The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 28, 1872, Image 6

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    "M h h n Sfl Art vtiifiv
(Iamf.. ftting grouse arc. or will
le in a Hw I.-iy more, ahoni Ihe redd
size to make good broils. Commend
Hi 10 half a tlojill.
Focutilof July. Our people will
: have rwo chances offered Ilkm to ill
, port theumlrcsoutbegloriQUS Fourth,
1 In the fir-t place the citizens of Al-
,,..,.., w vj .ii i Templars of Brownsville atai vicinity
tne l.itin C oiuilv Ainmilti;i:il Socle- .. .... i
vii p-iv.i-.-iiu hhv in a Dove
ty - grounds, r!k oims mile wah of n!- mu( Mmv,. n,,., im i .....
lodges in this part of iIk conutv. as
The StM nt BrewuvUlc.
t June 2j(iu isTJ,
j Albany RenirttRs-ion Saturday
, i!u- -i. agreeable to notice, (lie Good
itlii- city, and couhallv Invite ttx-tr
neighbor from nil the country round
-to meet and naHiciuatc with llin.i.
sjritotw Ou I J"" "Sl U' u:",r' 8
iHMrtJ.tini" and si,-h. and t aiothcrs taB' a!' Hw
.t Co. make tin. best in the Shite. ! : J"1" fn
'..n miii i.i I it there nltW MLulnl in ! '1:'''
it- crude state.
also roorted those fim-mvlug
(roosters, lw ping t'glhs, will ,.t
1 Ives loose ou the occ-i -inn. for
a season's diversion. Altogether the
attractions ofltred for Jhe day will
jdouhiVs; KTitg a Brge crowd to F(ia
i raw Ground, and a mod interc-tin"
time will doubtless he enioved Lv aJ
who attend. On the other liatio wc
have often, d for onr consideration and
tee ii:i mi n emu cNciir-iun. v r.u -
road soil steamboat, embracing hoth
line- of railroad hi llio state, and the
two steamer line? plying from Port
land, i he one up the Columbia tothe
Dalle.-, and the other down the Colum
bia to Astoria the month of the river.
One feature of the excursion -, the
yr. Judge ( ranor is reported as I opportunity thut offered of
e lining in ueaunaiw.-ircngtliraiiiilly. an me prominenl omuls ot Interest in
t in' oaier settled portlotu oi (lie ijliite;
another, the opportnillty it will oiler
of seeing everybody, and moiv too, as
the crowd availing iliem-e!vo- ti( the
excursion will he gnat: another, the
extremely low (Igures charged for the
round triin partial going front Uij
city, for Instance, to I'ortlftml on the
. C. I!. 1!.. there taking the Ore
gon Central lUllroad, and ru ining
out to CornelltH, litKl hack Birnlll to
thla city, all for the Mini offfi 50, full i
fare being $11. The fare to Astoria
and Dalles corre-poiidhigly low. Of
course nil these feature-, addixl to tile j
attractions offered In the way of mV
nle celebration at Cornelius In the at
w.dl a; very many who are not mem
hew of the order, wciv OH baud to Join
in making it a p!ea-ant and happy oc-
At ttie ti.iln.rir 10 .1.-1. .1 1..
l)nvMI) I . -The t hief of the
Ting I'glles wa- out .parading the
streets a day or two since, atfiMctlng
no little attention by hU gaudy nttire
and inajeslK utetii; He- a hrick, i-.r.ek.
SSCBtKTHIMt N'kw. Mr. A. t Hen
derson b is Ihe right for this countv of i ,
a new steam wash holler, which ! i
protHHinced a hlg thing by those fa- j '
miliar with the manner in which it
doe; its work.
