VOL. IV. ALBANY, OKI'X.OX, J I'M 19, 187'-'. KO, 47. jS i BU81SKSS CABHK. BUSINESS CARDS. LMUjthlnic. rjrgs ' Men. PI III.ISIIKD KVKKY Kill DAY, By COLL. VAX CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Cornrr firrg ami Fir4 tlttvrtl, TERMS IN AWYANCK. Our vein- litre dollars. Si.x otoliths Two dollars. Sinilo conies Ton cents. ADVEKTISINI. RATES. Transient odvcrllsomimts, per square of ten liii-s or loss, tlrst insertion V, each siilwoiiiieni Insertion ti. larger aiiwr Alsoiuents inserted on the most Hberal trims. Jilll WORK. Having rrrcive I ww I ype, s'ock of col ored inks, car Is, n Onrdon Jobber, etc.. we arc ntsnwwv'a tocrtwth.lwioi pHut Ing in u liettet manner, and liny per eoni cheaper than ever before offered ihis eily. Aw -nts for the Register. The fnltov.iti': to receive tpld iliW-cnisin' efc gentlemen sire aitlhortied nriiil for s'lliS liptinns. . fhf Hie liwiisTKit: Ilirnni SfnAfh . UMi-vi-'Minr. . P.Tompl I",1im' Hum! . iinrrlsbrirs. iwnsvllle. YV. R, Kirk. BrirwiWRm. j. IS. Irvine. Solo. T. II. Itontilds, Salem. 1.. I. roller, San KHinetxoo. n. c. PortMv UlietW Still Ion. Fletcher ft Wells. Bntma Vlsto, Polk to Chits. Nickcll, Jacksonville. BO j. ii. KitoiiEi.li. ' P iK'i-i'"- 3I1TCUI.LL & BOLI'M, ! Altorif.ni nn! Counselors at MtW, tnOUCITOlSSINt IIAXI KI! V AMU'lUK -i lor In admiralty. Oftleo over the old ikisi offlee, Front street, I'orthOnl, Orogon. let I.C IH,H'l:t.l.. L. U.IN.N. POWELL & E-LIXX, Allormys nl t'ouuHelura nt mi soucrroKs is i haxckuy th. J Kiinn notary luiiilio). A llnin M Minion, Coileeripnsiiiid eoiiveyaueos iirotuplly ill lemlodto. 1 K. H.ftt.t.Nott. .N. n. HrjuniiiKY. Mitnrv I'ublle. COAHOll & Hl'MPKIIEV, Attoni"j and t'omiwliori at I.a, ALBAS Y, QlIEfjOJf. Oflivt IuPurrlsllbHek, up !atf 51 ' EO. Yi'.WIf.i, i. . S., 1 BA1H ATE OK riXI IS l.l nati Ilentnl CpI'WN inuUes frr w .Y iMoiV Im IHWllSlulcttif 1ilf ., .Ir t th i'il lixth. tllso, lines A 11. work in Hie line of his profession in t lie iiest and most approved inotbod, mid ut us reasoaahitl rates ns oin he hud elsewhere. Nitrons Orvido administered for Hie imln JiSMextractloii of teelh If desire I, Ojlleein nitrriau hrlek btoek. np s'ulrs. Resldeitee llrst hous1 snot h of finitf relational i le i ;vli. fronting on io:t-i UoQsc block. )U- U W. O. JOKES, M. ., HOMEOPATHIC PHTSHIAN. OmCU ON KIRS'I' STREET, ONEdiwr West of iiiMa lalhin, in llitrkbart's two story hriek np stairs), over Gto. TurndPf store, llEwiiiKNii: Fii'Sthousowestortlic Hetliifllsl ehUH'll, Alliunv .1 lr. ' i LLITKL & Ml'EBS' 8P1TSBI0AL FJAJMES, And Uencrnl .mill Miteliluerj . J. F. BACKENSTO, Asent. Alimny, Owwi. Mi a K. s. m tuns, w. If. M'l l 1.1.IK II. x. a. oi' bois & co., U AVE ON IIY.NII AN1 CONrs'lANTLY rcroH in,' a toi'j,'e slis-k of UlWril mid I'mvMoan, Wontl and willow ware, tobueeo. cigars, fynfect ionury. Yanke' itolions, ele., etc., v liolesiile and retnil, at lowest rules. (liisisite it. ('. Hill ,t Son's drugstore, Alliiuy, Oregon. . Itavt A LB A X V BOOK STOBE. I ll Mislli .l 111 ll50. t'. A. Frechtud, DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF mis.'elluticoii hooks, school books, blank books, slit lonery. books imKirte 1 loonier al liorl noiiee. Allwnv. Hee.il. IWO. 1IJRXIX Tcnxix.. AM PREPARE!! TO HO ALL HINDS 1 ol turning; kecpon hand and make to order rawUitlo-lietlomed chairs, anil spin tiiug wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia MU", m JOI1N M. METZI.ER. Alimny, Nov. 8, ISBS-I ALB.4XY BATH HOUSE. " riMlB HNDERSinNEt