The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 23, 1872, Image 5

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    a m ...... - .... . . . .. .,. l . a.
JOB PMSTiafO. itHUOft, KTC. I DREGS, KTC. i$fflkfft lv-"" I
t ; . , I rrrr:." r..: .r- j ... , , i 0 v
, . m divtk y fiKw oras?a 1 Murder In
trrru new and fast
V 11 E S S K S,
Latest and most Jwirabbi
Style f
Is undoubtedly
When you wish
Posters or
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Ball Tickets,
Dot why rwrtiVularize, when it is gen
erally acknowledged that we are
When It come under the heid of
To convince yourself of die truth of
Itie above statcmcnfcv yon have
only to call (or seia! a hand tie
ooni)unied by three stamps to
pay return postage) when
we will astonish you with
tilt' capacity of the ReO
isteii otllee for doing
Coi.oitin or Plain
work, awl the re-
markable ele
gance exhib
ited by the
Bom in
Cowling the stamp for Uw name
when finished. Wbeu yon have
"his" in our line, call. A Mitt to
the sufficient is wise at
t bHrtd kick's hone, or
words to that effect.
- - -t
tcoMUUi,eio.,Ju8t received
(Successor to 1). W. Wakeflekli,
I'll Irish's Ne lliiilrtlliw. 1'trt.t Ntrret,
Dealer In
All articles Warranted pure, and of the
best quality.
Physicians prewrlptlons earefullv eoni
ixmnded. Albuny, Oct. 17, InUWif
W. M. HAUVEY & 0
Opposite the hotels,
Albiuiy, OreKon,
force a tsil Lift Pump,
Hollow Ware,
Tin, Copper mid Sheet Irou I
Ware. 1
Lewest Prices Every Time.
Repairing Properly Done. tOvS
Fruit Trot's, Cirnpe Vinos, At-.
I attention of lll p iblie. lo his large anil
eomplele slock of
and other TREKS.
Also. 1,'RAl'K VI 8 heat in the Slate :
OnuiiuentUI Tnff Shriihs. Plants. Cnr
mnts. I iiMiselH'iTi s, Stniwlierries, Roses.
I 'lililiiisiiiid BulbF which will he sold as
low its first-class slock can he afforded.
Nov. ivlivl J. A. MIKI.ARD.
W. n. KUHN & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
1 1 A. It JL W-A. K K ,
Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools,' iiardwake,
Hardwood Lumber,
Rent Ritas, Shalts, Poles, Ac.,
All of which are now ofTcn-d to the puli
llcnt low rates. As we make the bnslnesi
n sneeUtlly, we can and will keep a liettcr
assortment, at lower prices, than any
house In tills city.
W. H. KUHN & CO.,
Hontclth flre-proof brlok, first street.
Albany, Jnnctt,W7Hlvt
Willamette Transportation
Company !
. furtbor notice, therompanvVwIll ills
patch a hout from Alhttny to t'brvuUlson
Tneadny and Fridny of Eaeh Week.
Afso, will dispatch a Ik1 from Allinny
for Pott land and Intermediate places oh
same days, leaving Com stock A Co.1
wharf. " .
Paw at Reae4 Ksdwa,
Deo. w,-i87i-l tltprl
uu threatening of It at present.
i 1 a thins which sometime mint hcflill
i every win an t (laughter of tlw human ftmi
1 lly ; and j ot,
At the Mid-day,
Of your life. !l disease litys 111 vile hands
ilium you, i here Is still "ulnlin In liilend,"
hy which you may lie restored to perfect
health, and probing your days toamlmcii
Ions extent.
How ?
By culling on
With n prescription, where you can have
It compounded hy one experienced In thai
lKirtleiilnrllne. Also, constantly on hand
a Rood Assortment ol nnurs patent
I medicines, ciicmiiwls. paints, nils, dye
stuffs, trusses, etc Agents for the
Celebrated I'nk Weed Itemeiiy ,
' Or, Oregon Itbeuiimtle Cure; Dr. D. Juyno
; A Sons' medleiniw, etc.
; NociicCs Positive and Negative Powders
. kept in stock. Also agents for the
' Howe Shuttle Hewing; flnrhliic,
1 One of the most useful pieces of household
J fuiiiiliirecxtant. (.'all and examine.
it. E mix & son.
I Albany, June 111, 71-I0v3
Machine Shop,
A. F. CHERRY Proprietor,
Manufactures Steam Engines,
Flour und Saw Mill Machin
And all kinds of
I'artieiiinriitlention iiaid toi-eiiiinnif nil
kinds of machinery. 4D3
toi;t;H ii. 4'.n.'iiNsu
Have constantly on hand a lurc and vari
ed assortment of
which they offer on the most reasonable
Also, on hand the celebrated
Mitchel Wagon, j
Unlit and heavy.