Pr.OMMX.tWi. The latest from the I
monnbins is that Albanians are pros-'
pering finely, and are being much j
benefitted bjr th. pure nionntntn iejh-
Sru.i. They Come. lSlain, Young
& Co. have reeeived lots of new' goKls j
this week. I lolly Yardens, and all i
other new styles, and more conihig in I
time for tin Fourth. Con-nit your !
own interest and go and see them. I
Klackiieiuuks Aresiiid to benlen-1
tlftll across the Wlllnmette, and Just
lyatit the Callpooia. The old black
berry patch in the mountains on the
mountain wagon load, it is said. I- a
failure this season, owing to fires last
A Hoax.- That report of (17,000
In gold coin king buried at or near
tlie mouth of the little creek a mile or
ternoon. irranu nar.u e. -neeehe-. etc..
so east of town k doubtless, a grawl j in ,,, even1n- .,, Portjand) wimUJ.
nojix, ami parties who speml their
time looking for it will have their
trouble for tlieir palus, or vice verm.
Full Links. V. C. liaqier & Co.
lire in rtH-eiit of fresh lines of goods.
TIk'j are selling an immense amount
of goods, and are giving the best of
satisfaction to customers, because of
uniform low prices and keeping noth
ing but standard g'wds.
Wheat Millers offering but seventy-five
cents three quarters of a
dollar six bits a bnsliel for this cere
al. Should the reported failure of the
erois in the East prove true, wheat
may come up a cent or two before
Xew Mo.vnil.v. We have received
a illustrated, sixteen page
monthly, from Pittsburg, Penn., en
titled Petjtla'a IfjfUhly. It is about
the size of Btper ami is furnished
to subscribers at $1 50 ier year.
Charles MeKnight, Publishers,
Pohtlamj I'iiicEs.-Heie Is the
figures frt'ltU Command hi fortland :
jjlackberrios, 12'4'c per pound; Cali
fornia pears. 5 if 7c do.; apricots, 13
do.t clieriles, V itbic do. Eggs
piotcd at 24c jK-r dozen ; chickens.
fo per dozen ; spring do., (2 50 :
ducks, (t. Timothy hay, baled, (20,
and loose. (13 per ton.
Aroct the Wheat Cuor. The
Wasbiugtou Agi'ieultural Bureau esti
mates the wheat crop of the United
States at 220.000.000 bu-hels this sea
son, as ngohi-t 2-S.i.nil0.(HK) bu-hels in
158, hi which seawn tlie yiekl was
the large -t ever reached ltcforo or
ijuce. The average per acre this sea
son I placed at li or 10 bushels per
acre in this State.
Wake t.'nirK. Tlie Willamette Is
very low. Indeed, in some places, it
b reported to us, it is diBicult to ford.
at water in sufficient quantities can't
he found to kcep tbe tires from falling
from the wheels whbc driving over
the boulders tint cover the bed of the
mighty creek! How ever. thD reMrt
may have been gotten up for Kilitical
effect, and we place very little cre
fence in it.
i up with a magnificent display of tire
I works, will draw crowd- from every
I portion of Hi,. State near the line- ot'
railroad, and there w ill he greetings
and shaking ol hands of Old friends
who have not met tor years, and 1(.
sight-seeing, and excitement, and fun.
will repay all richly for the small out
lay required to pay the expenses of
Ihe trip, if a sufficient number go
from this city and vicinity, (hey can
have tlieir own car. making the trip
much more pleasant. We hope tliat
all who go and all who stay will en
joy the occasion fully. We have at
tempted to portray the attractions of
fered by the two "lay outs" so that
our reader- may choo-e for themselves.
If after all that has been said they
choose to stay at home, that'; tlieir
business, not ours. Scloh.
conducted by the Marshal. I. Bow-
j land, proceeded in procession to the
grove seleyted for the occasion. With
a martial baud in front, horsemen
next, carriages and vehicles next, a
, procession wa formed of nearly ball'
j a mile. Tlie ground was well arrang
, ed. a nice stand, plenty of -eats, swing-,
j Sc. Xo regular speaker- having been
j selected, gentlemen were called from
- the audience to make, brief addir-es.
i Bi A. K. Kills M. F. Jones and
Prof. Gilbert answered to their nann-s,
. and were well received. Tin1 Diusie,
I under the management ot Fred.
