMSlrs: for gate-keei
an I detec'ive, one ihoiiNi d do a ; aim for
Hi.; sei gtr at cer.nna .dan ' liilcu. .ix Imj.
die I dollars ; uiahing. In all, Fen ikuusaad
two hiindred dollars.
At Ihe nnvy-yar'd,Cliarlesioii,Ma'sa !mscUs:
For os-l-tant to civil engineer, one tlioiisaud
Ave hundred dollars; for ilranghisman ami
e erk to civil engineer, a:, one thonsond tour
ion dred dollars each; for clerk of pay-rolls
ami in isPTlier-clcrk. one thousand Ave hun
dred dolars; for receiver and inspe tor of
stoles, one ihousand live luimlrcd dollars;
lor w viler to receiver and i nsiieei or oi stores.
one Ibousaiid.ilollais; for nicer locomman-
ant, one Ihousand dollars ; l'orchlefaccoun
lanl, one thousand rich! hliiulri.d ilotlav
for gate-keeper and detective one thousand
! and lurmest'engerforeammandant'i
oilier, -Ix hundred
In all, twelve
thousand .even hundred dollar
At the navy yard. Brooklyn, New Yoik:
For assistant to civil engineer, one Hum a id
live hundred dollars; lor ilnui.ditfinau and
clerk in civil engineer, a,t one tfiuusanq four
hundred (loltarscach : for receiver and Inspec
tor of siores one thousand live huudrid do'
lars ; for e'erk of naynilla and rimstcrliiir-
clgrl , one thousond live hundieil dellars: lor
,wi ci iiicoioinaiiKim, one inousinu collars;:
1 1
hell accountant, one thou-aml iilii Imo
ureu .10 tor s I lur gatc-Kt eier and detective,
one thousand dollars; tor Hiall-earrier, nine
hundred iUiHarp';aud for nreeseiiger for com
mnnrtanl's oAice, six hundred dollars ; in all,
twelve ihousand six hundred dollars.
At navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
Fur draught, mau and clerk to civil engineer,
one ih in.-nnd four hundred did'ors each ; for
e'erk of 1 ay-rolls and mustcrlng-clerk, one
tl -and live hundred dollars; for receiver
and Inspector of stores, one Ihousand Aire hnn
.Ired dollars: for cl.eif acciituilaiit, one thou
sand eight hundred dollar-; for gate-keeper
a. 1 1 detective, one thousand dollars ; and for
messenger for Ihe .o. nia. u's cilice, six
hundred dollars; in an, nine Ihousand two
hundred dojlnrs,
At the iiBvy-janl, IVashjiigton, Pisirlct of
Columbia; For draughtsman and e'erk toclv.
P engineer, a' one thousand lour hiininudtlol.
I. lis each ; lur rccelvera idinspectorofs ores.
I nei.ioiisand live h'ltd'isl tlol'u.'a ; ftrulovk
I I u;,-;,o Is and inlu ering-c eik, one lltoui
Ol.d live hundred dollars; lor chief account
ant, ono thousand eight Inind. ed dollar :for
ga-keeioran. deiecilve, one iliou and dol
lars ; for m il'-ines -euger, one thousand dollars;
and for messenger lur commandant's office.
sl hundred dollars: In all, ten thousand two
hundred dollars.
.'.1 the navy-yartl, Norfolk, Virginia: For
dra liahtsman and clerk In civil engineer, a:
0: e il. mis:. ml four hundred dollars each ; !'.
receiver and Inspector nfstoros, one thou
sand live hundred dollars?..- clerk of pay
111I said niusierlug-clerk, oue thousand live
hundred dollars; lor ga e-keeper am! delect.
Ive, one Ihou-aiid dollars, and for messenger
I'm- commandant's office, six hundred dollars;
In all, seven thousand four hundred dollars,
At the navy-yard Pensaoola, Florida : F'or i
superintendent of yard -improvements, two
Ihi.ueAnd dollars; for receiver ami InsiectOT
ot -line-, one thousand live hundred dollars:
for gate-keeper and deled Ive, one thousand i
do! 'itrs; am I for inossnngerior theoffic i of the t
co.uma.idani, six hundred dollars ; tit all, Ave ' one hundred dollait.
At the navy-yard. Mare Island, California :
For assistant to civil engineer and draughts
man, one thousand eight hundred dollarsllbr
c erk lo civil engineer, one ihousand llvuhun
'he I dollars; for receiver and Inspector of
stores, one thousand eight Iiundied amlsev-ouiy-flve
dollars, for clerk of ay-ro)!e and
imtstevlngijlerk, one thousand eight hundred
nnd seventy-lire dollars; forcliell'accnunhiiit,
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five
dollars! for gate-keeper and detective', one
llioi sand dollars : am! for messenger for com
mandant, s office, seven bumln'il and flltv dol
lars ; lu all, ten thousand six hundred ami
seventy-live dollars.
