The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 19, 1872, Image 6

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Y.iQi -iN.v BAT. Anions the places
resorted to by Ocegopkw in search of
health. relaxation iyxl pleasure during
the hot month of July ami August,
YaqnlM Bay affords many attraction.
The Bay may be property regarded as
a widening of the Yanina Ittoer near
its mouth. It is ahont two miles
Wide, with a length of prokihly a
third longer. The slwres art- narrow
covered with lieautitul white sand anil
ending in percipitous bluSTs. The lit
tle town of Xewport 'h nestled down
underneath anil on the side of tlie
Uuffs on the right -"Me of the Bay as
von look out to sea. It is a little town
ot upwards of a doaen houses, contain
ing two gtHid stores, a saloon and beer
and cake house. Over one ot the
stores in the second story of a frame
building is a very neat and tastefully
arranged hail. !l eeun to llVU been
arrauued more especially for dancing
than for any other purpose, though it is
open for any other engagement, in
eluding shows, exhibition, preaching.
etc. TIh people about a puna m
fowl of tripph.g the light nntastlctoe
The hotel at the Bay Is theO.vau
House. This i- a two -t.ry frame
building, having a capacity of some
twelve or thirteen rooms. It is situ
aled on the Willful tlK'indot'the Bay,
a little below Newport, and from its
elevated -uune'ii nniiuimjuftan wwh
view of the Day. The ocean en it
be seen from 'his point, but its ri.
fretting lave.'.cs are ever breathed, and
its roar of rntng'cd sportiveness and
anger arc ever lieard. The laifel l;
well kept The room', though eeo
itowhHy furni-bnl. were frert RWl
conit'.rtalile Itl their neatness anil
cleanliness. The fare aa excellent,
con-i-iiug of h goodly variety of
meat vegetables and pastry, whole
some); and neatly cooked, and polite
ly served. The proprietor, Mr. Bald
win, and hi amiable wife and
daiHrter, were ever attentive to the
wants of Uieir guests, rendering their
stay tliefe one of growing contents
ment and pleasure. A er&iiiet ground
Is laid oil on the ample space In front
of the hotel, and a -set fnrnlsUe 1. with
which guests,
often nass away tin
morning and evening bom
shall hot soon forget tin' hi in
ant hours we spent in till i
game with Mr. Kohu and
iCbright. young Mr. Baldvt
vastly better half and i Ui
lOellt , Mr.
. our
. A
walk of less than a mile from the ho
tel along the sandy. shore of the out
let ot the Bay proper, terminates in a
point of wave-washed rocks extend
ing out into the ocean al the mouth of
the Bar. over which ships inu-t pTUs
before entering the Bay
here are always dashing
The waves ;
mil iiBii ingl
and the sea-gales Wowing which rise
with the tides. IVrched on tlie higll-e-t
pinnacle of tlie bluff at this point,
so as to command tlie widest and most
aeee.ib!e vfewoftbe ocean, is sta
tioned theY.'i iiiinaHayl.iL'bt HoH e. It
is a two story frame bdiliHng With a
Ixisemcul eolistiiK'ted of iriik. A cu
pola on top built of iron, contains n
magnitlivnt lamp, snrrouialetl by cir
cular French-glass triangular prisms
for reflecting Mtrises, of the finest
and richest make and polish. Tlie
lamp with its attendant prisms is of
tlie fifth order in size, and cost one
thousand dollars in Paris, where alone
such lamiis can be obUioed, being a
French invention, Tlie liglit from it
can lie seen tweuty-fiair miles at sea.
Tlie keener of the light-lams, whose
name we cannot just now call to mind,
was very affable and polite in showing
hs about tlie premises. We spent
much time while at YiMpihia in wan
dering up and down tlie ocean beach,
which Is lierc aeeessable for many
mile. We never returned from one
of tlwse rambles without having a
good appetite for something to eat.
We hadn't been tlicre but a tew days.