I McCoy. !(.. vocal and instrumental'. ;
j intermingled with the other exercised '
j added much to the Interest "SRIteoc- j
I cSstetl. Theiv was nlentv of thecood i
"Wj things to satisfy hunger, wirich cann
from woman's ingenious hand, for all
present, and an hour and a half was)
now spent by all very pleasantly. Af-1
ter dinner the people were again cal! d
to the SUnd. when several toasts Were j
read and responded to
"The hulies of Brownsville ; "re-1
sponso by A. K. Kills. "Kducatlonl
the safeguard of our nation : " by Prof.
(1 illicit. "A mother's Influence bow
potent tor good;" by Rev. A. 1).
McMiehael. " Our mission is to save
the fallen ; " response by Fred. McCoy
a song. "The tlagof our country:"
response by M. F. Jones.
A song was sung by a very small
boy, son of Prof. Gilbert, which was
finely done. Marslial Rowland then
nracie a lew very tonclilng ami appro
priate remarks, all of which were well
M. F. Jones then mow d a vote of
thanks to the Marshal. Dr. Rowland.
tiii- his general good management ol
thaw hole aflhlr; also a vole of thanks
to those who had furnished music fur
the occasion, lioth of which were vet A)
and carried unanimously.
On the raid from the gove to
Brownsville an accident occurred,
which came near marring. tl.c pleas
ure of tlie tlty, ThelKv.s, j suppose
feelllig soimnvhat exbi'.irated by events
of the day, with piMty. laujlilnir "iris
KKAtiiEliOtKiaNH. Theconstruc
tfcm train on the O. & C. Railroad
reachisl the tow n of Oakland on Wed-lie-day.
It will be several days bet',. re
the bridge aero-s the stream north of
the town will he completed, t ut jsls
Kngers w ill be landed in the- suliurb
of the village. In the mean time till
haste will be made by the track layer.-,
and the shrill whistle of the locomo-'
live will soon be heanl in the streets
of Roll ing. Speed the linn'.
Pmwt'KOrs. Fall wheat very gen-1
craily looks well and gives promise of
an abundant yield. Spring wheat, on j
the contrary, will not, as a gunoral
thing, make an average crop, and uns :
lc? we have a bouutllul rain witiiin a
lew days, many fields will not he worth
the. cutting. Wc have 'heard no ex
pn - ion from our farmers wkh regaitl
to the das crop ; in our crlgrinatlnus
over the county, the few lieids we no
ticed looked well, and will douhtle
pun out average Crops.
Itnine lini'tljr:t '!.
Albany. W Mo.. 8tl
Hannah: There's one hlea I would
fain impress ou thee :
A committee of Investigation U a
From width the wickedest ol wen
have little iau-e to th-e
Judge then it's liuisXeiiee against a
IdaiHc'ess man like me!
Yet. I conti -s. that Inwardly I quaked
with -arc lii-niay.
When I was summoned to appear be
fore oucla t 'i'liird day,
l.c-t some untoward uvldeitce might
rciali r vaid. to inc.
'flic (tlfl of stock and tlivldctMl, of'
w hici. I wrote thee.
I was relieved Inttiwijly when, with
a subtle wink,
The chairman blandly said, ''We're
all Befonners, here, I think :"
And when lie said tone "Fcir nut!
All heiv are ON ill): MAKE!''
I knew him fir my kin, although a
paraWi he -pake.
-Xo change
in market
, Mahkit
prices. Vt e ijnote :
Butter Per pound !?S20c.
Keg;-Pcrdiwn I.
Bai -Side-, btrytitg, 12' ,c: sef-
Mii!.' He. Shoulders, hiiviug. !(': sel
Ihig 12',.. H uns lutyhar, I V; cl-
)h:e-. is,;
Chickens-From 2 59 to (3 f doz
en. ' t . . .
Mueat -MIII..rivi:t :v I1 husb
e!. i - r- .
