The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 23, 1872, Image 7

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    A , j i
a rt
IT. U. OfllrlMl Pnper far Oregon.
FRlftAY, Al tlUST M. 1S72.
Republican 'r,ckrl n,r nn- j
mi PMKMinKKT. '
""" 1
u. s.
nrmWowttwl Elr"Hm,
A n. VnUu amity.
V. I. It.MtK.ol' Washington mnniy.
J. K. (iA.l.KY. of lWBflllCOttHl)". ,
A Patriot.
We were taught to iK'lieve tltc.v looscic in these direction,! wm ie w8s not willing to principles from their m popular
a patriot was one who loved his ''"r 1,10 of Vn'H-ut jwwer, is mvc t,e civil Uight bill stand oh lieginnlng to their final triumph
Countrv its safety and weliare,wra- j h'jurUms in its intlucnce upon the its own merits, requiring only a licaring no insignificant part in
mount to any purely peroil de- 'development of national habit, and majority vote, b.'t insisting on a j taping their destiny succeeds in
sire or ambition We imbibed the Us h most disastrous to U t bUI .of hi owu m.jmi ameiHlmcnt to mebbig JJONlkm of diatiiwtJou M
oniuioii that second alone to the ; claims of posterity. Accepting those ; the Amnesty bill, which could not j a leader in the party, alike houora
claims of Deitv, around the idea of principles, where is there the man j be passed without a majority of l,!e to his zeal and his sagacity, is
country its laws, its institutions, j of intel'igei;ce, who reflects but for j two-thirds. Carpeiiler'sCivil 1 tights that any reason why he should Ik
its sacred traditions clustered the' : moment, that d-s not regard tlie ; bill, howe er, was passed during ! placed upon a throne of supreme
most sacred incentives to inspire character and personality of the j the absence of Mr Sumner, ami a i authority to dictate the entire poli
nnsel fish devotion and fuerificc. .Gwley party, so fraudulent in its j fecta show much to his surprise. It icy and practice of the party, and
Individual predilection or eniolu- inception : so untruthful and un. my be seen by the Cmujrr.monnl then of hc executive officers whom
moat home and the endearing re- crnpulous in its langlTftge of oppe- aifm that Sumner did not vote at the party has elevated to power?
latimships 'of friends and soiiety ' ition; inconsistout intlio liiMoiy all on the joint resolution recom- Sitell a posit'wu is both unpatriotic
and kindred were subordinate in of it eonstituent elements; so gen-1 mending the ratification of the Fit nttd vulgar hi its assumption ; and
rank o( estimation to country's wol- 'lly l" ery pri.ipl of j tconth Ameiwlment to the (onsti-j yet Greeley now occupies the )si
fare and alory Cliaracter is the consistent integrity and honorable tntion. Sumner, the IVsident said, tion of a tunucoat from his party,
rrand central idea of human lite. Iairnes; who doe not regard the j dodged a vote on this joint resoln- awl is found affiliating, nay, even
good name is desirable aoove i
riclies, is the deduction of wisdom.
To the mindofthe patriot, the char-1
acter of cou:itr of fatherland, isasjilltt'1,,!-I',lc'vl,'tlltai1'1 conwstency Some of the opposition Who Have . fet ft,r ,;o 0t!icr reason than lie
i.v.i,ms a his own If eitlier'must , 1,1 t,,e lir al", hamt oft,ie C"UII,,.V ? lately permitted themselves to in- j tjie Kxecutive would not eon-
iw. l..t the woi.rht of dis-1
Hl-lllllt Ul ,
honor fall upon him. No opinion ;
or act of IllS Will favor or assist ill 'l I ; "" ft" "I "ft" i licre is incru a m-iimoic, ammii-
the development of a 1KJlicy wl.uli j hate' was cver P'f"11 bcfore t,,e of facts which are of daily ccnr. 1 athsen , but what looks um the
will in the 'east prove derogatory ; American mind for its suffrages. : micp A vpry pjrtjj.t example, j motive in this instance, as being
to the interests of national freedom, With IIra (IrecleyJn the smmd , as il(1iffltilis t10 general drift of utterly disgusting in its vulgar as
nnlon, virtue or progression. Per- j child-hood end of a life of peevish t,,0 (;0,.n,ail preference, is given in j snmption, and execrab'e in its evil
sonal 'desire and sectional interest vagaries ; with the little squad of L ,mmbor 0f tne San Fran-1 hdluence ?
ivor or assist in I
must reman. pas.sive in the light of I
the mightier claim of the general
good. 11 is eye of earnest solicitude
for country's welfare glances to the
central idea of national institution
CUDLIal III IHtUUIIill Itiiii-uviV".