At the naval station, League Is'and, Penn
sylvania: For draughtsman and clerk to eivll
engineer, at one Ihousand four hundred dol
lars each; clerk of pay-rolls ami nuts' ering
c erk, one thousand Ave hundred dollars; re
ceiver and Inspector of ftore, one Ihousand
live hundred dollars; In all. live Ihousand
eight hundred dollars.
,t 1 lie .viva! Asylum; For steward, four
hundred and ebdilv dollars: lor matrnn. Ilirmi 1
I.inidrei! dollars; fotcooj, one hundred audi Ar'thei.avv-van1, Waslflnglon, fuirict of
slvy-elglrt did'ars; assistant cook, one hun-! Colafcihla : Jfcr dranghtishian ,tn riaval con
nrcil am! twenty dollars; lour laundresses, a! Striufor, oneJhoBsantl four hundred dollars;
Pile hundred and eicht dollars each: . lib vd.rk lo nann eons:.-, or aiuLOnrt; iNa.
s. ruhliersand hv.iisn cleaners,!.! ninety-six
dollars each; six laborer,; at two hundred and
fnrty dollars each, and one two
hundred and slxiy-lbur dollars; master-!-Ij
arms, four hundred and elstilr dollars : an -
ship's corpoial, three hundred dollars ; for
..n uer, inree mmureii ami sixiv dollars ; sup
erlntcudent. Iho hundred and fort) dollars;
lu all, live tlioiisaud six humlrc I and fifty-two
dollars.' 1
For Naval Asylum a! Phlleile'phia : For
support of Ihe Insli iilion, sixty-live thousand
one hundred dollars; which sum shall bo
paid out of (lie income from the naval onstoil
uuuiiiigvii. cxpen.-esoi .ne inireou 01 - unmer, c.erK 01 s.ore-nouses, eierk to naval
Yards and Ducks, vl Fur freight ami Mans- I cnnstrivtor. superintendent , of fleating-deck,'
iir;atloi. of materials and stores; nrlntlng, 1 and time-clerk, at one thousand Ave hundred
arailonery, and advertising, Including lhe(dol!ni'softc,b;inall,olght Ihousand nine htm
cennnamlanl's office ;books, imslels, maps, I dred dollars. - ;
and drawings; purchase and repair of Are- For Ihe purchase of a license to use in all
engines; machinery and putei&rlght lo use lite works Of Ihe Cited states Gorman and
Ihesamc; repairs on siea.n-engines nnd at- J Siegfried's process of leniivrlng steel for tile
tendance on the same ; purchase ami main- tern. l their .atoms, ton ll.ousaud dollars;
i.oiin u-f o. ox,-., am. i.orses, ami itrtvinc
teams, carts, am! I linlwr-w heels for navy-yard
purpose, and tools and repairs ofsnmo; post
age on miters on public servlcoiano telegrams;
fnrii ure for government houses and offices
in ti.e itavj-yonts ; coin ami other fuel ; can- j
d'es, oil, and gas ; cleaning and clearing vnrd,
and care of l.ulldiiMstnltendan.'.e on iires-1
a , .v v , l v ,ior 'io' "?:
Aiii.r?l2Si,i '" I.'"" I
ei r gps . I ... . the watchmen In the navy-
I. xes ..I.,.. I! .nri'f .'mi' l'Ti
b.xes. nine dollars. ;
Fi r sumioi't of ih.- meilical dopartmoht for
surgeons uecossAtlitis for vessels in comlssion,
navy-yards, naval stations, marine cornsana
Coast Survey, Inly thousand dollars.
For nece-nry repairs of naval laboratory,
oos ii., us, nun a o jcniin'-o.-. .oc!. ' luL- ro.'
wharves, outhouses., ;
noi-nuian, lucres, ", ami laiuis, liven-, uoiuirs each ; ami i.nie-ciers. one innustiut
ly-live thousand dollars. two bundled dollars; In all. Ave Ihollsand six
For pay of the civil esiah'lshmenl underiliis ; liundre i dollars,
bureau: At the hospiial tit Chelsea. Masse-! At the navy-yanl, Cluirlestrwn, Massachu
cliusoKs, seven Ihousand seven hundred llRjl.l "etta ; For draugld.-man, one' thousand six
eighty-two dollars. hnndretWollars : clerk I., chief engineer and
At the hospital. New York, eleven thousand store-clerk, atone thousand' four hundred
tiiroenundnsl ami ihlriv six dollars. .
At the hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsvlvn-i
niii, six ihousand nine hundred and ninety
d'dlais. '
At Hie hospiial, Washington, Fistric! of ,
I olnmbin. Ave ihousand Avehuudrod nndsix-,
ly eight dollars. - . . i
At the ho-pllo', Annapolis, Maryland, four i
thousand Ave hundred ami twelve dollars, j
sand four hundred and six dofiav
:. ine.nns'', norniut, v irunia, Ave thou-
At Ihe hospital, Pensoco'a, Florida, live
thousand and ninclv-fnur dollars.
At the hosltnl, Mare Island, California,
eight ihousand eight hundred and seveutv
two dollars.