Olts-Slill quoted ;d ." e V hll-hcl.
Wool-OlH rii,g faow to 45c ? iK
B.MiftAiNS. IV bai-.aln? in ju-fuf.
i"g material, cull at (hj. ottlee uume
d lately.
l front Mma, Purir.iiid, Or-
ICi.ecti i. At a regular meeting ot"
Albany Ixidge Ko. i. 1. O. O. held
at the hall on Wednesday evening, the
following named gentlemen were elects ;
ed oliicci's for flic ensimig term: George j
Washington Young. Noble Grand ; !
Collins VanCIcYO, VhaMlraud; N'ath
an Baum. Recording Secretary ; Will- j
ter lu'telitun, Treaaiivr. Installation j
ol olticers w ill take place on the even
iugof July 18th, 172.
r i . .i i.:... . . !.., .it. . ..t.
i.t-iuii j m .ii ,i. iin.'ijiii in-j.i:in, ()
ifio'. ' " i tin- nial.e :
He salt I it signified a purpose never t
fol like KI'At. KSf T' in lli-(Tri and Y..WI
,i' , ,,. ,. ,?'UrTI.AMl. i.. It-, le,,-- tli -i.-.C v i-,ii-
r'M" po'Mie iite; on itccuu'.t OI ties. rausMrnr at l.'i. if I.E ts--.
But t
ills of
a, tin
lUCll tlliid.- with fl'
firmness of a re
Pi in.ic Installation. The mem
hens of Albany Lodge' Xo. 4. I. o. o.
P., extend a cordial invitation to all
lie further said to show me that I'd
fallen among friend'
flint "all the end- the' ill ,,.,( ;1t were
tlieir 'CoiiutryV1 tliv'd-emU.
He spake, aud call .m t'c members to
corroliorate ihe t'.iair.
Audio! Sou- isttHCKlikenntomhifil
me hi n
d nt
uicniher.ingOtKl -tandingto be pres.
Cut, accompanied by their wive.-', on
the evening of July 10th, l-;72, tin
which occasion the new officers atr, to
be Installed. All members in goo ;, I m thfe re,srt Its
M.iuuuig, w no nave no WlVoS, -aii
probably borrow somebody cls: f(H.
the occasion.!
wcri fdleu mitt
UK" t ple .sant plwte,
'h" .ciiuK -nreiw wtsi.
cast a. Mnij,. tin- my ttisgrnee;
tb jge ilw honw nii'Hit rat-
ed, and these Ucth have,g!nashetl
"' .tl lint COIinulttee Itcvn eonapoed of
babbling stlcnks ami spies.
Xo small Pox, Letters from
prominent citizens of Portland inform
us that the many rumors with reganl
to the prevalence of small pox in Port-
laud are groundless. Two cases, of
small pox. both contracted in San
Francisco, or on the steamer from San
Francisco to Portland, were taken to
the hospital!, where they died some
weeks since. As several weeks have
elapsed since these deaths, ami no
new cases have lieen reported, it Is
confidently believed that Portland U
free from the disease. This, af least,
is the testimony ot gentlemen who
have the beat means of informing
themselves upon the subject, and who
would be far from making ar asser
tion they did not believe to be true.
Parties who go to Portland have only
to keep-away from tlie hospital and
they stand in no more danger of small
pox than if they were at home.
Climate and CiiARACTKm. Per
haps the inflneuce.of the four great
windi oil character is only a fancied
one; but it is evident ou tempera
ment, which is not altogether a mat
ter of tempt ratine, although the irood
old deacon used to say in bis bumble.
simple way. tint his third wife was a
very good w oman, but her "tempera
. lure was very different from tliat of
the other two." 'iite north wind is
full of courage, and puts the stamina
of endurance into a man and it proba
bly would into a woman too if there
w in e a series of resolutions pawed to
that effect. The west w ind Is hop. lid;
it has promise and adventure' in it,
and is except to Atlantic voyagers
America bound, tlie best wind tint
ever blew. The east wind Is peevish
ness; it Is mental rlieninatism and
grumbling, and curls one up In the
Aim it
Albany, Junk ii, 13.T;ken
from my residence, a piC.nre-likeu.-s
of myself. Was in a lilac gutta per
cha case, sew.i by flv,. inches, with
rcpresentati M of cannon on both
sides. Tr.0 ease cost '4. Any per
son lee vlngitat the KEGtfTER office, j
ff " Information as to who took
,V1 i he well paid for their trouble.