From this xint ofeonoeiitration he j unprincipled, Iwnkrnpt in morals, meeting. ( I his meeting was called ! ai,ther electioneering siiecch. Now
weighs carefully the lines ofintluen-1 IVmocracy; with these elements of l0 be held on 16th inst.) A good ! wp (1o not mr0 two cents how many
from every quarter converging deformed depravity united in the j deal of deception has been attempted j fwl HWches he makes, for wo are
f to that point Then in the light of t-y lrt' t,,ore is presented in j to be palmed off in this direction j p,T,tty mte tj;t.y vi do him more
i securing national integrity, and the tllC Hitioal -lass t,,e n,ost .rclM,U j hy the opposition, one instance of j iar.n tmi good ; but we are sorry
greatest good to the greatest nnm- R'ic l'ict"re (f moral ,le,0,'n,ity or ; which has lieen detected. It is j t,ut a mftn thought to bo wise and
lier, from these converging lines of the individual citizen to vote into now known that tlie names of the pmlet enough to receive the iiom
influence he clmoses hi "principle i lK,vvcr' !U"1 itsl""i,:, i!'1('silll Am01'-' ,',ll'on thousand (iennans sent to inattoit of a party for the highest
and line of ixilitical action. In this j "' lWts that wasevcratteinpte.1 ; Paltimore asking tlie endorsement ' olfit!e the gift of the people,
selection, the interests of tlie present j 10 m4 off 011 " lfeent of Gree'ey, were obtained a Kng sliouhl have so little modesty a-nl
are not'alone the objects of his ! lt'Ple- There should such a vote time since on an mtttJempentiu common decency. The example of
u r licitudo. lliseamest v'sion pierces j of opposition lie piled up against it prottt. "Honesty is the best pel- Andrew Johnson in this direction,
f,r the dim'lievond and seeks 1 M November, as will sink it to cy" in a Chappaquat'k as well as in sIl0U(1 ,i1Mt t),0 nwutl,8 f Prcsi-
to project a Lna of policy that w
reach the interests of generations
yet to be. He knows there is
no comprehension without intelli-
cence. lie Knows mm tumc
ir l : 4i.- ..: :
f. the soilrco of trust and eonfide,c.
lie has lear.K.,1 Irem experience that ! U1 ww 1Wtcs 1r"m ,,n,P wowl, 0"WS CV) but the Tammany influence
mankind in its deveJo,ne. is gov. i tWft S,,os f """"iseem to have taken it all out of
erncdmorebyexampIetha.,preeept.r'ltoaU,", ,,,e convention to he lho work of demonstrating on pa- ,im
...... . ., , ,. , lield in Louisville next month. In per to his own satisfaction the re-
Applying this principle to national i . , , , a sniKiMc i-w.
s t . i i , , liroportion as that party increases in i s,its of future elections, atlords .
development, he seeks to favor that 1 1 ... ,, . T .1 :
,. ,., .., . strenath ami influence the Greeley , mi great satisfaction, lie can A Democratic per in the prat
policy which will identify in the 15 ..,., . . , . c. . . , .i ,,, I
' . , , ., nartv weakens, hrnm present m- te Ho a cipher the exact numerical
national character the idea of m- 1 , . I ' .. .... ' . .. ,
. . . , . : dicatnins there is reason to lielieve vote to lie anticipated in State, , view of the situation when it mges
creasing intelligence and growing , . , 1 , ' . , , , , ... ..