At the naval lobnratorv, New York, six
thousand four hundred dollars.
At Ihe navy-yanl, Klllpry. Maine, one thou
sand two hundred ami ninety dollars.
At Ihe navy-yard, Charlestown, Massachu
setts, one thousand four hundred nnd eighty
At Ihe navy-yanl. Now York, one thousand
four hundred and eighty dollars.
At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylva
nia, one thousand four hundred and eighty
At the navy-yard, Washington, District of
Columbia, one thousand four hundred and
oigluy dollars.
At the navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia, ono
thousand four liuu dred and eighty dollars.
At the navy-yanl, Annapolis, Maryland,
one ihousand two hundred and fortv-two dol
lars. At the naval station, Mound city, Illinois,
ono thousand four hundred and eighty dol-.
lars. "
F'or contingent expenses nf ihe bureau,
freight on medical Mores, transportation of
lnsano imticnts to Iho government hospital,
advertising, lelegrayhing, purchase of bis.ks. j
expenses ntloixllna the naval medical hoard
of examiners, purchase and n.iurof wag-j
ons, harness, unrchaso and feod of horses. I
cows, frees, garden-tools, and seeds, twenty-!
Ave thousand dol la. s.
For prviflons fir Iho oflkerr. seamen, and
ni.iriues, one million live hundred anil tort;
seven (liousaud and six hundred ilol'ars.
For imrchase of water fjr ships, forty tBot:
su!id dollar. , f fa
For pay nfctvll esiah l-hnieiit at (liesereral
uavy-iii;ds miner 'hi - b ;ria v:
Ai tho nail- aril, llos,ui, Massacllttnetls :
Tno w, i er-, on.- o pH; ina ei 1 orotol.-
si.uc.ier ol ' pruvl lin.iS- ;.n i c.i t .lag,: u oue
thou, and ami seveineen dollars and iwenty
llve cenis each: in all, two thousand and Ihlr-ty-four
dollars aiT fllty Sfntk
At the navy-yard, Brooklyn, New Yorki
Two writers 10 'paymasters, at ope tlioiisaud
and seventeen dollars am! twenty-live venls
sic 1 1 ; assistant to inspector of provisions and
clothing, one thousand eight hundred a.wl
seventy-eight dollars; writer to Inspector ot
pyovlsinns and clothing, one MioumiiiiI and
seventeen 'local's and twentv live cent
- 1 s,islaut suisnialeiiileut of mill's, nine hundred
and lliirty-nhie dothirs; In all, Ave tlious'iud
eight hundred nnd .sixty-eight dollars and
seventy-Are cents.
At iliu iitivy-yanl, l'l.l'ade'plila, Pennsylva
nia ; tine wri er lo p-iy-ma-ier. one llmiound
and sevcnteeii dollars and Iwenly-tive cents ;
one writer lo Inspector of provisions ami
clotl.ii g, one thousand ai d seventeen do!
lars and Iwenli-live cents: in all. two llton-
fcllld am! tlitrt.V-fottr dollars and tlliv cents.
At tne navy-yard, Washiugion, Dislrfct of
Co'uinhia: tike widter -to iiivmaster, one
thousand and seventeen ddllan
nun tweniv-
At ihe navy-yard, Nm-rolk, Virginia : tine
writer io paymaster, one ttniisan(faiid seven
teen dollars and twenty-Aye cents.
At the navy-yanl, Move Island, California:
Due writer to naymaster, at one thousand and
seventeen dollars and twenty-live cents; "tie
writer to Inspector of provisions and clothing,
one thousand two hundred nnd ninety-live
dollars and II fly cents; in all. Iwo (houimid
three huudrc I and twelve dollars and seventy-live
Forunuilngent expenses: For lrelglu and
tra nspnrtn' Inn io foreign and In nie nations;
candles; fuel; Interior -allocations and Ax
ioms p. Inspection buildings; tools, and re
pairing same at eight Inspection; .-pedal
watchmen in eight Inspecllonsj books and
b'tinka; stationery; telegrams; itoslnges anil
express charges; tolly, ferriages, and car
Hckets; i.-e; ami ihciden'.al lubiirnt! clinrge
ahe ni wilier appropriations si vei-,n-i'.e
lliousahd dollars'; Provide !. Thai, aii'a'ldl
'i .1 a' r. Ion of tea or ." ll'ee II ml s: cat' he
liuieatier aiioweillu ni l. sinieu, h
i 1 led at hi- llrst "turning out."
IH'IU'.AU (IF COXSTlil'l "1 ION AM) Kj.;.
For preservalion of vessels on Ihe slivks
and In ordinary: purchase of materials and
Stores of all kinds; labor In navy-vrdond
on foreign stations; preservalion' ol' materi
' a's; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and reptiir
of vessels all. at, and genera! maintenance i t
the navy; incidental expenses, advertising
i and foreign postages, lliree million three lint!
: dred thousand dollars.
For protection of limbo r-'anris, live thou,
sand dollars.
