The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 12, 1872, Image 6

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Proposition. Since the adop
tion of Greeley and Brown by tlie
Democracy, and thcassetrtioii of the
Itelief, by Democrats, of llieir elec
tion, we propose to give all who
choose a chance to prove their faith :
We will send the Hkgistkr one
year to any Democrat who may or
ler, charginghim $0 therefor should
Crant be elected President ot tlie
United States if Greeley shall lw
elected President next November,
we will furnish a receipt in fu'l for
the year, free. 2J. hme as the
altovc that Grant carries the Stale
of Oregon by 1,500 majority. Those
four Democratic fiiends who have
faith and are on it, arc invited to
come to see us.
Xkw Press. In a few weeks we
shall k- in iwel ot a brail new l lii
eago Taylor steam printing pre, nji
on which to pi n the Beoisteh, 1
on Us rectal we shall put on "scol
lops" in the way of issuing the neat
est printed weekly newspaper o'n the
'Coast of Oregon''. We also propose
at that time to enlarge the REGISTER
by the addition of one more column to
tlie page, makings paper of fifty-six
columns each week, provided our suli
aerlptlon lists are iHfwased snillelently
lo justify it in the mean time. If tlie Re
publicans of Linn county and the read
log public wisli tlie ItalSTElt to go on
improving, let tbetn lend ua a helping
hand at once. We have the will, you
furnish us tlie mean. Let our old
trlettd, those who started with us in
the undertaking, and tho-e Who liave
aided us with their subscriptions lately,
use their influence III our behalf and
our lists will bo ipuilnrplcdln a month
and we are egotistical enough to be
lieve that you will be repaid for all yon
can do or sav for us. Try it.
Kei.usii .it Cost. As will lie seen
by reference to card on this page, Mrs.
II. 1). Qodley contemplates enlarging
her millinery business the coining sea
son, and in order to make room, will
sell tlie stock on band, for the' ensuing
thirty days, at prime cost. The ladies
will, of course, take an early opportll
nity to call mill purchase anything
they may desire, from the excellent
tool now on Iier shelves at cost, as
Mich Opportunities JJS) very rare.
A Fine Cake. We are under many
imbibitions to the ladles and gentle
men composing the Albany Collegiate
Literary I'uion for a gorgeous and
massive take. Circumstances were
such that we were unable to attend
tlie Festival given by tlie Literary
I'nion on Tuesday night of last week,
but we are assured that the attendance
was unusually large, a gay and festive
time was bad by all. and we hope that
the exchequer of the Colon was left
in a most healthy condition. 'Ror for
tlie L. U. .
Wooo's Reaitois at Mowers.
A imge business has leu done during
the season., in tlie sale of these ma
chines, by the agents for this State,
Messrs. C. 15. COOlStoek & Co. They
hive also sold a va-t number ot other
labor-saving machines for which they
are agents, and orders are still rolling
in upon them for some one of the va
rious machines they offer for sale.
Look over their advertisement, and if
you want anything in their line, give
: l.eni a call.
The New Liguthoi se. Work on
the tower of the uew lighthouse, says
the Qffgonhtn, now in process of con
traction at Cp Foulweather, lias
teen temporarily suspended until the
iron shall arrive from San Francisco,
wJiioh will be in tlie course of two
weeks. On its arrival work will lie re
sumed at o:m. The foundation of the
lighthouse bus been nearly completed,
sir! also the house lor tlie keeper.
The present calculation of the contrac
tor. Sir. Brown, Is to have the entire
Uriielnie completed by the tirst of
Jt xt year, though this will, In a great
measure, !e controlled by circuinstan---workmen,
material, weather, etc.
