The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 28, 1872, Image 8

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    r 'X.-y j
lUiallil i CDlStjf L
fcWVAMj j!,"..
Mnrshnl SiuorolT.
I'Iip atarlM to!,l of Marsha SuvoiofT
display, better lliaii whole igcsoftte-"rt'"H
f .. . . . . "i 1:1.
srrintloiK the w omloi tul way in v. nuii
he contrived to adapt him-elr to the
rude spirits Willi w hom he had to deal,
without kvrfiigoue jotof Msatttborlty.
What Napoleon whs to tlie French
m uiv. SirVoroff whs to that of Russia;
u..f' Latino trlHi soli lier. and now
rebuking agefltntl ; ow day sharing!!
riltloii 01 oiaeK ore.iu inline ohuii.iv
tin', and the next spoakJngasnn equal
to jRlZr wSI
two irivat smii -or. ot hu-si.iu wn
1 re ' . . .
c ..., i .. i 1 1 1 . ... , 1 1 inn. -r
in; ill iiiv-i 1nm.ih..tiiv . ... .
lialakireff bos Very much the diameter ,
Ufa spaniel in a lion scngo admiring,
even wlill inoeklug Ida formidable
patron In-having toward him with a
lialf-waggMi. hilf-ullccliniiatc lanil
ltartty perjietnally oH'ending, and
forgiven. Suvoron comes bflure ih a
an uncrowned king, one whose author-
itv m-eiliHl no outward svnwoi : an an
toerat of Nature making, mil ot a - , . ,. ,i ,
roUKb, heartv fainiliaritv. that was in ; my n-tter-halt sliding acro the
m. Sanger of lireetling i'outempt. and ! sWe walk, s iting posture. 1 stig
nirrottmled by men ho enjoyed the I ej' a "'"M hick to tlie door,
frA-..ifV, while i bey ureaueel tlie uls-plea-uiv
of the liitle pug-nosed grimy
mat), who was in their eyes the incai -liatlon
of Rtrthly power anil gi-aiidenr.
It lillHt Ik- owned, however, that in
his own peculiar vein of pleasantry ,
the old uui.ishal more than once met
with his match. One of his favorite
joke- was to confuse a man by asking
him unexpectedly. "How many gtaw
aii' then- in tlie sky : "
On one ocGisioii he put I hi question
to one of his sentries on a bitter Janu
ary night, such a- only Russia' can pro
duce. The soldier, uot A whit disturb
ed, answered coolly, "Wait u little,
and I'll tell you ;''and he deliberately
organ to count, "Une, two, tnree,
. (o ill - w:iv he wei.t iwivelv on
to a hundred, at which point Suvoroft,
...i .1 -I..
, ii:e. r t r. i i i- u.c . i i "
It high thue to ride off, not, however.
wltliout inquiring the name ot lys
ready reekonef. The next day the lat
ter found himself promoted, and the
.-lory (which Suvoroff told with great
glee to his stalT) speedily made its way
thioiigh the whole army.
On another occasion one n( his gen
erals of division scut him a sergeant
with dispatches, at the same time re
commending the bearer to Snvorolfs
notice. The marshal, as usual, pro
ceeded to test him by a series of whim
sical questions; but the catechumen
was equal to the occasion.
How far is it to the 0QOOU?"asked
Two of your excellency's forced
inarches, " answered the sergciint.
"II your men began to give way in
a Kat tie, what would you Sot"
I'd tell (Item that just behind the
enemy's Hue there was a wagon-load
tif corn-braudy."
Supposing you were blockaded and
had no provisions left, lww would you
ciipply yourself t "
From tlie enemy! "
"How many Ash are therein the
" As many as have uot been caught."
And so tlie examination went on,
till sinvnr,,n? ttliilillff Ills llnw i,iill:lint.
auce armed at all points, at length
asked him as a final iKiser, " What is
tlie diHerence betweeu your colonel
and myself ? "
" Tlie difference is this," replied tlm
(oldier coolly : " my Colouel cannot
make me a captain, but your excellency
has only to say the woid ! "
Suvoroff struck by his shrewdness
kept bis eye upon the man, ami in no
long time after actually gave him the
specified promotion.
