Tlie news from Honduras to ilto tsM, ult., slate that Sai Salvador Mate troops under tlie lead ofllcn- lira, alius Mcndita, captured Omoa in IranrJtrms, on Use IUtli, and ijicd tlie women and cliilirreii and Iriinq4e citizens wlio were he'd as hostage and threatened to lie shot unless tlie fort surrendered, which was done on lire 10th. Mondira iiauiurated limiM'll" President on the 17th ult. It is reported that President 'IVjada, ot Mexico, has issued a mx;laniation ol general amnesty, aud calling for a convention for the e'eetion of a President. evcntceii thousand emigrants ; sailid from Liverpool fir America li r'ng tlie month of July. 1 lie Paris letup is inclined to l.'iibt the authenticity of the FJv ingstoue letters published by Stan. I"y. It quotes the opinion of tlie i'i erman geographer, Kiepert, who discovers various geographical blun ders in the letters. He thinks tuirt , nf the narrative was invented by Stanley hence the Whole is value- ' -s. It hints that it is possible that Stanley no er mw .Dr. I.iv-j ingstonc, ran r. ran we mm wviiigsrone s n have no doubt of the genuine, .. , -u. i '. . . resi of the lettera iiirjoiti .sure from Livingstone. to Van Vleek, lantwi'. who recently i"MaKil from tlie Blooiningdale lusane Vsylum, N. Y-, where he was impris oned for over a year, perfectly sane is Niiit to cammenee proceetlingi w hich l' soys wi!lexK)se the horrors f that institution. His counsel lias obtained i writ of habeas corpus for Hie relief of i wo ladies who are incarcerated, lxth l-eittitly sail '. Tbe principal member! of the Jap m'e Kmbassy vtiled for Europe on ihedtb. Ireland is excited over the reported jjjild discoveries near Ktnsale. Ilie Kngllsli Parliament will be IsTirogned on tlie night of the 12th. A tfre at 3Iinneaio!is. Minn., on the iight of the fitlu ilelroyetl leu resi '"iices and the German M. K. ChnrvJl. Loss, f.V).liO0. Six tlshine vessels lieloniring to Ber wick, Kuglaikl. were captmul during scYwe storm on the flib. and all on ijoard peri-lied. Mrs. Mathews, tlie wife ofa young fanner, HvingnearGilest;ity, Illinois, w,t foiiiki horribly butcliereil In the ridUrol her house, on the 5th, liaving ti'teutly lieeu flrst outraged. Hun dred') of citieiis were out searching for young man who was seen in ' the vicinity tn the morning, supposed to i fn the author of Hie crime. The New York TrltiHni is now a most v indent Copperhead sheet. ,st Walla Wiilfohasm-eivttlatireclev I I be editor of a Iwmncrajic journal water melon. His next announce im iit will be a Grata Brown "belly ache." A Child Attackkp nv a LbOP (RD. The excessive heat which has prevailed ft r Hme days st tendered the animals in the 'entral ISirik menagerie, Xew York, un usually morose and irritable, and victors were warned not to ap proach their cages. Last Sunday evening the bouse containing the lion?, tigers, and leopards was densely packed with sightseers. Among those congregated before tlie cage of a magnificent leopard were Mr. Wm. G. Coffee, of '201 YVcrt Houston street, ami hif little son, about five years of age. Mr ' offee, lost in gazing at the leoard, tailed to notice that the child hail ;mssed under the outer bar, and was standing with his face pressed against the cage. Tbe savage heart within, however, was not flow to oJjwrve it, and, bounding suddenly Li the bars, I imliedded bis claws in tlie boy's face. The child's Mirieks induced tlie belief that -n of the beasts bad broken 1'iose, and a rush for tlie door en 'sUed, the panic being intwased by the roars of the other animals, and 'die wildest excitement prevailed. .VeailWhile the father tore his child aay, hot not befiro bis face bad Iieetj badly lacerated. Hie