Yin: Raii.roau. Says tlie Oreyoui
: Tlie cars are now running within
about one mile of Oakland. The
r.rklge across tlie Callpoola near that
place lus not been completed, and the
cancan not as yet reach that town. A
free of men a re engaged on the bridge
and i ii-hing the work as vigorously a
P'w-iMe. It will probably lie to-day
Saturday Ufore the iron will lie
iitd ami the cirs cross hi satcty. Be
yinc Oakland tlte grading has been
ompldeil to Wilbur, ten miles, so
that tlie ties and Iron arc nearly ready
i place ilowii. From Wllliur to
Ito-ebnrg. about eight mill, thegrad
will soon he completed. It Is tlie
i mention to complete the road to
Il.M'bnrg tlie present season, There
U eotisbh ruble Iron at Kngeue. which
will lie cairlcd to tlie front as soon as
the bridge near Oakland Is completed.
Races onthk Fifth and Sixth.
The race over the Linn County Agri
cultural Society's course, on tlie 5th
and 6tli days of July, under the man
agement of Mr. i. X. Crowe, drew
quite a number of fast horses from
California and ditfercnt (tortious of
Oregon, and resulted In good sport for
turfmen. Tlie attendance each day
was fair. Tlie racing was spirited and
good time was made. Below will be
found a report of the two days sport,
lor which we are under obligations to
Mr. (.'rouse:
Pint j Purse of $100, gate
fees added, dadi of a mile; two
entries: Win. Gird names Ituck-kiu;
Ross names Ttitle. A closely contest
ed race. Won by Trille in i. 4SJ4.
Trotting race, best two in three,
purse. $100; three entries : Win. Gird
names Bones; S. .Montgomery names
Minnie ; t'owdell name; Antelo)C.
FlrSt heat won by INies in 8. UOIjjj
second by Minnie, in 3..'iU; third) by
Bonos, In 8,3?.
Sm,ml lhfj. Purse $200. gate
fees added, mile heats, best two in
three; two entries: Win. Gird names
Buckskin ; Ross names Trille. 1st
beat won by Trille in l.W; 2nd by
Buck -kin. ill 1.63 j Srd heat and race
by Buckskin, in 1.57.
Purse $100, single da.-h of half a
mile; two entries : Win. Gird name
Plow Boy : Ross names Hiram A. Biff.
Won by Plow Boy in M seconds.
Bi ta.v Smashei. Messrs. Weed &
Snyers met with an accident, or rather
the buggy 111 which they had been
riding, did. on Inst Sunday, They had
hitched the team attached to tlie bug
gy to the fence, and left it for a mo
ment, when a baud ot lixise horses
passed by, creating such a desire in
the said team to go, that they broke
fa-tenings and in their wild
race spreading that buggy over quite a
large section of country.
Gone to Work. Our newly elect
til county officers took their seats on
the first ot Jtlly, and already seem to
have mastered the "rudiments" of
their positions. We haven't noticed
that any ot them put on any unusual
"airs, 'but seem to enjoy tl'cir grub
during thv-e warm days as heartily as
the Veriest pleblan,
Bun.iN'i. The last few day- have
been marked by an unusual degree ol
beat, extending lav futo lift night,
making the matter of getting the us
ual amount of refreshing sleep almost
an Impossibility. Our evenings gen
erally arc cool and refreshing, no mat
ter how hot the days.
Witt They Stanh? Will Means.
Helm. Lane and Gates, Democratic
electors for Oregon, canvass the State
fur the sage of 'happa.pia ? is a ques
tion that agitates the public mind.
We shall soon know, wc presume,
through the Democratic press. ,
Pr.R-ONAi.. One ol Oregon's oldest
pioneers, a bed-rock Republican, a
thorough temperance man, and a
good farmer. David Xewsom, Esq.,
spent several hours with us on Mon
day. A good and useful man long
may his life he-prolonged.
Hon. T. Davenport, a wheel-horse
in the Republican phalanx of Marion
county, called on us Tuesday. He
will -qiciMl some days in our city.
Hon. X. II. Cmiior and family re
turned from their trip to the moun
tains on Tuesday, greatly hem-fitted
by the trip.