Advanee made on Uraln, Wool,
and other approved merchandise consign
ed for sale here, or for shipment to Port
land or sn Francisco.
Taken in store, or purchased at the hhrh
ust market price.
900,000 pounds of Wool
.. .". t ' '-4
For whtah wo will mako llpeml wlvonoes,
and pay Hip highest market prleoln ensli.
A ea
Allny, Maroh 15-M
Suliscrllicrs flndtnir an X after their
liiimesnre Informed Hint thulrsulnH-rlpt ion
expire- wlih tluit niinilier, nnd llicyarc In
vited to renew It. Terms per annum,
iniulvance; sli mom; three months,
Lewi tenders received at par from
subgcrihcni in the Eastern Slates.
A tHalu-r"N Letter lo kin Wottfc.
. maker.
I herewith send thee my pocket ,
clock, which siandetli In need ol thv
friendly correction, 'i'lic last time lie j
was at thy school, he was in no :
way reformed nor in the least benefit 1
ted thereby; for I perectVe hy the index i
of bis mind that he is liar and the i
trill h is nut in him ; that hi pulse is I
sometimes slow, which, shows not an i
even temper; at other times it waxctll ',
sluggish, not withstanding I frequent- 1
ly urge mm ; wnen lie should he on
his duty, its thou kuowelh Ids hand
denoted!, I thai him sliiinucring. or.
aalhe vanity of liumaii reason phras
es it. I catch liiiti napping. Kxamiiie
him. thercfoiv. atal prove him. I be
seech thee, thoroughly, tliat ihoumay
cst, being well Qinnttiuted with Ids iii
ward frame and disposition, itruWhirri
from fife error of his way, and show
him lie path wherein lie should go.
It grieves me to think, anil wImmi 1
ponder therein 1 am verily of the
opinion that his body is ton), mid the
whole mass is corrupted. Cleanse
llillk till. 1-.. till-.. U'lfll flu- ttltJfeU litlnaV
physic, from all pollution. I hat he may
lBrte afia circulate tiecordliiit lo the
' 'ni"i" " " mi insi iniitii
truth. I will place him for a few days
under thy care, and pay for his hoard
a thou reiiuirest. I entreat thee,
friend John, to demean thyself on
this occasion with judgement- accord
ing to the girt which is In thee, and
prove thyself a workman; and when
tlaui lavivf thv con-ectiii!f liand unon
it let it la without passion, lest thou
shottldst drive hltn to destrnctloti. Do
Ihou regulate his motion for a time to
come by the motion of the. light that
ruleth the day. and when Ihou Modest
In in converted Hum the error ol iu
ways, and more conformable to the
above-mentioned rules, then do thou
send him home with a just bill of
charges drawn out in liic spirit of
moderation, and it shall be sent to
thee in the root of all evil.
ThkSi.e ok London. According
to the last census, London has a popu
lation of 3,SS3,092. This is moie Hum
the cotnhincd population of New
York, Philadelphia. Brooklin, St.
Louis, Baltimore. Chicago, Clnclnnat
ti, Boston. New Orleans, ban Francis
e,p, Buffido. and Alleghany Cltv. 'i'o
lodge Ibis vast multitude- 777.0IKI
dwellings are required, and the eo-
n!e consume annually about 4,4SU,000
tually 7.04.1,750 head of name, This
together with 5.200,000 salmon, besides
other flsh and flesh, is washed down
by 75,1100.000 gallons of ale and por
ter. 3.500.000 gallons of spirits, and
113,750 pipes of wine; 22.791) cows
are required lo supply the daily con
sumption of milk, flic streets of the
metropolis are about 2,000 in num
ber, and if mtt together would extend
about 4,000 miles. They are lighted
hy ti.ilMKXI lamp
consuming every
twenty-four hour
22.270.00 cubic feet
of jsis. Tlie water system supplies i
77,070,S24 gallons daily, while the j
sewer system carries off lli,029.7S0 cu-!
hie fect of ie fuse matter. A fleet of j
1.800 sail is employed, irrespective of
railroads, in bringing autiua!li.2n0,- ;
000 tons ot coal. Bituinluous coal is j
exclusively used, and the smoke ariss
in. Ci..,iii flu. Immeiifi. isniiiiii,ilioi is 1
e. . . I .
said to lie so dense that if can lie seen
thirty-fh'e miles Irom the city. To
clollic the inhabitants re. mires 5,l(fl
tailors. 50.400 boot and shoe-makers,
and nearly 70.000 dress-makers and
milliners. Berlin, according to the
recent census, lias a population of 827,
013 ; Paris in li7, had 1,889,408, and
Constantinople, in 1861, 1,075.000.