Civil establishment at the nvy-vard, Kl'
i tery, Maine: For draughtsman, 'one thou
sand four hundred dollars; clerk nf store
houses, one thousand Ave hundred dollars:
Inspector of timber, clerk lo naval constructor
timo-e'erk, ami sttpe lntcndeiit ot fihaifng
I thick, at one thonsand four hundred dollars
. each; In nil, eight thousand live hundred del
1 Utrs.
. At li e naw-yanl, Charleslown, Massachu
setts: For draughtsman 10 naval construct
1 or, one thousand four hundred dollars; e'erk
i to naval constructor, Inspector of timlier,
j ll.oe-c erk, at one thousand Avo hundred dol
. larseacli; clerk otstore-honses, onethousand
two ItuiKlred dollars; in all, seven ihousand
one hundred dollars.
I At the nary-yard, B.ooklvn, New York:
I For draughtsman to naval constructor, one
1 thousand four hundred dollars; e'erk to no-
vol constructor, Inspeclor of limber, and
lime-clerk, a: one thousand live hundred dol
lars each; and clerk of storc-hnuses, onel
iii"o.-.i".i t wo uiiii'.re't no. lars ; ... on, seven
thousand one hundred dollars.
At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsyl
vania! For draughtsman to naval construct
or, one tlioiisaud four luimlrcd dollars ; e'erk
of .-: ore-houses, one thousand two hinidred
dollars; inspector nf limber, e'erk to mrval
consiriiclor,-,llmes',erk, ami supcrtu'eialont
of lloailng-dek, at one IhoAsand four hnndnil
dollars each' lu aiL.elirlit thousand si-ven
hundred dollars.
1 1 if - . -
houss InsikWoroftlinlK'r'InniCilmes.lerk, nt
i one tte usa.iwwo liumtnAJ-dnfW each ; In
j all, six tlioHsandwoliundved dollars, ,
At Ihe narv-ranl, Norfolk, Virgjnlat For
1 draurlil-maii to naval .uuifrn.4,ir and;,irlp
of 1I1111 ks, nt one llnnjian.l four hundre'F
rtollars each-.-t thuo-elerk. one Ihousand two
hnndnil dollars; Inlall, Ihur Ihoffiand dol
lars. 1 . ,
" At tho mwjs-yanl, jfeasaaola, F'lmlila,: For
e'erk of sioolBhouses, one Ihonsamrfourhiii'
dro I dollar.:
AI the navy-yard, Mare'lsland, Collfcrnla:
For draughrsnian to navirt constructor, one
thousand four Itundrwl dollars; in.-is.'..r ,.r
ami ior uie purcnaseot me lie u to maniilac
lure ami use. on government vessels, the
Emery nnd Cheney patient elastic . hoij
I stopper and surge-reliever, twelve Ihousand
r-tatrs and preserva ion of machinery
' "xnlirs on naval vTswla, one million oM
handixsi thou-und dollars
For lining, npalr, and ,oserva!Ion of card
.naehinerv ...1 ilf Iholi.aml .loll.r,
F or lalior lu unvi-vards and stations, not
More included, ami Incidental expenses, one
hundred thousand dollars.
F'or purchase and preservation of oils,
cotti, iron, ami an materials ami stores, four
huudrv llhoiisan I dollars. .
Civil establishment at Uie nnvv-vonl. Klt-
tcrv, Maine: F'or drauchlsman, one llu.usand
six hundred dfillars ; clerk In chief engineer
and store-clerk, at one thousand fair hundred
dollars ia.'h ; ami lim.Htlerk, one thousand
Iwo hundred ilnllars; in all, Ave ihousand six
liundre I dollnrs-
AI Iho noyy -yard, Brooklyn, New York:
For draughtsman, one thousand six hundred
dollars: clerk to chief engineer and store-
dork, at onethousand four 'hundred dollars
each: and time-clerk; one thousand two hum
died dollars; lnall,dve thousand six hundred
.1 .liar
At the navv-vanl, Philadelphia, Pennsylva
nia : F'or draughtsman, one thousand six liun
dre t dollars; clerk lo chief engineer and
storo-o'urk, atone thousand four hundred
dol lui each ; and lime-clerk, one tlioiisaud
two hi. ...'I. ed dollar-; in all, Ave thousond six
hundred, dollar.
At the navy-yard, Washington, District of
Columbia : For draughtsman, one thousand
six Inn. di ed dollars: clerk to chief engineer
ami store-clerk, al one thousand four hundred
dollars each ; ami time-clerk, one Ihousand
two hundred dollars ; lu all. Ave thousand six
hundred dollars.
At the navv-yard, Xorfork, Virginia : For
draughtsman', one thousand six hundred dol
lars; clerk toehlef engineer and store-clerk,
at one thousand four hundred dollars each:
and Mine-clerk, one Ihousand two hundred
doll... in all, Ave thousand six bundle I
At the navv-vanl. Pensac.ila, Florida: For
clerk of store-houses, one thousand two hun
dred dollars.
