The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 26, 1872, Supplement, Image 9

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itjFFii I li !
i v-sixosn t'oxuiti ill.
AN ACT to promote the development of the
iitiuiiiK resource ef i he United states.
Hi it enuted hf the Senile ahd House
of HtVrnenitUvtt of the United Statu ol
Amtncain Vtnyress assemlited
Thai all valuable lulnerul deposits In lands
belonging to the United States, hath surveyed
and uusurvcyod, are hereby declared to be
tree ami open to exploration ami purchase,
mut the laml.-t lit which they are found lo oc
oupa Ion an. I purchase, hr citizen of ihe Uni
ted States and those whu have declared their
lutoiulon to bocomc Inch, under regulations
prescribe I by law, and according to the local
customs or rules of miners, In the several
mining-districts, wi far as Iho same are appli
cable atrl noi inconsistent with the law- of
the United Sinles.
BSC. - That mining-claims upon reins or
loiles of quartz or other roek In place bearing
gold, silver, einnaliar, leal, tin, copper, or
other valuable deposits heretofore located,
Html I be governed ns to length along the vein
or lo le by I he customs regulations, and laws
in force at the dale of iheir location. A mill-lng-o!atin
located niter the passage of this
act, whether located by one or more persons
may equal, hut shall not exceed, one tooii.-and
live hiludrcd feel In length a Uilg Ihe vein or
lode; but no location 01 u mluliig-c. aim shall
lie made until ihe discovery of ihe vein or
lode within Ihe limits of the claim located.
No claim slial I extend more than three hun
dred tout on eaee side of the middle of the
vein at the surface, nor shell any claim be
. limited by any mining regulation to less than
tweilty-flvo feet on each side of the middle of
the vein at the surface, except where adverse
rlgbls existing at the larsnge of Ibis act shall
render such limilailou necessary.
The enrt-llnesofeachc'alm shall lie imral cl to
each other.
SIX'. .1. That the locators of all mining locu
tions heretofore made) or which shall here
all er he made, on any mineral vein, lode, or
ledge, splinted on the public domain. Iheir
heirs and assigns where no adverse claim
exists at the iassage of this act, so long as
they comply with the laws of the United
States, ami wiih State, territorial, and local
regulation, nut In conflict with -aid laws of
the United States governing I heir possessory
title, shall have the exclusive right of posses
sion ami enjoyment of all the surface lnclu
led wilhiii ihe lines of their locations, and of
all veins lodes, and ledges throughout Iheir
entire depth, Ihe top or apex of which lies iu
sice of such surface-lines extended downward
vertically, although such veins, lodes, or
ledges may so fartlopar, from a perpendicu
lar hi their course downward as to extend
outside tho vertical side-lines of said surface
locations : Provided, That their right of mis-ses-ion
to such outside parts VI snid veins or
ledges shall lie conllned to such portions
lhereof as lie betweeu vertical planes drawn
downward ns aforesaid, through the enil-lines
of their locations, so continued in iheir tu
direction that such planus will Intersect ,Voit
exterior parts ot said planes and luJges:
And provided further, Thai nothing Si this
section shall authorize the locator or possess
or of a vein or lode which extends In its
downward course beyond tho vertical lines of
his claim to enter upon Ihe surface of a claim
owned or possessed by another.
s. 4. Thai where a tunnel is run for Ihe
development of a vein or lode, or for the dis
covery of mines, the owners ol such tunnel
shall have the right or possession of all veins
or lodes within three thousand feet from the
ace of such tunnel on the line thereof, not
previously known to exist, discovered in such
tunnel, to Ihe same extent as if discovered
from the surface ; and locations on the line of
such tunnel of veins or lodca not appearing on
the surface, made by other turtles alter the
commencement of the tunnel, ami while the
same is being prosecuted with reasonable dil
igence, shall he invalid ; but fai lure to prose
cute the work on the tunnel for six months
shall be considered as an abandonment of the
right to all undiscovered veins on the line of
sain tunnel.
Set. 5. That the miners of each mining j
district may make rules and regulations not In
wonflicl Willi the laws of Hie l ulled Stales or
lolth the laws of the State or Terrltorv in :
which the district Is situated, governlng'tbe 1
incatio i, manner of recording, amount of 1
tnork necessary to hold possession of a mln-I
lug claim, subject to tho following require
ments: The location must be distinctly
earke t on the ground so that Its boundaries
can lie readily traced. All records of mining
claims herafler made shall contain Ihe name
or names of Ihe locators, the date of the loca
tion, and such a description of the claim or
claims located by reference to some natural ;
object or permanent monument as will iiiden- .
lily the claim, em each claim located after
Ihe passage of this act, and until a patent
shall have been issued therefor, not less than
one hundred dollars' worth of labor shall be
performed or improvements made during
each year. On all claims located prior to the
passage of this act, ten dollars' worth of labor
shall be ierfernied or improvements made
each year for each one hundred feet in length
along the vein until a patent shal I have been is
sued therefor ; but where such claims are held
Incommon such expenditure may be made up 'ti
any one claim ; and upon a failure to comply
with these conditions, the claim or mine upon
which such failure occurred shall be open to
relocation lu the same manner as If no loca
tion of the same had ever been made : Pro
vided, That the original locators, their heirs,
assigns, or legal representatives have not re
sumed work vipon t he claim after such failure
and before such location. Upon the failure
of any one of several co-owner to contribute
his proportion of the expenditures require I
by fol act, the co-owners who have per
formed the labor or made the improvements
may, at the expiration of the year, give such
delinquent co-owner personal notice in writ
ing or notice by publication In the newspaper
published nearest the claim, for at least once
a week for ninety days, and if at tho expira
tion of ninety days, after such notice In wilt
ing or by publication such delinquent should
tall or refuse to contribute his proportion to
comply with this acl, bis interest in the claim
shall become the property of his co-owners
who have made tho required expenditures.