WOULD RE l spi-et fti lly In form t he ell Incus of Album ml vicinity that he has taken charge of this estnbllsbnient, and by keeping clean rooms and paying strict attention to busi ness expects to snit all those who ma- fii vor htm -llh their iwtrnnage. navlmr beretofor,' mrrled on nothing out Pint-tlniM Hair DreaalnK KbImhm, He eirpeets to Rive ehtlrc satisfaction lo all. CbUdren's and billies' hair mntlv cut and shaniiHH'd. wtptft ct-yi JOSEPH YVEnBEH. nmss rtms! tors! rpiIB lUr.IIEST PRlCErt PUDIX CASH I for all kinds of rum. hv BLAfCyOtNOJI CO. AHny, Feb. , TJ-ai JOHN CONNER, B A N K I N G -AXD- Exchange Office, amiaxy, oiiruon. iK!MSiTS RECEIVED SI BJECT TO I t check at slJSR, . Inlcrost allowed outliuedttposits in coin. BrtrlMinaKr on Portland. Sin Francisco, and New York, for nle ill lowest rules. Collections made and pninvpfly n initio I. Refers tn II. W. Corbet!, Henry Falling, W. S. Lad i. Bunking hours from s A. M. lo 1 P. M, Albany, I V!). I, l;i-'JJv3 MAltBLE n oBKH. ' 1HOXBOE & STAHiEK, Dealers In lIoiiumriBs, Obelisks, Tombs, Head uikI Toot Stones, Kw'ruled In Vrmoilt and Kalian .Marble. California, SALEM, OREGON'. BRAM'l! N1I0I AT AMiAW. t. DOW. M. B. CHASKi iov & CRAVE., Dealers In Boi, UllOCIt, Hlltl E'iiSiJ jJss A?, HAW, oi:i.(i, INVil'l-; THE .VrTENTlON OF THE L imt.lle to lli. ir lull sim-k of the Inlesl styles in entleuieas and youlhV hoots, siines. iiilil'ers. Oxfoltl ties, etc., etc., lis well us to the very la'esl tiling out In the line of Indies' an'.l misses' trailers, IntlntotnK Sewisjrt ties, AnioUtetle buskins, and many olhor new n ml lashtonahle styles, just received at the City 11, Mt Store, wliieh they will sell im rapidly n iliey eon find pnivhasers who wish nrst-elass cmmIs at the most Nasonobhi lulcs- Tliey reaptHrl fullv luvlte you to eoine and see their s.oek. Bootli, ahoes.ete., mudeur i-epuiivd to order, and aO uvik itminnl t. CITY BOOT STOKE, PIKST STRKET, l int door YVest of I'K;ist,'r i.aiM'K . 17v3 (IT V .MA H K KT, riimT siiiEsrr, aijiany, ottfiuox, J. w WW 111 L. HARRIS, I'BOl'BlETOR, ILI, EM i;.Vilt TO KEEP f'OK s;witi, ou hand a full fii;iply of AU liM' OI' MEATS, will ,i.'i... nl IliC very best quality. nwW el price ild for oeoves, very best qnalilv. 1 lilrd diKir esl of Fcnr. on south side if First slrcct, J. L. HARRIS. Albany, Hoc. IJ, W71.1JV1 J. W. Van Don Bcrgl! M . B., woku not ron, 8ALESI : : : OK KG OX. MY ktnjj esperliiiieo In diseases caused by WORM -, mtinot be siiriiassi d by ! utiy physleian in Eiiropti or the I'nited ; Slates, Otliee rooms, Nos. 8H and .'Kl. over j the l'o-t Ofllm. tT Consultiiiioiis and ! e.atiiiniilloiisrl"'o vhtirgr. v4n:tuniil Albany Collcglnto limlituic, AI.IEAY'Y, OREUtX. 'IMHS INSTITimON WILL REOPEN ON 1 Moinlay.SepletnlK'r, 1S7I, wllhacorps : of teaehers eanable and earnest. lnttraV I lion will ho tUorontfh and pna'tli-al, and j the system of nnler unsurpusstHl. Forpur- ticir.ni-s address R. K. WARREN. A. M., Pi-esldent ; Or. Rev. E. II. tiEAHY, 11. 11.. Alimny. The I-. ! Tko Ears R. T. L. UOLDEX, r i ' ,; ' Oculist mid Aurlit. Albany, Ori'lrois. DR. GOLDEN Is A son of the noted old oithaluiie doctor, S. C. (iolden. Hr. (iolden has hud experience in treating the various ilisonses lo which the cyoand curare subject.antl feels conlMcut ol giving entire satisfaction to those w ho mny place themselves under his com, April It". . B. E O. SMITH, DENTIST, 1 1 AS I.tK'ATEIl IN At. II Iiauv. and is now tvailv to wait on the citizens of Al- fcnnvand clidnltv.wltha new Invention tn denial work. It consists In snpisirtlng Hie pla'.c lo the month wilhont envtrtnr the whole roof, us heretofore. Those wishing arllllelul troth are req mut ed to call and examine for themselves. Also, plates mended, whether partially broken nrdlvldwl. Teeth, extracted with out win. Oflleo over TurreU's store. All work warranted. 