Suvoroff always affected the utmost
IHYYHJ IA1L41 III .-m.lftln .lllu ..lUltiL;.
tl. tJmnm of his fli.Mwitehes heimV !
almost unrivaled. The correspondence
with Prince Potemkiu. relative to the I
assault of Ismail, is unique in military
history, rotemkiii.copyingtlie brevity
cf liis ger.enil, wrote to him thus :
" Marshal, yon will take Ismail within
iv.t! ,. .
three (Jays, at wiwiteverco-t
s. the dav after the ltttcran lved
Suvoniff canled the town by storai,
with a loss of fifteen thousand men to
lilinselt, and thirty-eight thousand to
the enemy summing up the fearful
tragedy in one doggerel couplet, which,
(iteratfv translatvsT, runs as follows :
' Praise God, and to thee !
Isinal's ta'en, and thaiv I be."
The anecdotes of the gr at Marahal'a
fcoeiitricities hb) habit of wandering
about the camp In dlgnlse, his whim
of giving tlie signal for assault by
(Sowing like, a cock, his astounding
eiulurancc of heat and cold, bis savage
disregard of personal comfort aiid
neatness an- beyond calculation ; but
iie'rltops tlie most ckinu-teri-tie of all
is h'n appearance hi K'.i'J at the Aus
trian court, then one of tlie most bril
liant hi Europe. On Ixaiig shown to
the room preiami for him in splendid
apartinent, fliled with costly mirror-,
and rich furniture.) this modem Dio
genes said simply, "Turn wit ail that ;
ruwnsn aiai siiko me uown some
straw." An Austrian gj-andee who
tame to vr-ll hub was startled at tin
jitviwration and tlll more so at the
Lrst siglit ol'the Mar-Iial's " biygaife."
vvhU-h consisted of two coarse shirts
ami a talterell clonk tied up in a bun
dle. " h tliat enotijih for winter ? " ankal
(lie astounded visitor.
"Tlw winter's tlie fatberof ii1 Uus-
alans," answered Suvoroff with a frrin;
' basidjes. yon don't feel tiaj cold wlien i
you're riding full gallop." j
"auiin ("ui; m iu ui ruling, wa leu tiirongii lyiirisieiiuoni. J ne
Vlmtdoyoudo " ( Dopes invested with a dignify and a
'Walk." revenue ol Imperial proportions, soon
And wlicn you're tired of walk-; lgan to use tla-lr hiftuence to agpmn
U(?" idbse tla-ir (iuuilles. Being deprived
linn." by vWue of tiieir priesily offlcc, of
Ad do you never sleep, tlicn ? " ; direct t)oeml(luta. tlaiv promoted tlie
3ked the petrified questioner. i collateral brnnebes of" their families.
' Sometimes, w hen I've nothing bet-1 und especially tla-ir nephew, to var
ter to do," rcnliiHl Suvoroff. carelessly; ilotw profitable employments ami dig-
and wlien J want to liave a very n'uies. So far was this carried tltt
luxurious nap, I take off one of my i tlie Italians invented tlie term " IL
Ipor." ' Xipotiiim " nepotisio to express
llie tlHindcrstrHck Austrian bowed j tbU pajMl abuse, from tlie familiar
mid retired, doubtless considerably eu- word nem, a nephew,
ibrlttcned in bis ideas of a Russian j .
.a u ortii wmie to onrome e now-
ever out pf place It may aytiear hi .a
VOjltctlfHi of jeste) mriKK rtory ,
snivoron. um mu ujm nun uk
Rri'" voterwi. already far on the road
luiek for mite t)irtnjsh tin Minding
storm to tAke one lu-t ihok at Ins Klwjv
i ing children, kissed anil blessed ihcui
' with passionate carucstra?, juhI tlien
away like a WKW upon
1.1.2 tiiiniK nt i ti'it plli't mil .1
man de-scrved more merciful judgment
than the stinging epitaph written upon
him by a wit of tlie nation which
wrought hlsihiwnfall: "A good soldier,
hut a kail genera ; a good servant, Imt
a had courtier; a good Uussiau, hot a
, bid Kuropean
On 't he Ice.
" Marie Ann went to tb
r ln,i if thai
i front door
paper had
........ .".. .. ....
Site had been delivering a short
address to me concerning what she
pleased to term my "cold mo!a-n :
style of moving around. As she had
opened the door she remarked, 1 like
to see a body more quick, prompt, en
ergetic "that was ail; lait I beard
some bumping down the steps in a
RlOSt prompt and emphatic manner,
j umn oogoi oe mico .i uungasioo
! nuiih celerity ; hut she did not seem
inclined to carrv on the conversation.
and I started for niv office.
