The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 12, 1872, Supplement, Image 9

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. ........ g, ... ...... ... :. . . M
-MM ,d rin '4K -km aw i
'i. hs- t fni ., fWd . -to
edf : ; u a, -' . . ;r
OS. S jttilii
r lb
1-X '
lie tt muted by th Sexqttani houtt of
m oj . m m m
thirtieth eirhfeon hundred ami seventv-th!
for t ho objects hereinafter axpseseed, namely:
For compensation awl mileage of Senators,
liiM'ttt be.awl they are
I - settle ami
of SaMlonMntc iwii
I wo;
of thesmate, four thousand three liuudreil
twenty dollars oncer ctareed tilth
disbtirsmciils of the Senate, live him
drew and seventy fit dollars ; chief clerk,
ilnec tlusisand dollars, and tueaikUtlonal sum
..i 'one ilmiaUHldollan. while the ahloMiT Ik
held by the present Incumbent, and no Jong
. . clwlc. i,rlm-lnleenttrelor,
iiiinSte and Journal clerk, and rtoanrtal clerk,
in I he office of the Secretary of the Senate, at
I wo thousand live hundred anil ninety two
:!..., Btirartewawt six eierka in the
offiiceoltbeltorotervorthe iaenato. at two
ihousand Wo Hjwl and twenty doftui
each : keeper ne MwM two thnsand
one uiumuwu aau swouooar ami tony corns ;
i wo messeamir, a: sand two Iwwimd
HHMMlt aer-
v uounrai acnsmnhai
arms and doorkeecr, lour thousand three
hundred and twenty doUars : Provided, tlutt
iiereaner nc snaii receive, airociiyorimuroct
Iv, nofees or other compensation or emolii
nu'iit winterer lor performing the duties of
i lie oflice, or In connection therewith, other
wise man as aioresasi ; assteMiiMWMirto.s'iK r.
two II sand live hundred and nlnetv-two
'loiters; mm0lm.tmm W'ai.
-and one J
ntisfer amTmait-caiTlcr, one thousand seven
hundred aim tweuty-elght dollars; two mail.
. aiTUii at oae thousand two uuudid dol-
lars oai-n ; s,iiKirmnciiiU!iil ortlie 'hvunieul
room, m tHMMHT one hnrtdred and stxtr
,li, liars ; two aHWatlnHitti dooanent-room at
i me I lm?aadfoiH)Bdod UKlfeAyUollars
ni.Khousahd one hnndred and sixty itolliirs;
ihree mssengii, acrtw as assistant dbor
keepcrs, one honsiiid ri;;lit hiustrod dollars
e-h ; twenty messengers, to lie appolutwl and
removed n the sergeaiit-at-arinf, With the
approval ol the Committee to Audit and Con
trol the Contingent Expenses of the Senate,
at one thousandfoitr hunand and forty dol
lars each; secretary to the I'resklent of the
senate, two thousand one hundred and two
i lol lars and forty cents ; clerk to the L'ounulttcc
on Finance, two thousand two haridred ami
twenty dollars: clerk (o the Committee on
. laieas, two fltastmd I woltitadrcd and twenty
dollars ;eef prltg records, two thon--a
nil two hundred awl twenty dollars; c lerk to
( onnuittee on AiipmprUlons, two Oonsand
inn hundred and twenty dollars ;ono (aborer
.inhargeofiirlvale liaswfattehi lienilrednnd
incimndred dollars I
-ifhlLui,,,! S.,i I.-
. lilefniWitonMndonelaimiroil and
i hoiuand ftmrhmlrandi.rtythllar each ;
i wo (Iremen, atone thousand !tnd ninety-lire
i loHarsAch; tUwHtaftL at hs ven finlwliw I
and thirty doHars each ; imjiIiiik, tit in, one
hundred' and N o btntdK-l
.iiiii twemj-eigsiMmf ' ceni.s,
01" :::.7-Xi V
.-i-i-i -, n-5:' iH
"-Hi!.,--.-:..! i
mses of the finale, m :
iwstajws fiirsotent'-
Me w ont' hundred jii.i
M per an mini, nine
law! Httv dolSitsT
lonantttces ted MB
. .
our fS'iMiunis, at the
i wenty-llve dollars
. . ml iw-ohHilii
ForHtathMHr) fin
. :.-'..:i-.!,s.
For eierVi t.. . t MM thuu-
iiiddolkws. ',: 7Tv--rt-7 Sr.r'l.Z
ForWlal ways r the Senate cliainbCT,
tttortM(-aw, ww jge H the KflKf
senate, eight tliouNaiul'iSllwx " ' "'
For horses and ., all-. seven tbousaiKl dol
For fuel and oil for the hcaUng-aiHiarat
eight tliousnil dollars: for furniture and
uurs oi lurninirc, live
labor, thirteen th
documents. alM inMeriah t!
i lime a ml dollars; lor wckiiiK
himilredaimlbrty dollars: for
items, exciuatve of labor, M rtythonshaadol.