7v4 raper-haiiyiiiir, Calccniiniitg, DccorBlliig;, ftc. If M. YV.YHSWOKTII will give pnnnitt 1 . attention lo all orders for Puper uinglng, I 'iilrenjluing, Iienimtlng, Ac, In this city or vtctnitv. All work executed tn the latest style, fa the best manner, and at lowest living rates. Kjinirders left nl Furniture Warerooias ofi.'lius. Meulov will i receive prompt attention. lOvi To the Citlscns of Brownsville and Vicinity. Tim ixiiKiisuiNKi) worm an- ' i nounec nonnce that thev ai-elMHKPKN'DKNT LAN11IDATE8 lor I lie purchase of all tile "W O O Xl they can get, for which thev will puv the I HigEioii market Prtee ' in fash ortiools. Also, tbev have a full j slock of o i: e it a i, n v. n - ramus e on hand. Willi h thev oittr at lowest rales I forl'ASIIor PlluldfE. KIRK, HI' ME .v CO. I I. K. full on in, Ik fre dosing liir your Wool. ! Brownsville. Ma vli X Ti-30ni3 EBAXKL1X ALBANY, 3. R. IfE!iliO, ttiAIN, AT THE MARKET, OREGON, : : Proprietor, Ol.H PLACE ON qvfm to furnish all V Front srroef, pin who apply Willi liti Ul towns! market rates. ;!-ol MKATS.attl'c By si i let attuutthn lo five jri'iienil sulis ay I ;-.or him With a UU'Kjct pii.-e raid for J. 1!. HiQtltON. In t Ill llllslll-'ss ,. )oHS fuel on in all who m call. t-: lligliei; n Dot I.THY. SETTLEDIIR E'S X I BSE R V, Kl MIL'S !-oulh of AHiaiiy, I.InU 'o., NEAR TitE RAILROAD. T MIDICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL 1 persona desiring to purchase fruit lives to oil) noil exiuilliie my sriwk, which is cotinioscd of the iargest and Ik-si selection In the State, eonslstllig of apples. )K-nrs, nheiTles, plums, prunes, .jnija-s, li'aekber-l-ies.iillinulse.n l roses. Also, black and white wajiiji', EnglWi walnut, blekorv, Is'Min, icdba I, lumey toonst, liaekberry, and a numlieror orlier varieties of Irces unit plantstiHi numerous in iiienllou, allot which ore otlereit at low rotes, HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. Dee. 17, 1R70-LY WM. PETERS, MAM i-.ii .Ti-ntn 0 Carriages & Wagcns, or Every Description, ALBA XV, OBEUOX, MANt'FACTt'irKS Tn ORDER ANY mi l all siyicsof tVtigoiig, Carriages, IIiu-kH, .Ac, al as rcu-sinable rates as tlie 1190 of good material and llrsl-clnss w ork w ill lus tily. Rcirlng neatly and exjiedit lously done low rates, shop on Ferry between First and Sivond streels. WM. PETERS. Albany, May i. is7-.'-3 i DR. VAXCLEVE'S m , . ... 'in GalVaillC AMOllBal SriPPOrter i lEiavi: REGI'UTOR. rpHE MERITS OF THIS INSTRUMENT ; A consist principally in tlie vupport II j gives to the abdomen nod spine The belt Is broau, fopported by suspenders pastng over the shoulders, and kept tn shape by ; wlf-generotlng(jalvaiitcPUitea,wUh-ligtve u pleasant current. The Regulator is also liulvanic: ils Cup an INowtlosa'v mieleof silver; l:s Sieni.nf Ctniperajld Zinc, is hollow, thai iujoe.lions I may tic liiniwn itimugn it.orintiiiiieneek of the Ctems, n can be so regulated by ils thmnii-scrcw as to meet any mul-posi-Hon of the I'lenis, and is unequulfed in meetltut any form of feitutle disease. Price, til.' Paten tc I August 11, 1h71, liy W. s. Yau i 'Ice, Cenlralia, Illinois. Territory for