Sec. II. That a patent for any land claimed
and located for valuable deposits may be ob
tained In the following manner: Any person,
association, or corporation authorized to lo
cate a claim under this act, having claimed
and located a piece of land for such purposes,
who has, or have, complied with the terni of
this act, may Die In tho proper land office an
application for a patent, under oath, showing
such compliance, together with a plat and
Held notes of the claim or claims In common
made by or under the direction of the United
states surveyor general, showing accurately
the boundaries of the claim or claims, which
shall be distinctly marked by monuments on
'he grouud. and shall poet a copy o. such
Mat, togelhcrwltha notice of such applica
tion for a patent, in a conspicuous place on
the land embraced In such plat previous to
the filing of the application for a patent, and
shall tile an affidavit of at least two persons
that such notice has been duly posted as afore
said, and shall file a copy of said notice In
uch land office, and shall thereupon be en
titled to a patent for said land, in the manner
following: The register of tho land offlco,
upon the llllng of such application, plat. Held
notes, notices, and affidavits, shall publish a
notice that such application has been made,
for the period of sixty days, in a newspaper
to be by him designated as published nearest
to said claim ; and he shall also post such no
tice in his office for the same period. The
claimant at tho time of filing this application,
or at any time thereafter, within tho stxtv
daya of publication, shall Die with the regis
ter a certificate of the United States surveyor
general that live hundred dollars' worth of
labor has been expended or improvements
made upon ihe claim by himself or grantors;
that the plat is correct, with such further de
scription rry such reference to natural objects
or permrnent monuments as shall identify
the claim, inl larnith an accurate descrti-
llou. lo lie iiicoryioraied In the patent. At tlie
explv!l"n oi tho lixtv davs of publication
Ihe claimant shall tile hit-affidavit, showing that
I lie p at aii I notice have lieen posted in a cnu-
ic-ioo- place on the claim during said period
ol pi:b i. em, nil a iversc claim shall
lki o Ik- n tiled with the register niid receiver
of the proper a stnfliee ihcexplrn ion nf
lite sixiv ia; of pui, f.ui ie. it shall laa.-
sinned ilia- ihe applicant is eniitiet lo a
lteut, upqy ihe payment to the proper officer
of live dollars per acre, and that no adverse
claim exists: and inert-after no objection
from third larlie to the Ustiaure of a patent
shall be heard, except it be shown tluu the
applicant lias failed to comply with this act.
6k' 7. Tliat where an adverse claim shall
lie ti ed during Ihe period of pub.lcallon, it
shall bo upon oa'liofthe person or persons
making the same, and .-ha d show the nature,
Isiiuularics, and extent of such adverse claim,
and all proceeding, except the pub'ica'inn
of notice and making and llllng of theallidavi:
lhereof, shall lie stayed until (he controversy
sliall have Iwen settled or decided by a court
of competent jurisdiction, or the adverse
claim waived, It shall !
claimant, within thirty day after tiling
his claim, to commence privoc'lirgs in a court
of coniictenl Jurisdiction, to lUiiermlne Ihe
question of the right of possta ion, and prose
cute the same with reasnnablcdliigo nee to final
Judgment: ami a failure so to do shall boa
waiver of IPs adverse claim. After such
judgment shall have been rendered, the irly
entitle I to the nosossinn of the claim, or anv
portion thereof, may, without giving further
noilce, fllo noertlficioopvof the judgnien;
roll witli the regMoroftbe Ian I office, togeth
er with thecertlllcaleof ihe surveyor general
that Ihe requisite amount of labor has been
expended, or Improvements made there
on, and the description required In other
cases, and shall v lo the receiver live dol
lars r acre for hls'claim. together with the
proper fees, whereupon tho whole proceol
lugs ami the jmigmcnt-roll shall be certified
by Ilic register to (lie Commissioner of the
tieneral Land Office, and a patent shall Issue
thereon for the claim, or luui portion thereof
as the applicant shall appear, from Ihe decis
ion of the court, to rightly possess, if it shall
appear from the decision of the court that
several parties are entitled to separate and
different nurllong of the olairo, each rty
may pay for his portion of the claim, with the
proper fees, and file the c,or:iilcnto a, id de
Hcriprlou hj ihe surveyor g-.'yera', where ipon
the register shall ccr.lfy the pris-o lings- and
judgment-roll to Ihe Commissioner of Hie
' iencral Land Office, as In the preceding case,
and intents shall Issue to the several riies
according to their ruspectlvurlghts. Proof of
citizenship under this act, or the acts of July
twenty-Sixth, eighteen humlred and sixty- ix,
and July ninth, eighteen hundred ami seven
ty, In i lie ca-e of an Individual, may consist
ol hi s own affidavit thereof, and In case of an
association of persons unincorporated, of the
affidavit ol their authorized agent, ma le on
his own knowledge or upon information and
belief, and In case of a corporation organized
under the laws of the United States, or of auy
Stute or Territory of Ihe United Stales by
the flllnofa cert i lied copy of their charter
or certificate of IncorimraUnn j and nothing
herein contained shall bo construed tourti
veut ihe alienation of the tit !o conveyed by a
patent for a mining claim to any ierson
Sue. H. That the description of vein or lode
claims, upon surveyed lauds, shall designate
the location Of the claim with reference to
the hues ot Hie public surveys but nee I not
conform therewith; but where a ieut shall
lie Issued as aforesaid for claims upon tltisur
veyed lands, the surveyor general, In extend
ing the surveys, shall adjust the same to the
boundaries ot' such mlenled c'aim, according
to the plat or desc i iHlon (hereof, hut so as lu
no case lo interfere with or change the loca
tion of any such patented claim.
Bkc. 9. That sections one. two, three, four
ami six, of an act entitled "An act granting
the right of way to ditch and canal owners
over the mb!lo lands, and for other pur
poses," approved July twenty-sixth, eighteen
hundred and slxty-slx, are hereby repealed,
but such repeal shall not alfect existing
rights. Application! for patents for mining
claims now pending may lie prosecuted lo a
Until decision In the Ueneral I .and Office;
but In such cases where adverse rights are not
affected thereby, patents may Issue In pursu
ance of the provisions of ilils net : and all
patent for mining claims heretofore issued
under the act of July twenty-sixth, eighteen
hundred mi l slxty-slx shall convey all the
rights ami privileges conferred by this act
where no adverse rights exist at the lime s
ihe ittfsago of this act.
