.'. H l (VAST XKWN. A coin mill was at work i I'ortland last week drafting a game law,' to lie urged before the i.ext I egislatuic. The l-'ra wants two additional night watchmen fr Kal I'ortland. Lieutenant Wheeler's I . S. Set- j entitle Expedition were to leave j Salt Luke on the 3d, for Northern j Arizona and Eastern Nevada, l av nig an extensive outfit. 7'he I'to Indians have bougre. i gated to tlie number of 2,000 in i the Southern part of Ftah, and a-1 pear hostile. extraordinary clLrts were be in made at f'a't Lake last week, to unite the anti-Mormon and apos tate vote on General Maxwell hi) delegate to Congress Trot'. 1). C. Gillmau of Vale lift telegraphed his acceptance of the position as President of the Uni versity ot Califurma Washington com y is turning out good crops. Salem hotel keenrs are out o' torts custom rearee. A house belonging to Mr. Joint poll, living one mile north of Hills boro, took fire on Wednesday from fume burning brush, and burned down with al that was in it. Mr. Johmoit was alisent Irom home a! the time. It is a severe loss, as Mr. J. is in rather straightened cir cumstances. 7'hc Quarterly Jeeting of the M. K. Church at Ilillsboro wil tke lai-e on ratuf lay and Sunday 10th and 1 Ith iust.,al which wili l taken into consideration the feasibility of dividing the Iillsboro Circuit. 7'here are surprisingly large numbers of stock being driven over the mountains to Eastern Oregon It is estimated that 40,000 hea 1 ol cattle have boon driven over tin Lebanon and Ochoco road this sea son already. Mr. Fuller, of Par risbiirg, passed over the road with 1,800 Inad of sheep last week. 7T.c denizens of Boise City are now paying .ril) cents per dozen for green com. Olympia is overhung with clouds f smoke, and seeing is limited U short distances. A, Heed, of lUiise City, has been p.ii it ed business manager of the Ada County Publishing Company, in place id W. W. didder , re signed. Dr. Parish, of Philadelphia, has been appointed siccial Commission er, to visit the Kiowa camps in In dian Territory, awl Mr. ILK. Al vord, of Virginia, baa been associat ed with him. Thomas P. Morris, engineer on the Pacific Division of the railroad, advertises a reward of two hundred and fifty dollars for evidence that i will prove the death or recovery ot I the body of Henry Stoclman. The Olympia Tribune of the 1st y : "The woods on both sides of the Chambers Prairie road are on fire, burning down the trees in every direction, to the danger ot travelers, and almost preventing the use of the road." A Justice of the Peace, io Salt Lake, has ordered a liquor dea'er to pay a fine ot $300 for refusing to pay a license oftfcat amount, or ninety days in the chain gang. Ex-tiov. Minsqn, of Salt Lake ffity, is much better and will prob ably recover. ticwrai iaiik-s pronounced tori 6'reeley, Aug. 1st. It Is proposed to introduce into the penitentiary at Salem tho man ufactore of pressed bricks. 7b do this it will cost about $20,000. Over 500 has been raised to improve the projierty of the Moth odist church at Empire City, Mr. Sylvanus Coudid, near Sa lem, liad his log broken above the anl le last week, by a team which ran away With a reaper. Mrs. Carrie F. Young is reported as intending to establish a Hygiene HotoeatJlood river, Wasco coun. ft is proposed (o lay oflrthe land at Canny, iriucJihaa been donated to the M. E. Chorch tor a Confer wja M)i ground h,to lots and t4T-.IUTlt blocks and offer them for sale to those who may wish to purchase aud'tniprove them for the uses rbr which the land was dedicated, bv g radii totting out shade trees, etc. A'nerameiito has adopted tlil Holly plan fur water supply. AW Jox.co lias decided against j tree schools by a vote of 87 for, to j 5,07(1 against. A good place tor I Lemocrats, Extensive fires were still raging in the woods of Washington Ter ritory on the 2d. In an Indian light at Tubac, j Arizona, on the 2.3d ult., three j white men successfully