The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 26, 1872, Image 3

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    Munacout M.
A thief failed in tryiig to rob
the Corvallis HisUilicc last week.
Selling liquor to Indians caused
the arrest of Charles Hourke, in
Calcm, last week.
Crops in Clackamas comity are
reported generally good.
7'he report that Joab I'owell
tad Ijecome insane, is contradicted.
Clackamas county issued fifty
eight marriage licenses, las', year,
up to July 1st.
Two hundred ami twenty-two
applications ti.r apK.intments as
Notary Public, have ton made to
Gov. C rover during his term ot
office. Sixty-five of these were
from Multnomah county.
On Tuesday of last week a little
oi of .Air. Thomas, living on Nor
man Lilly's place, hi King' Valley,
about eight years of age, was play
ing in the field where a mower was
at work. The driver of the ma
chine did not observe the little fel
low until the uickle was too c'osc
to "top the team in time to avoid
an accident. 2'hc Iwy's leg was
taken off close to his body. Surgi
cal assistance was immediately seit
for, but the sufferer died from loss
of blood before aid could reach
A raft, towed from Oiympia to
Fort (iamble lately, contained L.
052,178 feet.
Captains Hunt and Fuller, of
Camp Apache, Arizona, have re
signed to avoid being turned out by
court martial. 7 he nature of the
oftctise not given.
At Fort Simcoe, July 4th, some
live hundred person were present, j
Not a profane word was heard, not j
dron of liouor was drank. Hot a
, . . i . I
disorder y act was seen, says Adro-,
. .
The AV,.says. Great fires are ;
raL''!!.!? ftlonsr the Sound, that cause
a cloud of'smake to envelop the countrymen to the Pacific eoat,
whole country, and wlifun iwrease ? bave applied Ui the Govor
in volume every hour. For three I "r '"rmation concerning the
Tears bast the eonihurrations in the 1 l'n'& Sml"1 iuirh U,w 1,0
woods have not only cauecel great
'destruction of timber, but filled the
hole ronotrv with smoke that !
.hut out everything. It will no
doubt continue so long as there is:
Wild 10 clear aim iiiiiovi io uiuii.
K. L. Smith was late'y prcseuted i
With a beautiful Fast Master's gavel i
by the Masons at Oiympia.
Sugar-cured hams, put up in St. j
Louis, Mo., are being rent up the J
Columbia, fays Orcjon'mn.
At Wiiuiemucca, Nevada, on
tlie night of the (Jth inst., a large
and brilliant meteor was seen. It i
Occupied several seconds falling, j
and lit up the surrounding country
Jikc a grand display of fire-works, j
t.. .1 l . . 1 7
A few seconds after it had disai
ared, a loud, rumbling noise was
heard, accompanied with a distinct
shock of an earthquake, lasting but
a second, but causing people to
nail clmA
,.,-,. , !
Jim Kelly has been arrested and
. . ;
held to answer tor penury at Lu-!
one Citv 1
HI u- i
Geo. P. renn has gone to San '
Francisco to purchase a tire engine
fir Corvallis.
c . . .1 . 1 .1 11--i ... ,1. r
money orders were issued at thc j
Salem Fostoffiec hist year.
The SMmut is informed that
Karauel A. Clarke has purchased I
the Willamette farmer,
At the Dalles, ?4 jxr day is paid
to the poorest kind of workmen,
says the Mifmtahieer.
The property in Corvallis is as
tfsscdat 8231,580.
One Thomas Harlier, said to boa
deserter from Fort Klamath, has
boon held to answer on a charge of
larceny in a dwelling house at. ack
tm ville.
The Dalles people are very much
afraid of housebreakers, as mcli
characters are infesting the town.
The Jackson county jail is re
ported full. Since the Kepuh'ieans
name into power the rogucB are
getting their deserts.
Rev. T. J. Connor has been chosen
President of Philomath College,
Itcnton county, to fill the vacancy
wasionod by the resignation of
Kov. .1. A. IJiddle.