Right in front of me. oil the slippery
sidewalk, strode two lndex-!ideiit
Knights of St. t'rispen. They were
talking over their plain for the future,
and as I overheard them, 1 heard one
say: "1 have only my two hand to
depend on ; lait that is fortune enough
for any man who U not airald to work.
I Intend to paddle my own canoe. I
believe I can make my own way thro'
the world "his feet slipped out trom
under him. and lie came down in the
shaiH- of a big V. I told him be could
never make his way'throtlgh the world
m mac iiiifetion. uiiie-w ne came ilown
i baider.aud that if he did he would c
: tlil'no.rli Tiiminii- llu. - lli-'iflu.ii I 'IiIimm, '
t - . ' t- -"
and lie was reallv grateful for the in
tere-t I manifested, lie invited me to
a place where ice never forms on the
Then I slid along behind a loving
couple on their way to hear Madam
Anna BUbop. Their hands were frozen
together. Their hearts heat as one.
Said be: "My own. I shall think
nothing of hard work if I can make
you happy. It shall lie my only aim
to surround you with comfort. My
iiympathy shall ease everv sorrow, and
through the path of life 1 will be your
stay and support ; yours ," he -hi-ped.
His speech was too llowery for
this climate, and as 1 passed, she was
trying to lilt him up.
Two lawyers coining from the court
house next attracted my attention,
" Ah." said one, ' .fudge f oster would
rule that out. We must concede the
two first points. We can afford to do
it if evidence sustains us in tl.e third,
hut on this position we must make our
stand, and," bis time was up. I left
him moving for a new trial.
I mused. How easy is humanity
controlled by circumstances and the
attraction of gravitation. What a
sermon might be bused I got up and
.1. ...7.1.11.. . 1... ... ...
loua iiiu oiiinuc ui ine em-ei to tiv
vent further accidents. Such is life
we are all "on the lee."
Tlie Jnpmiese I.-nation nt Washing
ton Mr. Marl.
Japan now has a full delegation ac
credited to this country. TIh; Charge
d'affaires. Ariuori Mori, is the first
regular Minister ever appointed hv tlie
Japanese Government. Jb- is a young
man of twenty-live years of age, and
his family is one of tlie leading ones
lu ht country. He was educated in
London, and speaks Knglisb very well,
i , .1 i i i .,
'lJe'1 tl,:lt knowledge ot the
language w hich comes from a thorough
education. On his return to Japan.
: after receiving his education, be took
! a leading part in the home car. lament,
after the late revolution there. Mr.
Mori makes a very worthy reiircsenta-
tivc of Ids country in Washington, aud
;l-'lan cannot till to profit vastly by
the experience which lie has already 1
acquired and which he will noiuire hi
the (attire, and which none will know
better llun he bow to turn to good ad- j
vantage. Tla Oharje lives in tlie Eu-
ropean style in a line residence, near
Georgetown, and hospitably entertains
his friends in a hospitable fashion, aud
after a fashion worthy of Lnctllhts.
The others connected witli tlie I.ega- j
tion are all men of ability ai id of stand-1
ing at home. They are Masahazah
Toyama, the first Secretary of Lega- ,
tion ; the Icbiskcy Xawaa, tlie second '.
Secretary of Legation, and Saniro
'llikakt, attache, in charge of the
finances. The American Secretary of !
Legation is Mr. Charles Kauinan, a
well-known, popular and distinguished j
gentleman, whose influence in the Le
gation can only redound to the adyan-:
tageot tlie Japanese Government as I
well as to that ot his own country.
lu order to -how that Mr. Mori's mis-
sion la-re lias some practical utility, it
is only neccsary to remarK mat ti;re
arc in the United .States nt present
nearly live hundred ,r.iKnoe stiii lents,
ttlai, as they become advanced, will
cuter the leading colleges.
art already at the Xaval Arademy,
Und iminission Inn liocn asked toallow
six to be Dent to West I'oilit.
XmmsM. Au cxcliaufre. gives llu?
following dcfmitimi of this word :
The term " nepotUm " orirfnntcd in
Itoly nliout the thlrteeiitli century
when llie temporal powerofttM Popes
"llie prisoner has a verv aiiMmth
nuniteii'me,. ..v..j i. ..... ;.. i
"Yes lie
Just before lie was brought in. That
account (or it."