lcojiard was siftjseqnently removeil mU one uiper eages. X. Y. font; Goow Kxami'I.k. We see it tat vd llrreugli the public press, that tlie maftrgeriorthc New York and Krie Kaflroikl have forbkklen tlie sale of In islxksttng liipiors it tlie restaurant-, along the line of tlieir road. If this Is reaHy so. It is a wortliy example which ought to be followed by cverv other 'ufrotil eoiiirmny bi tlio Pniou. Dninkeiiness is uiKjnertionabte the itlaf a very large proportion of the milroatl disasters - much greater w e .mi muwiaded titan is known orgener lilfkipnosedn,,,! it pIllIl(r-f t)e Sf tliose having charge of uch pNfaJiu interi'si- to rentier the grf!l who, latreiibic them as JmmM possible. Ibireover, dealing, tiMise vue ueverageij try the drink IsjOgMaMltztiijg ami dlsgrfw f,,!, m ' W WHteyer extent auy ieroa or a---rciatlon can exert an influence to pre- ti i they arc uomlJ if not legally j'UfaptillodoKP. The inanagy s ,',f IWK great public tboroughires are uMHfPitlemeH of lntellenee and oMWliract ami w rtwi 4hnt Wfcil AlrJHBliaon m Ifocerly call- POUIH-AL. Iloniio Grwley Is now. a lie ever i been, a llle-lonjj oppoiH'nt of Jla- Fsonrv. Afwrnline loln-xliK-triiH'. no Freemason. Uriil t'ellmv uniM'inlH'r t aiiv seeret xouk-tr, should liolil oUtee ill llH' I'liiled Hlliw. An Imlimin nAper says : "Yon hear r,irtbl niuirfj aim-) f 2lhMtbuim In j v.irlmn plsve. Is pntiponllrpjjrnH.iHl .mil It H like inllk-slckne" jn-t over fn IIh; ni'Xt cminlry it auvanwMsas t yon promtl." The New vorK iummy "There '.-in tu no iloulit 1 lint Horace Greeley . lias been the iiio't Inveterate traUk'ker in oilier ill this country. His appli cants for office eiieimrir even ilejrtrt llieiit in Washington, nrnl he has rccoumieuddl more lil meu to office than any politician of his tiini'. except r'enton. who supporter arc all drawn from Hie people othisown class. Greeley's onlce-seeKlng has been a mania illi liiui lor year ist. We shall give some instance shortly nf'lhe i-i-cals lie w wait rived, at one lime or another, to saddle upon the coun try." Talking about know-nothlnjts the New York M'tirbl print- a letterl'roin a mrrespoiuluiil rilling attention to the tad that the New York Etpirm of Angus! 21st, KH contains A Speech made hy Horace Greeley at King ston. New York, in which lie (Gree ley ' advocated the passage of a "law ox chiding the foreign horn citizen from H vole in the Slate 'until In shall IlllVO resided in it as long as the American born citizen exercising the sank! fran chise." The fiQuisvitle Tjedg, wltlcli sup ports Greeley, in ail article headed "Have done with sham.." speaks as follow of the ridiculous fabrication j that IheGrcelov farce is (lie w ork of I the people : "We are tired ot the silly l ll '.l. .. .1..C I... ,l.....( ijll.n iwaililie mat uiemecie ei.i ofa movemenMgrolitHl swell i thev call it of the people, and that Ilk- politicians had no part in the mat ter : that fireely and Brown were nominated hv the masses. I lie fox ;- nit, independent of, and in spite of , I,., nnUti..tiins Tin. triiih is that with the Greeley movement the people had ibsolnlelv nothing to do. traverse the land I'nun ocean to ocean, and from (he lakes to the gulf, and not otic man in ten can be found Who will say that Horace Greeley ,y:n his personal choice in this contest." An uiwrcupulotH pereon writes as follows to the ew York Cumimsclill . icteertMf ' 'They tell this storv ro-usv of Dr. Henry, wliois staying at tlieciminl l n-: appropriate State and Federal legls ;i inn i The other day lie was called tion. Neither the law Of it) admlliis iiion to attend GraU Brown, in New tration .should admit of any (ILsorlmiii York. when (imtz facetiously and Cwl- iatkki in respect to citizens, by rea -on isbly reinarkeil : 'It issBldoin. Doctor. ' of rice, creed, color, or previou. con that you are so honored as tone Iditlonofscnitude. called upoji to attend a VleePreal- 'j hird-The ameikluicnts to tlie Na dent? 