At Uie navy-yard, Marc Island, California :
Kordramttiismiin. one Ihousand six hundred
dollars: clerk to chief engineer aad slore-
clerk, at one Ihousand four hundred dollars
each: and itinc-elerk, one lhonsan.1 two liun-
dred dollars; in all, Ave thousand ft x hundred
naval academy.
For pay of professors and olbers: One
professor of majhemattca, two thousand live
hundred dollars ; four prolessoas, namely, of
mathematics (assistant,) of French, nf chem
istry, anil ot etlu.'snml fcnyllsh similes, at
two thousand two hundred dollars each:
twelve assistant professors, namelv, four of
French, one of Ppani 'h, three of ethics and .
F.rgllidi si l ilies, one of ma hema ics, one of
astronomy, and two of drawing, ai one Uuhie-amleiglit-hundie
! loTri ench;swonl.nia -.
ler. ut one llioiiMjnd iwo hundred dollars,
..'11J 1 wo assistants; at one thom'and dollars
' ac 1 ; b xjhj -m i-Jvr and gi nmaii, m e Ihom
and iwoliiiiidre'i dollars; nssl-iant librarian
one I n if Iiundied i,oau ; fjire?
t&.QP&mm one dwnmnd
lo , -'1' 3!?r '"'v tho.Bs.nd
S " bfcuWedWBn.;
cifsTk to eonkmTitflfiitt ,..i.i..i.i..j.....
: clerk .in yia,f, at obj. JfetWiiiil doliars
' etlah :
.qimnecary, seB. hundred am! Of v
. .lol.a.
I, ::',V rs"''''l'r;H'-v'lm, l,u,,ll,i''d'eigh-
Ij-e jlu do. ars-: huweuVerlo t,vn.i,,i...i.
i.'-lmu .'io. ars; ine-seuirer In hinSHntniut.
ut s.x hundreddollais ; cook, Ihree hundred
and tw.wy.Hve dollars ndrHl?
fflS nT, tondteifejiKl tweniy-riire doh
ais nry eenis;. quarier-gunuer. four
h'W'lotl and dollars and Aliv ,s-
Hinner's ,nai.vfur hundred and six! -nine
ffira "': ksw,lB, lour '-
.; , '-.iv-,io.,. iitniarsam lllvcents-
Ihfee s, amen, m iiH.mvi r ... .. :...'. K? '
at three hutl . n I r,V. 1 . Si'KK'SM
littv , r. 1 , -' """,is am.
t uts each; ban 1-niasler, Ave bumlred
, s I, ';V8V Mrv el81,,0,,n "'"Mass
mu,U..ans,at ,hl',,! bundrei! and f,
d' haw each: seven Js.,.s musVian
111 lor. v -eight ilnllars uufo f flftv3t
jheu and t,ve huudroj ami ,eve..ty.x !l, ,1-
I'''i' par M'wiatcliine.. and others, ihlrtv
.lioo'J,,"! V!'11"1 aifdolbcrsi, sovenle. n
vM . ' '"'"Vlded, Thai gia'tuolcs of ilm
Acacemy shall take rank .... - ...
inptrprol cleiftyns shown bv tl. , S'S
viSTr .1 : . : ,. ' "s
merit ai da
"I gbidnaiton.
" M kfatyj: max
and si.1,1.',.. ,,. ,r officer,
p-, efn.iHi.inuUt.loii.
u.usicia..,, privates, hndoinirs of
SIX ll'ndl'J ...... , .......
I'n pav
Iltptlsanil one-hundred ami foriv-the f.ui SI
(or provisions, onehundredaml twontv-slx
Hereiitv . 11 l"""'''(M Mdone dollari and
Fi'i'clollnng, one linmlre land Iwentv-nlne
Ihottsind six hundred and ufv d.,l!,-s '
I f vaTiSi'il "iJJ eiKbMturtrd niwt
For .nlll'aryoros, rclv : For of
irechanics, realr Planus, purchase of,
couilementH, ordinance stores, flans drmhs
'" "" Instr enlVJelTlhonsati
For Iran-Pinion of officers, and Ihelr ser
vants, d troo,,,, c. exinsosof rX
tug. iweLvethousand dollars
I or repair of barracks, and rent or offices
c..ovV,,m I!:.: 1",'.1'?l''l''i llI),!ita lleldand
......., uion.-v-iuii iioMiirs,
lure ol'
quarters fur officers where there
aie no milMlo-nnai'loi-s -c 11 1
hUlulTOtdol-h 'S.