Home Life lo Germany .
In the restaurants of Germany, If a
gentleman fakes a place at the same
table, it Is always with a liow ; if he
reaches over for the jiajter you have
flltishcd, he uses some mlNpolpgetlc
al expression. "Ich hlttc !" The shop
keeper gives the morning salutation
as you come in. and says, "Empfelde
nucli!" i"Irecconnnend myself." the
almost univeranl formula in llerlin tor
parti i m', where adieu is not used. The
anSpn Wldom I
wow. l e., aretteii . is hi ion
henr.1. except between intimates as ,
you leave. No one enters an ommlius i
old German expression, "I.eben Sir
or a railway carrwge without saluting
10 lyJSlL nPB.
classes of the Hermans, from the
Handwcrksbiirsch (anprentlce) on his
pie consume annually aoout i,4st),uuu ; eugc, sir. the only light In my ios
barrels of flour. 420.000 bullocks, 2,-1 .session upon that matter I have gaiu
075.000 sheep. 49,000 calves, 01,250 led from others. I was undoubtedly
hogs, and one marketaloiiesuppliesan- present at the date of which you
travels, and the soldiers in tlie camps. ' 1 '
to tlie highest literary people, and 1 1 A Few Facts, It is estimated
find through all this "humanity," as ! tliat the ,,,,1 states and Ter
the Latins used to call it ; this open-; . vm n0l1 , n licensed
liearted, pleasant, human way, as jf ; ntoiiCb IdO.UOO laces are liocnscti
men were, really, without any noetry, to sell spirituous liquors, and 300,
"Members of the same family.'' Men i 000 persons are employed in these
in the lower classes do kindnesses for -
you, aud neither claim nor accept tla;
"everlasting shilling." as in England.
In a rail-ear or public conveyance,
people talk of their own private mat
ters as if it was a thing of course that
other i!rsons would bike an Interest iu.
yce' 7ome Lift in Germany.
Favorite Remedies, As tlie sea
son ofthe year is upon us when a per
son need not do much racing to 'catch'
a cold, we herewith publish a few of
the many cures otTered to the public
by charitable persons; Sleep with a
hot brick at your feet ; avoid getting it
in your hat; keep out of the cold air;
keep your mouth shut; bike a hot
hath; take a cold bath; avoid bath
ing; avoid cold water; tie an old
stocking around your neck when you
are about to retire: rub your neck
with goose oil ; feed a cold and starve
a fever ; eat Cayenne pepper ; drink
hot catnip tea. sassafras tea, black tea,
white tea, green tea, dry tea; wear flan
nel ; eat pickles ; chew licorice root :
take a . sweat. After you have tried
all these remedies take au undertaker.
Bolivar wax a druggist.
Mohamet All was a burlier.
Virgil wan tlw son of a tter.
Milton was the sou of a scavenger.
Horace was tiw son of a shopkeeper.
Demosthenes was the son of a cut
ler. Robert Burns was a ploughman in
Shakespeare was the son of a wooi
stapler. White fled was tin; son of a innkeeper
Oliver Cromwell was the son of a
London I newer.
Cardinal Woolsey was tbe sou of a
pork hull her.
Columbus was the son of a weaver,
and a weaver himself.
.lolui Jacob Aastor once sold apples
on the streets of New York.
'Honor and fume from no condition rise:
Act well your Jim, there ail the honor
! I happened to l)e In court the other
! day jnst as Sam Dimlap was willed to
the witness-box. Sam's testimony
had lo do with events which had trans
I pircd years before, and when the
; counsel tor the otlier side took tip the
fcross-qnestlotis, his evident aim was
to sIhiw that die witness, at tlie period
in qi'cstlon, must liavc la?eu too young
to bear a reliable memory ot the
j events therein occurring.
Jarvis was the lawyer a stout
pompous, loud-voiced man, Whose fa-
i Vliritat titlQtliaiu UIB rim tmivtel lunli.
linn. iiir- oun-ia-iUIII"
j and hectoring of witnesses. With a
lleive look, and with an admontshlaa
motion of bis right forc-flnger, he
opened his liatti rv
"Xow, Mr. Duulap, you swear pos
itively to those events which occurred
two-and-tweuty years ago?"
