JOB PBIXTIXG. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH KW AND FAST POWER AXP HAND PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Style of Printing Material, Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG s TO GO FOR AY heii yon wWh Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But wiry narticnilarlze, when it is gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IT Whin it comes wider the hod of To convince yourself of the truth of the above statement!), you have only to call (or send a liand ac companied by three stamps to pay return postage) when we will astonish you with the capacity of the 15i:c iSTKit office for doing Colored or Plain work, and the re inarkable ele gance exhib ited by the Boss in Oorraling the stamps for the same when finished. When you have "hi.'' in our line, call. A hint to tlic sufficient is wise as a blind kick's home, or words to that effect. rY8TER8,!MRDmiH,RKt HERRINO, joodflB,etc.,Mt received rastiag. Diffro etc GEO. F. SETTLEMIEB, DRUGGIST, (Successor lo 1). W. WakcueM), I'nrrlsl,'. Sc llnlldliig, 1 irsi Street, ALBANY. OltKGOV Dealer In Dlil'GK A ND MEDN 'IX ES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, 01T.S, CLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the best qnnllty. l'ti sicini'is proserin! ions cnrefullv com pounded. Albany, (k-t. 17, lsutmif STOVES, ETC. 31. 31. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. II. MTAIII.AND A CO.,) Opposite tlic hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, IZollo-w "War, not m: ri UMKniMi iiakiswake, Tin, Copper mul Sheet Iron Wurc. i.AiM.uvr stock ix the v.u.i fv. Lowest Prices Every Time. ltcpniriiig Properly Done. 0vl EltUIT TKEKS. Frail Trees, Wrstne Vines, e. TltS PSDKBSKiNEn IN'VITKS THE attention of the p tbllc to his large and complete stock of A1TLK. I'KAB, PLCM. CHKItltY and other TIIKKS. Also, il?APE VI KS lHt in the Slate ; Ornamental Tfee?. Rnnilw, Plant. Cur rants, (ioowherrh i, Strawberries, Hoses, Dahlias and Brill which will Ik- sold as low as llrst-class stock can 1e afforded. J. A. MILLARD. HARDWARE, W. H. KUHN & CO., Wholesale and Iietail Dealers in mux! AM) HEAVY iiar 13 w ah i: , Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, oak mid a.n ants, HICKORY OAK SPOKEN, HICKORY AXI.ES, Hardwood Lumber, S!. it rtlsiis, Shafts, Poles, Ac., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, AO of whleh are now offered to the pnlv Heat low rates. As we make the business a specially, wo am and will keep a lietlcr assortment, at lower prices, than any house in this city. W. IT. KTHX A CO., Montclth fire-proof brick, First Btroet. Albany, June U, 1H72-1K1 Willamette Transportation Company I 7ROM AND AFTKIt DATK, T'NTIL ' n.ii. , iiil'nmmiiv v ills- patch a boat froin Albany to Corvallis on Tuesday and Frldny or Each Week. Also, will dispateh a Imat from Allmny Tor Portland and Intermediate places on snme day, Untying Couistock X t'o.'s wharf. rare at Reduced Hat. J. B. BILES, Dec M, 1W1-18 Airen. DRUGS.' ETC. Murder tn Albany nASKKVER YKTBEKN KNOWN, AND no threatening of It at present. Death Is a thlnar whleh sometime, tnnst liefall every sou and danghterof the linuian fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of your life, If disease lays his vile hands upon ion, there is still "a India in (illcnil," by which you may lie restored to perfect l all li. ami prolong your duystoaniiracu lous extent. By enlllag on It. C. Ill EL & NO, With a prescription, whore von tan have It compounded by one experumoad In that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of rresh drugs, patent medicines, ehcmiinls, paints, oils, dyo stutl's. trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated I nk Werd Hciurdy, Or. Oregon Rheumatic Cure; Dr. I). Jayne At Sons' mcrtichies, etc. Silence's Positive and Xegatlvc Powders kept In stock. Also agents lor the Home Mint tie KcwlHjf Machine, One nf the most useful pieces of household furniture extant. Call and examine. it. r. mix & son. Albany, .lane