Sale, or mill receive Koyalt' lr lunnuliw-ture. For Stale or Territorial I'lgbta to uiaiiu fiieluiv unit seU on the PaclHc Coast, apply to COLL. VANCl.EVE, AUniuy, Oregon. - Notice OREliON A CAI.IFOBNIA RAILROAD Coinpony. Land I ieai-lment, Portland Oregon, April S, 187i. Notice is hereby given, tllut a vigorous prosecution will 1h instituted against any and every peraon who tros.iasHcs iitsiu any Railroitd Land, by cntllniranil teinoviiiH l Imber t herefrom lHifoiv the same Is lIOCiillTul the Coinpa ny AND PAID FOR. All vanin! Lund in mid numbered Ki Hons, nvhetlier surveve l or unsurveyed, within a distance of thirty miles from the line of the mud, bc!aiu;s to Hie Connnuiy. 1. R. Mix IRES, Mvltf IJiml Agent. METROPOLIS HOTEL. Comer Front and Salmon Sts,, PORTLAND, OREGON. This new and ctctnutt hotel, with Xtw Furniture Throughout, Is now OPEN TO THE Pl ilUC. Until oui for the nrroniaodatiou of tnicsts. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Come and 800 Vn. 1. K. rBBNOB, rropa Oct.7,71-Jv T i . every nook and corner of the sys- j lent. Laugti ntnl grow fat," and pm like the gay lambs that I ii isk and gatnliol on the hillside in the joyous t-riiig, or like the rol licking kittens, 'as they roll and tumble on the mat, as 'if to show their proud mother, sitting near, and wiiU'Uing their movements, honv easily and naturally they learn their first lessons in cat gymnastics. Laugh ubut yon need uefei indulgo u. n wuiTc. iior.e-iaugii, a Mm- ..tw)rrtiiii)dt!;gotieot the bray - ing o a (lonkey, or a steam whistle! i.augn iiKO a rwy, a wiue-awake, Hirvhtti boy, one ready for business, lulxir, eirands; ivady to bring a pail of water fur mother, gather lluwers for sister, or any honest anil useful labor, physical" or mental. Laugh, but not simply to make a noise, or liccausc it is expected that you will, but because, you cannot help it ; because you are vrtn$oitjnf with giiod-nature, with not a cubic inch more of room to contain your joyous feelings, a most ready U. burst; filled with kindly ftvlings towards brothers and sisters, 1 - rents and friends, schoolmates and playmates, all with whom you wine in daily contact. es and let the girls laugh, and expnuu oncuuwi, innate me mugs, ,1... : ai . v n ruate nie vnvigies, eukinuie Kiiiuiy emotions, encirele the whole conn tenatice with an ample wreath of smiles. Give bio the boy or girl that smiles as soon as the tirst rays of the joyous morning sun glances in through the windows, gay, hap py, and kind. Such a boy will be fit to " make up " into a man at least when contrasted with asiillen, morose, "crabbed" fellow, who snaps and snarls like a sully cur, or growls and grunts 1 ke an unta mable hyena, from the moment he opens his red and anjjry eyes till he is " comforted " by his Inakfast. .Such a girl, otlier things bet-ig lii votable, will be good uuderiw to aid in gladdening some comfortable homo, or to reiine, civilize, lame, and humanize a rude brother, mat ing liun more gentle, atlectionate, I and lovable. It is a feast to even oi-at such a joy-inspiring girl, : ., 1 : '", flowing, so to speak, from micii it wuiiiiiu uuu, unu M.V uw . her parted lips, disiilayuig a a't of i.angn, ooys j a hearty, joyous, Would it not bo wise to snbsti ringing laugh, that semis the blood tuto more t&s for meat in our daily gayly mrsiiig along the veins and llicty About oucthird of th'o arteries, giving hio and vigor to ! ,vt.jL.ht 0f ,, u ua lllltrim11t. clean, well brushed teeth, looking ! 