Merited Oastlfattan
The Democratic A'ro, of Kast Port-
j land, administers a merited cAstlgation
on the Portland ftwM, for its lncon
! sistent and foolish course In reference
; to the railroad Interests of llie State,
i The following is tlie article :
j We like coii'lstcm-v In all things,
j hut more particularly dm We admire it
i in a party journal, making pretentions
to leadersliip, and elainihig Its ex- ti-rrlhre tire at (.'hickaiimugna, was
presslons sluill Ik- aw, and adopted Uy n-ktil by her why he did not get he
the "smaller fry," as the lesser i-oun- - hind a tree, "i nt-!" said be: "There
try uewapapers are sometimes termed, i waaut enough for the officers,"
We have our reasons for tills, and p"Mamina." s.aid a little three-vear
they are good ones. A "leading" pa- old. "when von and papa, were eourt
pcr. in tin- (list U incon- 1,,,,, vou'ever think of me?"
sistent lias no force w ith the oppii
tion. and can do the party no good ;
in tlie second, it tlfterances aiv very
likely to lie taken for expressions of
the imrty's sentiment, and place the
party In a falsi- position; hi the third,
because oftentimes the smaller fry"
are hntliered In following in the wane
ot such leadership.
The Origan fenrfrf, as at present
managed and controlled, is one ot
these Inconsistent journals, of which
wesK-aK. anu is doing nil that it can
' possibly do toward mhioosly affecting
tlie interests or the Democratic party
ot Oregon.
There can lie no denying the fact
; that the people of this' suite are in
: favor ot I'o-tcring railroad anterprises,
land will, whenever tin- opportunity
i offers, lend w hatever encouragement
'. within their power to aid in their con
! struct ion. They know lull w i ll that
the development of (he Slate must
I come through railroad, ami that the
i longer their construction Is delayed
i the greater time mint elapse before
I the ilsired development can he accoul-
nlisluil. Tlicyof the Willamette Val
! ley underqand that the building Of the
l two lines now being pushed ou toward
I completion will increase the value ot
I tiieir farms and furnish them the
means of slipping their surplus pro
ducts to market, and they know that
without them, population will not in
crease nor will their firms and pro
ducts he in demand or find a market.
Eastern Oregon desires a railroad,
and tin-people of lint section would
' Ih- willing to grant subsidies, tc any
j amount within their capabilities, to
1 secure the building of a line that
I would give them rapid means of C0SI1
i mmilciltion with tlie outside world.
! They are so situated that w ithout a
j railroad there is no hope for the fn
j t ure. and w ith one. they have all the
wealth and prosperity they may de-
With the sentiment of tlie people
i thus fixed, and with their interest'
thus dependent, upon circumstances
over which they have no control, hut
j must eater to, the course being pnr
, sued by the ferrtfd can only place tlie
I party in the light of opposing the in
terests of the people ot the entire
' State, and for no cond substantial iva
I sou'. In one breath it declares Ben
i Holladay to he a wealthy monopolist,
I ready and able to build railroads, and
i control the Slate w ith money, if nec
I essary ; and before that is wol or for-
f1 ptfen, it recklessly asserts that he is
Miikrupt and his railroads worthless.
! This contradiction of itself hv itself
cannot effect Holladay, hut it ran and
will convey the impression that if the
Democratic parte is opposing him it
is doing so nierelv from spite, ami uot ! " noncstiy go lorwani. saying wiuit
from any Just etmse or prdVocntion. u, f ifrht, and. though he may notprob
The DemiH-iatic ivirtv is above such W bu 1'resalent, , lie can enjoy a very
m-trv tvanare, ami its moniinrs ot
Ihat class who never stoop so low. if
the idea was to liecome fixed in tiieir
mldds at any time thai of such was
the party to which tiiey lielonged,
they would spurn It with disgust and
turn away from it with loathing.
Cannot tlie Herald, in its mad rav
ings, see that it is liable to create the
impression among the members of its
own party that tin- intention of the
party has dually resolved itself down
to opposition to'the Welfare and pros
perity of the f-bite ? Does it not know
that the mfiiiicut that this was fully
established that the Democratic party
would, hot amount to a corporal's
guard at best! Can It not see that
while it is claiming to be the leading
party organ of the party, it i really
the party's lending enemy? Let it re
collect that railroads benefit Demo
crats as well as Radical, and then
perbapa it will see to wliat its muttering-!
are leading It.