'Oh, no, replied the Ikvtor. ,ini (rautltutiaii ,boo!,l ! eonli.ille l alteiidejl Mie President (?) rrank ' ! Blair in H, but jM,r em ti a good&al ! lr than hi!'" ri reaction aguhis : Greeley in the i Skith is thus inilu-atisl hy tlie ( hront- tie of Augusta, Georgia : We have seen It more than once sta ted in Northwestern journals that the South was enthusiastic for Greeley. This is a grave error. So far as we are able to judge- there is no enthusi asm among our jieople for fins-ley and Brown. And it is right then! should not be. There is nothing in the histo ry ofeitlierotth se men which should endear them to our people. Oil the j contrary, we have lieen greatly sinned against liy both ot tliem. It the South easts her ballots for them it will lie puri'ly on the ground tlrt, under the necessities of the case, we can do no better. Such a canvass would be a very ipiiet one. We sliall have no "W bib; hat clubs" no-f ; nttz Guards no ( 'happ-i. iia clubs" no lilierty toles no ( lilncse biiteni-trampareii-cies no waving of flags, nor snig- singing. nor hoarse slwuts and luw zas f A.SOTIIKli S.VMPI.H OK Ju.K AktuxBBT, 7'he following is re lated in tlie local column ot tlie ( Tcveland Hnuhi: " An old but unusually thouglit tul fanner, residii g near enough' to this city to do all his trading here, went into bis corn field last week to boo bis corn, and in order to give a crow or two a sa'ute should he see any, strapped his double-barrc'led shot gun on his back. As be warm- ml iiiu rn liia trniL' 1 ot m itrwl ltto mi it ' iiict nuiit tic vi.-vi hip j boe-baudle to circulate with more . om am orphans of tliose who died for than its wonted rapidity about him, I their country are entitled to the care and finally tbe end of the boo-! of the Government and the gratitude handle bitting the trigger of tbe ? Pf?!- . i 4 , it im ii , tional legislation a will extend tlie gun, touched it off. The old farmer , ,wullty tlH. (;ovcrnnH.llt to all our felt a gill or two of shot pass soldiers mid sailors who were houor tbrongb his scalp, aud supposing ably discharged, and who In time of he liad been shot by an assassin fttWSK?' ithot regard .i i .i i i i i to the length of tlieir service ror lite the rear, be, though wounded , sc.z-, nflit ,,if).,Klrg8. bis gun, and wheeling suddenly j jhith-Tlki Uoctrine of Great Brit- aronud. blazed away at the animoa- ed shooter He was still more snr- prised not to see a man but his dog writhing iii the agonies of dissolu tion. Me is out now hoeing com again, but his bead is covered with bandages and plaster, aud his dog does not frisk aboutT bis heels as formerly." i A'tifi'i. Fika. "Away among tbe Alleghanles, tliere Is a spring so small that a single ox could drink it on a summer's day. It steals It's obtrusive way amongthe bill.s till It spread out brto the beautiful Ohio. Tlienoe it stretches j. way a thousand miles, leaving on Its tanks more than a 1 1,. ..1 ,-;it.. ...... i . ...i ..,.,,. , , ,,pmi17, .lll'l III. Ill i thonsaiHl cultivated farms, and bear-' ing on its bosom more than half a j labor, and the itqmWiear party re thousand steamboats, . ! cogidzes -tbe duty of so sliaplng' legls 'llien joinhigtheMissislppI, Itstretcli- j latioii as toseeure fuH troteetloii and es away twelve 'hundred miles more, amnte fleM' fi capital.' and Irfla- until it falls Into tlk- grrtit emblem of nor. which iwates for capital thelafg etenrtty. Tt h one rf tlie great trlbii-; est oppttrtmiitles; amlia Jhst share of uinra oi us; ocean, which, obedient onlv to (iod. shall roar anil imr till Hie angel, with one foot on ttie sea t and the other on the land Khali lift nn i his hand to heaven, and sWear that time shall lie no longer, fio wftb motaf Inimettee; ' iris a rill, rmdst.