it), 71-IOvS FOUA'DKY. ALliAXY FOTJNDHY And 31 a c h i n e Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, ORKGOX, Manufactures' Steam Engines, Flour and Saw 32111 ffueliin cry, WOOD WORK 1X0 And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IROX AND IlltAKH CAVHXUN. Particular attention paid to repairing nil kinds of machinery. tlvj MISCELLANEOUS. C. WK.STI.AKE. 0. n. si mi -son WESTLAKE & SIMPSON, UiRAL OMMISSIOX AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ! ALBAXY, OREttOX, Have constantly on band a large and vari e l' assortment of Agricultural Machinery, which they offer on the most reasonable terms. Also, on hand the celebrated MitcM Wagon, Light and heavy. Advances made on Urnln, Wool, and other approved merchandise consign ed for sale here, or for shipment to Port land or San Fmnclscn. GRAIN and WOOL Taken in store, or purchased at the high est market price. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! 500,000 pounds of Wool ! For which we will make lihoral advances, and pay the highest market price In cash. WESTLAKE SIMPSON. Albany, March 1J-S8 SAX FRAUCISCO AGWCUM'X ""inlhelFleld Again. TREAD WELL & CO. with the old standard HARVESTING MACHINES so popular with all California farim i s. will) all the latest iraprovemcDtfi. and many new olios for the hurvest ol "7J. The Wood's Prize Mower and Wood's Improved Kelf-Rahc Reapera. i These machines an" indisputably TIIK BtiS f IN TIIK WORLD. Asa harvester, theWoHla Iinnrovcd Prlae Mower Is ismfesscdly without an equal yet lieforc the country. These ma chines have iH'cn improved since tlrst In troduced, until they are now almost en tirely n new in ii blue. They are made by Walter A. Wood (the largest mami fmdnrer of Farming Machinery In the worldl-a man who keeps "up with the limes," and who now builds and sells over twenty-five tlioiisnnd of the World's Prire Mowers annually. It kid the world at tlic Paris Exposition, and lias found no peer since. The Wood's Improved Prize Mower is cspreiullv adapted to Oregon. It has a (biding nr jointed) bur with hnnd lev er, two wlierls, sjirlng seat, and is made almost entirety of imillcnlilc iron, hard wood and aterl. It is lirnvy, strong n ml diirnlile. and though compact and power ful, is of li'lhterdnift than the other ma chinea of eqnal weight It Is every way Just the Mower for Oregon, as every farmer will my who has one. And Us price (1301 is from fit to $23 less than s asked fin' an inferior machine. Fanners, will you pay that d inference? investigate before yon bnv, ami sec if you are getting any thing liir that crtm ;rt-for it U protlt, ns no Slower costs more to build than disis Wood's. Send for a pamphlet before boy- "Buy the Best." Buy the Wood's Improved Prize Mower 1 We offer also the GENUINE MAINE'S HEADERS, from M to 1 "i feet cut, improve I by Walter A. Wood, having not only nil the advant ages of! lie old Illinois machine, lint Wood's improvement, am I also Donue's Adjuat ble Keel. Ca7 So other Hinder has these improve ments, and no other parties sell them. Tbev are made especially for this coast, b Wood, at Hoosick Fall, V. The Kirliy Self-Rukc Reaper and Mower. Those machines are too well known to nee I deserint ion. Also the "K 111 It V t '1.1 P l'Elt MOWKK" price 7S-thc chciipest and for many purpuses the best in the market. 'The Ileacllcj " Is the perfection of the Portable Engine. As n Threshing Engine they have long led all others, until now scarcely any other is to be found. Taken with the Russell's Thresher, (IMPItOVED) they make the most complete set of thresh-1 ing luachlncrv in the world. "Tliellns sell," as improved, cannot Is' equalled in tlio country. We are sole agents for (be ! saleofllies'e celebrated tbresbers.and base i bad them tntltt expressly for this const. ' Ask any farmer w ho has a Kusscll Thresh-' cr, what he thinks of it. McCormleh's Reaper, .rone's Plows, Wngona, Header TrneliK, Russell ami Planet Horse Powcrw, liny Presses, I oi ks, Ncythen, NunthcN, t'ultlvntors, Ac., Ac, Ac, Studcbaker rami