L. Samuel, Advertising Agent,
Portland, en route for San Francisco,
dropped in on us for a moment on
M. (.'. George, Dr. Grillin and F.
M. Wadsworth, returned from Alsea
on Tuesday. They assure us they en
joyed the trip.
Stolen. On tlie 4th the residence
of Mr. .L 15. Ccmley, during flic ab
sence of the family, was entered, and
an album with other minor articles
abstracted. The album was highly
prized by the family, and cannot lie
replaced. The incentive for this theft
can only be conjectured.
Misic To Mr. (;. L. De I'nuis, of
Gray's Music Store. Portland, we are
indebted for a splendid piece ot mode,
entitled: "I am only going Home."
Anything in the line of mode or mu
sical instruments, can lie obtained at
New Ttpk. We shall sooh lie in
receipt of a large variety of new and
elegant styles of type, from 50-1 i lie to
2-line Pica, and will then be enabled
to execute large posters in as good
style asfiuy office in tlte State.
Ls the Foiiks. Cainpineothig un
der the allspices of the M. E. Church
South commenced on Friday, at Reb
el Barn, over hi tlie forks of tlie Santi-
Xkat I.'meokii. The members of
Albany Brass Rand appeared on tlie
4th In a new uniform, caps and shirts
of blue, neatly braided and embroid
ered, and they looked and
liaudsoinelv. .
TnK Foam. Everybody and his
wife took part, apparently, bi cele
brating the glorious Fourth. Long
before old Sol had slid out of hlscloud
eovorlng iu tlie East, the drowsy pub
lie were awakened by deafening sa
lutes from the cannon's (anvil's) open
mouth, followed by tlie report of small
arm.-, lire-crackers and sich. The day
opened finely, "and all nature put oil
it- suulingest garb," (or words to tliat
! cllcct.) The great American eagle
i flopped his wings with more Hopper-
osity limit usual, us be gazed down,
j from his airy hlghts on tlie topmost
icak in the Cascade range, ami saw
I what he gazed at with his piercing
' eye, as it transpired on our gay and
! fc-tive promenades, on the day above
' written. Taking a tolerable f.iir start
,on tire day -We speak of (Thursday of
last week), tlie members of our Fire
Department, dressed in gorgeous
turkey red shirts and eoforth, preceded
by the Albany Bras' Baud, the inem
! bcrS of which sported, each lor Win
I eif, a handsome uniform, bran splln-
ter new, and followed by citizens in
carriages, wagons, and on horseback.
and Marshaled by A. X. Arnold. Esq.,
inarched through the principal streets
and then out to the Fairgrounds, the
Band thewhiie dispersing most excel
lent music. And then commenced the
rush of our liberty-loving people for
"new ileitis and pastures green," un
til there- was scarcely a vestige of hu
manity left upon our streets, so deter
mined were all to celebrate our natal
day. The speech ot Mr. Curl, of Sa
lem, orator of the occasion, was ap
preciated by those who heard it t
are sorry to say that we were not
among the number, arriving too late.
The crowd in attendance was larger
than usual, mid they spread out over
the grounds enjoying the contents of
lunch-bagkets, &c. Dancing prevailed
in the pivitiou to a unanimous extent,
and much perspiration was engender
ed thereby. Those who, unfortunate
ly, were unacquainted, didn't have
any lunch or lunch-baskets, couldn't
wouldn't, or didn't like dancing, and,
owing to the limited number of seats,
could lind a place in the pavilion on
which to "squat," bad the blessed
privilege of reclining on Hie grass
carpeted earth, or of promenading to
their hearts content. It was a glori
ous day, and warm enough for linen
coats. About half past two o'clock
P. M., when all nature was calmly
looking on and enjoying this peaceful
and gorgeous scene, and when the ear
nival of sweet sounds bad reached its
"perihelion," a medley of outlandish
sliapes, grotesque figures, caricatures
of humanity, known as Plug I'glies,
made their appearance on the grounds,
throwing the vast audience, hitherto
so peaecfu!, into spasms ol excitement
and turmoil. The pavilion was de-
I sericti m a iwuiKiing ; music was at a
discount, dancing below "average,"
and well, the Plugs were a success
the biggest feature iu the grand fete.