- an orean. boundjem and fathomless tt4 tonlty" ' REPrHLM'AX plat- .ti'ipted bj.the (imal ItepMican OumteHtion u( t'hUmMfihia, June (i.'A. Tlie BepuMlean party of tlie United Sfcitis assembled in National Ctmreii Uou in tin- eitvof Philadelphia, oil tin 3tli ato nth days ol' June, IS71 HBtlii ilcilan's its I'i it Ii and appeals to its lils- n i t , .... ,,,.,.1. : (ht, qnwt1MW Ml)lv tlt, wintry. i Kirst Ikiriug eleven years of Mi- : premacy it has accented with graml : courage the solemn (furies of the lime. It suppressed a gigmtic relielllon; emanelpated t.tKKI.oW) slaves ; ilcereed ; the e pial citizeihip of all and estab , li-lnd universal snttrage. Kxlilliltlug unparalleled magiiaiilmity. it erlmin I ally punished no man for political of fciises, and warmly welcomed all who 1 proved their loyalty by obeying I he ! laws and dealing ju-l!v with their I neighbors. It lias steadily decreased with a firm band, the resultant ilisor ' onlcrs of a givat w ar. and initiated a j wise policy towards the Indians. The I'aeilie Kailroad. awl similar vad en terprises, have In en generously aided and Sinn- fully conduetisl. The pillv j lie lands air freely given to actual set ; tiers; Immigration ii protected, en eounigiil, and the full ackuowletlge : uieill of the naturalized citizen's rights ' has been secured from Kuropean pow ers. The national currency has im proved in regulation anil the national credit has been sustained under exmi oiilhiary lairdeus, ami new tionds liave been negotiated at lower raps, 'flic revenues have been etirefiilly collected ami liOiiestly applied. I'e-plte the an nual large reductions from the rates of taxation the public debt has been re duced durlngGmnt's presidency at tlie rate of one hundred million dollars per year. A great financial crisis has been avoided and peace and plenty prevail throligout the land. Menacing for eign difficulties have been peacefully and honorably comproiiiised. and the honor and power ot the nation lias nceii Kept mgii iiirougiioiu, ino worm. This ulnrioiis reeonl ol tlie past Is the party's best pledge for tlie future. We believe tlk' people will not entrust the . Govetniueut to any party orconiltin.v i tionof men composed of those w ho ! chiefly have resisted every step in this ; bcnenclal pmgres.. Second -Complete Ulierty and exact equality in the eidoyment of all civil, politiiiil aud public rights should lie j established and ell'ectually maintained ! tlimiurhoutthc Union, by efficient antl S11,. because they are right ; not )M,relv toi,,r.,U!t ym they are law; s!01li,i . nM out accord- illg ,0 t, s.)irit bv appropriate ,.u!atioii. the enforcement of which an Ik' sjifclv trusted only to tlie party that secured the amendments. Fourth The National Government hoiild si-ck to maintain an honorable peace with all nations, protectbig its citinew everywhere and sympathizing with all eople who strive for greater liU'rty. Fifth Any system of civil service under which the subordinate positions of the Government are considered as rewards for mere party zeal, is fatally demoralizing aikl We tlM'refore favor a reform of tlie system by laws which shall abOllsh the evils of patronage mid make honesty, eflicieiicy and tkk'lity essential qualifications for public posi tion, without practically creating a life tennrgif office. Sixth We are opposed to further grants of the