Wagons, Itliuca Ilorac Rukes, A new lot of several car loads, Jnst receiv ed ; with also every description of Farming Implements anda fresh siock of HARDWARE, ROPE, NAILS, MINING GOODS, IHILLMENtS and FARMER'S MACHINERY & FINDINGS. BSTPlcasf send for elren'ars and prices. TREARWELL & CO., IlendottrontSt. ! to. C. H. Couiatoek&Co., AKenln, A I. HAW, OREUOX. April W-:nmt I . W, MA IE ! Trl-Wcckly Stage Einc ! rpiIK ITNUKnsiliNKl) is now running a A trl-wecklv stage from Lclmnon to Album-, earning the V. S. Malls, leaving Lcliiinon every Monduv, Wednesday and Friday mornings, ami returning, leave AUmnv at a o'clock P. M. of said days. Pusss'iigers called for In any part ot the city. All orders should be left at the St. Charles Hotel, Albany, for passengers or freight for Lebanon. Packages and light freight pnnetnnlly dollvcivdat low itcs. All business en trusted to mo wiU bo promptly attended to. W. B. KONACA. Lebanon. Feb. W, T-Mv4 BLANK DEEDS, MOBTtJAliES ETC., on hand latest styles and for wle low, at this office. ALL SIZES mV'JIOr 1 rocwSr Treaowell&Co tar Snlwcrihera finding an X after their natmisare Informed thattlielrsnlwcrlptton expires with Uiat nuinlwr.aud they are in vited to renew it. Terms - 3 l)er annum, in advance; sixmonlhs,2; three months, ts"I.ogn! tenders reeelveil at par from subserllicrs in the Eastern States. Ilaekuone. When you see a follow-mortal, Witliout tixetl niifl fearless views, llitirglng on the skirts of others, Wnlkinj; in tltelr cast off shoes, ISowing low to Wealth nnd favor, With an object, uncovered head, Jii-iily to retmct or favor, Willing to !w drove, or lead ; Walk yourself with Jlnner bearing, Throw your morn I shoulders back, Show your spine has nerve ami mar row Jmt the tiling which his must luck. A stronger wonl Was never hcai-tl In sense autl tone Tiian this Backbone. When you sec a theologian, Iliiltiii"; close some ugly Creed, Fearing to reject or qnesl Ion, Dognuis whleh Ills priest, Holding back ail noble icelitig-. Choking down each manly view. Coring more for forms and symbols, Than to know the good and true ; Walk yourself with firmer bearing, Throw your moral shoulders back, Show your spine lias nerve and marrow-Just the thing which Ms mint lack. A stronger word Was never heard In sense and tone Thau this Backbone. When yon see a politician. Crawling through contracted hole, Hcgging for some fat position, In the ring or at the aills; With no sterling manhood in him, Nothing .stable, broad or sound, Destitute of pluck or ballast, Double-sided all around ; Walk yourself with firmer liearing. Threw your moral shoulders back, Show your spine has ncne and mar row A stronger woid Was never heard In sense and tone Than this Backbone. A modest song anil plainly told The text is worth a mine of gold ; For many men most sadly lack A noble stillness in their buck. The Miniature. A TEMrEHAKCE TALE. Rome years ngo, when the (emper ance movement was airltatlnir ihe minds of many my own among oth ers I had been spending the evening with a friend, who urged me with the warmth of true friendship to take the pledge?. Now, I had never been a tippler, and it seemed unmanly (so I thought) to do so, us it implied a want of confidence in my own powers of resistance (alas. I did not like to re member how often tluty had heen test ed and found wanting.) and I had left him in an undecided and unsotlsfled frame of mind. It was under these circumstances that, while making my way up stiver, my attention was arrrestcd by seeing a delicate lady like woman peering timoroiwly but earnestly in at the door of ngreot glar ing rum palace. I was the rribfe sur prised, because it was a bitter cold March evening, one o( those when every one yon meet looks bine and withered; and the gentle sex crowd around thcireomfortahle fires at home; and she was clearly no frequenter of such places. Feeling curious to ascertain her oli jeer, I went in and sat down in the parlor, where then! were some dozen persons assembled. I was at once struck by (he appearance