defended I themselves against thirty Apaches, j killing seven. ; Mr. W. ('. jVyer is exhibiting in Douglas county, two colts, of four months of age. that weigh respect. ively 618 and 517 pounds. i Two or three new town sites ! have beeli recently laid out near i Wapato l ake, Vamhil county, and the fever of speculation is running j 'dgH The Jacksonville Times says that in many places in Jackson county oats will turn out fifty to seventy I five bushels wt acre. Hay is sel ling at $15 to 620 per ton. There wire eighteen hundred and thirty marriage licenses issued in San Francisco during the past year. J. J. Wynatt, of Hosoburg, kill ed two deer at one shot, not long kiiieft Counterfl'it half dollars are being circulated quite freely through Southwestern Oregon. Dr. Smith of Salem is now cham pion blackberry picker in Oregon j he snatched ninety-two g.ilhus from the bushes recently. The Oregon ( ity Enterprise, of Aug, 3d says: '-We were shown a day or two since a singular seci men of rock blasted out where they are working on the Locks. From the somewhat porous nature ot the rock it would seem as though water had peiiOt rated to a great depth and formed over the natural nek a lay ing of quartz, aid upon tlie surfifco of this deposit , when examined un der a glass, there is presented the appearance of pelrilied vegetable 1 1 g.owth of a light yellowish brown color. The sieeimeM is well worth examination by parties, interested in I goo og.cal studies. I Salinas City, Cal., was visited by a very heavy earthquake on the night of the 4th. I The Sa'em Statesman says that ! several of the most influential citi j zeiis in that city are talking about ! building a new hotel there. Salem is to have another book store soon. Hay is scarce and sells for 810 per ton in Pmtqua Valley. Counterfeit half dollars arc in circulation numerously in Hose- hufg- Tho grain crop at Walla Walla Valley is much larger than was supposed a lew weeks ago that it could be. A little boy at Olympia, who was vaccinated, scratched his scab, then scratched his nose and inoculated that member. He has a very sore nose. .flany "sea-side loiterers" are now at falmoii river beach. A steady stream of people tills the j road, going and returning. On July 14th a terrible water stout occurred near Golden City, Colorado. The torrent of water struck a carriage containina G. " wvann, kPier aiww !$iHiiarQ. cil lilook, who were returiiiilfr home. The two latter were drown ed. The body of Jfiss Yicrdcn Was found some three miles below the Bowie of the, tluterjjOoered .with said 'ami dcbrk" Tli 'road was badly washed out and rendered im passable. A man named Shipley, from Tennessee, committed suicido at f trtrflWf Nevada "on he 5th, by taking twenty grains of strych nine. Causa, impaired mind. 7'he election in Corinnc, Ftah, on the 5(Ji, resulted in a large ma ority W Gen 'ttrJrj.'r JTalwell, 'entile candidate for Delegate to Cow orroo It is generally conceded that ilc Ghmia, Democratic Delegate for i.tK, is flatted try a large ma. jvruy. I Tlie Liberal press of Salt Lake j asserts that the school of propliets, j by direction of Krigham Young, ! instigated and assisted the outrages " " raininy mgm, 1 he election in I tali passed on : pencwDlyiu all pans, mo wor - inoii eatididatewas elected (leu- tile ladies voted tor the first t.ine. . m . 1.. ii logins nn o.xo ..pjni.m ed Superintendent ot C onslruetloii r . ,r i . of the I . S. I'ostoihceand Custom House in Portland eiee K ft John, resigned, savs tl. Oraio- nian. 7'here are plenty ol olid s and rover cases in l'orllaml. An East Portland man drove nvf-r n kl-nnk lot, Ibinr since. Wntlfl out witl. his latmly or an airing, n the aiiiiuagc ot his wi.e, tl.ev 'haveii'i(or by that smellyet." I'urglarics are still hvejuent in Salem. The Spanish bark, Manilla, ar rived at Portland, Monday, from China, with lour hundred and twenty-live Chinese passengers. The Olympia Tribune gives an . . i . i , .tol a fight between a sherill accoui ami posse of live and the three 'Fuget Sound Pirates," near Fort lllakely. One of the fiosso and one of the pirates were wounded, but the latter got away into the hush. Demcerats generally, of Salt Lake, refuse to accept fJoo, Q.Can- unit nu lifimiima nf rhoir ( niivnntii ,n as delegate to Congress. l a Grande is organizing a lite- rary Society. J lie convicts ot the Male prison entered upon the occupancy of the new iiemtentiary bunting last Thursday. A man in Jackson county re- ceutly avenged himself on his neighbor, with whom he l ad some difflctll'y, by catching a half bush- the Marysville jail, Cal., last Sat el of potato bugs and emptying i urdav, for the murder of Mr. Huch-i them into his neighbor's garden. J. V. Mossmau has been elected Mtirshal of Olympia, an office to which is attached a salary of $1 per dav. From a Puget Sound pajx-r we learn that a Mr. Gallon has discov- ered, on the headwaters of Skagit river, placer gold d'ggings paying from three to ten dollars a day i to the rocker. 1 he surveyors have completed the location ot the North Pacific , ,, , . , , , , Kailroau on tho lute ot the Snake , ,. . ! river to low I reek I rehmmary ; J I lines are now liemg run Irom Cowl " Creek to Hangman s reek, near j its junction with the Mjokanc river. Dog days are coining on. nu-m.iia I... h.i.1 ulrn, . . , fights the past week. In one of litem a scitooi readier spread one oi j his patrons on the sidewalk. I The Oreifaaian says: A litt'e SOU of Mr. lionnctt, who resides about fifteen miles east ot East Portland, while playing with a feed cutting machiiK! the other day, severed the first three fingers of his right hand. Summer complaint is quite prev alent in Portland. The Olympia Tribune records an accident which happened on 7'uos. day last to Mr. J. H. Hramwell, engineer of the Port lUakely steam. cr. He was at work making a journal, and had his metal at a liquor heat. Pouring it in the box, leaning over at the same time, the metal unexpectedly exploded, flying up ami striking him in both eyes and falling on his head. One eye was entirely destroyed burned outarid df'tlte otlier there k little hope, it being so much injured as IP cause the loss of his sight. His scalp'was burned through wherever touched by the metal: 'hc explo sion is supposed to have been caus ed by dampness in the box. . 7110 Idaho Statesman says : "Dendoy," with his tribe of In dians, has gone to Wciser valley, to fish, hunt and trade horses with the Cayuses, who are expected to be there two thousand strong. Dendoy and his tribe saved two white men from the scalping' knife ot Lain tack Jim, not long suae. II also swnired band of herses fbr tlie same party. The Indian Chief and his men should receive the consideratWn ofthc wMfesfi.r this mark of friendship on their part. Haflnack Jim bar goae back to Camas Vwm :. KSA .vi a ti I In Pritish territory the Indians are five to one compared with the j white. Victoria has a nomination of 'over ! four thousand l-ritish Columbia has boo, di- j ht0 ,i0 districts, w;t,, a ; Kimx. n ea(,., tj rjrJ t,,e 1 . .' , . births, marriages and deaths. 7'llO W'llln W'lll-i tail in .......i.. ; . . , J r - . , ., . with the exception of one convict'' We are informed that who., the t , ,,, , u ... i ...... . ... who wouhlu t leave when he hai ; other day, Mr. Meaeham, candidate , a chance. A local paper announces i that it does not report the above (act with pride, silica the re are : several outside who ought to Ik? in. From the h egonum e rea.l that John fonway, tail sawyer at!tW,vass ot Kastcrn ().vg Douglas' saw mill, Portland, while at work accidentally brought his hand in contact with the circular saw, cutting it off at the wrist, and lacerating the muscles of the ami in a terrible manner. It was found necessary to amputate the arm. The patic t was doing as well as could be expected T, , ,' Portland has a canine weighing 2o0 pounds. The