Iiowevcr. before we could eat most
anything from a stewed rawhide to a
boiled gumelastic shoe. We would
have felt aslrimed of ourseb, only we
were too hungry, and the rest of tlie
boarders were Intently engaged in
eating as not to observe n
l'lie fish
diet consisted of .'melts for several
days, and wc slwll not soon forget the
pyramids of smelt heads that grew In-
to mammoth proportions along side of
some ladies' plates. We. think Ya-
qnbta Bay Is a good pkiw to reciqxM' -
ate health and strength during
the warm season, lmre are many
things which ought to be done, iiow
evcr. befcw tlie place can become jsip
utar! Among tlicsc the hotel accom
modations should be increased, and
i...i.i., fiiolllties be provided. We
found the people about tla' Bav in the
iiac i"elit aim nospuann-. .om
.. . ..i.... i.rt,.
v slwll ever recur to mw "holt stay
anion- them with plea-iirc. In spine
inline article we may attempt a de
scription of our journey to l aipiina.
ijca At TtMii-Ate now iiuoted
t W'-c bnyhig. and njfi scllhig.
UoU hi 1 1W? ta Sew York,
XhW JlAU.utiSE. We propose eoni-
iiieuclng the publication of a monthly
illustrated magazine about the middle
of August or first of SepUpnlicr. It
will lie devoted to literary matters.
mil to illustrating prominent points
in the Willamette Valley ami other
portions of Oregon and Washington
Territory. It will bo of large si1,
neatly printed, and will lie furnished
to subscribers at $ 1 per year. As the
price is so low, we hope to furnish at
least one copy to every family in this
valley. A mote interesting publica
tion for mailing to friends in the Ka-t
CUI not lie obtained. Those wlm wish
to stimulate home industries should
hand us llieir names at once, so that
we may know bow many copies to
print for the tlrst edition. A general
invitation Is extended to everybody to
call at the RkOISTEH office and sub
scribe for flic Illustrated monthly.
Aw km. Pacts Amu r Tka Dwnk
IXO, "The cup that cheers but does
not inebriate." according to Dr. Ar
lidge, an English physician, is just as
poisonous as the cup which both cheers
and inebriates. The Doctor Is quoted
in the .unc i as declaring that tea-tippling
Is not a whit less dangerous to
health than dram-drinking. Tea is a
narcotic poison. It ruins the diges
tion. It shatters tlie nerves. It caus
es the Introduction of a large quantity
of hot water Into tlie system, thus in
terfering terribly with nutrition. T a
drinking .to use the awful language of
Dr. Arlidge) is "as distinctly sensual,
extravagant, and peruicimis as lc-r-(Irlnking
or giti-swiUhtg." Thillk of
tliat. o sisters ofSurosis!
TliK Xkw Vi ii min. The new Wil
Son se ing machine Is creating quite
a stir among sewing machine agents,
anil seems to be gaining rapidly in
popular favor. It is certainty one of
the neatest machines in the market
and as for work, to say the least, it
compares very favorably with the
very best. Those who have used
them say they prefer them to any oth
er made, for any and all! kinds of
work. They commend themselves to
the public on account of their cbeap
ness, as they are offered at a much
le-s vate than other first-class ma
chines. Bead ad. in this issue, and
order of Miner & Pearson. Portland.
10 tiik Moi ni .vixs.---The
t rtn having set in. a large
number of our citizens have fled to the
mom. tains and to the ocean, to enjoy
cooling breezes, disport lliemselvcs in
the waves and in the cool waters of
the brooks, bunt the timid deer and
ensnare the luscious trout. We wish
them all the enjoyment, the season
and country affords, and only wish
we coftld have accepted the invitations
and accompanied one of the merry
IIWI.; tut have gone from our gaze,
!,,( as the fates have ordained it oth
erwise, we -hall, while keeping watch
and guard over Jbeir interests here.
exiect them to keep tbelr promises,
and sec that our larder is kept well
supplied with trout and game.
