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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1872)
JOB HUNTING. ALBANY REGSSTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH KBW AND FAST ffOWEB AD 1I.VVD V II E S 8 B 8 Latest ami most De4mbl0 Style of Printing Material; Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOB When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels Bui why particularize, w hen it i gen erally nekiJOWledged that we arc ON IT Wln'ii It comes mfijer the hcuj of T convince yourself of the truth of the above statement-", you have only to call (C send a hand ac companied by three stamps to pay return postage) when vc will astonish you with the capacity of the Beo lSTKit ollia' for doing C'OI.ORKD or Plain work, and the re markable ele gance exhib ited by the Boss in ComiHng the stamps for the same when finished. When you have "bin" in onr line, call. A hint to the sufficient Is wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to that effect. Printing. OYSTKHS, HARRISES, REI lildtlilNli. -odlih, etc., Just received by lnuojs, DBUtiiS, KTO. CEO. I 8 ETT LE JI 1 E B , DRUGGIST. I LflWunwOiir to 1. W. Wakc.le'.d), ! ALBAXT.OttEGoX. IVftlcr in t DRUGSAVDSlEDIClJfES, CHEMICALS, TAINT'S, OILS, GLASS, KTC. ; All articles warranted pure, and ef the liesi qtmllly. I'hvsieians prescriptions WUVnilly inill poUNdedl A I! 'any. let. 17, WfflHlt f STOVES, KTO. SI. M. HARVEY & CO., (tATK W. It. MTAllLAN 1 ) S CO..) Opposite the hotels Allmny, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and LitX Pump. LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, IIOVSK J I IIMM!lNi HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Sliect Iron w arc. M.RUEST KTOCK IX THE VALLEY, j Lowest Prioea Every Thne. I! 'pairing Properly lone. 40i2 ; I FILLS IT TllKKS. Fruit Trcij rapo Vines, iVo. frilK I'KDKRflljXHn INVITES THE L attention of Hie p ilillc to his large and complete stiK'k of APPLE. 1'EAR, I'Ll'M. CHERRY ami other Til EES. Also, (iRAPE VI Es liest In the State: Ornnnicntnl Trees, thrnhs. Plants. Cnr mnls, (Jfuwoberrli k, Stniwnerrle, Rnm, Iiftltllnsantl liiilht, whleli w ill in- solil as low as llrst-i!:iss stoi'k tan Im' affofleil. Nov.l.VUv4 J. A. MILLAR P, HARDWARE. W. IT. KUHN & CO., Wholesale and Retail llenlersln K1IEI.F AMI HI AVy II AK X 13 , Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, l'ILEIK- 1IABDWAKE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK mul ELM IH UN, HICKORY & OAK KPOUES, HICKORY AXLES, Hardwood Lumber, Bent Rlm, KlinllK, Poles, Ac., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which are now offered to the pult lie at low rales. As we malie the hns'mi'ss a Bpcubllly, we can and Will hoepn lietter assortiin lit. lit lower prices, than any house in this city. W.H. KI IIN & CO., Montclth fli-e-proof brick, First street. Albany, Juno u, is72-Uv4 Wiliamcttc TranitporlatioH SI TTIROM AS AFTER DATE, t'NTIL l1 further nolice, the Comimny Will OW- patch a boat ftom Albany to Corvwlwon TiieHtlny nnd I'rldny of Enh Weolt. Also, will dlsnnteb a Imnt from Albany for Portland nnd intennedlntc plaivs on suine iUijh, lettvltiK Couistoek A Co.'s wharf. Fare at Reduced Rate. J, D, BILES, Dec. 16, 1S71-W ' Ak"i. t,f . '.-as' I . lHU'GS. KTC. Slurdcr Hi Al!any SNKVK1! VCT I'd'.KN KNOWN, AND iiotlimncn.ii.'of it at present. Deutu H Is u thing which sometime, must befell every iu and dan dncrof ihe human fam ily ; anil t, At Hie Mid-day, of yonr life. II (Ww) 'ys vile hum nrioti yon, there is sill! -n balm in l.iU'u'i,"' by which run inny in restored t o jvrfed health, and prolong yonr ilnys ion umefr Ions extent. How ? lly calling on EI. V. HILL SON, Willi n prescription, whore yon ran have i: eniitnminde. i by one experienced in lino pan Icnlur line. Also, eons unify un lun a good ttssnrtnienl oC IVc-li drugs, pateai medicines, cheiutaili, faints, nils, dye shin's, tniisi's, eta, Agents for llw I'elebrn. d Ink VTd Ilemcdy, Or.Oregoh Khenmnllc (lure; Hr. D.Jaync & Hints' uic'lieincs. etc. Sienee's Positive nnd Negative powders kept in stock. Aloagents for the Home Shuttle f-'.euiiiu: nnckliic, One of tin mosi useful pieces of household ftiriiiiurecx'nnt. tall and examine. i:. r. iiji.i. SOX. Alliunr, Jtilie la, 71-40V8 I'Dixwiy. ALBANY FOrNDItY And Machine Shop, a. i t iiekrv Proprietor, AUIANY, OREGON", Maiiiifactiim Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill MuHiin- 01 WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Ami nil kinds of Il AMI BRASS LISTINGS. IVirtlcnlarattenflon paid torepaliinRall kinds of machinery. 