' v. FRF.F.MXi; CHOAI i:.
by tlieir sides, tried to see who would
get to town first. 'i"nc result was Mr.
Mercer 'niompsjn's liack ran kitoMr.
Templeton',, upsetting the latter and
doing ii much injury. Mr. Tliomp
on's escaped with only a broken neap;
both backs were full of girls. We feci
thankful tliat no one was licit. If the
horses bad nm, several would surely
have been killed. One would have
thought by the shrieks and cries of the
occupants of 'the backs, that at least a
half dozen ladies were to
pieces. I'erlinps young men will take
warning by this ami not run horses
any more when they are ljiuled w ith
such precious freight. We do not
charge t his accident to any one in par
ticular, but all in general.
One Present.
Steamers. The steamer John 1..
Stephens sailed from San Francisco for
Portland on Tluirsrtay inorniag. The
steamer Ajax sailed for San Francisco
ou the evehlttil of the same day.
Paraiiramlets. Warm days and
cool nights ju-t now.
Dull, duller, dullest, is the complaint
of business men.
'Plie chicken pox has abated.
Cat-others & Co. w ill soon Be in re
ceipt of pure Tacrine matter,
Have you been vaccinated h the
latest query.
Literary exercises at the College Ibis
Blackberries sell at fitly cents per
gallon, readily.
Jas. Klkins. Esq., arrived from
Ocboco qii Wednesday.
L'nwellness is what's the matter ol
our local editor this week.
y saU It seemed ul-
mn-t like Battery
"There is not here among in a more
ttprtght man titan be"--
But several members, doubtless mov
ed by envy, muttered "Bo-h !"'
And others seottlnifly remarkul that
"it wa-all W'hilewthh."' 1
After this vindication, who will tlaiv
I Flint 1 was ever purchased for a stock I
' certificate!'
Xay! The righteous is delivered ori
Oftronble, as tire -ces,
I And my "u avs are ways of plea out
ness, and all my piths arc peace!"
Yen: Frownrd tongncs may waa, hut
all tlK'ir wagging will be vain.
To turn uie frtait pm-suing tlie path of
virtuous gain.
Shall greedy knaves alone wax flit on
wages of their sin,
Vt bile grHl men starve where gifts
abound? Xav, llannan "ti; Pjc
My mission is to purity thi-Legislative
And in this job. '-the laborer Is worthy
of his lure,
MKinUK l.s.lttU sauil STOtlKS; ls..
IMPttOVEll SAKMNi.u I a!til!enti
MlltfCftte LAN Ii-. Itii'sli-il t.i At. 1. 1 -.ulsui
tle.ST.VTKf"! WALK
Rf7AIi E.STATE. mi l otr.-ti- prapertVi
jmit-lr.:-."! r..ri-,.'.res!iiMe.l,-n)s, III itiicn'v
inn I lln-no-'hwiU i He STATE an I TERRt
Ti.lRtt irHniflti'eat t are nn c, t Isrc- most
U'ANTVi.l.iii s TJJtUS.