Tin: AVah Aoainst Ton.icco.
There is considerable amusement ex
prestjed over the way in which an anti
tobacco society in Kngland were re
cently taken in. It seems a Professor
Newman was brought up to give his
experience of the baneful. Always
having been innocent of its use, iic
was to try a pipeful in order tliat he
might get sick, and be enabled tlas
more vividly to detiul its horrible ef
fects niKMi the human system. JJut.
unfortunately for science and pbilan-!
tlmiplry.tlw Professor was not thrown
into the terrible.sickiiesssocont.deiit y
,i ,.i tu. .iuin,-.i ttu. .nJ. '
into the terrible sickness so confidently -
exiiecled, ami he ratherlikeil the sensa- :
tion than othcrwiw: so much so i,,. !
deed, tlwt lie would be willing to make !
anotber trial. j
A philosophical KetitiR-klan. who
was the envied possessor of one shirt,
while lying in laid awaiting It return
from tla; line wlierc it was flopping in
solitary grandeur, was startled by an
exclamation from the better half-of
his liospio, to Iheefleet that "(lie calf
bad eaten it." To this ho replied,
with aucfiiuinlmlty worthy of a Better
cause, Tlieui who has, must lose!"
A married lady ot Chicago thus
Wilms no Ihree venrs' escnerieneo of
married life: ''The first year my
husband called me 'dear,' the scconeil I
year -Mrs. A-' ami tlw third ycar old j
sorrel top. llie last year 1 couldn't i
staml, and sued for a divorce."
she got it
A dandy in Broadway wishing to lie
wHy, accosted an old man as follows:
"You take all sorts of trumpery in
your cart, don't you?" "Yes, jump in,
Jump iu."
A young gentleman recently created
quite a sensation while reading to a
circle of young ladles a poetic effusion,
"To a Beauttful Belle, by pronounc
ing the last word In two syllables.
"flood mnniinj; 'squire, fiot any
thine new?" 'ie. I've got tlie ner
might, and It hurts terribly."
A Iirooklyir iwtx-r, sneaking of
! Miss Kellogg's departure lor Europe,
! says '-lier friends saw her off." fre
! have lienrd of mean people citttfntl a
j woman, but to mni ktr of. It beats
the old martyrs.
A soldier, telllin' his mother of the
I can't say that we did."
"I reckon I was too little then,"
was the questioner's reply.
Horace Greeley soya the lightning
rods should he planted on the south
side of the building in tlie sun. The
vines are more thrifty and stiller less
from exposure to heavy winds.
An elderly lady of Norwich, who
was handling A set of false teeth in a
dentist's office and admiring tlie fluen
cy with which he described them,
asked him.
J an a body cat with them?"
"My dear madam, mastication can
lie performed with a facility scarcely
e pulled by nature herself," responded
the doctor.
"Yes, I know, but can a body cat
with them."
Mil. Gkkklkv Paints His Ows
IVaiTiivn. In lsjs Horare Greeley
painted the most truthful likeness of
, his present sell th it has yet been drawn,
lie delivered a lecture at. Montreal and
received distinguished honors at the
hands of the Canadians.
of a speech made at a ban ptct tender
ed him by the city authorities, Mr.
Greeley said :
Mr. Webster was not ftuiy a gel it! e
m in. hut he had i he elements of mor
al greatiKiiS : and he had tilllltsas well,
lie failed only in one respect, and in
this respect I dill'er from him he
wanted tolie President audi don't.
I'hccrsand Laughter. Hut for that
one misfortune he would have been the
greatest man America ever produced.
1 We have seen our greatest man. Mr.
j Chase, making tlie same blunder. I
have seen men who had the disease
early and died of it at a very old age.
fauighter. General Lewis Case died
j at about eighty-two, and up to the
day of his death he wanted to be Presi
dent. No one ever escapes w ho once
: catches the disease : lie lives and dies
j ill tlie delusion. Beluga nailer and
an observer at an early age, 1 saw how
j it poisoned and paralyzed the very
t best of our public men, and I have
carefully avoided it. It was easy (lien
'to speak for truth and justice, when
they needed an advocate, when those
w ho threatened could execute no ven
! geanee that you dreaded. Bo, then, I
think you are happy in that respect, if
in no other, for none of you in Canada
j expect to become the sovereign of your
'country. Cheers and laughter. That
j enables you to have a purer press and
more fearless public men than perhaps
you would otherwise liave. We at
1 ieast, in .our day. have a President
i elect who did-not try to lie President.