41v3 .MISCKIXAXEOUS. ('. WESTl.AKE. C. I). glMI-SdN WESTLAKE & SIMPSON, general conniiox AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ! A LB AM, ORECiOX,- Have constantly on baud a large and vari ed assortment of Agricultural Machinery, which they offer on tho most reasonable terms. Also, on hand the celebrated Mitchel Wagon, Light and heavy. Advances made on Urnln, Wool, and other approved merchandise consign ed for sale here, or for shipment to Port land or San I'nincisco. GRAIN and WOOL Taken in store. or purtfluutod at the Ii.kIi- Cjt market price. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! WANTED ! 500,000 pound of Wool ! For which we will make lilieml advances, and pay Ihe highest market price In cash. WKSTLAKK smrsoN. Albany, March IMS SAX FUASCISOO- AUHICUI.T'I. In the FH Ul AcainT TTRTT1 iTlWUT T Rif : II k j L j l j W V with theolils'andiirt HARVESTIHG MACHWE3 so ropniar with all CVUbrnn Ci.mci-s. wl'hnllthc im .,t liiinrovi inviitw. and nuiny new pnen (or the harvw ot 71. Tlie Woort'ii trtze Sowcrx mid WawFa Improved KilFRnke Reaper. These ntachlnoftare indisputahly the biwt tiii: npiiiD. Asa barvesiler, the Wood's Iiniirowd I', i.. Muwer is confessedly without an in I tail yet before (he country. These ma chines havo boon inuuoved frince lii"st in I rod Heed, Ulittl the' are now UlinOSl VIM llaH'ly new Dtiichliie, Thej aix' made by Walter A. WmmI (tlto largest ninnu- mutarer' iA Itonnina Machinery in the WOThl a man who keens "un with Ihe tiines,"an 1 who now laiildsand si-llsover Iwenty-IIve thouNiinil of the World's Prize Mowers ainimilly. II ied the world al the Pal is Expouttloil, and has found no jhi'i since. ThO Wood's Improved Prhte Mower Is especially udatited to Oregon. It has a RjhIIhk br Jointed) iar With hand lev er, two wheel, RpjrlnK seat, and is made almost entirely of iiiallenltle iron, hard wood ami Mo I. It is In avy. ktroiisnnd durable, and I hongh compact antlpowo fill, is of lighter draft than the other Ina cliliies of eipsal weight. It is every way fUNl tlie Mower for Oregon, as every farmer will siv who has one. And hs price 1l3ii) is from to ?ja leMllian Isaxkwlfor an Inferior machine, farmers, will yno pav that dlircrencey InveHllgale before voii iseeif yon are irettinu any. filing flr that ivtm prtfit tor n proin, as no Mower eosls more 10 bnuil than does Wood's, fseud torn pamphlet iicfore buy- ""' "Buy tlie Bent." Buy t:c M'ood'a Improved I'rle Mower? We otl'er also Ihe GENUINE HAINE'S HEADERS, from into 1" fisd cut. improved by Walter A, WimhI, having not only till the advant ngesofthfl ohl lllinids machine, hut Wood's improvement!!, and also Moanc'N Ailjust nhle Kml. Ifcjy Xo other Hinder hits these improve ments, nnd no other parties sell them. Thov are made especially for this cons', by Wood, at Booatok Full, x. V. Tlic Kirby Seir-ltukc Reaper and Mower. These machines are loo well known to nouddem'rtnttnn. Also the "KlltllYri.Il' PKJt MOWER"- pl' .v-the vhenpett and for many purposes the best In the market. "The Hindley" is the perfection of the Portable Engine. As a Thraihing Knglne they nave long led all others, until now scarcely any other is to lie found. Taken with the Russell's Thresher, IMPROVED) thev makefile most complete scl ol thresh lug machinery hi the world. 'ThoKu nell," as improved, enunot lie equalled in the country. We arc sole ajeiits for the side orthesc celchnttcd t Invshci-s.aiid ha e had them hullt expressly for this cons!. Ask nny fanner who has a Kusmcll Thresh er, wlnii he thinks of It. Mel'ormiek'H Kenper. June's Plows. Wagons, Header TriirUn, Hlliwell nnsf Planet Home I'owcra, ll.v PrMMR, forks. Ne.vllU'N, Sinathes, t'liltlvntora, Ac., Ac., Ae. StuclclMikcr rami Wiiroiik, Itliai'ii Slorsi- Kakes, A new lot of several ear loads, just receiv ed ; with also every description of Farming Implements nndii fresh slot of HAH I) WARE, ROPE. NAILS, MINING GOODS, IHILLmEN'S nnd FARMER'S MACHINERY & FINDINGS. BSTPIenSe send for circulars and prices. TREAOWELL & CO., u a$?! , . Kan I'l-anelmeo. Head ol 1 rout St. C St. C'oiiiKloi'k & Co., Agent, AI.IIAM , ORBUON. April Ift&ml I . I, MAIL ! Trl-Wevklj stas Line TIIK tTSnERSMlXKI) Is now running a trl-weckly stage from Lehamm to Al tmny, earryhig the. I'. 