Sue. ill. That the act entitled "An actio
amend an act granting the right of way to
dlich and canal owners over the public lands,
and for other purposes." npproved July ninth,
eighteen hundredand seventy, shall be and
remain in full force, except as to the proceed
ings to obtain a patent which shall be similar
to the preceding preserlliod by sections six
and seven of this act for obtaining patents to
vein or lodcelaims; but where said placerclalm
shall be upon surveyed lands, and conform to
legal subdivisions, 'no further survey or pint
sliall be required, and all placer- mining
claims herenf or located sliall conform as
near as praciicab'c with the United States
system oi public land surveys and the reoi
angnlar sub llvisions of such surveys, and no
such location shall Include more than twenty
acres for each Individual claimant, hut where
placer claims cannot lie conformed lo legal
subdivisions, survey ami plat shall be made
ns on ttnsurveved lands: l'rovidod, That pro
ceedings now pending mav be prosecuted to
their tlnal determination underexlsilng laws ;
but the provisions of Hits act, when no! In
conflict wltli existing lows, shall apply to
such cases: And provided also, 'Oral where
by tlie seggregation of mineral land In any
lacal sulxltVlsion a quantity of agricultural
land less tlian forty acres remains, said frac
tional portion of agricultural land may Is1
entered bv any party qiiullled by law, for
homestead or pre-eniHlon ptirisises.
Sue. 11. That where the tsante person, asso
ciation, or eorHrntion is in of a
placer claim, ami also a vein or lode Included
within the bottodarku thereof, application
sliall be male for a intent for the placer
c'alm, with tlie statement that It includes
such vein or lode, and in such case (subject to
tho provision of this act and the act entitled
"An act to amend an act granting the right of
way to ditch ami canal owners over the pub
lic law!, and for other purposes," approved
July ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy) a
jKilcnt shall Issue for the placer claim, Includ
ing such vein or lisle, ition Ihe payment of
five dollars )ier acre for such vein or lode
claim, and twenty-live feet ol surface on each
side thereof. The remainder of the placer
claim, or any placer claim not embracing any
vein or lode claim, shall lie paid for at the
rale of two dollar an I fifty cents ir acre,
toother with all costs of proceedings; and
where a vein or lisle, such as is described In
the second section o this act, i known to ex I st
within (he boundaries of a placet claim,
an application for a patent for such placer
claim .which does not Include an application
for the vein or lode claim shall be construed
as a conclusive declaration that the claimant
of the placer claim has no right of possession
of tho vein or lode claim; but where the exis
tence of a vein or lode in a placer claim is not
known, a 'patent for the placer claim shall
convey all valuable mineral and other depos
it within the boundaries thereof.
Sue. li That the surveyor general of the
United State may appoint In each land dis
trict containing mineral lands as many com
petent surveyors as sliall apply for appoint
ment to survey mining-claims. The expenses
of tho survey of vein or lode claims and the
survey and subdivision of ujacer-claims Into
smaller quantities than ono hundred and six
ty acres, together with tho cost of publication
of notices shall be paid by tho applicants
and they shall be at liberty to obtain tho
same at tho most reasonable ratee, and they
shall also lie at liberty to employ any United
States deputy surveyor to make the aurvev.
The Commissioner of the tieneral Land Of
fice shall also have power to establish the
maximum charges for surveys and publica
tion of notice under this act ; and, In case of
excessive charges for publication, he may ties
Ignate any newspaper published in a land
district where mine are situated for the
publication of mining-notices in such district,
and fix the rata to lie charged by such paper;
and, to tho end that the Commissioner may be
fully informed on tho subject, each applicant
shall file with the register a sworn statement
of all charges and fees paid bv said applicant
for publication and surveys, together with all
fees and money paid the register and the re
ceiver of the land-office, which statement
shall be transmitted, with the other nanera In
the caae, to the Commissioner of theHteneral
Land Office. The foe of the register and the
receiver shall be five dollar each for filing
and acting upon each application for patent
or adverse claim filed, and they shall be al
lowed tho amount fixed by law for reducing
testimony to writing, when done In the lanil
ofUce, such fee and allowances to be paid by
toe respective partie ; and no other lee
shall beilurged by them In such case. Noth
ing In this act shall Ik construed to enlarge or
ailect Ihe lights of el; her jarlyin regard to
any pmpenv In controversy at the lime of
Ibe passage of this act, or of the act ciuiilcd
"An act granting Ihe rigid of wav lo dl'ch
and canal owners mer tlie peli'l 'ainK ami
fot'i her purposes,' approved .InlS twauty
siMli, eSgli een lot in ire I and xtyMt. niir
bad hi i no aai.-l am right ac p ire.i ui.d' Y
said act; and nothing hi this act sliall hp cons
i rued in repeal, Impair, or in anv wav affect
the provisions of the act cmMcd "An act
granting to A. Snlro the right of way and
oiber privileges to aid In the construction of
a draining and exploring tunnel In the c, ni
si ock lode, in the state of Nevada." aunroved
July twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and si x-
8m 13. That all affidavit" rqulre.l to be
made under Ibis net. or the act of which 11 is
amendatory, may be verified bet re any oncer
authorized lo administer cadis within the
lain!-district where the claims may lie sltua
tod, and all testimony and proof 'may ho ta
ken before any such officer, and, whendulv
certlllod by the officer lakli g Ihe same, shall
have Ihe same force and effect as If taken lie
fore the register and receiver of the land-nf-llce.
In cases of contest as in the mineral or
agricultural character of land, the testimony
ami proofs may be taken as herein provided
on personal notice of at least ten days lo Ihe
opposing party ; or If said party cannot lie
found, then by publication of at 'leant once a
week for thirty days in a newspaper, to be
designated by the register of the land-office as
published nearest to the location of such
land ; anil the register shall require proof
that such notice lias been given.