A hinese rng.picknr 1 ni begun
Lane county furnishes four pupils
to the State Institute for-1 Vat'
C. Lcroy aud Joseph Thomas
were held to answer by Justice
Hembree, ot Lafayette, on a charge
of robbing raircloiigh, near that
place on the btli inst.
i.. v j .
pa)vr says: ,
party returned from Koek House, ''orse thieves rained Charles Wil
on the JVcKenzic, after a Week's ' son and 7'homas J. Allen, who
blackbcrrying, and report haying were arrested in Shasta county,
picked 15') gallons." California. Mr. Foudray also found
The Omjmton rays that the I cht l,l'ai1 ot' t!ie hws rtole" ''-v
hw mw wr) Cl,nmljUe1 tk.
rMmy K.Uvwu railV011 city a(d
: t10 j)ale(i) ,lot img ,,lve
j m, irreitod, ad re llow,,
j oerated fa i;aics jaj,
j Tompkbs js the onlv one desi-'un.
ted by name
. ....... . .
. - O
.mong me -Astoria items is tlic
following : Several valuable cows
have died from eating " fox glove,"
(digitallus) a pofeonous plant, some
times grown for .ornament in the
garden. The city has passed an
ordinance Imposing a fine of $50
niton any person who may throw
these plants into the public streets.
A reader of the Tribune
,, , , ., , -
auurasseu tno oage ot i l aiinaciua
3 II J
in regard to the k'st mode of de-
? , j
strovmg the fox dove, received in
' n .
reply: " 'ut off the finirers of
. 1 J i
the gloves, and it this does not suc-
u-vu, raiiw.- mjc iu.vl'.s w n mil-
' , ,
tens made ot foxtail grass, grown
, p '
upon laud thoroughly drained and
1 a 3 ,
The Oiympia Tribune has the
following: " Governor Salomon has
been for some time in communica
tion with a Swedish gentleman who
served under him dutiag our late
civil war as captain, ami who is
1 '
now in Stockholm, Sweden. rl his
8eUcman ,s ,MAV raakmB 9rra,,Bc-
ments to bring a largo .uihIkt ot
has iffdmplly furnished
received lately from Sweden convey
1,11 -ral" " "wu"
. . . i . .i . i ...
BBUM",mn ' j
gentleman referred
f i
try wilt, two hunurea anu nny
families for Fuget (Sound,
liy the steamer Juiima, from
N'anaimo, intoliigvnee to the '1'2
inst. has boon received from Skecna
stating that there had been an
uprising of the lndiansfttthe Forks,
and that all the white residents had
been murdered. Further paiuu-j
lars are ai xiou !y hjoki il li r
i r-c late stnaii-iiox s
st the
Lritisii Columbians 'eight thousand j
dollars, and the unction now is!
who is to bay. the Yictoria muni-1
cil)alit' r lhc 1,"ni,lio" Govern-
71m fires at English Hav, 1
15. ('., have destroyed a three thou-
sand logging road of Mr. J. Kogers', '
and are threatening a cargo of vain-
" b !
able spars of his. I
.... , I
Gen, John A. Logan addressed a
large and most enthusiastic con-'
8 ,
I couire on i ne ponucai siuianon, at ;
Salt Lake, July i!2d.
c i u. ..,!.. i
eiei;o inniuirs iiiti- iiwoui i
k'ft lnton county to settle in Goose
hom ? t,,C aml"U lttWrN
a special terra or tne v ireu.i
vouri io iry iwo men now in j.ui
for highway roblx'rv.
Umatilla county finances do not
apjiear to be in extra good condi
tion. The County Clerk's annual
report, made on the 1st instant,
show the amount ot outstanding
county warrants to be $H3,S74 42.
7'ho county prisoners in jail at
Oiympia are to be employed in
making boots and shoes.
Cougars are slaughtering sheep
on the farm of Gen. II. Stevens.
T j
The Kalama market is destitute i
of vegetables. 1
7'ho total mimhar of of
land disjvired 0f at the three land
offices in Washington Territory
during the month of June was
twenty-eight" thousand four hundred
and twcnly.fivp.
1 .. 1 5 1 . "
om'li (1 e other dsy from South.
y, 'iii euswparnvedin :l,e ntiary for. life for the !
- i ' -js..-uji
According to the Courier the
hotels in Oiympia scarcely rate as
first class hash houses. That pa)er
says they ' are all so badly kept
tliat the proprietors are ashamed of
! them."
The Jacksonville Time says
I that K. I). Foudrav last Friday
L.1(1,.i..i ?..!.. nu
.,....v.- .iu i
: these men which lid been sold by
them. The parties are Mipposcd to
j be at the head of a hand of horse
1 thieves vhich has infested Jackson
! county Ibr some lime.