Masonic. The ceremonies incident
to installing the new officers of Bailey
Chapter -No. !. Royal Arch Masons,
transpired last Saturday evening, at
tlie Court House, and were very im
posing. Drs. Bailey and Lee, ofCor
vallis. were tlie installing officers.
After the ceremonies, Masons and
their wives repaired to the St. Charles
Hotel, partook of an elegant supper,
and those who wished took part In a
sociable hop. It was a very pleasant
and agreeable affair all round.
Bi'.okia' Fixed. A few days since
some part of (Ik- macliinery in COmley
& Co. 'a saw mill at Pass Creek gave
way. cawing severe but not danger
ous injury to our old townsman. Mr.
J. B. Comley. Portions of tlie ma
cliinery or broken timbers in their
flight struck Mr. Comley in the breast
and ollwr jiortioiis of the body, break
ing one finger and bruising him con
siderably. Deai.kk. Mr. A. B. Morris
has secured the (.'beadle warehouse,
ami during the season will lie prepar
ed to mil chase wheat and oats, jaiyiog
tlie highest market price tlieretor in
! evil. He will also receive, forward
J or tore grain. Parties wishing to
oie grain can obtain sacks by (-ailing
j t warehouse. Mr. Morris is one
j (,f om. 0)dest and most trustworthy
citizens, and will do to "lie to."
1 Qye ,jm n H,ovv. See ndvertisctnwt
j h HiU ime.
All 71 IVIi TIIK I'UKSS T lll-l! illt. I
ing must lie jolly inSalent, Xew York.
Tlie editor of the I'm recently re
ceived tlie following delightful mis
sive : "Voum fellers want to keep ns
j fellers names out of your ,,K-r else
yoiiin niu i ,(hii o a .-uooi ousicAi.
This is blzahiesa."
In (,'oxtkjiit.atiox. Parties have
in confempbition tlie erection of three
tine buslnes houses on First street, to
be iiroceeded with as soon as arrange
ments are eflectpj.
Knurr PitosiTiCT. It seems to be
tlie prevailing opinion now that the
fruit crop In this comity, owing to
frost' and other cause. wMl fall short
of tlie usual yield. The apple crop
will not yield probably more than a
two-third crop, from present -Indica
tions, although some have assured us
that the yield will fall short at least ; ed with bis brothel at Griffith In-ti-one-hulf
that of former years. The ; tute. Spiiugvillc. Kile county. N. Y.
plum crop will probably average with ! Sam. 1.. .May, having been tried and
former seasons, while the pear crop acquitted, has gone back to bis home
will fall behind.
BABOAtSS in furniture, Dolly Var
dens and all other styles, home and
Eastern made, all gmdes and prices,
can be obtained by calling Oil Charles
Mealey, corner liroadalbin and Fir-t
street. For sofas, lounges, ottomans,
arm-chairs, risking chairs, spring
beds, picture frames, matting, eup
lioards and a hundred other convciii-
ent and h-udsome tilings tohavuln
the house, go to Mealev's. where they j
can he obtained at surprisingly low
Tkmi'kkam'K. The OraiuT l.ectnii r
of tlie I. . Q. T. for this State. Levi
I.elaud. the Hermit of Oregon City,"
lectured at tlie Court Honseou Titos
day night to a full house, it was one
of the funniest lectures we have li-teu-ed
to for many a day, Mr. I.eland lm
ing an Incomparable mimic. Alto
gether it was a most entertaining
Camp. U. D, (J. P., Schwatlta, of
Salem, Installid tlie new olllcers of
Orgeana Fueampmeiit No. 5. . 0.0.
F.. al their bail in ibis eity, on Fri
day evening of last week. After in
stallation, all present set down to an
oyster supper.
1Iai.i (i Days. Talk about the
peace and quietness of the olden days,
we can double discount anything in
the line of double-distilled quietness
right here on our streets, these days.
