pacific coast NEW. The mmWmt& is inform - ed that Mr .Vtralitii will; da-line to take the font in tlic Oregon Sen. Bte, which the lX-mocrats of the Legislature gave ago. him two yean J ante siorris burst a 1 i Hood ves- sel and dropped dead in Ah lem lat Saturday. Ho was a native of Ire land, aged about twenty-eight yearn, and had Iteen in Oregon since Janu. ary. Toab PoweR, a Baptisf preacher known to almost everybody in Ore iron, more for his eccentricities than i,i i....;.. i. .;,! t,. iw come a raving maniac. 7'ho yield throughout the valley, of grain, will be much belter than was anticipated a few weeks ago, owing to the late rains. W in. Krischner, a Jacksonville Faloon keeper, fell dead with appo- plexy on Saturday, the 7th inst, while conversing with a friend. husinessat Eugene City is re - ported uncommonly dull because the passengers on the ears don t Stop there over night. James Harkley was arrested at Jacksonville last week, for selling liquor to soldiers. A little girl, daughter ot an emi- grant just arrived in Wasco county, was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. As soon as the fact was . .i i.a ;..., o Known me paiou. m mm v from the wound and rilled thechild with whisky, and she soon recover id. jf'he Dalles salmon fisheries are climated to be worth at least $1,- 000,000. Dies tor striking gold and silver niftlftls for the use of the Oregon Agricultural Society, as special iiremmms to be given out at the ui.iiii.iiM s ... 1 p t Fair, are lien iff made in San Francisco, From the Salem J ",' " We Uam from a gentleman who has . , i i'.. ... i... .;...., just reu.rneu ire,,, uw ' ""lu"" i Interious climbing. The last thou mines that prospects are flattering, wi(, ,m as go1 ore in large ipiantities .s m mml u ling unearthed. Work is being ' . t, t (vm kept up night and day hy niRercnt shifts of men." A urham bull owned by W. W. Baker, at La Grande, weighs nineteen hundred and eighty pounds, and only a three-year old. So says the Sentinel. f-asteri. uregon nas a m . r 1 - . I .t.- J..ll ! of gold-fish. Portland has another case of sniall-pov. On Sunday before last four per sons united with the First Presby terian church of Portland. The Ore'joninn says: The Oregon and California I'ai'road Company have generously donated forty acres ot land, situated near j Canby, about nine miles south of Oregon City, to lie devoted to camp- j meeting and other religious pur poses. The editor of the Seattle I). fwtcJi has been shown a strawberry which measured seven inches one way and five and one-half inches the other. A writer in the JnfiMCrtffi says Pev. Mr, Spaulding has had good success in bis labors as a Mission ary among the Ness Perce. In less than six years he has received into the Church 5'Jli Indians, who give as good evidence of lieing thorough ly converted as other folks. The men all quit smoking. Another addition to Olympia makes the town about nine miles across. It is now the "longest" town on the coast. Wm. II. ShaU'erand John Nnell iug scaled the walls of the jail at Walla Walla on the evening of the 8th inst., and hied away to the Blue mountains. The Boise StateMitin says that on the moniiugol'tlieOth inst. news came to Horse Shoe Bend of the killing of George Wells and Mr. Gootlwin on the Malheur, by the Indians. Their stock, amounting to SO head, was also driven off. For the first time in the history of Boise City, the entire Hepublican ticket, was elected on the 8th. The Salem Statesman says that Messrs. Frank; Cooper and J. Henry ; Hrown ftart tliis morning, July 1 17th for 1,10 V&Kh "' in Rcal'(;,, ofS"ul- rUei' ,iave a P,Me in view near .Mount Jefferson where j they exr to find the previous met- nl. Major Berry also k-tt the sau-.e morning for the I 'alios, there to i inin nnntlicr liaitV. who will IW08- j i " Ki-t from llieiicc along the Cascade monntaiiis ami iheet the other part? at Mt. Jelfcrson. A vast amount of wealth is supposed to I e hid in those mountains. Prof Rogers, latedf the Willam ette University, l as reached iiis old home and is now associated with his brother at Griffith LlStitllte, Spriugville, Krio comity, N V.. cays the Statesman. i At Newport on the night of the 4th, 7botootney Jack, chief of the Indians of Siletr. Reservation, got into a row with some white men and was shot in the head by Thos. Boyle, from the effect of which he 'died in a few hours. The Indian ! was under the influence of liquor at the time, ami drew a revo'ver on Boyle before the latter attempted to shoot. ''here were many Indians j f the same tribe at Newport at the uimo this occurred, and for a time giave apprehensions were fell by j t,0 whites of trouble. jTie Democratic ofllcers ot ( 'lat SOp county rcfuso to give up to their jj.pUuiicjM successors. , ft.,iowi1,r ,y mn tll(. 