I Tl,e ",ail a1' fl'"m PumpUrey's
to Oiympia on a recent Sunday
carried just one letter, and " noth
ing more "
The rejminn of last Friday
has the following : A gentleman
at Oregon City sends us an account j
of an ailair which happened at that j
place and on the ears on last Wed- j
iienlav, in which the Marshal, a
man named (.'raves, and the con- j
.. 1 '. .
doctor on the passenger train, were
uu soiuewnai. iinpicasanuv inixeu
i . , . ,r
nu It ........ i -, I -. I Mm ,Mi-na Mn
, , ,' i
tiia'd to pay lor a package ot candy
. . i ,, " .
W had eaten upon the cars, and
,i n
thereuiiou an altercation ensued lie-
the Conductor,
... . . .
Graves made a complaint before
.... , , ,, , , .
the Recorder when the train reaohetl
,. . , , ,
Oregon City, and .Marshal went
aboard the ears to arrest the con
ductor, The conductor ordered the
train to start, which order was
obeyed, and the Marshal, not hav- j
ing time to get off, was soon out of !
his jurisdiction. Doing finally let I
off the cars, the officer walked back !
to town, not knowing how to get i
even with the accused conductor.
Hut on Thursday the conductor '
gave himselfui '.and, plead ing guilty
to a charge iff asj-ault awl batter',
was lined and dit-chanred. Hut his
troubles did not end here. He was
rearrested and put under bonds to
appear be'bro the (Vrand Jury to
siste.1 an officer A brakemnn oil
the same train was similarly dealt
with. The affair treated a good
deal of eveitemei.t and considerable
. () ( , .
" 1
li.ny ui the Mileui market is
bringing from $15 to $18 K'r ton,
The Koseburg Coos I 'ay wagon
road has Wn completed, and is
now open to travel.
Sam K. May left the State by j
the steamer Jhn L. Sttyhetig, for j
'Frisco, laft Saturday. j
7'he puhlicalio'i of the Hoseburg i
f&utyn ba Ueeu suspended indef- I
untelv. the publisher Hopes to
resume soon.
Rev. Thus. Condon, the G'eolo
gibt, has found in the John Day
region a new fossil, which he calls
the Klutherium.
Several considerable rales ol stock
have recently occurred m asco
. , .
county cows at forty dollars, two-
n i t '.i i
year old heifers, with calves, at
thirty-live dollars; do., without
.... ,,,.,,. 1,1 if . i
" "njnjigMvvfiuHc) , uuu
yearlings at iiuieteen dollars per
Judge P. E. Lombard, of Port
Madison, W. T., died June 2(ith,
at Auburn, Maine, while there on
a visit.
Flour is soiling at $12pcr barrel,
at Yakima, W. T.
MeMinnwlle has lioen luxuriating
in " praise meetings."
The Pioneor Oil Mil's, of Salem,
will recommence operations in Aug.
Thomas Parker languishes i a i
Southern Oregon jail all for the
love of a Henry rille, which he
stole from Granville Sears, war
Willow Creek.
Hv the caving in of a high bank,
which a party of laborers werccut-
J f'rom a fn Frt"if
lrwl 1,10 otncr Ja'' "1B" ail( y
K c0Vf,LHl UP ftllJ "motlicrcl.
Twenty dollars per ton is the
price demanded for bailed hay iu
Jacob Fugle, the man who killed
Jesse V. Hoone, in Clackamas coun
... 1 - ....I ..... .,..-.. 1 ..
UffS1. .rll'ril, wii'ft nun r:iiwJin.i.ii w
crime, died in that inMivUlion fart
. .' .''
A mine has "been discovered
La C onner, W.T., the ore of which,
says tl ie Courier, bears tracts
silver, Conner and iron Th.
" , , ' .
WVJ VK usual "neiit,
anif a test of the ore will be made
j at an ear y day.
( Hon Win II Clatt im.
i . ' 1
: ueiegaie in . ongresu from .Montana.
has just been renominated by the
Heimhl leans of that Territory !r
Claggot is one of Montana's k'st
men, and l,e has gained a position
in Congress which entitles him to
the gratitude of not only his own
constituents, hut of the people gen
erally throughout all the Territory.