BtH'SKs; and STURK- le-,.. LOAN'S
M til 'I'll ins ntdJIITLY CtllXEITEli;
Mitt ii ftcntsml HX.tNClAl.iCKt AtltNCV
At . EN TX of IWs ( tS ili C. in I lie ( 7
TiESuntl TIIWX8 in tlie STATE, will n
cfhe ttistci-imlicu of FARM I'BOt'KKTy
(ui I fonvuni rtui same to tliv lxve a t
es. K
nre Trt'miilc. An eitcoslvf vi
I'iely of filk. -Siiltn, etilloil 1. 1 yjoWj-
iliv-s trlmmtnjy, always in steret
i'tihpiona. Latesl
huntl. ui let, thcutttv
H-eustamty on
HKrrtltturmi. Lfafajts and nuttings
f f -it fjratles unit tmulltfiSs, a full assort-
AV. iiSKTS. Mt -.s, EJtnRfllPEJUESt
i.uvtanoeitc nv,
at pnrr. nmr.
dk. v.wi mrc lii Ki.'.rs
IiUiillililc Urm Syrnp.
rts nine in ri'no ini?iiin-:-(
6'omthc stoinai-h eml bowels of chiltlnm,.
even where wonns do not e&Iat, cannot ts
ti.t liiiflily esiluidt'tt.
I Efveraii't Aitnc. lA)iiM(iNxomtRf( la
I btlitateil liy I ho presence ol wornwin tha
s.ouit.-lior bowels, urt tanrv liubki to Imra
a protrude I conrse of t-ltiii- and fever,
flio wormromcdlesliaTo ixie.i known to
otiv wlicn ullvshcr lumodld have failcit,
espcetally in children.
IVn-salfbv A. I amtlier- .t Co.. n i.,,!, v.h.
i ne way to retortn rascals, mid! tn-ltii: ' " anwawuvAwnny, or. iyic -llieui
to repent. Vneixmv pirbotrlc, vln9fiu
Is fr the virtuous toartsc aud rtfjble '
every cent.
XOTH3S. It is highly necessary fbr
all who intend going on the excursion
on the tth. to conclude and report by
.Inly 1st. To accommodate this no
tessltv, arrangements are made with
Mr. E. A. Fna-land to receive the
names of till who desire to go. This
will save the necessity of purchasing
tickets until tlie morning of the 4th.
! iKxi't fiiil to enroll eiiriv, Itecause it
Dried venison sells at twenty cents i ,vl" be to your advantage in many
n n s.
Coxfhience. The next annual
per pound
Jtev. A. I. Lindsley, I. )., of Port
a. wiirar.Eit.
siii:ii, OBEo
j Agent fnrlhetsileofirH-eeit'tinfnrBAM
' Vi'A(JON, aodMI kiniLs of AOHK't'LTCB"
! At. MACtroiEltr.
Consimnents sollcttM,
! TOWN I.i ITS, the low n of SheiM. frit
flew To-Dii)-.
.Stiunoek,. Wc noticed ijultc a
tfumberof sti-angers hi the city during
the wwk. a iiuuiber of whom were in
wat ch of farming laud', having learn
ed i.f the ri h soil and huge crops of
Oregon. To the new comer Oregon i ihimuev-corner like a cat.
never pi-eseuted m miinviting an a- I the chimney ever smokes, it smokes
r, at lea, in m&ffljgtt
iedK-s this season; but still the crop llurt,,u ()f ei&mlnate suggestions, of
9nwcl of Oregon Is far better than luxurious ease, and perhaps we might
(hat of most of tfic KiLstern States at tf of modern poetry at any rate,
this time. While the spring grain at ; '' "f "!,r:
' , , I am not sure but the south is the
present gives evidence of a partial nmt 1Km-erfnI of Ihe winds, because
Wlure. fall sow n grain will yield, if 0f Its iweet persuasireoess. Xothing
anything, larger crop tbati ustul. so -tirs Ihe Wood in spring, wlien u
And we have only to be visited with ' L'0",t!', 0,,t of the tropical lathudc ;
a good rainfall to insure fair crops of . lt " 5" J B( 011 P"
HM'ing wlieat. ; griuiagt s." Hermit) Mymm.