I te was elected mainly on that account.
i Lenewwi aughter.J a public
lil,v i nwivm ui .ihm
as well as freedom of action Hear,
hear! though freedom ot opinion is
tiaj very last thing that a free people
is disposed to concede to its public
Facts fok Taxpayehs. Mr.
j.arnsoii, wno uriugs lo uear on
the temiK-r-ncc i question some hard
uieis auii soiiii ngurw, aiMH'aisio llie ourratcn, ami smootniv rumim oi au tne
sAlf-intMwt of tho "iaili.1 mini nf Family Sowing Machines. It is remark
sett micie.-t oi tnc bona men ot i aa-c aotonly for the range and. variety of
Boston," by tlie tbllowill!' showing itssi.wini-.butalsiiforthev.iriet.yanddif-i
, ". ., . , ,. , ., ? i li-rent kinds ot texture which it will sew
Oi the commercial results ot prohibi- with eqaal taciUty and perflwilon; using
t.'on iii Ar-iBcnnliucntfJ TiAn AI. ! slk twist, linen or cotton thn al. tine or
t.OI) III -MasfnchUSCttS lotal Ab- I conrie, milking the tnterlockeS-eliitle-
tiiience Society: "From Novem-1 utii. alike on both sides of thefabrto
i ,r loi-o e .i i sewn. Tims, lieaver cloth, or li-nther. mav
tier to Jay, 1?W, attCT tllC ClCC- j he sewn with great mreimthan luiiiforin
tinn the vilr. nf liminr n-a unn ! "y of stlteh; and, in n moment, lliis w il
11011, tilt sale 01 liquor was una , Hn), nn,i nevWwrarving lnslrument may
StnctCHl. DlirillSf that year tlieiV lie adjusted for line work on joi'ize or aos.
., ,;.n;,., : ,.i.(;n 1 tamer tissue, or the tueklna of tarlatan, or
WHS a lallllig Ott 111 valuation ot i niffllin-.oralnuwtimyolhcrwork which
the State, as compareil with tllC i delicate lingers have la-en known to per-
two previous years, of nearly 33,
000,000, mot-t of which was in per.
eonsl. During the two years of
l'roliibition, tlie jiersonal proijerty
of the State increased nine and a
halt per cent. ; in 1868, under the
License law, iig'reased only two aiid
two-thirds jier cent. From 1860 to
18(15 Boston increased lier valua
tion 812,000,000 annually; while
from"1865 to 1807, during two
years nt l ro hUiition. tho increase.
Prohibition, the
reached $ BC,500,000 annually. Dur- j
j,,,, t,e two years ofTrohibition lier '
.,.. 7 . v . .
inercawj was 7 per cent., but JasI I
: " v, . , . , !
,,R """.l T' uul !
year, under license, only one and j
oiie-thim per cent. these are sig-
iiiticant figures, antl pliould receive
. (i i ... , ,,.,.,-
Tvm " l'V'
living outside of I5(ton and Mas
sachusetts. Tlie licensed sale of in
toxicating drinks produces the
same results every where.
Tlie HeraliVt London special
says a lloniliay telegram contain
mtomiation trom Arab sources that
Livingston is well, aud that Stanley
is at ! jijiji and is coming to tlie
cot with Livingstone.
J- rom let-
tors it appears that Livingstone had
travci-sed to north end of Iko
y.ra,.,i, Lfa
1 'ijjn,iii uii iiio n nj nviu
Aioniyiirna to i jijiji, wnere outaiu-
ing stores, he returned to Uiiydun
demende. He refuses to leave tlie
country, intending to explore an
underground path between lakes
1' iiyameiido and Ny;
In the realms below, Beelzebub de
creed tint the slanderer did more mis
chief than the snake. The slanderer
stung from afar and unprovoked tho
snake from near contact.
Surveyor A Civil Engineer,
Kiitfineurinx. Orders nolkftetl hv mull
lo wtitili piiimot intention will lie pniq '
ltcsi' Tun ;ent. I.luti county. Oiw
son ; PiMtolflce au4rcm -Albany. sinsi
Arctic Soda.