lars. fc.UaMj vi.,' v i An
For the ustihl aiWillonal
ine i
al (i)
and eight hundred dt
in! vales, at one thoiiraM nW
elghiy-lbur dollars each, forty two thousand
seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars; and
eight watchmen, at one tbawand dollars eat-h,
"a iiuhu wnws ; nwaing, in ait, any
i two
lars. one half to Be
it the eontlngent
iS fond
nfl ho House
i went)
nlnetv-two dollars
at two thousand nvc Maftmt asrf twenty
dollars; eight assistant clerks, Including II
lunrian and assistant librarian, it two thou
santl one buiidreil and sli't v dotlars each ; ono
etuci messenger, mine oniceoiine (,;tern ol
i he Mouse, nve itetiars ami
-and four
gtneer, onejhonsnd
at one th
hit annum : for el
of ClataM, W'
sixty dollars ; elerlmtfNnMlfe
ho flsSi tear eiffllhie dune
.n mint ins accounts
n (SServT-e of the Wiwhs vi. :Socf5ttv
thousand dollars; lor
ottsand dollars: Ibr foldihu
hfcretbr. cliihl
Oxcs. seven
cnniuensathm In
Alsrsearb twentv.ron
awM mww wv, , m
i'owpeBMtla ami mlleagm of iwif
nJKi.Ua.aa' 1 riii" I illll ni t III t i 'll f 1 ' I
ariwo'tajoaanwara nimuna and
(i'onWant clerk
.. : .... ., ., " ,
wired and fortv ifollava: 'one en- V
olgbthund dollars; I
ork to CdairiUtW of Ways
; Iva HURl Urn I
1 E35i!ESSS Q&sKsLr!
ita! ewF tNHWy cfoUars: Prota(, That
lmreaftcr BB dtiaotly or twii
veetlt. HlkNtt other eflaaBBBtatlon w emo-
uuever lot reforming the smite of
or in cowiectiea therewith, other-
twwami ; 'in l
iOiwmwI five hMwirsi dorters
iytea H
lU-smw, one
to-the wrgwrnwu-iinusJ, m thousand
'-law forty dollars
1 110!
thousand three buie
x cents Der
rk, onethonsanri
ir lutmlrol and iwenly-two dot-
Koroiwiiingcnt expenses of the ttnnse of
i.epmsemnives. vir. :
For cartage, six IHnnsad eight Mjadred del
law."- Km ,'9Ro ''
etimmHtees, and lentpomrv
iso of Kemeaaafe. Mtrtv -
one kawtimt mHn
r m lire i on .A p
thwinet lhreehmlr.'l and
aaJBsenawto the l ommltlee of Wav
and Meaioiwthoiwwi three Imndred and
Mr big docnmenbi, Im hsllng pay of
ZBSm tnaienai,
ine! ttl ii Miliars.
M same, ten
two thousand six bun-
re. thirteen thousand six luuidred
For mlseellaaeoiis Items, sixty ihoustn.1
ilnMam I'viT-'u
rornewsnaiierx nd atationery for ltepre-
sentniiTes a no iwoeiemi-. at one nunurm mm
twenty-live dollars ea h per annum, thtrty
one tliousand two hundred and tftv doUan;
and for statlonerv lor committees, ami officers
I ol the House, live tnonsuiHi dollars.
r or iweiu'uvo uijp;, inciiniuig uiiee i in
igges, seven thousand six hundred did-
For live mall-bovs. seven thousand three
hundfod and forts -lour dollars: i'rovHed,
to us re
ssat the
or (he usual additional com
imnsaUeu to
be reporters ot the House for
the t imgres-
lonal Ulobc for reporting the proceoiuiigs
Dei'diiiier. ciL'htccn hnndred awl seVentv-
two, eight bttwireil dojlanieiicb, four than
1 hi hundred dollars. HUNTING.
For tumousation of the Coueresshtnal
Printer, iwl the cit'iksawl niesseaaer In Ins
office, twelve tltoMaail Ave huwlred awl taw-
teen dollars. And the compensation ol the
loicwaii of prlatlaf anil the
ing, al file IfovwaoMt Print
oj man
se. thaU
itmircd dollars each, to
commence on the tlrstol July, etghteen ban-
ireaawt seveniy-iwo, ami a mm numcKint to
lay the increase of salary bwaby .ptvW-i I
!rebv amiretiriated out oi but money In the
treasury not otherwise appropriated.
r or coniingem expenses oi nia omcc, vu;
For stalionorv. nostace. advertl
ekjicnses, horses and wagons, and mkvellane
otis items, two thousand fve huwlrcil dollars.
For the public jirlntlng, six liuwired and
Jfty-ive thansaa l four huiidred awl sixty
six dollars ami thirty-six cent".
For paper for the public printing, seven
hundred and nine thousand one hundred and
twenty-eight dollars.
Far'tbepubne blading, Ave hundred and
tt-lwW u icil and thirty-
o thousand four
nve ooiiars ami nny-eignt cents.
For litboimiahlne. engraving, maiming
copieofnwM, ntens, awl diagranis in foe-
soHueonunciaK'uaeii,aiiii pnoxo-iuoiogratat-laplsiorralontOflkie
illuslration, sev-eht,-Avc
Ihomaad dollars.
' i .i mt.u; ot i.,NiBr-.
Fur comiiensatlon tifthc Idbraiiaii. lour
thousand dollar.,; and ) fouitecn asslalanl
riaua, uireu al two inoueana nve nuwtrca
each, two t one inousawt eight nun
iTbtrs each, one at ono thousand six
at one inousawt tour
seauft, tatee at one
each, two at
twenty thousaiHl ono humlretl and forty
dsOtfpurydiaiwofbwAsioxte eight
tKonsawl dollars ; for purchase ot law-lmol
Hiousawjnonars, for par-
antt newspapers,
dtHaHi for ev
liu documents for
govcrnmonts, mie
a aanv!b
Of said Hbrary,
.arwHiHr. dmintnc iro-
mL aa4 rcinira, ami
snruw, uiwer inevnre. -Jonuuitteo
ot Congress,
nudonland ,-uslsljiut in
ol tmgrei .-.elvo Uion
ins ion v-stx mum '.