"I do, sir," milled iniulan. with a
meakuess untouched ami iiutroiiblcd
i by the bluster.
j "Iteniember, sir, ''thiinderetl Jarvis,
j with awful emphasis, "you are on
j your oath. You know the penalty of
i perjury. You had better not dfl'er
here testlmuny which is not of your
own personal Knowledge. Aow, an
swer me, sir: now oai are yon?
"SonieHliere alwut thirty-three, re
plied Sam, niter a moment's reflection.'
"What do you mean by that, sir?
Don't you know your exact age?"
The witness shook his head in mild,
meek silence.
"What, sir," cried Jarvis, with a
withering look upon the witness and
A triumphant glance toward the jury,
"don't you know your own age?
Don't you know tbe date of your
With a nod and a smile, and with a
mildness which was like the gentle
tailing of the sunshine, Duulap an
Xot to my own personal knowl-
speak ; but my extreme I might say,
my lullnitcsunal youth at that par
ticular period of time found me so de
void of mental power tliat I dare not,
In your presence, sir. swear that, "f
my dim hioirhly; I know auvthing
about it. 1 am free to confess, sir, that
liwe nit rpiitiHulu'itiuv thereof uitatmr."
The genial comigation of the face of
the court was a sign that a general
smile would be tolerated, ami several
. of the jury smiled audibly.
! Barn's testimony was not shaken,
The Columbus correspondent of fhe
Cincinnati Time writes : The sensa-
tion here just now is the closing of a
score of gin-mills, or. in language
more polite, "saloons," under orders
from landlords. For some time past
there have been rumours afloat that if
I . , . .1 i.i .i ,..
. me .-supreme v oiiri ucciueu m a cer-
tain way on certain wises, certain own
! ers of property would give their saloon
keeping tenants notice to racate their
premises. The 5Xeil House, to be
ahead of the storm, struck terror to
: the hearts of the "regulars," who
lounge about the place waiting for
I some one to "set 'em up,'" by giving
j public notice tlmt their bar was closed
lo all hut guests ot the House, l.n-t
I Thursday the decision i
of the Supreme
Court was made public, and tla; next
I day several saloons were closed. On
last Thursday, the saloon connected
1 with the American Hotel shut down
' on nttsAathinAAlM enstonieiv noil thn I
: next dav the saloon attached to the I
i United States Hotel followed suit. On j
anuria. y a laconic uniif. ig on i
North High street also cut offlnslmm- i
merisl. customers, and so it has gone
from one to another with wonderful !
promptness. Mo.-t of these closures j
wcnj ,,y i''!",1 ?wn-
n f t property in which the linuor !
f ucciriiig that they would no ;
u nofuipje foi' daman-s i
(,0 , sflllc ,v0rtbless customer, and ;
wwntag ern to desist fn.m selling
I the "family diitnrber."
rmw-alioiis. If we add to these the
n n r -
number employed in distilleries and
wholesale liquor shops, wo shall ;
have about 570,000, while there j
are but 150,000 ministers and school
teachers. While one class is labor
ing to advance the country in moral
ami spiritual lite, the other piles
the work ot death. 7'he clergy
men cost the United States $12,000,
000 annually : criminals, $40,000,-
000; lawyers, $80,000,000; intox-
icating dunks, to satistyand increase
depraved appetites $700,000,000.
The liquoi traffic annually sends
100,000 to prison, reduces 200,000
children to a state worse than or
phanage, sends 60,000 to drunkards
craves, makes 600,000 druukftrds, ! 'hat his friends had some doubt J hw
aud brings woe d mir',
crime, aud premature death all over i mn mA 0r i4sh!& mn
the land. Xne World. j iu whom the sick Celestial had greti
confidence, and requested Mm to write
What single State wlH Mrs. Wood-: to the Insurance company that ""Ctor
hull be sure to carry "TcnnleC." , Jey halt dead and llkee llf fimf"
Charles Sumuer says, "Grant eeist
govern this country," awl uiwt
i Stanton to prove It. The clruiMii-
stances of tla' ease remind us of tM
old story about Mte man In jail.- lie
entertained a belief that lie was lfk
gally coiiflned, at at so sent for a law
yer to consult about the matter. AP
ter listening to the prisoner's story,
the lawyer said with confident smia-v
"Pshaw ! man : titer eaai'ti put- you
In jail for tliat-"
"tn't tliey thouglt Pff
"Certainly not; the tiling's prepos
terous. I hey cant put a luOlt Ml Jail
tor any such action."
"But that they have though." irrged
the prisoner who fully agreed with
the lawyer tlmt they couldn't do It ;
lint was unable to get it out of his
head that he was in Jail nevertheless..