In fact it's too qttiet to enjoy perfect
health. We tire in favor of more
noise and bustle, in onw.
Almost Ovek The blackberry sea- 'beautiful hills." where the wild ga--on.
As everybody obtained berries, Uelle leaps from crag to crag, &c. Attest
we expect blackberry festivals to be
In vogue this fall. We are fond of
btackberrifts and never reluse an lnvl-
. .
Wheat ami Oats.-We are Indln-
ed to the belief that the wheat and oat
crop in some sections of the county
for this season will be less than
that of la-t year, in other por
tions of the county there will be
an increase, thus making a staud-o!l'.
Reuoious. Bev. Mr. Babciwk, of
CorvallH, will hold divine services in j
lite Court House, on Sunday afternoon '
iff I O'clock. The public are invited
to attend.
CAJtrMKETiNG At IMiel barn, in i
the Forks, drew a large crowd on Sun- j
day last. Quite a number professed
religion, and were added to the church. ,
tlx It. Hon. George B. Helm, one
lot' the Democratic electors, has an
nounced his willingness to abide by
the action of tlie Baltimore Conven
tion, and will, of course, canvass tin
State for Greeley.
FaU.RN Tfinoiiiii. The contem
plated cnnipincetiiig, to be held near
this city, lis probably been given up
for tliis season
Cocu.rsi;. About the "frigidlst''
drink one can indulge in these hot
days, is a glass ot Carothers A Co.'s
iced Arctic soda.
To RkMAIK. Judec Powell and
family intend remaining at Ppper So -
da, proliably until next September,
G001 COX KITlON. Tlie Mountain
Wagon Boad is said to be In splendid
condition never better.
The Hay Chop In this county, is
pronoimred light. "
Haiivestino Will commence in a
week or ten days.
The Judge of n Western Court re
cently decided a point adverse to a
certain lawyer. Lawyer was stubborn
and insisted that the Court was wrong.
'I tell you I am right!" yelled the
Court, with flashing eyes.
"I tell you. you are not !" retorted
tlie counsel.
"I am right!" reiterated the Court.
"I say you ain't!" insisted the
"Crier!" yelled tlie Judge. "I ad
journ this court for ten minutes!"
And. jumping from the bench, he
pitched into tlie counsel, and after a
very lively- little tight, placed him
lion (lit combat, after which .business
was airaln rcsunusl, but it was not
long before another misunderstanding
arose. 'rlcr. said the eouit. "we
will ailjourn this time for twenty min -
And lie was about faking off his
coat when the counsel said :
"Xever mind, .fudge, keep your
s.!iit-tlie ii'hit is vleliled-my thumb's
out n' iint, aiKi i ve sprameu my
Damin says he Is simply seeking
for truth, admits that hli4heories art!
not proven, and slates that he does not
offer his doubtful suppositions as evi
dence against well-estahllslied convlc-tloun.
r ARAmuMUrrs. Local news as
scarce as hens teeth.
Ural estate market unusually dull, j
Our city has lieeti unusually dull I
during the week. 1
Cucumbers have made their apjH-ar-ancc
in market.
Prof. L. I,, itocen is now assoeint-;
in Salt Lake City.
Catalogues Of the Bishop Scott
Qrammar School and St. Helen's Hall,
l'ortland. informs tlie public of tlair
prosperity and success.
Senator Corbett still remembers us
from Washington, tor which be has
oar tb inks.
For severe "heart burn" drink Car
other's bottled soda.
The latest discission was between
two talklsts as to which was the best
orotw." at Cornelius consists of
an old Dutchman aial two boys. They
"dhpense"' with excellent music.
Mrs. Cranor was somewhat bruised
about the fiica and body by an unruly
cow brute, a day or two since.
Local items in demand at this office
at highest market rate.
Mr. Conner is tilting up 1 is Bank
wilb tine Brussels, matting, etc. He
will have the handsomest and cosiest
Bank in the .state when t'nllv titled up.