Lost. -Between Albany and my LniaiAnv FxFJClsKh Of Albany
hrm. a lady's gold breastiiii. A lib-1 Collegiate Institute transpire this
eral reward wiU lie given for iU recov- Fri.l ay. .June 23) cveniiig. Tho pro
ejry, aj It 1mm a siieilal value to the ' gramme is a very interesting one, and
jncr. EDW'i) It. OF.AKY. I we predict will draw a M house. Impression. The impres
sion having gone abroad that one or
more cases of small pox Iiad been dis
covered at tlie American Exchange
Hotel, Portland, wc are pleased to
t bite, not only from the statement of.i
the gentlemanly landlord, Mr. T.. P.
W. Ouimby, but from Mr. L. K.
Pratt, and other guests of the house,
that such impression Is entirely
groundless tliat there has been no
case of the dread dise.-isc in tlie hotel
at any time during all the years Mr.
Qulmby has had charge. Special pre
cautions are taken to prevent such an
occurrence, and travelers need be in
no fear of coming In contact with it if
they patronize the American Ex
change. ' j
land, delivered an address before the ! Conference of the Mctlwdist Episcopal tVnnl Cwnm retwMfe meet at
Literary Union of Albany Collegiate ' Church for Oregon and Washington W25SSfft&JS&St
Institute, on Thurstlav evening. j Territory, will lie licld nt Salem, cn- , siU'omiiau a fiHl attendmeo of Hit
As an indiralion of whit It at to inencluffontbe-iOthot AnmKt WWwm ! &SSfS!S"!25S!2: t!V"?
. -- ... o r -"'I' . .."w ns ipuT.-it t.iitn- mi- -jii-j
travel in the East, it is said you arc roster, who was elected Bishop at the
liarged for the privilege of riding on recent session of the General Confcr-
Good Advice. -Take , It or ,Jct it
alone, it Is ueverthelesa, good advice.
If you cannot speak well of your
neighbor?, do not 8iealr 'of them at
all. A cross neighbor may be made a
kind one by kind treatment. Try it.
The true way to be happy Is to make
others happy. To do good isa-lnxury.
If you are not wiser ami better at the
end of the day, that day is lost. Prac
tice kindness, even if it bo but little
each day. Learn somcthinc each tlav.
even if it bo but to spell one woril.
Do not seem to lie what you are not.
Learn to control your temper and your
words. Say nothing bchiud one's back,
tliat you would not say to his face.
, ,
Farming Imtlements. Messrs.
Wain, Young & Co., call special at
tention to tlieir stock, consisting of
Pitts' Challenger Thresher, Endless
chain Threshers, Ilaine's Headers,
assortment of combined Iteapers and
Mowers; also. Mowers, Horse Hake,
Ac., together with tlie celebrated Sain
Wagon, which for general excellence
can not be beat.
one of the llialson river palaces, be
tween Xew York and Catskell, 120
miles, the sum of ten cents.'
Imagine Ihe distress of one of our
milliners who lorgot ou which side of
Ihe rose to nut tlie hat !
Five nationalities goafter tlie North
Pole this yjr.
T.he women nt Damascus, Illinois,
take part In tho discussions of the
Farmer's Club meetings. A recent
conundrum was, "Shall we dress for
comfort or for show!1'' It was of
course decided lo dress for comfort,
and then they all went away, and at
the next meeting each appeared in a
'three-decker" 'head-dress and a Dolly
Vanlen snit.
Receipts of wool during the week
over average.
Repairing streets, sidewalks, street
crossings, etc., continues.
First street lias received a pretty
thorough cleaning just in time for
the 4th.
Roads very dusty, and dally grow
ing more so.
Tlie O. & C. Railroad is doing a good
business hi the passenger and freight
Geo. Tiirrell has as neat and tasty
goods as you will And anywhere, which
be will sell low.
Jake Flelschnor wears a Dolly Tar
dea hat.
Titus Brothers are agents for the
Pacific Coast Watch a new thing
and the Diamond 8pcetacles,aml tbelr's
the place to go for them.
Messrs. Warner and Roberts liave
returned from their Eastern tour.
Mr Judge Russell, of Portland, Is
in the city.
ence, will preside.