cl n . i.,., g i, .,...,. ,...11 ua i ... ! , , Uo ...... I. .... .1. mm aI tirn llin.rrc
-virtue. The national habit, thus
being fixed, the individual citin
is influenced to mould his life i
consonance with it. I ! aspires to
liccomc wise and virtuous because
it is the national habit and the step -
ping-stone. jto . national faj)r. In
tacit, whetoer lie' ii inluoicd bv
srteh aif hifraflofi Sr not, the forces
of national habit Wrll mould him
iinpereeptlbly t4ipmlv(i8,, .He
wjll be swei along by the national
current. He will breathe the mag
nefcc hifllioiwo of national life, and
its subtle influenca fwill gradually
change tho texture of his moral
being. Kvisry age aad'country has
had its patriots. In this has our
wantiyieen pewlia Wesl. Her
altars iuuebeon copiously fed by
rich, Jibatioiis of patriotic! b'ood,
lrcaiy shed to establish her. identity
andjironjotc her welfare. Tho in
fluence of these live- and uacrrfices
low beewbsorbed into tlio national
life, giving character and .tone to
its cncigios. Intelligence, truth and
iw wwririgs. iiite isrence truth and
meuUl ideas inculcated in tho for-
nation of the American habit. The
existence ot parties awl not imply
j tlie ignoring of tliese, but a differ
ence of opinion as to the manner or tj0(( 01 poetical affairs witli some 1 by tlicir own standard ot measure
j promoting them. Federalists, Dem- frieiMlson the afternoon of the 15th mciit, is beyond calculation. He-
ocrats and Whigs vied with each j i8t., id that while tfto President : cause a man is self made, as it is
I other in their efforts in these diree- a.,)Ua K j accord with the lead' 'called, or because ly close applica-
tioiis. While much ofinconsstency j
ami error appears upon the historic
record against them, the good more '
' tl,an ou,,,,a,am's tnpm' m' t,ie ,
!rl. ..I'limn line u-il .s-uwl llfO.
rr '
.1 I I - .1 li.,.
march of time has witnessed pro-
gress. The national character s interest of the party, but in the in- :ers equally as potent, joined to the
' stronger and more imjierntive in its 1 f(,r(,,., 0f entire conutry. While ! inevitable tendency of moral devel-
claim for the promotion of these j l0 )lail ll0 ,d;iiid words to utter j opmet.t, eventually succeed, is that
1 ideas to-day,than it ever was While j,,, Senator Sumner, he wa j a reason sufficiently cogent 10 jnsti-
the interests ot the present are dear, perfectly willing to plae his acts ! fy him in setting up claims for (lis.
the future are equally, it wit more, against Sumner's words; and in i tiuclion more arrogant and impn
, precious, ft call for- fartieatolay this connection he said Smnuerdid dent than tlmso of a dictator?
their principles deep in the channel ( diow himself such a joud friend i Ik-cause Horace Greeley by his
of iiiU'llioeiw, truth and consiVton. t0 .,(, i,a,.i. man as ,c ,,rofcssed to : vigorous ndvocacy of lienublican
r"'"" ""i'""'
sets as highly detrimental to the
'ueulcation t correct principles ot
No ?,(a,l'r monstrosity of sellish
, : incongruity ot taith and practice, 01
u;eongniiiy oi latin ami i.icuce,
snpename piB uiiipm-n u
. a .1 l...r...... 4l.
malcontents rrom the
l.,...,l.i:..., lil.natri.itlA rnWni-ruin
IK llllll IVil ' ' iii'Oii , iHry,-i
miilro ii'itli ttlorlisilllltOll HIKI'ltleil
fj llliunn) nil v ,
e in fixed principles, eternally depart-'
ins. iinnroirrossive. bniken in siiiri',
OI . o
! the deepest uepin oi ouuviou. r i anyoouy eisc, hi iu nu KiiouHi "oi i ,etiai candidates tor tne next mii
i mote it be, rays genuine patriotism; j forget it. . j,m vcar. In a Presidential eaii-
.... It'..! .- C.
Tlir IiOiitavlllc noiriiiftit.
The Louisville movement has
: 8'" m mU T ".
" 1 v v " lMV
I "a,'il,ws cho'ue of the Convention,
j '"d will accept. With him at the
U ...1 ,,('(l,.iii' f 1 kilt ioW Dinilll.