0W0H. inn will lie read with interest : A party of "old prints" (mostly at- laches of the Heraht) who started j for the summit of Mount Hood about ten days ago, returned to this city on Thursday evening. They succeeded in reaching the j , summit in safety on the morning I .if iliii l.Yinvfli Tlifl nflrl.vnuramn. . , , .. i ed at the edge of the snow hue on ; 1 the evening of the 3d, and arising ; ' very early the following morning, j j they managed to reach tlie highest i point alter six hours and a half of party pelled to cut notches in the snow and ice before secure ' ings " could he gained. A and deep erev.vse crossed solid their path in one place, and caused the party much labor and time to get , I over. T.eih'es of rock were 1'iassed. P ,l,rool, therrannicsof which smok e was seen to constantly issue, and the stones in numerous places were uncomfortably warm. A most vil lainous and unbearable stench was emitted in some places, when the party halted to rest on their upward march. Even the snow tasted of j ln'imtiMtn ami nvi'i'V sun. timitiiMY i seemed to indicate the nrovimitv of t0 .. Kn Mm, i te BUmmlt tho mrtics remained , , f , j liefore commencing the descent. The sun had scarcely arose when the summit was gained. The view was said to be most sublime. As the sun shot his earliest rays through the masses of filmy clouds, and over the stretches of plains, hills and forests, the shadow of Hood was thrown e'ear across the Wil lamette Valley, and against the western horizon. Such another magnificent view could not be ob tained anywhere in the State. Port land could be faintly descried with the aid of a powerful resembled a cluster of white objects not dissimilar to small pieces of cloth attached to a line. A cold, cutting wind soon complied the party to liegin the descent, which lliev did 'after giving three heart v cheers in honor of the National Anniversary. A splendid time was experienced by the party hunting and fishing lieing the favorite amusements of the trip. The Mormons at Sa't Lake are unanimously for Greeley. Coal and petroleum have been found on Utile Colorado, Arizona. A new company composed of the wealthiest citizens has lieen organ izedatSan Francisco to build a hneot railroad from Jission hay An improved scantling machine southwards, to run through San has been contrived by J. W. Jial Mateo, Santa Clara, Monterey, San J fene, and built at Port Madison, Luis Obispo, Santa Harbara, Los Angeles and San Diego counties to the Colorado river, ami there cor nccting with tlie Texas Pacific $3,900,000 was subscribed, Small-pox has broken out in a family named Campbell, at Hidge, Clark county, Washington Territory. Several of the family have it, but it is in a mild form. A young felWicxplodedatorpV. do at Olympia the other day, hold- ing it in his hand. He was picked up i ear the spot. A correspondent of the Oregon' j 1 r ' A Mu nim has been iim writing from Idaho says ' this 1 Wd w PHuciwl of the Ore ferritory is certainly' the home of I R" ri,' School for another year. tlie lieu vers, and believes in all the wor d besides there are not so many beavers as there in Idaho. livery stream seems to swarm with them, ! and thev may lie seen frequently in the waters The statement, often I made, that they never show them selves, is a 1 a mistake. Eugene has three cases of small- ! POX. The salary of the Superintendent of Schools in Lane county has been raised to 600 per annum. Small-pox has entirely disappear ed from the neighborhood of Vic toria. The Baptist Society at Olympia has purchased a lot on which the members propose to erect a' church immediately, Win. Nelson, a Dane, was fear fully enisled at Fowler's logging camp, on the !)d inst., by a log rol ling upon him. lie is living, and has hopes of recovery. Several parties are now on the tributaries of the Faloiise, above e l aiim-e, ai)ove.,.i , ,i ,,...:,.,i , u ,,. the mines on eromo iwk, pros- . i i peeling fi-r goh with confident valuable mines hopes ot disclofHlU in that locality. The Krlio says the actual debt of Washington Territory is less than 810,000. Port Townsend has madeprovis. ion to have a'l her citizens vaccin- ated tree of charge. It cost Olympia 