Skc, 14. That where two or more veins in
tersect or cross ea,di other, priority ol title
shall govern, and such prior location shall lie
entitled to all ore or mineral contained with
in the smco of intersection : Provided, how
ever. That the subsequent location shuil have
the right of way through said since of inter
sect. on forthc purposes of the convenient
working of the said mine : And provided also,
That where two or more veins unite, Ihe
oldest or prior location shall lake the vein
below the point of union, Including all the
space of Intersection.
Skc. is. Tliat where nnn mineral land not
eontigous to the vein or lode is used or occu
pied liy the proprietor of snbb vein or lode for
mining or milling punposcs. such nnn adjacent
surtacegruund may he embraced and Included
1 1 ;n app'icutinn for a paient for such vein or
lode, and ilie same may he patented theie
wi:h, siilject to the same preliminary require
ments as to survey and notice asaraapppllca
ble under this act to veins or lotto : Provided,
That no location horealtcr made of such uon
adjacent land shall exceed five acres, ami
payment for the same must bo made at the
same rate ua fixed Ly thl.-. act for the super
ficies of the lode. The owner of nquart-inill
or reduction-works, not owning a mine In con
nection therewith, may also receive a talent
for hut mill-site, as provided in thi section.
Skc, Hi. That all acts and Uts of acts In
conststent hcrewithaie hereby rebelled : Pro
vided, That nol lung Contained In this net shall
be construed lo Impair, In any way, rights or
interests in mining properly acquired under
rxtstlug laws.
Approved, May 10, 1S7J.
AX ACT making appropriations to supply the
deficiencies in the appropriation (fir tlie
service of the government for ihe fiscal
year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, tihd for former y ears, ami
for other puriiofe.
Be il enacted . the Senut' and fhute
af AVsrciiii(ii'M of the Untied State of
America in Conyremt assembled
That Ihe following sums, or so much there
of as may la' necessary, be, and tlie same are
hereby, appropriated for the service of tlie
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, or for the jierlod and pitr
jioses hereinafter expressed, nnmely :
For cartage for (he House of Heprcsenla
lives three thousand dollars; and construct
ive cartage shall not hereafter tie jx'tid for, but
all articles delivered on Ihe trip sliall be paid
for as one load. And for a deficiency in the
appropriation for folding documents. Includ
ing pay of folders and material therefor,
thirty nun, -and dollars.
To pay thu official reporters of the Globe
in each 'house the amount which the Conin
trollcr of the Treasury may find severally
due them for services during the sessions oi
the Forty-second Congress, under the eight
eenth section of the act entitled "All act mak
ing appropriations for sundry civil expenses
of the government lor the year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred aud sixty-seven,
and for other purposes," approved July
twenty-eight, eighteen hundredand slxty-slx.
That tlie speaker Is hereby authorized to
employ a clerk, at a salary of eighteen hun
dred dollars ier annum, and no appointment
on the (hmrkeepcr's rolls shall be made to
take the place of the Jierson hitherto de
tained as clerk to Hie Speaker, and from
March first lo the close of this fiscal year, six
hundred dollars are hereby appropriated for
Ills salary.
That tho payment of mileage of Senators
for actual attendance at the session of Ihe
Senate convened on the tenth of May, eight
een hundred and scveuty-onc, by the procla
mation of ihe President, Is hereby authorized.
For miscellaneous Items fifteen thousand
For labor, seven thousand five hundred
For furniture, three thousand six hundred
For expe,lses of heating and ventilating
apparatus for fiscal year ending June thirty,
eighteen hundred ami seventy-one, four hun
dred dollars
For compensation of JohuC. Knowltou, for
service as musscnger in the Senate during
the month of April eighteen hundredand
sixty-nine, one hundred ami twenty dollars.
To iv Rives and llalley for complete sets
of the Congressional Globe ami appendix,
furnished to Sena'ors who hud not previously
received i horn, under the act of July fourth,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thou
sand and five dollars.
For clerks to committees, pages, horses,
and carryalls, ten thousand dollars.
For captain of the police, two hundred ami
eighty-eight dollars; for two lieutenants at
three hundred dollars each ; and twenty-eight
nrlvato,at three hundred and eighty-four dol
lars each; in all, eleven thousand six hun
dred and forty dolinrs.
For contingent expenses of the Library of
Congress, rendered necessary by tho copy
right business of said library, five hundred
dollars To enable tho disbursing agent of
the Joint Committee on the Library to balance
sundry fractional overdrafts In the following
funds: For the fiscal years of eighteen hun
dred and seventy-one and eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, two hundred and fifty-seven
dollar and eight cents the same to be placed
to the credit of the funds named in the amount
specified to each. Fund for purchase of
books twelve dollars and niuoty-cght cent;
fund for purchase of law books, twenty-five
dollars and seventv-nlne cents ; fund for pur
chase of periodicals two dollar and sixty
five cent ; fund for exchange of public docu
ments, six dollar and seventy-five cent;
turn! for repairs, etc., of buildings In botanic
garden, seventy-five dollars and seventeen
cent; fund for improving botanic garden,
one hundred and twenty-five dollars; fund
for contingent expense of library, eight dol
lars and seventv-nlne cents
To pay Rive and Bailey for tho reporting
and publication of the debate and proceed
ing of the Forty-first Congress, under the
Joint resolution approved March three,
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and con
tract of April fourteenth', eighteen hun
dred and sixty-nine, so far as mav
have been provided for by law, two
thousand seven hundred and seventy six dol
lar ami ninety eight cents or so much there
of aa may be necessary.
For extra clerk hire ncesasiUted by unusual
labor in preparing for the session of (he tri
bunal of arbitration at Geneva, five thousand
For publishing tho laws of the thin! session
of the Forty-flrrt (Jongree and of the Drat
session of the Forty-tecond Congress In
pamphlet form, five theuaani dollar.
For publishing tlie laws of ihe first Matoi
of the Forty-flrat Congres In newsiapers
two thousand one hundvts dollars.