8, Halls, leaving Lebanon every Moiulnv, Wednesdiiy ami Friday mornings, and reluming, leave Albany at io'eloek P. M. of Wild days. Passengers called for in anv pari of the clly. All orders should he left nt the St. Chiirles Hotel. Albany, for passengers or fiidght for Lebanon. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low rates. All bnilnow cii trustedtomewlllbepronipllvatlendeilto. m W. n. 1XACA. Ixihanon, Fob. in, 9M4v4 BLANK DKKI1S, MOltTtiAliKS. KTC, on bund latest styles and for tale low, at this office, 6"SnliTiU'riidrnKiinXnerthelr IWHW an- Infonne 1 that (hclrsnlwrintion , cxtiins wiih that nmnhif, ami they are lit- I viten to renew it. lecnis m i' iinnnni, In advance; ls nmnthn.W; Ihn-e months, 11. I LerLesnl tenders received at iar from term tlt: l-'hristian people of the w orlil s,cs,-rl' in the Eastern stal,-s. ..,,. mm 1 1,, ltf,l nay.ins," a . I very sngfrwtivc tact, i-ontntsfiil with i:uie Words. tl opprohriniw eplihet of "OOtrMe I liarltitrians"' applieil to lis hy the Chl- Kliul words ciHt nothing, vet liowlnene. 'flie etubasiy iHiovberi forty prone men forget them: Often J nine iierstuis, and almost entirely ot a. goes on his n eat v :i v, full of '. iniiiposed of young men. whose ages cue and full of grief, feeling that for j do not average twenty eight, one ofllie him all U troulileHiitlall U toll, when oldest beh Iwallura. who is only ! I lit a shnple word of eueomtnreineiit or a look of sympathy would cheer hi; soul, and rouse him from deipnir. A elilltl will often dry its tears when kindly -pokeu to. and soon will lade away its clifMMi sorrow. ifeadi one of lite sons of men would only sieak a single word of kini'iues Or of consolation in a fellow tnortal's earlx'tween the gray dawn of even ing, how would the htmk'113 Of the cans of life lighten ! how would the shadows lice from oil' men's brown f A ceutle word can never loofte lis power, Its sweet fnigranee will gen-; tlyfltslt along the coming years Ions; after the tongiH' which ultcivd it has mouldered in the dust. Olten the despairing and hopelesi being lias been snatched front Ihe verv vuge in i ne sntciiie s grave ny ine pow er of a loving word of cheer and sym pathy, lie stops and lists ; the notinil of a welodlotH llllttinn voice whisper ing its comfort break on his ear, and melt his hardened heart, as tliey float along like the strains of far-off mush) on the calm air of night, lie I urns ; the abyss of despair no longer yawns before his stumbling feet, and he is saved. An erring one may be reclaim ed from the atln nt sin, and almost from the regions of the lost, by an arm of love rtretched out for rescue, Speakings kind word here and there is like scattering seeds upon the brok en ground, which in due mhmou will bear fruit. How desirable is the presence of one who has ever hancrlng on his Jon. ready for utterance, a word of love. Ills enterance into any place is like a bright dancing MUibearn, warming Ihe hearts and reviving the spirits ot all. Eyes sparkle With Joy when he ap proachi's, and sluidows. flee away. When death snatches one from our hoiiL'shold. and we gaze upon the fea tures of our departed dear one, then we will never regret the gentle words gpoken and the hind acts done ; but we will regret every unkind sentence that has ever Hiieti from our hps. Occornte Yonr Homes. Tlicre is a reckless disregard of the many little attractions which may. In our tate, be thrown around n home with hut little outlay of time or labor. Evergreens are growing wild on onr mountains in vast abundance, which may be easily transplanted, and which lend a charm to the dooryard, in win ter, by breaking the dreary monotony which would otherwise prevail, as well as make