For contingencies, namely: Freight; ler-
repafl ol boats; labor burial of deceased
m,; Brlniii.', slathmen, telegrapher'
apprehension 01 deserters; k .-and lc "caV
virs' of mi ami water llxt.tres ,,er:
rwU l".''.'". barrack forr.lture : , re for
... .. . .r 'I""""., uci-icl, .. wra. . I.iii-.vmi.i-
;l. ., crash, nip,., tulne, spades, shnvols,
' ll kScarH'nlers'; relrs to tlre-
a xi
. , i.yiHD on'. nniBir 01 engine-hose
and re,wir larness; purchase anil air
ol h..m - arts and wheelbarrows; scovenger
Ing ; purchase am! repair or galleys, cooking
s.ove , range, tt ivcs where there are no
gra es ; gnivol for parade-grounds ; repair or
pumps; byiL.hes.hrmims, buckets, iiavinir, and
'.ro,lh.r purH)si.s, tweiiiy-Jre thousand dol
Mirei :l mil itsd That no moflef ni.prop.l.nod.'
by lb s a igshail l expended 6n acciunl of
' cw- "fcv . 1 "'?"' lor-dining the war.
, ', T1"" ,he Secretory oClhe Navy be,
and i J. hereby, omt tfrrcled to sell,
ff sticlD'essels and materials ol
Hie I nlju'l Slates navy as In pis jiakemeiit
caiiiMueadvaniagpiiiis v iie 1, ieiisj. e l or
tltlesl IW :l Provi lel That VeLe'Sv sul
ta.u shall be ma.14, public notice shall ho
given h.4 advertisement In sofeul leading nevrM
jtiiwr (a- newsiiopers In at least lonr of ilio.
lia.lingcmos of ihaTnited stares, whi.-li a.C
vertfsjst shall sifo Ihe nttmber of vessel
and the -amount of Wterlals, ft oisifol to he
sod, with (i ; descriiitlon thereof so far a the
same shit I practicable, tiMlher with Ihe
ijiue aad p'a. e when and wherp soch vessels
... iihi vm.i.s can oe seen and examined.
Aud Hif Secretary of the New shall, at tlto
"M-ulugo 1 Hich session of Congress, nwke a
lut icpovt o t ongross of hi8Jfs under the
nuiliprtty given by this se.:tion, which report
shall contain a statement of all vessels and
mate. iirls sold, the mmes buvlngtl.e same
and the amount reallsted Iherei. om, (.welher
wil l, such othor facts as may be necessary to a
lull un.terstandlng of his ncis; 'and tho total
ninoni.t recolred on such sales shall be cover
.dlnlo the United States ireusurv: Provided
litrther, that nothmgln Ihls siv'i Ion shall be
construed aseumpellliig theSts.ownrv of ihe
Navytoaccept any bid or offer which in his
I'.KIg.iueut lagrossly Inadequate lo the value
of tin- vessefs or materials onVre 1 for .-ale.
Approve 1.. May it, 1S72.
-111 RK EJUt, SATt'HB; No. 8ft '
AN ACT making appropriations' for the suiv
lirt of the Military Academy for Ihe fiscal
, year. ending June thirtieth, eighteen liuu
drod am! seventy -three.
Ik it emtted hi the Senate awl Hotua
nf Meprettenfalires if the United Stalim
"f !'dfWL'" x 'ontjrm axsrmtiled,
That the following sums lie, and Ihe same
me hereby, ajiproprioted, out of any money
In tin' treasury not ut Intrwise aipi:oirlati'L
for Hk support of the Military Academy for
Iho year ending June thirtieth, elghleen'hnn
.I.Tsl end seventy-three, 1'U :
F'or additional pay of officers, and for pa'
of Instructor, cadets, and tnuslouns, two hun
dred and twenty-two thoiisand nine hundreil
and llitrty-seven dollars and llf.yccnls.
For rejialrs and hnprnveinents. Umber,
p'nnk, Iwanls, Joists, wall-strips', laths, shln
kIos, slate, tip, sheet-lead, mills, screws,
locks, bints, hinges, glass, naint, turpentine,
oils, bricks, lline, cement, plaster, hair, blast-lug-powder,
fuses, iron, slecl, Usils, mantels,
and ether similar materLils, fourteen ihou
sand live hnndnil dollars.
For pay of clilzmi-imwhanlcs employed
itioii Tcpnirs tint i-annnt tw.lone by enHsted
men, etglrt-thonsnnd dollars.
For Hud and apparatus, coal, wood, stoves,
grates,, ra"nges, llroibricki, and re
pairs, fourteen thousand dollars.
Forga -pliwsTOsometcrs, and relorls,and
anuuai repairs of the same, six hundred dol
lars. Kerlim for cadets' iness-hall, shops, and
laundry, three thousand Jive hunddred dol
lars, i
For iKiSlage and telegrams, two humhed
F'or stationery; b'onk lss.ks, jmper, envc!
o ipillls, steel liens, wax, and ink, five
hundrfri dollars.
F or tronspirlation of materials dK'harge.1
cadets, ami ferriages, one Ihousand two hun
dred dollars.
For printing-type, materials lor office, di
plomas for graduates register.-, ami blanks,
seven hundred dollars.
For cnniiciisatlon of lithographer, one bun
dnsl dollars
F'or elerk to disbursing officer and quarter
master, one thousand six hundreil and fifty
F'or clerk to adjutant, one thousand Ave
hundred dollars.