diamond, ruby, etc., sensa tion had broken out at Salt Lake on the 3d inst. Liberal I'nion meeting at Salt , Lake, Ftah, in (rout of the Salt I Lake House, was broken up by a .'1iinnoii molwtn I.Iia nttrl.f; ..I thn j 3d riieOentiles were much exas- ... j pe rated, ami but for cool heads tlrre would have been blood shed. j i ne ponce ravomi the moo. j 7'he Mayor of San Francisco , lias given notice that neither politi I I cal par,y will be permitted to fire ' salutes during the campaign within j the city limits. Charles Marlow was hanged at ana. i about a year ago. Two new cases of small have lieen develoiied at Fi.ion ' llidge, Clarke eou dy a Mrs Al vin whose hit-band died about two : weeks ago, ami a Mr. Doan. Mrs. ' Alvi" has also died. 1 110 cnterjiiHers having devavtat-, j e(1 '"""' orchards in Oregon have. ; -M mo t oluniDia river, and I l,c t',.eir. aplrance in Wash- tiigiott CTtiwry. 0ltWflb,sll(yofl.stTOk Mj, ... , , .. ., . .. ueent, the lierer ot thejail at ... . . , , . ., Olympia, was locked in the inside . , of the institution by oiks of the . . prisoners named rjriuhlarn. After ,ie j(K)r wa fai,tei,ed by Ouihlare, ho lett for parts unknown i and has nut been heard of since. He ' was in prison awaiting trial on a i charge of attempting to commit j 7'he Mountaineer of Saturday says : "Tlie party of Germans who we mentioned last week as having gone over into Washington Terri- tory in search of a place to found a colony, returned well pleased, and one of them has started for Iowa I to have hi thoughts alwut for the purpose of bringing out the ! I,ira 1"d at fm.nd """J! . .,. , , . occasions. " I was, said a pobti sixty tamilK who are tlicre await-, eiaM) . 011CC opeilin a Rtl(1 ing his rcsport. The place selected is about eighteen or twenty miles north ot Mr. K 8. Joslyn's farm at White .Nalmon." Tlie cabbage in Polk comity are "buggy." The iUcMinnville West Suit is now owned by G. W. Snyder. Marion county lias eighty-one school. This year's crop ot wheat is raid to be of excellent quality. A little son of James Ritchie, of ('amp Cretfk, Lano county, was ae- . , ... . ... ... . week. Itis feared tlie limb will havo to lie amputated. A' Partial) journal says it is in - formed that R. It. Thompson. Ksq., 4i . . i ii ,i ot that cty, has purchased the (arm of W. L. Adams in amliill county, paying $25,000. The (arm j i A l : is located about seven miles west of i Ijttayctte, ami comprises 1,00 j acres. 7'le Oiwkmi Partner thinks there is no imwect that wool cidentaliy shot iii the right arm iast"w ""ww a growers iii this State wi l receive Asparagus is said to be a valuable ' Ihm,v '""' 01,1 mertlng-hwis know mr a, good a price, fer this year's medicu.al agent in S?- clip they got for last yean, ; Mr Samiu-1 I Nesom of Mar- r. csaraueu. wewsom, oi ivisr ion t'oaiitv. received inte'lieence, ou fttfhrday, of the outbreak of tlie j Snake Indians not far from where ' lKMbkWotlrl1.wadW !"'. oTf heailwaterB "of the Deschutes river. I The 77.w says : " Terrific fires are raging in the mountains sur. . . . rounding Jacksonville, and the1 i 1 .1 1. . KM UIU sul,r and unlieallhy. I bo tires have Uvn and are making great head way, destroying much timber. A heavy shower ol rain would lie a irvi,.. I I .,.., lit for rresidential Elector on the . , , , , Kepiibl caii ticket, passed through I the Dal.es, on his way to Fmatilla, i . ,,, ,r.. i . hO cared niwn Mr. Ontes, .who is; one ot the I'emocraiiccaiiiiioaieson . the (ireelev ticket, to make some ,,,,, .,, . B,1,mil;,r in. .Mr. 1 . n Cates declined, sayiiigthatKcdtdit't ! well." want any canvass in his. Mr. I "Not a very gootl look-out for yon, Meacham orgetl that the isople i il 1 '; '? ''ow; would v.... ,, 1 , ', ; like to im into business with me won d expect a canvass, and he , .,.,, "l)lW ,,erplexisl I won d like very well to go out and ,.yw the Colonel curiously, talk a little, but he didn't want to ! "I Ihiiik we might strike up a bo--go alone Finally Colonel Rates 1 , 'ou wine lo the Oitera Hon chd the colhKpiy by WtoxffiffiZJ&f:1 ell, I may conclude to speak a( ,t II o'clock the boy was their, tew times; if I do, Til abuse Orant , ijuite. curious to know what the OA- like h II, but I'll be d-d if I'll say a word in fiivor of Crccley."