John A. Simms has boon appoint
ed Agent at the new Indian l'eser
vatioii recently established at Col
ville. The Democrats in Washington
Territory are agitating the question
of holding another Territorial Con
vention some time in October.
'i hefhll form of the University
at Salem will begin on the 9th of
September. In addition to the j while a crowd ot people stood look
btanclies heretofire taught, the in- j ing nt him. In one of the reports
stitiitioli will have a department wc m,,l
nil 1 ,11' 1i 11
' five a v devoted to I .he art of 1,4.
. . .....
1 i? nv iiiuieriucuirecuonoi a com
peteiit ojierator.
A large area of brush land
the valley is beiiiir burnt over this
w ... I..;,..- c,...,.i
... '! . "
f rops in the t ayette valley,
Idaho, were seriously injured by
the revere heat on the 10th and
.... , . , j
1th inst Late wheal and oats
look as if actually scorched by fire,
The Willamette University has
recently had printed in New York
some very tine diplomas lor the
graduates of that institution. They
are said to be elegant and tasteful.
There are many invalids at the
Soda Springs, in Clackamas county,
and the mineral water is said to be
curing some of them.
In the Salem Statesman we read
that the grave ol Mrs. Hiley in the
! Catholic Cemetery of that place,
, .in.,..,, .,
j was found that the
j grave l ad been ojiencd, and the
! coffin, but the IhkIv had cot boon
,t T. :.. .i..
.... . ft .
, n
i lioifv v:ts Urllifcii till' iksj4'( lull lillf.
jody was wanted tor dissection, but
was found to lie too far advanced
in decomposition.
" Ye local " ot the Statesnan is
"bored" by an insurance agent.
No "ile" there, ali "gass."
oCn. Hooker was the guest of
jr, ,. Bush, of Salem, on the
Senator Corbett's friends had a
meeting at Portland, Tuesday even
nig msi, io arrange ior a punnc re
Guam's Jlstick to Souukbs.
The following incident of the late
war we glean from Pholpn' Life of
Grant :
" When the steamer ran into
Vieksburg, after the capture of that
city by our forces, for the purpia1
of carrying our furloughod soldiers
home, some of the Captains took
advantage of the soldiers' eager
ness, to charge the most outrageous
rates. One of these heartless money
grabbers was brought io terms by
General Grant in the following
manner :
The steamer had its decks crowd
ed with soldiers. Grant asked a
man in the wheel-house and giving
orders loudly :
" Are vou the Captain of this
boat?'' "
Yes, General."
" How many soldiers have you
on board?"
" About twelve hundred aud
"What have you charged for
fare to Cairo ? "
" From ten to twenty-five dol
lars each, fYencral."
" Tan t.t ,l.,l!......o,,l.'
is that all ? Why, that is too mod
JV. V r .... . I II J -II , . Ml II.
crate t It is a pity that you should
nave io take ine ooys tor no small a
sum. You had better wait a while."
' Speaking to the officers on
board ho walked away. Then tlie
steam whistled, the bell rang, and
the wheels began to move slowly,
but tor some reason she was not
cast off ; tlie men could not under
stand it until, in a few minutes, an
order came from the guard to keep
the steamer until the Captain paid
back all over seven dollars taken '
fcr -fare from each officer and all i
over fO dollars fr ra each ai.M'er, '
I . , -I ... ji'. I . - ; li. '
men knew that they liad been vie
' timiacd, but felt helpless. When
of they .earned what the tcneral ha
i '"e, they gave three cheers ti.r
I tyrant with a will ! "
i t;mtt to oneof his statf-
" I'll teach those steamboat men
j that, the boys who have opened the
i nvor l',n' " t0 ,4u"'
dcred of their hard earnings on
I tW i,-i ,,n(.
If trade is to fol
low the Hag so soon, it sha'l be
, honest trade so far as 1 can control!
(From Ilia Cliii lniintl Coinmi'rclal.)
'I1h IVrlU of the Ciuapnkrn.
I'eally, this business of woxl
chopping on the part of II. (i.,
must be abandoned, at lest lor
time. The New York paiiers tell
aliout his extraordinary struggles
in the chopping line in the wood
at Chappaua last Saturday. The
sun was blazing hot all day, aim
alxint scorched the life out of things.