'"" - " ;
.....t .. 1 ... 1. iiiiul at tlm 1.: illc 11PV t
01 w W v v ' '
' Xov""lbcr votl"? for u,K',t' Horace.
iw iwnyiiiii .. t..,
said sumeVhing alwut thieving ear -
pet baggers,by the veidietofthepeo.
pic bcng left after the 4th of.Varch
next, to "fold their tents like the
Arabs and silently Heat away."
ro iWi.V tho msnlt of the Louis -
I. 1... 17....... ......u. .
ville Convention will lie to leave ; figuring : He can run up long Wker, who, if he had lived in the
Horace to do that very thing. Tho j Col,,mns of figures, and arrive at i time of Christ, would have wormed j
Democrats will all leave him, and , wonderful results in the direction j his sjiiuy carcass into the company j
then Horace, with his little squad 1C most desires; but now-a-days ; of tlie disciples, in order to get the;
of Hepublican Judases, will slink they have been so entirely wide of ( opportunity to sell out his rnastqri
off somewhere, very silently, very the mark, as no longer to amount at a discount upon the price reeeiv
meekly, ai.d desire very much to be 'to anything in the estimation oTed by Judas."
"let alone." orbc"put inthcu- little
licds." ,? .. .
... I,,,."" . MiMl,quai.C,imiloron.L-inorUiny.
OW "
'district ..suing in Paltimore.,,
t-or of nominating Greeley in
tavoroi nominaung Mrccii'v
regular manher, saidi ' "If yi '
iwMninote (Ireelev here, lie is the
hclt tlsb'same old fool he lways
president Grant, in a conversa-'
w principle of the party that
c-lv him, it wa essential that he ;
pllfnm, itin ioWR which niav
'v.n.. v..... ,
. . . . .1 I
'e enacted and administer the af-'
!! 1 ' .
fajreof the Government, not in the
j Br tu
fige ; ti,e delusion that the tier-,
O - - J
mas are Minnortins h
mas are su)porting i.reeiey solid,
, w,n naye to give it up
' . . ... ..
in the light
v0 Chronltk, wherein a list of
; li J 7...1 , . ... Il. '
1 lHttr IK'ttUi rit (( .s. iiviui'
! lA IWan Alll..A.,.. fC i
lllj; IU lll'lUIUII CIWOIIK, inoitj "
them prominent, are affixed to a j
pall fin-a (irant and Wilson mass .
1 -.1- 1 1... ..1 1.1 .....
Hornrc m Flgnri!.
Horace is quite fin id of working
! "' .AW" . ? Vmm
Next to theoretical
l""""11 n,K,v "
; everywhere or nowhere-it dosen't
. n)atter where. It may 1 remarked,
I l...ti'Ai-m fl.'if In.' thriiritur i. n culilii
1 .... 1. .no 1 , lilt! L. I inrimr
11 ' p,""
H0 is splendid, of c,mrse,but the
- .. ...... 1 ...I t .. . II ...I. 1....
one lUiW uv wiiisl r tunnij;ii un
1 pbilosophical nos' is so profoundly
j ditfenent from any tune ever heanl
j tile world, that the greatest
musical exjierts, or the least, have
! WXCT been able to detect in tlio
: hi it So of his
others. North ( arol na, you know,
was to have gone largely Chappa-
filu .liJn'l KW it nlvaul.
" T
. rt
... ii' j i. r rf-U
ih-u i lemu, h u-s ueia 01 i mun
days ago, leaving a yonng wife be-j
The self importance of some men,
tion lw business, or the persistent
advocacy ot some unpopular, or, it
mav be. some neculiar princiides or
i I! -.11 .1. .1 .1.
lino of policy, which, through his
.,..,l,;..n,1 tnil.ll llmn l.futll.
elforts, combined with those of oth-
vigor of his ,n has been directed j
against during all of his jwlitical
mA to lie s;overnc(l bv him in the
matter of local apK)iutment
Where is there a sensible, patriotic
" Modetjr Ifl.
a. . . t' I I i ' .
0V( ti,e 0ther day, at Portland,
m: i..i, in mal-n
.Tmini:, lie fcw'i ........
... ... .... . !
didate "there is nothing so become
a man as modest stillness and hu
mility." We used to think 1 loraoc
, had some common sens, and decen-
I n 'K'' w ."v . " .
either "acknowledge that they have
lieen knave and fools all their
lives, and ask admittance into the
........ ....