- Oregon Skitemmn. 7'he Maker City tcmormi says j that a large band of Indians are oft'! their reservations, and are annoy- j j inB "W n'iglitoirti.g the settlers ana . , , , " I T" T "L2. Zffiffi; OciKlay, one of tlie chiefs, recently CMOtped a short distance from V"1 ' . ' " ' . til I drunk on bo.se City whisky. UeJ it... 'i.. ..-i. i... i warned the whites to leave there, ! as the Indians wcro "letting ready "... - " J to kill everybody, . , . Corv allis has purchasou a tire eii'dne tor S2 000. pel IWV, C. (. St rat ton, of Salem, ! has started for Salt Lai City, where he will remain to preach in one of the .If. K. Churches. The Portland linlli tin says that to pay any part of the money lo him tVolin. M,.flf!.ii ,l I tr t.H, ' self, ' Wlier. Col. Fisk died llicre wn 1, .in, l ..lirilllU ifc.i'l I, ,,J. mil' , I the A raid reporter, were severely injured last Friday evening by 1 , mg thrown from a buggy which had . . collided with a truck near the cor- net oi -iiituisoii aim rioni buna. e f-.i: i i' . 4 Four (Jiiaker visitors were in Portland lastweek from the city of "Brotherly I.ove " The Legislative and Senate Hall ttre linj, hxel up for biz , say km Htatuwm. the I A dispatch last Jonday cveitiug j announced the sad news that Artptiv Channan, son of Col. Channan, was dn)Wtf4 at Oregon City that lay. inc .an was aisiui sixteen years old, Two young girls raised $112 in Jacksonville the other day for J Sunday School library. Cornelius Gilfi.y, fir the killing of W. II. Wales, at Portland, has l)0en tc.ieed by Judge Fnton, to the Penitentiary for lite, DlSOONVEUTIXti AN OUATOU ft is tin asloiiishiinr tliinir bow little j a maUor win disconcert a man who j is accustomed to speak in public, was Itcgimiing to warm with my subject, when a remarkably clear and deliberate voice spoke out be hind me, saying, 'he wouldn't talk so hifalutinatin, if he knew his trousers were bust clean out behind.' From that moment I could not get on. The pcopkt in front began to laugh ; and there was a loud roar in my rear, and I dared not reverse my position for fear of having new beholders of my condition. I made or rather invented an excuse tor delay, and sat down. Tlie ma!i. cions scoundrel ! " tontinued the r4t. it ,.l...4 m-.,. iM . !. ' . " . v....... ...... .....i...... .i , a" """" ",ar 'HwaVtZwai XEESXZ f mv unmentioiiables. lv-!uci, lie was rathar shocked m . ... 1 Hishop Morris, ef tho Methodist ?KIa,5b mar,ri f -Viss Gallic A. Bmscup, of Leek- otoTltariw. Uw 4 j i,mo J ., . V,,. . till nsvtva in. u mini 4iv in i ., -. , , Amh(Mt tntrt-fit, fbr this reason : "if you fW r you is ; nt if you gits Wowed, up ou the " " " . JZJSSJXLSJl ! ' V. T 7. : ,: . -"V" ! . - . ,IIO0tti,l-4eijl1M1, .;i mum dtramt, muel. .' relieve.!, especially if Uhj iiatient avoids all acids, whether in tls-I or - ., MUM 1.1 Wlatevtr wet !aVfo and f;im-ts, there were traits In Cof. FMt' character, cm H table, lp the htgmt degree, to his head and heart, iiisiii,otpiitatiousclwrltlrsan(?ipn- liwnllj L-fitit-infrriinJ Al illn.rill l,i '.,. to ,ire Worthy ofeniulatiou. A little h iilcnt which occurred a few month before his death Is erhaps one of iho iiiimI louehiiig thai has ever been iciv cu to the pubTJc. This one Mr'. Ki-'s take's esjieflal pleasure in recalling, illintratlng. as it does, her ItirtbaiKl's kiudiies-i of heart and readiness 1 sympathy and help to thon who nf I- ; - WpW ('ol. risk had olten uoiic"t ut i went v inirii Mn'ei a nine. erii- ,,,., newsboy, and one day he spoU Mj )" W blutT. olf-haml manner : "" ''II. niy liov. how is business.' -Xot very good, sir," was the r ply. '"'hat Is the matter?" "Why. yon