For clerk in tltfi office of Puldk BoiUwas
nd tinmadi, pan taousawl two hundred dol-
in the same office, eight
tttthtsCaMn m n '-'
ajaiaiL ....... .1,... ''.-.,
or compensation ot a lorewau aim muorein
j.-i in 1 1 m tuihllr ffronnds. nineteen
..-.... t . . . ...
thhusand two hurdred and ninety-six dolkirs.
I'or comiiensatlon ol lour lauorers in ine
juatnoi, iwo wousanri Vlgm mhiwi '"
conmensaoon oi iiiriwcv-Kwiwin, m
iiii'liiisMasiiniarntiri under tin old hH
s.-i-ieeiici- at tlic
rswcm nonsr, seven nunarea ana twenty
wfitn uofcemea at the President's house,
. ...! . Huvire-l end forty I
. htntii St
I'd lu-uotf. ono numaRiul oli4tf.
i ofttie doorVeewlr at the
ibonee.wH-tbwiwinillwo nundVed
itoorkiBCTter, nr-tiiousaii ana
ami but
isana are nunoreu aim
taw; arsis.
two stenoaranners, tour
asslftnw ml
-IjljjMii til ' llmiiii ntit 4kS I kkt
i ' Wit lt j f $ i ff t 5 '
aTene flwwsamt eUat Hntdmlttoittrs. and
ummwi ttn
I 'irrl iff tSrtJ IK
5 TJ,:"
i tWf elm h.'tr.
wh aaatl w
nr Ilttt klltrit i'i f
.v.-"v.b an
I ' aflTB :
. -.' ;
! of
thtnwssttie Kasiem Brent of the
Pdgg aadfor foe!, ell, and lamp-, Mm
artnil uuare. stwn
of KrmW ofTlTltibraryTf
BMatMncoin snnare, five him-
hundred and fortv dollars.
a mi --ircwj at miereection oi
s and Vermont avenues, five
v .iftitars.
For contingent awl incidental expenses
two thonsand dollar-.
Foreoaspeusatioaof the President of the
United States. t--- wiisand detiars.
r aeansnsntkm at the Vice-President oi
the United States, eight thousand dollars.
For compensation of
paMats tot naMIc l.iml-.
iiindrvd dollars.
oi secretary io sign
lands, ono thotHaad live
Ttm oonansatimi to nrftate
are; aMs-
t hree thousand Ive Hundred del ham;
tant secretary, iwho shall be it sar
writer,) two uwusanu nve nunareu qpinrs;
twoexeeatlwelens at two taaaeand three
hittslred dollars each, steward at twothou-
andawssengerat one thousand
.Wters. of the President of the
; at an, tnnwen laeoeaaa eigtit
mt expanses of the executive
us- stjiltonsirv therefor, four
For cranpensation of Ike Secretary tit State,
s; two Asiiiinani aecre
..wMJ,- .ft:.--; 0. !tve
dreddoitarsoABh; for Met clerk, two I
o hnadreti dollar : tea clerk s sf
chjas vkef
four, addttiwa c.iietittteo to one .nkwk of
rsia clerk, nine olerks of
eforta of class two, eight
if class one, one auwenger, oue -1
messannr, nhm fohorera, and four I
en ; In all, seventy-four thousand Ave I
lawsta Bftmplilet
At alter
a fl y Ihouaa
tire foiirlii dav of
mn hnmireil
awlmeaty-flve.the vri
the laws
new susiMirs shall uease.
For ja'oof-reading, awl pauUiH! tao Inns
and ihnimwaan for the various Injationn and
oostiiateiitclwluig boxes and tnnspiirta
lion of the same, three thousand do! Ir; ibr
stationery, iiurnitare, fixtures, ami lataurs,
live thousand dollars; for books and aiaps,
two thousand Ave hundred dolhms : for extra
clcrk-hirc awl copying, four thousand 'tot-
tars ; lor contingent excuses, viz., rent, met,
tights, repairs, awl miscellaneous expense's
Ihlttv-two thousand Ave hundred dollnrs ; in
all, lortv-seven thousand dollars.
For compensation of the conunissioncr on
the nart
of the Cnltci
the United Stales, four thousaml
live hundred doll
; nn- comnsnsaimn oi unv
dollars: for avent. four
ptre, three thousaml .tollars; for
agent, three thousand dollars ; for t wo e lerks,
at one thousand four hundred dollar each;
lor two t r ans ators. at one thousand ore him
dred dollars each : for one messenger six: hnn
dred dollars; for one assistant messenger,
inree aannrwi .ronars ; lorcoiu
ses. live thousand dollars: in ill. tu-oiilv.
eight thimsand seven huwwcd dnnaTS.