For clerk to treasurer, oue thousand five
hundred dollars
For departinent of Instruction in mathe
matics vfi : For plains-table, one hundred
and seventy-flve dollars; repairs of instru
ments thirty dollars; text books and station
ery for instructors, twentv dollars
For department of artillery, cavalrv, and
Inl'miti-v tactics, via : For tan'-hark for riding
hall and gymnasium, one hundred and fifty
dollars; stationary for assistant Ins'.rnetors,
.me hundred dollars; guidons markor-fiags,
gamp-colors, ami embroidering colors IbreaiiB
lor cadets, fllty dollars ; repairing enmp
t tool. , touts, and furniture, Ave hundred dol
lars; foils masks, gloves, and rcimir for
fencing, two hundred dollars.
F'or depnrlmenl of civil and military engs
neerlng; For models, maps, repairs orfii
stiuiiienls, Ittld text-books nnd Ht(itiorev for
use ol l.inrucir.n-, Ave hundred dollars. ' urn! an.lexperimeni
' I Itl'nopb) :, F'or ehrriiogrti hi foliSorva
ti.l'l, one ll.o.Kamf dollars; Iwo sextants,
ti.iee hundred 'dollars; snrvevor transit,
Mi., hundreil and Ally dollars; barometer,
Ally dollars ; n-iuirsaml lionilngelte ler, five
hundred dollars; ,iii.ains!lim lo attendant.
tor depirl.neul of draniug: 1'orT.irner's
l.llier-siinlioium Ibr tlic use of the fecon.l
c'ass, me bumlred and dollars : tnpn
gnifhlcal models, architectural models ami
oruanieuts, and models of machines, for ihe
uie of tie third class, one hundred dollars;
colors, brushes, iienells, and impers, forllu.
use of Instructor, ten diillam.
For department of law and ethics: For
books nf roferooee, text isioks, and stalion
ery, lor ihe ns.i of Instructor, one hundred
For doiurfinent or French : For text-books
and stalfonery, for the use of luetruoiors,
lllty dollars.
F'onlepartiuent of Sunish : For text-books
and stallohew, fur the use of lnt.1 ructors, Afiy
F... doptirtmept ff oherotstry, inlnera'ngy,
and geology : Fnrchenilca!,liK!ndlugcliein
Ical apisiialtis glass and porcelain. ware, pa
per, wire, and sheet inulal, flvo liundie.1 and
briy dollars; imitorial fur jmictlciU insivuc
Hn la plioiographv, two hun. ed Toll us;
rough suvimens Ales alcohol, lamps
blow - plies is-noUs, - and agate mor
tars, fur practical tnstruetlon In mineralogy
and geology, on hundred and seventy-five
dollars; fossils lllusl.ali.ig the iHOerent r.vk
tnrmatlfMis, lur daily use in sei'llou-ronuisone
hundred and Iwentv-llve dollars ; gradual In
crease of iho cabinet. Ave hundreil dollars
n'isii. s nnd l.npr.ivetneiits in electric, gal
vanic, niagncilc. electro-magnetic, and
magneto - electric. npraius thin- hun
dred and Of y dollars; repairs and additions
to pi cr niatlc and thermic iipporatns, one
hnmlred and lllty. dollars: ImarhsM ,i.
jitslnlile electric lamp, one hundreil and
til y -iniiars ; earjientors' ami metal work, and
malaria's for the same, .ixtv-llve dollars;
unproved hln.Mu'ai' MlcracOio, c. mp'ete.
ihr. e en. idled dollars: diagrams IHlllraling
i .. . am gimnjK uie.'0.uenj., . ue inn -
i i. no .Mi-., i -nu' (ulnars; n.i'iq.anic.-'
tools, twenty dollhrs; ay of nwchfinlca, la1
be employed in clu-inlcnl and geological see-llon-roems
and lu the Jecms-rnuii, one thou
sand and fifty dollars; Ibr brlngnig sU amdl
nvtly lo chendcal room', and for chemical
and mechanical orn(lon. Iwo hundrwl and
revenlv dollars: sleam eyllmU'r and piston,
live hundreil dollars; selling up I.udd's dvn-irrno-mitgneiic
electric machine, one hundred
dollars; rep'oslering and painting seclion
reon.s, one bimdred and twentv dollars ; rc
llm.riog livlure-rm.m, eighty dollars; cover
ing floor of mlnemloMcM stvtlon-room, one
lumdied and ten dollars; compensation te
attemlant, lifty dollars.
For department of practical engineering :
For ten IjoXvompasses, llftv dollars; reiatts
id instruments, twentv-llvc dollars; lumber
lor iroli'li.g, traciing-tnu's and turpentine,
one hundred and iwcutv-Ave dollars
I or dei ar.ment of onhiancc and gunnery:
For building sink, repairing nd iKilnllng
walls and lor new doors, Ave hundred dof
For expense ol the board of visitors, Ave
thousand dollars.