, , . '
V ol. ! red. tun anil lany goes lo 150-
d i ua day or two.
Post Master Wakefield, of Portland,
visited our city on Wednesday.
Brick can now be had at the kiln
for 7 "ill or per thousand.
Dave Froutau talks of erecting a
row of brick- on Fir-t -tr. et.
Look out tor our new monthly illus
trated magazine. Price, $1 per an
num. A. B. Morris and family, Judge
Johns and lady, Recorder llerron and
lady, It. M. Armstrong and family,
and Messrs, Layton, Wolf, Godloy,
Prof. Warren. Sox. Clement, and oth
ers, levanted (luring the week for the
, m. Knc. telegraph operator and
ticket ngcnl at the depot, -tarts for
Bewlston, W. T., to-morrow. He
calculates to spend a month in foreign
(climes. Twee attend him.
j w. II. Cannon has got a new bat.
Stow. Considerable Inactivity no
ticeable in business cirelw during tlie
week decidedly too hot for exertion.
(lv. r the western half of the Allan
tie ocean there are three times as many
slorius as there are over the eastern
Tople 1 from an am ient reading lunik.;
lie lilde To The WeilllluK.
Peter would ride to tlie wedding he
So lie inolmted his assand his wife
she was to ride liehiud, if she could,
For,'-' says Peter, "the woman, she
Follow, not lead, through life."
lie's mighty convenient, the ass, ntv
And proper, and safe and now '
Von hold by the tail, while 1 bold by
the ear,
And We'll ride to the kirk in time,
never fear.
If tlie wind and the weather allow."'
The wind and the weather Were not
i m 'M adopted the whim
to be blaiuell,
I hat two at a time was a load nev
er framed
For the back o! one ass, and he seemed
ipiite ilsltanled
That two should stick fast iiKn hint,
"Come, Dobbin," says Peter, "I'm
thinking we'll trot"
I'm thinking we won't," says the
, ,m ' ofcolrtlR ,lU(, 9twk t0
I the snot
' A- if lie had sworn he would sooner
; he shot
j Tlmti lift up a toe from tlie grass.
Says Peter, says he, "I'll whip him
a little
"Try it, my dear." says slie
But he might just as well have
whipped a brass kettle.
The ass was made out of such obsti
nate mettle
That never a step moved he
"I'll prick Iiim. my dear, with a need
le." said she.
"I'm thinking he'll alter his mind."
The ass felt the needle and up went
his heels;
"Pin thinking." says Peter, "he's,
beginning to feel
Some notion of moving liehiud.
"Now lend me tlie needle, and I'll
prick his ear,
And set t'other end too agoing."
The ass felt the needle, mill upward
be reared ;
But kicking and rearing was nil itap
pearcd He bad any intention of doing.
Says Peter, says lie, "we get on rather
j s(lW .
while one cud i
1 f0 (lie uroiind
up, t'other slicks
Hut I'm thinkiiiga nietbod to move
i,(m know,
,et's prick bead and tail both to-
j gether, atid s
! (;lvx. ,(. n.t..lllv ;l s(.lrt j,r0ttijtl.
So said, so done ; all band- were at
Ami (In. nod In, iltil .!h,i l.ij ii, iii, 1
For he started away with so sudden ! 1,1111 W"I" wl" m'vlT I,HI
a Jerk "
That In less than a trice lie arrived at I ask no truer Image of my Ileavcn
tlie kirk. ; Iv Father than I find reflected in my
But lie left all Ills ludjng behind. own heart-all loving atal forgiving.
lat, IN71, to July it, inn . !
Tooisli tm'ioico in the Iruuaurjr,
Mrt,tm mw"
To amount MCCIVeu lor. Uqan
To ninoinit roeelvoa we Pel'tlct s
TnanioiuH Msetve t as nne
To eji-ii prneowto ofWofol nu s
" " uwney turtle 1 over Ity
Corenersafl ftwiatl on deeease l
MnoanI wtelve U tern Im-iikc
m,ii none' anprwriate I for
poor, rarnnM bj" W. M.Soath
cash pio.Afds of inni'H'r oi'l
" oi-h Hosts receive! on ials
thai fuile.l in hites'a'ilUiel...