For the conroensation awl exneuses of the
cinmuission for determining the pending ques
tions between the United States and Spain,
rajnaafeof wits of the Spanish offivials
in awl Wont Cilba, fifteen thousand itoflur-.
l or comnensatlou of tl
retaryof the
Treasury, eight tbousawi
, two ASS1S-
last Secretaries of the
ry,a tnrne
wnealxl hifotbetl
cicrx, iwo inousawi ii
I hive hum r
for acting ss
superintendent of the Ihi
clerks of class four, aduufoi
oi ttoIUndrildolUrsto one ekrl
four as tslKKsIng clerk, thirty clerks of class
three, tWepwslx clerks ofcUsstwo, twenty
aaTfot eJefcWiS Glass one; thirty-two fomaie
lerks, at "Jitindiio doUurs each ; eleven
iM'sssnaf 1 - nanr. and ten
laborer; bnccli
rk tBeanerbi
iib (he imlidstH : .inecajitj
one nonaaau lour .t t
gtneer.otta mo
two huwired
m seven
as ikruteis
ami eia:htv
As! l;l sv. mi,.
thlm .bib... .
dolkws ea-li ; live
seven hundred
itremcn. at six 1
oacu; uiiieiv
charwomen, :no liiiwliwlandeight
m an, mrce humtrwi ana auxtj-ono
Inenty quite. tntsl
a-hutlou. "ami conipen-
1 clerks in his office, tweul v -two tli.ui-
Sfnorvoasr! AucnrrBor, In the construe
tkm biani;h of the Treasury : For Super-
lautiwiwrvktog aniWMvt, two tliousand live
liiuulTOl dollars ; chief clerk, two tliousand
dollars : nliotograplKr, two thousand five
hundred dollars ;twoasiitiani iot.riliers.
one alone thousand six h
one at one Ihotuand two kundrotl dollars; two
cants or class four, four clerks of class three,
three clerks of class one, awl one wuwennr ;
in all, twenty-seven thousand two hundred
and fortv dollars.
r iitsr iiMPTKoi.i.t.i; or tmk iiutAHt hy.
For First Comiltrulko' ofthn Tmsjairv. Uve
thousand dollars ; chief clerk, two thousand
dollars: ton clerks of c te lveclerkn
of class three, twelve clerks of class two. six
clerks of class one; six copyists, atniuchun-
urwi ooiiars naen i one luessongur, one assis
tant messenger, awl three laliurers; in aL
seventy-seven Uwusawt llirei) hundred and
tientj' dollars.
-flN StcotHl Connitrollcr of thai
three thousand dolfars ; cliief clerk, two
awl hitters: twelve clerks Iff ukua
twenty clerks of class three, twonty-t
cieraa oi cms iwo, iwemy-oneoi
onci twelve copyists, at nine biimlre.1 ilotlai s
each: em messenger, eight htiwlml anaawtr
;, at seven
rs:awl lew tebor-
I HKi Umt-
, Ii Ct'aTCMS. -For Com-
,s two, seven
Avmum. For the
class four, ten
oCchtaa two, i Wttesn clei
laliorei ; In all Blly-olgiil
v iloii.-u-,.
MMs.-t'or Sacond Audita,
qottars ; einei cmjh, iwo
IX tslerS
islaitsSng Ucrt. two
mr clefts ol cuvis
nc. one messeuxsr. Ave
s, and seven la&irers; in
RHir thousand
sau,t dotiars,
i T i T tt
Oa&W. ilktliulil
: one en
isur nunurwt i
, . gas-tiller one tttestsaml
hnndred ttonrs; sixty watt
fr. one
ot saii watchmen, actina
sn aoMitlon:
.'1514 i'iCI
htamredawfnlnecterksclalwAo l.imat fin.
clerks of class one. ono mew.'..; "1st- dollars
vangeis. ud seven laborers ; In all,
ihree ImaAMd and ttattr-ltwr thoumad four i.iikpndk.nt tiusajivkv.
bnadninatMaatr dWat. . T . . X. . Z, ' rCT : ' . pffifiatestei
THtan AVKW. rOl xmm Auuuor, iiiiiiii me assiaiam ireosurer as -xew 1 wrs.
- -s'i. -:-,:,. .;.......,.... ' -on- york: . ... . motion
sand dnltem : fonrfom .darloi , .
ditionaHo.mecJet;oftessfburfts.iisMiiiiiig inousann six nunctrcn aonars; cashier ana
clerk, two tmndred dolters: thltty-two clerks chief clerk, lour aiousaud two hundred dol-
lor, three tnouailtjM ; chief clerk, two htiwired .loiters: chief ot registered. .Interest
1 ....... a., 1-., .v . . "- i.' 1 . ' . i j&msnrmmatmx s r i
: '' '"-' -,''';.''. ' ; ....... ..vscGsss.. ...s:.,... ....... ...... q,s,
ono assuaaw. nuiamnnr. awi two mmmn; . dbMHav
lass tnr as tiihmaai eterk, two bombed
dollars: fortv-fcor clerks of class
four eamka of class two, thlrty-atnren
class one; one messenger, one assistant mes
senger, awl fifteen laborers; also, five addi
tional clerks of class three, five aawtional
clerks of class two, and fifteen .-uworters of
money-orders at nine hundred dollars eat,
Ibr the money-order tltvission ; in aH, two
hundred awl sixty-six thousand atx hundred
an-isivtv dollars.
TitaAit an.- For compem -.tton ot the
Tnasurer ofta United States, six thousand
live hundred dollars ; assistant treaawar, two
thousand eight hundred delters ; csudrier, two
taaoawnelgBl hundred iiodar ; aanmaut .ash
ler, two theasand five hnndred dollars; five
. iiu tsotdiraaon, at two
tettts, at two Ml two huwiind dollars
imsmi hdlcrs. two Ihiaunnl aaHars each ;
tifteeii clerks of class foar, aateaa nitrha of
class three, eleven clerks of class two, nine
clerks of elass one; sixty female clerks, at
nine IMndredpollars each ; fifteen messeagirs.
ve male laborers, at seven kindred and
twenty .kilters each, and sesaa. female .la
borers at two hundred and forty aW
lars eaeh; in all. one Jt
etghty-ntne thousand four hundi
dollars : Provided. TIM eight I
hundred dollars are Iwrebv an
1c expended in the eaVwot tag Treasury ot
the United States at the dlivreUnn of the Sec
retary of tbeTreasn-y.