0lna and handsome but a delicious almost ihe pi-rsonitication of beauty morsel. Jlost of jieople sjtoil the and goodness, singing, and as merry taste of their eggs by adding pepicr as the biids, the wide-awake birds and salt. A little sweet butter is that commenced their morning con-1 the best dtciisiiig. Eggs contain cert longbe!brc the lazy boys dream-; mucl, phosphorus, which' is suppos oil tliat the glorious situ was ap- ed to be useful to those who use proaehing, ami about to jtonr a their brains Wood. Jlerdhl of vhole flood of joy-inspiring light j Jl(lltt, and warmth uwn the earth. Such j . a girl is like a gentle shower to the 1 a Female Atroeiiy. ai'ohed earth, bestowing kind J words, sweet smiles, and 'acts ot'j A gentlewoman in the city of mercy all around the joy and t London, alter Jiavmg buried six light of the household. 1 huslwhds, fmU a gentleman hamlv It has been well said, " there are , yr ft two muscles to raise the upiier hp, ., . ., as in laughter, and onlvone to draw more' " fevoral mo"tlls. tlleir it down ; thcrctore we should laugh 'happiness was mutual, a cireum. ttcke to crying once" Jhcremav stance which seemodto aynogieat be a time tor weeping, ami even for : eompliment to the former partnere mourning and melancholy; yet of her bed, who, as she said, had cheerfulness, good nature, and joy j disgusted her by their softishness are lar more favorable to the health . and infidelity. In the view of of the body and mind. Excessive i knowing the real character of his grief often arrests the action of the j amorous mate, the gentleman began stomach, and produces disease. The frequently to absent himself; to cheerful and hopeful aro far more return at late hours, and when he healthy than tlie morose, the sour, did return, to appear as if intoxi the fretful, ami the scolding mortals: eated. who never sec the sunlight of cheer-1 f ulne.-s or sociability, but who reowl and frown, " look daggers,'' and fed two edged swords towards all who daro to come within reach of them. Oliver Ojti-'o Magazine, Klnderhook, Illinois, possesses the champion preacher. A tew Sundays since tie preaelied an eloquent sertnon, mid at the conclusion exhorted his licarers to embrace the opportuulty presenteil. None came forward, anil aft?r wilting some time the minister, raisins his voice to ttie highest plteli, exclaimed, "Well, sit there and lie damned 1" On the same Sunday he calkilotittothc Janitor, "Opeu'tluit window ; I don't like to preach in a barrel with the bung tlwe in !'' Wear your learning like a watch, in a private pocket, and don't endeavor to show it unless you nre asked wliat o'clock it is. When there is love in tlie heart there are rainbows in the eyes, which cover every black cloud with gorgeous hues. 7'his is more than fan be said of meat, .'here is no bones and tough pieces that have to bo laid aside. A good egg is mado up of ten parts i holl, sixty parts white, and thirty parts yolk. 7'hc white of an egg contains eighty-six per cent, of wa ter ; the yolk titty-two per cent. The average weight of an egg is about two ounces, rraetiea'ly an egg is animal fund, and yet there is none ol the disaoieeable work of the uutcJ:t,r lim.S!iary to obtain it. 2'he ; vegetans of England use egg f.ly, ail,l many of tliefo men are ; v,,dy 11Uietv vears oW 11(1 have been remarkab'y free from ill ness. A good egg is a tve. 1 ho shell is Kirus, and the oxygen of the air goes through the shell and keeps up a sort of respiration. An egg soon becomes