For jiub'ishlng the laws ol the second s"
sloii of Ihe Fony-lirst Congress In news
rers sit thousand on,, and i w,mo
hoi ars
Ktm: IXTi-nn rtt.- r For :i'arl,.s- of I
envoys irsrilu.Trc. and mi l. n.-n mln -
ten tary, and mlnl'ieiv resilient, lor (he liscal
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and sevontv-one, forty-two ilnaisand dollars .
and for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth,
eighteen hundred awl seveulv.iwn, fiflv
thousand dollars; aad In settling ihe ac
counts of John P. Rale, late minister to
Spam, the accounting officers of (be treasury
sliall allow htm saiarv to Ihe first of January,
eighteen hundred and seventy, al which liuir
his health was so far restored as lo be ab o
travel, and Ihe sum necessary to iiav the same
Is hereby appropriptcd. And the Secretary
of State 1 hereby authorized toallow the pay
ment of such sum-as the President shallajs
prove lo tlie consuls of the Unltee State al
Algiers. ItotiloEiie. I.vons. Marseilles. anie-.
Nice and llheims as compensation for oxtra
i r Unary servl.-ei during the late war in
Enrol': Profited, Thai the total sum so
extiondod shall not exceed the unXended
balance of the amount appropriated by ihe
fourth and fifth paragraph of the act unlit led
"An a ct making appropriations for sundri civil
expenses of the government for the fiscal
year ending June Iltirtlelh, eighteen hundred
and seventv-twn, and for oilier purposes,"
approved March third, eighteen hundred and
For contingent expense of the United
Stales consulate for blank books and sta
tionery, for the fiscal year ending June thir
tieth eighteen hundred and seventy-one. fif
teen thousand dollars; and for the fiscal year
ending June thirtieth, e'ghteen hundred "and
seventy-two, fifteen thousand dollars.
For pay of dragoman at the consnlate at
Constantinople from April llrst, eighteen hun
dred and slxty-slx, to March Ibirtv -first,
eighteen hundred and slxty-se-en, four hun
dred dol'ars.
For Improvements and alteration of Ihe
Protestant cenietry lu Malaga, Spain, five
hundred dollars.
To rciinliurso the consul of ihe United
S ule In the city of Mexico for the care of Ihe
Pmlesant American eemutry during Die past
year, for the current fiscal vear, and to pav
sn'ory If keeper, live liiinilred dollar . one
thousand one hundred and live dollars.
For the annual proportion nf Ihe United
S ates of ihe exjnsea of Capo Hnartel light,
on tlie coast of Morocco, two hundred and
eighty-five dollars
For' additional expense of the United
Suites legation In Fiance, consequent uixni
the removal of Ihe neat 01 government from
Pails to Versailles, eight hundred dollars.
To defray ihe extraordinary e.xiouc of
Ihe American minister in ihe kiukdom of
Italy occasioned bv the removal of its capi
tal from Turin to Florence ahd from Florence
to Home, six thousand dollars.
To unable llols'rt C. Schcnck, minister (o
(treat Rritnm. lo iy his private amanuensis,
as provided by Joint resolution approved
January eleventh, eighteen hundred and sev-enty-one,
from the dale of the approval ot
said joint resolution to July first, eighteen
hundred and seventy-one, one thousand one
hundred ami eighty dollars.
For repair to consular building at Tan
gier, three thousand dollors or so much
thereof as mav be necoesury, to be expended
under the direction of the Socre'ary oi State,
to be available unlilthc end of the next fiscal
For the ret'ef and protection of American
seaman in foreign countries one hundred
thousand dnllazs.
For continuing the inquiry into the cause of
Ihe decrease of the food fishes of the coast
and of the lakes, three thousand five hundred
For preparnllnnof the illutatlons, tab'es.
and so forth, of the report of the United
Slates Commissioner of Flh and Fisheries
five hundred dollar
Ukamh Mist, San Fkancisto, Cai.i-roiiNlA.-For
wages of workmen and ad
justers iweiityono thousand and five linn
'tired dollars.
ItitANVii Mist, Cahsok City, Nkvaiia.
- For salaries and expenses (deficiency dur
ing fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy,) three thousand (loltars.
For wages of workmen and adiiisrera, for
fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, six thousand dol
lar. For contingent expenses, to wit, for sundry
miscellaneous item, Including wood, char
coal, and freight for the fiscal year ending
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and scventv
twn, twelve thousand four hundred dollar.
For contingent expenses of the name char
acter, for (lie fiscal years ending June thir
tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, aud
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred ami seventy
one, three thousand dollar. For this amoui t
dellclency in the construction of the asav
office, Boise City, blaho Territory, two thou
sand ninety-two dollars aud five cents.
Contlgent expense under the acl of
August sixth, efghteen htindrel and forty
six: For Ihe collection, safe keeping, trans
ferring, ami disbursement of the public
moneys, one hundred thousand dollars
To pay deficiencies in the salaries of offi
cers, clerks, and others in the office of the
assistant trinstirer in New York city for Ihe
present fiscal year, nine thousand three hun
dred and four dollars.
DrsTitirr of Colcmbia. -To pay Ihe gov
ernor, secretary, and three member of the
bvird of public work of the District of Co
lumbia such sums ns may he due them for
salaries from the date nf their commissions to
Ihe first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
three thousand eight hundred and
tlfty-one dollars and fourteen cents, or so
much thereof ns may lie necessary.
To pay (he the members nf the board of
health from Ihe (hue of (heir appointment
lo the first of July, eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, at two thousand dollar each
per annum, twelve thousand ono hundred
and nlnc'y-two dollars anil fifty-six cents or
so much thereof as may lie nocossary.
For compensation to the president and
member of Ihe council of the District of Co
lumhla, for the session commencing on the
eight of November, eighteen hundred and
seventy-one, two thousand eight hundred
and eighty dollars.
For deficiency in appropriation for legisla
tive expenses ot Montana Territory, for Iho
fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, the same tone ex
pended In publishing the laws and journals of
t ho last session of the legislature of said Ter
ritory, the sum of five thousand dollars.