of a young man, probably about eight and twenty or thirty, who was carrying on an an imated argument with a gentleman near bini. on the rival merits of Hums and Tom Moore. The aptness of his ((notations, and points of his anecdote, showed him thoroughly master of his Subject, while the grace and bentltV of his language bespoke tlie scholar and aecompllslied gentleman. The, broad high forehead, and the restless, dark grey eye, told of talent if not of geni-U-, aial a small, white hand and ex quisitely modulated voice indicated gentle birth and breeding, all strange ly out of keeping with his dress, (which was shabby and slovenly in the extreme.) the place and his com panions. A the argument became more and more animated, he tossed off glass after glass with a rapidity that was astonishing, and apparently almost unconsciously; but the fiery alcohol was liegmnuig to toll, and als ruptly breaking off the Argument, he poured tortu a heatit mil melody. His auditors plied him with gtaaftcr glass of his favorite rum. and song fol mwed song in rapid succession ! but, alas! the fire of genius was fast fading from the eye. and giving place to the unmeaning vacant stare of semi-idiocy, and the rich, mellow voice was becoming thick and uncertain. Con scious that lie was now as much Iv neath his hearers as he was before above them, he itjsc and staggered to the door, but Ihe fatal cravings fur stimulants was too strong lor him to resist, and he stopped at the bar to add one more (h op to Hie liquid fire that was coursing watity thlWlgh hi veins. And now again I noticed the anx ious, timid, peering glance of the dell-; cite lady I had first observed outside, but this time she had a little child in j her arm-, a lovely little girl, of about five or six. She had her father's rich, brown huh', which fell iii clusterhiB ! curls around her open toivliead. and over her fair rounded shoulders, her soft hfllei eyes beaming with tender ness and affection. Tlic min was now falling fast, and I held 0H'ii the door for the lady and her child toenfer; with murmured (banks she passed and tremblingly ap proached her husband, said t "John, dear, had you not better come homo!' It is getting late." An Imprecation on her and home, too, was his only answer, as he flung '"fife rontetits of the glass over her; with an oath; he bade her begone, and when she tnrueit to obev him, with a still fiercer oath, he boiM Mr leave tlie child. 'Ilie struggle in M Mtou breast between fear of her ehllds safe ty and a desire to obey her husband was painfully apparent on her care worn countenance; but she obeyed placing the child by its father, return ed to Iter weary watch outside the door. Tiwt he was proud and fond of his child, as well lie might be was clear enough, but he could scarcely stand steady a moment, and hating taken the child up in ins arms, its danger was evident to all. The tor tured mother could no longer bear the suspense, and she rushed In to take the child. With an oath he warned her off, and raised his arm to strike her, but the Htttle peacemaker threw one arm around his neck and the oili er around her mother's, and, with) gentle violence, drawing them togeth er, said : "Dear papa, kiss momma; don't strike her." In an Instant, the one noble feel hip still uucoutoiuhiated by the blighting Infiueme of drink, Hushes his check and brow, tears, at the thought ot I he base, cowardly act he liad so nearly perpetrated, rise to his eyes ; drawing ids gentle wife to him, as tlie little an gel of peace had requested,, he im prints a kiss on her now sunlit face, and with one arm encircling that gen tle, loving, long-sufieriug woman, lie quits, let us boK! forever, tlsit danger ous place. Xced 1 add that my doubts were solved, and when I next saw my friend I had taken the pledge f Home seven years after this occur rence I was passing tlie selfsame bouse, and all tin; circumstances came vividly hack to my mind; curiosity, and perhaps a better feeling prompted me to enquire if the same landlord was