4.35 47 to cole, bratc the -1th. 7 !ie Committee of Arrangements had a surplus of si Timothy Dillon was accidently drowned from (he steamer ('omit, ! in White river, W. T., on the 3d int. Cornelius intends t.i build a new i puhl'c school house and a Catholic church. I)omestie troubles caused Mrs, j J. W. Moody, of Canyon City, to com in it suicide at Moody's Hotel on the 8th. Olympia jail has eight prisoners. M. 1'- Ferry, of Oregon, has been appointed Agei.t for the I latneads and other confederated trioos of Indians in Montana. Four thousand .live hundred kt- sons were vaccinated in San Fran-! ciseo from Juno to Jnlv fitli. The settlers in Indian valley were (;ollsi(ll,ral)iy mm iast week by an Indian who gave them all uoUce to , . , , . , , settlers were armed for defense, the Siwash couldn't lie found. At last accounts quiet reigned. F. J. Thibault has lately been appointed Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon, to reside at San Fran cisco. The latest buffalo ever seen in Eastern Oregon, was killed in Pow der river valley twenty-six years ago, by Joseph, a chief of the Nez Perec tribe of Indians. One of the carpenter contractors of Portland has fallen heir to a cool hundred thousand dollars. Cambling is carried on openly in Portland says the Bulletin. (antelopes are now in the Port- laud market. ?eh. Joe Hooker arrived in Portland on the John L. Stephens last Wednesday. A colored boy, named William Glasgow, aged thirteen, was acci dentally drowned while bathing in the river at Portland last 7'uesday. Seattle has adopted an ordianco to guard against small-pox, similar -to that passed in Olympia which cuts two feet wide, is made of iron, and can turn out forty-five thousand feet ier day. A brick and stone hotel, capab'e of holding 300 guests, is projected in Victoria by a rty of American capitalists, wlio anticipate a. great influx of visitors here during next and subseqwnt years, Austin Bell and a son of I) Mills, Ixtth of Seatt'e, were injured rather severely in the face by spliu- : ters from a bomb at tlie fire works I on the night of the Fourth. Lane county has 6.r;30 in the Treasury. Judge Haley, of Peoria, a few days agvshearel a yearling Pots, wold and the fleece weighed 'I'l pounds ! 7'he lied Cross I'hampions have organized in Salem. A child of Jameseiiifel, ot La Creole, Polk county, has lost its vocal organs entirely, from the ef fects of diptheria. It is recovering hut will never speak again. At the last term of the Clacka mas County Court Mrs. Boone was licensed to run a ferry on the Wi. lamettt) for two years, at the place known as Boone's Ferry, lielow liuttcville A family in Salem was reeent'y burglarized of some coin, two watch chain ami three linger rings, Greeley toggery is now the ratre. Vancouver last week had two clandestine marrages, says the Ore yoiiliin. In one instance the father of the bride followed to the house T n lien iii. iii.ii i n;i i i ' m 1 1 v i v- UtonniiiL'. and failing in persuastttn. attempted to force his daughter to return home with him. Thisbronght the young husband to the rescue, a light followed, and the " old man " j r wived a thrashing ami then went, ! homo Salelll is to start a Wooden Wa tor I 'iie factory soon. A. IL Rogers and Ceo. Weble, La C ramie, Oregon, have receiv ed a patent on a new fhliglcd can dlestick. All Washington county h said to be hieing to the blackberry p.- 7'l,e Wallamet rfu'versity has recently received an addition !o its Library. Extensive fires are reported to be biiKuilig in the timber on the mainland near Tacoma and lurthor down I'nget Sound. The forty-nine llostoniaus who lately arrived in Portland, have gone up on the Snake and Colum bia rivers to sjiend the summer in hunting and fishing, James Griroin was recently drown ed while bathing in the clnckamns river, near Welch farm. lie is sup. posed to have lieen attacked by heart disease while in the water, accasioning his drowning. The Oregonian Icarus that a party of English tourists, iinmber- iug about fifty, mm to leave ; Portland fi r the summit of Mount ! Hood m a short tune. j A regular organized land of ; burglar infest the vicinity of Sheri-1 dan, Vanihill county Eugene is rehrted as improving quite rapidly. Mrs. A. J. Duiuway is in San Francisco. Portland is to have another school i house at a cost of $14,148. Lane county has $2,000 in the Treasury over and above her in debtedness. Lane county received $500 for licenses last year. 