For printing and binding house and council
journal of the fifth session of the legislative
assembly of Montana Territory, two tnonsand
four hundred dollars
For eonqstusation ot member nf the fifth
legist it ore of Montana Territory, eight bun
tired and seventeen dollars.
For rent of office, salary of messenger, fur
niture, carpet, postage, and other incidental
cxpensesof tho secretary of tlie Territory of
New Mexico, for the fiscal year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars
and eighty-two cent.
For expenses of tho secretary's office of the
Territory of Arizona, rent of office, fuel,
lights printing, postage, storage of furniture,
and so forth, three thousand dollar.
For expenses of the secretary's office of the
Territory of Wyoming, fuel, light, station
ery, postage, and so forth, one tnousond two
hundred dollars.
For miscellaneous printing, and printing
Journals of council and house of the nlne
taenth annual session of the Territory of
Utah, one thousand seven hundred and fifty
dollars and forte cents
For deficiency of appropriation for legisla
tive expenses ot the Terrltorv of Dakota, for
the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen
hundred and seventy one, and June thirty,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, via : For
priming and binding, four thousand three
hundred aud soventy-flve dollar; for office
rent, four hundred and twenty-five dollar ;
for incidental expenses twelve hundred dol
lars ; In all, tlx thousand dollars.
For ttainps paper, and die for the use of
tlie office of Internal Revenue, two hundred
and fifty thousand dollar.
For payment of ueceasary expense lu- '
eurral kl defending suit against the Sec ret a-1
ry of tho Treasury', or Ins agents, and for .k -fence
of me United Stale lii respect losucjil
property, and In the recovery of prowvriy !
I'lalruixl to have accrued or belonged lit.Uu j
l ulled Sa'es through ihe suppression ol Ihe'lluu, ami for settling i lie account' ol
agciiis rij p.ou-1 in lecou t lug such 14'iH.jei'-j
h . lo lie expelled under Ihe direction id Use i
Secretary of the Treasury, thirty ihousawl
For repair and maintenance uf the can
plciiieiu M vessel used lu the Coast Survey,
per act ot March second, eighteen hundred
and lifty-Uiree, thirty llmus'nd dollar.
For pay and rations of the engineer for
the steamers used In Ihe Coai Survey, no
longer supplied by tin Navy Department,
leu thousand dot la r--.
For the conip'elion of the building for cus
tom house at Astoria. Oregon, twonlv thou
sand four hundred and forty-two dollars aud
ilfiy cents and for fencing, grading, side
walks, sewerage, and other nutters lutiisiieu
sable to Us completion, five thousand six hun
dred and eighty-six dollars and forty cent:
in all, twenty-six thousand one hundred and
twenty-eight dollars and ninety eenla.
For continuing the work on" Ihe new Stale
Department lHifldlng during (be balance of
Ihe present fiscal vear, two hundred thou
sand dollars.
For extension and repair of the building for
custom house and stoflloo at Baltimore,
Mary land, fifty thou and dollars
For completion nf the building for marine
tiospllal at Chicago, Illinois sevenlv-seven
thousand three hunpred and eight v-lh'ree dol
lars and cighty-nluc cent; and for grading
and fencing, thlsteen thousand nine bund rep
and eighty-seven dollar and the cents; and
to make goad the damage done to ihe build
ing and loss by fire, fourteen thousand ami
sixty dollar and fifty cent ; In all, one hun
dred and five thousand four hundred and
thirty-one dollars and forty-four cents
For continuation of the construction of the
building for custom house at Knoxvlllc, Ten
nessee, one hundred thousand dollar.
Cor complc lng the building fur custom
house at Portland. Slaliie, ten thousand
ci:!il hundred and lift; -one dollars.
For csaopiudiig ihe building rorportofilcc
and court houso, at Pur. laud, Maine, tif ecu
thousand three hunilredaud nine: -eight dol
lars. For pulling a now roof on the custom and building at Newport in the State of
Khodo Island, to bo so arranged as to afford
an additional story, and for remodelling Ihe
Interior of sail building, and such other rc
imirs ns may lie nccossary, (he sum or eleven
thotisadd (wo hundred ami forty-one dollars
and seventy-five cent.
For additional mnchincrr for the apprais
ers' torc In Phllodelphln, Pennsylvania,
live thousand live bundl e I and fifty-nine dollar--
anil fifty-five cent.
For grading, paving, sidewalks, and fences
of the approache to the Imlldlng lor custom
house al Saint Paul. Minnesota, fifteen thou
sand nine hundred and eleven dollar and
fiflv cent.
For rent of the office of assistant treasurer
of the United Slates at Saint Lintls Missouri,
one thousand live hundrel dollars or so
much thereof n may be necesanry for Ihe
remainder of the present fiscal year, and lor
lilting up the office, one thousand dollar.
To reimburse the city nf Detroit, Michigan,
the amount expended In laying a wool vive
nionl in front ol Ihe marine hospital property
in aid city, eighteen hundred dollars
To supply furniture for Ihe new custom
house at Machlus, Maine, three thousand
seven hundred and sixtv-six dollars
For rebuilding Ihe light stations al Manis
tee, .Michigan, Hhic.h were destroyed in-tire
on the eighth of October, eightren hundred
and seventy-one, ten thousand dollars
For repairs and preservation of public
h ildlng under tlm controll of the Treasury
lienailment. llftv thousand dollue.
For re arranging the hurling apparatus of
i im i reasurv ouiiiung, aoennung lo pians to
be approved by Ihe Secretary ol the Treasu
re, nineteen thousand eight hundred and
forty dollars which shall (hi available to thu
dose of the year ending June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seven! y-tnree.