Xot to make this story too lengthy,
we take occasion to remark right here
that, after the Plugs had retired,
thing; generally resinned their normal
condition on the grounds, and jolarity
reigned supreme till a late hour iu
the day. It wasa pleasant day; there
was no dninkeuncss or boisterous con
duct at any time to disturb or mar the
happiness of any. So lar as we know
the managers of tlie celebration get
! general credit for carrying out Ibe
j published programme to the very let
ter, and they are entitled to general
commendation for their exertions hi
securing so pleasant a time for our
people on the last Fourth ot duly.
CAMiiiEirriNo at Robert's Biiidoe.
The meeting opued a week ago last
Thursday lime 27th and held until
the 8th hist. The meeting has been
productive of much good, sonic thirty
or forty persons hiving made a pro
fession of religion and been added to
the church. On tlie 1th a grand tem
perance meeting was held on the
grounds and several eloquent speeches
were made. A vote taken on the suli
ject of a prohibitory liquor law, proved
that cleven-twelllhs of the audience
were in favor of the passage by our
Legislature of such a law. On last
Sunday ten or more persons were Imp
tized, on which occasion the audience
was one of the largest ever assembled
in Linn county, being estimated at
over 5,000 people.
Got Back. Mr. Belding and fami
ly, who left us a few short months
since for Minnesota, returned to this
city on Wednesday. He says he is
glad he went back, as he would never
have been perfectly satisfied of tlie im
approachableiiess of Oregon, If he
hadn't visited Minnesota again. He
don't propose to look for a better
country than this on the globe.
O.NK Ht'KUREH Galiss. One
man claims to have gathered over a
hundred gallons of blackberries since
tire reason opened, and has taken tlie
contract to gather fifty gallons more.
We went out tlie other day and got
our vessel, a tin cup, near half full dur
ing one afternoon, and It wasn't a
good day either.
ExcrnsKJJf. The raBroid excur
sion on the 4th was a big tiling, mid
was a source of enjoyment to n large
number of people all over tlie State.
We bavo not learned the exact amount
realized for the M. E. Church of this
city, for which the excursion was got
ten np by Rev. C. W. Shaw, but hope
1 that it will toot up enough to pay all
the debt on the church building,
and something over. Mr. Sliaw, at
least, has done a noble work, and it the
cry of small jwx had not been faised,
I the receipts would have been near
double what they were, enabling him
to erect a new and substantial Library
building, lilling it with good, substan
tial literature, and (browing it open for
theusoofonreltlzens. We are sorry tlmt
any citizen of Albany should be short
sighted enough to throw any obstacle
iu the way of what was intended to be
for the good of the whole public. We
say that Mr. Shaw has, by his enter
prise and business tact as shown in the
management of the excursion on the
4th, especially for om benefit, earned
and should receive the highest encomi
ums from our people.
Masosic Installation of officers
eleet of Bally Chapter, Xo. 8, Royal
Arch Masons, will take place at the
Court House on Saturday evening
next. All address Will be delivered,
anil music will add to the charm ofthe
occasion. After the ceremonies are
concluded, a supper will be given at
the St. Charles Hotel, to which all Ma
' sons in good .standing are invited,
i Following are the names of the officers
! elect : C. M. Cartwright. II. P. ; Geo.
It. Helm. K. ; 1). M. Joues, S. ; Geo.
! Humphrey, c. II. ; M. C. George, P.
! S. ; Alien Parker. Sec. ; 1'. C. Har
per, Tresis. ; L. Kline, M. 1st V. ;
J. D. Price, M. 2nd; V. ; A. B. Pax
! ton. M. Srd V. ; Eel. Carter, Sent.