" trial fcoi of Clerks, Uval
ten ler
" nisli I rial fees ol 'CtetkK, eoi'i. .
M ,-asIi mrs ity Assessor
(-ih nix.-s on ileHiKtilcnt list
Of Isjil
" nish iaes ul Slierilf wssesstwl
an i cothMle t hv hbn
nisii ol M. Ila'-'. iHirmwe 1
" uiHli ttixes oa rotlollsJI
20 H
82 no
J '"'
5 M
03 ihi
-j'(JJ '-JJ
4 ,0 110
ir7 hi
NH in
mat 'm
list oo
:"t";t7 oo
aat ii
7sn nil
on delinquent list l"7 1
!084 ou
'Mini IHI
-Jll IKI
14:11 si
M of SherltTasseH.(l and
cotleete 1 hy Iiim
of Hhcri IT assessed mut
(sillticieil by Iiim
M delinniient llsl WW
. Iswi
" is;n
" of sln'iilT hswwc'I unit
collected l liint
By Slate Treasurers Rwxdpts, poo KBtto
" No. 171
lies; oo
nut m
.1 :17
won 7i
SI :m
No. IS3
nteccst on
rouiitv order it 1i
I'ountv orli-is.
IVmnty ordew re li-i-mt in
fotiniy ordei'H, Interesl mi
Conntv oniei's re Uvmtl, nrle-
otrl Itlw
Conniy or lers.intt it-si on -a-ne llr.l II
Conntv orders nvlis'iiied.orin-
elil, ' I""'0 on
l?oimtyoi,1erH,iittereslons(Uuo t$) 00
t'onniv orders iv leemed, piin-
el":il..'. Strtt'd
I 'o'liity (ir.lersjtn temst oimuno '"n '.a
Coniity or.leis ivtlwoie pnti-
Ii71l lis
raw :n
CoumyortfetfsJntere!! on ismW
.AmHiruonaietd in stwK),s
Heporte'l toss bv Tcyasnrer on lo
t'nsn mi liimd i.i Imiiuicu
Comity t'li
ie. ISTi:
no'cs 'tn;1 on s ttoo1 I 'm 1-
note ilti'' mi M. Hide
Mfl.1 mi
county orders taibtfaniling
Actual liabilities
Bv ileiiiei'ient li -I for Is'.s...
' 1...
" " 1ST0.. .
" 1S7I...
Vnb on hand..
tn i 'lee.lness over tin 1 iiIhi'
iiltuvc remHrtvos in Imtmice
7' i ;i
II s Ki
ilia ji
jjrsi 7i
I ,s..i no
.! I
l".si.i on
Cn. I
..tarn is
..:m2 "
l's;i 00
siisji i:i
.tivia as
. -IHMHI ll
nl i-a-
i-!i on Inci I. . . .
Lnoss o. it tuel ;
mi lutml
Total Htililittics July l. W71.
inn l.lniv l.t
mJqIj I.' !s7l.
;,m n
To Inddite InessJnlj b IKt.
.13-42 42
. At .7 sn
wool II
In(leiite'lms .Tnly 1. IS
Ite'luctlon of dulil
Attest. A. CJOXJS
Sn'i-m it' nf rtmmfmum Mm '' ?;,
fMfKifl.ywail Jii'j h ISTl, to Jiihi 1, IHT2.