KEUinrmur the Jtnuuni. mvr ewn-
three i
loii of the Kegtster oi me Treasury,
noitars; at
...... !i:.."t-lt.M
nd dollars;
clerks of uhnu
roe, lilloen clerks of t
two. tea clerks of class one ;
nine hundred dollars each; one i
in all, .dghty-four thotisiwl liv e huwlrod ami
twenty collars.
UaumtOIiLKJI OF THE CritKENt'V. -F'or
I 'mtipt roller of the Currency, five thou sand
lonais ;uepiliy coiiiroiiei,.o.iioiiMiuo mi;
hundred r
1 tmtwrB a,wivc cierm ui chhs wur,
foarteen clerks of class three, twelve uterks
of class two, twelve clerks ol class one, thirty
female cleras, tour messengers, i
and two niiflit-watcliinon : in all.
awl seventeen thousand three hundred and
eighty silars.
For Uoaanlasioner of Internal Heieniic, six
tliousand dollars ; iloputy comnUssionor, three
thousand tire hundred dollars ; two (teputy
conMnmioaers, at three tiiousaml dollars tacb;
seven licads of divisions, at two thousand five
hundred dollars eaeh; thirty-foui clerks of class
- .-- 1 iii, .... . . Silt, .i,
clerks of class two, twenty-eight clerks of
class one,seveniy-nTeepyisis,af,mnenunurea
.lolten each ; seven neinengers, three aaaaV
antmeanngemv and fiiteen laborers : In all,
three hundred and si xlv-three thousand seven
iiendrall and forty dollars.
For dies, paiier, and for stamps, four thou
sand dollars. i ..
For salaries and expenses of oolletors, as
sessors, assistant asseeorers, superTlsors,
.letectlves, and storekeepers, together with
the expense- of carryhig into effect the va
rious provisions of the several acts providing
intenial revenue, excepting Items otherwis
prove.) for, four nnihon seven hundnsl thou
sand dollars ; and hereafter the total net com
pensation or collectors of internal revenue
shall in no ease exeeed four thousand fire
hundred dollars per annum.
For detecting and bringing to trial awl pun
ishawstivrsous gntKr of violating the inter.
naUrevenae lawn, or oomatring at the same,
in cases where such expenses are not other
wise pryMed for by tew , eighty thousand
dollars ; and front and after the passage of l his
act the Secretary of the Treasury shall have
power toetqrioy not move than- three per
sons to assist the proper affiaaatef the gov
ernment in discovering sad collecting any
tuoney behwgiBg to the United states when
ever the same shall he withheld by any person
or corperation, upon swmterawandeendmnme:
as lie shall deem best f.n- the interests ot the
United States ; but no compensation shall be
lMl to sunn persons except out oi me money
ami property so secured ; and no person stall
be emptor vt under tbo provisions of this
ill not have fully set forth in a
written statementu der oath.a.ldressod to the
SserWarf of tlw Treasury, tho charaetcr of
ihceiauii oat oi wmenne proposes id recover,
.ir-assist in recovering moneys of the United
States, the laws by the vfoltloii of which the
same have been withheld, awl the name of the
person, Wat, or corporation laving thus with
beU snob moneys ;aad if any person bo em
ployed shall receive or ateant ta receive any
money or any other consideration from any
person, firm, or corporation alleged te hare
(has withheld money from tho United states,
except in pursuance of the written contract
made in relation thereto with the Seeretoy of
tta Treasury, such person shall be deemed
guilty ofa misdemeanor, and upon conrktion
Ibenofeaall be finoit not kiss than ana tiwu
sand dollars, or imnrisonod not less than two
years, or both, in the discretion of any court
ot the united stales having mnaoaaaaa ; aaa
tlte person so employed shall be reMnred to
make reimrt of Ids prcwedinge under such
contract at any tinw when reqidred to do so
I iv the Secretary of the Treasury.
MMpUMaft BOAJts For chief clerk of
i lie Light -House Hoard, two thousaml dollars;
two chirks ol class four, two clerks of class
I hree, one clerk of class two, one clerk of class
i vne, one female copyist, one messenger, ami
one laborer: In all, thirteen thousand elgbt
hundred and sixty dollars,! , . .
BK8BAU or STATIBTHa. - For the officer
in charge of the Barcau of Statistics, two
t taws-Mid live hundred dollars ; chief clerk,two
tbousawi dollars; twelve clerks or class four,
elgbt clerks of class three, ten clerks or class
two, five clerks of ohtss one, five copyists at
eiae hundred dollars each, one me engev.
one laliorer, and one charwoman at tour
hundred and eighty doltera; In all, sixty
fire thousaml lour hundred and forty dol
lars, '.- ...
tnrtmoat, forty
Imahereattcr uo temporary clerk: shall rc
eMagMBter compensation than at the rale
of one thousand twoaundrotl doltera per an-
nnm for the time actual v employed.
For stationary for the treasury Jfopartimuit
and its several Bureaus, fifty thousand dol
tera, rVTtt.'. v'; : ' '.