"1 tell you my dear fellow, it is, im
possible ; t hey can't imprison you on
a charge like that ; it's agnlusl liar
"But they have done it," cried the
prisoner, stubbornly, mid with rising
auger, "and eonfoimd 'em, here 1 am.
1 want to get out."
"But I say tliey can't do ft. tfflM
uudersbiiKl the first thing about law.
you would see they couldn't yourself.
Blackstotie says"
"Oh, Blacksfonel ain't I here, and
haven't I been la-re tor the last siv
"1 tell you tliey can't put you In
jail for this," shouted the lawyer.
lt ingmg out of his chair, and growing
' " .... . X r
i V. i11"1 , 1 D,'w", "? u,,eut 8tlH
I !"'"? re!l,a t0 lb,tou to W P0"1
law hi the case.
"And I tell you !" yelled the pris
oner, jumping to his feet and dancing
around Willi excitement and exasper-
j atiou, "tlH'y liave done it, and 1 am
I bent in jail, mid likely to stay here for
i all of you!"
urant lias governed the country, U
governing it, and may continue to
govern it four years more for what
we can proplay. He can't do tt
though; of course not. Jr'at ContrL
fcit'fwa's Saturday Xiyht.
A numerous class of reasoncrs con
tended tliat uo majority, however
great) has a right to prohibit the tra
tic in intoxicating drinks, because tla
minority, however small, has a right
to use t Iwsc drinks ; and, therefore, to
buy them, and the right to sell Is the
necessary compliment of the right tti
buy. As well might a majority with
corns on their toe-decree that no bouts
should be sold, as a majority opioscd
to strong drink prohibits the li.pior
traffic. This reasoning is plausible,
and will easily conylne all wlai
wish to be convinced by it ; but it w ill
not stand examination. If the IWunir
t rattle imposed no burden or loss upon
j those who do not (ise llptor, the argu-
incut would be stroni! tor leaving list
drinkers to settle the matter with tlas
Honor sellers, though even tla? law
might have a right to step in to pre-,
vent robbery, murder aial suicide by
liquor, as to prevent ttiew by
means of li rearms or poison.
But the llijuor traffic does not con
fine its effects to drinkers. Their liuu
Hies and creditors suffer, and the com
munity sellers in jrreatly increased
taxation. Admitting, therefore, for
i the sake of argument, the abstract
j ''ght to buy and sell intoxication
drinks against the will ofthe majority.
I we may still apply the judgment of
wa wise young jiKigesnti second i ntt
! iel, wlio decided tlie case of Shyloek-
j "Take." said he, "the pound of flesh'
i nearest his heart. The law allows it.
I and the Court awaiils It ; but if yoti
rake a grain more than a pound, ot
i shed one drop of blood hi cutting tail,
i yon shall die."
i" II the traffic inflicts any Injury more
than is set down in the lioml. let il
die. N'ow. the right to sell drink does
not include in the bond a right to
make widows and onihans, or to Ur
a mortgage on tlai whole property
the community, to support the Hiliec,
prisons and poor-lawscs. New York
A circus company in Towa owed
an editor a bill tor ail vertisiiitf ami
j re(,,liC(1 to Py Tliereupoii tlai
editor called upon the tmertfi, who
attached the neutral tiger atal
brought liim round to the uewspa-
otnee in his caw. lie was
placed in the composinu room, atal
during the first two days he not
01ly consumed fifteen dollars' worth', u't., , , i , ,, r
of hc "mtclwd six dollars"
worth ot trowscrs from the leg 6T a
local rcortcr who cndcavorwl to
stir ''" "P with a broom-handle to
t hi r n ... t. , A
mm tl,c V"11 da-V
the S01" broke loose, and the en-
tire force of compositors descended
the staircase with judicious sudden-
ness. 1 he editor was alarmed to
Tlie editor was
find his exit through the composing
room cut off, and the latch upon
the sanctum door was broken. Si
lie climbed out of the window and
sought safety upon the roof. The-
paper was not issued for a week,
... -.v.. ..... ...... .......
the editor had to slide down tlm
water-spout because he was afraid
to descend by tlie route by which.
he came.
Too Trie. Men eat ton b, fret
too much, exercise too little, am) then
drink whisky. Let them turn them
selves Into the fresh air, eat simple
food, sleep enough, ami they will 1
healthy. If you want to keep a dead
man, nut him in whiskv : If von watit
I to kill a living titan, put the whisky lu
to mill. i
Chinese Idea of Life lsr hami:.
One of tlie principal Chinamen of Wc
vervillc, who has his lite Insured for a
large amount, was seriously hart by
fa I It off from a win-on. It a minor