see I lame, ami I can't . i-iiii. and th ntliiT omh iiiwun of ; . .....i I ain't uM mr nanuu vri v : onei vvanteii. llullo, hoy; you're a good one. Xow see here do yon know a gout plai for a (inner stand " "Ves, sir. tip top." "Where is it?" "Down here at the corner." "How much will a stand cost?" . . t . . i. an i.hi- di ioiior ; ti u ;is iin v or ; (U,lar,.r. HIM ma,,, there I "les, I do. Ir.is a flnt rate place." "iveu iiiireta carneiitcr to makn the mini and I'll stock It ; then you iiMiiik.Il iSk iMtHtmJLt. ; uea ; von and I will iro into the naii i hudness." t ...1 1.1! .1. .1... .L. . VA" 1 lu,'"l xu ! hoy what part ot I he profits he should iveeive, told when the stand should ls rewty fend sont hhnon lils "wajr rejoie- r .oi .n ,vei oi.woif. 'Trade was kikxI. and every week ti iiiji. i no piau was very succc-skoh. hoy earrhsl his share ofthemnnev n his oar. ner. Si ehiir the hnv's delnrml nation, Col. Msk quietly put tlienton- ey aside, nnd one day gave it all fo lis' noy, releasing lilm trnm his coiitrui , , ..... , nttwliere a smcerer mourner than Hits llttlb newsboy, and a little stand on ; er - ! the many kind deed oftheCot:. don.. !...!.... 1 1.1 i .X..Ai.J.. .. 'i"" "y aim wiuunn, oiicnuuiou. a i lilnst ot Ins r ii m I vvot-L-s u-iiii iin.l it 1. - . . ... . . . . ' . by hundreds that he lias helped, son' ol' vyhoin he had never even seen, that he is .sincerely mourned ; and many h heart blessei the uietnory of the mini who llei at rest In lite quiet graveyafl of the lovely Vermont village. . The girb of IJvansylUp, lift., am eqiiestrianwiiug man rashioii. The are opposed to sitlesadtllclsm. antl fr ! ' for woman's rights s.uare to the bae'v- A Chicago dry goul dealer adverti- es: "ine most alarming wtenfle" sine! I he days ot 'Abraham and Isaac. A l.'ticn girl at the proper houri.nJI ! a siring which re versus a picture on .1... 1 I. l.t..L 4 aitl,e lw,t'k which aps-a is in hup. , .,li.i ,1... ..!.,. ..'..... ...1 1.1. my bedtime." and her admires tain the gentle hint and depart. A Kentucky editor says a ncighl'ir of his is so lazy tint wlien lie works lu the ganlcn lie moves about so slowry Ihat the .-hade of lib broad-hritiuiK i hat kills the plants. "Landlord," said a traveler, at table of a country tavern, "this iori is a little weaker titan I am used to: I wish you'd just let that chicken of yonrs vvatle through it once more If you p'ease." While a Waterbury (Ct.) former mowing his dooryard, a sly puppy hM in the grass and then jumped out to take tlie seytlte by surprise. But It iippy (iirnwl out to be more siu-nrl- , i hi i KM, i ill, iiiiiii-. Jill UVK1I41- ed than the scythe, lor lie found bioi- seii m two places at the same time. Walter, a live-year old. was surpris ed at breakfast by the presence of a diminutive egg, served tor his espectil delectation, lie thus accounted ft tlie egg's smallues : "Mamma. 1 think the cmckcu was learning to lay." A gentleman ot Chesterfield, who had missed hfs umhrella for son time, a day or two ago found it in a conspicuous place on his premt with the following Inscription pbuvM ujion it : "This uinbrallar lis pnsk on my konshens ever sin I stole tiinti. W. K." . A? .e,,ltor rote tending artUCv on Hie l.ur sex. lu UK" course of w hk-h h snmi "xina or seventeen or ngtMen i. . ... - ir i qr di eoverthatan imfortuniitetjixiaiaua- icai error nau matte lilm says "tiirN or seventeen or jeighteen are fond of bean." Up in Vcrmint there lived a repro bate family named Ransom. Oner, however, they were induced1 to alters? a meeting during a revival. TTieji came late, and laid hurdly take?. P" 0,,t. h?mn in. ii fvaut witen uw norson . "Itetorn.' jypS, fflM ye ransom simier, home." "All in a rnge ami elabning on his h,u I 'H ionic along, ole woman ami gals : I we'll co home fast cnoturh. and everT '' nniwiy oi a may witness remarkin .hntu-M, mt aicmt t nisl her Iw-ml. and with a took maii. L? yg .'gJ'J1'' : ,m. ' r IV jJSL aUoT totAm"Zrr