. Vey postage, new spapers, arranging and
landing caacellod marine papers, sealing
sbbn's registers, care of horses for wall and
oihVitwageat repairs of wagons awl laoness.
wasMnr l.mnls. Invest
record Sjbroonis, bruslHss crash, cotton sloth,
, cnaawlSrtisms, ousters, nour, aeya. rye,
nails, oti, powiici-s, rejiainng name
nap, wwuv na""lJ?l. "
rwtarau iv .ud
eitdinary auatness of the Depart-
nwtaousai -
; For furniture, snub as cai
files, chairs, snwvtng mo-
alra of furniture. oases.oi
dnlr covers awl sushfons.
.ncariepv ami 00
ansir1 MB1 I
his articles of
twenty-are thousand doi-
' For coal, wood, lighting the Treasury
bullafog, baskets, boots, spittoons,
iimamj, um wwivMira
s. Hie-!'.:
ami matches, nitc
thermometm-s. buckets, dinners, saws.
other miscellaneous items, ilhv tbotisanil
it tars
male ms.
current and
meat. sIxtvM
rpets, (lease, ta
room, uoxwawi re-
rerttlraand tsviiut
ne-TotBSrs; St WMr at tmtr iWweistJr!Jilre
hnndred .loHata
wl drvlteeack Use thomwl deiiarer
ctoks,wea3iouaand seres hnndre.1
fty tloaars each, five thousand two hun-
and fifty ,k,ite.
dreaand fifty dollars; tbtteStrka, at one
thousand seven aandnd dollars each, sis
I Six clMSy.lL nt onr,lluiM.
lloltel-s each, nlshtlhnn.
klhu-s: iliw ..litis at
tkweehtandred apltets SaS
mua uunHiea aoiwrs; one
nu iwonunanu aotuurs:
-..i.!'si .islirfs
nor day each.
twelve itoi-
ai ekvht
!, wnasand
wired dollars;
at tw doUars m .lay each,
nd three hundred awl eighty .lol
okWilatamife, aae tSlSi
ter taadred doUars ; i n all. one hundred ami
fortyighttliunand nine hundred and fort 5 -
two dollars.
Office ot I ho
at Boston
. live tbousawi dollars;
for cliiei clerk, two thousand seven Wtudred
dollars; for paying teller, two tbomaad Ave
iHiwireu .totmrs; one ibiotxu onus iwo
llHMsawlfiiv hnndred doUars: reoelflBs tel
ler, one thousand eight hundred dollars ; one
, tek. one thousand eight
one bonk-keciier, on.' the
ured miliars; iwo
two 1
dollars: one I
dollars; two clerk 1
cacli. two thousaml d
luiiiitrcd dollars ; two watchmen, at
uren ami imj wan earn, one
SC. Vl IHIWIIW US IU.,.1 , viW
watcbinaii. one tbousawi and ixlv
in alt, thirty-two thousand eight huwln
sixty dollars.
of assistant treasurer at Sau Fmw-li-
co ; For asslstunl treasurer, Hi addition to bis
ry as ireasnrer oune uranua aunt, one
i: 1 five hundred doUars: for cashier.
. tnolisiml dollars . tor i.ik-kei-'. twa
itisand Ave hundred Art; for asslstunl
tnouaana ontian;ior assistant
two thousand doOrr : for auuan
itsitmt mttr biuHirwi dollars ; for
) thousaml eight hundred dol
lars : for throe night wmchwen.fourthoniand
live iitmurai donars ; m one nay-watcumen,
nine hundred and sixty dolters; in all, twen
ty thoueajid tu hundred ami axty dollars,
OfllceofasslstanllUreasitrerat PI
For assistant treasifrer in ackiiilon tohls salary
ot ine aaw, one inoiieasw nvc
for .ashler and. chief clerk,
d,-.!".-i.v; ;
: twothotiMini? five hut
Im-sichlcrinterostcleak, one thousaml nine
loiters : assistant lwok-keenar. one
thouaawl eight huiulred dolters; coffi'teller,
one Hwusauu suveu uumneu unlaws;, wg-
isiensi niieresi cusra, one inousaiet
tare ; assistant coupon clers,
ttMusanti six unnaroti.ii . : lonal cur
rency clerk, one tbottsaBoJMxhuwWl dollars;
assistant rogtatered loan clerk, one thou
saml five nundrod dollars; assistant reg
istered loan clerk, one thousand four
hundred dollars; asslstint cote teller,
one thousand four hnwlred dollars; as
sistant fractional urewy clerk, one thou
sand four huwh-ed dollais; receiving teller,
oae thousand three hundred dollars; ,!.
law nv eiving tkllr. one thousand two hun
dred detters; superintendent of bulhl
lug, ono thousand one hnwlred .loi
ters: seven tetania counters, at nine
hundred dolters each, six thousand three
hundred dollars; four watchmen, at nine
Hundred and thirty dolters each, three
thousand seven hundred went v dollars:
la aft, thirty-six tliousand three hnwlred and
twentv-three doltera
Office of assistant treasurer at St. Louis:
For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars;
chief clerk and teller, two thousand live hun
dred dollars; assistant teller, ono thousand
eight hundred dollars; book-keeper, one
thousand five hundred detters ; assistant book
keeper, one thousand two hundred dollars;
.messenger, one thousand doiktrs ; four watch
man, at srrea hundreil dollars each, two thou
sand eight hnndred dollars; in all, fifteen
thousand eight hundred dollars. - '
OOce of assistant treasurer at New Orleans;
For assistant treasurer, four thousand five
hundred dollars; for chief clerk awl cashier,
two thousand live hnndred dollars ; one eterk,
two thousand dollars; two dorks, three thou
sand dollars ; one porter, nine hundred dol
lars: two watchmen, one thousand four hun
dred awl forty dolters ; tenanting, in all, to
fourteen thousaml three hundred and forty
dolters. :
Office of assistant treasurer at Charleston,
South Carolina ; For assistant treasurer, four
thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand
elgbt bond red dollars; one clerk, one thou
sand six hundred dottevs ; one assistant mes
senger, seven hundred and twenty dolters;
awl two watchmen, one tbousawi four hun
dreil awl forty dollars; In all nine thousand
live hnwlred and sixty dolters.