Tii.tnf .1 . .v j .t I lift 1 ?M, U-1 HI VI V flllll
i """" " " ' " ,
; not endeavor to creep in the Inck
i n r,,.., n .t'n fV C11IH1 III)
pi m ;ivi. "i ul r
i like fw-born whit? men and assert
tjlieir majijiorol. and refuse lo lie
'bartered like slaves in tlw market,
by a set of nelf-appointed leaders,
j whoso, rcwrd is that ot the iiiiferu.
i unions political trickster and oflice-
; . s, disnateh says
. . hiIc t)0 m,meR,,,s original
, ,lijWVCrfrs ar0 dei.0Ur.C-1
L . ., . , ,
M.cacn .r a oiiks, m ,.uo,.
m argc are . begiumng to e
ifkH imv "V ' wve ' s "
with m all, and diamond stock
lamn am 1 tor. ' I ll I ! I't f
1 lielow toio.
. . , ,
Clagett, Republican, has a small
Tlie Boston Ulobe contracts lie latest news from llelfari.
Greeley ami (irant as follows : i Ireland, represciit terrible caniag
For tlw moMof t'ie ople, tlwn, j and wanton destruction of pnperty
tlie controversy rewdves itself into ! ()n the l0tli inst., tliough tlie city
a choice of men. AVehave liefore I . ,, , . i. e .
...'. ! i . i i. ' was in the hands of tlie milnarv,
us drant, with his sturdy, straight , '
forward blnntness and honesty ot ! aut8 of In'lcsnes8 and blood were
purpose, lie was put forward four committed by the rioters. Build
years as the representative of the ing were fired, school houses wew
great principles vindicated in the j destroyed, and many person wear
icsuii m me war principles not
vet limy carried out ami eiauonten
in the legislation of the country.
He has been faithful to'tliose Brill.
ciples, and the affairs of the coun
try have prospered under his Ad-
ministration. We have also j
Greeley, who, like Grant, is a man
of the people, and like him has
made his way to distinction by his
own energy. An eager ixditk-ian, !
but credulous and confiding, he has
put himself in the hands of bad
men who covet power at any saeri
(ice of principle, and he would lie
no wife man for the people to en
trust with the Presidency. Old
party divisions lieing obliterated, I
and both candidates making the
same professions, the simple ques-1
tion is: With which man do the I
voters think the country will be j
safest for four years to come? With I
one who has been tried and ha a
good prestige; or with one who
has not Lojn tried, but who has a
bad prestige.-1
A. Oakey Hall, Democratic
.Mayor of New York City in 1S70,
when Greelef was a candidate for
Congress, made a speech at
that time in which he got
off the following as his esti
mate of the sage : "He is feeble of
purpose, tremulous in judgment,
unstable and inconsistent in thought
and deed, doing motiveless things,
telling motiveless fal-ehoods, friend
ly with a man one moment and un
friendly the next, eccentric in dress,
eccentric in eating and drinking,
devoured hy the worm of self-con-seiousness,
full ot unaccountable id
iosyncrasies and prejudices and
awkward affectations." Oakey is
now an enthusiastic admirer of this
same Horace.
On Itoek Creek, Walla
Wal'a, a few days ago, Samuel
Kelley shot and killed George
Duke. 7Mie difficulty arose about
some cattle. On Thursday last
Duke went to Kelly's house, when
the latter met him with the inquiry,
"Yon have come to take my scalp!"
and instantly raising a double-barreled
shotgun, discharged it. Duke
fell dead, and on examination was
found to be without arms not
having even a peu-kni'e. The at
tains looked upon as outright mur
der. On the evening of the '20th inst.,
at Eugene City, L. D, Miller shot
and killed T. ('. Smith, known as
"Cherokee Smith." It is under
stood that the affair grew out of tic ot the University,
some scandal in regard to JVillcr's Stanley recently gaytpan account
wife. The homicide was committed of Livingstone's discoveries in Afri
inneowardly manner Miller shoot- jca at a sitting of the British Asso
ing Smith in tho back. The affair j ciation at Brighton, Col. J. A.
created excitement, and Miller : Grant, who explored the sources of
wonld have lieen lynched could the , the Nile with the late Capt.Speke,
crowd have reached him. He was ; called in question the correctness of
placed in the custody of the Shcr- i Livingstone's oliservations and coti
jiv j elusions. Stanley replied, defhifli
A farmer named Jeff White near
Olncy, Lh, on the 17th inst., shot
in cold blood and killed Henry
rTnullo i firmrr with whom he
""'""' ' !
had some ililtieulty. i into sur-
1 1 ll.A ttlutWlA1 Ot r.llUlV
ri'iKieieo 10 n .'hviih .v .-un .. .