Odd Fellows. On Wednesday
evening D. D. G.M., Twocdale.Jinsta!!-
ed officers elect for the current term of
Albany Lodge N'o. 4. I. O. O. F at
tlklr Hall iu Ibis city. The install
ation wis public. Following are the
names of elective officers Installed:
Geo. W. Young. X". G. ; Coll. Van
Clcve. V. G. ; X. Bamn, R. S. ; Wal
ter Kctchutn, Treas. Following are
the names of the appointed officers : G.
W. Butter, Warden ; M. C. George,
Conductor; L. Miller. I. G. ; D, M.
Thompson, O. G. ; W. C. Twcedule
U.S. of X. G. ; H.Godley, L. S. of
X. G. ; J. F. Backemlo, R. s. of v.
G. : W. S. Xcwliery. L. S. of V. 0. :
W. Maiizey, R. S. S. ; Geo. Kez
artee. L. S. S.
Temperance Lin i re. Grand
Lecturer ofthe I. O. G. T. ol Oregon.
Levi I.eland, will deliver a lecture on
Temperance at the Good Templars'
ball on Tuesday evening next.
Worthy Grand Chief, Jacob Conser.
is also expected to be present on the
occasion. The Grand Lecturer has
the reputation of being nil orator, and
the occasion will doubtless lie one of
great moment to the friends of tem
perance, The public generally are
invited to lie present.
. ii p i
Woon's Maoazine
Heretofore the most populflr one dol
lar magazine iu the world, has ad
ded to its attactions and extended its
circulation by the purchase ami con
solidation ofthe "Literary Journal and
Family Friend." It is a most ex
cellent magazine, and after looking
carefully throrgh its pages, wc do not
wonder at its great circulation and in
creased popularity.
Peter's Musical Mosthlt For
July, comes freighted with the most
delightful of late music songs, bal
lads waltzes, sbottlsche, etc. It is the
cheapest and most desb able publica
tion to lovers of "sweet sounds ' in the
j world. Published monthly by J. L.
i Peters, 539 Broadway. Xew York, at
j $1 per annum.
I Fine Cattle. Tlie first of the
, week Mr. Hludman, who lives out at
i Camp Polk, just beyond Black Butte,
brought in seven head of as line beef
j cattle as wc have seen iu the country.
' There is no better country for grass in
I the world than is to be found in the
1 ranges through and beyond tlte Cos-
Flac. Presentation. On the
; Fourth, while the procession hailed
hi front of Crawford's residence Miss
j Lisle, In behalf of the ladies of Al
i bany, stepped forward, and in a neat
speech, presented Albany Fire Com
pany with a splendid flag. Foreman
Webber, in accepting tlie flag iu be
half of the Company, made the best
speech of his life. It was good.
Official. The official statement of
the county indebtedness will be found
on the fourth page of this Issue. Wc
shall have some remarks to make in
reference to county finances when we
have more leisure. Fn tire meantime
look over tlie exhibit carefully.
Comiso Back. Mrs. A. J. Dnnnl
wayison her return lo Oregon, lcct
nrlag as sire passes, and is probably
lecturing In Salf Lake at present,
To be BEMOVEt.-Mr. Ed. Beach
has bought the Rubart's steam saw
mill hi this citr. and will remove it to
tlie country, Washington Ter
ritory. We liojie tliat Ed.'s invest
ment may prove hi the highest degree
Markets. San Francisco markets
show new wheat to be worth from
$1 li'. tol !!3; shippers are offering
1 ao, ier 100 lbs to arrive. Choice
barley commands as high, as 1 10.
Oats quoted at $1 filial 70. Potatoes
range from $1 S0 to 2 per 100 Iks.
Excntsiox. It Is in contemplation
to give a grand Railroad Excursion
over the 0. & C. Railroad to lfose
bnrg and back, in a few weeks. It
will partake of the character of a limit
ing, fi-hing, itlld sight-siring expedi
tion, as tickets will hold good for sev
eral days.
Camp. Orgi'iina Encampment Xo.