(Millies for (llspenatHK iliis Uclijjht
iiiinnit lieaMhiilvhiK huvciww, we woojil
uiinoiime to our fonner imliims, und the
iiu'ilic Kwvrelly, I tun wean' tullj prenuwd
froui one of tboao elegant
Tirft'N Areiie Foitntalna,
to supply sodtt of the best quality In an
liniliej ipuuitttles to till who uiay&vor us
Willi u cull-
S3 a, A a, x i 11a. !
SPItlNa and SUrSHEE.
he delivered to Ininitles ordering through
out the city.
ftrnlcr Supplied at Ubernl llatt-t.
Gctitiine Elitlnex
Hea ters, from 10 to U lift cut, made hv
Walter A. Wood, at HonUck Pali. S. Y.,
with all his improvements, una having
bIhu I'oane's Patent Ad,us!nlle lice!.
t.irNooiher IKwlers have these, lm
oriuemeiiis. Takanono bnl tlie Itaine's
Improved Ilea len ma le by Woo l.
Uuasell,i TItrcslier,
its linproved, is the nerfeetinn of the
Thrushhia Muublne. We have them from
BS to In inch, with new teed table, large
shoe, double Gin, elevator, double dts
charge, etc., ma lu esipeeUilly for rlio wants
Of I his loa-I, ulier years of MiiUy. ll has
greater etoanbitt eaietty tbna any other,
und is every way oerfeuf. J, .'o oilier
uiaehiac luis ever eipulled the Uusseh" ;
none can excel il .
sau Praaelsco.
April 19-8hu3
Is fast winning favor in the household, as
shown bv the rapidlv Increasing sales.
Tab NEW KAMIl.'Y MAC1HXK is capa
ble of a range and variety of w ork such as
was once thought tmpowlb e to perform
i lu-iniu-iiinerv
j &ybarfe
we claim im-i can snow
Apply ,0
g. II. .U XiBlTOV,
m;han, oiuxw-y.
Also at the Prior Store of A. CAKOTII
EKS A CO., Albany, Uregon.
Incurahlc Case!
55"? "l7"?,uLVl,TXm ,f,"
ldiS f hJ mMnl prKUUoB-
Df.LeBichao's GOLDEN BALSJlHGo.i
curd, ChancrcH first unit tt-conpl 'ag i, ScKucn
tho Legs or llmly; Soro Elm, Jim, Nitc, fcr.;
Coppor-colorcil llloteheR, Sjplillliiii 0uinb,
TIlHOMd Scalp, and all rr'""1' j ti rmiut tin;
(Uaeofcc known in Sypbllia. Frica, (3 ir Ih t.
Uo, or t I t 9.
cur.sT.'rtiary, Mor-nrlol, ByrliiliUc r.lifuma.
tlani, Parnaln th Bou k. F ... k i t tlieN'
cembil Bum Tun, Syeliihtic Iiaah, Limit a
ao5 : intnrtiKl CurilH. fctiffntBs ,f Ibo limla,
anil eradlntM all dl-atl tn ui Uieiyili w,
whsther ctttuwl ty Iniliai rtii n tr ilutc d(
morrury l-nln hi V.ouA t"i ud bcahl y.
Price, (J per bottle, or lw. ivt M.
Da. La Bichau'3 C3LBEN SPAKISH AK-
IMnto for tho Ours of Oonnnrhaa, !,!, In'.
UUon. Oravol, and all Vriuary r Ctuilat
dltarmagomcDta. Prl. o, 1 2.M ( i r kotlla.
lirtliia,w-Mih nt Injection tttmatrt
ot Oiwnorlu,. lutUmMaliiry Clrct. Strirhin n,
and all d!n-n ot I If Kldwyi wd Ilaildt r.
Price, Sl.lS0lilUl.
AIm Anati for DR. IX rJCElC'S GOI EE!(
PILLS Tur -mInnl V.uIiim., fh:U Imls.
aluns. Inill'H,'y. nu'' " Uainaarllnan,
MaHturbatlou aud cxcn-aiTa Iiwh. 1 rid-, 1 1
per bittlit, Tho aj-nuiilo Oous Vauui m
put uponlTla round bnltln.
On iiipt of price, lUcw mcllcliwa
bnaentti all part ol Iho c unlry. kjr ijt. t .
i!rmail,ai-ur.tlr uackidaad Ina tt, n. cbscr
Tatiun. SjIo Agcnla,
c. r. Rin?nr co.