Vet II. G. wielded his ax with all
possible intensity, in tlie very heat
ot the day, while the thermometer near one hundred decrees, .inil
I "'"" imvm.
vesi and nai, aim weni 10 wora
chopping down an immense maple
tree Having finished this, he
went to work on the next, and so
! 011 H l I'ad no less than four.
,!y tllis time temperature was get-
ting very warm, and in order to bo
it. hotter condition for climbing
tiws he peeled oil his white shirt,
: "d with nothing on but his pants
undershirt, he wont to work."
1" another oi the accounts we
roail that some of his frio.Hls a.uonsr
the spectat. rs remonstrated with
him. The reporter says that those
j0'" Uiemwlio had never botbre seen
the philosopher at this exercise.
wait his movements with apprehen
sion, watched them with feelings of
terror, and were uneasy at his dan
ger. 1 he reK)iter adds :
" When the reckless Sage hopped
boldly from a limb fifteen feet from
the ground with his ax in his hand,
and the knotty limb lient under his
weight, Allen turned 'o with hor
ror. " 7'his won't do, Scovel," said
Allen ; " see what a slip might do !
If that limb gave way, or those
smooth soled shoes slipped, or that
ax rebound and cut his leg, and he
should double up over tlie limb,
and tall thatdistance to the ground
and his voice became husky with
the terror of tlie situation.
" Score! Xnw, yon be easy.
I fe s done this tor fifteen years, and
he's as safe there as you arc on the
" Alien Hut that's no surety at
all. The pitcher may go to the
well, vou know, any iiumler of
times, ami be broken at last. One
fills' blow or a slip might be the
death ot the liberal party. Ihc
National Committee must protest
against this."
" The Philosopher meantime, un
conscious of tlie animated discus
sion in his interest going on below,
continued calmly trimming his
We don't think that the Nation
al Committee should interfere in the
matter at all. If they did, they
would probably leave Chappaqua
with something in their ears. Hut
we have no doubt II. G. might bo
induced to consider the case. The
weather is dreadful hot It cannot
bo necessary to chop any more trees
at ( 'happa.'pia this season. II. G.
is sixty years of age, and violent
exertions at this period of life are not
conducive to health. He certainly
would be none the worst of a rett,
now that he has got a respite from
his editorial labors. We cannot
but think that these considerations
are worthy of serious attention. It
is just the time lie should go a
fishing. Let him take a long first
class fish with a line and hook.
Kunie, the island which is to be
the future residence of the ( om
munists who arc sentenced to simple
transportation, was discovered by
Cook in 1774, and called by him
Pine Island. In 1853 it was taken
possession of by the French. This
island, which lies about thirty miles
southeast of New Caledonia, the
main French Polynesian possession,
enjoys a most luxuriant and salu
brious climate. Cannibalism may
bo considered as extinct, owing to
the exertions of tlie missionaries,
who have also acclimatised large
flocks of live stock, so as to divert
the carnivorous apjtetite's of the na
tives. The families of the trans
ported arc allowed passage and
7'he highest average salaries of
clergymen in Near York are id in
the I'rcueMaut Kpwiopal Church.
two mmfctew tiw'.i: ir. t:'J
I - ' I - -oWovJ'-
I ... am
- 1 roiIi"f?HiNu
Hark lu.
An intimate ftcuiiilutauee with a
distant relative of the editor of tlie
Trilxmp puts it In my power tofnmish
the public with the last positively
tlie very last link necessary to per
fect the chain of knowledge already in
lU osie.ioiieoncrhig Mr. Greeley, f
mean hi private habit. We ,icoow
all about litmus regards every depart
ment ot his life ami services. Because,
whenever a magazine or a bookmaker
i employed to write, and cannot
think of a subject, lie write about
Horace (Jreeley. Even Ilia boyg in
i he sehoold have mik building inspired
compositions on "The Horse." and
have gone to lining Horace Greeley
instead, and wlien declamation day
comes around. I heir voices are no long
er "still for war"' and Patrick Henry,
but for peace and Horace Greeley.