5, 1. 0. 0. F.. installs new officers to
night. All members invited to be
Parties. Blackberry parties arc
all the rage at present and the lwr
ries are to be had in unlimited quan
tities. Change op Time. Trains on the
Oregon & California Railroad now
pass this city, going each way, at
quarter past twelve o'clock each day.
Markets. Butter runs at 20V per
pound ; eggs are going at 2.V iier doz
en. . -
New Hay. The new crop of liny
is coming In. and sells readily at 13
ht ton.
I.KfJAL Tknueus Are now quoted
at sr'.jC Inlying, and ssi3c selling.
Gold is U3 in Xew York.
Thanks To SeiiarorCorbett for re
vised Congressional Dictionary, and
useful pub. docs.
The Auas-iz Kxraimos. The
discoveries ol Prof. Agassi, at Patago
nia, and by his deep-sea soundings on
the voyage Ihiiher. promises to be a
great acquisition to science. He holds
a coiTesponileiice with one or two of
Ids colaborers in the field of cosmic
investigation F.ast, to whom he coin
liiunioates, in a general way. a history
of his discoveries. These have ill sev
eral instances been rather remarkable,
lie spe:iks (if having found lish shaped
like wicker-baskets and a sea hog
that keeps up an appetite so voracious
that after being laid out. to dry on
deck, it is still able to kill and eat
other marble animals. 'The proofs of
glacial action in Patagonia; the tact
that her mountains are extinct volca
noes giving color to Ibe legends from
which Terra del Fuego took its name ;
and the determination of the position
of the measures, showing that the
mining operations are carried on in a
true cool, are among the Important
results of his expedition.
'Let The Oat On.''-Greely has
at last "let the cat out."' lie says in his
paper that '"it was only when firaut
turned his back on himself, by re
moving men whom he at first appoint
ed to office from Ibis State and whniii
the Tribune approved, and tilling their
plates with factlonists that any troub
le was created or dissatisfaction ex
pressed." That is wba'. is the matter
with all Grant's opposors. When he
appoints a man to an office lie expects
bun to faithfully discharge tlie duties
thereof, but when ho ascertains that
the Incumbent is not faithful to his
trust he at once removes him from
XotAnv Pouti.anh Banker. A
well known bald headed banker, who
always prides himself on being a self
made man, during a recent talk with
a friend bad occasion to remark that
be was the architect of his own destiny
that he was n self-made man.
"W-what d-did you say f" asked his
friend, who stutters. "I my with pride
that I am a self made man 1 made
myself." '-H-liold." said the old
friend, "w-while you were m-niakiiig
yourself why in the d-dlckens didn't
you put some more liair on the top of
y-your bead ?"
In a law suit, the oilier day. lic
tween two members of the same
church, counsel for one of (lie parties
suggested that the brethren ought to
defer differences for adjustment to the
high court above ; to which bis elleut
responded that tlie 'same idea had oc
curred to him, but there seemed to be
ml Insuperable obstacle in the way
be don't contrive any way to get Ills
lawyer there!"
When Mr. Greeley left his editorial
room on resigning the command ofthe
Tribune, we read that "in one corner
of the room there are nearly thirty
boxes, from tlie difi'ereut Xew York
hatters each containing a white bat.
They had come in so fast that Mr.
Orecly distributed tliem to the em
ployees in the building. The com
jiosiiors must have come Iu for a good
share, astho majority of them, a they
passed to the eoniiosing room tluit
evening were crowned with white
Tlie Harvard AdnMHtt has refused
the publication of a humorous ioein
of two hundred lines, beginning:
An elephant sat In a swallows nest,
Drinking a Clip often ;
Ami watching a delicate hen, that sang
From the top of a neighliorlug tree.
A sour old bachelor makes the re
mark that n girt who is now termed
a beautiful blonde, would, a few years
ago, have been called a towhend.
A compass lias four points, that's
certain ; but a pair of compasses Iras
only two.
w. mm u.