public laials to corpora tions and monopolies, and demand that the national domain shall Ik' set apart for tbe free use of the people. Seventh The annual revonik'. after paying tlie current expciklitiires, should furnish a moderate balance for tlk reduction of tlie principal ofthe debt; and revenue, except so much as may he received from a tax on tobac co and li piors, ought to be rated by duties on importations, tlie scale of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing remunerative wages to la borers and to promote tbe industries, gtowth and pros).ierity of the whole country. Kiglith We hold in undying honor tlk! soldiers and sailors whose valor saved the Union. Tlieir pension are . . ,.:.. ...t-i aiu and other Knropean Powers con coming allegiance "onre a snojetx al ways a subject," having at last, throngh the efforts of tlie Republican iwrty. been iibantioned. ami tbe Aaiorl uui idea of tlx; right of the individual to transfer his allegiance, having been accepted by the' Khropean nation,' ft Is the duty of our Government to guard with jealous care tlie rigid s of attopted citizens against tlie assumptions of uu-autJMN-iseeu claims by thejr former gov ernments : and we urge the continued and careful ewwnmgemont and ptotee tlon of voluntary Imuitgration. Tenth The franking privilege ought to be abolislied aud a way pre pared for a rethiction iu the rates of 1 Eleventh Among tho questions L , 1UIMII Il IIIU.IHIVII . UIMlb II concerlts the relation Of capital and which press tor attention n ttintwliicli mutual pronts 01 tnose twogrea nuts oeMHxatton. ' TelrthWytWd that l rtu fsMMit toir nftH "an mirt8nluty la ii'lmfeistl the siinprcsshm or violent anil tr aaM''AUkhiia'1it' wK"i a MmAMWVfm iproSction of th7ballSrf NATION AI, thmfav thw are entitled to UK tbauki of tins nation. Thirteentli- We denounce repudia tion of the national debt, in any form or disguise, as a national crime. M c witness with jiride thendmttan oftlie principal of the k'bt and of the rates of interest upon the Imlnpce. and we eonlldeiitlv expect that our exerllcnt eurreney "will be (iwlbctwl by the speedj ivsiiinption of the siceie pay lueut, Kourtc Ill The regular Republi can parlv Is mindful of Its obligation to the loyal women ol America for their noble devotion to tbe cause of freedom. Their admission to useful nesses received with sntlsliiclioii, and the honesl ihunamls ol any class of cit zciis for additional rights should be Irelltcll With respectliil eoii.ideratiou. ritteenth- We heartily approve of the action of Congress in relation to the rebellions Stall's, and rejoice in the, growth of peace and fraternal feeling throughout the land. Sixtccnili-Tiic republican party pro poses o respect tltc l iglits-reservul by the people to themselves as carefully as the oowel's delegated I V them to the State and Territorial governments. Ii disapproves of tiny rtsorl to uncon stitutional law s for (he purpose of re moving iils by hiterfeivnee with rights not surrendered hy the people to either the, Male or the National Government. Seventeenth It Is the duty of the General Government to adopt such mea-wes as will tend to encourage American commerce and bip-build-iug. Kighrecntli We believe that the mode! patriotism, the earnestness ot purpose, sound jtidgnieiit, jiractieal (Vtsdoniv inconilptible integrity, and illustrious services of r. H.Giaut, have commended him to the heart of the American people, and that with him I at our head we star! toslay on a new j march to vietorv. PATENT OATK, Kl'C. ; Self-Opening and Self-Closing GATE. r.VTENTKD IlY JOHN DICKASON, June 4, 1307. i ; wheels on ouo side pass over a lever which is contkH'tel in Die