stale in bad air, or in dry air charged with carlmnie acid. Eggs may be dried anil made to retain their goodness for a long time, or the shell may be varnished. which excludes the air. when, it ; kt'iit at a projier tempei-ature, they , umy be kept good fir years. The ! F1Vnch people produce' more eggs tia aiiy olKTt an milliu'iis 0f iem t0 Kglal,d aimually. Fresh , m mo,.e ti-aUspaivnt at the 0J ones oil tlie top. Very 0 (l ones are ,10t transimret.t u . . I ... cither place. In water in which one-tenth of salt has been dissolved, good eggs sink, and indifferent ones swim J'ad eggs float in pure Yva ter. The best eggs are laid by young healthy hens. If they are properly fed the eggs aro better than if they are al'owed to eat all sorts of food. Eggs are best when cooked about four minutes. This takes away the animal taste that is offensive to Some, but docs not so harden the white or yolk as to make them hard to digest. An egg it cooked very hard isdiilieitlt of digestion, except by those with stout stomachs ; such eggs should le eaten with broad and masticated very lii.ely. An excellent sandwich can lie made with eggs and brown bread. An egg uvad on toast is food lit for a king, if kings deserve any better food than auv body else, which is some than hot 1 ones. An rw ,-iiiil- man uviiiwt villi;?. .111 KtUk doubtful, l-iiedeggsareless whole- I drotuied into hot water is not oulv At iirst reproaclies but afterward menaces were the consequences ol this conduct.. The gentleman jier sisted and seemed every day to lie come more addicted to his lwttle. One evening, when she imagined him dead drunk, she unsewed a leadci. weight from one of the sleeves of her gown, ami, having melted it, sho approached her hits, baud, who pretended still to be sound asleep, in order to pour it : into his car through a pipe. Convinced of her wickedness, the gentleman started up and seized . her ; when, having procured assis-! tanee he secured her till the morn ing and conducted her liefore a! magistrate, who committed her to prison. The bodies of her six litis-, bands were dug up, and as marks ot violence were still discoverable upon each ot them, the proof of her J guilt appeared so strong upon herj trial that she wag coudemued and ; executed. Death or the King of MMokm. Mr. Klaes, kuown by the name of "King of the Smokers," died recently near Kottcrdam, Holland. Mr. Klaes Lad, according to the Belgian papers, amassed a large fortune in tlie linen trade, and one pi nt ion of a mansion he had erected near Rotterdam was devoted to tlie arrangmeut of a collection of pipes according to their nationality and chronological order. By his will, which he executed shortly before his death, he directed that all the smokers of the country should be invited to his f'uneraj, and that each 0110 should be presented with ten pnniids of -tobacco and two Dutch liijies of the newest fashion, on which should lie engraved the name, arms, and date of the decease of the testator. His relatives, friend and funeral guests were strictly en joined to keep their pipes well lighted during the funeral proces sion and cetemonv. and afterwards empty the ashes from their pipes 011 the collin. The poor of the ncigh borhood who attended to his wishes were to receive annually, o-i the anniversary of hisdeath, ten pounds of tobacco and a small cask of good beer, lie further directed that his oak cfiirin should be lined with the mlar of his old Havana cigar boxes, and that a box of French caporal