Which I wish to observe.
And my language is plain,
That lor running a curve.
And avoiding Ibe main
G reat i piost ions at Issue. 1 f . Greeleys
Convention was not held iu vain.
"II. G." is bis name.
And I will not deny
In regard to the same
What these letters Imply;
But that n-m-b n fits between 'em
Is a fact on which yon may rely.
It was May on the third
Anil quite sort was tlie game,
Though nary a word
Said the sharps 'bout Ibe same.
Tiil they suddenly centred on Horace,
111 a way I cannot but blame.
The trick to he played
Was to Imruswoggle Grant,
Although what was said
Was bill blRicrtiitbe and rant ;
Though Greeley wasn't there, he'd a
hand in
And fiimi-bcdthcnio-t of the cant.
The ballot anil vole
For -one Adams'' was bosh;
Likewise yon might note
That G nitBrown wouldn't wah ;
Then D.ivisaud Trumbull and others
Played low to the "Galvanized
The dodges then played
Were quite shocking to see ;
Though objections were made
Tim" couldn't agree ;
So, really, this queer nomination
Was caused by a ma-Jor-l-tee.
When Greeley was told.
As the news came to hand.
01 the delegates sold.
He was childlike and bland;
When lie writes "What I know of
Convent ions'.
We'll learn how the leather was
Which is Why I observe,
And I say it with pibi.
That for running a curve
And avoiding the plain
Live issues at slake, HoiacuGreelcy's
Convention was plumb in the
.1 DniL by JIisxioax Women.
A Jfxican shows that
tlie Mexican woman is willing to
assume all responsibility Iwlonging
to her rights Two .Mexican ladies
of rank, at n ball iu Santa Cruz,
quarreled regarding a gentleman
who loved each, wc assume, about
equally. A challenge followed, Ami
there was a light with swords, the
end ol which was th? disnb ing oftho
swop arm of one of the combatants.
7'he wounded lady, nothing daunt
ed, drew a pistol ami tlurctl tl.o
other to come on. Tu parlies were
placed and the word given ; and the
unfortunate one iu the previous al
liay received a lw 1 in her left arm
and was carried from the field in a
gwoon, Two hours afterward, tlie
rules of chivalry holding good, the
victor was married to the object of
so many affections, and bore him
bhishingly away on a horseback
wedding tour.
7'iie Japanese ladies, having in
vestigated the female attendants at
the lirand Hotel and compared
them, ill their working clothes, with
the ladies whom they see upon the
Streets, have concluded that the
richer and the poorer clashes of
American women are divided by
pliisical development, and that the
richer class are distinguished from
llieir Icssfortiiiiatesistei'sby a hump
upon the back, something after the
fashion of the dromedary. 7'heir
superstitions lead them to believe
that magic arts are used to produce
the growth of ihis deformity upon
the jiersons of those whose wealth
is acquired iu their later years. The
(implicit)' of these fair daughters of
the Orient is really touching.
The Vallejo Vhtottlde says that
tho deringer kindly loaned by .Mrs.
Churchill to Kmily 1'itts Stevens
to gti after Meeker with, is the same
identical shooting iron which was,
under peculiar circumstances, drawn
by Mrs. ('. ujioii a protbssiomtl gen
tleman of Vallejo.
They say female compositors get
through their copy very nipidly, being
anxious to get the last worn.
1 . .
July 3d, 1S72. at the residence of
L. It, Brown, by BcV. A. Camp
bell, Mr. John L. Kclscr and .Miss
Jennie hidsou all ol Ilarrtsburg
New To-Iu) .
business the cninlim season, and in
OI'tltT IU IllttKC rtKJIH win
Hell lit Cost Tor Thirty IW!
llur entire utoek f
Contiiilliuj of
Mill t..U lX, KMllKOIIHiHIKM,
unit a variety of oilier booiIs to be fouud
in a
First Class Ullim-r) gtorct
fr piemti roll and exumi i ie.
July li-Hnil