Office of itssbitam. treasurer at ItoHlmore:
For assistant treasurer, five tbousawi dol
lars ; for cashier', two thousand five hundreil
.loiters; for three clerks, five thousand
lour hundred dollars; for three clerks,
four thousand two hnwlredh doUars;
for two clerks, two thousand four
hundred dollars; for ono messenger,
eight hundred and forty dollars; for live
vault watchmen, three thousaml six hundred
dollars; in all, meaty-three thousand nine
huwtrea am forty dollars;
Office of depositary at Chicago : Foreashier,
two thousand live hundred dollars; for one
clerk, one thousand elgbt hnndred dollars;
lor two clerks, three thousand dollars: for
one cleric, one thousand two huwlrod dollars;
for one messenger, eight hundreil and fortv
dollars; for one watchman, seven hundred
awl twenty dolters; In all, ten thousand and
sixty dollars.
Office of ilepositarv at Cincinnati: For
cashier, two thousand dolters ; for one clerk ,
one thousand eight hundred doUars: for one
clerk, one tbatisand live hundred dollars; tor
t wo clerks, two tboasand four hundred dol-
lars; for two clerks, tw o thousand dollars ;
for oue messenger, six hundred dollars; for
two mManen, one at seven hundred and
twenty doUars and one at two hundreil and
forty dollars, in aft, eleven thousaml two
hundred and sixty dollars.
Office of depositary at Louis Wile; for
cashier, two tbpusnml dollars; for one clerk,
one thousand five hnndred dollars: for one
clerk, one thousand two Imndred dollars ; for
one watchman, seven hnwlred ami twaat
1 I've thoiisawl four hundred
loiters ; hi all,
iinonsnmi nine nunoreu
1 rut I .'
at Santa Fc: for do-
to Msnsv lis receivor )
wi-wHuia, w who rnwir
taeatMwXMUdredaBd forty dot
' at TV see. Artennsi
. i.s..., His-.i ;.. Wv- as
one thousand five hundred dot-
tomectal aaentsto ax
.. . iiinj snd immev ...
hand at tho
ai depositaries,
national banks ac
. ...
August, okht.s'ii hiiii-
the actor we si
Mi uwlorthe act of
-sis dsn .
forty-six, for
transfer, and d
nue, one hun
vlital. Ti
eighteen howlred am!
Weetion, sufe-keejng,
MSB of the pahHr reve-
kousand .loiters : Pro-
said sum shall lie e
Dfcm For checks and
m loroaweoi -
Ifutai:....' ',..'
lklrlaan ItinHMli
nr asimnui
dorks under the act for the bettor organisa
tion of tho Treasury, at "rt rates is lis;
e.-PMsTT of the Treasury ngydeemliist and
reasewlne. fen iinrf doflars.
nitep watw vmtL.miwm
TATl'iiixPKWtiA. For sateriesof
ireasurer, -ay or, sm
i cterka, thnlyievea thou-
me I
For wages of workmen ami aahisters, one
himdredaim tweniT-nve inousawt aonars.
For inchtetttai and eontlngent exptnses,
son.' si ...... Kbi !... t
aiu sunaari at lour dollars
kite: one porter, nine hit
aatntl seven bun-
'lOiiaaMMl u&uaiv :
TiifiF iS .kT?....aTx wTT .
' "nU two mtn-
feht iltlji.
;is ireasitrev
,,.-, S..s
all, four
KoslA.-FaT Manaea of suBertatendeat.
dollars. , . ii
For wanes of weramea and adjusters, two
hundred thousand dollars.
For incidental aid .set
.. - !S si: -ir Si s..
atelter awl selkanr
clerks, seventeen
For wag es efwoakacu and
... ....... .... ....a;..;
For chemicals, charcoal, wood.sydlBaadeTi
lal expeaset, seveateen UiouMnUsixhundrei
assay Oyvirr Vw v...., . mIw
.q-perintondeiii, four taonsand toe' huu
I taree
Yr,r Inililaiillil .,,.1 .',u,r ,.i n-u. ....
i wwi.yiwo nuaiu unwa,
BBAW.itMi.MT AT Dksvkh. - -For nssaver.
(who shall have item of said aaatjlw..
thouaawl toe hundred dolters; for metier,
two thousand toe hundred dolters.
yor wam 01 worjanea, saaaa tnousan t
hree bu wired and tlnrt. -flve dollars.
For three clerks l one tlsxHand eight hnu
ive inousauu lour nun-
1 awl ueatintrent ex senses. In
repairs awi wastage, five thousand
Assay OFi-K'E at Boisk City. ISAJKa
For eateries efassayer, who shall have charge
oil be assay office, nijter and refiner, aw!
clerk, fire thousand four hundred dollars :
and the offices of 1
clerk are hereby aboMMd after July first,
eirtiieeii huwlrod awl soYeaty-ttfo.
tor wages of workmen, three thousand dol
lars. For incidental awl contingent expenses,
one thomaad five hundred dollars.
Branch must at CttAa&orre, North
Caholika. For assayer, fifteen hundred
.loiters; for wages or workmen, fourteen
hundred and ninety-two dollars.