F'or miscellaneous and contingent expenses:
For gas, coal-oil, for lighting ihe academy,
cadet barraftks, niess-lmll, hospi al office's
stable, and inside walks, four thousand do'
lars; water-pi pes plumbing, and repairs, two
thousand dollars ; cleaning public, buildings,
mm quarters.) live hundred and sixtvdoltars;
brooms, brushes. uls, nibs, oral clothes, two
hundred dollars; chalk, ,-ravons, suge ami
s'ates lor recitation rooms, one hnmlred dol
lars: compensation of chapel organist, two
hundred dollars : compensation of librarian,
one hundred and twenty ilnllars ; comiieiisa
f Ion or noii cnnimlsvjoovd officer In cbaraa of
mechanics, filly dollars; cnnqiensatloii of sol
dler willing In adjutant's office, liny dollars;
.uie , I ...... ... ..... nr ... .....i ....... I,-. '
tm,j ... . . ,,i ii,,ii ma .tun vciid'aung
apparalHs, cadet barracks, chapel, and jail"
on.phlcal acatlemy. including Ihe
Ihousand Avo hundred dollars; pay of assist
ant of same, seven hundred and twenty dol
lars: i ay of five firemen, two thousand two
hundred dollars; lu,aoase ami expense of the
iinrar., novas, iiuigMiiMMj peruxiicai, ami
binding; tvfti thousand dollars.
For rei.ufurslug cadet for losses incurred .
by their elfortSjIn extiugiiisiang a fife In llielr
uarracksla lite yeor eights en humlml anil
seveuty-nn, six thou-aml eight hundred and
eighteen dpltarj oiul eighty -two cents.
For ray of IllmiriauVasslstant, one jhoit
sand dollar, i
For wnlliigoioliis for siipcrlBkemrent of the
academy, ohe Mmusatnl dol lars
For furniture for cnJol hospttal, one hum
di e I dollars. "
F'or repairing and opening roads and paths,
tivo:h .i satal five ljiiiidre.1 llolla.s.
For lee lujuse and fin additional store-mom
and servants' room, seven Ihousand fives hun
dred dollars.
For coal-house, five thonsand dollars.
For lv-coverlng south wharf, two thousand
live hundreil dollars
Approved, Mfiv ia, 187i.
Waaqutt natvbic--Xom.j '
A ACT detlnlng and limiting Iho appro
liriAilnn ol certain moneys for the prepare
I on, issue, and reissue nf the sectiritlc of
the 1 nltcl States, and for other purposes. .
He it tnatted by the Senate ana Uoitft
nf R pretntativet of the United State 0
Amerkn in Ciirgrcssauembted,
5 hot Ihe expenses ofllie issue, reissue,
transfer, delivery, rudemp ion, and destruc
tion of securities legaUemter notes, frac
tional currency, checks eorllflcoteii, com
missions and lor any plate nnd seal engrav
ing and priming required by the Treasury
leiiilnieut, shall In- raid rrm and shall nn't
exceed the appropriation of one per centum
l.l the amount ofleeal-ti'iidoi' ,,, in., ..I
currency and sei .irilies during each fiscal
yi-ar: Provided, Tliat nothing herein oon-
ininniMiaii oe cnnsiriHsi to increase or eu
laige the amirourialion onniainmi ... i.,
se..un. srcllon of the act entitled "An act to
authorize Ihe lefumllng oftlie national debt,"
approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred
and seventy.
Approved, May ij, m.
iUHNKKAljXATt. RE No. 82.
AN ACT lo amend an act eirlitM "An actio
establish a uniform time for holding elec
tions An- electors of President aud Vlce-
. President In all the States of the I'liKm,"'
approved January twenty-thlnl. eighteen
hundred and forty-five.
Bl it enated by the Senate and Home,
of Repretntalir;s 0 the United Stales of
meiiea in Ci ngrese eiinembled.
That If by Ihe now existing laws of any
State the election commencing on the Tues
day next after the first Slomiay in November,
eighteen hundreil and sovcnly-tVo, tor the
purpose of choosing ele,)tors of' President and
Vice-President In such Stales shall be re-
3 ulred to be continued Air more than one day,
icn said election shall be continued In num
ber . f.dnys required by the laws of such
Approved, May '23,11872.
AN ACT to establish the collection district
ofDuImth, and torreate Saint Paul, In
the collection district of Mfmiesota, a port
if delivery.
Re it enaeted by the Senate and Home
of Repretentative'e of the United Statet of
J meriea in Conyrett amembled.
Teat a new collection district, to be called
the district of Ita Luth. be. and Ihe same Is
hereby, eMabllshcd, which shall embrace all
the territory, harbors rivers, and waters
Isinlering on Lake Superior, and lying in the
State of Minnesota, and a collector shall be
appointed, to reside at Pu Luth, which shall
be the port of entry for said district. And the
sakl collector shall receive the same compen
sation provided for the collectors of Pembina.
Chicago, and certain other ports, by the sec
ond section of the act entitled "An a :t to reg
ulate Ihe foreign coasting trifle on the nertl-