Now the natur.ll result ot all this 1?
that the public have come to think
that this man has no life but public
life, no nature but a public nature, no
habit-tun public habit. This is ail
wrong. Mr. Greeley lins a publie
Mr. Greeley gets up at three o'clock
in tlie morning ; for it U one of his
maxims tint only early rising can
keep the health unimpaired and the
brain vigorous, ile Uien wakes up the
liouscliold and assembles them in tlie
library hv candlelight ; nisi, after
quoting the beautiful lines
r.ariy to lied and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and
he apiwiuts each individual a task for
the day, sets him at it with some en
couraging words, and goes back to bed
At half-past eleven o'clock, Mr.
Greeley rises again. He sliaves him
self. He considers that there is
vnrrcK and economy
in sliavlng himself. He does it with a
dull razor, sometimes humming
tune, he knows part of a tune, and
takes an innocent delight iu regarding
it as the first half of Old Hundred,
but parties familiar with that hymn
have felt obliged to confess that they
could not recognize It, iim), therefore,
tlie noise lie makes is doubtless iui un
conscious original composition of Mr.
Greeley's) and sometimes, when th
razor is es)cciully dull, lie accompani
es himself with a formula like this :
Ihc razor, ami the outcast wb
mule it." H. G.
He then goes out into his model
garden, and applies Ills vat store of
to the amelioration ot his cabbage
after which lie writes an able agrieiU
tural article for the instruction of
American farmers, his soul cheered
the while with the reflection that it
cabbages were worth li apiece bis
model farm would pay.
He next goes to lirealifast. which is ft
frugal, abstemious meal with him, and
consists of nothing but ju-t
FOIIUS, nothing more. ... drinks nothing
but wat -r nothing whatever but
water, uilonll'oe, and tea, ami Scotch
ale, and lager beer, and leriionadu
with a fly 1 i it "ometbiies a liowe!!y
and sometimes a horsefly, according to
(he amount of Inspiration required to
warm him up to his daily dutieu.
During breakfast ho reads die Tri'unai
all through, and enjoys the satisfac
tion ot knowing that all the brilliant
things iu it, written by Young ami
Cooke and myself, are attributed lo
him by a confiding and ignorant pub
lic. , .
he writes a short editorial, and put a
large dash at the beginning of it, ihns-
( ), .vhich is the same as it he put
H. G. after it, and takes a saviur
pleasure hi reflecting tliat none of w
understrapxrs can use that dash, civ
cept in prof He coiiverDiiiou u hea
dialing over die outrage. Ile writ
this editorial in bis owu Imnifwrhl'iff.
He does it because he Is so vain of
penmanship. Ho hired out once In
his young days as a writing masttc
The pupils could not translate tils
marks with any certainty. Ills flrt
copy was "Virtue Is its own reward."
and they got it "Washing with soap in
low and absurd, " and so tin' t rustics dis
charged him for attempt lug to convey
bad morals through the medium of
worse penmanship. Bnt. as I was say
ing, he writes his
Then ho tries to read it over, and
can't do it. and so sends it to tlie prin
ters, and they Iry to read it, and cau'l
do it ; and so they set it up at random,
as you may say. putting in what woids
they can make out, anil when they get
around on a long word they put in
"protection ' or "universal sum-age,
aud -liar oil' and imddSc ahead. :uA
nest morning, if the degndwl publie
can tell whit it is all about, they say
II. G. wrote it, and If tliey cui't they
say it is o:ic of those imbecile under
strappers, and that is the end of it.
The Xatf'iwiUst of Manhattan, kas
fas, says ; "A few days ago an i :igt
descended upon the. head of a little
Sweede boy, about ten years old, whe
liven near tlie head Of the Wild Cut,
and undertook to carry him IV. 1 1
fastened his tall itnj iu the boy's can,
but the youngster, instead of rishig
into midair, caught tho ehgle, ami af
ter a long and severe struggle, sueeoeit.
ed in killing him. He messnwl eight
feet from tip to tip.
The husband of the Michigan
lady who attempted to fill a kefo-
eue lamp while it was lighted, was
obliged to accept the otTei of a
friend's houso in which to hijld his
wile's funeral.
Blit two aud one lemjoi
into a ing with two ounce of di,.
died sii!;ar. l'our over this mrt
quart of boiling water, keep stirring
at intervals till cold. 'J his i M
exceuent dijuk in warm weather.
Marth Sniitil and AdiKile.unii tiiii
:. in Kaiamn,
tn Or
' 9(1-
"d t
t iiiiw rat wbsl n'e -u,-L.
list ftwaSHjk t,' il