Circuit -Conrti (Jcto'ier term. W7I..jH4Sl ii
" " Mnrelitenn. ls72.... 1;(7II 00
Vmount allowed County t'lerk IU27 ii
Sheriff Intel 07
ltoicl exoenses, new ron'ls Mili,"l
for anil viewed 11715
ltoicl exnonsen, for Nnticrvlsors,
lamlier, sptk(, univel, Ac 3031 17
Kvoeim-tof iuiirs mill inr ier-
sons 1520 17
I'reliminarv examinations in ertm-
imii euses'in uMKlstrotvn' courts.. 6011 Mi
Kxixnisesof Conmer's lnipiwts I'li 40
" tnipiesiH of insnne 7105
of keeping prisoners. 13tU Sa
Coal turrtnff, senttvilillnsr, Inmlier,
mid (Hiperliltcildlinf .inil 702 2a
lteiilrsnn lull Si
Kiii iiihov. moves. Ac., for lull 57 Si
Oniitiiit nf notesiiiiid "II. . .
'.ill I Hi
interest jmid on notes 8)7
Vinonnt taxes juid lo
S ate tmll I4H 00
, mill" on pnniertv MlllOHH 93011
Ainonul ot ai"orltonin I to sehool
llstiletsaslH'l-pin nt'il (in eolle"-
t Ions from Mitreh, 1S7I, lo M.uvh.
Notary of Comity Jurtae 004 Oil
. " Mimil Sinx'rintenilenl 000 00
' County Tieasnrer sikioo
Amount ild('d. Coiniutssionei-s. , 2S2 00
Assessor for assessing
county, 1HJ1 soo on
lVreent. jnii I isherllf foreolieelin
taxes, ISJ1 KM 01
Amount tudd Assessor for collect
ing taxes 48 iW
Per (s-nt.iinlit Treasurer for kei-piii
ftRtotk.'hflol Kiind 117
Kxpensi' of oil. Iinnpand candles.. OS
Siiwina county wood In
UopidrhiK streets ami slilewnlks
nronnd Court lloiisi' s piure
Kepalrsnndttxlnixsi for eourt holisfl
Iiioirnveiiienls and cleaning on
I .in I
Court IIoneN(pmre...; 15 on
HxpciiHc of nveyiBK mono) to
state Triasurer ns laves 211 ki
S'atiniiery and lilank Ixioks 144 00
i 'ounty printing las .io
A.C. .)( INKS.
County Clerk.
A young wife on being lately asked
what she should do in case her husband
should Kill, replied : "Live on anus,
to lie sure. I have two, and he has
two, with my bauds nt the ends of
them. ' We will venture to say that
There Is a little paiier published In
the following very amusing account :
For thirl v rears the nortmit of I lor-
ncefireely has adomisl tliesanetiim of
the I'lirm office. When lie advocated
goo oo secession in 1 K1 the picture was turn
ed with fac. to the wall, As s,io:i as
jjjj Horace BW the error of bis ways the
173 ;i7 pictui'e was reverseil ami once more
tlie sini'ina comilenanee of tjrei l' II-
Inmluatcd, our office. In li4. when
be threatened to l.olt the noininalion
of Abraham Lincoln, tlie nicture was
again n verseii. Once more he repen
led ami the picture was reversed,
When he signed ,leff. Davis' bail bond
we turned him again to the wall for
three months, ami again when lie
h'ok up the defense of Tammany
Hall. We have tried him long
enough. He Is the greatest political
ncrolmt of moileni tiims and now
(bit be lias gone to the camp of the
Demi iacy we don't propose to take
tb.' chances of placing Ins portrait to
the right about a dozen times in the
fntiire as we have In tlie past. This
lime we take the portrait down.
utii,. fellow, of live or six year-,
lieaiil his aunt say the ntlier day that
she bad lakeii chloroform for the
purpose of havliia a tooth extracted
1 . " . . ... ..
ami it (lulu t hurt a tut. Nmrtiy alter
the fithcr telt It to be Ids duty to give
loot) iki the little fellow a trouncing, awl when
1000 oo ''bout to do so lie was met with the
01 ui reasonable request : "Pa, give me
Jin n7 chloroform first, won't your" Bnsl-
w ; ness of a pressing nature suddenly re
Hi sm ' quired the parent's attention else
where, and tbiit "licking" wa- llldcfl-
! nltcly postponed.