a shady retreat from the lieat of summer. Lumber is cheap, with which to build arbors nnd other I resorts, picturesque and attmctve, and surround all with a fence, neat ami useful. There is nothing to hinder those living here, having their homes neat, attractive anil inviting ; and yet it is rarely that we see a home decora ted with these, adornments. Why is this go? Are our farmers more regard less of tlic happiness and pleasures of their families I ban those of other States? We incline to think not, hut that they have rather become careless and negligent of tliese matters. Most fathers would. If they realized the at tractions which a really lutndsomc home holds to a child, spend the requi site time and money in its decoration, but having become used to tlie bare yards and dilapidated fences, pass them by unmindful of the duty devol ving upon them. Many a child would lie saved Iroiu an early abandonment of home and a life ot dissipation by a little cure on the part of the parents in this one particular. Orrjuu IlgjmMl cau. Xbe T;o I'lips. At a recent communion service, be fore passing the cup, over which , thanks had iiecn given, the pastor said. "There is a cup 01 which we rend in tlie Scriptures, concerning which it is said, "Look not upon the wine when I it sred, when it inoveth Itself aright, when it giveth its color in the cup. At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like nu adder.' 'That cup. through a terrible mistake, has fre nlientTy found its way to tlie Lord's Table! The cup which we now pass to you. my brethren, contains no al cohol, no serpent, no inkier. This liquid w hich you now put to your lips is the unferrjientcd juice of the grape, similar to what our Savior uscil when lie instituted this sacred ordinance, and which he called, as if to avoid inistak- I es, fruit of the vine.' The other 1 cop we would not dare to offer you. It contains alcohol, poison, death ; and is no fit symbol of the Saviour's blood, which has life in it ; nor did our Lord intend that such wine should bo sopped by his followers at his ta ble or anywhere else. Some of you have bieen reclaimed from Intemperate habits. Yon need not fear to put this cup to your lips, in it then; is no al cohol to set your veins on fire, and awaken the appetite which a divine grace has coti'iuercd." A'f. JJaji- t:'st. A poor lame lady was once obliged to send her little boy. only eight years old, on an errand, late at night. On his return, became running Into the house, iiiite frightened, and on being asked what was the trouble, said, "There were two men behind me, and I could smell tobacco-smoke till the way. and just as wo turned the j "'Tis strange," muttered a yourg corner, they began to swear, and I ran man as be staggered home from a sup away from it." That's it, boys, nti , per jstrty, "bow evil communications amy from it: and von win not run too corrupt good manners. I've been fast nor too far. " hen you run away from smoking, drinking, anil swear ing, you are sure to be running nway from many other bad things, llun away from tobacco, and whisky, and swearing before they run away with you. ltnttA's TmupmtHee Manner. 1 be JipBce Pintay. Tlic .rinee arc evtifently an en terprising people, and art bleswil 1tll ;i fernnrnmit which Is fully aware of ami iti terminal to nosse tbe ailvan tagM of western civilization. Their dignitaries, Itidiuling the young ein- lieror. In their speeches, irequentiy I'nrtv-seven. While tlic head of the einhassy mo-tly remain In Washington, or Hit hack and fertll to Japan, involving only m venli en llioiKind miles of trav el, the subordliiatt s are hiws as liec-', examining the routine nf OtltllCSi ill the departments at Washington, and traveling over tlie country, adlllil'lug iufornmtlon of a II mailers relatting to our American civilization, which, like I -, Ihc'y will carrv home to their lananes hive, there to bo worked I into and ImnrOm their own hisiilu- t'.otis. so fir ,u it imy be lulapteti thereto. : Kcceiillv. tlure of tlie enihassy. 