and a pocket ot old Dutch tobacco should bo placed at tlie foot ot his coffin. His litvorito pipe was to be placed by his side, with a box ot matches, a flint and stcc', and some tinder for,as he said,tbcro was no knowing what might happen. It has been calculated that the de ceased gentleman during his eighty years ot lite, smoked mora than lour tons of tobacco, and drank about 500,000 quarts of beer. Tl'.c Vaticination of CbewluK Betel Nut; There U a fascination in betel nut more extraordinary than tolwceo pas sion. The consumption of tlie latter In ehewfng alone, in the I'nited States, i a modem phenomenon. An invct enitechevver ui.-iy liave moral resolu tion enough to breuk oil" the hahil, though it rarely happens that an effort i miiilu to do so, us tin apology is found lor conti iming a practice tint l positively destroying flic foundation of health. Once addicted to chewing tobacco, to abandon it la a 1 achlevi -meiit few have I lie happiness to over come, notwitlntaiidliig the melancholy mortality in the meridian of lite w1k arc Constantly being destroyed by the subtle influence ot flint strange plant ou the nervous system. Thus Maiden palsy of tlie heart, patery of a limb, palsy of one half the tongue, and even Instantaneous death, are traceable let physicians to exees-ive Use ot tobtVvo. But the vice ol betel nut chewing, however, is still inrtro reinavkalH. When the habit i- established lfir seems RO retreat. JOach victi;;. out his teclli, gums, digestion, mid dies with an unsatisfied longing for another quid. Betel nut trees tliriv in most parts of tropical India, the Indian archipelago aud the i'hillippk e Islands. Tliey grow up gincefuliy about thirty "feet, rarely more than eight inches' in diameter.' It Isa pain;, nn-tti vilf-ktf, l'enang is the universal name ot the nut hi tlntse parts where it Is produced, lienee p'tlo ixuhihj means a letel nut Island. Al ix yeis of age Ihey cominences Ixuring imts the size Of a small pullet's egg, of a bright yel low color, enclosed in a husk sim'llni totlie cocoa-nut; within is a spher ical nut, very much like a nutmeg. Broken, a bit of it is wrapiied up wiih a pim- of 11,1 -lucked lime in a peculiar lent, the siri teftl-plptr, piper, exten sively cultivated for that purpose. The gums and mucous membrane of the mouth ore quickly stained a brick red, Hie teeth rrnmbl'e to a level with the gums, and in that condition uu in ebriate betel cfK'wer is wretched without a supply. There are large plantations of betel nut trees in Java to meet the demand for home consump tion and distant provinces. To uug mciit the pleasure, tbo nvhouin :.) fotd it add tobacco to the lime. A morbid craving for either betel nut or IoImccom resources of immense reve nue to many governuieuls. Neither reasonings nor appeal to the intelli gemr ofvhewers, wlio are shortening their days by an excessive indulgence, have ever laid the slightest influence in convincing them that they Were violating a law ot'uigauiclife. Science tails to explain the cause of our intense morbid craving for vegetable narcotics so lailent as tobacco and betel ulttA. A'. )'. Mail. A Tnpeka merchant unites busim - and pleasure by announcing ou his. sign ''John Smith, dry goods; wishes toget married." ' . The entire Assets of a recent bank nipt were nine children. His credit ors resolved to act uiaguaiiiuiouslv, and lit him keep them. - "It Isn't haul work nvhen 1 do it for mamma." she said softly. How true it Is that love makes lalor swecu