thei-e, and if he could tell me any thing of Hie persona who liad so deep ly interested me. 1 briefly recalled the circumstances, and asked him if he lecolected them. "Ay, ay, sir," be said, "tliat little lass you saw, lost me one ot my best customers, Mr. 1" I started at tlie name, for it was one that was begin ning to fill Fume's trumpet. "Mr. , at the time you speak of, used to he here every day of the week and all day long; lie was quite a gentle man, and uncommon smart at taint ing ; hut bless you, sir, he would do nothing hut drink and smoke, so peo ple would not give him commissions ; and I beard tell that they were very badly off, lioor things, for it was only when they were without a penny tliat he would turn to and paint ajfiittle picture or do a job of a sign or the like; but since that night that you and me remcinlH-r so well, lie lias buckled to in good earnest ; he lias got a fine bouse, nnd people tome in their own carriages to get him to mint them. The world's gone well with me, sir, so I have got him to take my two little ones ; and as you seem to take an interest in him, we can make an excuse to go and sec how tlic pic ture is getting on." I gladly assented and a cab soon took us to Mr. door. The foot man, recozuiziiis my companion, ush ered us into a handsomely furnished drawing-room, while ho went to seek Air. lu ins studio. A lovely wo man was seated at a table, bending over a water color drawing, and It was with dilliculty that I could bring myself to believe that it was the same careworn, timid woman 1 had seen seven years before, on that bleak March night at the door of the nun palace ; yet such was the rase. Hap piness and content, those vernal show ers of the soul, had gently done their genial, gracious bidding, and in the happy consciousness ot a husband's love regained, of a noble spirit raised from degradation to rectitude, honor and fame, she shone out in her true character a high-minded, Christian woman. Over tlie mantlepleee was an exquisite miniat ure of a child, with Soft hazel eyes, and clustering chest nut curls, and underneath was written in small old English characters, "iJwir yjiC, kim Minima, dmi't strike her." Need 1 say that this was tlie little peacemaker, and that ten times its weight In rubies would not have pur chased the limned likeness of the dar ling child that Cither and mother alike loved so fondly and so well ! T.INKD. I was in a drug store in Ellttlrn, when in rushed a fellow who called for a pound of camphor and downed the whole of it. It was a sur prise parly to me. and I said, "what the deuce did he do that fori?" "Why." said drugs "lie is lined." 'Lined," says I, "what is that? Then lie told me. Sonic years since a gentleman who was nliout to give ai dinner party, Snt a whole week showing his ser vants how to make mock turtle soup. When the day came, she made tlw mock, and the turtle, and the soup all right, and ju-t as she was about to pour lu a bottle of claret, a little lioy cntered singing, "Kverylhiug is love ly and the goose hangs high," which distracted her attention, and she made a mistake and poured in a whole bottle of hair tonic. "1)1(1 it make hair soup?" said I. meekly. "Alas!" said he. "the results were sad." "What were Ihe results?" said I. "Darn it," said he, "didn't I just sav they were sad t" "lint," said I. "how did the mock turtle wind up?" "Ah," said he. "two went to the Morgue, four to the hospital and all who didn't die were called the sur vivors, and that tellow you just saw was one of 'em." "What the devil does he swallow so much camphor for?" says I. "Well," he said, "that tonic start is I the lmir growing down his throat, and he took the camphor to keep the moths out." Said a tipsy husband to his wife. "You need needn't bl-ame me, 'Twas Woman that first tern-tempted mau to eat forbidden things." "Thaji won't do," retorted tlie indignant wife. "Woman may have first tempted man to eat forbidden things, but lie took to drinking of his owu accord." Farmers w wheat; their wives sow tares.