1 Messrs. Yas-uha. DeputyOmmnissioii- or ol Tievenue In Japan i Wnknynina, of the .laiiaue-c '1 Wisnry. ami Ka- wage. Third isecretary oi tin; cnioav sy. spent n couple of Weeks in the siudy of ihe internal revenue system of tlie United States, tinder the In struction (by direction of our Commis sioner of Intermil Revenue) of brother William II. Armstrong, AssistantSo licitor, (lor many years a member of the National Division.) lie found them to be gentlemen of rellnemeut and ability, exceedingly intelligent, and quick to apprehend and remember everything explained to them. Brother Armstrong took occasion in citlcntly to mention that, although they saw much of Intemperance m America, .tlicre was nevertheless a very large and respectable Ixidy of (lie people, numbering nearly three mili ums, and constantly hicreastair, who totally abstained from ail intoxicating drinks. One of the Japanese, on brother Armstrong referring to the large pro portion of i rime ami pauperism occa sioned here and in England by Ikptor drinking, showed his quick compre hension of the logic of the Ciets, us applied to the business he and hlsnsso j elates had in hand, by exclaiming in reply, "'How great the tawiton" 'i he popular th ink in Japan Is sakl, a 1 fermented liquor made from rice. It is very generally drank, and while tlie evils of Intemperance arc probably not i so great there as m our own country, : they must necessarily prove a draw j back to the prosperity of tbe .Japanese people. It is to he hoped that among tho I best of the advantages of our ivfrrorei 'western clvllisitlou" which tlie etu I bttssy '.'ill take to their country, will he the practice of total abstinence from all that intoxicates. It is fortu nate for Japan that tlie still has not yet been Introduced there, and it is to be hoped that it never will be. Kffoft to secure its ptohlbltloii should lie made with the present embassy, who are men of powerful influence at home, -V. T. Macule. We met Serugglns this morning with a bundle of nuts and raisins un der his arm. We asked him if he. wasn't getting luxurious, six ministers nt my house I've got he said. "But you do n t feed them on mrr and raisins:'" We rejoined. "N'o," said he reflectively ; "but when I get about half done, at meal time, I shove back, and thev follow suit. I hen I come down stains and fill up between meals. Ity this menus I save about one man's board, and it is better lor the minister not to eat too much.'' liy.'iv.s'.sct Ontde, TllEATMKNt OF WllKTSTONKS. -When lirst pufflnj; a new wiiefstone into use, try water nMn It, and if this keeps the surface from lielng glazed or hurnishi'd, oil will not be needed. Home stones work better with water than oil. A dry stone is very apt to give a " ire edge. It has been said that a little carbolic acid added to wa ter will increase the friction on either a whetstone or a grindstone. Parson: What's a miraele'r" Hoy: "Dltlino." 1 'arson : i'VVell, it' Ihe sun were to shine in the middle ol the night, what would you say it was:'" Hoy : "The moon." l'arson : "Itut if you were told it was the sun. whai would von sav it was" Boy: "A lie." l'arson : "1 don't tell lies. Suppose I told you it was the sun. what would yon say then ?" Hoy: Tliatyerwiun't sober 1" An Irishman in describing America, said. "You might roll England thru It, an It wouldn't make a dint hi tin ground : there's lVesh-waler oceans inside that ye might droun ou'.d Ire land ill : and as for Scotland, ye might stick it in a corner, and ye would ucv -er bo able to find it out. except i: tffleht be by the smell of whisky," A Physician belngftsked by a patient if ho thoi'ght a little spirits now and tlien would hurt him much, replied, "I do not know that a little occasion ally would hurt you much ; but if you I don't take any. it won't hurt you at an." Josh Hillings says. "Most men con cede that it looks foolish to see a boy dragging a heavy sled up hill for the 'fleeun" plesaure of riding down again. Hut it appears to me mat boy is a sage by the side ot that young man who works hard all the" week and then drinks up his wages on Sat urday night." surrounded by tumblers all the even- big, and now I'm a tumbler myself." -. . -- .I. A Chicago actor, who was greatly given to the "flowing bowl," was lo cally allnc'ed to as a living specimen of the mellow drummer,