For furniture and repnUs of inrnlture for
public buildings under the control of (he
Treasury Department lor the fiscal vear
prior to Ihe year ending June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy, three thou
sand two hundred and fifty-three dollar and
eiahty fire cents
For repair and preservation of public
buildings under the control of the TreauryDe
pnrtmcnt foi fiscal year prior to the vear end
ing June thirtieth,' eighteen hundred and
seventy, seven thousand six hundred and
fifty dollars and ninety-two cents,
lor re establishing lights and other aids In
natlyailon mi tlie southern coast, for Ihe fis
cal years prior to Iho year ending June tlilr
titih. cirhteen hundred ami seventy, one
h OKI nd eight hundredand lift v-eight dollars
aim ninety cents: rroviueo, Tliat 'ins and
the two Immediately preceding paragraph do
not involve anv ainiroiirlatloii from tho
reaaury, mn are merely an auiiionzatlon to
the proper officers to malte upon the bonk of
I lie treasury transfer entries to settle certain
To enable Ihe Secretary of the Treasury to
settle the a . onnis of collectors of customs
acting as siiiorliiIendeut of lights outside
the tflslriots for which Ihcy were appointed,
for expenditure already made in pursuance
nf law, aud which will not Involve any astnal
expenditure, a transfer on the books of the
treasury of such sum as may be necessary is
ncreny autnonzeu.
For vaults safes ami locks for public build
ings under the control of the Treasury lie
partment for fiscal year ending June thir
tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
fifty thousand dollars
T hat the salary of the Second Comptroller
of Iho Treasury shall, after the thirtieth day
oi oiine, eigiuecn iiiinureu ami sevemyiiwo,
be five thousand dollars per annum.
To pay John P. Bruce the amount appro
priated to be pah! him Ay the act of July fif
teenth, eighteenth uundred and seventy, for
printing for the third session of the legisla
ture of the Torrltory of Montana, but which
has not been paid but Is now directed to bo
paid lo him, and hi receipt aha 1 1 be deemed a
sufficient voucher for payment of Ihe same
by tho nccounting officer of the treasury,
seven hundred ami ninety-six dollars and
ninety cents.
To 'ray John Gordon, messenger In the
Pnstofftco Department, for extra service
from March lourth, eighteen hundred and
llfty-three, to March third, eighteen hundred
and fifty-seven, five hundred dollars
To enable tee Secretary of ihe Treasury to
pay certain gaugers employed lu Ihe tbirly
scennd district ol the Stale of New York, un
der the late collector of Internal revenue, J.
F. Bailey, fees earned by them during part of
the month of March, eighteen hundred and
seventy, seven hundred aud four dollars and
twenty cents.
For the ymcnt of the salary nf the secrc
t a ry of the Territory of New Me x u-o, as su
perintendent of public buildings and grounds
for the year ending Juno thirty, eighteen
hundred and seventy-one, and June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, two thou
sand dollars ; and so much of the second sec
tion of the act of July twenty-seven, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, (Statute at Large,
chapter CCLXXIIj a grant a salary to
Ihe secretary of said Territory a
superintendent of public building and
grounds I hereby repealed, the repeal to
take effect at the end of the current fiscal
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to
y the annual salary of the United State
marshal of Nebraska from the date of the ad
mission of the State, at the rate of two hun
dred dollar per annum, one thousand one
hundred dollars er so much thereof a may
be necessarv.
To pay 0. P. Rockwell, late mall contractor
In Utah Territory, balance due him, one thou
sand three hundr.l and ten dollar and sixty -three
Military Establishment. - For the pay
department, for Ihe allowance to the officers
nf the army for transportation of themselves
nnd their baggage, when travelling, on duty,
without trooi, escort, or supplies, ninety
thousand dollar.
Quatebmastkr's Department. For
regular supplies consisting of luel for offi
cers enllafed men. guards hospitals "tore
houses and offices, and fiir forage In kind for
the horses mule, and oxen of the Quarter
master's department at the several post and
stations and with the armies In the field ; for
ihe horses of the several regiments or caval
ry, the batteries of artillery, and such compa
nies of infantry a may be mounnted, and for
the ttlttolflrl nwnbor or officer' lioraas
when Mrtifig la thcielS toi at the outpoats
including bedding for the animal; of alraw
for soldier' bedding; and of stationery, ic
eluding blank honk for Ihe QwttertMater's
department, certificate for lUscbaqitd sol
diers, blank forms for the Pay anH)uater
master's deiarimonls and for priming of riV
isioii and department orders anil-reports
ihree hundred thousand dollars
For tin- general ami iihUemal expenarsaf
the Quartermaster's deiartment, iwnaMing
or KMtage on letters, and telegram or ats
patches, revived ami sent on public atrvaje:
extra imv to soldier employed under Ihe di
rection ol' the Quartermaster' department,
lu the erecliou or barracks quartern; store
houses, and qospitals. i ih count rucl km tit
run Is and other constant labor, for patfcda
oi' nut lets than tin dar, under the acl oi
Maich second, eighteen hundred and nine
teen, and August fourth, eighteen hundred
ami till ) -four, including iluw rmutoyfii a
clerks at division and department heuilquar
ters and hospital sic ward on clerical duty;
expenses or expresses lo and from the iror
llcrpoigaandnrmle In the field; of escort
in pai master and other disbursing officer,
and to train where military escort cannot
be furnished; expense of the lulennent of
officers kilted inaction, or Who die when on
duly In Ihe field, or at posts on Iho frontier
and oilier places when ordered bv the Secre
tary of War, and of non commissioned offi
cers awl soldiers; authorized office furniture;
hire of luborers In the Quartermaster's de
partment. Including the hire of Interpreter,
side, and guides for tlie army ; com ensatloii
of clerks to officer of the Quartermaster's
department; compeuaallon of lorage and
wagon masters atilhorixed bv the act of j.ilv
llfi h, eighteen hundred and thirty eight; for
the apprehension, securing, and delivering
of deserters ami tlie expense incident lu
their pursuit; and for the following expendi
ture, required lor the several regiment ef
cavalry, Ihe batteries or light artillery, and
such companies or infantry as may be moun
ted, via: The pin chase of travel Inlg forges
blacksmith' aud shoeing tools, horse anil
mule shoes and nails, Iron and steel for shoe
ing, hire of veterinary surgeons medicine
for horses and mules racket-ropes and for
shoeing the horse of the corps named ; also,
generally, lee proper and authorized expen
ses for the movement and operations of an ar
my not expressly ansigned to any other de
imrtiueiil, Ihree hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars.