For uaaaauate, ehanteal, aad Incidental,
and uwielhuieons expenses, fifteen hiiwlrisl
dollars. .
Tkuihtoiiy or ariboka.-Fw salaries of
governor, ahief justice and two aasoetete
hmges, secretary, interpreter, aad translator
in the exeunt Ive office, foarteen thousand
dollara, .. . i
For compensation and ml teage of the aamt
hers of the legislative assembly, officer
elerka, and coattagent exueaaes thereot.
twenty tliousand dolters: Provided, That
hereafter no e pente for nrlntiag exceeding
four thousand dolters, meieding nrlating
laws. Kmrnal. UIK tiud nei-essarv printing i
the same nature, shall lie ineatrea for any
session ol tlie legislature ofany of the Terri
tories. For contingent expenses of the Terntovv,
one thousaw
isawi now
TERRITORT OF COI.OIiAno.--For salaries
of governor and superlntendrnt of Indian al
firs, chief Jnstfceand two assoeiaW judges,
and secretary, thirteen thousand three huu -dred
For contingent expanses of the Territory,
one thousand dollars.
Forcmtlnmmt expenses of the secretary'
office In Colorado Territory, for the flscal
year ending JtnSe tWrtlrth, eighteen hnn
dred ami seventy-three, twothmisand OMmrs.
TKHitrroRY of Dakota. -For salaries of
governor and mjierlntendent ol
fairs, chief Justice awl two associate Judges,
mid secretary, thirteen thousand three hun
dred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the mem
bers of the legislative assembly, officers,
clerks, awl contingent expenses thereof
twenty thousand dallars.
.Territory of Idaho, For salaries of
governor awl superintendent eflndian affairs,
chief justice awi two associate Judges, and
secretary, thirteen thousand five hundred
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For compensation awl mileage of the mem
ber oi the haUtetive assembly, officer-.
clerks, and contingent expenses thereof,
1 wentj thousaml ilrdiars.
Territory of Most ah a. -For eompen
sdton of governor, chief justice and two as
sociate hssetsand seeretar , thirteen thou
sand toe hundred doltera.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thousand dollars.
FoTooltlngeHt expenses of the secretary -office,
for the fiscal year cwllug June thir
tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three,
two thousand dollars.
TBRRrroBY or New Mexico,-For sate
rtes of governor, chief justice and two as
sociate judges, and secretary, and cx-offlclo
of public buildings and
grounds, thirteen thousand five hundred dol
lars. For interpreter and translator in the exec
utlventtce, live hnwlred dollars; for contin
gent expenses of the Territory, one thousand
Territory of Utah. -For salaries of
governor, chief justice, two associate judges,
and secretary, thirteen thousand five hun
dnsl dolters.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one tbousawi dollars.
Territory or W.vnimnmx. -For sala
ries of governor, chief justice, two associate
awi secretary, iouneen amuwwi noi-
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one tliousand dollars.
Territory ok Wyojitm.j. For salaries of
rnor ami snpeirutenuent or innunai
, chief jiisiloe, two associate judges, awl
try, imneen inonsana eigni nunomi
VoroontlngentexnensYB of the Territory.
District or coi.rirwA.-rtw salary 01
the governor, three thousand dolters ; for sal
anyofthe secretary, two thousaml dollars:
for nay ofthn members of the council, two
thousaml -iters,
for sentries of the manbers of the Boanl oi
ftiblic. Works, ten i odd iters; for sal
aries of the manners of the Board of Health.
re i.vo thousand dolters each, ton taonsand
dollars : Frovlded, That to part of the mm
hereby anBronrtared shall be mid to any
member orswih boards who shall hold any
other federal office. . -
For compensation of the Secretary of the
Interior, eight thousand dollars ; Assistant
Socretan, three thousand five hundred
.kilters; elder clerk: four chirks of
class foar, any of whom may be paid
two hundreil dollars extra, if the
Secretary of the Interior deem It necessary
awi proper; five clerks of elass four, one of
whom may be designated by the Secretary to
act as superintendent of the building, who
shall receive two hnwlred dolters addition:. 1
. .,,,.. iss- s.i.i.s.. . ... !....,)fiH.
four .derka ofctoss two.mulone.'ierk of class
one; one messenger, two Mn
at wvenhiiwlnv
.... .....s.;....:. ... .. .i :l. .. .
: . I as I 1 .11 . il.iiii
For ooe captain of the watch, twelve han
dred dollars, awi twenty-eight watchmen for
the general service of the Interior Depart -atea
biUlding, awl all the h" roans thereto, to
he allotted to day or night service, as the
SrsTetarj-ofthelnterlorateyeSrert, twenfv
one thmisand three b;
books, aad maps for the library, ami ntseella
mou items, twelve ttesewwl ApWai
ror expanses efmiekiag aad dlstrttwting
official dooenionto, uVirotgng salary of snper-
iutendent, fire Mwaeaad dollars.
For rent and Stslsir np of rooms for too use
ofthel'eoshsi cdS aadfor the Bureau or
Foreatnal teirits of the department hiw
IfeSi ,SS7Jf JTfT" ,
meets hundred I- 'ui '. .ml repairs ol
the heating apparatus, eighteen thousand tvn
hundred dollars. 1
OmffiBAL Issil tlFFine. For CmMfis.
sinner of the (learn! iwt msyc, ihm thon
ttingeat expenses
ive .tollers.
adjusters, m
" v Bam
SW1 tts m i"3t or assafw
uiuwoiiur. ; wr salary 01 me Her an.i
Fori ..