. , i i but On Mondav i
following Honlii's wife, (.rostrated
with grief, was prematurely confined
and died. A party of two or three
hundred then into the jail,
took AVhite and hangeil him to a
ee in the court-house yard,
Dr. Howard, of Spanish iujpHs-
onmeut fame, now in New York,
attributes his release to tiie efforts
of American Press attacks, and re-
turns thanks, lie thinks ! isb mignt
have acted more promptly, and al -
leviated his snflering. Me goes to
Washington to present his claim,
which is no small sum, the loss of
his medical business at r'leiifuegas
K estimated at 630,000 alone.
At the Soldier's Convention, Col.
Dullard dcelnred it the duty of the
solders of tlie Pnion to support
tlmir Old Commander, and never
agree to shake hands with the rebels
ai'ross the chasm, until tliey were
willing to lie loyal. His speech
was received with ciithusiasm, tho
entire' Convention rising to their
feet and cheering at the mention ot
the name of Grant.
sft, including several women. Ttur
hospital in St. Patrick street was
filled with wounded and dying.
Fears were entertained of the terri
ble scenes of 1866, which lasted
three weeks. ()ranjmen in bodU
t three or fimr hundred wouldissn'
from their head quarters aisl rwir
through the principle streets like
demons, firing in all directions. On
the 21st inst. the c.ilv was moiv
quiet, but the riot not entirely ended.
Many arrests were made. All
schools and most mills were closed.
Nine magistrates were on duty.
Many personal encounters betweoo
rioters and special constables , wew
Horatio Seymore and Sanford K.
Church have refused to let their
names 1 llSed in connection with
the Governorship ot New York by.
Democrats or Liberals. August
.Scliell is thought to be the strongs
George Kingsland, book-keeper-of
the Hudson county National
Hank, Jersey City, has decamped
for Kuroe. Ho is a defanlter-to
the amount of S'JO.OOO, Wine ami
women is the cause.
Senator Morgan and Gen. Dir
decline the nomination for Governor
of New York. Senator I'obcrton
and Wm. Wheeler are the favorite
candidates. Sickles is also propos
ed. Col. Thomas Scott states that
the cars will run upon the Tea
Pacific rai'road across the contineuti
within five vears at the farthest.
Indians don't want to give up
Wallowa valley, in Union county;
and threaten to burn settler out.
The State Agricultural Fair of
California will open on the 19th of
The final decision of the Geneva
Tribnal of Arbitration is expected
in a few days.
It is rumored that Cardinal. An
tonelli has quarreled with the
Pope and threatens to resign should
the latter jiersevere in his policy of
hostility to Jhe Government ; also
that Antor.elli requested e'erical
journals to refrain from publishing
speeches of the Holy Father.
Gen. riherman visited OxtonJ;
Eng., on the I5th, and was very
agreeably received by the authori-
ing the Doctor, and was loudly
, cheered.
Further advices from L'cPast.
'confirm the serious rature.of the
there. :'eviral collihioiis.
occurred lietwecn lrotestaiits and.
. ,. .
the Catholic procession
Cp to the;
j afternoon of the 17th, ti e city was. ,
in an uproar, and fighting was g-, .
, on ,,
j supplementary rrgnmenl of
j . " -
! Amcr'ca TOU,,ft'1. UiC
of Arbitration is pubJWiea iu'
phamphlet form." Evan's rgui
meilt eovcrs one hnndreil pages.
wWlo ihofC of yc Cusjiing ais
J VVake w esj. exleiMied.
; . . ,
1 11 IS Frted Pn
; has again returned to Madrid.
The report that C.ermni ret.
fortifying 1 fort, in violation
, , . ... '.' v
t,mr trea,-v obligation, ,s deebn,l
, to be without foundation.
The latest news 'from IV!'t.
; Trelainl,. represents tho riots still
j coutinniiig, 3nd that theeify was
: about to bo placed under martial
! law. The samo telogram saya that
the military are now charging
tho rioters intheeenterof the tiwn
' f
'le straight IK-m'oerat 'f v
Wayne, Mich., nominated a full
county ticket on the 16th inst."