Barracks and ijuarier: For rent or litre of
Hilar ers fur troops, and for officers on mi lt
ry duly; of storehouse for safe-ktwplng ef
military storha; of officer; of grounds for
camps and cantonment, aud for temporary
frontier stations; for construction and n
pair., of temporary hut; of stab'cs, and oth
er military building at established pots ;
for const ruction and repair nf hospital ; aim
for relr of buildings occupied by the arm)-,
l x hundred and twent v-five t housand dollar-:
Provided, That hereafter barrack and quar
ters and all building and structures whatei -er
of a permanent nature, sliall bo construct
ed upon special authority, to be given by act.
of ( engross, except when constructed by the
troops; and no such structures whoee'eptt
shall exceed twenty thousand dollar shall
be erected or continued in erection unless by
such authority so apeclally granted.
Clothing and equipage: For purchase ami
manufacture of clothing, camp and garrison
equipage, and lor preserving ami recklng
stock ef clothing, camp and garrison eqnii
age, and materials on hand at the Schuylkill
arsenal and other depots, one hundred thou
sand dollars,
For the preservation of army clothing! and
coulpage. fifty I housand dollars: Provided.
That there shall be no claim upon the United
stale for the use of any patent for the man
ner nf or material for doing the some.
Ordnance and ordnance atore : For pur
chase of ordinance and ordnance stores to
coni in ue the armament or certain southern
furls, one hundred thousand dollar.
For establishing and maintaining national
military cemeteries, fifty thousand dollar;
and the appropriation for collect lug, drilling,
and organizing volunteers, heretofore con
sidered a permanent appropriations, are here
by continued and made available for Ihe ser
vice nf the present fiscal year only, so for a
Ihe .-anil! may lie necessary to pay the must
clerical service heretofore paid out of raid ap
propriations In the War Depanmeht.
For payment of unv balance due, or to be
found due, during Ihe present lineal year to
any State, for com, charges and expenses
contemplated ami provklod for in and by the
tu't approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen
bundled and sixty-one, being an act lo in
demnify certain Stales for expenses incurred
bv thesa In enonlUng, equipping, and trans
porting troops for Ihe defense ol'the United
Slate during the late rebellion, one million
Sion alOffii'K. -Observation and report or
storm: For manufacture, pure-hase, or re
pair or meteorological and other necessary
instruments; for telegraphing reports; for
expense of torm-ignal, announcing prmV
able approach ami force of storm; for instrument-shelters;
for hire, furniture, and
expense of office maintained for public Use
in eitlc or posts receiving reports; for Maps
bulletins, and so forth, to be displayed in
chambers of commerce ami hoard of trade
rooms, and for distil but Ion ; for hooks and
stationary ; awl for Incidental expenses not
otherwise provided for, lxtv-ono thousand
and fifty dollar: Provided, That no part of
Ibis appropriation, nor nf any approrrintlon
for the several deviments of the government
shall be paid to any telegraphic coin) any
which shall neglect or refuse (o transmit
telegraphic communication between said di -partinents
their officers agents ordmployae
under Ihe provisions of the second section or
chapter two hundred anil thirty of the stat
ute nf the United states for the year eighteen
hundred and slxty-slx, and at rates ol com
pensation therefor to be established by the
Postmaster t toners.
To furnish transportation to insane volun
teer soldier at any time entitled to hn ad
mitted Into the government hospital at Wash
ington, one thousand dollars.
For expenses of the hoard of visitors at the
Military Academy at West Point, two thou
sand dollar.
Public buildings ami grounds in and around
Washington, under the Chlof of Engineer of
Ihe War Department: For repairs ami im
provements, viz: For survey and map Inac
conlance with the provisions or the joint reso
lution or July fourteenth, eigteen hundredand
seventy, one thousand five hundred dollar.
Far grading and imvlng circle at ihe Intersec
tion uf Vermont and Maasaohuasetts avenues
for fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy, and Jnne thirtieth,
eighteen hundred ami seventy-one, five thou
sand seven hundred! and etghty-nhic dollars
and eighty-two cents
For stationary for the office, one humlred
ami twenty-four dollars and thirtv-two cents.
For repair on the Executive Mansion,
ten thousand three hundred ami forty-live
dollars, j. .
For sdiTttlohal compensation to the assistant
door-keeper at the Executive Mansion, for the
fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, three hundred ami
sixty dollars
For the Exoentlve avenue ami adjacent
grounds recently inclosed, for grading, pav
ing, and otherwise completing the work dur
ing the flwal years ending June thirtieth, eigh
teen hundredand sixty-nine, and June thirti
eth, eighteen hundred and seventy, twenty-five
(housand two hundred and nineteen dollars
and twenty-live cents
Contlngecie of the army prior to July first,
eighteen hundred and seventv: For fee of
attorneys at law employed by the War De
part mont ; expenses ofauits Incurred prev lot's
to act of June twenty-second, elghtee hundred
and seventy, creating the Department of Jus
tice ; he cost and cbarg of State peimerrtfarlea
for the care and maintatnanee of United
State military convict confined In them ; the
pay of detectives and scout ; and for compen
sat ion of provoat-rnarhlls employed by Scc
retarv of War In eighteen hundred and sixty
two, fifty thousand dollars
Fretxlmans hospital and asylum; To reim
burse the Commissary department for supplies
furnished the Freedmen's bureau prior to
J tine thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy
one thlrty.tonr thousand dollars.
Military convlctg at State penitentiaries;
(or payment of cost and charges of Stat
211110111:10 for the care, clothing, main
nance, and rnedtoal attendance of United
State military convicts confined in them, ten
thousand dollars.
To enabl the Secretary of War topayfor
additional clerical services horetofore employ
ed by him in Um investigation and settlement
of account for abandoned and captured prop
erty, one thousand dollars
Marine Corp ; For rtat of quarter, for otf