Mist. A slight "mizzle " only vis
ited these parts on Tuesday night
not enough to damage tlie crops hi this
vicinage. A good, old-fashioned sun
down is what's wanted by tlie grain.
Hollow-ay's Pills and Ointment.
.Scrofula or morbid deposits in
lungs, joints and tissue. med
icines have rendered this disease a win
formidable scourge than formerly. It
has been incontestably proved tliat in
Scrofulous affections tliey have effect
ed thousands of cures. Sold every
where. 25 cents per box.
June tl,
Onltr ef tiicoi-pomtorsk
omuls all mi-somkunn intlx.mxclvra
iiiilt'iitwi to him, either ly note or tunic
H!'cotmt,toinilce tmtuejtstfe payment to.
Ilcwh, Hotitcltli A Co., nt City Mills, APia
ay, in whose hands he hits left his I
notes ami all uecotmts. J. H. iu;cu,
Allstny, JtOKr, W40
to ok Oivrn by Tin;
Mahkets Dull, with no cliange in
prices to note, Business generally ( foiiu'wlnao:
uuii during ttie week.
Financial. Gold In. Xew York
Tlie prnissloii will I foniiMl ill ioVIoe$
. m., In front of tlie Court House, lu tu
113,'. Legal tenders 883S0e.
In this city, nt the residence of A. J.
Butler. Ksii., of lieart disease, Joiititban
Dow, lu his 4'itb year.
Deceased was born in Merrlnlae
county, New HampslHrc, on the 30th
of July, 1S-21. Ho came to California
hi 1852, returned to bis home in 1851.
He returned to the Pacific coast in
1883, where he lias resided ever since,
making Oregon Ills home since 1804,
He leaves a wife and one child lu New
Hampshire, no was a man of excel
lent husTiieisquaIl(icatiotis,good habits,
and stood high in the social circle. He
leaves behind him a large circle of
friends who sincerely mourn his de
parture hence. He was buried on
Thursday afternoon bv Albany Fire
Company No. 1, lie being an honored
member of that Company. Peace to
his ashes. f.Vew Hampshire papers
please copy. 4 r
National Colnrs.
Altmny Ilrusw Ktuul.
(('. (. Corl, K., ol'Htilcin.!
(Cant. N. R. Humphrey. '
AUnv Kiwi lietmi iiiuiiii (in full unlfonn),
Tlie VitrlOHH Sunrtliv SehtKils.
Inv lied Uut-stH unit Cll Iztrns. .
t-'pon lUTlvhisat the Kali- timiuuls, m
Ilisiiuratlon of lmtepentleiira will Ik- read
hyCupt. . B. Hiiiiijihii'v.itinl iui omtioo
tli'llvereil liy C. Ii. Curl, Khii., of Salein.
afterwlilch Hid restlvltk tt the tiny, ponl
sistinif of Music In the I'livilion.Iiiiiielnii
Croipiet; Itose Bull, etc., will coiiiniyitu
Marshals will lie uppnlntcd to prescrv
order, ami no hoine-nicin, ilrotiKctincsiv
or ill-oraorly coiuliict will bo tolvniUsl ott
AtliiiNslon lo Hie (.'roootli Vrfts
RefreIuneHto on Ihe Talr Urotmibk
On the Fifth and Klxth days of Jnlv ft
purse of a-im win lie oompolfld for, eaiai v
Iuk lo projramnte.
&3TA cordial Inrltatlon Is cxteniVsl to
Parties who wore otrupylnj
liintls in Ihe "(Iranil Kondf I Kill,!. i,,f
serves," In theWate of Oivtton, In tho yeura
"Sr " 'y,";'"""ni iniiNiiiit' in
fOiiHeipiiinco of nuld Reserves luivinu lHn
Wteeted by Hut v. S. for tin. settlement ot
the ltoauti KIrer Indians, will please nenj .
their adtlressesi, for furl her eoirespondend
to It. W. DOWNMAN, AUV, BOX lE Was
ngtonClty.D.C. n"'nTO
111. ."-