The N'ational Lincoln Monument i,
gradually working its way to comple
tion, o'ulbeioth ult.. ft3.fJ00 was
receivcil from Xew York. I n- the
bron; naval group. Chicago lias al
ready pinvided for the infantry group.
The oilier cities which have promised
io contribute will shortly be heard
from. Those having the monument
in charge have adopted the excellent
1 plan of not running in debt, and hence
no groups are ordered until 'he mon
ey is on baud to pay for them.
The superiority of some men i
merely local; they are great leai;c
their iissociatlous are lilt'e.
lloi.i.ow.vv's PiUA Tim estima
tion in which these medicines arc held
by tin' public, steadily increases their
demand. They net directly on ihe sy
tent, removing all Obstruction, reno
vating the springs ol life, purifying
the blond, and lofaily liver
complaints, indigestion, pain in the
side and geiierd debility. Sold every
where. 23 cents per box or pot.
c To-Ilu) .
i5 w yv u
l udt rfced Setting Uarhine !
wu.i, iti:i.uiiir
etuis of the
x i: w
ni Mil MecIp,
To know iliat in the stubborn contest for
sinxn'lority in samples of uoH,.nl ihe-xii'iii.
Northern Ohio fiiii'. iheir lucortte lets
enriiod Off the two -aria premiums llw
Me lul fur lies' -ic s!'elyieus uiauliUio
work, (Hid the Plptonni for Ihm( em'jroi.l.
ery. A si lie ;re:i' cn!uic!il!nn was in these
Itt'ne'ii-i-s. It will lie seen that t In- Wit
soifsvletory is eoneilete. We knew lids
would he -m. ; It could nut he ntherwK'.
There I- no tatktmtdmrii the fnet.tiiat the
New Wilson is Hi" liesl l iiiiiily' Sewhij
Slacblne Oow inailiifn'.tlired eueji'ile in
doiivj lie' lies-l work oil uny kind olVooiN,
untlefall idreiliiw'iiaws
'I'lifS nw irl of the hi,de-: preniliiin
rthnold and will slleneo Hie talk of thai
lurtfe ektsH of senile.' maeliine men wh .
biive tiiude fuls iniichluoiheOhJcrt ol llodi
siM'inl enndty,s1ninly lierause it is;i mo t
umte prieed niaehtiie uup ii'ideis-ells tlieii
expensive oihw.
(io niel see the Premtliui N'ew Wilson
fsewltin JtiK'Idne. the lt in the world,
now on extdhltlon nl Snow A KooaAH.
iialler)', 73 First street. Port land, Orewoii,
ttnd re'ineiu'ier yoiuita hny ttlls pretullUP
inaidiine fur Sin.
t-ir'.5ents wniite 1.
duly 1(1, "2-Ki
At IVortb BrouiiNvilks
DRY im mmxsA,
iMMiis, siioim, iiAitnwAKt:,
uRiK-Knitx, wrioxN,
etc., inc.,
1.5 nfwldeli tliey kwpnn hnn I it full stock,
! and are nhle to sell nt hunt rntew, n
j usual, for 4'iMh or I'roduee.
AH Will nlsi ahle to Imv and se'l (iratn
, (,f nil kinds. or attend to storing r lor.
uiir.lliiir II at their Warehouse In liaise;
Clve hsu trial. KfltK, ffL'MK A CD.
(rneral CoiuiniiiMion
"" AXt
.'id !
at fH,t of llroddalhln rrisd,on thelinnk
of the Willamette river, 1 urn pwpanul to
In unlimited ipiantllles.
The lliffliest Mnrlict Price PaM
Ciwli for Wheal mid Onto.
I'nrtles wloblna 10 storoi iniln. can nittkn
armiiifeimmmtogiitall the sacks needed.
drain stored and forwurded nt lowest,
A share of patronage. Is lollclted.
13 i