'Clackalitfts county has a lawsuit ! Wit a butcher knife. The liegister and Keceiver at ; Uosobiirg are doing an extensive land office business. Archibald Fairclough was knock- ; j. , ., , ed down and robU'dot a purse of money on the road near Latiiyelte. last Saturday. Officers were in pursuit of the criminals. I A sou of Win. Hall, Yamhill county, died from lockjaw on the j 7lli inst induced bv beuiff struck ' M ' . " on the liack of the head with a piece of bone several days before. Out of eleven IX'tinvrats in a country store Clackamas county the other day, five sajd they would not vote at all, three declared they would vote for Grant and tlmse said they supposed they would have to vote for, Greeley. Andrew Mayland was bailed the j other day in the snm of $1,000 on tlie charge pf cutting the guys or braces supporting the beams of a large circular swing, on the night of July 4th, at Soda Springs, j Clackamas conntv. A. B. Jeacham contempkites settling permanently in salem. Some amorous swains were drenched with swill while attempt ing to serenade a (air damsel at Salem, last Saturday. The new Mayor of Walla Walla is K. Whitman. Alaska has less crime in proper ttou to its Nipnlat on than any other portion of the g'olie. The fare from ( flympia to Seattle, hy water, a distance of 80 miles, is only twenty-five cents. 7'he grasshoppers in Big Hole and Jefferson Valleys, Montana, are eating everything green that they meet. , .. ., I He then returned to bis seat, and 1 W; .'" " ( 0.rNTY Pape-7 ! without auyallusion to Mr. Toombs 1 he following controversy recently I or his woc mwh an ab,e occurred in relerence to taking the raejlt in otT,is measure, which louniy ttapei . 1 carried, as coolness and self-posses-'Well. siiusre, yousay voudon't Ui.. .- take the coiiuty paiier - - .r 9" "o, Major, I get the city papers on better terms" " Art, Squire, the county papers are a great convenience to us ; the more we encourage them the better the editor can make them." ' don't know that they are of any convenience to me." 'The thrill you wild last Spring was advertised in your county pa per, hence you obtained a custom er.'' per, hence you obtained a custom- or.'' ' ' "Very true. Major, but I had to I W th'w :'"llai's tor 'V" , , ".Now, ii tlie neigiioors nail not maintained that press, you would have been without the means of publishing your daughter's mar - riage, ami your brother's death last summer. Ves, yes, but" "When your nephew was a can didate for the Legislature, you were highly gratified at bis newspaper defense, which ejected him and cost nothing." "Vcs, but these little things are news to the readers, and make the people take the paiers." "No, no, Squire; not if they are all like you. 1 tell you, Squire, he dav will" come when someliodv will write an eulogy on your hie, char acter, etc., and the I'pritiftor will put it in type, with heavy black rule over and under, and with all your riches this will be done for you as a grave tor a paiqier our weaitii, ( houses miilduig in your village r liberality, and all such, will be i Young Lady " No, sir. 7'bcre spoken of; but the printer, as he ! is a new house being built tor Mr. sjiells tlie words in arranging the ! Smith, but it is the wrjUMttr who type, will remark: "Boor, mean j are building." devil, he never took the paper, and Ccntlcman "j'rue; I sit cor is now swindling the printer out of rected. ffo be building is eertain his tuneral notice." j ly a different thing from to bo being "Good morning Squire." built. And how long has Mr. , Sniith's house been being built?" A Secret. How do you do, Ladv Hooks nuzzled a moment. Mrs. Tone, have you heard that , story about Jrs. Ludy? 1 Why, no, Mrs. Gad do tell it. O, I promised not to tell it for ; - " j - - out, Why, I'd never tell on't as long as I live, just as true as the world ; is il' ('ome te"' ... J " ---j v - a i iir must, icuiu o, uu wit nvw unc about it, will you? I being only being built, instead of "No; I'll never open my head being built as lie expected, he can about it ; never. Hojw to die this I minit. j Here the gentleman jiereeived "Weil, if you will believe, Mrs. that the lady had disappeared. Piindy told me last night that Mrs. i Trot told her that her sister's bus. jAVY pgnftng lftv0 often noticed band was told by a person who tno extreme difficulty cucounteroij dreamed it, that Mrs. Trouble's j , nti,,,, tl,e tire in a stove, Ci- oldest (laugntcr s uusuana ioiu Mrs. Nicheus that her grandmother heard a letter that she got from her third sister's step daughter, that it was report that the captain of a .1 i i . i.i , iii elamboat just arrived irom tho reo j' Islands, said that the mermaids tvllAl.f flint bnittirtll ur.tttl cliavt'sL' III I I ' rvWM " v-.w ............ , I bustles, stuffed with pickled eel's j toes. Sadie Wilkinson, of New Ha- l ven, sues the amiable and pious Brick I'omeroy tor C'AOOO Mr a ; breach of promise of marriage, made j . JS(.(. Mn ?w , enoi,i, to be outlawed. " ' - ... ' , W.H is. during his recent visit to Pans, did not ovinee any reformation in his j habits of morality or good taste ! People who, therefore, fiopcd that ! i . : i i-i :.. l i !...; . bis sickness had improved his spirit- i ual condition arc simply mistaken. "Father, why don't we ever see any tacesat the window ?" asketl a son ot his parent, as tliey were pass ing an insane asylum. "Because their beads are turned," was the affec tionate father's reply. Aapcritica of Drhatr How Mr. Hew nru mew a inww an I Not long ago a gentleman was telling me a Senatorial anecdote of, and datii lack to, the ante-bellum days. tr. Seward bad made a sveh something about the tele graph when Mr. Toombs, of tieorgia, rose to reply,and' made a ieecb full of persona! abuse of Seward He wrought himself up into a rage and lashed about in the most aggressive manner, lie rln ishod and took bis seat. As Mr. Seward rose from his chair every eye was bent upon him with the greatest anxieiy. With calm, and measured step he walked toward Mr. 7boml)s. It was noticed that his right hand was underneath the rear pocket of his coat. There was apprehension that he was concealing a pistol, and A I r. Toom ls' friei si s crowded a round him When Mr. Seward reached him be drew out his hand, ami iciiing his snuff box politely invit ed Ins adversary to take a pinch of wraffi "My (iod!" said Mr. 7'oombs, " Mr. Seward, have you no feelings?" "Take a pinch of snuff, it will soothe your agitation." i'mi n nrus will 1.111' li'uni , 1 ' "i oer noi temper am passionate in vective. WtMhingtwk fatter. Vnlunblr Mnrlilne. The San Joaquin RejmU'uxm says : A man named Jarvin, now deceaseil, a few years ago invented, hut did not perfect, a machine de signed to cut, thresh and sack wheat as it moves along. Mr. Smvthc, a farmer near Stockton, I has one ot the machines. Ho say '; with three men Aitd fourteen horses, ! lie. machlrta (',,ts . tl,,?,ies : sacKs twenty acres oi gram per day, but it is so complicated that it breaks often. The grain it works in must 1 be uniformly ripe, and it wastes ! grain if set to work before the dews and fogs are dispelled in the mom iug. if this machine can be per fected, it will supply a great want. When labor is so unreliable and exacting as it is found to bo here, machinery that will substitute steam or horse power for man later will lie eagerly sought after by the en tire tanning community. . C.oiii) Foil Grammar! .t sis; The following conversation between a young lady who writes for maga zines and an old gentleman who believed he could speak English, occurred in Massachusetts,. and is quoted tbr the use of grammarians: Old Oentleman " Are there anv niKl then answers rather abruntlvl " Nearly a year." Gentleman " How much longer do you think it will lw lieing built?" LJgj? llVJ ; j llcmn r R,10uU mk M,. : Smith would be annoyed by its bV ,,, 01,g bemg built, for the I house he now occiqiies lieing so old, .... . . pccially, ny still, damp morning. The stove at first won't draw even vigorous " blowing " will not suffice ; and then, when it does start, it is with a sort of an explosion m outward rush of air, which fills the room with smoke and iras. often. ,v .1.. l- - iS-.i-. Ig llll" Ul.'lt;t llll I HUH s into tlie tins of tlm onerntor. This trouble is caused by the dif- ''"countered in evercoming the inertia of the long column of ... i.i i . i ,, - 0f ai rt a can W fW n coiumioi an mat can ix lormi up through the interstices of the wochI Bl"' at t,,e ,JWom of which the fire is kindled. All this nu. .K r0!."od.,tvl P lmlti"? !t lew shavings or hits ot dry imper on the top of the wood or coal, and first lighting that ; it immediately bursts into a blna , because the air 1..,. ...i;....l.. C., ji . ' has perfectly free access to it from sides ; tlie heated air forces its way into me chimney, and estat- lishes tliero an upward current. The match can then bo applied to the kindling under the fuel, which will readily light, and jf dry, b t into a brisi bkze. American Jty ral Home.