Wkolatajl and Beta!! linwiriau awl W
mint". S W. cor. Clay h Sana.
Strwta, Saq Iranchio, fet.
M i, , rnr, i mjr a r.,uwnw flm
UaS the Olnmonil Nttc-tUt-lei will
pw-wirvc It.
irabtle whii li Ik iiniiiiioievl by i In
most celebrated oiak-mns of the world tn
In- the mct pernet, nutuiiil. arlillclal help
to the human eye ever known. They are
Ki-oiimi anderiinrown supervtslon, ut our
own uaiDJlfabtOCV, in Jtew Haven, uil are
so limatmcted IbM tbo i-orv or center of
t be lens . oiiies directly in fivnt of 1 he eye,
prodaulng u
As in I lie nntuinl, tieallliy night, and prc
ventillgall unpteusunt seunatlons, sui-h as
gliuraierlng mid anvertns of ght, dizzl
nuw,ete,, Kt-nliiirtoiill other in use.
These irla-ws ai-e man mini nn-l from tnt
nnlucrntalncbblOH melted lojrethar, ami
deiive i heirmiine. "Iiianiotet'on aii-ount
of tiR'irhanliii'ssandbrillbuiev. Tiii vure
inoimteil in the rtniat manner, at our own
mnnnfuetory, In nil stjli-sol gol-l, silver,
steel, niblier, and sIk-11 fmmes, of I lie Ik-si.
HUaltty. llieir durability tun not Its sur
passed, and their tlnlsh iflsuehaswlllsuil
tlie most lustidioiis. None genuine uiiless
tiuiringotir trade-mark, o ktanijied on
every frame.
For sale bv the iirinchm! otitii-tiiina nml
Jewelers, throaxllQUl the country. Manu
tnetiitfd m- J. K. SWaiOM- & Co., iimetfcal
opi letana, New Vork. For sale only by
Dealers in watibes, eliK-ks, jewcliy, silver
ware, etc., Allnoiv, Oregon.
Kntered according to act of Congimw, In
the year isisi, by J. k. Spencer A Co., in the
clerk V ofnoo ot the District Court of tin
ttnlted States, for the Somhern Histrict of
New York. :uv3
M". KETCIU .'t.
I.yoa Street, on the Illver ISimh,
Keep on hand a full amort meat, and arc
lavpunMl (o
FXJRX1SH tu ' iKtu.i;.
Doom, Suali, BHitd.x, und
.Such its
Of all staes.
Flooring, Siding,
AII other kinds aritulldinK Mntertol.
work, funiisb shnker fans, nijrjer
abakora, WU-tfon liins, driving pulleys of
any kind, ui oarlkulory on Lyon mreet (on
the river bunk , next' below MnrkbamVl
-arehnnw!. AI.THOI SK & CO.
Allmny, feb. 10, IWIO-tl
(Snecesaor of A. Cowan ft Co.)
Lebanon, Oregon,
IHia'.cr In
full stock of
all for side at the Lowest Prices fur Ca ft
or I'rotiuce.
OF. All lasrsona owlnjf A. Covan A Co,
can -u'ttie ny cainnsr on meat i.enioion.
t-w Barber Miop.
tipcncil a new llnrlmr sliop on Flint
street, three. Uixirs west ut Connor's IMnk,
w here he win banleaafid lo me nil ltvnon'
iieclinix his serviiH.
Shaving, huii'-cnllhi, Hlmmpntitiitr, etc,
(lone In t lie mtwt sallnfactoiy munaer.
Alhuny, r'ohrnnry Jir'ilv4
TIE lmriM demand for HOIXOWAT
1 PILL aad OINTMENT baa tamptetl
iiiprinciplii i partita tocouutirfeit tbanrajia,
Kla Mcliriiif-a.
In oriltr in protcrt ll public aBdoanebM
' U ivr uinM a urn "Trade Mark," ennaiat
-of an Kevptnt rireto of a aerpnt,Wtli
I. i'cr it m (hi eamn. Every box of gm,
i II nTxiiwai-n Pitxa uul Oimit wiu
- iiii,tradKuikonit j uona ara geania
;u. m i. ' - i '! t
V V. Ca-;iL Co., Bole Proprletoii, '
II Maiden Lane, N YqfJ
: onn r rnnei
IU Bote Agouti tor me iwmct
.hi j'