itste hin re by u iwl, I lhno))cnlnj tlieitiiteliefDre yotumii m-st. ; eiiiii' it open. After ROlntf ihrotfh, the rniTiiiKi- iww over it similar leve.r, also 1 ooniKxaed wlthtbeifliieii1.;i.,noisin.'iiie i IWle.ln its rolaliyii, 10 Mint Miirnl you slid fasten. Wo Getting Out of Your Vehicle ! No Kilning of Latches Nor Pulling I of Strings, L'xovttlio "ri)jljoii"of vour team. Ii In i ollen mllcil THE "LZY MAN'S GATE,'' Ami a "Dead Open and Nunt." This Rtite Is simple in Its eoiislnietina, hot It nf iron and w ik) I work, ion! not likely tnet out of order. If u nenf, cheap imte Is desired, it nmj Iki made lUfltt, Willi three cross lArs ol woo l and onMourtli Inch wire.iieutly Furvol at the top, the lower end hi I in the hottom har. which is the ityle of a fasten' mucin Kjite. The sniti s lire now in practical use in several of the eonnticsnroiind San Francisco, sad plenty ol lesiiinoiiiiittlscun 1st given. THOMAS J. SAFFORD, Having purcbased iiw Klght for I. inn Co., Oregon, i lias now on band, and w ill manufacture the above doscrlbcait. Wherever it has Ihmmi used It has recolvedlhe lilahest eii- comiums. ns the larjie niiiiilH-r of eerliil- lute's from immiinent fanners In all juris uJiy. ,mmUy' "l ",y """"s Wl" CARRI ACSEsi AXD WAGONS, Of All Descriptions, On hand niul Inantldictured to order, niaeksmlthiug and Uepalriii Done to order nf most rmsonsble mtCS. siMip foot of Kerry street, oinswltc Ikauji, Jlonteltb A Co.'s tloiirinu mills. THOMAS J. SAFPORD, Allwnv, Oct. 28, IS71-Si 4 STOVES ANDTINWAUE. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Ix-olur In RANGES. GOOK, PAULOU AND BOX, S T O V E s : Of Ilia best rnlluiiw. AKSO I TSI, NIIKET IltOX AKJt IW. PER WAR:, 'XrOt flm'lwi norfmnit-nf fnrtiMiln RotMlit to Ixi obtalltoil 111 u till storo. Ileruir neatly siel promptly executed, on rclltmiablfl tepns. ' Sliorl reekonlniffs make long fir lends, j mM jtjjT Hit 1 1 h .in r KKOXTSTBKET, ALBANY. i J I)CC.J. 18M8-1 f1 ' M WM -hm uemb' DRt'GS. KTC. "Thoy Who Have Nothing for Sal arc Farthest from market " A. CAROTHERS & CO., WHO KNOW THIS TO liK Till t Are now hoopln, and alu.i ennititiitly ro c iviuij HiljMgpun to, ; The Larrst Stoik ofliooils I USUhL TO THEIR TRAD5 I ABOVE PORTLAND, j i 1 i And 1 AT SUCH PRICKS That i Purehaser Shall be SaUsfled. i ' ! Besides a Large Stock of DKlCi-S 4 lli:YI K ALU PATENT MEDICINES, Paints, Dve Stuffs, and Oils, Ttte f keep Yankee oiionx, I . . t-'OIlI OCtlOIlOl y i i I Finest Tobacco & Cigars j WOSTENHOLMS OUTtBR ! SPICKS, PERFUMERY, I (All kinds), (TOILET SOAP, ASD Evorything I I'FCALLT OBTAINED 15 i A STRICTLY First oi DRUB ESTABLISHMENT. NO. ARTICI.K HOLD But what is ii ii n ran teed To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED 1 ' Ana WL-vust Jog Good. Arctic Soda' A . CAKOTIIUKH & CO I ,4 C MKALEY. 7 v u r? i ifri ; i? k -AM- I CABINET WARE! i Of an Kinds I ViUti RED Ol Every DcMCi-ipf ion ! MUtrtoitS, Ii,tiii' JPpt, tines, viioV(oiti r:, ! matting: i i CHAMBER SUITS in every stylo. ! PARLOR SETS of Substantial patterns, I i LOUNGES, OF R DESCRIPTION I TABLES, ; Ksery sty if known So the Tnuts KITCHEIV VU I;n, BOOK. OASES, CUPBOARDS , China ClosetM, i aw h S I a n (1 n . BEDSTEADS, In endless vurlel; ; I CHAIRS, All Styles and Descriptions, j sll of which will ha sold at th ! VERT LOWEST FIG IRES ! UPHOLSTERY AND UndertalLlnf f,,u: to nil their bnnrl Done m Order, nnd Satisfaction Guarantor!. I linvc on ltanil a supply if j Ready - niade Colli 119, snltal'le fur all tee ileuianiln of thin mm 111 1111 ii . AIho, I lmvo a ncfif i-... 1 Ml TH rr,' XX 153 JBL, XX S .S3 r tn ll.A iim nt ilu' ntiutnmr.M I ' . sfU'X : etm PJFft Corner Broadalbin and flnUUf., AtBAllV. OREC'f